كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing, and Soldering
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 كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing, and Soldering

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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing, and Soldering Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing, and Soldering   كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing, and Soldering Emptyالإثنين 26 مايو 2014, 3:24 pm

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ASM Handbook, Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing, and Soldering

كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing, and Soldering Hqsjqoxesj99
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Fundamentals of Welding
 Fundamentals of Welding
 or Collapse 1. Energy Sources Used for Fusion Welding  1. Energy Sources Used for Fusion Welding
 1. Energy Sources Used for Fusion Welding
 or Collapse 2. Heat Flow in Fusion Welding  2. Heat Flow in Fusion Welding
 2. Heat Flow in Fusion Welding
 or Collapse 3. Fluid Flow Phenomena during Welding  3. Fluid Flow Phenomena during Welding
 3. Fluid Flow Phenomena during Welding
 or Collapse 4. Transfer of Heat and Mass to the Base Metal in Gas-Metal Arc Welding  4. Transfer of Heat and Mass to the Base Metal in Gas-Metal Arc Welding
 4. Transfer of Heat and Mass to the Base Metal in Gas-Metal Arc Welding
 or Collapse 5. Arc Physics of Gas-Tungsten Arc Welding  5. Arc Physics of Gas-Tungsten Arc Welding
 5. Arc Physics of Gas-Tungsten Arc Welding
 or Collapse 6. Power Sources  6. Power Sources
 6. Power Sources
 or Collapse 7. Fundamentals of Weld Solidification  7. Fundamentals of Weld Solidification
 7. Fundamentals of Weld Solidification
 or Collapse 8. Nature and Behavior of Fluxes Used for Welding  8. Nature and Behavior of Fluxes Used for Welding
 8. Nature and Behavior of Fluxes Used for Welding
 or Collapse 9. Shielding Gases  9. Shielding Gases
 9. Shielding Gases
 or Collapse 10. Solid-State Transformations in Weldments  10. Solid-State Transformations in Weldments
 10. Solid-State Transformations in Weldments
 or Collapse 11. Cracking Phenomena Associated with Welding  11. Cracking Phenomena Associated with Welding
 11. Cracking Phenomena Associated with Welding
 or Collapse 12. Characterization of Welds  12. Characterization of Welds
 12. Characterization of Welds
 Fundamentals of Brazing and Soldering
 Fundamentals of Brazing and Soldering
 or Collapse 13. Introduction to Brazing and Soldering  13. Introduction to Brazing and Soldering
 13. Introduction to Brazing and Soldering
 or Collapse 14. Fundamentals of Brazing  14. Fundamentals of Brazing
 14. Fundamentals of Brazing
 or Collapse 15. Fundamentals of Soldering  15. Fundamentals of Soldering
 15. Fundamentals of Soldering
 Fundamentals of Solid-State Welding
 Fundamentals of Solid-State Welding
 or Collapse 16. Introduction to Solid-State Welding  16. Introduction to Solid-State Welding
 16. Introduction to Solid-State Welding
 or Collapse 17. Fundamentals of Metal and Metal-to-Ceramic Adhesion  17. Fundamentals of Metal and Metal-to-Ceramic Adhesion
 17. Fundamentals of Metal and Metal-to-Ceramic Adhesion
 or Collapse 18. Fundamentals of Friction Welding  18. Fundamentals of Friction Welding
 18. Fundamentals of Friction Welding
 or Collapse 19. Fundamentals of Diffusion Bonding  19. Fundamentals of Diffusion Bonding
 19. Fundamentals of Diffusion Bonding
 or Collapse 20. Fundamentals of Explosion Welding  20. Fundamentals of Explosion Welding
 20. Fundamentals of Explosion Welding
 or Collapse 21. Mechanical Properties of Soft-Interlayer Solid-State Welds  21. Mechanical Properties of Soft-Interlayer Solid-State Welds
 21. Mechanical Properties of Soft-Interlayer Solid-State Welds
 Fusion Welding
 Fusion Welding
 or Collapse 22. Shielded Metal Arc Welding  22. Shielded Metal Arc Welding
 22. Shielded Metal Arc Welding
 or Collapse 23. Gas-Metal Arc Welding  23. Gas-Metal Arc Welding
 23. Gas-Metal Arc Welding
 or Collapse 24. Flux-Cored Arc Welding  24. Flux-Cored Arc Welding
 24. Flux-Cored Arc Welding
 or Collapse 25. Gas-Tungsten Arc Welding  25. Gas-Tungsten Arc Welding
 25. Gas-Tungsten Arc Welding
 or Collapse 26. Plasma Arc Welding  26. Plasma Arc Welding
 26. Plasma Arc Welding
 or Collapse 27. Carbon Arc Welding  27. Carbon Arc Welding
 27. Carbon Arc Welding
 or Collapse 28. Submerged Arc Welding  28. Submerged Arc Welding
 28. Submerged Arc Welding
 or Collapse 29. Stud Arc Welding  29. Stud Arc Welding
 29. Stud Arc Welding
 or Collapse 30. Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding  30. Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding
 30. Capacitor Discharge Stud Welding
 or Collapse 31. Plasma-MIG Welding  31. Plasma-MIG Welding
 31. Plasma-MIG Welding
 or Collapse 32. Resistance Spot Welding  32. Resistance Spot Welding
 32. Resistance Spot Welding
 or Collapse 33. Projection Welding  33. Projection Welding
 33. Projection Welding
 or Collapse 34. Resistance Seam Welding  34. Resistance Seam Welding
 34. Resistance Seam Welding
 or Collapse 35. Flash Welding  35. Flash Welding
 35. Flash Welding
 or Collapse 36. Upset Welding  36. Upset Welding
 36. Upset Welding
 or Collapse 37. High-Frequency Welding  37. High-Frequency Welding
 37. High-Frequency Welding
 or Collapse 38. Electron-Beam Welding  38. Electron-Beam Welding
 38. Electron-Beam Welding
 or Collapse 39. Laser-Beam Welding  39. Laser-Beam Welding
 39. Laser-Beam Welding
 or Collapse 40. Electroslag and Electrogas Welding  40. Electroslag and Electrogas Welding
 40. Electroslag and Electrogas Welding
 or Collapse 41. Oxyfuel Gas Welding  41. Oxyfuel Gas Welding
 41. Oxyfuel Gas Welding
 or Collapse 42. Thermite Welding  42. Thermite Welding
 42. Thermite Welding
 Solid-State Welding, Brazing, and Soldering Processes
 Solid-State Welding, Brazing, and Soldering Processes
 Solid-State Welding Processes
 Solid-State Welding Processes
 or Collapse 43. High-Temperature Solid-State Welding  43. High-Temperature Solid-State Welding
 43. High-Temperature Solid-State Welding
 or Collapse 44. Low-Temperature Solid-State Welding  44. Low-Temperature Solid-State Welding
 44. Low-Temperature Solid-State Welding
 or Collapse 45. Explosion Welding  45. Explosion Welding
 45. Explosion Welding
 or Collapse 46. Forge Welding  46. Forge Welding
 46. Forge Welding
 or Collapse 47. Cold Welding  47. Cold Welding
 47. Cold Welding
 48. Coextrusion Welding
 48. Coextrusion Welding
 or Collapse 49. Roll Welding  49. Roll Welding
 49. Roll Welding
 or Collapse 50. Friction Welding  50. Friction Welding
 50. Friction Welding
 or Collapse 51. Radial Friction Welding  51. Radial Friction Welding
 51. Radial Friction Welding
 or Collapse 52. Friction Surfacing  52. Friction Surfacing
 52. Friction Surfacing
 or Collapse 53. Ultrasonic Welding  53. Ultrasonic Welding
 53. Ultrasonic Welding
 Brazing Processes
 Brazing Processes
 or Collapse 54. Torch Brazing  54. Torch Brazing
 54. Torch Brazing
 or Collapse 55. Furnace Brazing  55. Furnace Brazing
 55. Furnace Brazing
 or Collapse 56. Induction Brazing  56. Induction Brazing
 56. Induction Brazing
 or Collapse 57. Dip Brazing  57. Dip Brazing
 57. Dip Brazing
 or Collapse 58. Resistance Brazing  58. Resistance Brazing
 58. Resistance Brazing
 or Collapse 59. Diffusion Brazing  59. Diffusion Brazing
 59. Diffusion Brazing
 or Collapse 60. Exothermic Brazing  60. Exothermic Brazing
 60. Exothermic Brazing
 or Collapse 61. Brazing with Clad Brazing Materials  61. Brazing with Clad Brazing Materials
 61. Brazing with Clad Brazing Materials
 Soldering Processes
 Soldering Processes
 or Collapse 62. Iron Soldering  62. Iron Soldering
 62. Iron Soldering
 or Collapse 63. Torch Soldering  63. Torch Soldering
 63. Torch Soldering
 or Collapse 64. Furnace and Infrared Soldering  64. Furnace and Infrared Soldering
 64. Furnace and Infrared Soldering
 or Collapse 65. Dip Soldering  65. Dip Soldering
 65. Dip Soldering
 or Collapse 66. Resistance Soldering  66. Resistance Soldering
 66. Resistance Soldering
 or Collapse 67. Laser Soldering  67. Laser Soldering
 67. Laser Soldering
 or Collapse 68. Hot Gas Soldering  68. Hot Gas Soldering
 68. Hot Gas Soldering
 or Collapse 69. Induction Soldering  69. Induction Soldering
 69. Induction Soldering
 or Collapse 70. Wave Soldering  70. Wave Soldering
 70. Wave Soldering
 71. Vapor-Phase Soldering
 71. Vapor-Phase Soldering
 Material Requirements for Service Conditions
 Material Requirements for Service Conditions
 or Collapse 72. Material Requirements for Service Conditions  72. Material Requirements for Service Conditions
 72. Material Requirements for Service Conditions
 Selection of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
 Selection of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
 or Collapse 73. Introduction to the Selection of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels  73. Introduction to the Selection of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
 73. Introduction to the Selection of Carbon and Low-Alloy Steels
 or Collapse 74. Influence of Welding on Steel Weldment Soundness  74. Influence of Welding on Steel Weldment Soundness
 74. Influence of Welding on Steel Weldment Soundness
 or Collapse 75. Influence of Welding on Steel Weldment Properties  75. Influence of Welding on Steel Weldment Properties
 75. Influence of Welding on Steel Weldment Properties
 Selection of Stainless Steels
 Selection of Stainless Steels
 76. Introduction to the Selection of Stainless Steels
 76. Introduction to the Selection of Stainless Steels
 or Collapse 77. Selection of Wrought Martensitic Stainless Steels  77. Selection of Wrought Martensitic Stainless Steels
 77. Selection of Wrought Martensitic Stainless Steels
 or Collapse 78. Selection of Wrought Ferritic Stainless Steels  78. Selection of Wrought Ferritic Stainless Steels
 78. Selection of Wrought Ferritic Stainless Steels
 or Collapse 79. Selection of Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steels  79. Selection of Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steels
 79. Selection of Wrought Austenitic Stainless Steels
 or Collapse 80. Selection of Wrought Duplex Stainless Steels  80. Selection of Wrought Duplex Stainless Steels
 80. Selection of Wrought Duplex Stainless Steels
 or Collapse 81. Selection of Wrought Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steels  81. Selection of Wrought Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steels
 81. Selection of Wrought Precipitation-Hardening Stainless Steels
 or Collapse 82. Selection of Cast Stainless Steels  82. Selection of Cast Stainless Steels
 82. Selection of Cast Stainless Steels
 or Collapse 83. Dissimilar Welds with Stainless Steel  83. Dissimilar Welds with Stainless Steel
 83. Dissimilar Welds with Stainless Steel
 Selection of Nonferrous Low-Temperature Materials
 Selection of Nonferrous Low-Temperature Materials
 or Collapse 84. Selection and Weldability of Conventional Titanium Alloys  84. Selection and Weldability of Conventional Titanium Alloys
 84. Selection and Weldability of Conventional Titanium Alloys
 or Collapse 85. Selection and Weldability of Advanced Titanium-Base Alloys  85. Selection and Weldability of Advanced Titanium-Base Alloys
 85. Selection and Weldability of Advanced Titanium-Base Alloys
 or Collapse 86. Selection and Weldability of Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys  86. Selection and Weldability of Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys
 86. Selection and Weldability of Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys
 or Collapse 87. Selection and Weldability of Non-Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys  87. Selection and Weldability of Non-Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys
 87. Selection and Weldability of Non-Heat-Treatable Aluminum Alloys
 or Collapse 88. Selection and Weldability of Dispersion-Strengthened Aluminum Alloys  88. Selection and Weldability of Dispersion-Strengthened Aluminum Alloys
 88. Selection and Weldability of Dispersion-Strengthened Aluminum Alloys
 or Collapse 89. Selection and Weldability of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys  89. Selection and Weldability of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys
 89. Selection and Weldability of Aluminum-Lithium Alloys
 or Collapse 90. Selection and Weldability of Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites  90. Selection and Weldability of Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites
 90. Selection and Weldability of Aluminum Metal-Matrix Composites
 Selection of Nonferrous High-Temperature Materials
 Selection of Nonferrous High-Temperature Materials
 or Collapse 91. General Welding Characteristics of High-Temperature Alloys  91. General Welding Characteristics of High-Temperature Alloys
 91. General Welding Characteristics of High-Temperature Alloys
 or Collapse 92. Welding Metallurgy of Nonferrous High-Temperature Materials  92. Welding Metallurgy of Nonferrous High-Temperature Materials
 92. Welding Metallurgy of Nonferrous High-Temperature Materials
 or Collapse 93. Postweld Heat Treatment of Nonferrous High-Temperature Materials  93. Postweld Heat Treatment of Nonferrous High-Temperature Materials
 93. Postweld Heat Treatment of Nonferrous High-Temperature Materials
 or Collapse 94. Special Metallurgical Welding Considerations for Nickel and Cobalt Alloys and Superalloys  94. Special Metallurgical Welding Considerations for Nickel and Cobalt Alloys and Superalloys
 94. Special Metallurgical Welding Considerations for Nickel and Cobalt Alloys and Superalloys
 or Collapse 95. Special Metallurgical Welding Considerations for Refractory Metals  95. Special Metallurgical Welding Considerations for Refractory Metals
 95. Special Metallurgical Welding Considerations for Refractory Metals
 Selection of Nonferrous Corrosion-Resistant Materials
 Selection of Nonferrous Corrosion-Resistant Materials
 or Collapse 96. Introduction to the Selection of Nonferrous Corrosion-Resistant Materials  96. Introduction to the Selection of Nonferrous Corrosion-Resistant Materials
 96. Introduction to the Selection of Nonferrous Corrosion-Resistant Materials
 or Collapse 97. Selection of Nickel, Nickel-Copper, Nickel-Chromium, and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys  97. Selection of Nickel, Nickel-Copper, Nickel-Chromium, and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys
 97. Selection of Nickel, Nickel-Copper, Nickel-Chromium, and Nickel-Chromium-Iron Alloys
 or Collapse 98. Selection of Nickel-Base Corrosion-Resistant Alloys Containing Molybdenum  98. Selection of Nickel-Base Corrosion-Resistant Alloys Containing Molybdenum
 98. Selection of Nickel-Base Corrosion-Resistant Alloys Containing Molybdenum
 or Collapse 99. Selection of Cobalt-, Titanium-, Zirconium-, and Tantalum-Base Corrosion-Resistant Alloys  99. Selection of Cobalt-, Titanium-, Zirconium-, and Tantalum-Base Corrosion-Resistant Alloys
 99. Selection of Cobalt-, Titanium-, Zirconium-, and Tantalum-Base Corrosion-Resistant Alloys
 Weldability Testing
 Weldability Testing
 or Collapse 100. Weldability Testing  100. Weldability Testing
 100. Weldability Testing
 Brazeability and Solderability of Engineering Materials
 Brazeability and Solderability of Engineering Materials
 or Collapse 101. Brazeability and Solderability of Engineering Materials  101. Brazeability and Solderability of Engineering Materials
 101. Brazeability and Solderability of Engineering Materials
 Practice Considerations for Arc Welding
 Practice Considerations for Arc Welding
 or Collapse 102. Arc Welding of Carbon Steels  102. Arc Welding of Carbon Steels
 102. Arc Welding of Carbon Steels
 or Collapse 103. Welding of Low-Alloy Steels  103. Welding of Low-Alloy Steels
 103. Welding of Low-Alloy Steels
 or Collapse 104. Welding of Stainless Steels  104. Welding of Stainless Steels
 104. Welding of Stainless Steels
 or Collapse 105. Welding of Cast Irons  105. Welding of Cast Irons
 105. Welding of Cast Irons
 or Collapse 106. Welding of Aluminum Alloys  106. Welding of Aluminum Alloys
 106. Welding of Aluminum Alloys
 or Collapse 107. Welding of Nickel Alloys  107. Welding of Nickel Alloys
 107. Welding of Nickel Alloys
 or Collapse 108. Welding of Copper Alloys  108. Welding of Copper Alloys
 108. Welding of Copper Alloys
 or Collapse 109. Welding of Magnesium Alloys  109. Welding of Magnesium Alloys
 109. Welding of Magnesium Alloys
 or Collapse 110. Welding of Titanium Alloys  110. Welding of Titanium Alloys
 110. Welding of Titanium Alloys
 or Collapse 111. Welding of Zirconium Alloys  111. Welding of Zirconium Alloys
 111. Welding of Zirconium Alloys
 or Collapse 112. Hardfacing, Weld Cladding, and Dissimilar Metal Joining  112. Hardfacing, Weld Cladding, and Dissimilar Metal Joining
 112. Hardfacing, Weld Cladding, and Dissimilar Metal Joining
 Practice Considerations for Resistance Welding and High-Energy-Beam Welding
 Practice Considerations for Resistance Welding and High-Energy-Beam Welding
 or Collapse 113. Procedure Development and Process Considerations for Resistance Welding  113. Procedure Development and Process Considerations for Resistance Welding
 113. Procedure Development and Process Considerations for Resistance Welding
 or Collapse 114. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Electron-Beam Welding  114. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Electron-Beam Welding
 114. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Electron-Beam Welding
 or Collapse 115. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Laser-Beam Welding  115. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Laser-Beam Welding
 115. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Laser-Beam Welding
 Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Solid-State Welding
 Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Solid-State Welding
 or Collapse 116. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Diffusion Welding  116. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Diffusion Welding
 116. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Diffusion Welding
 or Collapse 117. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Inertia and Direct-Drive Friction Welding  117. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Inertia and Direct-Drive Friction Welding
 117. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Inertia and Direct-Drive Friction Welding
 or Collapse 118. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Ultrasonic Welding  118. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Ultrasonic Welding
 118. Procedure Development and Practice Considerations for Ultrasonic Welding
 or Collapse 119. Procedure Development and Process Considerations for Explosion Welding  119. Procedure Development and Process Considerations for Explosion Welding
 119. Procedure Development and Process Considerations for Explosion Welding
 Practice Considerations for Brazing and Soldering
 Practice Considerations for Brazing and Soldering
 or Collapse 120. Selection Criteria for Brazing and Soldering Consumables  120. Selection Criteria for Brazing and Soldering Consumables
 120. Selection Criteria for Brazing and Soldering Consumables
 or Collapse 121. Brazing of Cast Irons and Carbon Steels  121. Brazing of Cast Irons and Carbon Steels
 121. Brazing of Cast Irons and Carbon Steels
 or Collapse 122. Brazing of Stainless Steels  122. Brazing of Stainless Steels
 122. Brazing of Stainless Steels
 or Collapse 123. Brazing of Heat-Resistant Alloys, Low-Alloy Steels, and Tool Steels  123. Brazing of Heat-Resistant Alloys, Low-Alloy Steels, and Tool Steels
 123. Brazing of Heat-Resistant Alloys, Low-Alloy Steels, and Tool Steels
 or Collapse 124. Brazing of Copper, Copper Alloys, and Precious Metals  124. Brazing of Copper, Copper Alloys, and Precious Metals
 124. Brazing of Copper, Copper Alloys, and Precious Metals
 or Collapse 125. Brazing of Aluminum Alloys  125. Brazing of Aluminum Alloys
 125. Brazing of Aluminum Alloys
 or Collapse 126. Brazing of Refractory and Reactive Metals  126. Brazing of Refractory and Reactive Metals
 126. Brazing of Refractory and Reactive Metals
 or Collapse 127. Brazing of Ceramic and Ceramic-to-Metal Joints  127. Brazing of Ceramic and Ceramic-to-Metal Joints
 127. Brazing of Ceramic and Ceramic-to-Metal Joints
 or Collapse 128. Application of Clad Brazing Materials  128. Application of Clad Brazing Materials
 128. Application of Clad Brazing Materials
 or Collapse 129. General Soldering  129. General Soldering
 129. General Soldering
 or Collapse 130. Soldering in Electronic Applications  130. Soldering in Electronic Applications
 130. Soldering in Electronic Applications
 Special Welding and Joining Topics
 Special Welding and Joining Topics
 131. Introduction to Special Welding and Joining Topics
 131. Introduction to Special Welding and Joining Topics
 or Collapse 132. Thermal Spray Coatings  132. Thermal Spray Coatings
 132. Thermal Spray Coatings
 or Collapse 133. Underwater Welding  133. Underwater Welding
 133. Underwater Welding
 or Collapse 134. Welding for Cryogenic Service  134. Welding for Cryogenic Service
 134. Welding for Cryogenic Service
 or Collapse 135. Welding in Space and Low-Gravity Environments  135. Welding in Space and Low-Gravity Environments
 135. Welding in Space and Low-Gravity Environments
 or Collapse 136. Joining of Organic-Matrix Composites  136. Joining of Organic-Matrix Composites
 136. Joining of Organic-Matrix Composites
 or Collapse 137. Joining of Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Materials  137. Joining of Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Materials
 137. Joining of Oxide-Dispersion-Strengthened Materials
 or Collapse 138. Composite-to-Metal Joining  138. Composite-to-Metal Joining
 138. Composite-to-Metal Joining
 or Collapse 139. Welding of Plastics  139. Welding of Plastics
 139. Welding of Plastics
 or Collapse 140. Intelligent Automation for Joining Technology  140. Intelligent Automation for Joining Technology
 140. Intelligent Automation for Joining Technology
 or Collapse 141. Corrosion of Weldments  141. Corrosion of Weldments
 141. Corrosion of Weldments
 Joint Evaluation and Quality Control
 Joint Evaluation and Quality Control
 or Collapse 142. Overview of Weld Discontinuities  142. Overview of Weld Discontinuities
 142. Overview of Weld Discontinuities
 or Collapse 143. Inspection of Welded Joints  143. Inspection of Welded Joints
 143. Inspection of Welded Joints
 or Collapse 144. Weld Procedure Qualification  144. Weld Procedure Qualification
 144. Weld Procedure Qualification
 or Collapse 145. Residual Stresses and Distortion  145. Residual Stresses and Distortion
 145. Residual Stresses and Distortion
 or Collapse 146. Repair Welding  146. Repair Welding
 146. Repair Welding
 or Collapse 147. Fitness-for-Service Assessment of Welded Structures  147. Fitness-for-Service Assessment of Welded Structures
 147. Fitness-for-Service Assessment of Welded Structures
 or Collapse 148. Evaluation and Quality Control of Brazed Joints  148. Evaluation and Quality Control of Brazed Joints
 148. Evaluation and Quality Control of Brazed Joints
 or Collapse 149. Evaluation and Quality Control of Soldered Joints  149. Evaluation and Quality Control of Soldered Joints
 149. Evaluation and Quality Control of Soldered Joints
 Modeling of Joining Processes
 Modeling of Joining Processes
 or Collapse 150. Numerical Aspects of Modeling Welds  150. Numerical Aspects of Modeling Welds
 150. Numerical Aspects of Modeling Welds
 or Collapse 151. Characterization and Modeling of the Heat Source  151. Characterization and Modeling of the Heat Source
 151. Characterization and Modeling of the Heat Source
 or Collapse 152. Validation Strategies for Heat-Affected Zone and Fluid-Flow Calculations  152. Validation Strategies for Heat-Affected Zone and Fluid-Flow Calculations
 152. Validation Strategies for Heat-Affected Zone and Fluid-Flow Calculations
 Cutting Processes
 Cutting Processes
 or Collapse 153. Oxyfuel Gas Cutting  153. Oxyfuel Gas Cutting
 153. Oxyfuel Gas Cutting
 or Collapse 154. Plasma Arc Cutting  154. Plasma Arc Cutting
 154. Plasma Arc Cutting
 or Collapse 155. Air-Carbon Arc Cutting  155. Air-Carbon Arc Cutting
 155. Air-Carbon Arc Cutting
 or Collapse 156. Mechanical Cutting for Welding Preparation  156. Mechanical Cutting for Welding Preparation
 156. Mechanical Cutting for Welding Preparation
 Safe Practices
 Safe Practices
 or Collapse 157. Safe Practices  157. Safe Practices
 157. Safe Practices
 Glossary of Terms
 Glossary of Terms
 Metric Conversion Guide
 Metric Conversion Guide
 Temperature Conversions
 Temperature Conversions
 Abbreviations and Symbols
 Abbreviations and Symbols
 or Collapse Index  Index

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كتاب ASM Handbook, Volume 06 - Welding, Brazing, and Soldering
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب ASM Metals Handbook Vol 06 Welding, Brazing, and Soldering
»  كتاب Soldering, Brazing & Welding - A Manual Of Techniques
» Soldering Brazing and Welding Manual of Techniques
» كتاب Soldering and Brazing
» كتاب Welding Handbook - Volume 1

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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