am90 مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 6 التقييم : 14 تاريخ التسجيل : 14/02/2013 العمر : 32 الدولة : egypt العمل : student الجامعة : fayoum
| موضوع: كتاب work system ل groover الثلاثاء 11 فبراير 2014, 1:07 pm | |
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته : اقدم لكم اليوم كتاب Work Systems: The Methods, Measurement & Management of Work
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Work Systems - The Methods, Measurement & Management of Work Mikell P. Groover Contents Preface About the Author 1 Introduction 1.1 The Nature of Work 1.2 Defining Work Systems 1.3 Types of Occupations .1.4 Productivity 1.5 Organization of the Book Part I Work Systems and How They Work 2 Manual Work and Worker-Machine Systems 2.1 Manual Work Systems 2.2 Worker-Machine Systems 2.3 Automated Work Systems 2.4 Determining Worker and Machine Requirements 2.5 Machine Clusters 3 Work Flow and Batch Processing 3.1 Sequential Operations and Work Flow 3.2 Batch Processing 3.3 Defects in Sequential Operations and Batch Processing 3.4 Work Cells and Worker Teams 4 Manual Assembly Lines 4.1 Fundamentals of Manual Assembly Lines 4.2 Analysis of Single Model Assembly Lines 4.3 Line Balancing Algorithms 4.4 Other Considerations in Assembly Line Design 4.5 Alternative Assembly Systems 5 Logistics Operations 113 5.1 Introduction to Logistics 114 5.2 Transportation Operations 120 5.3 Material Handling 126 5.4 Quantitative Analysis of Material-Handling Operations 140 6 Service Operations and Office Work 153 6.1 Service Operations 153 6.2 Office Work 162 7 Projects and Project Management 133 7.1 Projects 174 7.2 Project Management 177 7.3 Project SchedulingTechniques 179 7.4 Project Crashing 192 7.5 Software for Projects 195 Part II Methods Engineering and Layout Planning 205 8 Introduction to Methods Engineering and Operations Analysis 207 8.1 Evolution and Scope of Methods Engineering 209 8.2 How to Apply Methods Engineering 210 8.3 Basic Data Collection and Analysis Techniques 216 8.4 Methods Engineering and Automation 225 9 Charting and Diagramming Techniques for Operations Analysis 232 9.1 Overview of Charting and Diagramming Techniques 233 9.2 Network Diagrams 234 9.3 Traditional Industrial Engineering Charting and Diagramming Techniques 235 9.4 Block Diagrams and Process Maps 246 10 Motion Study and Work Design 259 10.1 Basic Motion Elements and Work Analysis 260 10.2 Principles of Motion Economy and Work Design 263 11 Facility Layout Planning and Design 270 11.1 Types of Production Plant Layouts 279 11.2 Other Types of Layouts 286 11.3 Systematic Layout Planning 289 Contents vii Part III Time Study and Work Measurement 12 Introduction to Work Measurement 12.1 Time Standards and How They Are Determined 12.2 Prerequisites for Valid Time Standards 12.3 Allowances in Time Standards 12.4 Accuracy, Precision, and Application Speed Ratio in Work Measurement 13 Direct Time Study 13.1 Direct Time Study Procedure 13.2 Number of Work Cycles to be Timed 13.3 Performance Rating 13.4 Time Study Equipment 14 Predetermined Motion Time Systems 14.1 Overview of Predetermined Motion Time Systems 14.2 Methods-Time Measurement (MTM) 14.3 Maynard Operation Sequence Technique (MOST) 15 Standard Data Systems 15.1 Using a Standard Data System 15.2 Developing a Standard Data System 15.3 Work Element Classification in Standard Data Systems 15.4 Analysis of Machine-Controlled Element Times 15.5 SDS Advantages and Disadvantages 16 Work Sampling 16.1 How Work Sampling Works 16.2 Statistical Basis of Work Sampling 16.3 Application Issues in Work Sampling 17 Computerized Work Measurement and Standards Maintenance 17.1 Computer Systems for Direct Time Study and Work Sampling 17.2 Computerized Systems Based on Predetermined Motion Times and Standard Data 17.3 Work Measurement Based on Expert Systems 17.4 Maintenance of Time Standards 18 The Economics and Applications of Time Standards 18.1 Economic Justification of Work Measurement 18.2 Applications of Time Standards and Time Study 19 Learning Curves 19.1 Learning Curve Theory 19.2 Why the Learning Curve Occurs viii Contents 19.3 Determining the Learning Rate 495 19.4 Factors Affecting the Learning Curve 497 19.5 Learning Curve Applications 504 19.6 Time Standards Versus the Learning Curve 504 Part IY New Approaches in Process Improvement and Work Management 511 20 Learn Production 513 20.1 Elimination of Waste 516 20.2 Just-in-Time Production 518 20.3 Autonomation 526 20.4 Worker Involvement 531 21 Six Sigma and Other Quality Programs 540 21.1 Overview and Statistical Basis of Six Sigma 541 21.2 The Six Sigma DMAIC Procedure 545 21.3 Other Quality Programs 554 Appendix 21A: Sigma Levels, Defects per Million, Fraction Defect Rate, and Yield in Six Sigma 556 Part Y Ergonomics and Human Factors in the Workplace 563 22 Introduction to Ergonomics and Human Factors 565 22.1 Overview of Ergonomics ' 568 22.2 Human-Machine Systems 571 22.3 Topic Areas in Ergonomics 575 23 Physical Ergonomics:Work Physiology and Anthropometry 580 23.1 Human Physiology 581 23.2 Muscular Effort and Work Physiology 587 23.3 Anthropometry 598 24 Cognitive Ergonomics:The Human Sensory System and Information Processing 609 24.1 The Human Sensory System 610 24.2 Perception 621 24.3 Attention Resources 623 24.4 Memory 626 24.5 Response Selection and Execution 629 24.6 Common Cognitive Tasks 633 24.7 Design Guidelines for Cognitive Work 639 Contents ix 25 The Physical Work Environment 645 25.1 The Visual Environment and Lighting 645 25.2 The Auditory Environment and Noise 654 25.3 Climate Control in the Work Environment 660 26 Occupational Safety and Health 668 26.1 Industrial Accidents and Injuries 669 26.2 Occupational Disorders and Diseases 676 26.3 Occupational Safety Health Laws and Agencies 676 26.4 Safety and Health Performance Metrics 680 Part VI Traditional Topics in Work Management 685 27 Work Organization 687 27.1 Organization Principles 688 27.2 Organization Structures 695 28 Worker Motivation and the Social Organization at Work 707 28.1 Motivation and Job Satisfaction 707 28.2 The Social Organization at Work 714 29 Job Evaluation and Performance Appraisal 719 29.1 Job Evaluation 720 29.2 Performance Appraisal 732 30 Compensation Systems 735 30.1 Overview of Compensation Systems ' 736 30.2 Time-Based Pay Systems 738 30.3 Direct Wage Incentive Systems 741 30.4 Gain Sharing 754 30.5 Profit Sharing 758 Appendix: Statistical Tables 765 A1 Standard Normal Distribution 765 A2 Student t Distribution 766 Index
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عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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