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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Noise and Vibration Control الخميس 21 يونيو 2012, 12:22 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Noise and Vibration Control UNIFIED FACILITIES CRITERIA (UFC)
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Paragraph Page CHAPTER 1. GENERAL Purpose . 1-1 1-1 Scope 1-2 1-1 References 1-3 1-1 Noise Estimates 1-4 1-1 English, Metric Units 1-5 1-1 Explanation of Abbreviation and Terms . 1-6 1-1 2. Noise and Vibration Criteria General . 2-1 2-1 Noise Criteria In Buildings . 2-2 2-1 Vibration Criteria In Building . 2-3 2-4 3. Sound Distribution Indoors General . 3-1 3-1 Sound Pressure Level in a Room . 3-2 3-1 Room Constant . 3-3 3-2 Sample Calculations . 3-4 3-4 4. Sound Isolation Between Rooms Objective . 4-1 4-1 Sound Transmission Loss (TL), Noise Reduction (NR) & Sound Transmission Class (STC) 4-2 4-1 Transmission Loss-Walls, Doors, Windows 4-3 4-4 Transmission Loss of Floor-Ceiling Combinations . 4-4 4-6 5. Sound Propagation Outdoors Introduction . 5-1 5-1 Distance Effects 5-2 5-1 Atmospheric Effects . 5-3 5-4 Terrain and Vegetation 5-4 5-6 Barriers . 5-5 5-7 Reception of Outdoor Noise Indoors 5-6 5-11 Combined Effects, Sample Calculation 5-7 5-12 Source Directivity 5-8 5-13 6. Airborne Sound Control Introduction . 6-1 6-1 Indoor Sound Analysis . 6-2 6-1 Outdoor Sound Problem and Analysis . 6-3 6-2 Quality of Analysis Procedure . 6-4 6-2 Noise Control Treatments 6-5 6-3 7. Air Distribution Noise for Heating, Ventilating and Air Conditioning SYSTEMS Introduction . 7-1 7-1 General Spectrum Characteristics of Noise Sources 7-2 7-1 Specific Characteristics of Noise Sources 7-3 7-1 Control of Fan Noise in a Duct Distribution System 7-4 7-3 Procedure for Calculating Noise Control Requirements for an Air Distribution System 7-5 7-7 Calculation Example 7-6 7-9 8. Vibration Control Introduction . 8-1 8-1 Vibration Isolation Elements 8-2 8-1 Mounting Assembly Types . 8-3 8-3 Tables of Recommended Vibration Isolation Details . 8-4 8-6 Vibration Isolation-Miscellaneous 8-5 8-10 9. Mechanical Noise Specifications Objective . 9-1 9-1 General Considerations This manual supersedes TM 5-805-4/AFM 88-37/NAVFAC DM 3.10, dated 30 December 1983, recind DD Forms 2294, 2295, 2296, 2297, 2298, 2299, 2300, 2301, 2302, 2303, dated October 1983TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090 2 Paragraph Page Partitions and Enclosures . 9-3 9-1 Mufflers and Duct Lining for Ducted Ventilation System . 9-4 9-1 Sound Levels for Equipment 9-5 9-1 CHAPTER 10. NOISE AND VIBRATION MEASUREMENTS Objective . 10-1 10-1 Sound and Vibration Instrumentation . 10-2 10-1 Measurement of Noise and Vibration in Buildings . 10-3 10-2 Measurement of Noise and Vibration Outdoors . 10-4 10-2 APPENDIX A. REFERENCES B. BASICS OF ACOUSTICS C. SOUND LEVEL DATA FOR MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT GLOSSARY BIBLIOGRAPHY List of Figures Page FIGURE 2-1. Noise Criterion (NC) curves 2-2 2-2. Room Criterion (RC) curves 2-3 2-3. Approximate Sensitivity and Response of People to Feelable Vibration 2-6 2-4. Vibration Criteria for Damage Risk to Buildings 2-7 2-5. Vibration Criteria for Sensitive Equipment in Buildings 2-8 2-6. Vibration Acceleration Levels of a Large Vibrating Surface that Will Produce Radiated Sound Levels 2-9 Into a Room Approximating the Sound Levels of the NC Curves 3-1. Approximate Relationship Between Relative Sound Pressure Level (REL SPL) and Distance to a Sound 3-2 Source for Various Room Constant Values 3-2. Room Constant Estimate 3-5 4-1. Improvement in Transmission Loss Caused by Air Space Between Double Walls Compared to Single 4-3 Wall of Equal Total Weight, Assuming no Rigid Ties Between Walls 4-2. Natural Frequency of a Double Wall With an Air Space 4-4 4-3. Schematic Illustration of Flanking Paths of Sound 4-5 4-4. Typical Floating Floor Construction 4-20 4-5. Suggested Applications and Details of Floating Floors for Improvement of Airborne Sound Transmission Loss 4-21 4-6. Structureborne Flanking Paths of Noise (Paths 2 and 3) Limit the Low Sound Levels Otherwise 4-22 Achievable With High-TL Floating Floor Construction (Path 1) 4-7. Nonflat Concrete Floors 4-22 5-1. Inverse Square Law of Sound Propagation 5-2 5-2. Downwind sound diffraction 5-6 5-3. Upwind Sound Diffraction 5-6 5-4. Effects of Temperature Gradients on Sound Propagation 5-7 5-5. Outdoor Sound Propagation Near the Ground 5-7 5-6. Parameters and Geometry of Outdoor Sound Barrier 5-8 5-7. Examples of Surfaces That Can Reflect Sound Around or Over a Barrier Wall 5-10 5-8. Compound Barriers 5-11 5-9. Edge Effects at End of Barrier 5-12 5-10. Elevation Profile of Cooling Tower Used in Example 5-14 7-1. Good and Poor Air Delivery Conditions to Air Outlets 7-4 7-2. Plan View of Supply Duct for Example 7-12 8-1. Suggested Arrangement of Ribbed Neoprene Pads for Providing Resilient Lateral Restraint to a Spring 8-4 Mount 8-2. Schematic of Vibration Isolation Mounting for Fan and Drive-Assembly of Propeller-Type Cooling Tower 8-6 8-3. Schematic of a Resilient Clamping Arrangement With Ribbed Neoprene Pads 8-7 B-1. Approximate Electrical Frequency Response of the A-, B-, and C-Weighted Networks of Sound Level B-7 Meters B-2. Transmissibility of a Simple Undamped Single Degree-of-Freedom System B-1 C-1. Sound Pressure Levels of Reciprocating Compressors at 3-ft. Distance C-2 C-2. Sound Pressure Levels of Centrifugal Compressors at 3-ft. Distance C-3 C-3. Principal Types of Cooling Towers C-6 C-4. Sound Pressure Levels of Pumps at 3-ft. Distance C-li C-5. Sound Pressure Levels of Air Compressors at 3-ft. Distance C-13 C-6. Sound Pressure Levels of TEFC Motors at 3-ft. Distance C-22 C-7. Sound Pressure Levels of DRPR Motors at 3 ft. Distance C-23 C-8. Sound Pressure Levels of Steam Turbines at 3 ft. Distance C-24TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090 3 List of Tables Page Table 2-1. Category Classification and Suggested Noise Criterion Range for Intruding Steady-State Noise as Heard 2-4 in Various Indoor Functional Activity Areas 2-2. Speech Interference Levels (SIL) That Permit Barely Acceptable Speech Intelligibility at the Distances 2-5 and Voice Levels Shown 3-1. Reduction of SPL (in dB) in Going From Normalized 3-ft. Distance and 800-ft.2 Room Constant to Any 3-3 Other Distance and Room Constant 3-2. REL SPL Values for a Range of Distances “D” and Room Constants “R”, for Use With PWL Data 3-4 3-3. Sound Absorption Coefficients of General Building Materials and Furnishings 3-6 3-4. Low Frequency Multipliers For Room Constants 3-7 3-5. Summary of Data and Calculations Illustrating Use of Equation 3-1 3-8 3-6. Summary of Data and Calculations Illustrating Use of Equation 3-2 3-9 4-1. Wall or Floor Correction Term “C” for Use in the Equation NR TL + “C” 4-2 4-2. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Dense Poured Concrete or Solid-Core Concrete Block or Masonry 4-7 4-3. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Hollow-Core Dense Concrete Block or Masonry 4-8 4-4. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Cinder Block or Other Lightweight Porous Block Material with Impervious 4-9 Skin on Both Sides to Seal Pores 4-5. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Dense Plaster 4-10 4-6. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Stud-Type Partitions 4-11 4-7. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Plywood, Lumber, and Simple Wood Doors 4-13 4-8. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Glass Walls or Windows 4-14 4-9. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Typical Double-Glass Windows, Using ¼-in.-Thick Glass Panels With 4-15 Different Air Space Widths 4-10. Transmission Loss (in dB) of a Filled Metal Panel Partition and Several Commercially Available 4-16 Acoustic Doors 4-11. Approximate Transmission Loss (in dB) of Aluminum, Steel and Lead 4-17 4-12. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 1 Floor-Ceiling Combinations 4-18 4-13. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 2 Floor-Ceiling Combinations 4-18 4-14. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 3 Floor-Ceiling Combinations 4-19 4-15. Transmission Loss (in dB) of Type 4 Floor-Ceiling Combinations 4-19 4-16. Approximate Improvement in Transmission Loss (in dB) When Type 5 Floating Floor is Added to Types 4-20 1 through 4 Floor-Ceiling Combinations 5-1. Molecular Absorption Coefficients, dB per 1000 ft., as a Function of Temperature and Relative Humidity 5-3 5-2. Values of Anomalous Excess Attenuation per 1000 ft. 5-4 5-3. Distance Term (DT), in dB, to a Distance of 80 ft. 5-4 5-4. Distance Term (DT), in dB, at Distances of 80 ft. to 8000 ft. 5-5 5-5. Insertion Loss for Sound Transmission Through a Growth of Medium-Dense Woods 5-8 5-6. Insertion Loss of an Ideal Solid Outdoor Barrier 5-9 5-7. Approximate Noise Reduction of Typical Exterior Wall Constructions 5-13 5-8. Location “A” Cooling Tower Problem 5-15 5-9. Location “B” Cooling Tower Problem 5-15 7-1. Plenum/Ceiling Transfer Factor 7-3 7-2. Approximate Natural Attenuation in Unlined Sheet-Metal Ducts 7-5 7-3. Attenuation in Lined Ducts 7-6 7-4. Power Level Loss at Branches 7-7 7-5. End Reflection Loss 7-8 7-6. Losses Caused by Duct Elbows 7-9 7-7. Representative IL Values for Sound Attenuators 7-10 8-1. General Types and Applications of Vibration Isolators 8-2 8-2. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal and Axial-Flow Fans 8-8 8-3. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Reciprocating Compressor Refrigeration Equipment Assembly 8-9 8-4. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Rotary Screw Compressor Refrigeration Equipment Assembly 8-12 8-5. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal Compressor Refrigeration Equipment Assembly 8-13 8-6. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Absorption-Type Refrigeration Equipment Assembly 8-14 8-7. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Boilers 8-15 8-8. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Propeller-Type Cooling Towers 8-16 8-9. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Centrifugal-Type Cooling Towers 8-17 8-10. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Motor-Pump Assemblies 8-18 8-11. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Steam-Turbine-Driven Rotary Equipment 8-19 8-12. Vibration Isolation Mounting for Transformers 8-20 8-13. Vibration Isolation Mounting for One- or Two-Cylinder Reciprocating-Type Air Compressors in the 10- to 8-21 100-hp Size Range 9-1. Sample Sound Pressure Level Specification 9-3 9-2. Sample Sound Power Level Specification 9-4 B-1. Bandwidth and Geometric Mean Frequency of Standard Octave and 1/3 Octave Bands B-6TM 5-805-4/AFJMAN 32-1090
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Noise and Vibration Control الأربعاء 23 يناير 2013, 7:39 pm | |
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