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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: الكتاب الشامل فى ماكينات CNC Programming Handbook - CNC السبت 18 سبتمبر 2010, 5:39 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم الكتاب الشامل فى ماكينات CNC CNC Programming Handbook A Comprehensive Guide to Practical CNC Programming Second Edition Peter Smid
و المحتوى كما يلي :
TABLE OF CONTENTS 1 - NUMERICAL CONTROL 1 Axes and Planes Point of Origin Quadrants Right Hand Coordinate System MACHINE GEOMETRY Axis Orientation - Milling Axis Orientation - Turning Additional Axes DEFINITION OF NUMERICAL CONTROL NC and CNC Technology CONVENTIONAL AND CNC MACHINING NUMERICAL CONTROL ADVANTAGES Setup Time Reduction Lead Time Reduction Accuracy and Repeatability Contouring of Complex Shapes Simplified Tooling and Work Holding Cutting Time and Productivity Increase TYPES OF CNC MACHINE TOOLS Mills and Machining Centers Lathes and Turning Centers PERSONNEL FOR CNC CNC Programmer CNC Machine Operator SAFETY RELATED TO CNC WORK 3 5 - CONTROL SYSTEM 19 3 . 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION Operation Panel Screen Display and Keyboard Handle SYSTEM FEATURES Parameter Settings System Defaults Memory Capacity MANUAL PROGRAM INTERRUPTION. Single Block Operation Feedhold Emergency Stop MANUAL DATA INPUT - MDI . PROGRAM DATA OVERRIDE . Rapid Motion Override Spindle Speed Override Feedrate Override Dry Run Operation Z Axis Neglect Manual Absolute Setting Sequence Return Auxiliary Functions Lock Machine Lock Practical Applications SYSTEM OPTIONS Graphic Display In-Process Gauging Stored Stroke Limits Drawing Dimensions Input Machining Cycles Cutting Tool Animation Connection to External Devices 2 - CNC MILLING 7 25 25 CNC MACHINES - MILLING Types of Milling Machines . Machine Axes Vertical Machining Centers . Horizontal Machining Centers Horizontal Boring Mill . Typical Specifications . 3 - C N C TURNING 11 28 28 CNC MACHINES - TURNING 29 Types of CNC Lathes Number of Axes AXES DESIGNATION Two-axis Lathe Three-axis Lathe Four-axis Lathe Six-axis Lathe FEATURES AND SPECIFICATIONS Typical Machine Specifications . Control Features . 14 6 - PROGRAM PLANNING 31 STEPS IN PROGRAM PLANNING . INITIAL INFORMATION . MACHINE TOOLS FEATURES Machine Type and Size 31 4 - COORDINATE GEOMETRY 15 31 REAL NUMBER SYSTEM 31 RECTANGULAR COORDINATE SYSTEM . I XX Table of Contents Control System PART COMPLEXITY MANUAL PROGRAMMING Disadvantages Advantages CAD/CAM AND CNC Integration Future of Manual Programming TYPICAL PROGRAMMING PROCEDURE . PART DRAWING Title Block Dimensioning Tolerances Surface Finish Drawing Revisions Special Instructions METHODS SHEET MATERIAL SPECIFICATIONS Material Uniformity Machinability Rating MACHINING SEQUENCE TOOLING SELECTION PART SETUP Setup Sheet TECHNOLOGICAL DECISIONS . Cutter Path Machine Power Rating Coolants and Lubricants WORK SKETCH AND CALCULATIONS . Identification Methods QUALITY IN CNC PROGRAMMING 31 8 - PREPARATORY COMMANDS 47 32 32 DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE. APPLICATIONS FOR MILLING . APPLICATIONS FOR TURNING G CODES IN A PROGRAM BLOCK Modality of G-commands Conflicting Commands in a Block . Word Order in a Block GROUPING OF COMMANDS . Group Numbers 51 . 34 35 G CODE TYPES 52 35 G Codes and Decimal Point 52 36 36 36 9 - MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTIONS 53 36 DESCRIPTION AND PURPOSE. Machine Related Functions . Program Related Functions . TYPICAL APPLICATIONS Applications for Milling Applications for Turning . , Special MDI Functions Application Groups M FUNCTIONS IN A BLOCK . Startup of M Functions Duration of M Functions PROGRAM FUNCTIONS Program Stop Optional Program Stop Program End Subprogram End MACHINE FUNCTIONS Coolant Functions Spindle Functions Gear Range Selection Machine Accessories 7 - PART PROGRAM STRUCTURE 41 58 58 BASIC PROGRAMMING TERMS . 59 Character Word Block Program PROGRAMMING FORMATS WORD ADDRESS FORMAT FORMAT NOTATION Short Forms Milling System Format Turning System Format Multiple Word Addresses SYMBOLS IN PROGRAMMING . Plus and Minus Sign PROGRAM HEADER TYPICAL PROGRAM STRUCTURE. 10 - SEQUENCE BLOCK 61 42 42 BLOCK STRUCTURE Building the Block Structure Block Structure for Milling PROGRAM IDENTIFICATION . Program Number Program Name SEQUENCE NUMBERS Sequence Number Command Sequence Block Format Numbering Increment Long Programs and Block Numbers . END OF BLOCK CHARACTER . STARTUP BLOCK OR SAFE BLOCK . 65Table of Contents XI PROGRAM COMMENTS CONFLICTING WORDS IN A BLOCK MODAL PROGRAMMING VALUES EXECUTION PRIORITY 66 Exact Stop Command Exact Stop Mode Command Automatic Corner Override . Tapping Mode Cutting Mode CONSTANT FEEDRATE Circular Motion Feedrates . MAXIMUM FEEDRATE . Maximum Feedrate Considerations 11 - INPUT OF DIMENSIONS ENGLISH AND METRIC UNITS Comparable Unit Values ABSOLUTE AND INCREMENTAL MODES Preparatory Commands G90 and G91 . Absolute Data Input - G90 Incremental Data Input - G91 Combinations in a Single Block DIAMETER PROGRAMMING . MINIMUM MOTION INCREMENT FORMAT OF DIMENSIONAL INPUT . Full Address Format Zero Suppression Decimal Point Programming Input Comparison CALCULATOR TYPE INPUT . 69 70 FEEDHOLD AND OVERRIDE . 91 Feedhold Switch Feedrate Override Switch . Feedrate Override Functions 72 E ADDRESS IN THREADING 92 72 73 14 - TOOL FUNCTION 93 73 73 T FUNCTION FOR MACHINING CENTERS Tool Storage Magazine Fixed Tool Selection Random Memory Tool Selection Registering Tool Numbers Programming Format Empty Tool or Dummy Tool TOOL CHANGE FUNCTION - M06 . Conditions for Tool Change AUTOMATIC TOOL CHANGER - ATC Typical ATC System Maximum Tool Diameter Maximum Tool Length Maximum Tool Weight ATC Cycle MDI Operation PROGRAMMING THE ATC Single Tool Work Programming Several Tools Keeping Track of Tools Any Tool in Spindle - Not the First First Tool in the Spindle No Tool in the Spindle First Tool in the Spindle with Manual Change 101 No Tool in the Spindle with Manual Change First Tool in the Spindle and an Oversize Tool 102 No Tool in the Spindle and an Oversize Tool T FUNCTION FOR LATHES . Lathe Tool Station Tool Indexing TOOL OFFSET REGISTERS . Geometry Offset Wear Offset Wear Offset Adjustment The R and T Settings 12 - SPINDLE CONTROL SPINDLE FUNCTION Spindle Speed Input DIRECTION OF SPINDLE ROTATION Direction for Milling Direction for Turning Direction Specification Spindle Startup SPINDLE STOP SPINDLE ORIENTATION SPINDLE SPEED - R/MIN SPINDLE SPEED - SURFACE Material Machinability Spindle Speed - English Units Spindle Speed - Metric Units CONSTANT SURFACE SPEED Maximum Spindle Speed Setting Part Diameter Calculation in CSS 13 - FEEDRATE CONTROL FEEDRATE CONTROL FEEDRATE FUNCTION Feedrate per Minute Feedrate per Revolution FEEDRATE SELECTION ACCELERATION AND DECELERATION . 88 15 - REFERENCE POINTS 88 REFERENCE POINT GROUPS 107XII Table of Contents TOOL SETUP Center Line Tools Turning Tools Boring Tools Command Point and Tool Work Offset Reference Po ;nt Groups Relationship 129 MACHINE REFERENCE POINT . -etum to Machine Zero PART REFERENCE POINT -'ocram Zero Selection -'ogram Zero - Machining Centers. Drogram Zero - Lathes TOOL REFERENCE POINT 112 19 - TOOL LENGTH OFFSET 131 112 GENERAL PRINCIPLES Actual Tool Length Gauge Line Table Top Face TOOL LENGTH OFFSET COMMANDS Distance-To-Go in Z Axis TOOL LENGTH SETUP On-Machine Tool Length Setting Off-Machine Tool Length Setting Tool Length Offset Value Register Z AXIS RELATIONSHIPS Preset Tool Length Tool Length by Touch Off Using a Master Tool Length G43-G44 Difference PROGRAMMING FORMATS Tool Length Offset not Available Tool Length Offset and G92 Tool Length Offset and G54-G59 Tool Length Offset and Multiple Tools CHANGING TOOL LENGTH OFFSET . HORIZONTAL MACHINE APPLICATION TOOL LENGTH OFFSET CANCEL 16 - REGISTER COMMANDS POSITION REGISTER COMMAND . 113 132 Position Register Definition 1 3 2 Programming Format Tool Position Setting MACHINING CENTERS APPLICATION . Tool Set at Machine Zero Tool Set Away from Machine Zero Position Register in Z Axis Programming Example LATHE APPLICATION Tool Setup Three-Tool Setup Groups Center Line Tools Setup External Tools Setup Internal Tool Setup Corner Tip Detail Programming Example POSITION COMPENSATION DESCRIPTION Programming Commands Programming Format Incremental Mode Motion Length Calculation Position Compensation Along the Z axis Using G47 and G48 Face Milling 119 20 - RAPID POSITIONING RAPID TRAVERSE MOTION GOO Command RAPID MOTION TOOL PATH Single Axis Motion Multiaxis Motion Straight Angular Motion Reverse Rapid Motion TYPE OF MOTION & TIME COMPARISON . REDUCTION OF RAPID MOTION RATE RAPID MOTION FORMULAS APPROACH TO THE PART 18 - WORK OFFSETS WORK AREAS AVAILABLE Additional Work Offsets WORK OFFSET DEFAULT AND STARTUP . Work Offset Change 2 Axis Application HORIZONTAL MACHINE APPLICATION EXTERNAL WORK OFFSETS LATHE APPLICATIONS Types of Offsets Geometry Offset Wear Offset Tool and Offset Numbers 127 21 - MACHINE ZERO RETURN 128 MACHINE REFERENCE POSITION . Machining Centers Lathes Setting the Machine Axes Program Commands Command Group LONG DWELL TIME Machine Warm-Up X Axis is the Dwelling Axis Safety and Dwell FIXED CYCLES AND DWELL RETURN TO PRIMARY MACHINE ZERO . Intermediate Point Absolute and Incremental Mode Return from the Z Depth Position Axes Return Required for the ATC Zero Return for CNC Lathes RETURN POSITION CHECK COMMAND . RETURN FROM MACHINE ZERO POINT . RETURN TO SECONDARY MACHINE ZERO 157 25 - FIXED CYCLES 177 POINT-TO-POINT MACHINING Single Tool Motions vs. Fixed Cycles FIXED CYCLE SELECTION PROGRAMMING FORMAT GENERAL RULES ABSOLUTE AND INCREMENTAL VALUES . INITIAL LEVEL SELECTION R LEVEL SELECTION Z DEPTH CALCULATIONS DESCRIPTION OF FIXED CYCLES . G81 - Drilling Cycle G82 - Spot-Drilling Cycle G83 - Deep Hole Drilling Cycle - Standard . G73 - Deep Hole Drilling Cycle - High Speed G84 - Tapping Cycle - Standard G74 - Tapping Cycle - Reverse G85 - Boring Cycle G86 - Boring Cycle G87 - Backboring Cycle G88 - Boring Cycle G89 - Boring Cycle G76 - Precision Boring Cycle FIXED CYCLE CANCELLATION FIXED CYCLE REPETITION The L or K Address LO or KO in a Cycle 22 - LINEAR INTERPOLATION LINEAR COMMAND . 159 Start and End of the Linear Motion Single Axis Linear Interpolation . Two Axes Linear Interpolation Three Axis Linear Interpolation . PROGRAMMING FORMAT . LINEAR FEEDRATE . Feedrate Range Individual Axis Feedrate PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE . BLOCK SKIP FUNCTION TYPICAL APPLICATIONS BLOCK SKIP SYMBOL CONTROL UNIT SETTING . , BLOCK SKIP AND MODAL COMMANDS PROGRAMMING EXAMPLES Variable Stock Removal Machining Pattern Change Trial Cut for Measuring Program Proving Barfeeder Application Numbered Block Skip MACHINING HOLES 191 SINGLE HOLE EVALUATION Tooling Selection and Applications Program Data DRILLING OPERATIONS . Types of Drilling Operations Types of Drills Programming Considerations Nominal Drill Diameter Effective Drill Diameter Drill Point Length Center Drilling Through Hole Drilling Blind Hole Drilling Flat Bottom Drilling Indexable Insert Drilling PECK DRILLING Typical Peck Drilling Application . Calculating the Number of Pecks 24 - DWELL COMMAND PROGRAMMING APPLICATIONS Applications for Cutting Applications for Accessories . DWELL COMMAND . Dwell Command Structure DWELL TIME SELECTION . SETTING MODE AND DWELL Time Setting Number of Revolutions Setting MINIMUM DWELL . NUMBER OF REVOLUTIONS System Setting Time Equivalent Selecting the Number of Pecks Controlling Breakthrough Depth REAMING Reamer Design Spindle Speeds for Reaming Feedrates for Reaming Stock Allowance Other Reaming Considerations SINGLE POINT BORING Single Point Boring Tool Spindle Orientation Block Tools BORING WITH A TOOL SHIFT Precision Boring Cycle G76 Backboring Cycle G87 Programming Example Precautions in Programming and Setup. ENLARGING HOLES Countersinking Counterboring Spotfacing MULTILEVEL DRILLING WEB DRILLING TAPPING Tap Geometry Tapping Speed and Feedrate Pipe Taps Tapping Check List HOLE OPERATIONS ON A LATHE . Tool Approach Motion Tool Return Motion Drilling and Reaming on Lathes Peck Drilling Cycle - G74 Tapping on Lathes Other Operations FACE MILLING CUTTER SELECTION Basic Selection Criteria Face Mill Diameter Insert Geometry CUTTING CONSIDERATIONS Angle of Entry Milling Mode Number of Cutting Inserts PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES Single Face Mill Cut Multiple Face Mill Cuts USING POSITION COMPENSATION . CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION ELEMENTS OF A CIRCLE . Radius and Diameter Circle Area and Circumference QUADRANTS Quadrant Points PROGRAMMING FORMAT Arc Cutting Direction Circular Interpolation Block Arc Start and End Points Arc Center and Radius Arc Center Vectors Arc in Planes RADIUS PROGRAMMING Blend Radius Partial Radius FULL CIRCLE PROGRAMMING . Boss Milling Internal Circle Cutting - Linear Start Internal Circle Cutting - Circular Start Circle Cutting Cycle ARC PROGRAMMING FEEDRATE FOR CIRCULAR MOTION Feedrate for Outside Arcs Feedrate for Inside Arcs PATTERN OF HOLES TYPICAL HOLE PATTERNS . RANDOM HOLE PATTERN . STRAIGHT ROW HOLE PATTERN . ANGULAR ROW HOLE PATTERN . Pattern Defined by Coordinates Pattern Defined by Angle CORNER PATTERN GRID PATTERN Angular Grid Pattern ARC HOLE PATTERN BOLT HOLE CIRCLE PATTERN Bolt Circle Formula Pattern Orientation POLAR COORDINATE SYSTEM Plane Selection . . Order of Machining CUTTER RADIUS OFFSET MANUAL CALCULATIONS Tool Path Center Points Cutter Radius Center Points Calculation COMPENSATED CUTTER PATH . Types of Cutter Radius Offset . Definition and Applications PROGRAMMING TECHNIQUES . Direction of Cutting Motion 251Table of Contents XV Left or Right - not CW or CCW Offset Commands Radius of the Cutter History of Offset Types Programming Format Address H or D ? Geometry and Wear Offsets APPLYING CUTTER RADIUS OFFSET . Startup Methods Offset Cancellation Cutter Direction Change HOW THE RADIUS OFFSET WORKS . Look-Ahead Offset Type Rules for Look-Ahead Cutter Radius Offset Radius of the Cutter Radius Offset Interference Single vs. Multiaxis Startup OVERVIEW OF GENERAL RULES PRACTICAL EXAMPLE - MILLING Part Tolerances Measured Part Size Programmed Offsets D Offset Amount - General Setting Offset Adjustment Offset for External Cutting Offset for Internal Cutting One Offset or Multiple Offsets? Preventing a Scrap Program Data - Nominal or Middle? TOOL NOSE RADIUS OFFSET . Tool Nose Tip Radius Offset Commands Tool Tip Orientation Effect of Tool Nose Radius Offset Sample Program Minimum Clearance Required Change of Motion Direction High Speed Steel End Mills Solid Carbide End Mills Indexable Insea End Mills . Relief Angles End Mill Size Number of Flutes SPEEDS AND FEEDS . Coolants and Lubricants Tool Chatter STOCK REMOVAL . Plunge Infeed In and Out Ramping . Direction of Cut Width and Depth of Cut 260 33 - SLOTS AND POCKETS 281 261 OPEN AND CLOSED BOUNDARY Open Boundary Closed Boundary PROGRAMMING SLOTS . Open Slot Example Closed Slot Example POCKET MILLING General Principles Pocket Types RECTANGULAR POCKETS Stock Amount Stepover Amount Length of Cut Semifinishing Motions Finishing Tool Path Rectangular Pocket Program Example CIRCULAR POCKETS Minimum Cutter Diameter Method of Entry Linear Approach Linear and Circular Approach Roughing a Circular Pocket CIRCULAR POCKET CYCLES 31 - PLANE SELECTION WHAT IS A PLANE? MACHINING IN PLANES Mathematical Planes Machine Tool Planes Program Commands for Planes Definition. Default Control Status STRAIGHT MOTION IN PLANES CIRCULAR INTERPOLATION IN PLANES G17-G18-G19 as Modal Commands . Absence of Axis Data in a Block Cutter Radius Offset in Planes PRACTICAL EXAMPLE FIXED CYCLES IN PLANES . TURNING AND BORING TOOL FUNCTION - TURNING T Address LATHE OFFSETS Offset Entry Independent Tool Offset Tool Offset with Motion Offset Change MULTIPLE OFFSETS . General Approach Diameter Tolerances Shoulder Tolerances Diameter and Shoulder Tolerances OFFSET SETTING PERIPHERAL MILLING END MILLS 275 298XVI Table of Contents FUNCTIONS FOR GEAR RANGES AUTOMATIC CORNER BREAK . Chamfering at 45 Degrees Blend Radius at 90 Degrees . Programming Conditions Programming Example ROUGH AND FINISHED SHAPE . Rough Operations Finish Operations Stock and Stock Allowance . PROGRAMMING A RECESS SPINDLE SPEED IN CSS MODE . LATHE PROGRAM FORMAT Program Format - Templates . General Program Format Approach to the Part 298 G70 Cycle Format - All Controls BASIC RULES FOR G70-G73 CYCLES G74 - PECK DRILLING CYCLE G74 Cycle Format - 10T/11T/15T G74 Cycle Format - 0T/16T/18T/20T/21T . G75 - GROOVE CUTTING CYCLE G75 Cycle Format - 10T/11T/15T G75 Cycle Format - 0T/16T/18T/20T/21T . BASIC RULES FOR G74 AND G75 CYCLES . GROOVING ON LATHES 306 GROOVING OPERATIONS Main Grooving Applications Grooving Criteria GROOVE SHAPE Nominal Insert Size Insert Modification GROOVE LOCATION GROOVE DIMENSIONS Groove Position Groove Depth SIMPLE GROOVE PROGRAMMING . PRECISION GROOVING TECHNIQUES Groove Width Selection Machining Method Finishing Allowances Groove Tolerances Groove Surface Finish MULTIPLE GROOVES FACE GROOVES Radial Clearance Face Grooving Program Example CORNER GROOVES / NECK GROOVES GROOVING CYCLES G75 Cycle Applications Single Groove with G75 Multiple Grooves with G75 SPECIAL GROOVES GROOVES AND SUBPROGRAMS 35 - LATHE CYCLES STOCK REMOVAL ON LATHES 324 Simple Cycles Complex Cycles PRINCIPLES OF LATHE CYCLES G90 - STRAIGHT CUTTING CYCLE . Cycle Format Straight Turning Example Taper Cutting Example Straight and Taper Cutting Example G94 - FACE CUTTING CYCLE Cycle Format MULTIPLE REPETITIVE CYCLES General Description Cycle Format Types Cutting Cycles and Part Contour Chipbreaking Cycles CONTOUR CUTTING CYCLES Boundary Definition Start Point and the Points P and Q TYPE I AND TYPE II CYCLES Programming Type I and Type II Cycles Cycle Formatting G71 - STOCK REMOVAL IN TURNING G71 Cycle Format - 10T/11T/15T G71 Cycle Format - 0T/16T/18T/20T/21T . G71 for External Roughing G71 for Internal Roughing Direction of Cutting in G71 G72 - STOCK REMOVAL IN FACING . G72 Cycle Format - 10T/11T/15T G72 Cycle Format - 0T/16T/18T/20T/21T . G73 - PATTERN REPEATING CYCLE . G73 Cycle Format - 10T/11T/15T G73 Cycle Format - 0T/16T/18T/20T/21T . G73 Example of Pattern Repeating G70 - CONTOUR FINISHING CYCLE . - PART-OFF 335 PART-OFF PROCEDURE . Parting Tool Description . Tool Approach Motion . Stock Allowance Tool Return Motion Part-off with a Chamfer . Preventing Damage to the Part 38 - SINGLE POINT THREADING 339 320Table of Contents XVII THREADING ON CNC LATHES Form of a Thread Threading Operations TERMINOLOGY OF THREADING THREADING PROCESS Steps in Threading Thread Start Position Thread Cutting Diameter and Depth Thread Cutting Motion Retract from Thread Return to Start Position THREADING FEED AND SPINDLE SPEED 344 Threading Feedrate Selection Spindle Speed Selection Maximum Threading Feedrate Lead Error TOOL REFERENCE POINT BLOCK-BY-BLOCK THREADING . BASIC THREADING CYCLE - G92 MULTIPLE REPETITIVE CYCLE - G76 G76 Cycle Format - 10T/11T/l5T G76 Cycle Format - 0T/16T/18T Programming Example First Thread Calculation THREAD INFEED METHODS Radial Infeed Compound Infeed Thread Insert Angle - Parameter A Thread Cutting Type - Parameter P ONE-BLOCK METHOD CALCULATIONS. Initial Considerations Z Axis Start Position Calculation THREAD RETRACT MOTION Thread Pullout Functions Single Axis Pullout Two-Axis Pullout HAND OF THREAD THREADING TO A SHOULDER . Insert Modification Program Testing OTHER THREAD FORMS Thread Depth TAPERED THREAD Depth and Clearances Taper Calculation Block by Block Taper Thread Tapered Thread Using a Simple Cycle Tapered Thread and a Multi Repetitive Cycle MULTISTART THREAD Threading Feedrate Calculation Shift Amount Application Example THREAD RECUTTING 339 339 39 - SUBPROGRAMS 367 340 MAIN PROGRAM AND SUBPROGRAMS . Subprogram Benefits Identification of Subprograms SUBPROGRAM FUNCTIONS Subprogram Call Function Subprogram End Function Block Number to Return to Number of Subprogram Repetitions L0 in a Subprogram Call SUBPROGRAM NUMBERING Organized Approach Protected Subprograms SUBPROGRAM DEVELOPMENT Repeating Pattern Recognition Tool Motion and Subprograms Modal Values and Subprograms MULTI LEVEL NESTING One Level Nesting Two Level Nesting Three Level Nesting Four Level Nesting Nesting Applications CONTOURING WITH A SUBPROGRAM TOOL CHANGE SUBPROGRAM 100 000 000 HOLE GRID 40 - DATUM SHIFT DATUM SHIFT WITH G92 OR G50 Program Zero Shift LOCAL COORDINATE SYSTEM . G52 Command MACHINE COORDINATE SYSTEM DATA SETTING Data Setting Command Coordinate Mode WORK OFFSETS Standard Work Offset Input Additional Work Offset Input External Work Offset Input TOOL LENGTH OFFSETS Valid Input Range CUTTER RADIUS OFFSETS LATHE OFFSETS MDI DATA SETTING PROGRAMMABLE PARAMETER ENTRY. Modal G10 Command Parameters Notation Program Portability Bit Type Parameter Effect of Block Numbers 392XVIII Table of Contents BARFEEDER ATTACHMENT . Bar Stopper ADDITIONAL OPTIONS Part Catcher or Part Unloader . Continuous Operation Parts Counter Pull-Out Finger PROGRAMMING EXAMPLE . 41 - MIRROR IMAGE BASIC RULES OF MIRROR IMAGE . ’oolPathDirection C'.gmal Tool Path Mirror Axis Sign of Coordinates Milling Direction Arc Motion Direction Program Start and End MIRROR IMAGE BY SETTING Control Setting Programming - Manual Mirror Setting PROGRAMMABLE MIRROR IMAGE . Mirror Image Functions Simple Mirror Image Example Complete Mirror Image Example MIRROR IMAGE ON CNC LATHES . 45 - HELICAL MILLING HELICAL MILLING OPERATION Helical Interpolation Programming Format Arc Modifiers for Helical Interpolation Applications and Usage THREAD MILLING Applying Thread Milling Conditions for Thread Milling Thread Milling Tool Premachining Requirements Clearance Radius Productivity of Thread Milling THE HELIX THREAD MILLING EXAMPLE Straight Thread Initial Calculations Starting Position Motion Rotation and Direction Lead-In Motions Thread Rise Calculation Milling the Thread Lead-Out Motions Complete Program External Thread Milling Tapered Thread Milling Further Considerations THREAD MILLING SIMULATION METHOD . HELICAL RAMPING 42 - COORDINATE ROTATION ROTATION COMMANDS . 419 Center of Rotation Radius of Rotation Coordinate Rotation Cancel Common Applications PRACTICAL APPLICATION 43 - SCALING FUNCTION DESCRIPTION Scaling Function Usage . PROGRAMMING FORMAT . Scaling Center Scaling Factor Rounding Errors in Scaling PROGRAM EXAMPLES 46 - HORIZONTAL MACHINING 429 44 - CNC LATHE ACCESSORIES 409 INDEXING AND ROTARY AXES . INDEXING TABLE (B AXIS) Units of Increment Direction of Indexing Table Clamp and Unclamp Functions Indexing in Absolute and Incremental Mode . B AXIS AND OFFSETS Work Offset and B Axis Tool Length Offset and B Axis RETURN TO MACHINE ZERO . INDEXING AND A SUBPROGRAM COMPLETE PROGRAM EXAMPLE AUTOMATIC PALLET CHANGER - APC . 429 CHUCK CONTROL 409 Chuck Functions Chucking Pressure Chuck Jaws TAILSTOCK AND QUILL Tailstock Body Quill Center Quill Functions Programmable Tailstock Safety Concerns BI-DIRECTIONAL TURRET INDEXING Programming Example RUNNING THE FIRST PART . PROGRAM CHANGES Program Upgrading Program Updating Documentation Change ALTERNATE MACHINE SELECTION . MACHINE WARM UP PROGRAM . CNC MACHINING AND SAFETY SHUTTING DOWN A CNC MACHINE Emergency Stop Switch Parking Machine Slides Setting the Control System Turning the Power Off EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE .Vorking Environment Tees of Pallets -'ogramming Commands . - 5 et Changing Program Structure -ORIZONTAL BORING MILL . 47 - WRITING A CNC PROGRAM =ROGRAM WRITING legibility of Handwriting Programming Forms lonfusing Characters PROGRAM OUTPUT FORMATTING . -ONG PROGRAMS ^'ogram Length Reduction Vemory Mode and Tape Mode 51 - INTERFACING TO DEVICES 465 48 - PROGRAM DOCUMENTS 447 RS-232C INTERFACE PUNCHED TAPE Tape Reader and Puncher Leader and Trailer Tape Identification Non-printable Characters Storage and Handling DISTRIBUTED NUMERICAL CONTROL . TERMINOLOGY OF COMMUNICATIONS Baud Rate Parity Data Bits Start and Stop Bits DATA SETTING CONNECTING CABLES Null Modem Cabling for Fanuc and PC 465 466 DATA FILES "OGRAMDOCUMENTATION . External Documentation "ternal Documentation “':gram Description SE’UP AND TOOLING SHEETS . Se:^o Sheet ~ :c ng Sheet Ecordinate Sheet DOCUMENTATION FILE FOLDER centification Methods C iterator 's Suggestions r ng and Storage -9 - PROGRAM VERIFICATION 453 EJECTION OF ERRORS 453 52 - MATH IN CNC PROGRAMMING 471 e.entive Measures 453 :'rective Measures BASIC ELEMENTS Arithmetic and Algebra Order of Calculations GEOMETRY Circle PI Constant Circumference of a Circle Length of Arc Quadrants POLYGONS TAPERS Taper Definition Taper Per Foot Taper Ratio Taper Calculations - English Units . Taper Calculations - Metric Units . CALCULATIONS OF TRIANGLES. 453 471 GRAPHIC VERIFICATION 471 -. OIDING ERRORS ;.'".’axErrors :g cal Errors I3MMON PROGRAMMING ERRORS . cram Input Errors 456 1= culation Errors . - 2'dware Errors cellaneous Errors CNC MACHINING CHINING A NEW PART tup Integrity :g'am Integrity Table of Contents 2r s of Angles and Triangles . - g~:Triangles Simi ar Triangles Sine - Cosine - Tangent Inverse Trigonometric Functions Degrees and Decimal Degrees . Pythagorean Theorem Solving Right Triangles ADVANCED CALCULATIONS . CONCLUSION 477 Hardware Specifications Typical Hardware Requirements Utilities and Special Features . POST PROCESSORS Customizing Post Processor . IMPORTANT FEATURES . Input from User Machining Cycles User Interface CAD Interface SUPPORT AND MANAGEMENT . Training System Management Technical Support THE END AND THE BEGINNING . 53 - CNC AND CAD/CAM 483 490 PROGRAMMING MANUALLY ? CAM Software Desktop Computer Programming TOOL PATH GEOMETRY DEVELOPMENT . TOOL PATH GENERATION COMPLETE ENVIRONMENT Multi Machine Support Associative Operations Job Setup Tooling List and Job Comments Connection Between Computers Program Text Editor Printing Capabilities Pen Plotting CAD Software Access Support for Solids Software Specifications 484 A - REFERENCE TABLES 491 Decimal Equivalents . English Threads - UNC/UNF Straight Pipe Taps NPS . Taper Pipe Taps NPT . Metric Coarse Threads . Metric Fine Threads . 487Selective block skip . Slash symbol Used for program proving . Used for trial cut . Used with modal commands Bolt hole circle pattern . Boring operations Backboring cycle 687 Block tools Boring tools Precision boring cycle 676. Single point boring . Tool shift Boss milling Index Absolute data input . 70-73. 308, 430 2 0 3 Acceleration and deceleration Additional axes . Address format . Air cutting Alpha-numerical input APC Approach to the part ATC 8. 95-96 Automatic corner break . 299 Automatic corner override Automatic pallet change. Automatic tool change . ATC cycle First tool in the spindle Keeping track of tools . Manual interference . Maximum tool diameter Maximum tool length . Maximum tool weight . No tool in the spindle . Programming ATC . Several tools . Using a single tool . Using oversize tools . Auxiliary functions lock . Axes and planes. Axis orientation - milling . Axis orientation - turning . 89 CAD/CAM CAM software Complete programming environment Desktop computer programming . General features 6eometry development Postprocessors Support and training Toolpath generation Calculation of triangles Calculations Calculator type input Canned cycles Cartesian coordinate system Center cutting end mill Centerline tools Chamfering Chamfer diameter Character Chuck functions Circle cutting cycle Circular interpolation Arc center and radius Arc center vectors Arc cutting direction Arc in planes Arc programming Blend radius Boss milling Circular motion direction Elements of a circle Feedrate for circular motion . Full circle programming Lead-in and lead-out path Partial radius Programming format Quadrants Radius programming Start point and end point Circumscribed circle Clamp and unclamp functions Climb milling CNC machine tools Four-axis lathe Horizontal boring mill Background edit 465 239. 271 Ball nose end mill Barfeeder B-axis Bitwise input Blend radius Block Block format Block numbering . Block numbers increment . Block structure . Conflicting words . End-Of-Block (EOB) . Sequence block Single block Status block Block skip Barfeeder application . Numbered block skip . Cycle start . 21.57. 170 Cycle time . Horizontal machining center . 9 Lathe accessories Lathe axes Machine axes Milling Six-axis lathe Three-axis lathe Turning centers and lathes . Two-axis lathe Types of CNC lathes . Typical specifications . Vertical machining center CNC machining Alternate machine selection . Machine shutdown . New workpiece Preventive maintenance . Program i n t e g r i t y Running the first part . Safety issues Setup integrity Warm-up program CNC programmer Conflicting commands Connection to external devices Contouring Continuous path Equidistant path Control system Control panel Defaults Features Memory capacity Optional features Conventional machining Conventional milling. Conversions HP to kW kW to HP Coolant functions Coordinate geometry . Coordinate system rotation . Counterboring Countersinking CSS Cutter path determination. Cutter radius offset. Applying radius compensation . Cutter direction change . D amount setting. Direction of motion . Interference error. Look-Ahead t y p e Offset cancellation Offset commands G40-G42 Practical example Programming format . Programming techniques . Startup m e t h o d s Tool nose radius offset Toolpath center points Types of offset Cutting mode Cutting tool animation Datum shift 381-392 Cutter radius offset Data setting . Lathe offsets. Program zero change . Tool length offset. Using MDI control mode Using parameters Work offsets. Decimal point programming Defaults Delta increment Departure position . Depth of cut . Descartes, Rene. Diameter programming Distance-To-Go 39 DNC 468 39 Drawing 31, 34 Changes and revisions . Dimensioning methods . Special instructions Surface finish Title block Tolerances Drawing dimension input . Drilling operations . Blind holes Center drilling Drill point length . Effective drill diameter Flat bottom drilling . Indexable drills . Multilevel drilling . Nominal drill diameter. Peck drilling Reaming Through holes Web drilling Drip-feeding Dry run Dummy tool Dwell command . As TAB alternative . Dwell in number of revolutions Dwelling axis Long dwell time . Minimum dwell . Safety issues Setting mode Time selection . Used in fixed cycles . DXF files Index 499 E G GOO command G01 command G02-G03 commands G04 command G09 command G10 data setting c o m m a n d G12-G13 cycle G15 command G16 command G17-G19 commands G20 command G21 command G27 command G28 command G29 command G30 command G32 thread cutting command G40 command G41-G42 commands G43 command G44 command G45-G48 commands G49 command G50 command G50-G51 scaling commands G52 command G53 machine coordinates command . G54.1 command G54-G59 work offsets G61 command G62 command G63 command G64 command G68-G69 commands G70 cycle G71-G73 cycles G73 peck drilling cycle G74 tapping cycle - left hand G74-G75 lathe cycles G76 precision boring cycle G76 threading cycle G80-G89 commands G81 drilling cycle G82 spot drilling cycle G83 peck drilling cycle G84 tapping cycle - right hand . G85 boring cycle G86 boring cycle G87 backboring cycle G88 boring cycle G89 boring cycle G90 absolute position command . G90 lathe cycle G91 incremental motion command G92 position register command. G92 threading cycle G94 feedrate command G94 lathe cycle G95 feedrate command G97 command G98-G99 commands Emergency stop . 21, 25 Empty tool . End of block. English units EOB Errors in programming Calculation errors. Hardware errors . Input errors . Logical errors Miscellaneous errors Syntax errors E-switch . Exact stop check Exact stop check mode Execution priority Face milling 122, 227-234 79, 83, 113, 381 Cutter selection Cutting considerations Programming techniques . Using position compensation . Family part programming Feedrate control Circular cutting motion Circular motion feedrate Constant feedrate E address in threading Feed per minute Feed per revolution Feedhold Feedrate override Inverse time feedrate Maximum feedrate Selection Fillet radius Fixed cycles Absolute and incremental applications Basic format structure Cancellation of a cycle Cycle repetition Detailed description General rules Initial level selection L0 parameter Plane selection Programming format R-level selection Selection Shift amount Z-depth calculations Format notation Milling system format Turning system f o r m a t Gauge line . 131 G-c o d e s Conflicting commands Group numbers Milling applications Modal commands . Turning applications Types of G codes . Using in a block . With decimal point. Gear ranges. Geometry . Geometry offset . Graphic display . Grooving and part-off Corner groove Grooving applications Grooving dimensions Multiple grooves . Part-off . Precision groove . Simple groove . Keyboard L-address Lathe cycles Contour finishing cycle Face cutting cycle Multiple repetitive cycles . P and Q blocks . Pattern repeating cycle . Principle of cycles Profile cutting cycle . Straight cutting cycle . Lathe offsets . Master tool setup Multiple offsets . Offset change Offset e n t r y Offsets and tool motion . Lathe program format . Least increment . Linear interpolation Cutting feedrate . Multiaxis motion . Programming format . Single axis motion Start and end of motion . Live tooling Local coordinate system Handle 21-22 Helical milling Helical interpolation . Helix Ramping Thread milling Thread milling example Hockey stick motion Home position Horizontal machining centers MOO function 56 M01 function M02 program end function M03 function M04 function M05 function M06 function M07 function M08 function M09 function M10-M11 functions M12-M13 functions M15-M16 functions M17-M18 functions Ml9 function M21-M22 functions M23-M24 thread finishing functions M30 program end function M41-M44 functions M48-M49 functions IGES files 33 Incremental data input . Indexing axis . Indexing table . Initial level selection In-process gauging . Input of dimensions . Input format . Zero suppression . Inscribed circle . Interfacing to devices 465-470 Connecting cables Data setting . DNC . 468 411 Punched tape 466 RS-232C interface . Terminology of communications Intermediate point . Inverse time feedrate. . 60.357 465, 467. 469 58 469 298 151 92 87Index 501 Mirror image . 393-398 Control setting . Lathe applications Programmable setting. Programming functions Miscellaneous functions Application in a block Description Machine related functions . Program related functions . Special MDI functions . Modal commands . M-S-T lock Multilevel drilling Multiple repetitive cycles . M60 function 60.439 M71-M72 function M73-M74 functions M88-M89 functions M98-M99 subprogram functions . Machinability rating Machine accessories. Machine coordinate system . Machine geometry Machine lock Machine warm-up Machine zero Absolute and incremental mode Intermediate point Machine zero return . Primary machine zero . Program commands . Return from machine zero . Secondary machine zero . Zero position check . Machine zero return Machining a workpiece Machining cycles Machining holes Drilling Hole enlargement . Lathe applications Peck drilling Reaming Single point boring . Tapping Tooling selection Web drilling Machining sequence Manual absolute Manual data input Manual programming Material specifications . Math in programming . Calculations of triangles . Circle elements Order of calculations . M-codes Machine related MDI functions M-function duration Milling applications Program related Turning applications Numerical control . 1-6 Advantages Definition . Hardwired controls Softwired controls Offsets . 298.315 Operation panel . Optional stop Orthographic orientation Overtravel Pallet c h a n g e r 429. 437 Pallet types Parameters. Parsons. John Part catcher or unloader . Part complexity . Part reference point . Part setup Setup sheet . Part-off Parts counter . Pattern of holes Angular row hole pattern . Arc hole pattern . Bolt hole circle pattern Corner pattern . Grid pattern . Random hole pattern . Straight row hole pattern . MDI , 26, 389 1 Memory capacity 24 414 Messages in a program . Methods sheet . Metric units. Milling - G-codes. Milling - M-codes Milling operations Direction of cut . End mills Peripheral milling . Slots and pockets Speeds and feeds Stock removal . Width and depth of cut Minimum axis increment . Lathes . 112 Machining centers Selection methods Programming formats Format notation . Word address format Programming procedure Programming terms . Pull-Out finger . Punched tape . Pythagorean Theorem Typical patterns . 217 Peck drilling Percent sign Peripheral spindle speed . PI constant Planes Absence of axis data . Circular interpolation in planes Cutter radius offset Definition Fixed cycles Machining in planes . Mathematical planes . Selection of planes . Pocket milling Circular pocket cycles . Circular pockets . Rectangular pockets . Point of origin Point-to-point machining. Polar coordinate system . Position compensation . Incremental mode Motion length calculation . Programming commands . Z-axis Position register commands . Definition Lathes Milling Turning Z-axis setting Post p r o c e s s i n g Power rating Preparatory commands Process sheet Program Program changes. Program comments Program end Program header . Program length reduction . Program structure . Program documents Documentation file folder . Documenting a program Setup sheet Tooling sheet Program identification Program name Program number . Program planning . Program stop Program verification. Avoidance of errors . Detection of errors . Graphic method . Input errors Thread cutting . Program writing Confusing characters . Long programs . Output formatting Programming forms . Program zero Quadrants 16, 236 Quality in CNC programming 40 Radius programming 240 Rapid positioning . Approach to the part . Hockey stick motion . Motion formulas . Reduction of rapid rate. Tool path motion . Real number system . Reaming operations Recess programming . Rectangular coordinate system Reference points . Fixed point Flexible point. Machine zero . Machine zero (home) . Part reference point . Reference point groups . Tool reference point . Register commands. Return to machine zero . Rigid tapping R-level selection . Roughing and finishing . RS-232C interface . Safe block . 65 Safety in CNC work . Scaling function G50-G51 commands Scaling center . Scaling factor 442 6 445 405-408 443 405 442 406 16. 109, 273 . 406Index 503 Target position . Technological decisions . Thread milling . Example Simulation method . Tapered thread . Threading Block-by-block threading . Depth of thread . Forms of thread . G76 cycle Hand of thread . Infeed methods . Lead error Maximum feedrate . Multistart threads Pitch vs. lead Program testing . Retract from thread . Single point threading. Speeds and feeds Tapered thread . Terminology Thread forms Thread recutting . Threading process Threading to a shoulder . Tooling reference. Tool function Chip-to-chip time . Lathes Machining centers. Tool indexing - lathes . Tool length offset . Cancellation Change of offset . Datum shift Distance-To-Go calculation G43-G44 difference . Horizontal application. Offset commands Used with G54-59 Used with G92 . Tool length setup . O f f-m a c h i n e Offset register . O n-m a c h i n e Preset tool length. Using master tool Tool magazine. Tool memory type Fixed type . Random memory type . Tool nose radius offset . Change of motion direction Radius offset commands R-settmg Tool tip orientation . T-setting Tool number registration . Tool offset registers. Geometry offset . Wear offset Tool position setting Tool setup groups . Screen display 21 . 39, 159 Sequence block Sequence return SETTINGS screen Setup sheet Similar triangles Single block Slash symbol Slot drill Slots and pockets Speeds and feeds Spherical end mill Spindle control Constant surface speed Empty spindle Maximum spindle speed setting. Spindle rotation Spindle speed - CSS Spindle speed - RPM Startup Spindle functions Spindle orientation Spindle speed formulas English version Metric version Spindle speed override Spindle stop Spotfacing Status block Stock allowance Stock removal Stored stroke limits Subprograms 100 000 000 hole grid. Development strategies . Grooving applications Identification M98-M99 functions Multi-level nesting Numbering methods Protected subprograms , Repetition Subprogram call Subprogram end Using B-axis Symbols in programming . Tailstock functions . 410 266 Taper programming Tapers Tapping Check list Pipe taps Speeds and feeds Tap chamfer geometry Tap flute geometry . Tap geometry Tapping mode. Tapping on lathes. Web drilling 208 Word address format. Multiple addresses Order of words in block . Word Work area Work coordinate system. Work offsets Additional work offsets . Common offset (COM) Datum shift Defaults External offset (EXT) . G54-G59 commands . Horizontal machine application Lathe applications Startup Work areas available . Work offset change . Z-axis application. Work sketch Center line tooling 1 1 6 External tooling . Internal tooling . Tooling selection. Tooling sheet . Trial cut . Trigonometric table . Trigonometry . Turning - G-codes Turning - M-codes . Turning and boring . Turning tools . Turret indexing . U/W commands 160 40 Undercut programming 304 w Z-axis neglect . 28 W-axis . 10 Wear offset Adjustment
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل الكتاب الشامل فى ماكينات CNC Programming Handbook - CNC رابط مباشر لتنزيل الكتاب الشامل فى ماكينات CNC Programming Handbook - CNC
عدل سابقا من قبل Admin في الأحد 25 يوليو 2021, 6:30 am عدل 9 مرات |
Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: الكتاب الشامل فى ماكينات CNC Programming Handbook - CNC السبت 26 مايو 2012, 7:35 pm | |
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abwahmd.aljbwry مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 15 التقييم : 15 تاريخ التسجيل : 30/11/2011 العمر : 54 الدولة : العراق العمل : خطاط - ميكانيك خراطه
| موضوع: رد: الكتاب الشامل فى ماكينات CNC Programming Handbook - CNC السبت 26 مايو 2012, 10:02 pm | |
جزيل الشكر اخي الفاضل ، تم التحميل ، اسعى للعمل ببرنامج سيرف كام ، وبحاجة الى فيديوات تعليمية ، ان كان بالممكن الاعانة ساكون شاكرا ، والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته |
Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: الكتاب الشامل فى ماكينات CNC Programming Handbook - CNC السبت 26 مايو 2012, 10:11 pm | |
- abwahmd.aljbwry كتب:
- جزيل الشكر اخي الفاضل ، تم التحميل ، اسعى للعمل ببرنامج سيرف كام ،
وبحاجة الى فيديوات تعليمية ، ان كان بالممكن الاعانة ساكون شاكرا ، والسلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته
لا شكر على واجب ونتمنى لك الإستفادة ونرجو منك عمل موضوع للبرنامج المراد وعرفنا به وبفوائده ونرجو وضع اسمه باللغه الإنجليزية وإن شاء الله نحضر لك كل شروحاته
اسراء 13 مهندس فعال
عدد المساهمات : 216 التقييم : 220 تاريخ التسجيل : 09/12/2011 العمر : 32 الدولة : مصر العمل : طالبه
| موضوع: رد: الكتاب الشامل فى ماكينات CNC Programming Handbook - CNC الأحد 27 مايو 2012, 1:34 am | |
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