منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
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عدد المساهمات : 18961
التقييم : 35389
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM   كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Emptyالخميس 16 سبتمبر 2010, 2:40 am

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
(Third Edition)
P. Radhakrishnan
Vice Chancellor
VIT University, Vellore
Tamil Nadu
Former Principal
PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore
Former Vice Chancellor
Bharathiar University, Coimbatore
Tamil Nadu
School of Engineering Technologies
Farmingdale State University
New York

كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM C_a_d_14
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface (V)
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Types of Manufacturing 3
1.3 Evolution of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 4
1.4 Cim Hardware and Cim Software 6
1.5 Nature and Role of the Elements of Cim System 7
1.6 Development of Cim 10
2.1 Introduction 13
2.2 Product Development Cycle 13
2.3 Sequential Engineering 16
2.4 Concurrent Engineering 18
2.5 Comparison of Concurrent Engineering and Sequential Engineering 19
2.6 Implementation of Concurrent Engineering 21
2.7 Concurrent Engineering and Information Technology 23
2.8 Soft and Hard Prototyping 25
2.9 Characteristics of Concurrent Engineering 25
2.10 Key Factors Influencing the Success of Ce 26
2.11 Example of Concurrent Engineering 26
2.12 Techniques to Improve Manufacturability and Reduce Lead Time 27
2.13 Improving the Design 32
2.14 Taguchi Method for Robust Design 34
2.15 Value Engineering 34
2.16 Product Life Cycle Management 35viii Contents
3.1 Introduction 41
3.2 Graphic Primitives 42
3.3 Point Plotting 43
3.4 Drawing of Lines 43
3.5 Bresenham’s Circle Algorithm 47
3.6 Ellipse 55
3.7 Transformation in Graphics 55
3.8 Co-ordinate Systems Used in Graphics and Windowing 55
3.9 View Port 56
3.10 2-d Transformations 56
3.11 Homogeneous Transformations 60
3.12 Combination Transformations 61
3.13 Clipping 63
3.14 3-dimensional Transformations 63
3.15 Projections 64
3.16 Scan Conversion 66
3.17 Rendering 69
3.18 Rasterizing Polygons 69
3.19 Hidden Surface Removal 70
3.20 Anti Aliasing 72
3.21 Reflection 73
3.22 Shading 75
3.23 Generation of Characters 76
4.1 Introduction 77
4.2 Computer Fundamentals 78
4.3 Classification of Computers 79
4.4 Data Communications 83
4.5 Design Work Stations 89
4.6 Architecture of a Typical Graphics Workstation 90
4.7 Interactive Display Devices 93
4.8 Input Devices 97
4.9 Output Devices 100
5.1 Introduction 103
5.2 Operating System (Os) 104
5.3 Comparison of Commands in Popular Operating Systems 106
5.4 Unix - Operating System 108
5.5 Architecture of Unix System 109contents
Contents Ix
5.6 Graphical User Interfaces (Windows Environment) 113
5.7 Ms Windows 114
5.8 Windows Nt 115
5.9 Linux 120
6.1 Introduction 121
6.2 Geometric Modeling 123
6.3 Salient Features of Solid Modeling 128
6.4 Command, Menu and Icon Driven Softwares 136
6.5 Features of a Drafting Package 138
6.6 Drawing Utilities 139
6.7 Entities 142
6.8 Edit Commands 143
6.9 Blocks and Symbols 143
6.10 Display 144
6.11 Cross Hatching and Pattern Filling 144
6.12 Dimensioning 145
6.13 Enquiry Commands 146
6.14 3-d Drawings 147
6.15 Plotting a Drawing 149
6.16 Configuring the Drafting Software 149
6.17 Customisation 149
6.18 Drawing Interchange Files 150
6.19 Drawing Office Management 150
6.20 Surface Modeling 152
6.21 Representation of Curves and Surfaces 154
6.22 Design of Curved Shapes 155
6.23 Cubic Splines 156
6.24 Bezier Curves 159
6.25 B-splines 161
6.26 Nurbs and B-splines 162
6.27 Representation of Surfaces 163
6.28 Design of Surfaces 163
6.29 Parametric Design of Surfaces 163
6.30 Bicubic Polynomial Surface Patches 164
6.31 Bezier Bicubic Surface Patches 165
6.32 Cubic B-spline Surfaces 166
6.33 Surface Modeling in Commercial Drafting and Modeling Software 166
6.34 the Conceptual Design Process 174
6.35 Sketching the Geometry 176
6.36 Understanding Curve and Surface Design 177
6.37 Other Features Useful for Conceptual Design 185
6.38 Data Transfer to Other Softwares 185x Contents
7.1 Introduction 189
7.2 General Steps Involved in Finite Element Analysis 191
7.3 Types of Analysis 193
7.4 Degrees of Freedom 195
7.5 Influence Coefficients 196
7.6 Element and Structure Stiffness Equations 196
7.7 Assembly of Elements 212
7.8 Finite Element Analysis Packages 215
7.9 General Structure of a Finite Element Analysis Procedure 216
7.10 Architecture of Finite Element Software 221
7.11 Using a Finite Element Analysis Package for Simple Problems 222
7.12 Elements in a Finite Element Analysis Software 223
7.13 Examples of Solution Using a Software 228
7.14 Manufacturing Applications 242
7.15 Welding Simulation 243
7.16 Finite Element Analysis Applications to Metal Forming 244
7.17 Simulation of Heat Tratment 245
7.18 Plastic Injection Molding 245
8.1 Introduction 247
8.2 Database Requirements of Cim 249
8.3 Data Base 249
8.4 Database Management 251
8.5 Features of a Database Management System 251
8.6 Database Models 252
8.7 Dbms Architecture 255
8.8 Query Language 255
8.9 Structured Query Language [sql] 256
8.10 Sql as a Knowledge Base Query Language 257
8.11 Product Data Management (Pdm) 258
8.12 Advantages of Pdm 260
9.1 Introduction 263
9.2 Process Planning 263
9.3 Structure of a Process Planning Software 266
9.4 Information Required for Process Planning 266
9.5 Operation of a Typical Computer Aided Process Planning Software 267
9.6 Cad Based Process Planning - Certain Limitations and Problems 270
9.7 Group Technology 272contents
Contents Xi
9.8 Coding Structures 274
9.9 Opitz Classification System 275
9.10 the Miclass System 277
9.11 the Code System 277
9.12 Benefits of Group Technology 277
9.13 Process Selection 279
9.14 Experience-based Planning 279
9.15 Hand Books/data Books/manuals 280
9.16 Decision Tables and Decision Trees 280
9.17 Process Capability 280
9.18 Methods of Computer Aided Process Planning 282
9.19 Variant Process Planning 282
9.20 Generative Process Planning 284
9.21 Implementation Considerations 288
9.22 Process Planning Systems 289
10.1 Introduction 293
10.2 Background 294
10.3 Role of Mrp-ii in a Cim System 295
10.4 Major Modules of a Manufacturing Resources Planning (Mrp) Software 296
10.5 Manufacturing Applications 296
10.6 Engineering Applications 304
10.7 Financial Applications 307
10.8 Marketing Applications 311
10.9 Miscellaneous Applications 313
10.10 Common Acronyms Used in an Mrp-ii Environment 314
10.11 Status of Mrp-ii Software 314
10.12 Dynamic Enterprises 315
10.13 Enterprise Resource Planning (Erp) 316
10.14 Supply Chain Management 320
10.15 Virtual Manufacturing 322
10.16 Selection of an Erp Package 322
10.17 Erp in India 323
10.18 Dynamic Enterprise Modelling (Dem) 323
11.1 Introduction 327
11.2 Types of Automation Systems 328
11.3 Programmable Logic Controllers 329
11.4 Parts of a Typical Plc System 332
11.5 Operation of a Plc 333xii Contents
11.6 Programming of Plc 333
11.7 Example of Application of Plc in a Cnc Machine 335
11.8 Factory Level Control 338
12.1 Introduction 341
12.2 Principle of Operation of a Numerical Controlled Machine 342
12.3 Historical Development 351
12.4 Types of Cnc Machines 353
12.5 Features of Cnc Systems 373
12.6 Direct Numerical Control (Dnc) 379
12.7 Functions Available in a Typical Cnc System 384
12.8 Standard Controllers 386
12.9 Some of the Features Available in Typical High End Cnc System 387
12.10 General Programming Features of Cnc Systems 389
12.11 Programming of Cnc Machine Tools 403
12.12 Hints for Programming 414
12.13 Example of Programming a Vertical Machining Centre 423
12.14 Cnc Turning a Gear Blank 431
12.15 Cnc Turning a Casting 442
12.16 Cnc Program Development and Virtual Machining Using Cam
Technology 451
12.17 Technology of Cam 454
12.18 Procedure of Cam 455
12.19 Manufacturing Operations 459
12.20 Tool Motion Parameters 462
12.21 Auxiliary Nc Sequences 463
12.22 Cl Data Files 463
12.23 Nc Post-processing 464
12.24 Virtual Machining 464
12.25 Summary 465
13.1 Introduction 471
13.2 Definition of a Robot 472
13.3 Types of Robots 474
13.4 Performance Capabilities 481
13.5 Programming Robots 484
13.6 Geometric Requirements for the Cad/robot Linkage 493
13.7 Simulation 494
13.8 Adaptive Control 494
13.9 Robot Operation 495contents
Contents Xiii
13.10 Ends-of-arm-tooling 496
13.11 Control System Operation 496
13.12 Applications of Industrial Robots 496
13.13 the Integration of the Industrial Robot Into a Cim System 500
13.14 Presentation of Work to Robots 501
13.15 Product Design for Automatic Manufacture by Robots 501
13.16 Manufacturers of Robots 502
14.1 Introduction 505
14.2 Total Quality Management (Tqm) 506
14.3 Qc and Cim 507
14.4 Inspection and Testing 508
14.5 Statistical Process Control (Spc) 509
14.6 Objectives of Caqc 509
14.7 Role of Computer in Qc 509
14.8 Coordinate Measuring Machine 510
14.9 Non-contact Inspection Methods 512
14.10 Post Process Metrology 516
14.11 Computer Aided Inspection Using Robots 517
14.12 Integrated Computer Aided Inspection Systems 518
14.13 Flexible Inspection System (Fis) 520
15.1 Introduction 523
15.2 Principles of Networking 523
15.3 Network Techniques 526
15.4 Local Area Network (Lan) 526
15.5 Components of a Small Local Area Network 528
15.6 Network Wiring Methods 529
15.7 Network Interface Cards 532
15.8 Networking Standards and Their Development 533
15.9 Examples of Network Standards 536
15.10 Ethernet 537
15.11 Issues in Inter-system Communication 538
15.12 Network Operating Systems 540
15.13 System Security 541
15.14 Managing Remote Systems in a Network 541
15.15 Design Activity in a Networked Environment 542
15.16 Engineering Change Control 542
15.17 Networking in a Manufacturing Company 542
15.18 Network File System (Nfs) 543xiv Contents
15.19 Internet 548
15.20 Hardware Elements of a Network 551
15.21 Atm (Asynchronous Transfer Mode) Networks 554
15.22 Enterprise Wide Network 555
15.23 Document and Workflow Management System 557
15.24 a Case Study of Application of Global Networking 562
16.1 Introduction 565
16.2 Faster Design Thruoghput 566
16.3 Web Based Design 567
16.4 Changing Design Approaches 568
16.5 Extended Enterprises 571
16.6 Software for Collaborative Design and Enterprise-wide Product
Visualization 572
17.1 Introduction 575
17.2 Standards for Graphics Programming 576
17.3 Features of Gks 576
17.4 Other Graphics Standards 578
17.5 Phigs 578
17.6 Opengl 580
17.7 Parasolid 581
17.8 Acis 583
17.9 Exchange of Cad Data Between Software Packages 584
17.10 Dxf Files 585
17.11 Initial Graphics Exchange Specification (Iges) Graphics Standard 587
17.12 Product Data Exchange Specification (Pdes) 590
17.13 Other Data Exchange Formats 590
17.1.4 Product Data Technology Support for Computer Aided Concurrent
Engineering 590
18.1 Introduction 597
18.2 Esprit - Cim Osa Model 599
18.3 the Nist - Amrf Hierarchical Model 601
18.4 the Siemens Model of Cim 602
18.5 the Cim Model of Digital Equipment Corporation 603
18.6 the Ibm Concept of Cim 604
18.7 Present Scenario 607contents
Contents Xv
19.1 Introduction 609
19.2 Subsystems of Fms 610
19.3 Scope of Fms 611
19.4 Fms Compared to Other Types of Manufacturing Approaches 611
19.5 Types of Fms 612
19.6 Benefits of Fms 620
19.7 Major Elements of Fms 622
19.8 Optimisation of Fms 627
19.9 Operational Elements of a Typical Flexible Manufacturing Cell 628
19.10 Typical Fms Layout 638
19.11 Fms Development in India 639
20.1 Introduction 641
20.2 Shop Floor Control 643
20.3 Shop Floor Data Collection 646
20.4 Types of Data Collection Systems 646
20.5 Data Input Techniques 647
20.6 Automatic Data Collection System 648
20.7 Bar Code Technology 648
20.8 Optical Character Recognition 650
20.9 Magnetic Ink Character Recognition 651
20.10 Voice Recognition 651
20.11 Smart Cards 651
20.12 Data Acquisition Systems (Das) 652
21.1 Introduction 653
21.2 Types of Simulation 654
21.3 Techniques of Simulation 655
21.4 Simulation Process for Manufacturing Systems Analysis 656
21.5 Simulation Software Packages 656
21.6 Application of Simulation 657
21.7 Procedure for Simulation Using Software 659
A CIM Model 597
Accounts Payable 307
Accounts Receivable 308
ACIS 583
Across the Wall Approach 17
Active Edge List 67
Analysis 220
Anti Aliasing 72
Application Layer 536
Applications of Industrial Robots 496
Arc Net Cards 532
Artificial Intelligence 287
Assembly Design 169
ATM (Asynchronous Transfer Mode)
Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems 624
Automatic Guided Vehicles 623
Automatic Positioning of Tools 351
Automatic Tool Change Systems 614
Automating Workflow 560
Automation 327
Autoplan 290
Banded Matrix 213
Bar Code Technology 648
Base Band 528
Batch Production (Discrete Manufacturing) 4
Beam 203
Behaviour Modeling 135
Benefits of FMS 620
Bezier 159
Bezier Bicubic Surface Patches 165
Bicubic Polynomial Surface 164
Bill of Material 304
Bill of Materials 150
Blocks 143
Boundary Representation 127
Bresenham’s Algorithm 47
Broad Band 528
Brushless A.C. Servomotors 359
Bus Networks: 530
Bus Topology 88
Business Plan 296
CAD/CAM-CMM Interface 519
CAM Technology 451
Canned Cycles 396
Canned Cycles (Fixed Cycles) 377
Capacity Requirements Planning 299
CAPP based on CAD Models 286
CAPP based on Decision Logic 287
Casting Simulation 242
Categories of AS/RS 625
Cell Encoding 68
Cell Magazine Management 636
Central Projection 65
Challenges in Manufacturing 2
Chucking Machines 362
CIM Data Base 248
CIM Hardware 6
CIM Model of Digital Equipment Corporation
CIM software 6
Circuit Switching 554
CL Data Files 463
Classification of computers 79
Classification of robots 475
Client/Server 549
Clipping 63
Closed Loop System 349
CNC 341
CNC Drilling 366
CNC Grinding 366
CNC Lathes 361
CNC Machining 173
CNC Press Brakes 371
CNC Servo system 344
CODE system 277
Coding Structures 274
Collaborative Design 572
Collaborative Engineering 565
Collaborative Product Development 566
Computer Aided Manufacturing 453
Computer Graphics. 41
Computer Hardware 77
Computer Software 77
Computer to Computer Communications 87
Conceptual Design 174
Concurrent Engineering 18
Constructive Solid Geometry (CSG) 126
Continuous Process Industries 3
Control System Features 374
Coordinate Measuring Machine 510
Cost Accounting 304
CPPP 291
Cross Hatching 144
CRT 93
Cubic Splines 156
Curvature Plot 178
Curve Design 178
Curve on Surface 184
Curves and Surfaces 154
Customer Order Processing 311
Cutting Conditions 416
Cylindrical Grinding 367
Data Acquisition Systems 652
Data Communications 83
Data Exchange Using Neutral Files 585
Data Link Layer 534
Database Administrator 251
Datum Points 403
Datum Setting 413
DBMS Architecture 255
Depreciation 310
Design and Redesign Path 17
Design Changes 19
Design for X 27
Design of Curves 177
Design Work Stations 89
Detection of Direction 347
Diagnostic Features 377
Digital Differential Analyzer 43
Digitizer 99
Dimensioning 145
Direct Data Translation 584
DIRECT Numerical Control 379
Displacement Function 192
Displacement Functions 211
Display 144
Display Subsystem 92
Distributed numerical control 384
Distribution Planning 313
Drafting Package 138
Drawing Interchange Files 150
Drawing of Circles 46
DXF Files 585
Dynamic Enterprise Modelling 323
Dynamic Enterprises 315Index 669
Edge Surface 168
EDIT Commands 143
Electrical Discharge Machining 369
Electronic Spindle Orientation 360
Element Shapes 211
Element Stiffness Matrix 192
Elements 223
Elements of a Robotic System 472
Elements of FMS 622
Encoder, 345
End-of-Arm Movements 477
Enquiry C 146
Enterprise Optimization 607
Enterprise Resource Planning 316
Enterprise-wide Network 556
Ethernet Cards 532
Ethernet Switch 551
Ethernet Workgroup Hubs 552
Evolution of CIM 10
Experience-based Planning 279
Extended Enterprises 571
Extrusion 147
Factory Level Control 338
Failure Mode and Effect Analysis 32
FDDI Adapters 552
Feature-based Design 128
Features of a Database Management System
Features of CNC Systems 373
Feedback Signal 345
File Transfer Protocol 549
File Utilities 142
Finite Element Analysis Packages 215
Finite Element Modeling 173
Finite Element Modeling (FEM) and Finite
Element 189
Fixed Beam Reader 649
Flexible Inspection System 520
Flexible Machining Systems 619
Flexible Manufacturing Cells 612
Flexible Manufacturing System (FMS) 609
Flexible Transfer Lines 619
Flexible Turning Cells 613
FMC Software 629
Forward and Backward Planning 286
Frame Buffer 95
Frame Buffers 68
Frontal Solver Technique 214
Functions Available in a Typical CNC System
G Functions 407
Gantry Robot 476
GARI 291
Gauraud Shading 75
Gear Cutting Machines 370
General Ledger 309
General Purpose Simulation System 655
Generative process Planning 284
Geometric modeling 121
Geometry Engine 91
GKS 576
Global Stiffness Matrix 193, 212
Graphic Primitives 42
Graphic Standards 575
Graphical User Interfaces 113
Grid 140
Group Technology 272
GUI 113
Heat Tratment 245
Hidden Surface Removal 70
Hierarchical Database 252
High Speed Machining Centres 360
High-Level Simulators 655
Homogeneous Transformations 60
Horizontal Spindle Machining Centres 355
Hybrid Networks: 530
Hybrid Schemes 88670 CAD/CAM/CIM
IBM Concept of CIM 604
IGES 587
Input Format 286
Inspection Machines 373
Interactive Graphic Terminals 93
Interpolation 394
Intranet 550
Inventory Management 302
Isometric Projection 66
Job Costing 306
Job Scheduling 631
Joysticks 97
Keyboard 82, 97
Labour Performance 313
Ladder Logic 334
LAN Adapters 551
Laser Interferometer 513
Laser Telemetric Measuring Systems 513
Layers 141
Levels of Integration 10, 605
Life of a Product 14
Local Area Network (LAN) 526
Machining Centres 354
Main Frame Computer 82
Manual Part Programming 404
Manufacturing Automation 328
Manufacturing Automation Protocol 536
Manufacturing Model 457
Manufacturing resource planning 293
Manufacturing Simulation 195, 653
Mass Production Industries 3
Master Production Schedule 297
Materials Requirements Planning 298
M-Codes 410
Mechanism Design 171
Mesh Refinement 191
MICLASS Classification 277
Mini Computers 82
Miscellaneous Codes 392
Modems 87, 531
Mother Board 81
Mouse 98
Moving Beam Reader 649
MRP 294
Multitasking Machines 364
Network Database 253
Network File System (NFS) 543
Network Layer 535
Network Operating Systems 540
Network Techniques 526
Network Topologies 530
Network Wiring Methods 529
Networking 523
Non-contact CNC CMM 515
Numerical Control 341
Objectives of Database 250
Off-line (batch) Data Collection Systems 647
Oil Hydraulic Systems 329
On-line Data Collection 646
OpenGL 580
Operating Systems 103
Opitz Classification System 275
Optical Character Recognition 650
Order Progress 645
Order Release 644
Order Scheduling 645Index 671
OSI Model 533
Outsourcing 37
Overview of Pentium PC 80
Packet Switching 554
Paperless Office 557
Parallel Interface 84
Parallel Projection 64
Parallel/Serial Conversion 85
Parametric Design 132
Parasolid 581
Part Families 272
Parts Classification and Coding Systems 272
Payroll 310
Personal Computers 79
Perspective projection 65
Phong Technique 75
Physical Layer 534
Plane Stress/Plane Strain 205
Plastic Injection Molding 245
PLC applications 331
PLM softwares 36
Plotters 101
Pneumatic Systems 328
Post Process Metrology 516
Postprocessor 221
Preparatory Codes 392
Preparatory Functions 407
Preprocessing 217
Presentation Layer 536
Principal Stresses 206
Printers 102
Procedure for Simulation 659
Process Boundaries. 281
Process Boundary Table 281
Process Capability 280
Process Control: 330
Process Family Matrix 282
Process Planning 263
Process Selection 279
Product Data Management 258
Product Development Cycle 13
Product Development Spiral 16
Product Life Cycle Management 35
Production Plan 297
Programmable Logic controller 377
Programmable Logic Controllers 329
Programming Codes 412
Programming Features 376, 389
Programming of PLC 333
Projections 64
Public Switched Data Networks 525
Purchase Order and Receiving 302
Quality Control 505
Query Language 255
Raster Sca 94
Raster Subsystem 92
Rasterizing Polygons 69
Real time Scan Conversion 67
Reflection 73
Rendering 69
Retrieval of Plans 268
Revolution 148
Ring Network 88, 530
Robot Programming 486
Robot Programming Languages 489
Robots 471
Robust Design 34
Rotation 58
Router 553
RPO 290
RS-232 Interface 86
Ruled Surface 167
Run Length Encoding 68
Sales History 312
Scaling 140
Scaling 57
Scan Conversion 66, 91
Scan Converting Polygons 69
Scan Line Z-Buffer Algo 72
SCARA Robot 476
Seed Fill Algorithm 70
Sequencing: 330672 CAD/CAM/CIM
Sequential Engineering 16
Session Layer 535
Shading 75
Shearing 59
Shop Floor Control 643
Shop Floor Data Collection 641
Siemens Model of CIM 602
Simulation in Automotive Industry 657
Simulation Languages 655
Simulation Software Packages 656
Simultaneous Engineering 18
Singularity 179
Smart Cards 651
Smoothness of surfaces 184
Snap 140
Solar Cells 346
Solid Modeling 125
Spar 199
Spindle Cooling 359
Splines 156
Spring Element 197
Standard Product Costing 306
Standard Product Routing 305
Star Network: 530
Star Topology 88
Statistical Process Control (SPC) 509
STEP architecture 591
Steps in FEA 217
Structural Analysis 193
Structured Query Language 256
Subroutine Programming 376
Super Computers 83
Supply Chain Management 320
Surface Grinding 366
Surface Modeling 124, 152
Surface Patch 164
Switching: 330
System Network Architecture 536
Tabulated Surface 167
Taguchi Method 34
Technical Document Management 558
Technical Office Protocol 537
Technology of CAM 454
THE NIST - AMRF Hierarchical Model 601
Thumb Wheel 100
Token-Ring Adapters 553
Tool Nose Radius Compensation 403
Tool Offset/Tool Compensation 402
Total Quality Management (TQM) 506
Touch Screens 97
Toyota Production System 32
Track Balls 98
Transformation 55
Translation 58
Transmission Media 531
Transport Layer 535
Turning Centres 361
Turret Punch Press 369
Turret Slide 363
Types of CNC Machines 353
Types of Production Systems 612
Typical FMS Layout 638
Units 140
Universal Lathes 362
Universal Machining Centres 358
Universal Serial Bus 87
UNIX 108
Unix Kernel 108
User Co-ordinate Systems 148
Value Engineering 34
Value Stream Mapping 32
Variant Process Planning 282
Vector Spindle Drive 359
vertical CNC Lathes 364
Vertical Spindle Machining Centres 357
View Port 56
Virtual Machining 451, 464
Virtual Manufacturing 322
Virtual Private Network 525
Vision System 514Index 673
Voice Recognition 651
VSAT 556
Wave Front 214
Welding Simulation 243
Wire Frame Modeling 123
Wireless LAN (WLAN) 89
Wireless LAN Adapters 552
Work Envelope of a Robot 478
Workflow Management Systems 561
World Wide Web 549
Z-Buffer Algorithm 71

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عدد المساهمات : 3
التقييم : 3
تاريخ التسجيل : 12/09/2012
العمر : 37
الدولة : Iraq
العمل : student
الجامعة : Baghdad

كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM   كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Emptyالأحد 30 سبتمبر 2012, 7:50 pm

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18961
التقييم : 35389
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM   كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Emptyالأحد 30 سبتمبر 2012, 7:53 pm

hassanein86 كتب:

لا شكر على واجب ونتمنى لك الإستفادة
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مهندس تحت الاختبار
مهندس تحت الاختبار

عدد المساهمات : 18
التقييم : 22
تاريخ التسجيل : 14/08/2012
العمر : 35
الدولة : الأردن
العمل : طالب
الجامعة : البلقاء التطبيقية

كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM   كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Emptyالإثنين 01 أكتوبر 2012, 12:09 am

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18961
التقييم : 35389
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM   كتاب CAD/CAM/CIM Emptyالإثنين 01 أكتوبر 2012, 7:02 am

الحصنلوحي كتب:

لا شكر على واجب ونتمنى لك الإستفادة
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
صفحة 2 من اصل 2انتقل الى الصفحة : 1, 2  الصفحة التالية
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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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