Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Loads الإثنين 12 أغسطس 2013, 5:20 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Loads LADISLAV FRYBA Institute of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents Preface XIV Symbols XIX I Introduction II One-dimensional solids 1 Simply supported beam subjected to a moving constant force 13 1.1 Formulation of the problem 13 1.2 Solution of the problem 16 1.3 Special cases 20 1.3.1 Static case 20 1.3.2 Case with no damping 20 1.3.3 Light damping 22 1.3.4 Critical damping 23 1.3.5 Supercritical damping 23 1.4 Application of the theory 24 1.4.1 The effect of speed 24 1.4.2 Application to bridges 25 1.4.3 Approximate solution of the effects of a moving mass 26 1.4.4 Experimental results 28 1.5 Additional bibliography 32 2 Moving harmonic force 33 2.1 Formulation and solution of the problem 33 2.2 The dynamic coefficient 35 2.3 Application of the theory 37 2.3.1 Comparison of theory with experiments 38 2.3.2 Critical speed and maximum dynamic coefficient for bridges of various spans 41 2.4 Additional bibliography 43 VCONTENTS 3 Moving continuous load 44 3.1 Steady-state vibration 44 3.2 Arrival of a continuous load on a beam 48 3.3 Departure of a continuous load from a beam 50 3.4 Application of the theory 51 3.4.1 Approximate calculation of large-span railway bridges 52 3.4.2 Comparison of theory with experiments 53 3.4.3 The dynamic coefficient 55 3.4.4 Pipelines carrying moving liquid 56 3.5 Additional bibliography 56 4 Moving force arbitrarily varying in time 57 4.1 Force linearly increasing in time 58 4.2 Force exponentially varying in time 59 4.3 Moving impulses 60 4.4 Application of the theory 62 4.5 Additional bibliography 65 5 Beam stresses 66 5.1 Calculation by expansion in series 66 5.2 The integro-differential equation 69 5.2.1 Particular solution of the non-homogeneous integrodifferential equation 71 5.2.2 General solution of the homogeneous integro-differential equation 75 5.2.3 Numerical example 77 5.3 Combined method 78 5.4 Application of the theory 81 5.5 Additional bibliography 82 6 Beams with various boundary conditions subjected to a moving load 83 6.1 Generalized method of finite integral transformations 83 6.2 Motion of a force generally varying in time, along a beam 86 6.3 Motion of a force along a cantilever beam 91 6.4 Application of the theory 93 6.5 Additional bibliography 93 7 Massless beam subjected to a moving load 94 7.1 Formulation of the problem 94 7.2 Exact solution 95 7.3 Approximate solutions 98 7.3.1 The perturbation method 98 7.3.2 Method of successive approximations 100 7.3.3 Expansion in power series 101 VICONTENTS 7.4 Application of the theory 102 7.5 Additional bibliography 102 8 Beam subjected toa moving system with two degrees of freedom 103 8.1 Formulation of the problem 104 8.2 Solution of the problem 108 8.2.1 Dimensionless parameters 108 8.2.2 Reduction of the equations to the dimensionless form 112 8.2.3 Numerical solution 114 8.3 The effect of various parameters 115 8.3.1 The effect of speed 115 8.3.2 The effect of the frequency parameter of unsprung mass 117 8.3.3 The effect of the frequency parameter of sprung mass 118 8.3.4 The effect of variable stiffness of the elastic layer 118 8.3.5 The effect of the ratio between the weights of vehicle and beam 119 8.3.6 The effect of the ratio between the weights of unsprung and sprung parts of vehicle 119 8.3.7 The effect of beam damping 121 8.3.8 The effect of vehicle spring damping 121 8.3.9 The effect of initial conditions 121 8.3.10 The effect of other parameters 123 8.4 Application of the theory 125 8.4.1 Comparison of theory with experiments 125 8.4.2 Dynamic stresses in large-span railway bridges 128 8.5 Additional bibliography 128 9 Beam subjected to a moving two-axle system 129 9.1 Formulation of the problem 129 9.2 Solution of the problem 134 9.2.1 Dimensionless parameters 134 9.2.2 Reduction of the equations to the dimensionless form 137 9.2.3 Reduction of the equations to a form suitable for numerical calculations 140 9.2.4 Numerical solution 142 9.3 The effect of various parameters 145 9.3.1 The effect of speed 145 9.3.2 The effect of the frequency parameter of unsprung mass 148 9.3.3 The effect of the frequency parameter of sprung mass 148 9.3.4 The effect of the ratio between the weights of vehicle and beam 150 9.3.5 The effect of the ratio between the weights of unsprung parts and whole vehicle 150 9.3.6 The effect of the depth of irregularities 150 9.3.7 The effect of the length of irregularities 151 VIICONTENTS 9.3,8 The effect of other parameters 152 9.4 Application of the theory 153 9.4.1 Comparison of theory with experiments 153 9.4.2 Dynamic stresses in short-span railway bridges 156 9.5 Additional bibliography 156 10 Beam subjected to a moving multi-axle system 157 10.1 Formulation of the problem 157 10.2 Solution of the problem 160 10.2.1 Dimensionless parameters 160 10.2.2 Reduction of the equations to the dimensionless form 162 10.2.3 Numerical solution 163 10.3 The effect of various parameters 165 10.3.1 The effect of speed 165 10.3.2 The effect of other parameters 169 10.4 Application of the theory 169 10.4.1 Comparison of theory with experiments 169 10.4.2 Dynamic stresses in medium-span railway bridges at high speeds 172 10.5 Additional bibliography 172 11 Systems of prismatic bars subjected ta a moving load 173 11.1 Frame systems 175 11.1.1 Free vibration 176 11.1.2 Forced vibration 180 11.2 Continuous beams 183 11.2.1 Free vibration 184 11.2.2 Forced vibration 185 11.3 Trussed bridges 188 11.4 Application of the theory 189 11.4.1 Two-span continuous trussed bridge 189 11.4.2 Six-span continuous trussed bridge 190 11.5 Additional bibliography 191 12 Non-uniform beams and curved bars subjected to a moving load 192 12.1 Straight non-uniform bar 192 12.1.1 The network method 192 12.1.2 Galerkin’s method 195 12.2 Curved bars 197 12.2.1 Normal-mode analysis 198 12.2.2 Circular arch of constant cross section 199 12.3 Application of the theory 205 12.4 Additional bibliography 205 VIIICONTENTS 13 Infinite beam on elastic foundation 206 13.1 Formulation of the problem 206 13.2 Poles of the function of a complex variable 209 13.2.1 Static case 211 13.2.2 Case with no damping 211 13.2.3 Light damping 211 13.2.4 Critical damping 212 13.2.5 Supercritical damping 213 13.3 Solution of various cases 213 13.3.1 Static case 216 13.3.2 Case with no damping 218 13.3.3 Light damping 219 13.3.4 Critical damping 219 13.3.5 Supercritical damping 222 13.4 Deflection, bending moment and shear force at the point of load action 224 13.4.1 Static case 224 13.4.2 Case with no damping 224 13.4.3 Light damping 225 13.4.4 Critical damping 227 13.5 Application of the theory 228 13.5.1 The effect of moving mass 228 13.5.2 The effect of speed 229 13.5.3 The effect of foundation 230 13.6 Additional bibliography 230 14 String subjected to a moving load 231 14.1 String with a moving force 231 14.2 Motion of a mass along a massless string 233 14.3 String with ends suspended at unequal heights 239 14.3.1 Static deflection of string produced by dead weight and by a concentrated force 241 14.3.2 Motion of a force along a string 241 14.4 Application of the theory 242 14.5 Additional bibliography 243 III Two-dimensional solids 15 Plates subjected to a moving load 247 15.1 Simply supported rectangular plate 249 15.1.1 Force variable in time moving parallel to x-axis 250 15.1.2 Motion of a constant force 251 15.1.3 Motion of a force along a straight line 251 15.2 Rectangular plate simply supported on opposite edges 253 15.2.1 Force variable in time moving parallel to x-axis under arbitrary initial conditions 254 15.2.2 Motion of a constant force 256 15.3 Application of the theory 257 15.4 Additional bibliography 259 16 Infinite plate on elastic foundation 260 16.1 Steady state vibration 261 16.2 Solution in polar coordinates 262 16.2.1 Static solution 263 16.2.2 Approximate solution for subcritical speed 265 16.3 Application of the theory 266 16.4 Additional bibliography 266 IV Three-dimensional solids 17 Elastic space with a moving force 269 17.1 Quasi-stationary motion of a force in elastic space 270 17.1.1 Subsonic speed 273 17.1.2 Transonic speed 276 17.1.3 Supersonic speed 279 17.2 Stresses in elastic space 281 17.3 Application of the theory 284 17.4 Additional bibliography 284 18 Force moving on elastic half-space 285 18.1 Motion of a concentrated force on elastic half-space 286 18.1.1 Subsonic speed 288 18.1.2 Transonic speed 291 18.1.3 Supersonic speed 292 18.2 Motion of a line load on elastic half-space 293 18.2.1 Subsonic speed 295 18.2.2 Transonic speed 297 18.2.3 Supersonic speed 301 18.3 Motion of a force on elastic half-plane 303 18.4 Application of the theory 303 18.5 Additional bibliography 305 V Special problems 19 Load motion at variable speed 309 19.1 Motion of a concentrated force 310 19.2 Arrival of a continuous load 314 19.3 The effect of inertial mass of a load moving at variable speed 316 19.3.1 Galerkin’s method 318 19.3.2 The perturbation method 320 19.3.3 Series expansion 322 19.4 Application of the theory 323 19.5 Additional bibliography 324 20 Beams subjected to an axial force and a moving load 325 20.1 Beams subjected to a static axial force under a moving load 328 20.1.1 Moving concentrated force 328 20.1.2 Arrival of a continuous load on a beam 329 20.1.3 The effect of mass of a moving continuous load 330 20.2 Suspended beams 333 20.3 Application of the theory 337 20.4 Additional bibliography 338 21 Longitudinal vibration of bars subjected to a moving load 339 21.1 Moving load 341 21.2 Bending and longitudinal vibrations of bars 341 21.3 Application of the theory 342 21.4 Additional bibliography 342 22 Thin-walled beams subjected to a moving load 343 22.1 Beam section with vertical axis of symmetry 345 22.1.1 Vertical constant force 347 22.1.2 Vertical harmonic force 348 22.1.3 Horizontal force and torsion moment 349 22.2 Beam section with two axes of symmetry 352 22.2.1 Horizontal force 353 22.2.2 Torsion moment 353 22.3 Application of the theory 354 22.3.1 The effect of moving mass of a vehicle 355 22.3.2 The torsional effect of counterweights 355 22.3.3 Lateral impacts 356 22.4 Additional bibliography 356 23 The effect of shear and rotatory inertia 357 23.1 Simply supported beam 361 XICONTENTS 23.1.1 Timoshenko beam 362 23.1.2 Shear beam 364 23.1.3 Rayleigh beam 365 23.2 Infinite beam on elastic foundation 366 23.2.1 Timoshenko beam 369 23.2.2 Shear beam 380 23.2.3 Rayleigh beam 380 23.2.*4 Bernoulli-Euier beam 381 23.3 Application of the theory 382 23.4 Additional bibliography 382 24 Finite beams subjected to a force moving at high speed 383 24.1 Finite beams 384 24.2 Simply supported beam 385 24.3 Application of the theory 387 24.4 Additional bibliography 387 25 Non-elastic properties of materials 388 25.1 Viscoelastic beam subjected to a moving load 388 25.1.1 Perfectly elastic Hooke solid 391 25.1.2 Kelvin solid 391 25.1.3 Maxwell solid 394 25.1.4 Standard linear solid 395 25.2 Rigid-plastic beam subjected to a moving load 397 25.2.1 Perfectly rigid beam with plastic hinge 398 25.2.2 Moving force 405 25.2.3 Massless beam 408 25.3 Application of the theory 408 25.4 Additional bibliography 409 26 Moving random loads 410 26.1 General theory 411 26.1.1 Correlation analysis 412 26.1.2 Spectral density analysis 413 26.2 Moving random force 414 26.3 Moving random continuous load 418 26.4 Infinite beam on random elastic foundation traversed by a random force 421 26.5, Application of the theory 426 26.6 Additional bibliography 427 XIICONTENTS VI Appendix and bibliography 27 Tables of integral transformations 431 27.1 Laplace-Carson integral transformation 432 27.2 Fourier sine finite integral transformation 446 27.3 Fourier cosine finite integral transformation 447 27.4 Fourier complex integral transformation 448 27.5 Fourier sine integral transformation 449 27.6 Fourier cosine integral transformation 450 27.7 Hankel integral transformation 451 Bibliography 452 Supplementary bibliography 467 Author index 478 Subject index
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Vibration of Solids and Structures under Moving Loads الثلاثاء 13 أغسطس 2013, 5:25 am | |
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