كتاب Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

أهلا وسهلاً بك زائرنا الكريم
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
وشرح لطريقة التنزيل من المنتدى بالفيديو:
إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
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الرئيسيةالبوابةأحدث الصورالتسجيلدخولحملة فيد واستفيدجروب المنتدى


 كتاب Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations    كتاب Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations  Emptyالأربعاء 13 أغسطس 2014, 1:31 am

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations
Adedeji B. Badiru
Olufemi A.Omitaomu

كتاب Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations  H_o_i_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface . xxix
Authors xxxi
1 Computational Foundations of Industrial Engineering
Efficacy of Mathematical Modeling .1-1
Industrial Engineering and Computations 1-1
Definition and Applications .1-5
Orientation to STEM .1-6
IE Catchphrases .1-6
Span and Utility of IE 1-6
Heritage from Industrial Revolution 1-7
Historical Accounts .1-8
Chronology of Applications 1-10
Importance of IE Calculations 1-14
Importance of Calculations Guide .1-16
Basic Queuing Equations 1-17
Queuing Birth–Death Processes .1-21
Laws of Motion of Queuing Birth and Death 1-21
Queuing Birth–Death Law 1 .1-21
Queuing Birth–Death Law 2 .1-21
Queuing Birth–Death Law 3 .1-21
Data Types for Computational Analysis 1-22
Nominal Scale 1-22
Ordinal Scale 1-22
Interval Scale 1-22
Ration Scale 1-23
Cardinal Scale .1-23
References 1-23
ixx Contents
2 Basic Mathematical Calculations
Quadratic Equation .2-1
Overall Mean 2-2
Chebyshev’s Theorem .2-2
Permutations 2-2
Combinations 2-2
Failure .2-3
Probability Distribution 2-3
Probability 2-3
Distribution Function .2-3
Expected Value 2-4
Variance .2-5
Binomial Distribution .2-5
Poisson Distribution 2-5
Mean of a Binomial Distribution 2-6
Normal Distribution 2-6
Cumulative Distribution Function .2-6
Population Mean .2-6
Standard Error of the Mean 2-6
t-Distribution .2-7
Chi-Squared Distribution .2-7
Definition of Set and Notation .2-7
Set Terms and Symbols .2-8
Venn Diagrams 2-8
Operations on Sets .2-9
De Morgan’s Laws .2-9
Counting the Elements in a Set .2-10
Permutations 2-10
Combinations 2-11
Probability Terminology .2-11
Basic Probability Principles 2-11
Random Variable .2-12
Mean Value xˆ or Expected Value μ .2-12
Series Expansions 2-12
Mathematical Signs and Symbols .2-15
Greek Alphabets 2-16
Algebra .2-17
Laws of Algebraic Operations .2-17
Special Products and Factors 2-17
Powers and Roots .2-19
Proportion 2-19
Sum of Arithmetic Progression to n Terms .2-20
Sum of Geometric Progression to n Terms 2-20Contents xi
Arithmetic Mean of n Quantities, A .2-20
Geometric Mean of n Quantities, G .2-20
Harmonic Mean of n Quantities, H .2-20
Generalized Mean 2-20
Solution of Quadratic Equations 2-21
Solution of Cubic Equations .2-21
Trigonometric Solution of the Cubic Equation .2-22
Solution of Quadratic Equations 2-23
Partial Fractions .2-23
Nonrepeated Linear Factors 2-23
Repeated Linear Factors 2-24
General terms .2-24
Repeated Linear Factors 2-25
Factors of Higher Degree 2-25
Geometry 2-25
Triangles .2-25
Right Triangle 2-26
Equilateral Triangle .2-26
General Triangle 2-26
Menelaus’ Theorem .2-27
Ceva’s Theorem .2-27
Quadrilaterals 2-27
Rectangle 2-27
Parallelogram .2-27
Rhombus 2-28
Trapezoid 2-28
General Quadrilateral 2-28
Theorem .2-28
Regular Polygon of n Sides Each of Length b .2-28
Circle of radius r 2-28
Regular Polygon of n sides Inscribed in a Circle of Radius r 2-29
Regular Polygon of n Sides Circumscribing a Circle of Radius r .2-29
Cyclic Quadrilateral .2-29
Prolemy’s Theorem .2-29
Cyclic-Inscriptable Quadrilateral .2-30
Sector of Circle of Radius r .2-30
Radius of a Circle Inscribed in a Triangle of Sides a, b, and c 2-30
Radius of a Circle Circumscribing a Triangle of Sides a, b, and c 2-30
Segment of a Circle of Radius r .2-30
Ellipse of Semimajor Axis a and Semiminor Axis b 2-31
Segment of a Parabola .2-31
Planar Areas by Approximation .2-31
Solids Bounded By Planes .2-31
Cube 2-32xii Contents
Rectangular Parallelepiped (or Box) .2-32
Prism .2-32
Truncated Triangular Prism .2-32
Pyramid 2-32
Frustum of a Pyramid 2-33
Prismatoid 2-33
Regular Polyhedra 2-33
Sphere of Radius r 2-34
Right Circular Cylinder of Radius r and Height h .2-34
Circular Cylinder of Radius r and Slant Height 2-35
Cylinder of Cross-Sectional Area A and Slant Height 2-35
Right Circular Cone of Radius r and Height h 2-35
Spherical Cap of Radius r and Height h .2-35
Frustum of a Right Circular Cone of Radii a and b and Height h 2-35
Zone and Segment of Two Bases 2-35
Lune 2-36
Spherical Sector 2-36
Spherical Triangle and Polygon 2-36
Spheroids 2-36
Ellipsoid 2-36
Oblate Spheroid .2-36
Prolate Spheroid .2-37
Circular Torus 2-37
Formulas from Plane Analytic Geometry 2-37
Distance d between Two Points 2-37
Slope m of Line Joining Two Points .2-37
Equation of a Line Joining Two Points 2-37
Equation of a Line in Terms of x-intercept a = 0 and y-intercept b = 0 2-38
Normal Form for Equation of a Line 2-38
General Equation of a Line 2-38
Distance From a Point (x1, y1) to the Line Ax + By + C = 0 2-38
Angle ψ between Two Lines Having Slopes m1 and m2 .2-38
Area of a Triangle with Vertices .2-39
Transformation of Coordinates Involving Pure Translation 2-39
Transformation of Coordinates Involving Pure Rotation 2-39
Transformation of Coordinates Involving Translation and Rotation 2-39
Polar Coordinates (r, θ) .2-40
Plane Curves .2-40
Catenary, Hyperbolic Cosine 2-40
Cardioid .2-40
Circle .2-40
Cassinian Curves 2-41
Cotangent Curve 2-41
Cubical Parabola 2-41Contents xiii
Cosecant Curve 2-41
Cosine Curve 2-41
Ellipse .2-41
Gamma Function .2-41
Hyperbolic Functions 2-41
Inverse Cosine Curve 2-42
Inverse Sine Curve .2-42
Inverse Tangent Curve 2-42
Logarithmic Curve .2-42
Parabola 2-42
Cubical Parabola 2-42
Tangent Curve .2-42
Distance d between Two Points 2-43
Logarithmic Identities .2-46
Series Expansions 2-47
Limiting Values 2-47
Inequalities .2-47
Polynomial Approximations 2-48
Exponential Function Series Expansion 2-49
Fundamental Properties 2-49
Definition of General Powers .2-49
Logarithmic and Exponential Functions .2-50
Periodic Property .2-50
Polynomial Approximations .2-50
Slopes 2-53
Trigonometric ratios .2-53
Sine Law 2-55
Cosine Law .2-56
Algebra .2-56
Expanding 2-56
Factoring .2-57
Roots of a Quadratic Equation .2-57
Law of exponents .2-57
Logarithms .2-58
3 Statistical Distributions, Methods, and Applications
Discrete Distributions .3-1
Bernoulli Distribution .3-1
Beta Binomial Distribution .3-1
Beta Pascal Distribution 3-3
Binomial Distribution .3-3
Discrete Weibull Distribution .3-3
Geometric Distribution .3-3xiv Contents
Hypergeometric Distribution .3-3
Negative Binomial Distribution 3-4
Poisson Distribution 3-4
Rectangular (Discrete Uniform) Distribution .3-4
Continuous Distributions .3-4
Arcsin Distribution 3-4
Beta Distribution 3-5
Cauchy Distribution 3-5
Chi Distribution .3-5
Chi-Square Distribution 3-5
Erlang Distribution 3-5
Exponential Distribution .3-6
Extreme-Value Distribution .3-6
F Distribution 3-6
Gamma Distribution .3-7
Half-Normal Distribution .3-7
Laplace (Double Exponential) Distribution .3-7
Logistic Distribution 3-7
Lognormal Distribution 3-7
Noncentral Chi-Square Distribution 3-8
Noncentral F Distribution 3-8
Noncentral t-Distribution .3-8
Normal Distribution 3-9
Pareto Distribution 3-9
Rayleigh Distribution 3-9
t-Distribution .3-9
Triangular Distribution .3-10
Uniform Distribution 3-10
Weibull Distribution .3-10
Distribution Parameters 3-10
Average .3-10
Variance .3-11
Standard Deviation 3-11
Standard Error .3-11
Skewness .3-11
Standardized Skewness 3-11
Kurtosis 3-11
Standardized Kurtosis .3-11
Weighted Average .3-11
Estimation and Testing 3-11
100(1−α)% Confidence Interval for Mean 3-11
100(1 − α)% Confidence Interval for Variance .3-11
100(1 − α)% Confidence Interval for Difference in Means 3-12
100(1 − α)% Confidence Interval for Ratio of Variances .3-12Contents xv
Normal Probability Plot 3-12
Comparison of Poisson Rates .3-13
Distribution Functions—Parameter Estimation .3-13
Bernoulli .3-13
Binomial .3-13
Discrete Uniform .3-13
Geometric .3-13
Negative Binomial 3-13
Poisson 3-13
Beta .3-14
Chi-Square 3-14
Erlang 3-14
Exponential 3-14
F Distribution 3-14
Gamma .3-14
Log–Normal .3-15
Normal 3-15
Student’s t .3-15
Triangular .3-15
Uniform 3-15
Weibull .3-16
Chi-Square Test for Distribution Fitting 3-16
Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test .3-16
ANOVA .3-16
Notation 3-16
Standard Error (Internal) 3-17
Standard Error (Pooled) 3-17
Interval Estimates 3-17
Tukey Interval 3-17
Scheffe Interval .3-17
Cochran C-Test 3-17
Bartlett Test 3-18
Hartley’s Test .3-18
Kruskal–Wallis Test .3-18
Adjustment for Ties .3-18
Freidman Test 3-18
Regression 3-19
Notation .3-19
Regression Statistics .3-19
Predictions 3-20
Nonlinear Regression 3-21
Ridge Regression 3-21
Quality Control 3-22
For All Quality Control Formulas 3-22xvi Contents
Subgroup Statistics .3-22
X Bar Charts .3-22
Capability Ratios 3-23
R Charts 3-24
S Charts .3-24
C Charts 3-24
U Charts .3-24
P Charts 3-24
NP Charts .3-25
CuSum Chart for the Mean .3-25
Multivariate Control Charts 3-25
Time-Series Analysis .3-25
Notation .3-25
Autocorrelation at Lag k 3-26
Partial Autocorrelation at Lag k 3-26
Cross-Correlation at Lag k 3-26
Box-Cox 3-26
Periodogram (computed using Fast Fourier Transform) .3-27
Categorical Analysis 3-27
Notation .3-27
Totals 3-27
Chi-Square 3-27
Fisher’s Exact Test .3-28
Lambda .3-28
Uncertainty Coefficient .3-28
Somer’s D .3-29
Eta .3-29
Contingency Coefficient 3-30
Cramer’s V .3-30
Conditional Gamma 3-30
Pearson’s R .3-30
Kendall’s Tau b .3-30
Tau C 3-30
Probability Terminology .3-30
Basic Probability Principles .3-31
Random Variable .3-31
Mean Value xˆ or Expected Value μ 3-31
Discrete Distribution Formulas 3-32
Bernoulli Distribution .3-32
Beta Binomial Distribution .3-32
Beta Pascal Distribution 3-32
Binomial Distribution .3-32
Discrete Weibull Distribution .3-32
Geometric Distribution .3-33Contents xvii
Hypergeometric Distribution .3-33
Negative Binomial Distribution 3-33
Poisson Distribution 3-34
Rectangular (Discrete Uniform) Distribution .3-34
Continuous Distribution Formulas 3-34
Arcsin Distribution 3-34
Beta Distribution 3-35
Cauchy Distribution 3-35
Chi Distribution .3-35
Chi-Square Distribution 3-35
Erlang Distribution 3-35
Exponential Distribution .3-35
Extreme-Value Distribution .3-36
F Distribution 3-36
Gamma Distribution .3-36
Half-Normal Distribution .3-36
Laplace (Double Exponential) Distribution .3-37
Logistic Distribution 3-37
Lognormal Distribution 3-37
Noncentral Chi-Square Distribution 3-37
Noncentral F Distribution 3-38
Noncentral t-Distribution .3-38
Normal Distribution 3-38
Pareto Distribution 3-38
Rayleigh Distribution 3-39
t-Distribution .3-39
Triangular Distribution .3-39
Uniform Distribution 3-39
Weibull Distribution .3-40
Variate Generation Techniques 3-40
Notation 3-40
Variate Generation Algorithms 3-40
References 3-42
4 Computations with Descriptive Statistics
Sample Average .4-1
Application Areas 4-1
Sample calculations 4-1
Sample Variance 4-1
Application Areas 4-1
Sample Calculations .4-2
Sample Standard Deviation .4-2
Application Areas 4-2
Sample Standard Error of the Mean .4-3xviii Contents
Application Areas 4-3
Skewness .4-3
Standardized Skewness 4-3
Kurtosis .4-4
Standardized Kurtosis 4-4
Weighted Average 4-4
Estimation and Testing .4-4
100(1 − α)% Confidence Interval for Mean .4-4
100(1 − α)% Confidence Interval for Variance .4-4
100(1 − α)% Confidence Interval for Difference
in Means .4-4
100(1 − α)% Confidence Interval for Ratio
of Variances 4-5
Normal Probability Plot 4-5
Comparison of Poisson Rates .4-5
Distribution Functions and Parameter Estimation .4-5
Bernoulli Distribution .4-5
Binomial Distribution .4-5
Discrete Uniform Distribution .4-6
Geometric Distribution .4-6
Negative Binomial Distribution 4-6
Poisson Distribution 4-6
Beta Distribution 4-6
Chi-Square Distribution 4-6
Erlang Distribution 4-6
Exponential Distribution .4-7
Application Areas 4-7
F Distribution 4-7
Gamma Distribution .4-7
Log–Normal Distribution .4-7
Normal Distribution 4-8
Triangular Distribution .4-8
Uniform Distribution 4-8
Weibull Distribution .4-8
Chi-Square Test for Distribution Fitting 4-8
Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test .4-9
ANOVA .4-9
Notation 4-9
Standard Error .4-9
Interval Estimates 4-9
Tukey Interval 4-10
Scheffe Interval .4-10
Cochran C-test .4-10
Bartlett Test 4-10Contents xix
Hartley’s Test .4-10
Kruskal–Wallis Test .4-11
Adjustment for ties 4-11
Freidman Test 4-11
Regression 4-12
Notation 4-12
Statistical Quality Control .4-13
Subgroup Statistics .4-13
X-Bar Charts 4-14
Capability Ratios 4-14
R Charts 4-15
S Charts .4-15
C Charts 4-15
U Charts .4-15
P Charts 4-15
NP Charts .4-16
CuSum Chart for the Mean .4-16
Time-Series Analysis .4-16
Notation 4-16
Autocorrelation at Lag k 4-17
Partial Autocorrelation at Lag k 4-17
Cross-Correlation at Lag k 4-17
Box-Cox Computation 4-17
Periodogram (Computed using Fast Fourier
Transform) .4-18
Categorical Analysis 4-18
Notation 4-18
Totals 4-18
Chi-Square 4-18
Lambda .4-19
Uncertainty Coefficient .4-19
Somer’s D Measure 4-20
Eta .4-20
Contingency Coefficient 4-21
Cramer’s V Measure 4-21
Conditional Gamma 4-21
Pearson’s R Measure 4-21
Kendall’s Tau b Measure .4-21
Tau C Measure .4-22
Overall Mean 4-22
Chebyshev’s Theorem .4-22
Permutation .4-22
Combination 4-22
Failure .4-22xx Contents
5 Computations for Economic Analysis
Fundamentals of Economic Analysis .5-1
Simple Interest .5-1
Future value 5-1
Compound Interest .5-2
Continuous Compound Interest 5-2
Effective Rate 5-3
Present Value with Compound Interest .5-3
Annuities 5-4
Present value of annuity 5-4
Future value of an annuity 5-4
Amortization of Loans .5-5
Interest and Equity Computations .5-5
Equity Break-Even Formula .5-8
Sinking Fund Payment 5-9
Internal Rate of Return 5-9
Benefit–Cost Ratio .5-9
Simple Payback Period 5-9
Discounted Payback Period 5-10
Economic Methods of Comparing Investment Alternatives 5-10
Present Value Analysis 5-10
Annual Value Analysis 5-10
Internal Rate of Return Analysis .5-11
External Rate of Return Analysis 5-11
Incremental Analysis .5-11
Guidelines for Comparison of
Alternatives 5-12
Asset Replacement and Retention Analysis .5-12
Replacement Analysis Computation 5-14
Depreciation Methods .5-15
Depreciation Terminology 5-15
Depreciation Methods .5-16
Straight-Line (SL) Method 5-16
Declining Balance (DB) Method .5-16
Sums-of-Years’ Digits (SYD) Method 5-17
MACRS Method 5-17
Effects of Inflation and Taxes 5-18
Foreign Exchange Rates .5-21
After-Tax Economic Analysis .5-21
Cost and Value Computations .5-22
Actual Cost of Work Performed .5-23
Applied Direct Cost .5-23
Budgeted Cost for Work Performed .5-23Contents xxi
Budgeted Cost for Work Scheduled .5-23
Direct Cost .5-23
Economies of Scale 5-23
Estimated Cost at Completion 5-23
First Cost 5-24
Fixed Cost .5-24
Incremental Cost 5-24
Indirect Cost .5-24
Life-Cycle Cost .5-24
Maintenance Cost 5-24
Marginal Cost .5-24
Operating Cost .5-24
Opportunity Cost .5-25
Overhead Cost 5-25
Standard Cost .5-25
Sunk Cost .5-25
Total Cost .5-25
Variable cost .5-25
Cash-Flow Calculations 5-26
Calculations with Compound Amount Factor 5-26
Calculations with Present Worth Factor 5-27
Calculations with Uniform Series Present Worth Factor .5-27
Calculations with Uniform Series Capital Recovery Factor 5-28
Calculations with Uniform Series Compound Amount Factor 5-29
Calculations with Uniform Series Sinking Fund Factor .5-29
Calculations with Capitalized Cost Formula .5-30
Arithmetic Gradient Series 5-31
Internal Rate of Return 5-32
Benefit-Cost Ratio Analysis .5-33
Simple Payback Period 5-33
Discounted Payback Period 5-34
Time Required to Double Investment 5-35
Effects of Inflation on Industrial Project Costing 5-36
Mild Inflation .5-40
Moderate Inflation .5-40
Severe Inflation 5-40
Hyperinflation 5-40
Break-Even Analysis 5-40
Profit Ratio Analysis 5-42
Project Cost Estimation 5-46
Optimistic and Pessimistic Cost Estimates 5-47
Cost Performance Index .5-47
Cost Control Limits .5-48
Project Balance Computation .5-48xxii Contents
6 Industrial Production Calculations
Learning Curve Models and Computations 6-1
The Average Cost Model .6-1
Computational Example 6-2
Computational Example 6-3
The Unit Cost Model .6-4
Productivity Calculations Using Learning Curves 6-5
Determining Average Unit Time 6-5
Calculation of the Learning Factor .6-5
Calculating Total Time for a Job .6-5
Time Required to Perform a Task for the nth Time 6-5
The Improvement Ratio 6-5
Computational Example 6-5
Solution 6-5
Computation for Improvement Goal in Unit Time 6-6
Computation of Machine Output Capacities .6-6
Machine Utilization Ratio: Determining How Often a
Machine Is Idle 6-6
Calculating Number of Machines Needed to Meet Output 6-7
Alternate Forms for Machine Formula 6-7
Calculating Buffer Production to Allow for Defects .6-8
Adjusting Machine Requirements to Allow for Rejects 6-9
Output Computations for Sequence of Machines .6-9
Calculating Forces on Cutting Tools 6-10
Calculating Pressure 6-11
Finding Required Horsepower .6-11
Machine Accuracy .6-12
Calculating the Goal Dimension .6-12
Drill Thrust 6-13
Drill Torque .6-14
Drill Horsepower .6-14
Calculating Speed and Rotation of Machines 6-14
Shaft Speed .6-15
Surface Speed .6-15
Tool Feed per Revolution 6-16
Tool Feed per Minute 6-16
Tool Feed per Tooth 6-17
Computation to Find the Volume of Material Removed 6-17
Time Rate for Material Removal in a Rectangular Cut .6-17
Calculation of Linear Feed for Rectangular Material Removal 6-18
Takt Time for Production Planning .6-18
Production Crew Work Rate Analysis .6-19
Production Work Rate Example .6-20Contents xxiii
Case of Multiple Resources Working Together .6-20
Computational Examples 6-21
Calculation of Personnel Requirements .6-22
Calculation of Machine Requirements .6-23
References 6-23
7 Forecasting Calculations
Forecasting Based on Averages .7-1
Simple Average Forecast .7-1
Period Moving Average Forecast 7-2
Weighted Average Forecast .7-2
Weighted T-Period Moving Average Forecast 7-2
Exponential Smoothing Forecast 7-3
Regression Analysis .7-3
Regression Relationships .7-3
Prediction .7-4
Control .7-4
Procedure for Regression Analysis .7-5
Coefficient of Determination 7-5
Residual Analysis .7-7
Time-Series Analysis .7-9
Stationarity and Data Transformation .7-10
Moving Average Processes 7-12
Autoregressive Processes .7-13
Forecasting for Inventory Control 7-15
Economic Order Quantity Model .7-15
Quantity Discount .7-16
Calculation of Total Relevant Cost .7-16
Evaluation of the Discount Option .7-17
Sensitivity Analysis 7-19
Wagner–Whitin Algorithm 7-20
Notation and Variables 7-21
8 Six Sigma and Lean
Concept of Six Sigma .8-1
Taguchi Loss Function 8-1
Identification and Elimination of Sources of Defects 8-2
Roles and Responsibilities for Six Sigma 8-3
Statistical Techniques for Six Sigma .8-3
Control Charts .8-4
X and R-Charts 8-4
Data Collection Strategies .8-5
Subgroup Sample Size .8-5
Frequency of Sampling 8-6xxiv Contents
Stable Process .8-6
Out-of-Control Patterns 8-6
Calculation of Control Limits .8-7
Plotting Control Charts for Range and Average Charts 8-8
Plotting Control Charts for Moving Range and Individual
Control Charts .8-9
Case Example: Plotting of Control Chart .8-9
Calculations 8-9
Trend Analysis .8-14
Process Capability Analysis for Six Sigma .8-18
Capable Process (Cp) .8-18
Capability Index (Cpk) .8-19
Process Capability Example 8-20
Possible Applications of Process Capability Index 8-21
Potential Abuse of C
p and Cpk .8-22
Lean Principles and Applications .8-22
Kaizen of a Process 8-23
Lean Task Value Rating System 8-24
9 Risk Computations
Cost Uncertainties .9-1
Schedule Uncertainties 9-2
Performance Uncertainties .9-2
Decision Tables and Trees 9-2
Reliability Calculations 9-7
General Reliability Definitions 9-8
Exponential Distribution Used as Reliability
Function .9-9
Reliability Formulas .9-10
General Reliability Definitions 9-10
Exponential Distribution Used as Reliability
Function .9-11
10 Computations for Project Analysis
Planning .10-1
Organizing .10-1
Scheduling 10-1
Control .10-2
CPM Scheduling 10-2
Advantages for Communication .10-3
Advantages for Control .10-3
Advantages for Team Interaction .10-3
Activity Precedence Relationships .10-4
Network Notation 10-4Contents xxv
Forward-Pass Calculations 10-5
CPM Example 10-6
Backward-Pass Calculations .10-7
Calculation of Slacks .10-8
Calculations for Subcritical Paths 10-9
Plotting of Gantt Charts 10-10
Calculations for Project Crashing 10-13
Calculations for Project Duration Diagnostics 10-18
PERT Formulas .10-19
Activity Time Distributions 10-19
Project Duration Analysis .10-20
Simulation of Project Networks 10-24
11 Product Shape and Geometrical Calculations
Equation of a Straight Line .11-1
Quadratic Equation .11-2
Conic Sections .11-2
Case 1 of Conic Section: e = 1 (Parabola) 11-3
Case 2 of Conic Section: e < 1 (Ellipse) .11-3
Case 3 Hyperbola: e > 1 11-4
Case 4 e = 1 (Circle) 11-5
Conic Section Equation 11-6
Quadric Surface (Sphere) 11-6
Identities .11-7
Trigonometry .11-7
Law of Sines 11-7
Law of Cosines .11-8
Identities .11-8
Complex Numbers .11-10
Polar Coordinates 11-10
Euler’s Identity .11-11
Roots .11-11
Matrices 11-11
Matrix Multiplication 11-11
Matrix Addition .11-11
Identity Matrix .11-11
Matrix Transpose .11-11
Matrix Inverse 11-12
Determinants .11-12
Vectors .11-12
Gradient, Divergence, and Curl 11-13
Identities .11-13
Progressions and Series .11-14
Arithmetic Progression .11-14xxvi Contents
Geometric Progression 11-14
Properties of Series 11-15
Power Series .11-15
Taylor’s Series 11-16
Differential Calculus .11-16
The Derivative 11-16
Test for a Maximum 11-16
Test for a Minimum 11-16
Test for a Point of Inflection .11-16
The Partial Derivative 11-16
Curvature in Rectangular Coordinates 11-17
The Radius of Curvature .11-17
L’Hospital’s Rule 11-17
Integral Calculus 11-18
Derivatives and Indefinite Integrals .11-18
Derivatives .11-18
Indefinite Integrals .11-20
Mensuration of Areas and Volumes 11-21
Nomenclature 11-21
Parabola 11-21
Ellipse 11-21
Circular Segment .11-22
Circular Sector .11-22
Sphere .11-22
Parallelogram .11-22
Regular Polygon (n Equal Sides) .11-23
Prismoid .11-23
Right Circular Cone .11-23
Right Circular Cylinder .11-23
Paraboloid of Revolution .11-23
Centroids and Moments of Inertia .11-24
Difference Equations .11-24
First-Order Linear Difference Equation .11-25
Second-Order Linear Difference Equation 11-25
Numerical Methods .11-25
Newton’s Method for Root Extraction .11-25
Newton’s Method of Minimization 11-25
Numerical Integration .11-26
Euler’s or Forward Rectangular Rule .11-26
Trapezoidal Rule 11-26
Simpson’s Rule/Parabolic Rule (n Must Be
an Even Integer) 11-27
Calculation of Best-Fit Circle .11-27Contents xxvii
12 General Engineering Calculations
Six Simple Machines for Materials Handling 12-1
Machine 1: The Lever 12-1
Machine 2: Wheel and Axle 12-1
Machine 3: The Pulley .12-2
Machine 4: The Inclined Plane .12-2
Machine 5: The Wedge 12-2
Machine 6: The Screw 12-2
Mechanics: Kinematics .12-3
Scalars and Vectors 12-3
Distance and Displacement .12-3
Acceleration .12-3
Speed and Velocity 12-3
Frequency .12-3
Period .12-3
Angular Displacement .12-3
Angular Velocity 12-4
Angular Acceleration .12-4
Rotational Speed 12-4
Uniform Linear Motion 12-4
Uniform Accelerated Linear Motion 12-4
Rotational Motion .12-5
Uniform Rotation and a Fixed Axis .12-5
Uniform Accelerated Rotation about a Fixed Axis 12-5
Simple Harmonic Motion .12-6
Pendulum .12-7
Free Fall 12-7
Vertical Project 12-7
Angled Projections .12-8
Horizontal Projection (α = 0) .12-8
Sliding Motion on an Inclined Plane 12-8
Rolling Motion on an Inclined Plane .12-9
Mechanics: Dynamics .12-10
Newton’s First Law of Motion 12-10
Newton’s Second Law of Motion 12-10
Newton’s Third Law of Motion 12-10
Momentum of Force 12-10
Impulse of Force 12-11
Law of Conservation of Momentum 12-11
Friction .12-11
General Law of Gravity .12-11
Gravitational Force 12-12
Centrifugal Force .12-12
Centripetal Force .12-12xxviii Contents
Torque 12-12
Work .12-13
Energy .12-13
Conservation of Energy .12-14
Power 12-14
Appendix A: Mathematical Patterns, Series, and Formulae
Number Sequence and Patterns A-1
Closed-Form Mathematical Expressions A-3
Derivation of the Quadratic Formula A-7
Appendix B: Measurement Units, Notation, and Constants
Common Notation . B-1
Scientific Constants B-3
Numbers and Prefixes B-3
Appendix C: Conversion Factors
Area Conversion Factors C-1
Volume Conversion Factors C-2
Energy Conversion Factors C-2
Mass Conversion Factors . C-3
Temperature Conversion Factors C-3
Velocity Conversion Factors C-4
Pressure Conversion Factors . C-4
Distance Conversion Factors . C-5
Physical Science Equations C-6
English and Metric Systems . C-7
Household Measurement Conversion C-7
Appendix D: Factors and Tables
Formulas for Interest Factor D-1
Summation Formulas for Closed-Form Expressions .D-3
Interest Tables .D-3
Appendix E: Greek Symbols and Roman Numerals
Greek Symbols E-1
Roman Numerals E-2
Bibliography . Bibliography-1
Index Index-1
Acceleration(s), 12-3. See also Newton’s
laws of motion; Velocity
angular, 12-4, 12-6
centripetal, 12-5
falling body, 12-12
inclined plane, 12-8, 12-9
Newton’s second law, 12-10
tangential, 12-5
Acre, 2-59, B-1, C-7
Action and reaction, law of, 12-10. See also
Newton’s laws of motion
Activity, 10-3
antecedent, 10-4
descendent, 10-4
expected duration, 10-19
predecessor, 10-4
successor, 10-4
time distributions, 10-19
time modeling, 10-25
variance, 10-19
Activity duration (t), 10-18–19
crashing, 10-13
probabilistic properties modeling, 10-19
Activity-on-arrow (AOA), 10-2. See also
Activity-on-node (AON)
Activity-on-node (AON), 10-2, 10-6
graphical representation, 10-4
network components, 10-3, 10-4
Activity precedence relationships, 10-4
backward-pass calculations, 10-7
CPM example, 10-6
dummy activities, 10-6
forward-pass calculations, 10-5
network notation, 10-4
adjusted coefficient of multiple determination,
7-6. See also Determination
ADR. See Asset depreciation range (ADR)
ADS. See Alternate Depreciation System (ADS)
AFL. See American Federation of Labor (AFL)
After-tax economic analysis
after-tax MARR, 5-22
tax types, 5-21
taxable income equation, 5-22
Agate, B-1
arithmetic mean, 2-20
arithmetic progression, 2-20
expanding, 2-56
factoring, 2-57
geometric mean, 2-20
geometric progression, 2-20
harmonic mean, 2-20
operations laws, 2-17
powers and roots, 2-19
proportions, 2-19
special products and factors, 2-17–18
Alternate Depreciation System (ADS), 5-17
American Federation of Labor (AFL), 1-11
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
(ASME), 1-11
Ampere, B-1
Amplitude, 12-6
Analysis of variance (ANOVA), 7-3
adjustment for ties, 3-18, 4-11
Bartlett test, 3-18, 4-10
Cochran C-test, 3-17, 4-10
Freidman test, 3-18–19, 4-11
Hartley’s test, 3-18, 4-10
interval estimates, 4-9
Kruskal-Wallis test, 3-18, 4-11
notation, 3-16, 4-9
Scheffe interval, 3-17, 4-10
standard error, 3-17, 4-9
Tukey interval, 3-17, 4-10
Angled projections, 12-8
acceleration, 12-4, 12-6
displacement, 12-3
velocity, 12-4, 12-5, 12-6
Index-1Index-2 Index
Annuity, 5-4, 5-10
future value, 5-4–5
present value, 5-4
ANOVA. See Analysis of variance (ANOVA)
Antecedent activity, 10-4
AOA. See Activity-on-arrow (AOA)
AON. See Activity-on-node (AON)
Arcsin distribution, 3-4, 3-34
Arithmetic progression, 2-14, 2-20, 11-14
Arithmetic sequence. See Arithmetic
AR process. See Autoregressive (AR) processes
Arrow, 10-3
ASME. See American Society of Mechanical
Engineers (ASME)
Asset depreciation, 5-15
book depreciation, 5-15
book value, 5-15
DB method, 5-16–17
first cost, 5-15
half-year convention, 5-16, 5-20
MACRS method, 5-17–19
market value, 5-16
real property, 5-20
recovery period, 5-16
recovery rate, 5-16
requirements, 5-15
salvage value, 5-15
SL method, 5-16
SYD method, 5-17
tax depreciation, 5-15
Asset depreciation range (ADR), 5-18
Asset replacement analysis
asset life, 5-13
challenger, 5-13
challenger first cost, 5-13
computational process, 4-14–15
defender, 5-13
deteriorating factor, 5-12
financial factor, 5-13
first cost, 5-13
marginal cost, 5-14
outsider viewpoint, 5-13
requirements factor, 5-13
tax analysis, 5-14
technological factor, 5-13
Associative law, 2-9, 2-17
Astronomical unit (A.U.), B-2
Autocorrelation, 3-26, 4-17, 7-12
function, 7-10
partial, 3-26, 4-17
sample, 7-12
theoretical, 7-12
Autocovariances, 7-12. See also Covariance
Autoregressive (AR) processes, 7-13
Average, 3-10, 4-1
application areas, 4-1
calculations, 4-1
forecasting, 7-1–3
treatment rank, 3-18, 4-11
unit time, 6-5
weighted, 3-11, 4-4
Average cost model, 6-1, 6-4
learning curve exponent, 6-1
log–log paper, 6-2
percent productivity gain, 6-2
Average to date, 7-1–2. See also Forecasting
Average unit time determination, 6-5
Backward-pass calculations, 10-7. See also
Forward-pass calculations
Bale, B-2
Bartlett test, 3-18, 4-10
Bernoulli distribution. See Binomial
Best-fit circle, 11-27, 11-28
co-ordinate system, 11-29
normal equations, 11-28–29
variance, 11-27
Beta binomial distribution, 3-1, 3-32
Beta distribution, 3-5, 3-35, 4-6, 10-20. See also
Triangular—probability density
Beta Pascal distribution, 3-3, 3-32
Binomial distribution, 2-5, 3-3, 3-32, 4-5.
See also Probability distribution
beta, 3-1, 3-32
cumulative function, 2-6
mean, 2-6
negative, 3-4, 3-33, 4-6
normal distribution, 2-6
Poisson distribution, 2-5
population mean, 2-6
variance, 2-6
Binomial theorem, 2-14
Black belt, 8-3
Board foot, B-2
Bolt, B-2
Break-even analysis, 5-40
multiple projects, 5-42Index Index-3
profit due, 5-41
single project, 5-41
total revenue, 5-41
Bridge proposals, 1-4
Btu, B-2
Buffer production calculation, 6-8–9
Burst point, 10-4
Calling population, 1-17
Capability, 8-18. See also Process
capability analysis
Capability index, 8-19, 8-21
applications, 8-21–22
capable but not centered process, 8-20
centered and capable process, 8-20
centered but not capable process, 8-21
Capable process, 8-18–19
Carat, B-2. See also Karat
Cardinal scale, 1-23
Cardioid, 2-40
Cash-flow calculations, 5-26
arithmetic gradient series, 5-31–32
benefit-cost ratio analysis, 5-33
break-even analysis, 5-40–42
capital recovery factor, 5-28, 5-29
capitalized cost cash flow, 5-30
capitalized cost formula, 5-30, 5-31
compound amount cash flow, 5-29
compound amount factor, 5-26, 5-29
discounted payback period, 5-34–35
inflation, 5-36–40
IRR, 5-32–33
MARR, 5-26
notation, 5-26
payback period, 5-33–34
present worth factor, 5-27–28
profit ratio analysis, 5-42–46
project balance computation, 5-48
project cost estimation, 5-46–48
Rule of 72 evaluation, 5-36, 5-37
single-payment, 5-27
sinking fund factor, 5-29–30
time required, 5-35, 5-36
uniform series cash flow, 5-27
Cassinian curves, 2-41–42
Categorical analysis
Chebyshev’s theorem, 4-22
Chi-square, 3-27, 4-18
combination, 4-22
conditional gamma, 3-30, 4-21
contingency coefficient, 3-30, 4-21
Cramer’s V measure, 3-30, 4-21
Eta, 3-29, 4-20–21
failure, 4-22
Fisher’s exact test, 3-28
Kendall’s Tau b measure, 3-30, 4-21
Lambda, 3-28, 4-19
notation, 3-27, 4-18
overall mean, 4-22
Pearson’s R measure, 3-30, 4-21
permutation, 4-22
Somer’s D measure, 3-29, 4-20
Tau C, 3-30, 4-22
totals, 3-27, 4-18
uncertainty coefficient, 3-28, 4-19
Catenary, 2-40
Cauchy distribution, 3-5, 3-35
Center lines, 8-7
Centrifugal force, 12-12
Centripetal force, 12-12. See also
Centrifugal force
Centroidal moment of inertia, 11-24
Centroids, 11-24
Ceva’s theorem, 2-27
Chain, B-2
Chebyshev’s theorem, 2-2, 4-22
Chi distribution, 3-5, 3-35
Chi-square, 2-27, 3-14, 3-27, 4-6, 4-18
Chi-square test, 3-16, 4-8
Chi-squared, 2-7
Circle, 2-40, 11-5
radius, 2-28
sector formula, 2-30
tangent length, 11-5
sector, 11-22
segment, 11-22
torus, 2-37
Circular cone, right, 2-35, 11-23
Circular cylinder, 2-35
formulas, 2-35
right, 2-34, 11-23
Closed-form expressions, A-3
common forms, A-4
derivation, A-7
summation formulas, D-3
CMMs. See Coordinate measuring machines
Cochran C-test, 3-17, 4-10
Commutative law, 2-9, 2-17Index-4 Index
Complex numbers, 11-10
Compound interest, 5-2
continuous, 5-2
effective rate, 5-3
present value, 5-3–4
Computational analysis, 1-22
cardinal scale, 1-22
interval scale, 1-22
nominal scale, 1-22
ordinal scale, 1-22
ratio scale, 1-22
Computer simulation, 10-24
activity time modeling, 10-25
project analysis, 10-25
Cone, 2-35
right circular, 11-23
surface area, 2-35, 2-52
volume, 2-35, 2-52
Conic section(s), 11-2
circle, 11-5
ellipse, 11-3, 11-4
equations, 11-6
hyperbola, 11-4
parabola, 11-3
plot, 11-2
Conservation of energy, 12-14
Conservation of momentum, law of, 12-11
Control charts, 8-4, 8-9–14
attribute data, 8-4
constants, 8-8
moving range and individual charts, 8-9
multivariate, 3-25
range and average charts, 8-8
trend analysis, 8-14–18
variable data, 8-4
Conversion factor, C-1
area, C-1
distance, C-5
energy, C-2
mass, C-3
pressure, C-4
temperature, C-3
velocity, C-4
volume, C-2
Coordinate measuring machines
(CMMs), 11-27
Correlation coefficient, 7-10, 7-11
Cosine formula. See Cosine law
Cosine law, 2-56, 11-8
Cosine rule. See Cosine law
Cost and value computations, 5-22
actual cost, 5-23
budgeted cost, 5-23
direct cost, 5-23
estimated cost, 5-23
first cost, 5-24
fixed cost, 5-24
incremental cost, 5-24
life-cycle cost, 5-24
maintenance cost, 5-24
marginal cost, 5-24
operating cost, 5-24
opportunity cost, 5-25
overhead cost, 5-25
standard cost, 5-25
sunk cost, 5-25
total cost, 5-25
variable cost, 5-25
Cost performance index (CPI), 5-47
Cost/schedule control systems criteria
(C/SCSC), 6-21
Cost uncertainties, 9-1
Covariance, 7-10. See also Variance
sample estimates, 7-12
theoretical, 7-11
CPI. See Cost performance index (CPI)
CPM. See Critical Path Method (CPM)
Cramer’s Vmeasure, 3-30, 4-21
Crashing ratios, 10-17, 10-18
Crash task duration, 10-15
crash cost, 10-16
CRD. See Critical Resource
Diagramming (CRD)
Crew size, 6-19
Critical activities, 10-8, 10-9, 10-18
Criticality level, 10-10
Critical path, 10-8
activity slack types, 10-8
sequence of activities, 10-9
Critical Path Method (CPM), 9-3, 10-2, 10-6.
See also Program Evaluation and
Review Technique (PERT)
advantages, 10-3
backward-pass analysis, 10-7
crashing options, 10-18
forward-pass analysis, 10-7
fully crashed CPM network, 10-16
network control, 10-3
network planning, 10-2
network scheduling phase, 10-3
network with deadline, 10-10Index Index-5
sample project, 10-6, 10-9
scheduling, 10-2
Critical Resource Diagramming (CRD), 10-2
Cross product, 11-12. See also Vectors
C/SCSC. See Cost/schedule control systems
criteria (C/SCSC)
Cube, 2-32
Cubit, B-2
CumSlip chart. See Cumulative slippage
(CumSlip) chart
Cumulative failure rate, 9-10, 9-11
Cumulative slippage (CumSlip) chart,
10-12–13, 10-15. See also Gantt
Cumulative sum chart (CUSUM), 3-25,
4-16, 8-4
Curve fitting. See Regression analysis
CUSUM. See Cumulative sum chart (CUSUM)
Cutting tools, 6-10
horsepower, 6-11–12
notations, 6-10–11
pressure, 6-11
pressure calculation, 6-11
Cycle time, 6-18
Cyclic-inscriptable quadrilateral, 2-30–2-31
Cyclic quadrilateral, 2-29
Cylinder, right circular, 2-34, 11-23
Data analysis and probability, 1-15
Data collection, 8-5
sampling frequency, 8-6
subgroup sample size, 8-5–6
DB method. See Declining Balance
(DB) method
Decibel, B-2
Decision(s), 9-1
actions, 9-3
consequences, 9-3
CPM, 9-2–3
events, 9-3
PERT, 9-3
probability summary, 9-7, 9-8
probability tree diagram, 9-5
problem, 9-2–4
tables and trees, 9-2
task selection, 9-3, 9-4
tree analysis, 9-2
Declining Balance (DB) method, 5-16–17
De Morgan’s laws, 2-9–10
Density function
failure, 9-9, 9-10, 9-11
probability, 2-4
triangular probability, 10-19, 10-20
uniform probability, 10-19, 10-20
Derivative, 11-16, 11-18–19. See also
Differential calculus
Descendent activity, 10-4
Descriptive statistics
average, 4-1
categorical analysis, 4-18–22
estimation, 4-4–5
normal probability plot, 4-5
Poisson rates comparison, 4-5
regression, 4-12–13
smoothness, 8-11
standard deviation, 4-2–3
standard error of mean, 4-3–4
statistical quality control, 4-13–16
time-series analysis, 4-16–18
variance, 4-1
Determinants, 11-12
Determination coefficient, 7-5–6
Difference equations, 11-24
first-order linear, 11-25
second-order linear, 11-25
Differencing, 7-10
Differential calculus, 11-16
curvature in rectangular coordinates,
derivative, 11-16
partial derivative, 11-16–17
radius of curvature, 11-17
test for maximum, 11-16
test for minimum, 11-16
test for point of inflection, 11-16
Discount option
cost curves, 7-17
evaluation, 7-17
optimal order quantity, 7-18
Discrete uniform distribution. See
Discrete Weibull distribution, 3-3, 3-32
Displacement, 12-3, 12-6. See also
angular, 12-3
Distance, 12-3, 12-4, 12-5, 12-7, 12-8, 12-9
conversion factors, C-5
point to line, from, 2-38
point to plane, from, 2-44
two points, between, 2-37, 2-43Index-6 Index
Arcsin, 3-4, 3-34
Bernoulli, 3-1, 3-32
beta, 3-5, 3-35
beta binomial, 3-1, 3-32
beta Pascal, 3-3, 3-32
binomial, 3-3, 3-32
Cauchy, 3-5, 3-35
Chi, 3-5, 3-35
Chi-square, 3-5, 3-35
continuous formulas, 3-4, 3-34
discrete formulas, 3-1, 3-32
discrete Weibull, 3-3, 3-32
Erlang, 3-5, 3-35
exponential, 3-6, 3-35
extreme-value, 3-6, 3-36
F, 3-6, 3-36
gamma, 3-7, 3-36
geometric, 3-3, 3-33
half-normal, 3-7, 3-36
hypergeometric, 3-3–4, 3-33
Laplace, 3-7, 3-37
logistic, 3-7, 3-37
lognormal, 3-7, 3-37
negative binomial, 3-4, 3-33
noncentral Chi-square, 3-8, 3-37
noncentral F, 3-8, 3-38
noncentral t-distribution, 3-8, 3-38
normal, 3-9, 3-38
parameters, 3-10–11
Pareto, 3-9, 3-38
Poisson, 3-4, 3-34
probability, 2-3
Rayleigh, 3-9, 3-39
rectangular, 3-4, 3-34
t-distribution, 3-9, 3-39
triangular, 3-10, 3-39
uniform, 3-10, 3-39
Weibull, 3-10, 3-40
Distributive law, 2-9, 2-17
Dot product, 11-12. See also Cross product
Double exponential distribution.
See Laplace—distribution
horsepower, 6-14
thrust, 6-13–14
torque, 6-14
Dummy, 10-4
Durand’s rule, 2-31
Dynamics, 12-10
conservation of momentum law, 12-11
friction, 12-11
impulse of force, 12-11
momentum of force, 12-10
Newton’s laws of motion, 12-10
Earliest completion (EC) time, 10-5
Earliest starting (ES) time, 10-4, 10-11
EC. See Earliest completion (EC) time
Economic analysis, 1-15, 5-26
after-tax, 5-21–22
annuities, 5-4–5
compound interest, 5-2–4
equity break-even point, 5-8–10
equity computations, 5-5–8
future value, 5-1–2
loans amortization, 5-5
periodic payment, 5-5
simple interest, 5-1
Economic methods
annual value analysis, 5-10–11
external rate of return analysis, 5-11
incremental analysis, 5-11–12
incremental cash-flow approach, 5-12
internal rate of return analysis, 5-11
present value analysis, 5-10
total cash-flow approach, 5-12
Economic order quantity (EOQ) model, 7-15
basic inventory pattern, 7-15
costs as replenishment quantity functions,
TRC, 7-15
Effectiveness equation, 1-3
Electrical circuit equation, 7-4–5
Electronic Numerical Integrator and
Computer (ENIAC), 1-13
Elementary functions, A-3
Ellipse, 2-41, 11-3, 11-4, 11-21
area, 2-31
conic section, 11-4, 11-6
perimeter, 2-31
Ellipsoid, 2-36, 2-42
Employee group, 8-3
Energy, 12-13. See also Work
conservation, 12-14
conversion factors, C-2
English and metric systems, C-7
ENIAC. See Electronic Numerical Integrator
and Computer (ENIAC)Index Index-7
EOQ model. See Economic order
quantity (EOQ) model
Equity break-even point, 5-8
benefitcost ratio, 5-9
discounted payback period, 5-10
internal rate of return, 5-9
payback period, 5-9
sinking fund payment, 5-9
Ergonomics, 1-15
Erlang distribution, 3-5, 3-35, 4-6
ES time. See Earliest starting (ES) time
Eta, 3-29, 4-20–21
Euler’s identity, 11-11
Euler’s rule. See Forward rectangular rule
EWMA. See Exponentially weighted
moving average (EWMA)
Excise tax, 5-22
Executive leadership, 8-3
distribution, 3-6, 3-35, 4-7, 9-9
function, 2-49, 2-50
Exponentially weighted moving average
(EWMA), 8-4
Extreme-value distribution, 3-6, 3-36
Facility design, 1-15
Factor, C-1. See also Conversion factor
Failure rate, 9-9, 9-10, 9-11
FCFS. See First Come, First Served (FCFS)
F distribution, 3-6, 3-14, 3-36, 4-7
Fibonacci number sequence, 11-25
FIFO. See First-in, first-out basis (FIFO)
First Come, First Served (FCFS), 1-19
First cost, 5-13, 5-24. See also Total cost
challenger, 5-13
defender, 5-13
recovery rate, 5-16
First-in, first-out basis (FIFO), 1-17
Flow balance equations, 1-21
Flow equation conservation. See Flow balance
Forecasting, 7-1
based on averages, 7-1
exponential smoothing forecast, 7-3
extrinsic, 7-1
intrinsic, 7-1
inventory control, 7-15
period moving average forecast, 7-2
simple average forecast, 7-1
types, 7-1
weighted average forecast, 7-2
weighted T-period moving average
forecast, 7-2–3
Foreign exchange rates, 5-21
Forward-pass calculations, 10-5, 10-7
Forward rectangular rule, 11-26. See also
Numerical integration algorithms
Free-falling object, 12-7
Free slack (FS), 10-8
Freidman test, 3-18–19, 4-11
Freight ton, B-2
Frequency, 12-3
sampling, 8-6
Friction, 12-11
Frustum, 2-33
FS. See Free slack (FS)
Fulcrum, 12-1
Gamma distribution, 3-7, 3-36, 4-7
Gantt charts, 1-9, 10-10
based on ESs, 10-11
based on LSs, 10-12
fully crashed CPM network, 10-17
linked bars in, 10-13
milestone, 10-14
multiple-project, 10-15
phase-based, 10-14
progress monitoring, 10-13
task combination, 10-14
GD. See General queue discipline (GD)
GDS. See General Depreciation System (GDS)
General Depreciation System (GDS), 5-17
General queue discipline (GD), 1-17
Geometric distribution, 3-3, 3-33, 4-6
Geometric progression (G.P.), 2-15, 11-14–15
Ceva’s Theorem, 2-27
circular cylinder, 2-35
lune, 2-36
Menelaus’ Theorem, 2-27
planar areas, 2-31
Prolemy’s theorem, 2-29
quadrilaterals, 2-27–31
right circular cone, 2-35
right circular cylinder, 2-34–35
solids bounded by planes, 2-31–33
sphere, 2-34
spherical polygon, 2-36Index-8 Index
Geometry (Continued)
spherical sector, 2-36
spheroids, 2-36–37
triangles, 2-25–27
Goal dimension calculation, 6-12–13
G.P. See Geometric progression (G.P.)
Gravitational force, 12-12
Gravity, 12-11
centrifugal force, 12-12
centripetal force, 12-12
conservation of energy, 12-14
energy, 12-13
gravitational force, 12-12
laws, 12-11
power, 12-14
torque, 12-12
work, 12-13
Greek alphabets, 2-16–17, E-1
Green belt, 8-3
Gross, B-2
Half-normal distribution, 3-7, 3-36
Harmonic mean, 2-20
cubic equations solution, 2-21–22
generalized mean, 2-20–21
quadratic equations solution, 2-21
Hartley’s test, 3-18, 4-10
Hertz, B-2
Hogshead, B-2
Hölder mean. See Harmonic
mean—generalized mean
Horizontal Projection, 12-8
Horsepower, 6-11–12, B-2
Household measurement conversion, C-7
Hyperbola, 11-4
Hypergeometric distribution, 3-3–4, 3-33
IE. See Industrial engineering (IE)
IF. See Independent float (IF)
Improvement goal
unit time, in, 6-6
Improvement ratio, 6-5
Impulse of force, 12-11
Inclined plane, 12-2
MA, 12-2
rolling motion, 12-9–10
sliding motion, 12-8–9
Income tax, 5-21
Indefinite integrals, 11-20–21
Independent float (IF), 10-8
Industrial engineer, 1-5, 8-9, 8-12
functions, 11-1
Industrial engineering (IE), 1-1–2, 1-4, 3-1
activities, 1-6
agricultural industry innovation, 1-8
analytical approach, 1-2
applications, 1-2, 1-5
Bridge proposals, 1-4
calculations guide importance, 1-16
catchphrases, 1-6
chronological events, 1-10–14
decision problem solving, 1-3
diverse areas, 1-15
effectiveness equation, 1-3
Einstein’s quote, 1-3, 1-4
forerunners, 1-8
functions, 1-5
historical accounts, 1-8–9
industrial engineer, 1-5
mass production techniques, 1-8
mathematical formulation
pseudo-code, 1-2
operational properties use, 1-2
orientation to STEM, 1-6
queuing system, 1-17–21
subareas, 1-7
sustainability, 1-2
versatility, 1-4
Industry, 1-7, 1-15. See also Industrial
engineering (IE)
agricultural innovation, 1-8
occupational discipline, 1-7
society infrastructures, 1-7
success of six sigma, 8-2
Inequalities, 2-47
Inertia, law of, 12-10. See also Newton’s laws of
Inflation, 5-36, 5-38–39
causes, 5-36, 5-37
classic concepts, 5-39
combined interest rate, 5-37
commodity escalation rate, 5-37, 5-38
“constant worth” cash flow, 5-37, 5-38
effects, 5-37
hyper, 5-40
“market basket” rate, 5-37
mild, 5-40
moderate, 5-40Index Index-9
severe, 5-40
“then-current” cash flow, 5-37, 5-38
Integral calculus, 11-18
definite integral, 11-18
derivatives, 11-18–19
indefinite integrals, 11-20–21
integration methods, 11-18
Interest and equity computations, 5-5–7
Interest factor, D-1
formulas, D-1–2
Interest tables, D-3
0.25%, D-3–4
0.5%, D-5–6
0.75%, D-6–7
1%, D-7–8
10%, D-23
12%, D-24
1.25%, D-8–9
14%, D-25
1.5%, D-10
16%, D-26
1.75%, D-11
18%, D-27
2%, D-12
20%, D-28
2.5%, D-13
25%, D-29
3%, D-14
30%, D-30
3.5%, D-15
4%, D-16
4.5%, D-17
5%, D-18
6%, D-19
7%, D-20
8%, D-21
9%, D-22
Interfering slack (IS), 10-8
Internal rate of return (IRR), 5-9, 5-11, 5-26,
Interval scale, 1-22
IRR. See Internal rate of return (IRR)
IS. See Interfering slack (IS)
Kaizen, 8-23
Karat, B-2
Kendall’s Tau b, 3-30
measure, 4-21
Kinematics, 12-3
scalars and vectors, 12-3
uniform accelerated linear motion, 12-4
uniform accelerated rotation, 12-5
uniform rotation and fixed axis, 12-5
Kinetic energy, 12-13. See also Potential energy
Knot, 2-59, B-1, B-2
Kolmogorov–Smirnov test, 3-16, 4-9
Kruskal–Wallis test, 3-18, 4-11
Lambda, 2-17, 3-28, 4-19
distribution, 3-7, 3-37
transforms, 2-58
Laplacian, 2-16
of scalar function, 11-13
Last-in, first-out (LIFO), 1-17
Latest completion (LC) time, 10-5
Latest starting (LS) time, 10-5, 10-11
LC. See Latest completion (LC) time
League, B-2
Lean, 8-22
Kaizen of process, 8-23
principle, 8-23
process decomposition hierarchy, 8-23
production objective, 6-18–19
task rating matrix, 8-24
task value rating system, 8-24–25
Lean–Six-Sigma, 8-23
Learning curve
adjusting machine requirements, 6-9
analysis, 6-2
average cost model, 6-1
average unit time determination, 6-5
buffer production calculation, 6-8–9
computational example, 6-2–3, 6-5–6
exponent, 6-1, 6-2
forces required by cutting tools, 6-10–11
goal dimension calculation, 6-12–13
improvement goal in unit time, 6-6
improvement ratio, 6-5
learning factor calculation, 6-5
linear feed for material removal, 6-18
machine accuracy, 6-12
machine formula, 6-7–8
machine output capacities, 6-6
machines needed to meet output, 6-7
machines sequence output, 6-9–10
machine utilization ratio, 6-6
models, 6-1Index-10 Index
Learning curve (Continued)
productivity calculations, 6-5
speed and rotation calculation, 6-14
time rate for material removal, 6-17
time required to perform task, 6-5
total time calculation, 6-5
unit cost model, 6-4
volume of material removed, 6-17
Learning factor calculation, 6-5
Lever, 12-1, 12-14
fulcrum, 12-1
simple machines, law of, 12-1
L’ Hospital’s rule, 11-17
Life sciences, 1-15
LIFO. See Last-in, first-out (LIFO)
Light year, B-2
Limiting values, 2-47
Linear feed for material removal, 6-18
Line equation. See Straight line
Line fitting. See Regression analysis
Log–Normal distribution, 3-15, 4-7
Logarithm(s), 2-15, 2-58, 11-6
exponential function, 2-49, 2-50
fundamental properties, 2-49
general base, to, 2-46
general powers definition, 2-49
identities, 2-46, 11-7
inequalities, 2-47
limiting values, 2-47
logarithmic curve, 2-42
periodic property, 2-50
polynomial approximations,
2-48, 2-50–2-52
series expansion, 2-47
slopes, 2-53
Logistic distribution, 3-7, 3-37
Log–linear model, 6-1. See also
Learning curve—models
Lognormal distribution, 3-7, 3-37
LS. See Latest starting (LS) time
Lune, 2-36
MA. See Mechanical advantage (MA)
accuracy, 6-12
formula alternate forms, 6-7–8
output capacities, 6-6
output computations, 6-9–10
required for specific output, 6-7
utilization ratio, 6-6
Machine requirements
adjustment, 6-9
calculation, 6-23
Maclaurin series, 11-16. See also Taylor’s series
expansion, 2-14
MACRS. See Modified accelerated cost
recovery system (MACRS)
Magnum, B-2
MA process. See Moving average (MA) process
Marginal cost, 5-14, 5-24, 6-3, 6-4
continuous product volume, 6-4
MARR. See Minimum attractive rate of return
Master belt, 8-3
calculations, 1-1
modeling, 1-1, 1-15
signs and symbols, 2-15–16
Matrices, 11-11
determinants, 11-12
identity matrix, 11-11
matrix addition, 11-11
matrix inverse, 11-12
matrix multiplication, 11-11
matrix transpose, 11-11
Mean time to failure (MTTF), 9-9, 9-10, 9-11
Measurement, 1-15
household measurement conversion, C-7
nominal, 6-12–13
performance, 9-2
units, 2-59–60, B-1
Mechanical advantage (MA), 12-1
inclined plane, 12-2
pulley, 12-2
screw, 12-2
wedge, 12-2
wheel-and-axle system, 12-1
Menelaus’ theorem, 2-27
Merge point, 10-4
Methods time measurement (MTM), 1-13
Minimum attractive rate of return
(MARR), 5-10, 5-22, 5-26
Modified accelerated cost recovery
system (MACRS), 5-16
annual book value, 5-18
annual depreciation amount, 5-18
combined interest rate, 5-19
commodity escalation rate, 5-19, 5-20, 5-21
depreciation, 5-20Index Index-11
GDS property classes, 5-19
inflation rate, 5-19
method, 5-17
property classes, 5-18
real interest rate, 5-18
requirements, 5-17
steps, 5-17
Moments of inertia, 11-24
Momentum, 12-10
law of momentum conservation, 12-11
Moving average (MA) process, 7-12
Moving range chart (MR chart), 8-4, 8-9
MR chart. See Moving range chart (MR chart)
MTM. See Methods time measurement (MTM)
MTTF. See Mean time to failure (MTTF)
Multiple correlation coefficient, 7-6
Multiple resources working together, 6-20
partial completion of work, 6-21
NAV. See Net annual value (NAV)
Negative binomial distribution, 3-4, 3-33, 4-6
Net annual value (NAV), 5-10–11
Net Present Value (NPV), 5-10
Newton’s algorithm, 11-25
Newton’s laws of motion, 12-10
Newton’s method
minimization, 11-25–26
root extraction, 11-25
NHPP. See Nonhomogeneous Poisson process
Node, 10-3
Nominal scale, 1-22
Chi-square distribution, 3-8, 3-37
F distribution, 3-8, 3-38
t-distribution, 3-8, 3-38
Nonhomogeneous Poisson process
(NHPP), 125
Nonstock production (NSP), 1-14
Normal distribution, 2-6, 3-9, 3-38, 4-8
deviation spread, 4-3
half-normal distribution, 3-7, 3-36
log–normal distribution, 4-7
project duration, 10-21
Normal task duration, 10-15. See also
Crash task duration
normal cost, 10-16
NPV. See Net Present Value (NPV)
NSP. See Nonstock production (NSP)
Number sequence and patterns, A-1–3
Numbers and prefixes, B-3
Numerical integration algorithms, 11-26
Oblate spheroid, 2-36
Ohm, 2-60, B-1, B-2
Operations analysis, 1-15
Ordinal scale, 1-22
Parabola, 2-42
area, 11-21
conic section, 11-3
cubical, 2-41, 2-42
segment, 2-31
Parabolic rule, 2-31, 11-27. See also Numerical
integration algorithms
Paraboloid of Revolution, 11-23
Parallel axis theorem, 11-24. See also Moment
of Inertia
Parallelogram, 2-27, 11-22
Pareto distribution, 1-22, 3-9, 3-38, 8-25
Parsec, B-2
Partial derivative, 11-16–17. See also
Differential calculus
Partial fractions, 2-23
general terms, 2-24
higher degree factors, 2-25
non-repeated linear factors, 2-23
polynomial, 2-23
repeated linear factors, 2-24, 2-25
PCP. See Percentage cost penalty (PCP)
PDM. See Precedence Diagramming Method
PE. See Practice of engineering (PE)
Pearson’s R, 3-30, 4-21
Pendulum, 12-7
Percentage cost penalty (PCP), 7-20
Performance uncertainties, 9-2
Period, 12-3
compounding period, 5-2
payback period, 5-9
recovery, 5-16
PERT. See Program Evaluation and
Review Technique (PERT)
Physical science(s), 1-15
equations, 2-60, C-6
Pi (π), 2-17, B-2Index-12 Index
Pica, B-2
Pipe, B-2
Planar areas, 2-31
Plane analytic geometry
angle between two lines, 2-38
cardioid, 2-40
Cassinian curves, 2-41–42
catenary cosine, 2-40
circle, 2-40
coordinates transformation, 2-39
distance, 2-37, 2-38, 2-43–45
line equation, 2-37, 2-38
plane curves, 2-40
polar coordinates, 2-40
slope, 2-37
triangle area, 2-39
Plane curves, 2-40
Point, B-2
Point–slope form, 11-1. See also
Straight line equation
Poisson distribution, 2-5, 3-4, 3-34, 4-6
Polar coordinates, 2-40, 11-10–11
regular, 2-28, 2-29, 11-23
spherical, 2-36
Polyhedron, regular, 2-33
Population mean, 2-6
Potential energy, 12-13
Power, 12-14
Power mean. See Harmonic
mean—generalized mean
Power series, 2-49, 11-15
Practice of engineering (PE), 1-16
Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM),
precedence diagram, 10-4
Predecessor activity, 10-4, 10-5
Pressure, 6-11
conversion factors, C-4
Prism, 2-32
Prismatoid, 2-33. See also Polyhedron,
Prismoid, 11-23
Probability, 2-3
desired outcomes, 2-11
expected value, 2-12, 3-31
failure, 2-3
mean value, 2-12, 3-31
principles, 3-31
project completion time, 9-7
random sampling process, 2-11
random variable, 2-12, 3-31
terminology, 2-11, 3-30
Probability distribution, 2-3
cumulative plot, 2-4
density function on plot, 2-4
expected value, 2-4
failure, 2-3
mean standard error, 2-6, 2-7
t-distribution, 2-7
variance, 2-5
Probability tree diagram, 9-5. See also
modified probability tree, 9-8
task selection, 9-5, 9-8
weather dependent task durations, 9-6
Process capability analysis, 8-20
and C
pk abuse, 8-22
capability index, 8-19–20, 8-21
capable process, 8-18
distribution, 8-18
inherent process variability, 8-21
Process variation
estimate, 8-8
unstable, 8-7
Production environment
machine requirements calculation, 6-23
personnel requirements calculation, 6-22
Profit ratio analysis, 5-42–43, 5-45
break-even chart, 5-45–46
computation, 5-44, 5-45
profit area versus loss area, 5-44
profit functions plot, 5-43
Program Evaluation and Review Technique
(PERT), 5-47, 9-3, 10-2
activity duration variance, 10-19
expected duration, 10-19
formulas, 10-19
network, 10-22
probability calculations, 10-22
project data, 10-22
skewed distribution, 10-24
symmetric distribution, 10-24
Progressions, 2-20, 11-14–15
arithmetic, 2-14
geometric, 2-15
Project analysis
activity precedence relationships, 10-4
activity time distributions, 10-19
control, 10-1
CPM scheduling, 10-2
Gantt charts plotting, 10-10Index Index-13
organizing, 10-1
PERT formulas, 10-19
planning, 10-1
project crashing, calculations for, 10-13
project duration, 10-18, 10-20
scheduling, 10-1
slacks calculation, 10-8
subcritical paths, calculations for, 10-9
Project cost estimation, 5-46
ballpark, 5-46
cost control limits, 5-48
cost variance estimation, 5-47
optimistic and pessimistic, 5-47
PERT formula, 5-47
Project crashing, 10-9
calculations for, 10-13
crashing options for CPM, 10-18
crashing ratios, 10-17
fully crashed CPM network, 10-16, 10-17
Project duration
analytical analysis, 10-20, 10-24
diagnostics, 10-18
normal distribution, 10-21
project deadline probability, 10-22–23
transformation formula, 10-21
Project scheduling. See Critical Path Method
Prolate spheroid, 2-37
Prolemy’s theorem, 2-29
Property tax, 5-22
Pulley, 12-2
Pyramid, 2-32
frustum, 2-33
volume, 2-52
QLF. See Quality loss function (QLF)
Quadratic equation, 2-1, 11-2, A-7
Chebyshev’s theorem, 2-2
combinations, 2-2, 2-3
exponents law, 2-57
overall mean, 2-2
permutation, 2-2
quadratic formula, 2-1, A-7–8
roots, 2-1, 2-57, A-7
solution, 2-21, 2-23, 2-57
Quadric surface, 11-6
cyclic, 2-29
cyclic-inscriptable, 2-30–2-31
general, 2-28
parallelogram, 2-27
rectangle, 2-27
rhombus, 2-28
theorem, 2-28–2-29
trapezoid, 2-28
Quality control, 3-22
capability ratios, 3-23
C charts, 3-24
CUSUM chart, 3-25
multivariate control charts, 3-25
NP charts, 3-25
P charts, 3-24
R charts, 3-24
S charts, 3-24
statistical, 4-13
subgroup statistics, 3-22
U charts, 3-24
X bar charts, 3-22–23
Quality loss function (QLF), 8-1. See also
Taguchi loss function
Quantity discount, 7-16, 7-18–19
items subject to, 7-18
price breakpoint, 7-17
Queuing system, 1-17
arrival process, 1-17
birth–death processes, 1-21
calling population, 1-17
components, 1-17
limiting queue length, 1-20–21
mathematical models assumption, 1-22
notation and equations, 1-19
performance measures, 1-18
queue disciplines, 1-17–18
queuing formula, 1-20
service mechanism, 1-17
service time, 1-20
short-hand representation, 1-18–19
steady-state conditions, 1-18
Quintal, B-2
Quire, B-2
R. See Range (R)
Radius of curvature, 11-17
Range (R), 8-7
Range charts (R charts), 3-24, 4-15, 8-4
control limits based on, 8-7
Ratio scale, 1-23
Rayleigh distribution, 3-9, 3-39Index-14 Index
R charts. See Range charts (R charts)
Real interest rate, 5-37
Ream, B-2
distribution, 3-4, 3-34, 4-6
parallelepiped, 2-32
nonlinear, 3-21
notation, 3-19, 4-12
predictions, 3-20–21
ridge, 3-21–22
statistics, 3-19–20, 4-12–13
Regression analysis, 7-3. See also Residual
ANOVA, 7-3
control, for, 7-4–5
determination coefficient, 7-5–6
prediction, 7-4
procedure, 7-5
regression models, 7-4, 7-6
regression relationships, 7-3–4
residual analysis, 7-7
Reliability, 9-8, 9-10
calculations, 9-7
density function of failure, 9-9
exponential distribution, 9-9, 9-11
failure distribution function, 9-9
failure rate, 9-9
formulas, 9-7, 9-10
function, 9-8, 9-10
mean time to failure (MTTF), 9-9
system, 9-9, 9-10
Research, 1-15
Residual, 3-20, 4-12
ideal residual pattern, 7-7
interdependence of error terms, 7-8
nonconstant variance, 7-8
nonlinearity, 7-8
omission of independent variables, 7-9
presence of outliers, 7-9
regression model, 7-7
Restriction, 10-4
Return on investment (ROI), 5-26
Revolution, 12-4
Risk computations
cost uncertainties, 9-1
performance uncertainties, 9-2
probability summary, 9-7
schedule uncertainties, 9-2
uncertainty, 9-1
Roentgen, B-2
ROI. See Return on investment (ROI)
Rolling motion, 12-9–10
Roman numerals, E-2
Roots, 2-19, 11-11
cubic equation, 2-22
quadratic equation, 2-1, 2-57, A-7
motion, 12-5
speed, 12-4
Sales tax, 5-22
correlogram, 7-14
point, 2-11, 3-30
Scalars, 12-3. See also Vectors
Scaling factor, 3-21, 10-10
Scatter plot, 3-12, 7-4
Schedule uncertainties, 9-2
Scheffe interval, 3-17, 4-10
Science and technology, 1-15
Science, technology, engineering, and
mathematics (STEM)

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كتاب Handbook of Industrial Engineering Equations, Formulas, and Calculations
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» كتاب Industrial-Engineering-Calculations-and-Practice
» كتاب Mathematical Formulas for Industrial and Mechanical Engineering
» كتاب Mechanical Engineering Handbook for Formulas
» كتاب Handbook of Mechanical Engineering Calculations
» كتاب Standard Handbook of Engineering Calculations

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