mustafaalsharef مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 26 التقييم : 68 تاريخ التسجيل : 26/03/2011 العمر : 37 الدولة : egypt العمل : engineer
| موضوع: كتاب Welding Inspection and Metallurgy السبت 17 مايو 2014, 9:58 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Welding Inspection and Metallurgy Downstream Segment
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
CONTENTS Page 1 SCOPE . 1 2 REFERENCES 1 2.1 Codes and Standards . 1 2.2 Other References 1 3 DEFINITIONS . 2 4 WELDING INSPECTION . 4 4.1 General 4 4.2 Tasks Prior to Welding 4 4.3 Tasks during Welding Operations . 6 4.4 Tasks Upon Completion of Welding . 7 4.5 Non-conformances and Defects 8 4.6 NDE Examiner Certification . 8 4.7 Safety Precautions . 9 5 WELDING PROCESSES 9 5.1 General 9 5.2 Shielded Metal Arc Welding (SMAW) . 9 5.3 Gas Tungsten Arc Welding (GTAW) . 9 5.4 Gas Metal Arc Welding (GMAW) 11 5.5 Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) 11 5.6 Submerged Arc Welding (SAW) . 14 5.7 Stud Arc Welding (SW) 14 6 WELDING PROCEDURE 14 6.1 General . 14 6.2 Welding Procedure Specification (WPS) 17 6.3 Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) 17 6.4 Reviewing a WPS and PQR . 18 7 WELDING MATERIALS 19 7.1 General . 19 7.2 P-number Assignment to Base Metals 19 7.3 F-number Assignment to Filler Metals 19 7.4 AWS Classification of Filler Metals 19 7.5 A-number . 19 7.6 Filler Metal Selection 20 7.7 Consumable Storage and Handling . 20 8 WELDER QUALIFICATION . 20 8.1 General . 20 8.2 Welder Performance Qualification (WPQ) . 20 8.3 Reviewing a WPQ 20 9 NON-DESTRUCTIVE EXAMINATION 21 9.1 Discontinuities . 21 9.2 Materials Identification 26 9.3 Visual Examination (VT) . 26 9.4 Magnetic Particle Examination (MT) . 27 9.5 Alternating Current Field Measurement (ACFM) . 36 9.6 Liquid Penetrant Examination (PT) 36 9.7 Eddy Current Inspection (ET) . 37 9.8 Radiographic Inspection (RT) . 37 9.9 Ultrasonic Inspection (UT) . 49 9.10 Hardness Testing . 54 9.11 Pressure and Leak Testing (LT) 54 9.12 Weld Inspection Data Recording . 54 10 METALLURGY 55 10.1 General 55 10.2 The Structure of Metals and Alloys 55 10.3 Physical Properties . 58 10.4 Mechanical Properties 59 10.5 Preheating 61 10.6 Post-weld Heat Treatment . 61 10.7 Hardening 62 10.8 Material Test Reports . 63 10.9 Weldability of Steels 63 10.10 Weldability of High-alloys . 65 11 REFINERY AND PETROCHEMICAL PLANT WELDING ISSUES . 66 11.1 General . 66 11.2 Hot Tapping and In-service Welding 67 11.3 Lack of Fusion with GMAW-S Welding Process 69 APPENDIX A TERMINOLOGY AND SYMBOLS 71 APPENDIX B ACTIONS TO ADDRESS IMPROPERLY MADE PRODUCTION WELDS . 77 APPENDIX C WELDING PROCEDURE REVIEW . 79 APPENDIX D GUIDE TO COMMON FILLER METAL SELECTION 95 APPENDIX E EXAMPLE REPORT OF RT RESULTS 99 Figures 1 SMAW Welding . 10 2 SMAW Welding Electrode during Welding 10 3 GTAW Welding Equipment 12 4 GTAW Welding . 12 5 GMAW Equipment 13 6 GMAW Welding . 13 7 FCAW Equipment . 15 8 FCAW Welding . 15 9 FCAW Welding, Self-shielded 16 10 SAW Welding . 16 11 Typical Discontinuities Present in a Single Bevel Groove Weld in a Butt Joint 23 12 Direct Visual Examination Requirements . 26 13 Inspectors Kit . 28 14 Bridge Cam Gauge . 28 15 Adjustable Fillet Weld Gauge 29 16 Skew—T Fillet Weld Gauge . 29 17 Weld Fillet Gauge 30 18 Weld Fillet Gauge 30 19 Weld Size Gauge 31 20 Hi-lo Gauge 31 21 Surface-breaking Discontinuity . 32 22 Sub-surface Discontinuity . 32 23 Weld Discontinuity . 33 24 Flux Lines 33 25 Detecting Discontinuities Transverse to Weld 34 26 Detecting Discontinuities Parallel to the Weld 34 27 Pie Gauge 35 28 Florescent Penetrant Technique . 36 29 IQI (Penetrameter) Common Hole Diameters 39 30 IQI (Penetrameter) . 39 31 Single-wall Techniques . 40 32 Double-wall Techniques . 41 33 Incomplete or Lack of Penetration (LOP) . 43 34 Interpass Slag Inclusions 43 35 Cluster Porosity . 44 36 Lack of Side Wall Fusion 44 37 Elongated Slag (Wagon Tracks) . 45 38 Burn-through . 45 39 Offset or Mismatch with Lack of Penetration (LOP) 46 40 Excessive Penetration (Icicles, Drop-through) . 46 41 Internal (Root) Undercut 47 42 Transverse Crack 47 43 Tungsten Inclusions 48 44 Root Pass Aligned Porosity 48 45 A-scan . 50 46 B-scan . 50 47 C-scan . 51 48 DAC Curve for a Specified Reference Reflector 52 49 DAC Curve for an Unknown Reflector . 52 A-1 Joint Types and Applicable Welds . 72 A-2 Symbols for Various Weld Joint . 73 A-3 Supplementary Symbols for Welds 73 A-4 Standard Weld Symbols . 74 A-5 Groove Weld Nomenclature 74 A-6 SMAW Welding Electrode Identification System . 75 A-7 GMAW/GTAW Welding Electrode Identification System 75 A-8 FCAW Welding Electrode Identification System . 75 A-9 SAW Welding Electrode Identification System . 76 B-1 Suggested Actions for Welds Made by an Incorrect Welder . 77 B-2 Steps to Address Production Welds Made by an Improper Welding Procedure 78 C-1 Sample WPS #CS-1 80 C-2 Sample PQR #CS-1 . 82 C-3 Shielded Metal-Arc Welding (SMAW) Checklist . 85 C-4 Example of Completed Shielded Metal-Arc Welding (SMAW) Checklist 88 Tables 1 P-number Assignments 19 2 Common Types of Discontinuities . 22 3 Commonly Used NDE Methods . 22 4 Capability of the Applicable Inspection Method for Weld Type Joints . 23 5 Capability of the Applicable Inspection Method vs. Discontinuity 24 6 Discontinuities Commonly Encountered with Welding Processes 25 7 ASTM E 142 IQIs (Penetrameters) 38 8 Conditions that May Exist in a Material or Product 56 9 Results of Non-destructive Examination 56 10 Results of Application of Acceptance/Rejection Criteria 56 11 Brinell Hardness Limits for Steels in Refining Services 63 12 Weld Crack Tests . 65 13 Hot Tapping/In-service Welding Hazards Associated with Some Particular Substances 68 D-1 Common Welding Consumables for SMAW of Carbon and Low-alloy Steel . 95 D-2 Common Welding Consumables for SMAW of Stainless Steels 96 D-3 Copper-nickel and Nickel-based Alloys . 97 D-4 Classification Changes in Low-alloy Filler Metal Designations
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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Welding Inspection and Metallurgy السبت 17 مايو 2014, 6:22 pm | |
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