كتاب احتراف و تعليم وشرح برنامج أرت كام - ArtCAM Pro Reference Manual
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب احتراف و تعليم وشرح برنامج أرت كام - ArtCAM Pro Reference Manual

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عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب احتراف و تعليم وشرح برنامج أرت كام - ArtCAM Pro Reference Manual  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب احتراف و تعليم وشرح برنامج أرت كام - ArtCAM Pro Reference Manual    كتاب احتراف و تعليم وشرح برنامج أرت كام - ArtCAM Pro Reference Manual  Emptyالإثنين 24 يونيو 2013, 5:03 pm

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أحضرت لكم كتاب
احتراف و تعليم وشرح برنامج أرت كام
ArtCAM Pro Reference Manual
By Delcam PLC

كتاب احتراف و تعليم وشرح برنامج أرت كام - ArtCAM Pro Reference Manual  A_c_r_10
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Overview 1
ArtCAM Pro Overview 1
Information about ArtCAM Pro .1
Comparing Bitmaps, Vectors and Reliefs 3
What is a Vector? .3
What is a Bitmap? 4
What is a Relief? 5
ArtCAM Pro Layout 7
ArtCAM Pro Layout 7
Using the Design Windows .11
Adjusting the Window View .11
Opening a New 2D View Window 12
Labelling a 2D View Window .13
Deleting a 2D View Window 13
2D View Manipulation 15
3D View .15
Zoom In Tool .15
Zoom Out Tool 15
Zoom Previous .16
Window Fit 16
Zoom Object(s) 16
Zoom 1:1 16
Vectors On/Off 16
Bitmap On/Off .16
Greyscale View 17
Undo .17
Redo .17
Link All Colours 17
Unlink All Colours 17
Link/Unlink Colours 17ii • Contents ArtCAM Pro 8.0 Reference Manual
Merge Colours .18
2D Bitmap Contrast Tool 18
Scrolling the 2D View .19
2D View Options 19
Using Rulers 20
Using the Snap Grid .20
Using Guidelines 22
Snapping to Objects .25
3D View Manipulation .26
2D View .26
Twiddle Tool 26
Pan View 27
Zoom 27
Zoom Out .28
Previous View 28
Scale To Fit 28
Isometric View .28
View Along X 28
View Along Y 28
View Along Z 29
Select Relief Detail .29
Draw Zero Plane 29
Draw X Y .29
Origin .30
Objects To Draw 30
Colour Shade 31
3D View Options 31
Using the Top Toolbar .33
Updating ArtCAM Pro .33
Installing Your ArtCAM Licence 37
Managing ArtCAM Pro's Preferences .37
Working with Models 45
Getting Started .45
Creating a Model .45
Creating a Model from an Image .47
Opening an Existing Model .48
Viewing Model Information 50
Closing a Model .50ArtCAM Pro 8.0 Reference Manual Contents • iii
Shutting Down ArtCAM Pro .51
Managing a Model .52
Creating a New Model .53
Creating a New Model Using Pixels .54
Opening a Model .54
Saving a Model 55
Saving the 3D View as an Image .56
Printing a Model 57
Importing Images .61
Editing the Model Dimensions 62
Editing Asymmetrical Dimensions in a Model .63
Setting the Position of a Model .65
Clearing a Model .67
Deskewing a Model .67
Creating a Greyscale Image from a Relief 67
Adding a Border to a Model 69
Using a Spot Filter on a Bitmap Image .70
Adjusting Light and Material Settings 71
Using the Selection Rectangle .78
Cropping a Model 79
Using the ArtCAM Pro Notepad .80
Importing Vector Artwork .81
Exporting Vector Artwork .87
Importing a 3D Model File 87
Importing a 3D Model File for Unwrapping .92
Importing CopyCAD Relief Data 95
Multiplate Engraving Tool 96
Correcting an Action .104
Mirroring a Model .105
Rotating a Model .105
Printing a Model 106
Working with Layers .110
Creating a New Layer 110
Naming a Layer .111
Assigning a Colour to a Layer .111
Manipulating Layers 112
Using the Font Editor .116
Using the Face Wizard .122
Working with Bitmaps 129
Drawing using Bitmaps 129
Bitmap Drawing Tools 129iv • Contents ArtCAM Pro 8.0 Reference Manual
Creating a Model from a Bitmap .130
Importing a Bitmap into a Model .130
Setting a Bitmap's Size and Origin 130
Working with Colours 130
Selecting the Primary and Secondary Colours 131
Reducing Colours 132
Colour Merging 133
Colour Linking .134
Edge Marking 135
Colour Thinning .135
Colour Thickening .136
Adding Colours 137
Saving a Custom Colour Palette 139
Loading a Custom Colour Palette 139
Editing a Bitmap Image .140
Using the Paint Brush 140
Using the Draw Tool 143
Using the Bitmap Line Tool 144
Using the Erase Tool 144
Flood Filling 145
Copying and Pasting Bitmap Areas .146
Converting a Bitmap into Vectors .147
Creating a Shape from a Bitmap 149
Working with Vectors 151
Overview 151
Drawing with Polylines 152
Creating a Polyline .152
Completing Polyline Creation .154
Closing a Polyline to Create a Polygon .155
Amending a Polyline .155
Creating Simple Shapes .156
Creating a Rectangle 156
Creating a Circle 159
Creating an Ellipse .161
Creating a Polygon .164
Creating a Star .166
Creating an Arc 169
Editing Vector Objects .171
Selecting Vectors .172
Moving Vectors .174
Editing Vector Spans .175ArtCAM Pro 8.0 Reference Manual Contents • v
Editing Vector Nodes 182
Deleting Vector Objects 191
Copying and Pasting Vector Objects .192
Offsetting Vector Objects 197
Splining Vector Objects .199
Filleting Vector Objects .203
Trimming Vector Objects 207
Wrapping Vectors to a Relief 209
Locking and Unlocking Vector Objects 211
Fitting Arcs to Vector Objects .211
Nesting Vector Objects 212
Distorting Vector Objects 218
Pasting Vectors Along a Curve .223
Converting Vector Objects 224
Creating a Vector Border .225
Using the Vector Doctor 226
Working with Vector Text .229
Creating Vector Text .230
Selecting Vector Text 231
Editing Vector Text .231
Formatting Vector Text .233
Wrapping Text Round a Curve 238
Measuring Vector Objects .243
Transforming Vector Objects 244
Using Transform Vectors Mode 244
Using the Transform Vector(s) Page .246
Manipulating Vector Objects .254
Mirroring Vectors 254
Aligning Vectors 257
Centring Vectors 258
Merging Vectors 259
Joining Vectors 262
Closing Vectors .265
Clipping Vectors 266
Slicing Vectors .268
Grouping Vector Objects .270
Viewing the Properties of a Vector Object 272
Reversing a Vector Object's Direction .274
Ungrouped Vectors 274
Grouped Vectors 275
Creating Bitmaps from Vectors .275
Flood Filling Vector Objects .276
Importing Vector Artwork .276vi • Contents ArtCAM Pro 8.0 Reference Manual
Exporting Vector Artwork .276
Creating a Shape from a Vector .277
Creating a Feature from a Vector .277
Creating a Raised Feature 277
Creating a Recessed Feature 280
Creating a Centreline Engraved Feature 281
Returning a Feature to a Vector .282
Working with Reliefs 285
Overview 285
Using the Shape Editor .286
Creating a Shape from a Bitmap 286
Creating a Shape from a Closed Vector 290
Creating a Shape Using Vectors 294
Creating a Swept Profile Shape .295
Creating a Two Rail Sweep .310
Creating a Weave Shape 316
Creating ISO-FORM Letters .320
Creating a Dome 323
Creating a Feature 324
Calculating a Relief 325
Replacing the Relief .326
Adding to the Relief .326
Subtracting from the Relief .328
Merging with the Relief .330
Transforming and Manipulating Reliefs 333
Using 3D Clipart 333
Copying and Pasting a Relief 344
Pasting a Relief along a Vector .349
Inverting a Relief .351
Smoothing a Relief 352
Scaling the Relief Height .354
Scaling to Volume .356
Mirroring a Relief 357
Mirror Merging a Relief 358
Offsetting a Relief 359
Resetting a Relief .360
Resetting the Relief Height 360
Managing and Editing Reliefs 361
Saving a Relief .362
Loading a Relief .363
Calculating the Surface Area .366ArtCAM Pro 8.0 Reference Manual Contents • vii
Displaying the Calculation Time .367
Adding a Draft Angle 368
Creating a Triangle Mesh 368
Creating a Cross-Section .370
Creating an Angled Plane 371
Blending 3D Shapes 374
Relief Envelope Distortion 378
Fading a Relief .386
Creating a Ring 390
Adding Texture to a Relief 390
Sculpting a Relief 397
Removing Holes in the Relief Surface 402
Creating a Greyscale Image from a Relief 402
Rotating a Relief or Triangle Mesh .402
Machining Models 403
Overview 403
Using Toolpaths .405
2D Toolpaths 405
2D Profiling .407
2D Area Clearance .417
V-Bit Carving 423
Bevel Carving 428
Smart Engraving 434
Machine Vectors 441
Inlay Wizard 447
Drill Holes .476
3D Toolpaths 481
Machine Relief .481
Feature Machining .486
Z Level Roughing 490
Laser Machining 495
3D Cut Out .498
3D Rest Machining 505
Managing and Modifying Toolpaths .508
Selecting Toolpaths .509
Transforming Toolpaths 510
Copying Toolpaths 512
Merging Toolpaths 521
Creating Toolpath Panels .523
Editing a Profile Pass .527
Setting the Machining Order .537viii • Contents ArtCAM Pro 8.0 Reference Manual
Adjusting the Machining Parameters of a Tool .540
Saving a Toolpath 543
Editing a Toolpath .545
Deleting Toolpaths .546
Calculating a Single Toolpath .548
Calculating a Batch of Toolpaths 549
Using a Toolpath Summary .550
Using the Tool Groups Database .554
Adjusting the Material Setup .562
Deleting the Material .564
Creating a Toolpath Template .564
Loading a Toolpath Template 565
Loading Toolpath Data 566
Setting the Toolpath Order 567
Simulating Toolpaths .567
Viewing a Toolpath .573
Hiding a Toolpath 575
Resetting a Simulation .576
Deleting a Simulation 577
Saving a Simulation as a Relief .577
Loading a Simulation from a Relief 578

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كتاب احتراف و تعليم وشرح برنامج أرت كام - ArtCAM Pro Reference Manual
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