كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 07 Powder Metal Technologies and Applications
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 كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 07 Powder Metal Technologies and Applications

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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ASM Metals Handbook Vol 07 Powder Metal Technologies and Applications

كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 07 Powder Metal Technologies and Applications Bsjy7ti22xdp
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Table of Contents
Section Features
 Front Matter
 Table of Contents
 Interactive Graphs
 1. History of Powder Metallurgy
 2. Powder Metallurgy Methods and Design
 3. Advances in Powder Metallurgy Applications
 4. Process Modeling and Design Metal Powder Production and Characterization
 5. Introduction Powder Production Methods
 6. Atomization
 7. Milling of Brittle and Ductile Materials
 8. Chemical and Electrolytic Methods of Powder Production
 9. Ultrafine and Nanophase Powders
 10. Mechanical Alloying
 11. Spray Drying and Granulation
 12. Rotating Electrode Process
 13. Blending and Premixing of Metal Powders and Binders
 14. Effect of Blending Techniques on Properties of Metal Powder Mixes Production of Metal Powders
 15. Production of Iron Powder
 16. Production of Steel Powders
 17. Production of Copper Powders
 18. Production of Copper Alloy Powders
 19. Production of Tin Powders
 20. Production of Aluminum and Aluminum-Alloy Powder
 21. Production of Titanium Powder
 22. Production of Nickel-Base Powders
 23. Production of Cobalt-Base Powders
 24. Production of Precious Metal Powders: Silver, Gold, Palladium, and Platinum
 25. Production of Refractory Metal Powders
 26. Production of Beryllium Powders Powder Characterization and Testing
 27. Sampling and Classification of Powders
 28. Bulk and Surface Characterization of Powders
 29. Particle Size and Size Distribution
 30. Sieve and Fisher Subsieve Analysis
 31. Sedimentation Methods
 32. Electric and Optical Sensing Zone Analysis
 33. Light Scattering
 34. Time of Flight
 35. Particle Image Analysis
 36. Surface Area, Density, and Porosity of Powders
 37. Bulk Properties of Powders
 38. Compressibility and Compactibility of Metal Powders Shaping and Consolidation Technologies
 39. Powder Shaping and Consolidation Technologies
 40. Powder Treatments and Lubrication Shaping and Pressing Technologies 
 41. Mechanical Behavior of Metal Powders and Powder Compaction Modeling
 42. Powder Metallurgy Presses and Tooling
 43. Powder Injection Molding
 44. Binder-Assisted Extrusion
 45. Warm Compaction
 46. Cold Isostatic Pressing
 47. Roll Compacting of Metal Powders
 48. Spray Forming
 49. Thermal Spray Forming of Materials
 50. Slip Casting of Metals
 51. Powder Metallurgy Methods for Rapid Prototyping Sintering Technologies and Techniques
 52. Consolidation Principles and Process Modeling
 53. Sintering Furnaces and Atmospheres
 54. Production Sintering Practices
 55. Consolidation of Ultrafine and Nanocrystalline Powder
 56. Reactive Sintering
 57. Combustion Synthesis of Advanced Materials
 58. Infiltration
 59. Liquid-Phase Sintering
 60. Cold Sintering - High Pressure Consolidation
 61. Field-Activated Sintering Hot Consolidation and Higher-Density Applications
 62. Principles and Process Modeling of Higher-Density Consolidation
 63. Hot Isostatic Pressing of Metal Powders
 64. Extrusion of Metal Powders
 65. Forging and Hot Pressing
 66. Pneumatic Isostatic Forging Secondary Operations and Quality Control
 67. Heat Treatment of Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Parts
 68. Welding and Joining Processes
 69. Techniques Improving Dimensional Tolerance
 70. Machinability of P/M Steels
 71. Machining of Powder Metallurgy Materials
 72. Resin Impregnation of Powder Metal Parts Quality Control and Evaluation 
 73. Planning and Quality Control of Powder Metallurgy Parts Production
 74. Quality Control and Inspection of Secondary Operations
 75. Testing and Evaluation of Powder Metallurgy Parts
 76. Metallography of Powder Metallurgy Materials Materials Systems, Properties, and Applications Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Materials
 77. Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Materials
 78. Copper-Infiltrated Steels
 79. Powder Metallurgy Stainless Steels
 80. Particle Metallurgy Tool Steels
 81. Powder Forged Steel
 82. High-Temperature Sintering of Ferrous Powder Metallurgy Components Nonferrous and Nonmetallic P/M Materials
 83. Conventional Aluminum Powder Metallurgy Alloys
 84. Advanced Aluminum Powder Metallurgy Alloys and Composites
 85. Copper Powder Metallurgy Alloys and Composites
 86. Titanium Powder Metallurgy Alloys and Composites
 87. Powder Metallurgy Superalloys
 88. Refractory Metals
 89. Tungsten Heavy Alloys
 90. Cermets and Cemented Carbides
 91. Powder Metallurgy Beryllium Properties and Special P/M Applications
 92. Mechanical Properties of High-Performance Powder Metallurgy Parts
 93. Fatigue and Fracture Control for Powder Metallurgy Components
 94. Wear Resistance of Powder Metallurgy Alloys
 95. Corrosion-Resistant Powder Metallurgy Alloys
 96. Magnetic Materials and Properties for Part Applications
 97. Powder Metallurgy Electrical Contact Materials
 98. Porous Powder Metallurgy Technology
 99. Metallic Foams
 100. Friction Powder Metallurgy Materials
 101. Powder Metallurgy Bearings
 102. Powder Metallurgy Gears
 103. Metal and Alloy Powders for Welding, Hardfacing, Brazing, and Soldering
 104. Specialty Applications of Metal Powders
 Appendix 1: Mechanical Properties of Ferrous Powder Materials
 Appendix 2: Powder Metallurgy Standards
 Appendix 3: Examples of Powder Metallurgy Parts
 Metric Conversion Guide
 Abbreviations and Symbols

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 مواضيع مماثلة
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