كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 14 Forming and Forging
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 كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 14 Forming and Forging

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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ASM Metals Handbook Vol 14 Forming and Forging

كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 14 Forming and Forging 8xh9uxid3h8b
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Table of Contents
Section Features
Front Matter
Table of Contents
Interactive Graphs 
1. Introduction to Bulk-Forming Processes
2. Design for Deformation Processing Forging Equipment and Dies
3. Hammers and Presses for Forging
4. Selection of Forging Equipment
5. Dies and Die Materials for Hot Forging
6. Die Wear
7. Lubricants and Their Applications in Forging
8. Die Manufacturing and Finishing Forging Processes
9. Open-Die Forging
10. Closed-Die Forging in Hammers and Presses
11. Hot Upset Forging
12. Roll Forging
13. Ring Rolling
14. Rotary Swaging of Bars and Tubes
15. Radial Forging
16. Rotary Forging
17. Isothermal and Hot-Die Forging
18. Precision Hot Forging
19. Coining
20. Powder Forging
21. Practical Aspects of Converting Ingot to Billet Forging of Steels and Heat-Resistant Alloys 
22. Forging of Carbon and Alloy Steels
23. Forging of Stainless Steels
24. Forging of Heat-Resistant Alloys
25. Forging of Refractory Metals
26. Thermomechanical Processing of Ferrous Alloys Forging of Nonferrous Metals
27. Forging of Aluminum Alloys
28. Forging of Copper and Copper Alloys
29. Forging of Magnesium Alloys
30. Forging of Nickel-Base Alloys
31. Forging of Titanium Alloys
32. Bulk Forming of Intermetallic Alloys
33. Forging of Discontinuously Reinforced Aluminum Composites
34. Thermomechanical Processes for Nonferrous Alloys
Cold Heading and Cold Extrusion
35. Cold Heading
36. Cold Extrusion Other Bulk Forming Processes
37. Conventional Hot Extrusion
38. Hydrostatic Extrusion of Metals and Alloys
39. Wire, Rod, and Tube Drawing
40. Flat, Bar, and Shape Rolling
41. Roll Forming of Axially Symmetric Components
42. Thread Rolling
43. Coextrusion
44. Flow Forming
45. Extrusion of Aluminum Alloys
46. Equal-Channel Angular Extrusion Microstructure Evolution, Constitutive Behavior, and Workability
47. Plastic Deformation Structures
48. Recovery, Recrystallization, and Grain-Growth Structures
49. Constitutive Equations
50. Evaluation of Workability for Bulk Forming Processes
51. Evolution of Microstructure during Hot Working
52. Bulk Workability of Metals
53. Workability Theory and Application in Bulk Forming Processes
54. Workability in Forging
55. Workability and Process Design in Extrusion and Wire Drawing
56. Bulk Workability Testing
57. Cold Upset Testing
58. Hot-Compression Testing
59. Hot-Tension Testing
60. Torsion Testing to Assess Bulk Workability
61. Hot Working Simulation by Hot Torsion Testing
62. Thermomechanical Testing Modeling and Computer Aided Process Design for Bulk Forming 
63. Finite Element Method Applications in Bulk Forming
64. Design Optimization for Dies and Preforms
65. Rapid Tooling for Forging Dies
66. Workpiece Materials Database
67. Models for Predicting Microstructural Evolution
68. Polycrystal Modeling, Plastic Forming, and Deformation Textures
69. Transformation and Recrystallization Textures Associated with Steel Processing Forging Design
Forging Design
70. Forging Design Involving Parting Line and Grain Flow
71. Forging Design Involving Draft
72. Forging Design Involving Ribs and Bosses
73. Forging Design Involving Corners and Fillets
74. Forging Design Involving Webs
75. Forging Design Involving Cavities and Holes
76. Forging Design Involving Flash and Trim
77. Forging Design Dimensions and Tolerances
Resource Information
Useful Formulas for Deformation Analysis and Workability Testing
Glossary of Terms 
Steel Hardness Conversions
Nonferrous Hardness Conversions 
Metric Conversion Guide
Abbreviations and Symbols

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» كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 15 Casting
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