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عدد المساهمات : 18984 التقييم : 35458 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Robust and Optimal Control الجمعة 12 أبريل 2013, 1:29 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب
Robust and Optimal Control KEMIN ZHOU with JOHN C. DOYLE and KEITH GLOVER
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Notation and Symbols xvi List of Acronyms xx Introduction Historical Perspective How to Use This Book Highlights of The Book Linear Algebra Linear Subspaces Eigenvalues and Eigenvectors Matrix Inversion Formulas Matrix Calculus Kronecker Product and Kronecker Sum Invariant Subspaces Vector Norms and Matrix Norms Singular Value Decomposition Generalized Inverses Semidenite Matrices Matrix Dilation Problems* Notes and References Linear Dynamical Systems Descriptions of Linear Dynamical Systems vii viii CONTENTS Controllability and Observability Kalman Canonical Decomposition Pole Placement and Canonical Forms Observers and Observer-Based Controllers Operations on Systems State Space Realizations for Transfer Matrices Lyapunov Equations Balanced Realizations Hidden Modes and Pole-Zero Cancelation Multivariable System Poles and Zeros Notes and References Performance Specications Normed Spaces Hilbert Spaces Hardy Spaces H and H Power and Spectral Signals Induced System Gains Computing L and H Norms Computing L and H Norms Notes and References Stability and Performance of Feedback Systems Feedback Structure Well-Posedness of Feedback Loop Internal Stability Coprime Factorization over RH Feedback Properties The Concept of Loop Shaping Weighted H and H Performance Notes and References Performance Limitations Introduction Integral Relations Design Limitations and Sensitivity Bounds Bode's Gain and Phase Relation Notes and References CONTENTS ix Model Reduction by Balanced Truncation Model Reduction by Balanced Truncation Frequency-Weighted Balanced Model Reduction Relative and Multiplicative Model Reductions Notes and References Hankel Norm Approximation Hankel Operator All-pass Dilations Optimal Hankel Norm Approximation L Bounds for Hankel Norm Approximation Bounds for Balanced Truncation Toeplitz Operators Hankel and Toeplitz Operators on the Disk* Nehari's Theorem* Notes and References Model Uncertainty and Robustness Model Uncertainty Small Gain Theorem Stability under Stable Unstructured Uncertainties Unstructured Robust Performance Gain Margin and Phase Margin Deciency of Classical Control for MIMO Systems Notes and References Linear Fractional Transformation Linear Fractional Transformations Examples of LFTs Basic Principle Redheer Star-Products Notes and References Structured Singular Value General Framework for System Robustness Structured Singular Value Structured Robust Stability and Performance Overview on Synthesis Notes and References x CONTENTS Parameterization of Stabilizing Controllers Existence of Stabilizing Controllers Duality and Special Problems Parameterization of All Stabilizing Controllers Structure of Controller Parameterization Closed-Loop Transfer Matrix Youla Parameterization via Coprime Factorization* Notes and References Algebraic Riccati Equations All Solutions of A Riccati Equation Stabilizing Solution and Riccati Operator Extreme Solutions and Matrix Inequalities Spectral Factorizations Positive Real Functions Inner Functions Inner-Outer Factorizations Normalized Coprime Factorizations Notes and References H Optimal Control Introduction to Regulator Problem Standard LQR Problem Extended LQR Problem Guaranteed Stability Margins of LQR Standard H Problem Optimal Controlled System H Control with Direct Disturbance Feedforward* Special Problems Separation Theory Stability Margins of H Controllers Notes and References Linear Quadratic Optimization Hankel Operators Toeplitz Operators Mixed Hankel-Toeplitz Operators Mixed Hankel-Toeplitz Operators: The General Case* Linear Quadratic Max-Min Problem Notes and References CONTENTS xi H Control: Simple Case Problem Formulation Output Feedback H Control Motivation for Special Problems Full Information Control Full Control Disturbance Feedforward Output Estimation Separation Theory Optimality and Limiting Behavior Controller Interpretations An Optimal Controller Notes and References H Control: General Case General H Solutions Loop Shifting Relaxing Assumptions H and H Integral Control H Filtering Youla Parameterization Approach* Connections State Feedback and Dierential Game Parameterization of State Feedback H Controllers Notes and References H Loop Shaping Robust Stabilization of Coprime Factors Loop Shaping Using Normalized Coprime Stabilization Theoretical Justication for H Loop Shaping Notes and References Controller Order Reduction Controller Reduction with Stability Criteria H Controller Reductions Frequency-Weighted L Norm Approximations An Example Notes and References xii CONTENTS Structure Fixed Controllers Lagrange Multiplier Method Fixed Order Controllers Notes and References Discrete Time Control Discrete Lyapunov Equations Discrete Riccati Equations Bounded Real Functions Matrix Factorizations Discrete Time H Control Discrete Balanced Model Reduction Model Reduction Using Coprime Factors Notes and References Bibliography Index
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