rambomenaa كبير مهندسين
عدد المساهمات : 2041 التقييم : 3379 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012 العمر : 47 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير الصيانة بشركة تصنيع ورق الجامعة : حلوان
| موضوع: كتاب The Induction Machine Handbook الجمعة 11 يناير 2013, 7:06 pm | |
كتاب The Induction Machine Handbook Preface Contents 1 Induction Machines: an Introduction 1.1 Electric Energy and Induction Motors 1.2 A Historical Touch 1.3 Induction Machines in Applications 1.4 Conclusion 1.5 References 2 Construction Aspects and Operation Principles 2.1 Construction Aspects of Rotary IMs 2.1.1 The Magnetic Cores 2.1.2 Slot Geometry 2.1.3 IM Windings 2.1.4 Cage Rotor Windings 2.2 Construction Aspects of Linear Induction Motors 2.3 Operation Principles of IMs 2.4 Summary 2.5 References 3 Magnetic, Electric, and Insulation Materials for IM 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Soft Magnetic Materials 3.3 Core (Magnetic) Losses 3.4 Electrical Conductors 3.5 Insulation Materials 3.5.1 Random-Wound IM Insulation 3.5.2 Form-Wound Windings 3.6 Summary 3.7 References 4 Induction Machine Windings And Their M.M.Fs 4.1 Introduction 4.2 The Ideal Traveling M.M.F. of A.C. Windings 4.3 A Primitive Single-Layer Winding 4.4 A Primitive Two-Layer Chorded Winding 4.5 The mmf Harmonics For Integer Q 4.6 Rules For Designing Practical A.C. Windings 4.7 Basic Fractional Q Three-Phase A.C. Windings 4.8 Basic Pole-Changing Three-Phase A.C. Windings 4.9 Two-Phase A.C. Windings 4.10 Pole-Changing With Single-Phase Supply Induction Motors 4.11 Special Topics On A.C. Windings 4.12 The mmf of Rotor Windings 4.13 The “Skewing” mmf Concept 4.14 Summary 4.15 References 5 The Magnetization Curve and Inductance 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Equivalent Airgap to Account for Slotting 5.3 Effective Stack Length 5.4 The Basic Magnetisation Curve 5.4.1 The Magnetization Curve Via The Basic Magnetic Circuit 5.4.2 Teeth Defluxing By Slots 5.4.3 Third Harmonic Flux Modulation Due to Saturation 5.4.4 The Analytical Iterative Model (AIM) 5.5 The Emf in An A.C. Winding 5.6 The Magnetization Inductance 5.7 Summary 5.8 References 6 Leakage Inductances and Resistances 6.1 Leakage Fields 6.2 Differential Leakage Inductances 6.3 Rectandular Slot Leakage Inductance/Single Layer 6.4 Rectangular Slot Leakage Inductance/Two Layers 6.5 Rounded Shape Slot Leakage Inductance/Two Layers 6.6 Zig-Zag Airgap Leakage Inductances 6.7 End-Connection Leakage Inductance 6.8 Skewing Leakage Inductance 6.9 Rotor Bar and End Ring Equivalent Leakage Inductance 6.10 Basic Phase Resistance 6.11 The Cage Rotor Resistance 6.12 Simplified Leakage Saturation Corrections 6.13 Reducing the Rotor to Stator 6.14 Summary 6.15 References 7 Steady State Equivalent Circuit and Performance 7.1 Basic Steady-State Equivalent Circuit 7.2 Classification of Operation Modes 7.3 Ideal No-Load Operation 7.4 Short-Circuit (Zero Speed) Operation 7.5 No-Load Motor Operation 7.6. The Motor Mode of Operation 7.7 Generating to Power Grid 7.8 Autonomous Induction Generator Mode 7.9 The Electromagnetic Torque 7.10 Efficiency and Power Factor 7.11 Phasor Diagrams: Standard and New 7.12 Alternative Equivalent Circuits 7.13 Unbalanced Supply Voltages 7.14 One Stator Phase is Open 7.15 Unbalanced Rotor Windings 7.16 One Rotor Phase is Open 7.17 When Voltage Varies Around Rated Value 7.18 Summary 7.19 References 8 Starting and Speed Control Methods 8.1 Starting of Cage-Rotor Induction Motors 8.1.1 Direct Starting 8.1.2 Autotransformer Starting 8.1.3 Wye-Delta Starting 8.1.4 Softstarting 8.2 Starting of Wound-Rotor Induction Motors 8.3 Speed Control Methods for Cage-Rotor Induction Motors 8.3.1 The Voltage Reduction Method 8.3.2 The Pole-Changing Method 8.4 Variable Frequency Methods 8.4.1 V/F Scalar Control Characteristics 8.4.2 Rotor Flux Vector Control 8.5 Speed Control Methods for Wound Rotor Ims 8.5.1 Additional Voltage to The Rotor (The Doubly-Fed Machine) 8.6 Summary 8.7 References 9 Skin and On – Load Saturation Effects 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The Skin Effect 9.2.1 Single Conductor in Rectangular Slot 9.2.2 Multiple Conductors in Rectangular Slots: Series Connection 9.2.3 Multiple Conductors in Slot: Parallel Connection 9.2.4 The Skin Effect in the End Turns 9.3 Skin Effects By The Multilayer Approach 9.4 Skin Effect in the End Rings via The Multilayer Approach 9.5 The Double Cage Behaves Like a Deep Bar Cage 9.6 Leakage Flux Path Saturation–A Simplified Approach 9.7 Leakage Saturation And Skin Effects–A Comprehensive Analytical Approach 9.7.1 The Skewing Mmf 9.7.2 Flux in The Cross Section Marked By AB (Figure 9.25) 9.7.3 The Stator Tooth Top Saturates First 9.7.4 Unsaturated Rotor Tooth Top 9.7.5. Saturated Rotor Tooth Tip 9.7.6 The Case of Closed Rotor Slots 9.7.7 The Algorithm 9.8 The FEM Approach 9.9 Performance of Induction Motors With Skin Effect 9.10 Summary 9.11 References 10 Airgap Field Space Harmonics, Parasitic Torques, Radial Forces, and Noise 10.1 Stator mmf Produced Airgap Flux Harmonics 10.2 Airgap Field of A Squirrel Cage Winding 10.3 Airgap Conductance Harmonics 10.4 Leakage Saturation Influence on Airgap Conductance 10.5. Main Flux Saturation Influence on Airgap Conductance 10.6 The Harmonics-Rich Airgap Flux Density 10.7 The Eccentricity Influence on Airgap Magnetic Conductance 10.8 Interactions of Mmf (or Step) Harmonics and Airgap Magnetic Conductance Harmonics 10.9 Parasitic Torques 10.9.1 When Do Asynchronous Parasitic Torques Occur? 10.9.2 Synchronous Parasitic Torques 10.9.3 Leakage Saturation Influence on Synchronous Torques 10.9.4 The Secondary Armature Reaction 10.9.5 Notable Differences Between Theoretical and Experimental Torque/Speed Curves 10.9.6 A Case Study: Ns/Nr = 36/28, 2p1 = 4, Y/τ = 1 and 7/9; M = 3 [7] 10.9.7 Evaluation of Parasitic Torques By Tests (After [1]) 10.10 Radial Forces and Electromagnetic Noise 10.10.1 Constant Airgap (No Slotting, No Eccentricity) 10.10.2 Influence of Stator/Rotor Slot Openings, Airgap Deflection and Saturation 10.10.3 Influence of Rotor Eccentricity On Noise 10.10.4 Parallel Stator Windings 10.10.5 Slip-Ring Induction Motors 10.10.6Mechanical Resonance Stator Frequencies 10.11 Summary 10.12 References 11 Losses in Induction Machines 11.1 Loss Classifications 11.2 Fundamental Electromagnetic Losses 11.3 No-Load Space Harmonics (Stray No-Load) Losses in Nonskewed IMs 11.3.1 No-Load Surface Core Losses 11.3.2 No-Load Tooth Flux Pulsation Losses 11.3.3 No-Load Tooth Flux Pulsation Cage Losses 11.4 Load Space Harmonics (Stray Load) Losses in Nonskewed IMs 11.5 Flux Pulsation (Stray) Losses in Skewed Insulated Bars 11.6 Interbar Current Losses in Noninsulated Skewed Rotor Cages 11.7 No-Load Rotor Skewed Noninsulated Cage Losses 11.8 Load Rotor Skewed Noninsulated Cage Losses 11.9 Rules to Reduce Full Load Stray (Space Harmonics) Losses 11.10 High Frequency Time Harmonics Losses 11.10.1 Conductor Losses 11.10.2 Core Losses 11.10.3 Total Time Harmonics Losses 11.11 Computation of Time Harmonics Conductor Losses 11.12 Time Harmonics Interbar Rotor Current Losses 11.13 Computation of Time Harmonics Core Losses 11.13.1 Slot Wall Core Losses 11.13.2 Zig-Zag Rotor Surface Losses 11.14 Loss Computation by Fem 11.15 Summary 11.16 References 12 Thermal Modeling and Cooling 12.1 Introduction 12.2 Some Air Cooling Methods for IMs 12.3 Conduction Heat Transfer 12.4 Convection Heat Transfer 12.5 Heat Transfer by Radiation 12.6 Heat Transport (Thermal Transients) in a Homogenous Body 12.7 Induction Motor Thermal Transients at Stall 12.8 Intermittent Operation 12.9 Temperature Rise (Ton) and Fall (Toff) Times 12.9 More Realistic Thermal Equivalent Circuits for IMs 12.10 A Detailed Thermal Equivalent Circuit for Transients 12.11 Thermal Equivalent Circuit Identification 12.12 Thermal Analysis Through FEM 12.13 Summary 12.14 References 13 Induction Machine Transients 13.1 Introduction 13.2 The Phase Coordinate Model 13.3 The Complex Variable Model 13.4 Steady-State by The Complex Variable Model 13.5 Equivalent Circuits for Drives 13.6 Electrical Transients with Flux Linkages as Variables 13.7 Including Magnetic Saturation in The Space Phasor Model 13.8 Saturation and Core Loss Inclusion into The State-Space Model 13.9 Reduced Order Models 13.9.1 Neglecting Stator Transients 13.9.2 Considering Leakage Saturation 13.9.3 Large Machines: Torsional Torque 13.10 The Sudden Short-Circuit at Terminals 13.11 Most Severe Transients (so far) 13.12 The abc−dq Model for PWM Inverter Fed IMs 13.13 First Order Models Of IMs for Steady-State Stability in Power Systems 13.14 Multimachine Transients 13.15 Subsynchronous Resonance (SSR) 13.16 The M/Nr Actual Winding Modeling for Transients 13.17 Summary 13.18 References 14 Motor Specifications and Design Principles 14.1 Introduction 14.2 Typical Load Shaft Torque/Speed Envelopes 14.3 Derating 14.4 Voltage and Frequency Variation 14.5 Induction Motor Specifications for Constant V/F 14.6 Matching IMs to Variable Speed/Torque Loads 14.7 Design Factors 14.8 Design Features 14.9 The Output Coefficient Design Concept 14.10 The Rotor Tangential Stress Design Concept 14.11 Summary 14.12 References 15 IM Design Below 100 kW and Constant V and f 15.1 Introduction 15.2 Design Specifications by Example 15.3 The Algorithm 15.4 Main Dimensions of Stator Core 15.5 The Stator Winding 15.6 Stator Slot Sizing 15.7 Rotor Slots 15.8 The Magnetization Current 15.9 Resistances and Inductances 15.10. Losses and Efficiency 15.11 Operation Characteristics 15.12 Temperature Rise 15.13 Summary 15.14 References 16 Induction Motor Design Above 100kW and Constant V/f 16.1 Introduction 16.2 High Voltage Stator Design 16.3 Low Voltage Stator Design 16.4 Deep Bar Cage Rotor Design 16.5 Double Cage Rotor Design 16.6 Wound Rotor Design 16.7 IM with Wound Rotor-Performance Computation 16.8 Summary 16.9 References 17 Induction Machine Design for Variable Speed 17.1 Introduction 17.2 Power and Voltage Derating 17.3 Reducing the Skin Effect in Windings 17.4 Torque Pulsations Reduction 17.5 Increasing Efficiency 17.6 Increasing the Breakdown Torque 17.7 Wide Constant Power Speed Range Via Voltage Management 17.8 Design for High And Super-High Speed Applications 17.8.1 Electromagnetic Limitations 17.8.2 Rotor Cooling Limitations 17.8.3 Rotor Mechanical Strength 17.8.4 The Solid Iron Rotor 17.8.5 21 Kw, 47,000 Rpm, 94% Efficiency With Laminated Rotor [11] 17.9 Sample Design Approach for Wide Constant Power Speed Range Solution Characterization 17.10 Summary 17.11 References 18 Optimization Design 18.1 Introduction 18.2 Essential Optimization Design Methods 18.3 The Augmented Lagrangian Multiplier Method (ALMM) 18.4 Sequential Unconstrained Minimization 18.5 A Modified Hooke–Jeeves Method 18.6 Genetic Algorithms 18.6.1 Reproduction (evolution and selection) 18.6.2 Crossover 18.6.3 Mutation 18.6.4 GA Performance Indices 18.7 Summary 18.8 References 19 Three Phase Induction Generators 19.1 Introduction 19.2 Self-Excited Induction Generator (SEIG) Modeling 19.3 Steady State Performance of SEIG 19.4 The Second Order Slip Equation Model for Steady State 19.5 Steady State Characteristics of SEIG for Given Speed And Capacitor 19.6 Parameter Sensitivity in SEIG Analysis 19.7 Pole Changing Seigs 19.8 Unbalanced Steady State Operation Of SEIG 19.8.1 The Delta-Connected SEIG 19.8.2 Star-Connected SEIG 19.8.3. Two Phase Open 19.9 Transient Operation Of SEIG 19.10 SEIG Transients with Induction Motor Load 19.11 Parallel Operation of Seigs 19.12 The Doubly-Fed IG Connected to the Grid 19.12.1. Basic Equations 19.12.2 Steady State Operation 19.13 Summary 19.14 References 20 Linear Induction Motors 20.1 Introduction 20.2 Classifications and Basic Topologies 20.3 Primary Windings 20.4 Transverse Edge Effect in Double-Sided LIM 20.5 Transverse Edge Effect in Single-Sided LIM 20.6 A Technical Theory of LIM Longitudinal End Effects 20.7 Longitudinal End-Effect Waves and Consequences 20.8 Secondary Power Factor and Efficiency 20.9 The Optimum Goodness Factor 20.10 Linear Flat Induction Actuators 20.11 Tubular LIAs 20.12 Short-Secondary Double-Sided LIAs 20.13 Linear Induction Motors for Urban Transportation 20.14 Transients and Control of LIMs 20.15 Electromagnetic Induction Launchers 20.16 Summary 20.17 Selected References 21 Super-High Frequency Models and Behaviour of IMs 21.1 Introduction 21.2 Three High Frequency Operation Impedances 21.3 The Differential Impedance 21.4 Neutral and Common Mode Impedance Models 21.5 The Super-High Frequency Distributed Equivalent Circuit 21.6 Bearing Currents Caused by PWM Inverters 21.7 Ways to Reduce PWM Inverter Bearing Currents 21.8 Summary 21.9 References 22 Testing of Three-Phase IMs 22.1 Loss Segregation Tests 22.1.1 The No-Load Test 22.1.2 Stray Losses From No-Load Overvoltage Test 22.1.3 Stray Load Losses From the Reverse Rotation Test 22.1.4 The Stall Rotor Test 22.1.5 No-Load and Stall Rotor Tests with PWM Converter Supply 22.1.6 Loss Measurement by Calorimetric Methods 22.2 Efficiency Measurements 22.2.1 IEEE Standard 112–1996 22.2.2 IEC Standard 34–2 22.2.3 Efficiency Test Comparisons 22.2.4 The Motor/Generator Slip Efficiency Method 22.2.5 The PWM Mixed Frequency Temperature Rise and Efficiency Tests 22.3 The Temperature-Rise Test Via Forward Shortcircuit (FSC) Method 22.4 Parameter Estimation Tests 22.4.1 Parameter Calculation From No Load And Standstill Tests 22.4.2 The Two Frequency Standstill Test 22.4.3 Parameters From Catalogue Data 22.4.4 Standstill Frequency Response Method 22.4.5 The General Regression Method For Parameters Estimation 22.4.6 Large IM Inertia and Parameters From Direct Starting Acceleration and Deceleration Data 22.5. Noise and Vibration Measurements: From No-Load to Load 22.5.1 When on-Load Noise Tests Are Necessary? 22.5.2 How to Measure the Noise On-Load 22.6 Summary 22.7 References 23 Single-Phase Induction Machines: The Basics 23.1 Introduction 23.2 Split-Phase Induction Motors 23.3 Capacitor Induction Motors 23.3.1 Capacitor-Start Induction Motors 23.3.2 The Two-Value Capacitor Induction Motor 23.3.3 Permanent-Split Capacitor Induction Motors 23.3.4 Tapped-Winding Capacitor Induction Motors 23.3.5 Split-Phase Capacitor Induction Motors 23.3.6 Capacitor Three-Phase Induction Motors 23.3.7 Shaded-Pole Induction Motors 23.4 The Nature of Stator-Produced Airgap Field 23.5 The Fundamental M.M.F. and Its Elliptic Wave 23.6 Forward-Backward M.M.F. Waves 23.7 The Symmetrical Components General Model 23.8 The d-q Model 23.9 The d-q Model Of Star Steinmetz Connection 23.10 Summary 23.11 References 24 Single-Phase Induction Motors: Steady State 24.1 Introduction 24.2. Steady State Performance with Open Auxiliary Winding 24.3 The Split Phase and The Capacitor IM: Currents And Torque 24.4 Symmetrization Conditions 24.5 Starting Torque and Current Inquiries 24.6 Typical Motor Characteristic 24.7 Non-Orthogonal Stator Windings 24.8 Symmetrisation Conditions for Non-Orthogonal Windings 24.9 M.M.F. Space Harmonic Parasitic Torques 24.10 Torque Pulsations 24.11 Inter-Bar Rotor Currents 24.12 Voltage Harmonics Effects 24.13 The Doubly Tapped Winding Capacitor IM 24.14 Summary 24.15 References 25 Single-Phase IM Transients 25.1 Introduction 25.2 The d-q Model Performance in Stator Coordinates 25.3 Starting Transients 25.4 The Multiple Reference Model for Transients 25.5 Including the Space Harmonics 25.6 Summary 25.7 References 26 Single-Phase Induction Generators 26.1 Introduction 26.2 Steady State Model and Performance 26.3 The d-q Model For Transients 26.4 Expanding the Operation Range with Power Electronics 26.5 Summary 26.6 References 27 Single-Phase IM Design 27.1 Introduction 27.2 Sizing the Stator Magnetic Circuit 27.3 Sizing the Rotor Magnetic Circuit 27.4 Sizing the Stator Windings 27.5 Resistances and Leakage Reactances 27.6 The Magnetization Reactance X mm 27.7 The Starting Torque and Current 27.8 Steady State Performance Around Rated Power 27.9 Guidelines for a Good Design 27.10 Optimization Design Issues 27.11 Summary 27.12 References 28 Single-Phase IM Testing 28.1 Introduction 28.2 Loss Segregation the Split Phase and Capacitor Start IMs 28.3 The Case of Closed Rotor Slots 28.4 Loss Segregation the Permanent Capacitor IM 28.5 Speed (slip) Measurements 28.6 Load Testing 28.7 Complete Torque-Speed Curve Measurements 28.8 Summary 28.9 References رابط تنزيل كتاب The Induction Machine Handbook
Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب The Induction Machine Handbook الجمعة 11 يناير 2013, 7:09 pm | |
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rambomenaa كبير مهندسين
عدد المساهمات : 2041 التقييم : 3379 تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012 العمر : 47 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير الصيانة بشركة تصنيع ورق الجامعة : حلوان
| موضوع: رد: كتاب The Induction Machine Handbook السبت 12 يناير 2013, 6:29 am | |
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shade deeb مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 1 التقييم : 1 تاريخ التسجيل : 26/05/2013 العمر : 33 الدولة : syria العمل : طاب الجامعة : تشرين
| موضوع: رد: كتاب The Induction Machine Handbook الأحد 26 مايو 2013, 7:49 pm | |
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب The Induction Machine Handbook الأحد 26 مايو 2013, 8:18 pm | |
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