محمد عبدالجواد مهندس فعال جدا
عدد المساهمات : 277 التقييم : 718 تاريخ التسجيل : 06/08/2010 العمر : 37 الدولة : EGYPT العمل : مهندس ميكانيكا انتاج الجامعة : المنوفية
| موضوع: كتاب سعره 69$ اضعه بين يديكم للفائدةCasting Technology الثلاثاء 24 أغسطس 2010, 3:32 pm | |
تذكير بمساهمة فاتح الموضوع :لقد حصلت على هذا الكتاب الثمين وودت لو ينتفع المهندسين منه والكتاب يتناول عملية السباكة
تكنولوجيا السباكة - Casting Technology John Campbell, QBE, FEng
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Contents Acknowledgements Dedication Preface Introduction Melt Reactions Gaseous Interactions with the Melt Aluminium Alloys Copper Alloys Iron Alloys Transport of Gases in Melts Surface Film Formation Films in General Films on Aluminium Alloys Effect of Alloying Elements Films on Cast Iron Incorporation of Surface Films into the Bulk Liquid Melt Charge Materials Pouring Surface Flooding Surface Turbulence Confluence Weld Bubble Trails Effect of Entrained Films Machining General This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation vi Contents Leak-Tightness Mechanical Properties Fluidity (Effect of Oxide Films) Deactivation of Entrained Films Fluid Dynamics Surface-Tension-Controlled Filling Surface Finish Running Systems Gravity Pouring of Open Top Moulds Gravity Pouring of Closed Moulds Inclusion Control Flow in Injection Systems Tilting and Turnover Systems Flow in Forging-Type Processes (Squeeze Casting) Flow in Centrifugal Casting Fluidity (Maximum-Fluidity Length) Fluidity and Castability Combined Effects of Surface Tension and Fluidity Continuous-Fluidity Length Mould Dynamics Mould Size and Shape Changes Thermal Expansion of the Mould Pressures from the Melt Pressure Due to Casting Expansion on Solidification Gas Pressures in Moulds and Cores Pressures Due to Outgassing Blowholes Explosive Reactions Transformation Zones Evaporation and Condensation Zones This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation Contents vii Metal-Mould Reactions Inert Moulds Sand Moulds The Atmosphere in the Mould Reaction in the Mould Surface Reactions in the Metal Surface Solidification Dynamics Heat Transfer Resistances to Heat Transfer Increased Heat Transfer Convection Remelting Development of Structure General Nucleation of the Solid Growth of the Solid Disintegration of the Solid Structure Development in the Solid Segregation Planar Front Segregation Microsegregation Dendritic Segregation Gravity Segregation Inclusions and Second Phases Primary Inclusions Secondary Inclusions and Second Phases Gas Porosity Nucleation of Gas Porosity Subsurface Porosity Growth of Gas Pores This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation viii Contents Solidification Shrinkage General Shrinkage Behaviour Solidification Shrinkage Hydrostatic Tensions in Liquids Feeding – the Six Rules Heat-Transfer Requirement The Junction Requirement Mass Transfer Requirement Feed Path Requirement Pressure Gradient Requirement Pressure Requirement Feeding – the Five Mechanisms Liquid Feeding Mass Feeding Interdendritic Feeding Burst Feeding Solid Feeding Initiation of Shrinkage Porosity Internal Porosity by Surface Initiation Internal Porosity by Nucleation External Porosity Growths of Shrinkage Pores Final Forms of Shrinkage Porosity Shrinkage Cavity or Pipe Layer Porosity Linear Contraction of the Casting Uniform Contraction Non-Uniform Contraction (Distortion) Mould Constraint Casting Constraint This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation Contents ix Hot Tearing Grain Boundary Wetting by the Liquid Pre-Tear Extension Strain Concentration Stress Concentration Tear Initiation Tear Growth Prediction of Hot-Tearing Susceptibility Methods of Testing Methods of Control Cold Cracking General Crack Initiation Crack Growth Residual Stress Casting Stress Quenching Stress Stress Relief Casting Accuracy Tooling Accuracy Mould Accuracy Sand Casting Ceramic Moulds Metal Moulds (Dies) Mould Assembly Assembly Methods Accuracy General Summary General Tolerance Equations Metrology This page has been reformatted by Knovel to provide easier navigation x Contents Reference Points Datums Tooling Points Clamping Points Structure, Defects and Properties of the Finished Casting Grain Size General Grain Refinement Austenite Grain Size in Cast Iron Dendrite Arm Spacing Residual Hall-Petch Hardening Restricted Nucleation of Interdendritic Phases Restricted Growth of Interdendritic Phases Improved Response to Heat Treatment Compact Defects Inclusion Types and Diagnosis Gas Porosity: Types and Diagnosis Planar Defects Layer Porosity Tears and Cracks Films Effects of Defects on the Properties of Castings Yield Strength Fracture Toughness Fatigue Ductility Ultimate Tensile Strength Leak-Tightness Residual Stress Index
أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط تنزيل كتاب سعره 69$ تكنولوجيا السباكة - Casting Technology