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عدد المساهمات : 2041 التقييم : 3379 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012 العمر : 47 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير الصيانة بشركة تصنيع ورق الجامعة : حلوان
| موضوع: كتاب Hydrostatic Drives with Secondary Control - The Hydraulic Trainer series Volume 6 الجمعة 01 مارس 2013, 10:43 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Hydrostatic Drives with Secondary Control - The Hydraulic Trainer series Volume 6 An introduction into the drive concept and system characteristics Second edition, completely revised with 240 illustrations and 7 tables Dipl -Ing. Rolf Kordak Edited by Rudi A. Lang From The Hydraulic Trainer series
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents 5 Preface to the Second Edition Terms and Definitions 11 Formulae 13 The Development of Secondary Control at Mannesmann Rexroth 21 Introduction Patent protection DtCSLM Further Development Axial piston unit* Analogue standard controller Digital controller systems Summary Basic Principle of Secondary Control 29 introduction .... ITrivc systems with flow coupling Drive systems with pressure coupling. Step 1 Step1. Step 4 Summary Axial Piston Units Designed for Use with Secondary Control 37 Swashplatc design A4V5........ Bent axis design Radial piston design ftwayhplatc design type AlOVS Dynamic Response of Secondary Controlled Drives 43 Comparison ot electric motors and secondary controlled units 43 Electronic Components of a Secondary Controlled Drive System 51 Introduction Analogue standard controller for series A4V5^ Frequency-voltage converter with additional monitoring electronics torque control ........... Pt Jwer control — Secondary control using master /slave principle Digital control of second a ry controlled units MCSdigital control card Contents 7 Special Characteristics ol Secondary Control 65 'Self-blocking" Torque control —,—— Torque control w—ith, electrical machine .... .....*. Torque control of secondary controlled units —. Behavitiur of the drive at creep speeds . Natural frequency with secondary' controlled units Transient response . * . —....... ....... Frequency' response method Bode diagram (frequency response characteristic) - Amplitude response Phase respunse Locus curve. Examples of secondary drives in industrial and mobile applications 81 The milling head drive tin a machine tool A drive for a roughing mill A drive for a large plate rolling mill A drive for a travelling saw Mobile deep drilling installation —— A drive for an offshore crane,. — Lattice tower crane.. A drive for a mobile harbour crane A drive for a coke oven feed machine , A drive for a mobile manipulator A drive for a bucket wheel excavator —.... A drive for a mine locomotive. -. A transmission for on automated transport system , Driverless transport system Drive for a turntable with energy recovery.... —. A turntable drive for glass presses Secondary unit with hydraulic tachometer.. Examples of Applications in Test Stands and in Simulation Technology 115 Introduction _... ...... Test stand for dynamic rotary' group testing A drive shaft test stand Fast response test stand for internal combustion engines Dynamic engine lest stand Central oil supply.. Test stand for axle drives — . 1est stand for rear axle drive — Test stand for an all-wheel drive Tesl stand for automatic transmissions Hxperimental dynamic response test stand for identification of drive trains Rear axle acoustic test stand Test stand for a tractor Fla I bed driving simulator Summary 141Contents 9 Low Loss Controls in a Hydraulic Ring Main System with Impressed Pressure 143 A cylinder drive fur an oil well pump Energy-saving circuit concepts lor presses Function of the press cyde The Speed-Variable Electrical Drive 157 introduction . The power diode The thyristor .. ...... Gate controlled tum-uff sw itch (GTD). Tower transistor Power capacitor Inductor .... Functions 1ltT„. The rectifying function Voltage control .. D.C. chopper converter — Pulse inverted rectifier Inverted rectifier Line commutated power converter Seif-commutating power convertor Summary Information on Project Design of Secondary Controlled Drives 173 Introduction — Type of circuit Pressure level ...... Static dimensioning Dynamic dimensioning Calculation of the reflected moment of inertia Maximum permissible speeds. Determination of flow requirement of the secondary unit .„ Determination of pump size ...... . HydfatiHc accumulator dimensioning... ......... —... .... Approximate calculation of a damping accumulator Diergy storage . ......... Cakuia tion of accum ulator volume V1 — Calculation of accumulator volume for a secondary controlled winch drive Bibliography 183 Index 165 Epilogue 195Terms and Defirslions 11 Terms and Definitions ptetolv separate pump and muter modes. Mooring operation 1 his it dual-quadrant operation with nwtor and generator tunchens in tine direction Impressed pressure riiig it a term hAMimcd from dectm* technology With power converters in DC intermediate viniiLt- .vt- tjIk ni im pressed veilage or Impressed current With hydrostatic drives using closed loop ptetwinf-contmlh.-d hydraulic pumps and hydraulic accumulators the system pressure is dependent urt tht Loading condition of the itcLurnuliitor*. end ^ therefore not constant but "impressed '. Hydraulic spring Ibis in thn.' column ut nil in a pipe ttys Lem between the primary and secondary sides that L> under a v .try mg operating pressLin MOS WMI Oxide S.'mii’imduL'tnr defines Lhc1 sequence of layers iM igate electrode). O (insulating layen. S tsetniLimductur channel), set into integrated circuits as field effect transistors. MOS 15 die general term tor the technology used in the manufacture of illscreel ami inlegralod semiconductor CDmponaits and anv associated oper.itjonal components. Hydraulic isolator Ihis is the i onrwvtktn point of the secondary unit to the hydraulic system, itnd rs analogous to Hie elei.trii.iil plug It is normally In the form of an electricalIv piloted check vILLVL" The hydraulic isolator stops tlio him til hvdraulk energy to the- actuator Impressed flow This Is the flow directed to .in actuator . i, - M rial'll i lispl.u | . 111| - ul - placement Control) or valves (Valve cuntroll for the generation of .i sptvifn output Runge-Kutta-MerBon integration method ihis |a a numerical method tor solving ditferenbai expiations, it operates w iih uuiomafOc stepped contml lo a pri’ideterminud accuracy limit , taking into consideration am discerntuiuihes th.it may arise. The Runge-KuLLa method and derived variantis of these are of great pr.utllil! signitlkrUhl.'. Hydraulic transformer A hvilrau!if transformer ts a hydnstatk transmission comprising a secondary controlled varubte displacement unii and a lived or variable displacement hydrostatic:unit The hydrostatic units are permancnlK coupled together with ni’ mechanical input or output drive With the hydraulic transtormcr singfe-fleting and synchronous cylinders can be operated on the same nng main with impressed upending pressure withuut throttling losses, and under suitable conditions energy may be fed back into the system Energy utilisation ratio ETA '1hetermenergyutilisationratioETAis used when tl is unrealistic to refer to the term etticienev, tor wimple with value*. > intrv ETA is the quotient of the mechanical energy output tu the iti.n-hine to (hat produced he lheprime mover Sell-blocking St'lf-hli'K king i* 11 n umimtiLilled deceleration of B hydraulic motor to a standstill, caused by the swivel angle dropping to within the A'PO range This definition cannot be applied to secondary controlled units. GTO thyristor A (Tale Turn -OfI Thvnstill is a power semi-conductor that can be twitched ott with average switching frftjufiicy and blinking voltage and high specific state voltage It is used in fflftpitlhcy eunverters. nnIGBT I lii> term stands for ari Insulated Cate Hipolar TransIsti>r. In drive technology transistors are used tit high pulse frequencies, as contruth?*-s electronu switchi's Stribeck curve The btrlbeuh curve represents friction plotted.lyainsl speed or number of revolutions. Displacement Tin - rcvijmmcnded terms 'Volumetric d.splacemcnl ' for hydraulic pumps and Ahstaphtm crtpacitv " rur hydraulic motors ate replaced hew by iho term Displacement' as a secondary controlled unit operates, cn rumr quadrant mis’JL Lind it is not possible tn com -12 Terms and Definitions Tandem unit A tandem unit Is the term for two hydrust*tie unite coupled together Translatory analogon This term & used tu describe the inclusion of hydraulic cylinders into the secondary drive unit with energy recovery. Total loss This Is the sum of all leakages, from within a hydraulic system. It ts made up oh - IVessime losses due to mechanical or hydraulic friction and flow losses, - Leakage losses and - Throttling losses, which usually account for the greatest loss. The total loss will always he converted into heat at the position where it occurs. Four quadrant operation This is the term given to the operating mode with bi-directional rotation and bi-directional torque. Efficiency This is the ratio of output to input of a device, unit or system. Time factor of the controlled system I his is the factor tor the time response of the controlled system tor testing system response to the secondary' control. The time factor of the controlled system (r in seconds characterises both dynamic response of thecontrolled system and secondary anilFormulae 13 Formulae | Statutory unit, practical unit Symbol Meaning A*ca, piston area arr Mi Amplitude of a control V|ltlc B Magnetic induction , T C Capacity F N £t,i firing constant of a column of nfj m Lust factor with generator nperaUnn Ct Loss factor with motor operation Wave speed tn>s N . N Cy Spring cunstant m mm Diameter m r D Electrical flow density — M l d Diameter to d Damping 1 ft dr.mJie diameter in; mm Jit Amplitude ratio (McwH N : N _N m ' cm' turn E Elasticity modulus E Energy*general \:JSun E Hteetriyal field strength V m E „Original voltage” V DC* voltage V Hydraulic energy Nil L___ Kinetic enefftv Elasticity modulus of oil —N A*. 7 m Cm - s c Eccentricity m; cm;mm t L'nit charge C14 Formulae Symbol Meaning Statutory unit; practical unit F K"tm? \ r Amplitude response F Amplitude ratio t Fmfjui'ivy H/ : ' ft /. fixed mama froqUCTH\ H/ r - I l Stator frequency i f. \iihual frequency H / : - 7 c Weight \ N , X 0 Shear modulus ; N . : m cm mm m Acceleration due to gravity 1 s A fl Magnetic held strength m h Height m l Current, general A Armature current A ' XN Hose current A - Cotlcetnr current A /r Imitter current A HlK Holding current A Pilot current A J Moment of inertia hgm- 1, Maw moment of inertia hgm: Im Vlas? moment of inertia of secimdarv unit kgm’ Lt Reflected mass moment of Inertia kgmJ lotnl mass moment ot inertia kgm7 Addiliim. I moment of trierHa kgmIT'i I K Compn>sum modulus N ' barFormulae 15 Symbol Meaning Statutory unit practical unit K Integration tunnitant Multiplication factor in control circuit h Sound pnc^sure hrvirf ilB 1 length D1 M, Idling torque \nt Acvrteraiion torque lilifctricai torque in air gap Mm Mc _\irt H Load torque Mi 1'notional torque NOT M Torque command value, general Mm Air tongue, general \m Drive tulque; torque of primary unit; torque of hydraulic pump Mi. Mm Mh Output torque; torque of secondary unJI; torque ut hydraulic motor Nm Ml5 - | Maximum torque of secondary unit I iorque command value, general Nm Nm M, Maximum torque, general Nm Mv Speed-dependent torque eorrectiun value Nm Mpt, I Additional loss torque Nm m Mass ft SfH't'd rpmA A Dhangfe of speed per unit time ^ 2_ min> acceleration Change rrf speed of secondary per unit time unit of smmdary unit; i ^ «*-1* - Speed deviating of secondary unit; Speed change of secondary unit Jrt rpm / s I Drive speed of primary unit; Drive speed of hydraulic pump 11 rpm/s Speed of secondan unit Output speed nf hydraulic mrrtiv rpntfs Spcixi actual value of secondary unit; Speed actual value of hydraulic motor ^ , 4.t rpnt/s16 Formulae Symbol Mining Statutory unit, practical unit •*; iitw Speed actual value of secondary unit (master ) rpm/s Speed actual value of secondary unit (slave) Maximtun speed of secondarv unit,externally set Maximum speed of secondary unit, internally set rpm/s "'.nMfimr rpm/s rpm/s «*» Speed vrftue. general rpm/s fl.T- Maximum speed rpm /j> Minimum speed rpm/s Mean speed rpm/s UN- Nominal speed rpm /s 'W* COrnmand.speed, ppneral rpm/s P Power, general \ —* ; W;kW J* Effective jwpc W F, Miiximum power of prfmary unit —S ; W: kW. Cpmerpower —- , VVj kW Nm R *. Maxinuirn power —: ; W, kW - V Hydraulic power kW Ppl. Maximum power —- ; W; kW P . Blind power VV P . Apparent power factor VV Additional power — ; W; kW \ F I’rrssore —* , bar F No, of pairs of poles \ High pressure —; ;tw m ~ JNl* P m Pressure actual value 1 ]± . bar m~ N P r IJWV pressure ; b*rFormulae 17 Symbol Meaning Statutory ^ml practical unit \ 4r Pressure di r tY-rvn!inI —; ;hitr m \ V Pressure differential actual value -. — . bn Mi \ -V: - . Pressure tUfjcrirntlfll in piiiH L-iiviiit —, bar 1 ’ I \ Pi - tVn.it! pvt-sun? m Q Ukctncal loading C t Q I lott,general IN dm' L min mm Qi i km1 of primary unit; Row of hydraulic pump m dmj I H min ' min Qi Mow nt >eLund,iry unit; m ' dm "' L Flow nf hydrauMt mdtur min min Q . Maxi flow ni dm'’ L Q ,u , Minimum (low B1 dm L ' mm J mm m ’ dm' 1 s * niin ' nun Ciri. jm Mean flow i- - mJ j dpi i s min ' min Qy Row of hydraulic pump R Wisifitanct Si Stator resistance r Ri Knlnr resistance It r IVtdilJr m m r lurk 3 X ra Gtfvtnetrkal radius ut drive fiance m;tm f* (Joonietrical radiusnicylinder(ftuin m.cm S Sur&H u m '. or " Slip T Temperalure K; C1B Formulae | Symbol Meaning Statutory unit practical unit T Length of time s < Ramp time a# load moment s; ms i, T!m* factor of control area s 4n*rf Swi\ieJ tlme;cortiul time s: ms r. i. i . limedelay s;ms I Time i, Control thne s Setting time $ u Range, riraimfcrnsice Voltage, general m U V u, Stator voltage V V, Kotor voltage V Ucr Coflector-cmiUer voltage V Analogue input vultnge Correction facinr Ut V 11. V Mean value of voltage in idle running Ui Analogue input voltage.current dependent V 14, Voltage actual value V U„ Analogue input voltage, speed dependent V 14 ^ Voltagecommand value V N . .. f Pilot voltage V ^tn.wr Volume ot oil column m‘\ cm3 V, Displacement, general Displacement of primary emit. Displacement of hydraulic pump m\ cm3 V nr\ cm3 ^* ! Displacement of secondary unit; Displacement u( hydraulic motor Maximum displacement ot secondary unit; nr; cm3 maximum displacement of hydraulic motor p Speed, general m 9 V Maximum speed, general *2 - » m mm «V» Positioning<|jtinder speed s s w Work T;'iniFormulae 19 Symbol Meaning Statutory- unit; practical unit X Torque reJatifinsh ip Output value *W Amplitude of output value F. Input value *r Amplitude of input value y Pnsitiming cylinder distance mm Z No.Of p^tCHfr l • Impedance ft Z Disturb*!*-? torque Nm 1 Swivel an|(le, general rad. degrees ; : Conwwl angle Tiring delay angle u rad;degrees o rad; degrees; * tad _ " ti Change pSwivel angle uf primary unit; Swivel angle rtf hydraulic pump Swivel angle of secondary unit; Svrlvd angle of hydraulic motur Maximum swivel angle of secondary unit; maximum swivel angle uf hydraulic motor rad: degrees; r «1 rad: degrees; " Swivel angle actual value, genera] rad; degrees: Swivrtl angle actual value of loud unit tad; degrees; Swivel angle actual value of secondary unit degrees, 1 Swivel angle rnrfoctloFi Far lor rad ; degrees: Maximum swivel angle rad;degrees ; " Swivel angle command Value rad: degrees; 1 •V Maximum permissible swivel angle ifigrees, 5 Degree of uniformin' % F E Relative (wnittii itj1 m n liffjdemy, general % Total efficiency % Meehanicaldwdraulic efficiency % tll-H Votumetrir efficiency % Adiabatic exponent Tube resistance coefficient if i T fc.20 Formulae Symbol Meaning bt.itub.inr' unit; pFacttr.il unit k Wavelength, electrical m H t* Permeability m . Magnetic flow Vs 4» Stator flow Vs f Angular position rad, : - - T Phase response V Angularvelocity s'1 Angular position of secondary unU rad.degrees, ' *z _ Angular velocity o< secondary unit to 1 Yngul.ir velocity, general s'* "h Angular frequency sdj Angular velocity sJ Ml Angular velocity of secondary unit l s cat Angular position degrees; * > %T«r Cutner frequency
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