كتاب An Introduction to Multiagent Systems
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب An Introduction to Multiagent Systems

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19002
التقييم : 35506
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب An Introduction to Multiagent Systems    كتاب An Introduction to Multiagent Systems  Emptyالأربعاء 28 مايو 2014, 10:39 am

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
An Introduction to Multiagent Systems
Michael Wooldridge
Department of Computer Science,
University of Liverpool, Uk  

كتاب An Introduction to Multiagent Systems  A_i_t_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Introduction
1.1 The Vision Thng
1.2 Some Views of the Field
1.3 Objections to Multiagent Systems
2 Intelligent Agents
Intelligent Agents
Agents and Objects
Agents and Expert Systems
Agents as Intentional Systems
Abstract Archtectures for Intelligent Agents
How to Tell an Agent What to Do
Synthesizing Agents
3 Deductive Reasoning Agents
3.1 Agents as Theorem Provers
3.2 Agent-Oriented Programming
3.3 Concurrent MetateM
4 Practical Reasoning Agents
4.1 Practical Reasoning Equals Deliberation Plus Means-Ends Reasoning
4 . 2 Means-Ends Reasoning
4.3 Implementing a Practical Reasoning Agent
4.4 HOMER: an Agent That Plans
4.5 The Procedural Reasoning System
5 Reactive and Hybrid Agents
5.1 Brooks and the Subsumption Archtecture
5.2 The Limitations of Reactive Agents
5.3 Hybrid Agents
5.3.1 TouringMachines
5.3.2 InteRRaP
6 Multiagent Interactions
6.1 Utilities and Preferencesviii Contents
6.2 Multiagent Encounters
6.3 Dominant Strategies and Nash Equilibria
6.4 Competitive and Zero-SumInteractions
6.5 The Prisoner's Dilemma
6.6 Other Symmetric 2 x 2 Interactions
6.7 Dependence Relations in Multiagent Systems
7 Reaching Agreements
7.1 Mechanism Design
7.2 Auctions
7.3 Negotiation
7.3.1 Task-oriented domains
7.3.2 Worth-oriented domains
7.4 Argumentation
8 Communication
8.1 Speech Acts
8.1.1 Austin
8.1.2 Searle
8.1.3 The plan-based theory of speech acts
8.1.4 Speech acts as rational action
8.2 Agent Communication Languages
8.2.1 KIF
8.2.2 KQML
8.2.3 The FIPA agent communication languages
8.3 Ontologies for Agent Communication
8.4 Coordination Languages
9 Working Together
9.1 Cooperative Distributed Problem Solving
9.2 Task Sharing and Result Sharing
9.2.1 Task sharing in the Contract Net
9.3 Result Sharing
9.4 Combining Task and Result Sharing
9.5 Handling Inconsistency
9.6 Coordination
9.6.1 Coordination through partial global planning
9.6.2 Coordination through joint intentions
9.6.3 Coordination by mutual modelling
9.6.4 Coordination by norms and social laws
9.7 Mu1tiagent Planning and Synchronization
10 Methodologies
10.1 When is an Agent-Based Solution Appropriate?
10.2 Agent-Oriented Analysis and Design Techniques
10.3 Pitfalls of Agent Development
10.4 Mobile Agents
11 Applications
11.1 Agents for Workflow and Business Process Management
11.2 Agents for Distributed Sensing
11.3 Agents for Information Retrieval and Management
11.4 Agents for Electronic CommerceContents ix
11.5 Agents for Human-Computer Interfaces
11.6 Agents for Virtual Environments
11.7 Agents for Social Simulation
11.8 Agents for X
12 Logics for Multiagent Systems
12.1 Why Modal Logic?
12.2 Possible-WorldsSemantics for Modal Logics
12.3 Normal Modal Logics
12.4 Epistemic Logic for Multiagent Systems
12.5 Pro-attitudes: Goals and Desires
12.6 Common and Distributed knowledge
12.7 Integrated Theories of Agency
12.8 Formal Methods in Agent-Oriented Software Engineering
12.8.1 Formal methods in specification
12.8.2 Formal methods in implementation
12.8.3 Verification
Appendix A. A History Lesson

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