كتاب Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines
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 كتاب Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
كبير مهندسين
كبير مهندسين

عدد المساهمات : 2041
التقييم : 3379
تاريخ التسجيل : 21/01/2012
العمر : 47
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير الصيانة بشركة تصنيع ورق
الجامعة : حلوان

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines   كتاب Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines Emptyالسبت 24 نوفمبر 2012, 8:31 pm

أخوانى فى الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines
H. Prashad

كتاب Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines P_708hd9y36
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Preface xiii
About the author xv
1 Reliability analysis of rolling-element bearings 1
1.1 A general review 1
1.2 Introduction 1
1.3 Detection of bearing malfunction and determination of
defect frequencies 2
1.4 Resonant frequencies 3
1.5 Experimental procedure 3
1.6 Instrumentation details and techniques 4
1.7 Determination of defect frequencies and energy levels 7
1.8 Results and discussion 9
1.9 Conclusions and recommendations 19
1.10 References 20
1.11 Nomenclature 20
2 Functional performance of rolling-element bearings
for acceptance in routine applications 22
2.1 A general review 22
2.2 Introduction 22
2.3 Bearing test philosophy 23
2.4 Bearing test machine 25
2.5 Experimental procedure 26
2.6 Data deduction 27
2.7 Results and discussion 30
2.8 Overall vibration levels of bearings 37
2.9 Predicted life of bearings 37
2.10 Comparison of performance of bearings 382.11 Conclusions 38
2.12 References 39
3 Cage and roller slip of rolling-element bearings 40
3.1 A general review 40
3.2 Introduction 40
3.3 Characteristic defect frequencies 41
3.4 Experimental procedure 41
3.5 Spectral analysis technique 42
3.6 Determination of defect frequencies and energy levels 43
3.7 Results and discussion 44
3.8 Comparison of bearings 51
3.9 Conclusions 52
3.10 References 53
3.11 Appendix 53
3.12 Nomenclature 54
4 Diagnosis and cause analysis of rolling-element
bearings failure in electric power equipment 56
4.1 A general review 56
4.2 Introduction 56
4.3 Bearing arrangement and nature of bearing failure 57
4.4 Investigations, observation of failures and data collection 57
4.5 Results and discussion 61
4.6 Conclusions 64
4.7 References 65
5 Localized electrical current in rolling-element
bearings 67
5.1 A general review 67
5.2 Introduction 67
5.3 Bearing arrangement and the nature of bearing failure 69
5.4 Investigations, observations and data collection 70
5.5 Theoretical model and approach to determine the flow of
localized current in a bearing 72
5.6 Field strength on track surfaces of races and
rolling-elements 75
5.7 Magnetic flux density 75
5.8 Determination of time span for the appearance of flutes
on track surfaces 76
5.9 Data deduction 76
5.10 Results and discussion 77
vi Contents5.11 Conclusions 80
5.12 References 81
5.13 Nomenclature 82
6 Response and performance of a rolling-element
bearing under the influence of an electric current 84
6.1 A general review 84
6.2 Introduction 84
6.3 Behaviour of grease in non-insulated bearings 86
6.4 Effect of current on formation of corrugated patterns on
the roller track of races of roller bearings 90
6.5 Effect of current leakage on electro-adhesion forces
in rolling friction and magnetic flux density distribution
on bearing surfaces 92
6.6 Effect of operating parameters on the threshold voltages
and impedance response of non-insulated rolling-element
bearings 94
6.7 Impedance, capacitance and charge accumulation on
roller bearings 95
6.8 Contact temperature, contact stresses and slip bands
initiation on roller track of races 96
6.9 Effects of instantaneous charge leakage on roller tracks
of roller bearings lubricated with high-resistivity
lubricants 98
6.10 Capacitive effects of roller bearings on repeated starts
and stops of a machine 99
6.11 Mechanism of bearing failures 100
6.12 Conclusion 102
6.13 References 102
6.14 Nomenclature 103
7 Effect of oil grades and clearance ratios on the
reliability of cylindrical hydrodynamic bearings 106
7.1 A general review 106
7.2 Introduction 106
7.3 Background 107
7.4 Theoretical 109
7.5 Evaluation of viscosity coefficients 110
7.6 Determination of viscosity integral 112
7.7 Assessment of bearing performance 114
7.8 Effect of oil grades on temperature rise and safe loadcarrying capacity of bearings 116
Contents viiviii Contents
7.9 Bearing turbulence and transition speed 117
7.10 Results and discussion 120
7.11 Conclusions and recommendations 126
7.12 References 128
7.13 Nomenclature 128
8 Spherical seating of hydrodynamic journal bearings 130
8.1 A general review 130
8.2 Introduction 130
8.3 Theoretical basis of the simplified design methodology 131
8.4 Evaluation of minimum values of constant of moment of
friction and optimum values of the design parameters of
spherical seating 133
8.5 Functional nomographs for evaluation of optimum values
for spherical seating design parameters 134
8.6 Guidelines for choosing the optimum values for spherical
seating design parameters 136
8.7 Conclusions and recommendations 136
8.8 References 137
8.9 Nomenclature 137
9 Life estimation of turbine oils: a methodology and
criterion for acceptance or rejection 139
9.1 A general review 139
9.2 Introduction 139
9.3 Experimental investigations 140
9.4 Data deduction 141
9.5 Results and discussion 142
9.6 Conclusions and recommendations 147
9.7 References 148
10 Axial force on motor bearings: a tool for
performance evaluation 149
10.1 A general review 149
10.2 Introduction 149
10.3 Axial force measurement technique 150
10.4 Experimental determination of axial force 152
10.5 Results and discussion 152
10.6 Conclusions and future studies 153
10.7 Bibliography 15311 An analysis of the progressive increase in vibration
of a large synchronous electric motor 154
11.1 A general review 154
11.2 Introduction 154
11.3 Possible sources of vibration 155
11.4 Diagnosis of causes of vibrations 156
11.5 System design, bearing assembly and characteristic
features of the synchronous motor under investigation 157
11.6 Investigations and analysis 158
11.7 Results and discussion 161
11.8 Conclusions and recommendations 163
11.9 References 164
12 A study of the causes of failure of rolling-element
bearings in alternators 165
12.1 A general review 165
12.2 Introduction 165
12.3 Design features of the alternators 166
12.4 The nature of bearing failure 166
12.5 Data collection and investigations 167
12.6 Causes of shaft voltage and flow of current through
bearings 171
12.7 Results and discussion 172
12.8 Conclusions and recommendations 175
12.9 References 175
13 The diagnosis of the cause of a bearing problem
in a synchronous condenser 177
13.1 A general review 177
13.2 Introduction 177
13.3 Technical details of the synchronous condenser 178
13.4 Experimental procedure 178
13.5 Measurement obtained 179
13.6 Theoretical 180
13.7 Comparison of theoretical and experimental data 183
13.8 Results and discussion 184
13.9 Conclusions and recommendations 185
13.10 References 185
13.11 Nomenclature 186
Contents ix14 The cause of noise at the top bearings of vertical
pump-motor sets 187
14.1 Introduction 187
14.2 Sump layout and construction 187
14.3 System layout 188
14.4 System behaviour 189
14.5 Factors causing the unusual system behaviour 191
14.6 Vibration spectra and analysis 191
14.7 Results and discussion 193
14.8 Design of the bearing used and its significance 199
14.9 Explanation of the cause of noise at the motor top bearing 200
14.10 Conclusions and recommendations 200
14.11 Bibliography 202
15 Modifications to the design and bearings of
horizontal axis windmills used for pumping water,
to achieve trouble-free, reliable operation 203
15.1 A general review 203
15.2 Introduction 203
15.3 Design features 204
15.4 Operational philosophy 204
15.5 Transmission system 205
15.6 Bearings and performance of the reciprocating pump 205
15.7 Recommendations 209
15.8 Conclusions 213
15.9 References 213
16 Magnetic suspension bearings for AC energy meters 214
16.1 A general review 214
16.2 Introduction 214
16.3 Design considerations 216
16.4 Mechanical requirements 220
16.5 Typical construction 221
16.6 Frictional torque studies 222
16.7 Conclusions and discussion 226
16.8 Bibliography 227
17 A new generation of rolling-element bearing with an
outline of its performance advantages 228
17.1 A general review 228
17.2 Introduction 228
x Contents17.3 Basic concept and principle of operation of DDHPB 229
17.4 Theoretical analysis 230
17.5 Theory behind performance evaluation of bearings 232
17.6 Design and test conditions of DDHPB 233
17.7 Bearing test set-up and experimental details for testing
DDHPB vis-à-vis conventional bearings 235
17.8 Data deduction 235
17.9 Results and discussion 237
17.10 Brief summary of the published research on DDHPB 239
17.11 Conclusions 239
17.12 References 240
17.13 Nomenclature 241
Index 243

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines   كتاب Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines Emptyالسبت 24 نوفمبر 2012, 8:44 pm

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عبد العزيز

عدد المساهمات : 5
التقييم : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 06/05/2014
العمر : 32
الدولة : الجزائر
العمل : طالب
الجامعة : C.U.A.T

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines   كتاب Solving Tribology Problems in Rotating Machines Emptyالجمعة 29 أبريل 2016, 1:21 pm

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