كتاب Jigs and Fixtures - Design Manual
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 كتاب Jigs and Fixtures - Design Manual

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مهندس تحت الاختبار
مهندس تحت الاختبار

عدد المساهمات : 26
التقييم : 68
تاريخ التسجيل : 26/03/2011
العمر : 37
الدولة : egypt
العمل : engineer

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Jigs and Fixtures - Design Manual    كتاب Jigs and Fixtures - Design Manual  Emptyالسبت 14 يونيو 2014 - 8:39

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Jigs and Fixtures - Design Manual
P. H. Joshi
Production Engineering Services
Foreword and Edited by:
Robert 0. Parmley, P.E.

كتاب Jigs and Fixtures - Design Manual  J_a_f_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Foreword to the Reprint of the Second Edition
Preface to the Second Edition
Preface to the First Edition
1. Introduction —
Production Devices 1
Inspection Devices 3
Materials Used in Jigs and Fixtures 7
Presentation of Workpieces 9
2. Location —
Principles 11
Locating Methods 16
Summary 39
3. Clamping 42
Principles of Clamping 42
Types of Clamps 46
Compensating Differential Clamps 76
Summary 77
4. Indexing Devices
Linear Indexing 79
5. Drilling Jigs 87
Drill Bushings 87
Press Fit Bushings 88
Various types of Jigs 94
Summary 110
6. Milling Fixtures
Types of Milling Machines 112
Types of Cutter 113
Direction of Feed 113
112Essentials of Milling Fixtures 113
Special Vice Jaws 116
Facing Fixtures 117
Slotting Fixtures 122
Summary 125
7. Turning Fixtures 127
Standard Chucks 129
Face Plate 133
Spring Collets 133
Cylindrical Liners 138
Mandrels 138
Turning Fixtures 142
Summary 144
8. Grinding Fixtures
Grinding 145
Cylindrical Grinding 147
9. Broaching Fixtures —
Key-way Broaching 150
External Surface Broaching 151
10. Welding and Assembly Fixtures
Pressing Fixtures 157
11. inspection Devices
Gauges 161
Special Gauges 163
Receiver Gauges 165
Workpiece Marking and Setting Gauges 168
Materials and Wear Allowance 170
12. Shop Setups 172
13. Estimating 179
Material Costs 179
Machining costs 181
Pleat treatment Expenses 182
Assembling and Try-out Costs 182
14. Reference Tables 184
15. Exercises 203
Process Planning 203
Workpieces for Practices 205
viii0 0
A renewable 89, 194
slip 90-91, 194
special 93-94
spring clamped 92
threaded 91-92
Accuracy of location 12
Adhesive clamping 75
Adjustable locators 18, 175, 177, 178
Adjustable support 15-17-19
Adjustable vee locator 37-38
Advantages of jigs & fixtures 2
Allowances for fits 4
Angle plate jig 97
Assembly fixtures 157
Axially clamped mandrels 139-140
c C‘’
Washers 60-61
Cams 61-63, 156, 186
Carbon steels 7, 195
Case hardening steels 8, 195
ferrous 8, 195-196
non-ferrous 197
Channel jig 95-96
Chucks, lathe 129-133
Clamping 42-78
adhesive 75
distortion 42
double 46, 67
electrostatic 75
fusion 75
magnetic 73-74
milling fixtures on m/c 114-115
multiple 46, 67-68
operator fatigue, elimination 43
power 68-74
Back plate for turning fixtures
Balancing turning fixtures 142
Ball, indexing 84
Bayonet clamp 63-65
Bibliography 230
Box jig 100-101
Broaching fixtures 149-152
keyway 150-151
surface 151-152
Burr clearance in location 21
Bushings collared 88, 193
collarless 89232 JigsandFixturesDesign Manual
productivity 43
spherical washer 45, 49, 188
stacking workpieces 68
summary of the chapter 77
turning fixtures to m/c 127-144
vacuum 73
workpiece variation compensation
44, 46, 49
Clamps, ‘C’ washers 60-61
cams 61-63, 156, 186
chucks (for lathes) 129-133
collets (see also Collets) 133-137
differential 76
dogs, locking 200
double ( 2 in 1) 67
Clamps edge 51-53, 55, 63, 117
equalizer clamps 46, 67
support (rectangular workpiece) 20
eyebolts 38, 46, 187
floating pads 48, 197-199
hand-operated 44
heel pins 45, 49-51, 191
hinged 55-56
hook bolts, swinging 58, 173, 189
latches 59, 60
pivoted 54-55
plate 49
position 42
quarter turn screw 65-67, 187
screw 47-48
slotted 49, 190
special 51-52, 54
spherical floating pad 48
spherical washers 45, 49, 188
strap (plate) 49, 50, 190, 192
strength 43
swinging 50-51, 192
toggle 66
two-way 56-57
types 46
‘U’ 50
welding 154
Collets, 133-137
dead length 137
liners 138
pull-in 136
push-out 135
Concentricity checking fixture 168
Conical locators 34-35
Cost reduction through jigs
& fixtures 2
Cylinder mounting styles 71
Diamond pins 29-34
Differential clamp 76
Distortion of workpiece due to
redundant locator 15
Distortion of workpiece due to
clamping 42
Dividing fixture (std) 86
Double clamping 46, 67
Dowels usage 29
Down milling 113
Drill bushings 87-94, 193-194
collared 88, 193
collarless 89
renewable 88, 194
slip 90-91, 194
special 93-94
spring clamped 92
threaded 91-92
Drill jigs 87-112
adjustable 106-109
angle plate 97
box 100Index 233
channel 96-97
indexing 80, 82, 83
leaf (latch ) 99
multispindle m/cs 105-106
plate 95
pot 95-96
pump 104
requirements 87
sandwich 103
summary of chapter 110
trunnion 101-102
turnover (table) 97-98
types 94
broaching 149-152
definition 1
face plate, lathe 134
facing on lathe 142, 143
grinding (also see Grinding
Fixtures) 145-148
inspection 168
milling (also see Milling Fixtures)
pressing, hush 157-160
turning (also see Turning Fixtures)
welding (also see Welding Fixtures)
Floating pads 48, 197-199
Flush pin gauges 163-164
Foolproofing against wrong loading
Force fit 4
Fusion clamping 75
Eccentric locator 23
Electro-static clamping 75
Elements of jigs & fixtures 1-2
Epoxy usage for nesting 147
Equalizer support for rectangular
workpieces 20
Equalizer clamps 46, 67
Expanding mandrel 140-141
Eye bolts 38, 46, 187
Estimating of jig/fixture cost 179
assembling costs 182
constituents of cost 179
example 183
heat treatment 182
machining cost 181
thumb rules 182
Exercises, workpieces 207-229
Gang milling 119
Gauges 161-171
caliper 162
center distance 165
concentricity 168-169
flush surface 163-164
keyway 163
length 162
marking 168
materials, heat treatment 170
plug 161
receiver 165-166
setting 168-170
snap 162
special 167-168
standard 161
tapered holes 163-164
Face plates for lathes 133-134
Feed direction in milling 113
Fibre usage 9
Fits 3-4
Fixtures, assembly 157234 Jigs andFixtures Design Manual
wear allowance 170-171
Grinding fixtures 145
surface 145-147
cylindrical 147
Keyway broaching fixtures 150-151
gauges 163
milling fixtures 124
Lead on locators 26-28
Leaf, latch jigs 99
Limits and fits 3-6, 184-185
Linear indexing 79-80
Liners for collets 138
Location 11-41
accuracy 12
burr clearance 21
constraints 12
cylinders 25-39
dowels usage 29
fool-proofing 15
large fixtures 21
methods 16
motion economy 13
nesting 24-25, 147
pins 23
plane surface 16
pot 28, 95-96
principles 11
profiles 22, 23
six degrees of freedom 13
six point location 21-22
summary of chapter 39
two holes 30
of turning fixtures on m/c 127-128
vee 34-39
workpiece variation effect 23,
29-34, 36-39
Locators, adjustable 18, 175, 177, 178
axial pull due to clamping 26-27
conical 34-35
diamond pin 30
Hand operated clamps 44
Heel pins 45, 49-51
adjustable (std.) 191
High speed steels 7, 195
High tensile steels 8, 195
Hook bolts, swinging 58, 173, 189
Hydraulic clamping 68-71
Independent 4-jaw chuck 129-130
Indexing Devices 79-86
ball 84
linear 79-80
plate 81-83
plungers 84
rotary 81-83
tables 83-86
Index milling 120-121
Inspection devices 2, 161, 168
fixtures 168
Interchangeability of workpieces 2
Jamming of locators 26-27
Jaws, soft (lathes) 131
special (lathes) 131-133
special (vices) 116
Jigs, drilling ( see Drill jigs) 87-112Index 235
eccentric 29-34
fixed height 16-17
jamming 26-27
redundant 14
vee (also see Vee blocks) 34-39
Locking dogs std. 200
essentials 113
indexing 81, 120
keyway 124
motion economy 115
pendulum ( reciprocal) 121
setting 114, 119
slotting 122
strength 113
string 122, 124
summary of chapter 125-126
swarf disposal 115
tenons 114-115
thrust direction 11 3
summary of chapter 125
Magnetic clamping 73-74
Mandrels 138-142
axially clamped 139-140
expanding 140-141
tapered 139
threaded 141
Marking gauge 168-170
Materials 7-9, 195-197
carbon steels 7, 195
case hardening steels 8, 195
cast-ferrous 195-196
cast-non-ferrous 197
collets, spring 7, 195
die steels 7, 195
fibre 9
gauges 170
high speed steels 7, 195
mild steel 8, 195
nylon 9
oil hardening, non-shrinking steels
8, 195
phospher bronze 9, 197
Milling 112-126
cutters 113
feed direction 113
gang 119
machines 112
rotary 121
straddle 118-119
Milling fixtures 112-126
clamping to m/c 114-115
Nesting 24-25, 147
Non-conventional clamping 75-76
Pendulum milling 121
Phospher Bronze 9, 197
Plate clamps 49
Plate jig 95
Plug gauges 161
Pneumatic clamping 71-72
Pot jig 95-96
Power clamping 68-75
Presentation of workpiece
in jigs/fixtures 9-10
Press fit 3
Press fit bushings 88-89, 193
Pressing fixture, bushing 157-159
Process planning 203-204
Principle of clamping 42
Principle of location 11236 Jigs andFixtures Design Manual
Profile location 22-23
Pump jig 104
Push fit 3
Shoulder screws 59, 191
Sighting plate location 22-23
Six degrees of freedom
(workpiece) 13
Six point location of cube 21-22
Skill reduction through jigs
& fixtures 2
Slip bushings 90, 91, 194
Slotting fixtures (milling) 122
Snap gauges 162
Softjaws (lathe) 131
Special bushings 93-94
jaws (lathes) 131-133
(vices) 116
Spherical floating pad 48
Spherical washers 45, 49, 189
Spring clamping of bushings 92
Stacking for multiple clamping 68
Steels for jigs, fixtures, tools 7, 8, 195
Straddle milling 118-119
Strap clamps 49
String milling 122-124
Standardized parts for jigs &. fixtures
Summary: clamping 77
drill jigs 110
location 39
milling fixtures 125-126
turning fixtures 144
Quarter turn screw 65-67, 187
Quick action clamps 38, 46, 61,
65, 68
Receiver gauge 165-166
Reciprocal milling 121
Reference tables 184-202
Renewable bushes 89, 194
Running fit 3
Sandwich jig 103
Self-centering chuck (lathe) 129
Second operation fixtures (turning)
Setting milling cutler 114, 119
Setting gauge (cast workpieces)
Shop set-ups 172-178
Shop set-up elements
Adjustable locators 177
for lathe 175
milling 178
Slotted plates 176
‘T’ nuts 172-173
‘T’ slot mounted edge clamps 174
hook bolts 173
vee blocks 176, 202
Tapered holes gauges 163-164
mandrel 139
Tenons for milling fixtures 114-115
Threaded bushings 91-92
mandrel 141
Thrust, feed (milling) 113
Toggle clamps 66
Tolerances for shafts and holes
184-185Index 237
Turning fixtures 127-144
alignment with m/c 127-128
back plate 127-128
balancing 142
location & clamping 127-128
summary of chapter 144
Turning (m/c ) chucks 129-133
combination 130
independent, 4 jaw 129-130
power operated 130-131
Jaws, soft 131
special 131-133
standard 132
Turning (m/c) collets 133-137
dead length 137
liners (split) 138
pull-in 136
push-out 135
Faceplates 133-134
Turnover (Table) jig 97-98
V (Vee ) blocks
adjustable 37—38
fixed 35
inclined 36
location 34
positioning correctly 36, 38, 39
quick action (long withdrawal) 38
standard for long cylinder 201
short 202
Washer, spherical 45, 49, 188
Welding clamps 154
Welding fixtures 153-159
considerations 153
for fly nut 155
angles 156, 159
pipes 157
spatter grooves 155, 156
Workpieces for exercises 207-229
Workpiece presentation in
jigs/fixtures 9-10
Workpiece variation, accommodation
in location 23, 29-34, 36-39
accommodation in clamping 44, 49
Up milling 113
Vacuum clamping 73
Variation in workpiece: accommodation in location and clamping

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عدد المساهمات : 54
التقييم : 54
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/12/2010
العمر : 38
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مهندس ميكانيكا
الجامعة : بنـــــــــــــــــــها

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عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Design of Jigs, Fixtures and Press Tools
» كتاب Metal Cutting and Design of Cutting Tools, Jigs & Fixtures
» كتاب Jigs and Fixtures - Part I
» كتاب Jigs and Fixtures - Part II
» كتاب Jigs and Fixtures - Part III

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