كتاب Finite Element Methods and Their Applications - Zhangxin Chen
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 كتاب Finite Element Methods and Their Applications - Zhangxin Chen

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Finite Element Methods and Their Applications - Zhangxin Chen   كتاب Finite Element Methods and Their Applications - Zhangxin Chen Emptyالسبت 16 أغسطس 2014, 12:09 pm

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Finite Element Methods and Their Applications - Zhangxin Chen

كتاب Finite Element Methods and Their Applications - Zhangxin Chen 4yy35b3cc6em
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

1 Elementary Finite Elements 1
11 Introduction  2
111 A One-Dimensional Model Problem  2
112 A Two-Dimensional Model Problem 9
113 An Extension to General Boundary Conditions14
114 Programming Considerations  16
12 Sobolev Spaces 19
121 LebesgueSpaces  20
122 Weak Derivatives 21
123 Sobolev Spaces 22
124 Poincar´e’s Inequality 23
125 Duality and Negative Norms 25
13 Abstract Variational Formulation  26
131 An Abstract Formulation 26
132 The Finite Element Method28
133 Examples  30
14 Finite Element Spaces  35
141 Triangles  35
142 Rectangles 40
143 Three Dimensions  42
144 AC
Element  44
15 GeneralDomains 46
16 Quadrature Rules  49
17 Finite Elements for Transient Problems  50
171 A One-Dimensional Model Problem  51
172 ASemi-Discrete Scheme in Space 52
173 Fully Discrete Schemes 55
18 Finite Elements for Nonlinear Problems58
181 Linearization Approaches 59
182 Implicit Time Approximations  60
183 Explicit Time Approximations  61
19 Approximation Theory 62
191 Interpolation Errors  62
192 Error Estimates for Elliptic Problems67
X Contents
-Error Estimates  68
110 Linear SystemSolution Techniques  70
1101 Gaussian Elimination  70
1102 The Conjugate Gradient Algorithm  76
111 BibliographicalRemarks  81
112 Exercises  81
2 Nonconforming Finite Elements 87
21 Second-Order Problems  87
211 Nonconforming Finite Elements on Triangles  89
212 Nonconforming Finite Elements on Rectangles92
213 Nonconforming Finite Elements on Tetrahedra95
214 Nonconforming Finite Elements on Parallelepipeds95
215 Nonconforming Finite Elements on Prisms97
22 Fourth-Order Problems  98
221 The Morley Element 100
222 The Fraeijs de Veubeke Element 102
223 The Zienkiewicz Element   103
224 The Adini Element104
23 Nonlinear Problems 105
24 TheoreticalConsiderations 106
241 An Abstract Formulation 106
242 Applications  109
25 BibliographicalRemarks  113
26 Exercises  113
3 Mixed Finite Elements 117
31 A One-Dimensional Model Problem118
32 ATwo-DimensionalModelProblem  123
33 Extension to Boundary Conditions of Other Types   126
331 A Neumann Boundary Condition126
332 A Boundary Condition of Third Type128
34 Mixed Finite Element Spaces  128
341 Mixed Finite Element Spaces on Triangles130
342 Mixed Finite Element Spaces on Rectangles  133
343 Mixed Finite Element Spaces on Tetrahedra  136
344 Mixed Finite Element Spaces on Parallelepipeds   137
345 Mixed Finite Element Spaces on Prisms  140
35 Approximation Properties143
36 Mixed Methods for Nonlinear Problems143
37 Linear SystemSolution Techniques  145
371 Introduction  145
372 The Uzawa Algorithm 146
373 The Minimum Residual Iterative Algorithm  147
374 Alternating Direction Iterative Algorithms148
Contents XI
375 Mixed-Hybrid Algorithms  150
376 An Equivalence Relationship 152
38 TheoreticalConsiderations 154
381 An Abstract Formulation 154
382 The Mixed Finite Element Method  158
383 Examples  161
384 Construction of Projection Operators162
385 Error Estimates   164
39 BibliographicalRemarks  166
310 Exercises  167
4 Discontinuous Finite Elements173
41 Advection Problems  173
411 DGMethods 174
412 Stabilized DGMethods  178
42 Diffusion Problems  183
421 Symmetric DG Method186
422 Symmetric Interior Penalty DG Method  187
423 Non-Symmetric DG Method188
424 Non-Symmetric Interior Penalty DG Method 189
425 Remarks  192
43 Mixed Discontinuous Finite Elements  194
431 AOne-DimensionalProblem 194
432 Multi-Dimensional Problems203
433 Nonlinear Problems206
44 TheoreticalConsiderations 208
441 DGMethods 208
442 Stabilized DGMethods  210
45 BibliographicalRemarks  212
46 Exercises  212
5 Characteristic Finite Elements215
51 An Example  216
52 The Modified Method of Characteristics 218
521 A One-Dimensional Model Problem  218
522 Periodic Boundary Conditions  222
523 Extension to Multi-Dimensional Problems222
524 Discussion of a Conservation Relation224
53 The Eulerian-Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Method 226
531 A One-Dimensional Model Problem  226
532 Extension to Multi-Dimensional Problems236
54 The Characteristic MixedMethod  242
55 The Eulerian-Lagrangian Mixed Discontinuous Method   245
56 Nonlinear Problems 248
57 Remarks on Characteristic Finite Elements 250
XII Contents
58 TheoreticalConsiderations 250
59 BibliographicalRemarks  258
510 Exercises  258
6 Adaptive Finite Elements261
61 LocalGridRefinement inSpace  262
611 Regular H-Schemes  263
612 Irregular H-Schemes  265
613 Unrefinements  266
62 Data Structures  267
63 A-Posteriori Error Estimates for Stationary Problems270
631 ResidualEstimators  271
632 Local Problem-Based Estimators277
633 Averaging-Based Estimators281
634 HierarchicalBasis Estimators  283
635 Efficiency of Error Estimators 287
64 A-Posteriori Error Estimates for Transient Problems 289
65 A-Posteriori Error Estimates for Nonlinear Problems 292
66 TheoreticalConsiderations 293
661 An Abstract Theory  294
662 Applications  297
67 BibliographicalRemarks  302
68 Exercises  302
7 Solid Mechanics305
71 Introduction  305
711 Kinematics   305
712 Equilibrium  306
713 MaterialLaws  306
72 VariationalFormulations  308
721 The Displacement Form 308
722 The Mixed Form  309
73 Finite Element Methods 310
731 Finite Elements and Locking Effects  310
732 Mixed Finite Elements 311
733 Nonconforming Finite Elements 313
74 TheoreticalConsiderations 314
75 BibliographicalRemarks  319
76 Exercises  319
8 Fluid Mechanics321
81 Introduction  321
82 VariationalFormulations  323
821 The Galerkin Approach323
822 The Mixed Formulation  324
Contents XIII
83 Finite Element Methods 324
831 Galerkin Finite Elements   324
832 Mixed Finite Elements 325
833 Nonconforming Finite Elements 326
84 The Navier-Stokes Equation  329
85 TheoreticalConsiderations 330
86 BibliographicalRemarks  333
87 Exercises  333
9 Fluid Flow in Porous Media337
91 Two-Phase Immiscible Flow  338
911 The Phase Formulation  340
912 The Weighted Formulation  342
913 The GlobalFormulation 342
92 Mixed Finite Elements for Pressure 343
93 Characteristic Methods for Saturation  345
94 ANumericalExample 346
95 TheoreticalConsiderations 349
951 Analysis for the Pressure Equation  349
952 Analysis for the Saturation Equation 351
96 BibliographicalRemarks  361
97 Exercises  362
10 Semiconductor Modeling363
101 Three Semiconductor Models 364
1011 The Drift-Diffusion Model  364
1012 The Hydrodynamic Model 366
1013 The QuantumHydrodynamic Model 367
102 NumericalMethods 368
1021 The Drift-Diffusion Model  368
1022 The Hydrodynamic Model 371
1023 The QuantumHydrodynamic Model 378
103 ANumericalExample 379
104 BibliographicalRemarks  384
105 Exercises  384
A Nomenclature385

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كتاب Finite Element Methods and Their Applications - Zhangxin Chen
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Finite Element Methods for Engineers
» كتاب Finite Element Methods for Flow Problems
» كتاب Finite Element Methods in Civil and Mechanical Engineering
» كتاب Process Modelling and Simulation with Finite Element Methods
» كتاب Electric and Magnetic Field Calculations With Finite-Element Methods

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