كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 18 Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 18 Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19027
التقييم : 35581
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 18 Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology   كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 18 Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology Emptyالخميس 19 مايو 2016, 6:46 pm

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ASM Metals Handbook Vol 18 Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology

كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 18 Friction, Lubrication, and Wear Technology B0xkrydm5meg
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Table of Contents
Section Features
 Front Matter
 Table of Contents
 Interactive Graphs   
 Glossary of Terms
 Solid Friction   
 2. Basic Theory of Solid Friction
 3. Frictional Heating Calculations
 4. Laboratory Testing Methods for Solid Friction
 5. Friction during Metal Forming
 6. Appendix: Static and Kinetic Friction Coefficients for Selected Materials, Lubricants and Lubrication
 7. Introduction to Lubrication, Liquid Lubrication
 8. Liquid Lubricants
 9. Lubrication Regimes
 10. Lubricant Additives and Their Functions, Solid Lubricants and Greases
 11. Solid Lubricants
 12. Grease   
 12. Grease, Applications of Lubrication Technology   
 13. Lubricants for Rolling-Element Bearings
 14. Metalworking Lubricants
 15. Lubricants for High-Vacuum Applications
 16. Internal Combustion Engine Lubricants    , Wear
 17. Introduction to Wear   
 18. Surface Damage, Wear by Particles or Fluids   
 19. Abrasive Wear
 20. Polishing Wear
 21. Solid Particle Erosion
 22. Cavitation Erosion
 23. Liquid Impingement Erosion
 24. Slurry Erosion, Wear by Rolling, Sliding, or Impact
 25. Sliding and Adhesive Wear
 26. Fretting Wear
 27. Rolling Contact Wear
 28. Impact Wear, Chemically Assisted Wear   
 29. Corrosive Wear
 30. Oxidational Wear, Wear Monitoring and Diagnosis
 31. Surface Examination
 32. Vibration Analysis
 33. Lubricant Analysis   
 34. Motor-Current Signature Analysis
 35. Radionuclide Methods, Laboratory Characterization Techniques
 36. Introduction to Laboratory Characterization Techniques, Characterization of Roughness and Wear Scar Dimensions
 37. Surface Texture
 38. Surface Topography and Image Analysis (Area)
 39. Confocal Microscopy
 40. Wear Measurement   
 40. Wear Measurement, Microscopy Techniques   
 41. Light Microscopy
 42. Electron Microscopy
 43. Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
 44. Measurement of Surface Forces and Adhesion
 45. Characterization of Surfaces by Acoustic Imaging Techniques, Micromechanical Properties Techniques   
 46. Microindentation Hardness Testing
 47. Nanoindentation
 48. Scratch Testing, Thermal, Chemical, and X-ray Methods   
 49. Surface Temperature Measurement
 50. Surface Chemical Analysis
 51. X-ray Characterization of Surface Wear, Systematic Diagnosis of Friction and Wear Test Data       
 52. Basic Tribological Parameters
 53. Design of Friction and Wear Experiments
 54. Presentation of Friction and Wear Data
 55. Concepts of Reliability and Wear: Failure Modes, Friction and Wear of Components, Bearings, Gears, and Seals   
 56. Friction and Wear of Rolling-Element Bearings
 57. Friction and Wear of Sliding Bearings   
 58. Friction and Wear of Gas-Lubricated Bearings
 59. Friction, Lubrication, and Wear of Gears
 60. Friction and Wear of Seals, Transportation System Components       
 61. Friction and Wear of Internal Combustion Engine Parts
 62. Friction and Wear of Automotive and Truck Drive Trains
 63. Friction and Wear of Automotive Brakes
 64. Friction and Wear of Tires
 65. Friction and Wear of Aircraft Brakes
 66. Wear of Jet Engine Components, Industrial and Mining Machinery
 67. Wear of Pumps
 68. Friction and Wear of Compressors
 69. Friction and Wear of Cutting Tools and Cutting Tool Materials   
 70. Friction and Wear of Dies and Die Materials
 71. Friction and Wear in the Mining and Mineral Industries, Medical and Dental Materials
 72. Friction and Wear of Medical Implants and Prosthetic Devices
 73. Friction and Wear of Dental Materials, Electrical Contacts and Semiconductors       
 74. Friction and Wear of Electrical Contacts
 75. Friction and Wear of Semiconductors, Materials for Friction and Wear Applications
 76. Introduction to Materials for Friction and Wear Applications, Ferrous Metals and Alloys
 77. Friction and Wear of Cast Irons
 78. Friction and Wear of Carbon and Alloy Steels
 79. Wear of Stainless Steels
 80. Friction and Wear of Bearing Steels
 81. Friction and Wear of Tool Steels, Nonferrous Metals and Alloys
 82. Friction and Wear of Sliding Bearing Materials
 83. Friction and Wear of Hardfacing Alloys
 84. Friction and Wear of Cobalt-Base Wrought Alloys
 85. Friction and Wear of Ordered Intermetallic Alloys of Ni3Al
 86. Friction and Wear of Titanium Alloys, Ceramics and Composites
 87. Friction and Wear of Aluminum-Silicon Alloys   
 88. Friction and Wear of Cemented Carbides
 89. Friction and Wear of Metal-Matrix Composites   
 90. Friction and Wear of Ceramics
 91. Friction and Wear of Carbon-Graphite Materials   
 92. Friction and Wear of Thermoplastic Composites, Surface Treatments and Coatings for Friction and Wear Control   
 93. Thermal Spray Coatings
 94. Electroplated Coatings   
 95. PVD and CVD Coatings
 96. Ion Implantation
 97. Laser Surface Processing
 98. Carburizing   
 99. Nitriding and Nitrocarburizing
 Metric Conversion Guide       
 Temperature Conversions
 Abbreviations, Symbols, and Tradenames

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