محمد عبدالجواد مهندس فعال جدا
عدد المساهمات : 277 التقييم : 718 تاريخ التسجيل : 06/08/2010 العمر : 36 الدولة : EGYPT العمل : مهندس ميكانيكا انتاج الجامعة : المنوفية
| موضوع: كتاب The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS الخميس 09 سبتمبر 2010, 10:11 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS by Erdogan Madenci Ibrahim Guven The University of Arizona
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
TABLE OF CONTENTS PREFACE V LIST OF PROBLEMS SOLVED xiii 1 INTRODUCTION 1 LI Concept 1 1.2 Nodes 3 1.3 Elements 4 1.4 Direct Approach 5 1.4.1 Linear Spring 5 1.4.2 Heat Flow 6 1.4.3 Assembly of the Global System of Equations 8 1.4.4 Solution of the Global System of Equations 12 1.4.5 Boundary Conditions 13 2 FUNDAMENTALS OF ANSYS 15 2.1 Useful Definitions 15 2.2 Before an ANSYS Session 16 2.2.1 Analysis Discipline 16 2.2.2 Time Dependence 18 2.2.3 Nonlinearity 18 2.2.4 Practical Modeling Considerations 19 2.3 Organization of ANSYS Software 25 2.4 ANSYS Analysis Approach 26 2.4.1 ANSYS Preprocessor 27 2.4.2 ANSYS Solution Processor 27 2.4.3 ANSYS General Postprocessor 27 2.4.4 ANSYS Time History Postprocessor 27 2.5 ANSYS File Structure 27 2.5.1 Database File 28 2.5.2 Log File 28 2.5.3 ErrorFile 28 2.5.4 Results Files 28viii FEM WITH ANSYS^ 2.6 Description of ANSYS Menus and Windows 29 2.6.1 Utility Menu 30 2.6.2 Main Menu 31 2.6.3 Toolbar 32 2.6.4 Input Field 32 2.6.5 Graphics Window 32 2.6.6 Output Window 32 2.7 Using the ANSYS Help System 32 2.7.1 Help Contents 33 2.7.2 Help Index 33 2.7.3 Search in Help 33 2.7.4 Verification Manual 35 3 FUNDAMENTALS OF DISCRETIZATION 37 3.1 Local and Global Numbering 37 3.2 Approximation Functions 37 3.3 Coordinate Systems 43 3.3.1 Generalized Coordinates 43 3.3.2 Global Coordinates 43 3.3.3 Local Coordinates 43 3.3.4 Natural Coordinates 43 3.4 Shape Functions 51 3.4.1 Linear Line Element with Two Nodes 54 3.4.2 Quadratic Line Element with Three Nodes: Centroidal Coordinate 56 3.4.3 Linear Triangular Element with Three Nodes: Global Coordinate 58 3.4.4 Quadratic Triangular Element with Six Nodes 59 3.4.5 Linear Quadrilateral Element with Four Nodes: Centroidal Coordinate 62 3.5 Isoparametric Elements: Curved Boundaries 64 3.6 Numerical Evaluation of Integrals 68 3.6.1 Line Integrals 68 3.6.2 Triangular Area Integrals 72 3.6.3 Quadrilateral Area Integrals 75 3.7 Problems 78 4 ANSYS PREPROCESSOR 83 4.1 Fundamentals of Modeling 83 4.2 Modeling Operations 83 4.2.1 Title 84TABLE OF CONTENTS ix 4.2.2 Elements 85 4.2.3 Real Constants 89 4.2.4 Material Properties 92 4.2.5 Element Attributes 96 4.2.6 Interaction with the Graphics Window: Picking Entities 96 4.2.7 Coordinate Systems 99 4.2.8 Working Plane 102 4.3 Solid Modeling 105 4.3.1 Bottom-up Approach: Entities 106 4.3.2 Top-down Approach: Primitives 112 4.4 Boolean Operators 118 4.4.1 Adding 118 4.4.2 Subtracting 120 4.4.3 Overlap 120 4.4.4 Gluing 121 4.4.5 Dividing 121 4.5 Additional Operations 124 4.5.1 Extrusion and Sweeping 124 4.5.2 Moving and Copying 128 4.5.3 Keeping/Deleting Original Entities 128 4.5.4 Listing Entities 130 4.5.5 Deleting Entities 130 4.6 Viewing a Model 131 4.6.1 Plotting: Pan, Zoom, and Rotate Functions 131 4.6.2 Plotting/Listing Entities 134 4.6.3 Numbers in the Graphics Window 134 4.7 Meshing 134 4.7.1 Automatic Meshing 135 4.7.2 Manipulation of the Mesh 141 4.8 Selecting and Components 144 4.8.1 Selecting Operations 144 4.8.2 Components 148 5 ANSYS SOLUTION AND POSTPROCESSING 149 5.1 Overview 149 5.2 Solution 150 5.2.1 Analysis Options/Solution Controls 150 5.2.2 Boundary Conditions 153 5.2.3 Initial Conditions 154 5.2.4 Body Loads 154X FEM WITH ANSYS 5.2.5 Solution in Single and Multiple Load Steps 154 5.2.6 Failure to Obtain Solution 158 5.3 Postprocessing 160 5.3.1 General Postprocessor 160 5.3.2 Time History Postprocessor 160 5.3.3 Read Results 161 5.3.4 Plot Results , 163 5.3.5 Element Tables 167 5.3.6 List Results 170 5.4 Example: One-dimensional Transient Heat Transfer 170 6 FINITE ELEMENT EQUATIONS 187 6.1 Method of Weighted Residuals 187 6.1.1 Example: One-dimensional Differential Equation with Line Elements 189 6.1.2 Example: Two-dimensional Differential Equation with Linear Triangular Elements 197 6.1.3 Example: Two-dimensional Differential Equation with Linear Quadrilateral Elements 216 6.2 Principle of Minimum Potential Energy 235 6.2.1 Example: One-dimensional Analysis with Line Elements 242 6.2.2 Two-dimensional Structural Analysis 248 6.3 Problems 289 7 USE OF COMMANDS IN ANSYS 297 7.1 Basic ANSYS Commands 297 7.1.1 Operators and Functions 298 7.1.2 Defining Parameters 304 7.2 A Typical Input File 307 7.3 Selecting Operations 309 7.4 Extracting Information from ANSYS 314 7.5 Programming with ANSYS 317 7.5.1 DO Loops 317 7.5.2 IF Statements 318 7.5.3 /OUTPUT and *VWRITE Commands 321 7.6 Macro Files 322 7.7 Useful Resources 324 7.7.1 Using the Log File for Programming 325 7.7.2 Using the Verification Problems for Programming 326TABLE OF CONTENTS xi 8 LINEAR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 329 8.1 Static Analysis 329 8.L1 Trusses 329 8.1.2 Beams 337 8.1.3 Three-dimensional Problems 342 8.1.4 Two-dimensional Idealizations 346 8.1.5 Plates and Shells 373 8.2 Linear Buckling Analysis 403 8.3 Thermomechanical Analysis 412 8.4 Fracture Mechanics Analysis 421 8.5 Dynamic Analysis 433 8.5.1 Modal Analysis 434 8.5.2 Harmonic Analysis 444 8.5.3 Transient Analysis 459 9 LINEAR ANALYSIS OF FIELD PROBLEMS 477 9.1 Heat Transfer Problems 477 9.1.1 Steady-state Analysis 478 9.1.2 Transient Analysis 520 9.1.3 Radiation Analysis 543 9.2 Moisture Diffusion 549 10 NONLINEAR STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS 565 10.1 Geometric Nonlinearity 569 10.1.1 Large Deformation Analysis of a Plate 570 10.1.2 Post-buckling Analysis of a Plate with a Hole 573 10.2 Material Nonlinearity 578 10.2.1 Plastic Deformation of an Aluminum Sphere 579 10.2.2 Plastic Deformation of an Aluminum Cylinder 583 10.2.3 Stress Analysis of a Reinforced Viscoelastic Cylinder 589 10.2.4 Viscoplasticity Analysis of a Eutectic Solder Cylinder 592 10.2.5 Combined Plasticity and Creep 599 10.3 Contact 605 10.3.1 Contact Analysis of a Block Dropping on a Beam 607 10.3.2 Simulation of a Nano-indentation Test 613xii FEM WITH ANSYS 11 ADVANCED TOPICS IN ANSYS 621 11.1 Coupled Degrees of Freedom 621 11.2 Constraint Equations 624 11.3 Submodeling 629 11.4 Substructuring: Superelements 636 11.4.1 Generation Pass 638 11.4.2 Use Pass 644 11.4.3 Expansion Pass 646 11.5 Interacting with External Files 647 11.5.1 Reading an Input File 647 11.5.2 Writing Data to External ASCII Files 648 11.5.3 Executing an External File 652 11.5.4 Modifying ANSYS Results 654 11.6 Modifying the ANSYS GUI 654 11.6.1 GUI Development Demonstration 662 11.6.2 GUI Modification for Obtaining a Random Load Profile 671 11.6.3 Function Block for Selecting Elements Using a Pick Menu 675 REFERENCES 679 INDEX 68
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ghani مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 7 التقييم : 11 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/01/2014 العمر : 53 الدولة : iraq العمل : engineer الجامعة : kut
| موضوع: رد: كتاب The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS الجمعة 10 يناير 2014, 10:42 am | |
الاخ العزيز الروابط لاتعمل وشكرا |
mech.eng مهندس فعال
عدد المساهمات : 149 التقييم : 207 تاريخ التسجيل : 12/04/2013 العمر : 34 الدولة : syria العمل : ماجستير في هندسة الانتاج و التصميم الميكانيكي الجامعة : uni of syria
| موضوع: رد: كتاب The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS الجمعة 10 يناير 2014, 10:54 pm | |
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 18961 التقييم : 35389 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS السبت 11 يناير 2014, 11:10 am | |
- ghani كتب:
- الاخ العزيز الروابط لاتعمل وشكرا
تم تعديل الرابط وإذا وجدت أى رابط أخر لا يعمل نرجو ترك رد فى الموضوع وسيتم تعديله على الفور إن شاء الله |
Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 18961 التقييم : 35389 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب The Finite Element Method and Applications in Engineering Using ANSYS السبت 11 يناير 2014, 11:15 am | |
- mech.eng كتب:
- اخي الروابط لا تعمل
تم تعديل الرابط وإذا وجدت أى رابط أخر لا يعمل نرجو ترك رد فى الموضوع وسيتم تعديله على الفور إن شاء الله |