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عدد المساهمات : 18956 التقييم : 35374 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب 1800 Mechanical Movements, Devices and Appliances الإثنين 20 يناير 2014, 1:24 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب 1800 Mechanical Movements, Devices and Appliances
يطرح 1800 ألية مختلفة لماكينات وأجزاء من ماكينات مما يتيح للطالب والمصمم توسيع افق التخيل وإلمامه بالأشكال المختلفة للأليات
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
CONTENTS. SECTION 1. THE MECHANICAL POWERS. WEIGHT, RESOLUTION OF FORCES, PRESSURES, LEVERS, PULLEYS, TACKLB. The Resolution of Suspension-l.ever Paradox-The Lever and Its POWeJIThe Inclined Plane-The Wedge-The Screw-Worm Gear or Endless Screw -ChineseWheel-Tackle Blocks-Chinese'Windlass-Chinese ShaftDerrickCompound Weight Motor-Rope Twist Lever-Spanish Windlass-Rope Grip Hook-Guy Rope Clip and Thimble-Rope End-Hemp Rope End••.1'1 to 28 SECTION II. TRANSMISSION OF POWER. LPRS, BELTS, FRICTION GEAR, SPUR, BEYEL, AND SCREW GEAR. Alternating Circular Motion-Circular Motion-Eccentric Crank-Capstan, or Vertical Windlass-Steering Gear-Jumping Motion-Rope Sprocket WheelV·GroovedRope Pulley'-Rope Transmission-Vibratory Motion-Transmission by Rope-Transmission by Rope to a Portable Drill or Swing Saw-Horizontal Rope Transmission-Rope Transmission-Rope Transmission to a Movable Shaft-Vertical Tension Carriage-Belt Lacing-Novel Belt Lacing-Overand-Over Lacing-Interlocking Belt Lacing-Cross Lacing-Sectional Belt Lacing-Quarter Twist Belt-Full Twist Belt-Full Twist or Cross Belt-Belting to a Shaft at any Angle-Quarter Twist Return Belt-Change Speed Step Pulleys-Cone Pulleys-Curved Cone Pulleys-ShiftingDevicefor Cone Pulleys -Belt Transmission-Belt Transmission of Power-Variable Transmission of Motion-Stop, Driving, and Reversing Motion-Two Speed Pulleys and BeltsPulleys, Combined with a Differential Gear-Transmission of Two SpeedsTwo-Speed Gear-Variable Speed or Cone Gearing-Transmission of Power -Frictional Rectilinear Motion-Variable Rotary Motion-Variable Motion -Friction Gear-Transmission of Variable Speed-Variable Speed GearTransmission of Rotary Motion-Combination of Friction Gear-Grooved Friction Gearing-Variable Motion-Transmission ofCircular Motion-ThreeCrank Link-Sprocket Wheel and Chain-LinkBelt and Pulley-ToothedLink Chain and Pulley-Step Gear-V-Toothed Gearing-Oblique Tooth Gear-V-Toothed Gear-Split Spur Gear-Star Wheel Gear-Elastic Spur Gear-Internal Spur Gearand Pinion-Bevel Gears-Crown Wheel-Spiral Gearing-Oblique, Spur, and Bevel Gear-Oblique Bevel Gear-Gear Train-Worm Gear-Skew Worm and Wheel Gear-Uniform Intermittent Motion-Variable Speed Bevel Gear. 29 to 46 4 CONTENTS. SECTION III. MEASUREMENT OF POWER.. SPEED, PRESSURE, WEIGHT, NUMBERS, QUANTITIES, AND, APPLIANCJtS. Prony Brake-The Prony Brake Rule-" Webber" Dynamometer-MeasUJeo ment of Power-"Tatham's" Dynamometer-Bell-Crank Dynamometer- " Neer's " Rotary Transmitting Dynamometer-"Van Winkle's" Power MeterTraction Recording Dynamometer-Friction Machine-Torsion DynamometerTensile Testing Machine-Bourdon Pressure Gauge-CorrugatedTube-Pressure Gauge-Recording Pressure Gauge-Parallel Motion of the Indicator-Parallel Motion for the Indicator-"Amsler" Planimeter-" Lippincott" PlanimeterCentrifugal Speed Indicator-Speed Indicator-Meter Dial-AutomaticTipping Scale-Double Link Balanced Scale-Differential Weighing Beam-Engine Counter-Operation ofa Counter-Intermittent Rotary Motion-Tire Measure Co~ter•••••. t."." •• "",,, •• ,,,,,,,,,, •••• ".""""" •• "."""" •. ,, ••••• ,, •••47 to 56 SECTION IV. STEAM POWER. BoILERS AND ADJUNCTS, ENGINES, VALVES AND VALVE GEAR, PARALLEL MOTION GEAR, GoVERNORS AND ENGINE DEVICES, ROTARY ENGINES, OSCILLATING ENGINES. "Stevens"Boiler-PlainCylindrical Boilers-Hanging Water Drum Cylindrical Boiler-Cylindrical Double Flue Boiler-Internally Fired Flue Boiler-Horizontal Tubular Boiler-Locomotive Boiler-Marine Boiler-" Eclipse" Return TubularMarine Boiler-" Galloway" Boiler-InternalFired Cylindrical Tubular Boiler-" Dion " Vehicle Boiler-" Babcock and Wilcox" Water Tube Boiler- "H:mison" Boiler-Submerged Head Vertical Boiler-" Hlirreshoff" Boiler- " Thornycroft" Boiler-" See" Water Tube Boiler-" Yarrow" Water Tube Boiler-" Boyer's" WaterTube Boiler-" Hazelton" Boiler-"Climax" Boiler- " Moyes" Water Tube Boiler-" Wheeler" Vertical Tube Boiler-" Cahall" Vertical WaterTube Boiler-Vertical'WaterTubeBoiler-Boilerofthe" Serpollet " Tricycle-" Serpollet's" Steam Generator-" Sll1"Ves " Boiler Tube-Shakingand Tipping Furnace Grate-Shaking Grate for a BoUer Furnace-Furnace Grate with Dumping Sections-"Columbia" Stoker-"Playford"Mechanical Stoker- "American" Boiler Stoker-Mechanical Stoker-" Jones" Model of a Mechan. ical Stoker-" Meissner" Model of a Mechanical Stoker for a Furnace-Feed Worm and Air Blast-Petroleum Burner-Pop Safety Valve-Differential Seat Safety Valve-Safety Valve-Original Form of the lEolipile or Hero's Steam Engine-Steeple Engine-Vertical Engine, with Bell-Crank Lever-Inclined Paddle·Wheel Engine-Diagonal Twin·Screw Engine-Twin-Screw Vertical Cylinder Engine-Trunk Engine-Oscillating Engine-Compound Oscillating Engine-Oscillating Hoisting Engine-Three-Cylinder Engine-Tandem Com· pound 'Vertical Engine-Compound Engines-Compound Yacht EngineHigh-Speed Tandem Compound Engine-Modem High-Speed EngiMSingle D Slide Valve-Balanced Slide Valve-Double-Ported Slide Valve CONTENTS. 5 .. Meyer".Cut-off Valve-Single D Slide Valve-Gridiro'n Slide Valve-Rotary Valves-Steam Engine Valve' Chest-Balanced Slide Valve-Balanced Slide Valve (Buchanan & Richter's Patent)~" Richardson-Allen" Balanced Slide Valve-Balanced Throttle Valve-Wing Throttle Valve-Multiple Port Piston Throttle Valve-" Corliss" Valve Gear-Locomotive Link-Motion Valve Gear -Walschaert's Valve Gear-Reversing Link Motion-Valve Gear-"Joy's" Valve Gear-"Bremme" Valve Gear-Single Eccentric Valve Gear-Cam-Bar Valve Movement-Valve Gear of a Cornish Engine-Variable Expansion Gear -Single Eccentric Variable Valve Throw-"Allen" Valve Lift or Toe-Tappet Lever Valve Motion-Starting Lever-Simple Unhooking Device-Simple Re· versing Gear-" Joy's" Hydraulic Shifting Eccentric-Shifting EccentricValve Motion Fccentric-" Peaucellier's" Parallel Motion-Parallel Motion -" Cartwright's" Parallel Motion-Cross-Head Slide-Rack Gear Parallel Motion-" Watt" Governor-Compensating Governor-Gravity Centrifugal Governor-Engine Governor-Centrifugal Ball Governor-Inverted Governor -Direct-Acting Centrifugal Governor-Spring Balanced Centrifugal Governor -Parabolic Governor-" Anderson's" Gyroscope Governor-HoriZl'ntal Centrifugal Governor-Vane or Wing Governor-Governor for a Steam EngineDifferential Governor-" Huntoon" Governor-" Proell "Governor--"Porter" Governor-" Richal,"dson " Governor-Principle of the "Pickering" Governor -" Pickering" Governor-Pulley or Fly-Wheel Governor-Crank-Shaft Governor-Fly-Wheel or Pulley Governor-Slotted Cross-Head-Trammel CrankCrank-Pin Lubricator-Centrifugal Crank-Pin Oiler-Centrifugal Lubricating Device-" Cochrane" Rotary Engine-" Franchot" Rotary Engine-Double Slide Piston Rotary Engine-"Lamb" Rotary Engine-" Cochrane" Rotary Engine-Rotary Engine-" Napuer" Rotary Engine-Roller Piston Rotary Engine-" Cochrane" RotaryEngine-" Boardman" Rotary Engine-" Smith" Rotary Engine-" Berrenburg" Rotary Engine-u Fletcher's" Rotary Condensing Engine-u Bartrum and Powell" Rotary Engine-" Ritter" Rotary Engine-"Holly" Rotary Engine-" Stocker" Rotary Engine-" Forrester" Rotary Engine-" Kipp" Rotary Piston Engine-" Ruth's" Rotary Engine- ..Almond" Engine-Rotating Cylinder Engine-Rotary Multicylinder Engine -"Bates" Compound Vibrating Engine-" Davies'" Disc Engine-" Reuleaux" Engine or Pump-" Link"Vibratory Engine-Oscillating Piston Engine -Vibrating Piston Engine-" Knickerbocker" Four Piston Rotary Engine- .. Root's" Double Quadrant Engine-" Root's" Square Piston Engine- "Dake" Square Piston Engine-" Wilkinson's" Steam Turbine-" Dow" Steam Turbine-" De Laval" Steam Turbine-" Parsons'" Steam Turbine. 57 to 102 SECTION V. STEAM APPLIANCES. [N]ECTORS, STEAM PUMPS, CONDENSERS, SEPARATORS, TRAPS, AND VALVES "Peerless" Injector-" Shaeffer and Budenberg t' Injector-" National" Automatic Injector-" Metropolitan" Injector-" Lunkenheimer" Injector- "Eberman" Injector-" Nathan" Injector-"Little Giant" tnjector-" Penberthy" Special Injector-" Park" Injector-" Sellers'" Restarting Injector 6 -"Little GiaDt" Locomotive Injector-cc Metropolitan. " Double·Tube Injector -"Brownley" Injector-" Leader" Injector-cc Excelsior" Injector-" Korting" Injector-" Hancock " Inspirator-Ball-Valve Injector-II Hancock"Loco· motive Inspirator-" Standard" Injector-" Sellers'" Self-AdjustingInjectorSteam Pump-" Misch's" Valve Tappet-Independent Jet Condenser PumpEjector Condenser-Exhaust Jet Condenser-Balanced Reducing Valve-Presure ReducingValve-"Foster" Pressure ReducingValve-" Hotchkiss" Boiler Cleaner-Feed-Water Heater-Steam Separator-Filter for Boiler-Return Steam Trap-Spring Steam Trap-Steam Trap-" Bundy" Steam TrapSteam Trap with Valve-" Heintz" Steam Trap-cc Moran's" Flexible Steam Joint-Corrugated Expansion Co~pling-Flanged Expansion Joint-Automatic .Relief Valve-Horizontal Swing Check Valve-Globe Valve-Exhaust Steam Head-Centrifugal Exhaust Head.......•••..••..••..••••103 to II6 SECTION VI. MOTIVE POWER. GAS AND GASOLINE E:NGINES, VALVE GEAR AND ApPLV\.NCES, CONNECTING RODS AND HEADS. Gasoline Engine-Sectional Plan ofa Gasoline Engine-Simple Gas or Gasoline Engine-Gasoline Engine Valve Gear-"Union" Model Gas Engine-Gasoline Carriage Motor-Vertical Gasoline Engine-Vertical Kerosene Oil Engine- "Diesel" Motor-Vertical Gas Engine-Street Railway Gas Motor Passenger Car ·-Gasoline Motor Car-Valve Gear-Double-Grooved Eccentric Valve Gearfor a Four-cycle Gas Engine-Plumb-Bob Governor-Inertia Governor-Pendulum Governor-Differential Cam Throw-Governor and Variable Cam-Inlet Valve-Gas Eugine Valve Gear-Gasoline Vaporizer-Carburetter-Automatic Oiler-UniformAutomatic Oiler-CrJ.nk-Rod Head Adjustment-Trunk Piston Rod-Connecting Rod Head-Connecting Rod End-Solid Strap End-Steel Ball Adjustment-Solid End Connecting Rod-Forked End Connecting Rod -Adjustable Link-Link or Connecting Rod.............. " ••. 117 to 130 SECTION VII. HYDRAULIC POWER AND DEVICES. WATEll WHEELS, 'f.URBINES, GOVERNORS, IMPACT WHEELS, PUMPS, ROTAllY PUMPS, SIPHONS, WATEll LIFTS, EJECTORS, WATEll RAMS, METEllS, INDICATOllS, PRESSUllE REGULATOllS, VALVES, PIPE JOINTS, FILTERS. Overshot Water Wheel-Iron Overshot Wheel-Undershot Water WheelSaw-Mill Water Wheel-Breast Water Wheel-Flutter Wheel-Barker Wheel -Current Motor-Current'Water Wheel-Fixed Bucket Water-Raising Current Wheel-Bucketed Water-Raising Current Wheel-Current Wheel Water Lift-Drainage Wheel-Persian Wheel-Ancient Water Lift-"Archimedian" Screw Water Lift-Volute Turbine-High·PresS"ure Turbine-" Leffel" Dou· ble-Runner Turbine-"Jonval" Turbine-Turbine and Gate-" Lancaster" Turbine-" Mnnson" Double Turbine-"Camden" Turbine-cc Model" Turbine CONTENTS. 'I -"Swain" Turbine-" Wauen" Central Discharge Turbine-"Fourneron" Turbine-Belt Water·Wheel Governor-Water Wheel Governor-Impact Water Wheel-Pelton Water Wheel-Buckets of a Pelton Water WheelPower of Water--Compound Beam Pumping Engine-"Dean" Steam Pump -Worthington Duplex Pump-Half·Yoke Connection-Yoke ConnectionReversing Movement-Double·Acting Lift and Force Pump-Double-Acting Differential Pump-Lift and Force Pump-Tramp Pumping Device-Lift Pump -Double Lantern Bellows Pump or Blower-Diaphragm Pump-"Fairburn .. Bailing Scoop-Pendulum Water Lift--Chain Pump-Reciprocating MotionWell Pulley and Buckets-Swape, or New Engine Sweep-Parallel Motion- .. Golding" Centrifugal Pump-" Quimby" Screw Pump-Rotary Pump-" Pappenheim" Rotary Pump-" Repsold" Rotary Pump-Tri·Axial Rotary Pump -Rotary Pump or Motor-"Cary" Rotary Pump-Vacuum Jet Condenser and Rotary Pump-cc Ramelli" Rotary Pump-" Heppel" Rotary Pump- .. Emem.. Rotary Pump-"Knott" Rotary Pump-u Pattison" Rotary Pump -" Cochrane" Rotary Pump-Hydraulic Transmission of Power-SiphonEjector or Jet Pum~Automatic Water Ejector-Automatic SprinklerHydraulic Ram_u Pearsall's" Hydraulic Ram and Air Compressor-Silent Hydraulic Ram-Double·Piston Reaction Hydraulic Ram-Water Meter-Disc Water Meter-Water Velocity Indicator and Register-Anchored Ferry 1$oat- ..Mueller" Water·Pressure Regulator-" Mason" Water·Pressure RegulatorPump Water·Pressure Regulating Valve-Hydraulic Press-Hydrostatic Press -Hydraulic Intensifier-Portable Hydraulic Riveter-Hydraulic RaU Bender -Hydraulic RaU Punch-Hydraulic Elevator Lift-Horizontal Hydraulic Elevator Lift-Hydraulic Pulling Jack-Water Purifying Filter-Reversible Filter-Filtering Cistern-Upward Flow Filter-Domestic Filter-Porous Water Filter-Stoneware Filter-" Ward" Flexible Pipe Joint-Flexible Ball Joint-Flexible Pipe Joints-Universal Pipe Joint-Toggle Clip Pipe JointBibb-Disc Valve and Guard-Double-Beat Disc Valve-Hydraulic ValveMultiple Ball Valve-Multiple Ring Valve-Double-Beat Pump Valve-Vibra· ting Motion-Variable Compensating Weights-Sand Auger-Driven WellAutomatic Flush Sewer Tank-Atomizer-Ball and Jet Nozzle-Spray Jet Nozzle-Hero's Fountain-"Chapman" Aspirator or Vacuum Pump-Hy. draulic Lift•••••• ~ ............................................131 to 164 SECTION VIII. AIR POWER APPLIANCES. WINDMILLS. BELLOWS, BLOWERS, AIR COMPRESSORS, COMPRESSED AIR TooLs, MOTORS, AIR WATER LIFTS, BLOWPIPES. Aneroid Barometer, Box Kite-Curved Vane Windmill or Motor-Feathering Windmill-Hemispherical Cup Windmill-Windmill of our GrandfathersWindmill and Steel Tower-Modern Windmill-Ancient Windmill-Electric Windmill Plant-Smith's Circular Bellows-Double Organ·Blowing Bellows -Three·Throw Bellows-Foot Bellows-Fan Blower-"Hodges" Compound Mower-u Wedding" Rotary Blower-U Fabry" Rotary Blower-cc Root" Rotary Blower-Hydraulic Air Compressor-Piston Hydraulic Air Compressor -Tromp or Hydraulic Air Blast-Air Compressor-HydraulicAir Compress~r 8 CONTENTS. -Automatic Air Compressor-Water-Jet Air Compressor-Trunk Air Compressor-Duplex Steam-Actuated Air Compressor-Compound Air Com· pressor-Duplex Air Compressor-Tog&'. ·Joint Duplex Air CompressorAir Compressor Cylinder-Piston and Valves-Air·Compressing CylinderAir Compressor Governor-Air-Cooling Receiver-Single Valve Air Pump-:- Crank Equalizing Angle-Crank Equalizing Angle inAir Compression-Direct Air Pressure Pump-Compressed Air Water Elevator-Raising Sunken Vessels-Compressed Air Lift System-Compressed Air Power-Compound Pneumatic Locomotive-Pneumatic Paint Sprayer-Portable Fire Ex· tinguisher-Fire Extinguisher-Compressed Air Lift-Duplex Pneumatic Riveter-Pneumatic Hammer-" Hotchkiss" Atmospheric Hammer-"Grim· shaw" Compressed Air Hammer-Compressed Air Sheepshearing MachinePortable Riveter-Pneumatic Portabll! Riveter-Pneumatic Breast DrillPneumatic Motor Drill Stock-Air and Gasoline Torch-Torch Soldering Copper-Air and Gasoline Vapor Brazer-Air and Gasoline Brazing ApparatusDouble Cone Ventilator-Spiral Vane or Cowl-Wind Instruments. 165 to 188 SECTION IX. ELECTRIC POWER .AND CONSTRUCTION. GENERATORS, MOTORS, WIRING, COJofTR01.LING AND MEASt:::'ING, LIGHTING, ELECTRIC FURNACES, FANS, SEARCHLIGHT, AND ELECTRIC ApPLIANCES. Series Wound Motor or Generator-Electric Generator Construction-Single. Pole Shunt Generator-Four-Pole Ring Armature-Ring Armature-Two-Pole or Shuttle Spool Aqnature-Shuttle Armature-Multiple Brush CommutatorBipolar Shunt Generator-Four-Pole Compound Generator-Electric Gener· ator Construction-Consequent-Pole Compound GeneI'ator-Triple-Expansion Engine and Multipolar Dynamo-Direct-Connected Vertical Compound Engine -Flexible Coupling-Car Truck Motors-Electric Fusible Cut-Out-Rheostat or Resistance Coils-Trolley Car-Sectional Feeder System-Street Railway Single Motor-Electric Car Brake-Electric Street-Car Brake-Electric Igniter -Sparking Dynamo-Magneto-Electric Machine-Electric Thermostat-Telephone Transmitter-Telephone Receiver-Electric Gas Lighter-Pocket Electric Light-Arc Light and Regulating Gear-Luminous Fountain-Electric Heater-Electric Soldering Copper-Electric Sad Iron-Electric SearchlightElectric Furnace-Open-top Electric Furnace-" Siemens" Electric Gas Fur· nace-"Cowles" Electric Furnace-Electric Welding Plant-Portable Electric Motor Drill Plant-Electric Perforating Pen-Electric Hoist-Electric Brake -Electric Rock Drill-Electric Fan-Electric-Driven Fan.•••••••• 189 to 204 SECTION X. NAVIGATION AND ROADS. VBSSELS, SAILS, ROPE KNOTS, PADDLE WHEELS, PROPELLERS, ROAD SCRAPERS AND ROLLERS, VEHICLES., MOTOR CARRIAGES, TRICYCLES, BICYCLES, AND MOTOR ADJUNCTS. Leg-of-Mutton Sail-Skip Jack-Square or Lug Sail-Lateen Rig-Split Lug or Square Sail-Two-Masted or Dipping Lug-Newport Cat-Boat-Sloop CONTENTS. 9 Lateen-Rigged Felucca-Pirogue-Three-Quarter Lug Rig-" Sliding Gunter" -Skiff Yawl Rig-Sloop Yawl-Jib Topsail Sloop-The Cutter-Schooner Rig-Full Schooner Rig-Topsail Schooner-Club Topsail Rig-Hermaphrodite Brig-A Brigantine-A Barkentine-FuU-Rigged Brig-A Bark-FullRigged Ship-Ice Boat-Rope Knots and Hitches-Clove Hitch-Half Hitch -Timber Hitch-Square or Reef Knot-Stevedore Knot-Slip Knot-Flem· ing Loop-Bowline Knot-Carrick Bend-Sheet Bend an.d Toggle-Sheet Bend-Overhand Knot-Figure Eight Knot-Double Knot-Blackwall Tackle Hitch-Fisherman's Bend Hitch-Round Tum and Half Hitch-Chain Stop -Disengaging.Hook-Slip Hook-Releasing Hook-Boat-Detaching HookSwinging Oar-lock-Pivoted Step&'-Screw Anchor-Floating LighthouseStone Dry-Dock-Floating Dry-Dock-Feathering Paddle Wheel or Water Motor-Vertical Bucket Paddle Wheel-Feathering Paddle Wheel-Outward Thrust Propeller Wheel-Screw Propeller-Reversing Propel1er-:-Reversing Screw PropeUer--Screw Propulsion-Thrust Bearing-" Silver's" Marine Governor-Deep-Sea Sounding Ball-SoundingWeight Release-SamplerSounding Weight-Submarine Lamp-Road Builders'Level- Road Machine-Reversible Road Roller-Roali Roller-Single Eccentric Reversing Gear-Elastic Wheel -Spring Wheel-Application of Trace Springs-" Serpollet's" Steam Tricycle -Steam Fire Engine-Jacketless Gasoline Carriage Motor-Gasoline Motor Carriage-Light Electric Carriage-Electric Phaeton-Electric BroughamDifferential Gear-Baby-Carrier Tricycle-Electric Tricycle-Ice BicycleBicycle Gear-Bicycle Crank-Swinging Ball-Bearing Bicycle Pedal-A. F. Haven's Planetary Crank Gear-Detachable Link Chain-BaIl-Bearing Problem -Acetylene ~cycle Lamp-Bicycle Lamp•....•••••••••••••••••••205 to 228 SECTION XI. GEARING. RACKS AND PINIONS; SPIRAL, EI.LIPTICAL AND WORM GEAR; DIFFERENTIAL AND STop·MoTION GEAR; EPICYCLICAL AND PLANETARY TRAINS; "FEB.' GUSON'S" P ARADOXo Ordinary Rack and Pinion-Doubling the Length of a Crank Stroke-Sawmm Feed-Rack Motion-Air.Pump Movement-Circular Rack-Rectilinear Vibrating Motion-Vertical Drop Hammer-Sector Pinion'and Double Rack -Reciprocating Motions-Crank Substitute-Alternate Circular MotionQuick Back Motion-Alternate Rectilinear Motion-Reciprocating Rectilinear Motion-Mangle Rack-Mangle Wheel-Mangle Wheel Gear-Continuous Rotary Motion-Mangle Machine Gear-Worm Screw Rack-Rotary Motion -Adjustable Feed Rolls-Saw-Tooth Worm Gear-Right- and Left-Hand, Worm Gear-Three-Part Worm Screw-Traversing Motion-Globoid Spiral Gear Wheels-Internal Worm-Gear Wheel-Worm-Gear Pinion-Anti-Friction Worm Gear-Release Rotary Motion-Release Cam-Hunting Tooth Worm Gear-Differential Screw and Gear Movement-Complex Alternating Reciprocal Motion-Two-Toothed Pinion-;-Pin Wheel and Slotted Pinion.... Variable Rotary Motion-Scroll Gear-Spiral Hoop Gear-Accelerated Cir· calar Motion-RoUer-Bearing Gear Teeth-BaIl Gear-Spiral Gearing-Ex. 10 paneling Pulley-Concentric Differential Speed-Differential Motions-Differen tia1 Gear-Doubling the Number of Revolutions on One Shaft-Multiple Gear Speed-Variable Throw·Traversing Bar-Revolution of a Pinion-Differential Speed-CapstanGear"":Slow Forwardand Quick Back C:' ':11lar Motion-Geared Grip Tongs-Variable Circular Motion-Elliptical· Spur Gear-Elliptical Gear Wheel-Irregular Circular Motion-Variable Reciprocating Motion-Alternating Rectilinear Motion-Intermittent Motion of SpurGear-Spiral Stop-MOtiOD Gear-Fast and Slow Motion Spur Gear-Intermittent Gears-Intermittent Rotary Motion-Irregular Vibratory Motion-Variable Vibrating MotionMotion by Rolling Contact-Variable Sectional Motion-Uniform Speed of Sectional Spur Gear-Scroll Gearing-Intermittent Rotary Motion-Stop Roller Motion-Change Gear Motion-Differential Driving Gear-Equalizing Pulley -Equalizing Gear-Doubling a Revolution on Same Shaft-Continuous Shaft Motion-Alternating Motion-Eccentric Wheel Train-Epicyclic Gear-Epicyclic Train-Automatic Clutch Motion for Reversing-Eccentric Gear-Sun an-:l Planet Crank Motion-High-Speed Epicyclic Train-Sun and Planet Winding Gear-Epicyclic Gear Train-Compound Epicyclic Train-Planetary Motion-Planetary GearTrain-" Ferguson's" Mechanical Paradox. 229 to 252 SECTION XII. MOTION AND DEVICES CONTROLLING MOTION. RATCHETS AND PAWLS, CAMS, CRANKS, INTERMITTENT AND STOP MOTIONS, WIPERS, VOLUTE CAMS, VARIABLE CRANKS, UNIVERSAL SHAFT COUPLINGS, GYROSCOPE. Ratchet Bar Lift-Ratchet Lift-Ratchet Governor-Rotary Motion-Intermittent Circular Motion-Intermittent Rotary Motion-Double Pawl Ratchet -Continuous Feed of a Ratchet-Double-Pawl Ratchet Wheel-Intermittent Rotary Motion-Intermittent Circular Motion-Ratchet Intermittent MotionPawl Lift-Oscillating Motion-Continuous Rotary Motion-Intermittent Motion-Windlass Grip Pawl-Ratchet and Level Pawl-Internal Multiple Cam-Ratchet Head-Reciprocal Circular Motion-Ball Socket RatchetContinuous Motion Ratchet-Stops ofVarious Forms-Stopsfor a Spur GearStops for a Lantern Wheel-Safety Centrifugal Hooks-Crank MotionCentrifugal Safety Catch for HoistingDrums-Stop Motion-Variable Recipro. cating Motion-Irregular Rocking Motion-Rocking Ann-Yoke StrapTriangular Curved Eccentric-Triangular Eccentric-Reciprocating MotionUniform Reciprocating Motion-Needle-Bar Slot Cam-Slotted Yoke-Crank Motion-Trammel Gear-Slotted Lever Motion.....:.lntermittent Reciprocating Motion-Variable Crank Throw-Variable Adjustment-Four-Bolt CamEqualizing Tension Spring and Lever-Alternating Rectilinear Motion-Traverse Bar- Rectilinear Motion - Intermittent Rotary Motion-Vibrating Toothed Whee1-" Lazy Tongs" Movement-Quadrangular Rectilinear Motion-Parallel Motion-Intermittent Motion-Rocking Escapement"":"Rotary and Longitudinal Motion-Reciprocating Feed Ratchet-FrictioR Rod Feed Ratchet-Friction Hauling Ratchet-Cam-Lever Grip-Lever Toggle ]eintSingle Toggle Arm Letter-Press-Toggle-]oint Cam Movement-Double.screw CONTENTS. Ia: Toggle Press-Screw Stamping Press-Multiple Return Grooved Cylinder-R& ciprocating Rectilinear Motion-RectilinearMotion-Six Radial Grooved Trammel-Rectilinear Reciprocating Motion-Rocking Motion-Pair of Toe Levers -WiperCam for Stamp Mills-Angular Wipers-Equalizing Levers or ToesVariable Crank Motion-Spiral-Grooved Face Plate-Lever-Cam SectorsGear-Disengaging Cam Lever-Oblique Disc Motion-Grooved CylinderCamTraverse Motion-Four-Motion Feed, ofWheeler and Wilson and other Sewingmachines-Reciprocating Rectilinear Motion-Quick Reciprocating Rectilinear Motion-Cylindrical. Cam-Cam-Operated Shears-Irregular Cam Motion"";'" Vibrating Rectilinear Motion-Irregular Vibrating Circular Motion-CloverLeaf Cam-Power Escapement-Rotary Motion-Irregular Reciprocating Motion-Bevelled Disc Cam-Grooved Heart Cam-Heart-Shaped GrooveLaying out a Heart Cam-Cam Motion-Double Cam Motion-Pivoted Follower-Reciprocating Motion-Ovoid Curve-Variable Power Transmitted from a Crank-Elliptical Crank-Curvilinear Motion-Spring Lathe-Wheel Crank-" Brownell .. Crank Motion-Ordinary Crank Motion-Eccentric and Straps for Valve Motion-Reciprocating Motion-Variable Circular MotionIrregular Motion-Variable Power Vibrating Movement-Variable Crank Pin -Variable Rectilinear Motion-Variable Crank Throw-Variable Radius Lever-Combination Crank-Motion Curves-Flexible Angular CouplingSliding Contact-ShaftCoupling-RectilinearMotion-Angular Shaft Coupling -Universal Joint-Double Link Universal Joint-Universal Angle Coupling -"Almond" Angular Shaft Coupling-"Hooke's" Angular Shaft CouplingRack and Pinion Movement-Gyroscope-Globe Gyroscope-Tension HelicoVolute Spring-Double Helico-Volute Spring-Compression Helical Spring -Single Volute aelix Spring-Compound Disc Spring••••••••••253 to 282 SECTION XIII. HOROLOGICAL CLOCK AND WATCH MCiVEMENTS AND DEVICES. Cyc10idal Pendulum Movement-Compensating Pendulum Bob-Compound Compensating Pendulum-Centrifugal Pendulum-Antique Clock Escapement -Crown Tooth Escapement-Double Ratchet-Wheel Escapement-StarWheel Escapement-Anchor Escapement-Recoil Escapement-Pendulum Escapement-Stud Escapement-Lantem~Wheel Escapement-Pin-Wheel Escapement-Hook-Tooth Escapement-Single-Pin Pendulum EscapementThree-Toothed Escapement-Detached Pendulum Escapement-Mudge Gravity Escapement-Tri-Toothed Pendulnm Escapement-" Harrison" Winding Device-Double Tri-Toothed Pendulum Escapement-"Bloxam's" Gravity Escapement- Dead-Beat Clock Escapement- Endless Cord· Winding Device for Clocks-Clock Train-Compensation Watch BalanceWatch Regulator-Antiqne Watch Escapement-Verge Escapement-Cylinder Escapement-Duplex Escapement-Jewelled Detached Lever Escapement- "Guernsey" Escapement-Anchor and Lever Escapement-Lever Escapement -LeverChronometerEscapement-"Amold"ChronometerEscapement-Fusel 12 CONTENTS. Chain and Spring Drum-Chronometer Escapement-U Geneva" Stop-Geared Watch Stop-Watch Stop-Stem-Winding Movement-Pin-Geared Watch Stop-Watch Train...........................................283 to 296 SECTION XIV. MINING. QUAJUlYING, VENTILATION, HOISTING, CONVEYING, PULVE1UZING, SEPARATING, ROASTING, EXCAVATING, AND DREDGING. Diamond Prospecting Drill-Rock Drill-Diamond Well-Boring MachinePortable Dia,mond Drill-Arc Tappet Valve Motion-Tappet Valve, for a Rock Drill-Rock Drill-Rock Drill with Balanced Piston Valve-Coal-Cutting Machine-Link Chain Cutter-Drill for Curved Holes-Box-Wing BlowerMultiplex Butter1ly Valve-Steam-Driven Ventilating Fan-Miner's Safety Lamp-Horse-Power Hoisting Drum-Steam Hoisting Engine-Strap BrakeElevator Tower-Horizontal Boom Tower-Mast and Gaff Hoist:....Coal·Loading Tipple-"Otis Stop" for Elevator Cars-Elevator Dumping Head-Mining Buckets and Skip-Belt Conveyer-Chain Scraper Conveyer-Cable Conveyer -Driving Mechanism-Log Conveyer-Rope Tramway-Automatic Dumping Car-Toggle Joint-Stone Crusher-u Buchanan" Rock Crusher-Roller Coal Crusher-Eight-Stamp Ore Mill-Rolling Crusher-uArastra" Ore Mill- " Chili" Mill-Pulverizing Ball and Pan Mill-Revolving Pulverizing MillHydraulic Balanced Giant Nozzle-Coal Dust Press-Klondike Mining Machine -Gold Separator-Centrifugal Separator-Magnetic Ore Separator-Iron Ore Separator-Railway Steam Shovel-Magnetic Ore Separators (Hoffman-Edison Types)-Ore Roasting Furnace-Railway Excavator-Railway Steam ShovelContinuous Ditching Dredge-Clam-Shell Bucket-Revolving Hoisting Dredge -Floating Dredge-Marine Dredge.•...••..••••••.••••••••.•...297 to 312 SECTION XV. MILL AND FACTORY APPLIANCES. HANGERS, SHAFT BEARINGS, BALL BEARINGS, STEPS, COUPLINGS, UNIVERSAL AND FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS, CLUTCHES, SPEED GEAR, SHOP TOOLS, SCREW THREADS, HOISTS, MACHINES, TEXTILE ApPLIANCES. Adjustable Bracket Hanger-Adjustable Floor Bearing-Adjustable Post Hanger-Adjustable Floor Stand- Continuous Traversing Roller-RoUer Wheel Anti-Friction Bearing-Ba11 Bearings-Adjustable Hangerfor ShaftingScrew Traversing Ba11 Bearing-Hanging Shaft- Suspended Shaft-Curved Step Bearing-Conical Pivot Bearing-Lubrication of a Hanging BearingVertical Shaft Step-Shaft Step Adjustment-Adjustable Step Bearing-Collar Bearing and S~ep-Oil Circulating Step-Lenticular Bearing-Spherical Step Bearing-Angle Coupling-" Oldham" Coupling-Flexible Link CouplingFlexible Shaft Coupling-Angle Shaft Coupling- UniversalJoint-" Hooke's" Universal Joint-"Goubet's .. Universal Shaft Coupling-Ball SocketUniversal Joints-Right-Angle Shaft Coupling-Right-Angle Shaft Coupling (U Hobso Patent)-Eccentric Line Coupling-Simple Friction Pulley-Friction ClutchV-Grooved Face Clutch-Clutch and Gear-Cone Clutch-Multiple Plate Fric· tipn Cl~tch-Pin Clutch-Friction Pin Clutch-Friction Clutch Bevel GearSpring Friction Clutch- Double Toggle-Joint Friction Clutch-Adjustable Friction Clutch-Double Conic Rope Drum-Variable Speed Device-~anding Pulley - Variable Speed Transmitting Device - Belt Holder - Jointed Radial Arm-Drilling Machine Clamp--Sc~ew Bench Clamp-Automatic Bench Clamp-Wood-Bending Clamp and Formers-Boiler Tube Exp~der-Roller Tube Expander-Revolving Tool Head-Collapsing TapWabble Saw-Automatic Screw-Cutting Die-Universal Chuck-Compound· Lever Shears-Disc Shears- Gig Saw-Band Saw-Toggle-Joint Lever Press or Punch-Power Stamping Press-Hand Drilling Machine-Portable DrillMultiple Drilling Machine-Stamp Mill Cam Motion-Blacksmith's Helper...:... Revolving Rapid-Blow Hammer-Helve Trip Hammer-Friction Drop Hammer-Beam Trip Hammer-Spring Hammer-Tire Shrinker-Combined Tire U~etting and Punching Machine-Plate Sawing Machine-Combined Punch and Shears- Suspended Swing Treadle-Power Rumbling Mill-Centrifugal Separator-Closure of Rollers-Vibrating Lift-Differential Pitch MovementFeed Wheel-Combined Ratchet and Hand-Feed Gear-Gear Train-Quick Return Movement-Reversing Gear-Flexible Universal Steam Joint-Bye Pass Cock or Valve-Sight-Feed Lubricator-Screw Movement-Centering Tool-Vernier .Caliper-Expansion Bit-Double-Acting Screwdriver-Pump Drill Stock-Reciprocating Drill Stock-Compound Lever Cutting PliersBall Socket-ScrewThreads-Continual Barrel Elevator-Telescopic Hydraulic Elevator-Traveller Hoist-TTavelling Crane-I-Bar Travelling TramwaySwing Bracket Crane-Adjustable Universal Sheave-" Harrington" Chain Hoist-"Yale" Duplex Hoist-Safety Tackle-Differential. Chain-Pulley Block -Double Screw-Gear Hoist-Taper Tube Rolls-" Yale-Weston" Differential Gear Hoist-Tube-Rolling Machine-Seamless Tube Making-Wire-Bending Machine-Hopper and Bell-"Bessemer" Steel Converter-Lense-Grinding Machine-Grinding Mill-" Bogardus" Mill-Circuiating Screw Propeller and Mixing Tank-Double Cylinder Planer-Double Toggle-Joint Screw Press-Steam Cotton Press-Toggle-Bar Press-Sector Press-Bark or Cob Mill-Drawing and Throstle Twisting, Rolls and Bobbin Winder-Cop Winder -Bobbin Winder-Cloth Dresser-Knitting Machine••••••••••.•313 to 348 SECTION XVI. CONSTRUCTION AND DEVICES. MIXING, TESTING, STUMP AND PILE PULLING, TACKLE HOOKS, PILE DRIVING, DUMPING CARS, STONE GRIPS, DERRICKS, CONVEYER, TIMBER SPLICING, ROOF AND BRIDGE TRUSSES, SUSPENSION BRIDGES. Post Augur-Pug Mill-Conical Pug Mill-Conical Mixing Barrel-Concrete Mixer-Cement-Testing Machine-Hydraulic Sand Ejector-Toggle Stump Puller-Right and Left Hand Turnbuckle-Swivel Shackle Slip Hook-Trip Hook-Balanced Riveting Machine-Releasing Grip-Automatic Disengaging Grlp-Swivelling Dumping Car-Square Box Side-Dumping Car-Lever Grip 14 CONTENTS. Tongs-Adjustable Grip Tongs-Pneumatic Dumping Car-Lewis Wedge fOJ Lifting Stone-S°tone Grinding and Polishing Machine-Four-Guy Mast Derrick-Shears with Winch or Tackle Block-Swinging Derrick Crane-Portable Steam Derrick-Swing-Boom Crane-Cable Hoist and Conveyer-Cantilever Hoisting and Conveying Machine-Timber Splicing-Timber Cords and Arr..hes-Truss Roof-Queen Post Roof Truss--Wooden Road Bridge Truss -Deck Bridge Trusses-Bridge Truss-Arched Deck Truss Bridge-Bridge Trusses-Arch Truss Bridge-Cantilever Bridge-Suspension Bridges•••••••••••.••••....••••.•.•••••••••••••••••••••••••••349 to 362 SECTION XVII. DRAUGHTING DEVICES. PAllALLEL RULES, CURVE DELINEATORS, TRAMMELS, ELLIPSOGRAPHS, PANTOGRAPHS. Proportional Compasses-Roller Parallel Ruler-Slotted Parallel Ruler-Three Part Parallel Ruler-Spring Cyclograph-Flexible Curve Scriber-Helicograph -Great Curve Delineator-Conchoid Delineator-Cyclograph-Trammel for Drawing Ellipses-Ellipsograph-Parabola Scriber-Geared EllipsographHyperbola Scriber-Pantograph-Lazy-Tongs Pantograph-Perspective Centrolinead-Spherometer.................................; •••••.363 to 370 SECTION XVIII. MISCELLANEOUS DEVICES. ANIMAL POWER, SHEEP SHEARS, MOVEMENTS AND DEVIC!.:!, }!;LEVATORS, CRANES, SEWING, TYPEWRITING, AND PRINTING MACHINES, RAILWAY DEVICES, TRUCKS, BRAKES, TURNTABLES, LoCOMOTIVES, GAS, GAS FURNACES, ACETYLENE GENERATORS, GASOLINE MANTLE LAMP, FlREARMS. Human Treadmill-Horse-Power Tread Wheel-Horse-Power Machine-DogPower Machine-Geared Horse-Power-Multiple Bladed Sheep Shears-Horse Clipper-Machine Sheep Shears-"Almond's" Flexible Metallic Tube-Evolution of a Wood Screw-Artificial Leg and Foot-Mean Time Sun DialDoor Push Check-Folding Ladder Simple Combination Lock-Tripod-Double Spherical Socket-Disc Slicer-Micrometer Screw Adjustment- Correct Principle in Setting a Hot-Water House Boiler-Under-Feed Heating Furnace-Harvester or Mowing Machine-Bell Clapper Movement-Piano Key and Action-Lapidary or Lithologica. Lathe-Wire-Drawing Machine-Wire-COVe ering Machine-Stirring Machine for Grain Mash-Sector Wheel Baling Press -Wood Compression Carving Machine-Belt-Driven Elevator-Safety Catch for Elevators-Elevator Safety Gear-Swing Derrick-Package ElevatorPost Crane-Wharf Crane-Automatic Balance Crane-Sewing-Machine Shuttle-Sewing-Machine Feed Bar-Sewing-Machine Hook and Bobbin-Hook of the "Wheeler and Wilson" Sewing.Machine--Sewing-Machine-Spring Motor for Sewing-Machine-Tinplate Lacquering Machine-Single Cylinder Printing Press-Typewriting Machine-" Gordon" Printing Press-Rack and Pawl CONTENTS. IS Ball-Bearing Screw Jack-Hydraulic Transfer Jack-Rail-Cutting Saw-ProutyNoble Automatic or Self-Winding Brake-Street-Car Sand Box-Friction Brake for Street Railway Cars-Car Truck for Street Railways-Street-Car Truck-Car Truck-Trolley-Car Truck-Freight-Car Truck-cable Railway Grip-Cable Grip for Street Railways-Linked Hinges-Endless Cable Grip Car-Street Railway Sweeping Car-Equalizing Lever-Novel Car Brake- . Wooden Frame Turn-Table-Iron Frame Turn-Table-Single-Cylinder Locomotive-Modem Locomotive and Tender-Passenger Locomotive, EightWheel Model-Ten-Wheel Freight Locomotive-Freight Locomotive-Centre Valve for a. Gas House-Disc Valve for Large Gas Pipes-Centre Guide Gas Holder-Counter-Weighted Gas Holder-Expanding Pipe Stopper-Lantern Bellows Dry Gas Meter-Wet Gas Meter-Dry Gas Meter-Gas Pressure Regulator-Fuel Gas Burner-Gas Fumace-Gas-Heated Incubator-Acety- . lene Gas Generator-Automatic Gasoline and Mantle Lamp-Acetylene Generator and Gas Holder-Acetylene Burner-Bayonet Joint-Gun Lock-CoCylinder Revolving Device for Firearms-Magazine Rifle, "Lee-Metford" Model-"Martini-Henry" Rifle-Chassepot Gun-Remington Rifle-"Remington" Magazine Gun-"Hotchkiss" Magazine Gun-"Lebel" Rifle- '~Mauser" Rifle-"Winchester" Magazine Rifle-Disappearing Gun, "Moncrief Model"...................................................371 to 396 ADDITIONS TO THE FOURTEENTH EDITION.* SECTION I.-Lever Safety Trip-Lever Sector-Lever and Ratchet-Lever Movement-Lever Action-Straight line Linkage-Lever and its Office Inclined Plane. SECTION n.-Parallel Plyers-Transmission Circular Motion-Reversing Lever-Transmission, Reciprocating-LinkTransmission-GyratingLever Transmission-Transmission by Bell Crank-Gambrel Joint LinkageTwo Revolutions for One Stroke-Equalizing Thrust-Speed Changing Pulley-Helping Crank Over Center-Reverse Motion Drive-Intermittent Transmission-Registering Dynamometer. SECTION m.-St. John's Steam Meter-Belt Shipper-Three Horse Whiffletrees-Anemometer. . SECTION IV.-Crude Petroleum Burners-Petroleum Furnace-Automobile Boiler-Feeding Pulverized Fuel-Roney Stoker-Sterling BoilerWorthington Boiler-Compound Locomotive Cylinders. SECTION V.-Pulsometer Steam Pump-Edwards Air Pump-Steam Soot Sucker-Air Cooling Tower-Flexible Metallic Hose and Tubing. SECTION VI.-Stake Puller-Stalk Puller-Valve Gear-Gasoline Atomizers-Ignition Plug-Jump Spark Coil-Caloric Engine-Four Cylinder Motor. *Section numbers below refer back to additions to each original section already cited on pages 3--15, except for Section XIX {"Straight Line Movements"} that is an entirely new section added on pages 3151 to 402 as of the fourteenth edition. 16 coN'tltNTS. SECTION VII.-Hydraulic Sprinkler Head-Mil.k Cooler-Hydraulic Irrigation Engine-Four Stage Centrifugal Pump-Current.Meter. SECTION VIII.-Wind Instruments-Ventilator-Wind Gauge-Compound Pohle ·Air Lift-Prairie Wind Mill-Gas Crucible Furnace-Oil Burning Melting Furnace-Mechanical Flyer. SECTION IX.-Non-Arcing Lightning Arrester-Ampere Meter-Recording Watt-hour Meter-Electric Escapement-Pneumatic Emergency Brake-Solenoid Electric Fan-Alternating Current TransformerElectro Magnetic Ratchet Driver. SECTION X.-Air Ship-Railroad Gates-Railway Pneumatic SignalSelf-Registering Tide Gauge-Novel Steering Gear-Ship's Steering Gear-Street Cleaning Machine-Spring Wheel-Automobile Horn. SECTION XL-Link Chain Hoist-Bicycle Signal Bell-Multiple Speed Gear-Changeable Motion. Gear-Pneumatic Grain Elevator-Flying Machun.. SECTION XIL-Hydro-Extractor-Reversible Pulley-Four Speed Change Gear-Heddle Cam-Ferris Wheel-Wave Motions-Sewing Machine Hook-Positive Shuttle Motion-A Curious Padlock. SECTION XIII.-Equated Sun Dial-Universal Sun Dial-Electric Balance Wheel Clock-Compensating Pendulum-Electro-Magnetic Clock Pendulum-Electric Time Clock-Electric Winding Device. SECTION XIV.-Disintegrator-Ore Crusher-Hand Power Rock DrillFree Running Axle-Garbage Furnace-Automatic Ore Dump-Air Blast for Moving Coal-Rope Drive for Mine Haulage. SECTION XV.-Traveling Derrick-Modern Cotton Gin-Spool Winding Machine-Conical Roller Thrust Bearing-Steam Vulcanizers-Right Angle Shaft Transmission-Take-up and Let-off Motion for Looms. . SECTION XVI.-Expansion or Anchor Bolts-Rolling Lift Bridge-Concrete Bridge-Melan Bridge-Steel Arched Concrete Bridge-Hydraulic Pile Driver-Log Sawing Machine. SECTION XVII.-Ellipsograph Turntallle-Ellipsographs-Omni-Telemeter Odontograph, Section Liner-Dotting Instrument-Eidograph-Tracing Bar-Reflecting Drawing Board-Self-Registering Barometer-Spirograph. SECTION XVIII.-Railway Water Lift-Two Speed Gear. SECTION XIX.-Two Lever and One Link Straight Line Motion-Two Lever and Three Link Straight Line Motion-Two Lever and One Link Straight Line Motion-One Lever and Sliding Link Straight Line Motion-One Lever and Two Link Straight Line Motion-Three Lever Two Link Straight Line Motion-Two Lever, One Link Straight Line Motion-Three Lever, Two Link Straight Line Motion in Opposite Directions-Two Link, One Lever Straight Line Motion-Oil Switch Movement with Three Levers and Two Links-Oil Switch Movement with Two Levers and One Link-Oil Switch Movement with Two Levers and One Link-Oil Switch Movement with Two Levers and One Link-Oil Switch Movement with Three Levers and Three Links. 397 to 402
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