Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Handbook of Vibration Analysis Vol 2 الأحد 03 يونيو 2012, 2:38 am | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب The Simplified Handbook of Vibration Analysis Volume 2 Applied Vibration Analysis Arthur R. Crawford President, ARC Associates Senior Vibration Analyst. Steve Crawford President, Crawford Communications
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :
Table of Contents MACHINE -SPECIFIC ANALYSIS: FANS . . 1.0 PRINCIPLESOF FAN OPERATION 1.1 Fan Curves 2.0 TYPESOF FANS 2.1 Centrifugal Fana 2.2 Axial Flow Fan* 3.0STRUCTURAL ASPECTS AFFECTING VIBRATION 3.1 Mounting 32Anb-FrictMa Bearings 3.3Axial Fans 4 0OPERATIONAL SOURCES OF VIBRATION 4.1 Relating Stall 5.0 VIBRATION ANALYSISOF FANS 5.1 Determine the Problem 5.2Inspect theSystem 5.3TakeStatic Data 5.4 Take Dynamic Data Time Domain Data Frequency Domain Data ! Forcing Function!*) Misalignment Coupling. Bell, and Bearing Resonance and Disk Skew Cavitation Mechanical Non-linearities Oil whirl High I Variable Pitch Axial Flow Fans 6.0 FAN DIAGNOSIS SUMMARY REFERENCES MACHINE -SPECIFIC ANALYSIS: PUMPS 1.0 PRINCIPLES OF PUMP OPERATION U Typesof Head 1.2 Overview of Fluid Dynamics 1.3 Bernoulli 's Equation 1.4 Viscosity and Fluid Flow 1.5The Reynold* Number 2.0 TYPESOF PUMPS 2.1 Centrifugal Pump* Type of Impeller Orientation of Shift Type of Casing Split 2.2 Axial Pumps 3J> OPERATIONAL SOURCESOF VIBRATION I Recirculation 33 Hydraulic Imbalance 3.41 i with Voiute/Diffuser 3.5 Misalignment 3.6 Imbalanced Impeller 3.7 Impeller Instability 3.8 Bent Shaft 3.9 Pipe Stresses 4.0 STRUCTURAL ASPECTS AFFECTINO VIBRATION 4.1 Anti-Friction Bearings 4.2 Sleeve Bearings 4.3 Resonance 4.4 Looseness 4.5 Misalignment SO ANALYSIS SUMMARY REFERENCES MACHINE-SPECIFIC ANALYSIS: MOTORS 1.0 MAGNETS AND ELECTRICITY Magnetic Fields 1.2 Electricity and Magnetism 1.3Electromagnets ; Induced Current 10PRINCIPLESOF AC MOTORS 2.1 AC Motor Design and Operation 2.2Synchronous Motors 2.3 Induction Motors 3.0 PRINCIPLESOF DC MOTORS 3.1 A Simple DC Motor 3.2 Commutation 3.3Torque Variation 3.4 Design of DC Motors 3.5 Brushes 37feHV*i 3 3Types of DC Motora 4 0 ELECTRICALSOURCESOF VIBRATION 4.1 Electrical Sources of Vibration in AC Motors 4.2 Electrical Sources of Vibration in DC Motors 4.3 External Sources of Vibration 5.0 MECHANICALSOURCESOF VIBRATION Rotor Loose cm Shaft Thermal Growth Uneven Air Gap Out of Round Rotor Stator Looseness Rotor Bars Shorted Lamination Commutation 6.0 ANALYSIS SUMMARY REFERENCES MACHINE-SPECIFIC ANALYSIS: COMPRESSORS 1.0 PRINCIPLES OFCOMPRESSOR OPERATION 2.0 TYPES OFCOMPRESSORS 2.1 Reciprocating Compressors 2.2 Rotating Compressors 2.2.1 Screw compressors 2.3 Centrifugal Compressors 2.4 Axial Compressors 3.0STRUCTURAL ASPECTS AFFECTING VIBRATION 3.1 Thermal Growth and Misalignment 3.2 Anti-Friction Bearings 3.3 Resonances 3.4 Looseness 4.0 OPERATIONAL SOURCESOF VIBRATION 4.1 Pulsations 4.2 Flow Characteristics 4.3 Surge 4.4 Rotary Screw Compressors S.O VIBRATION ANALYSIS OF COMPRESSORS 5.1 Determine the Problem 5.2 Inspect theSystem 5.3 Take Static Data 5.3.1 Resonant Frequencies 5.3.2 Blade Pass Frequency 5.3.3 Rotational and Reciprocating Forces 5.3.4 Mechanical Data 5.3.5 Background Vibration 5.4 Take Dynamic Data 5.4.1 Startup Data 5.4.2 Norajl Load Data Time domain data Frequency Domain Data 5.4.3 Coastdown Data 5.5 Determine the Forcing Functicn(s) Imbalance Misalignment: Coupling and Bearing Resonance Cavitation OHI whirl High Blade Pass Frequency Shalt Orbits SUMMARY REFERENCES MACHINE-SPECIFIC ANALYSIS: ENGINES . 1.0 ENGINES 1.1 Pressure Volume (PV) Curves Ideal Otto Cycle Ideal Diesel Cycle 1.2Compression Ratio 2.0 VIBRATORY FORCES IN RECIPROCATING ENGINES 2.1 The Slider CrankI Rotating : 2 2 Knock: 2.4 Torsional Vibration Forces 2.5 Crankshaft Balance 30 ANALYZING ENGINE VIBRATION 3.1 Reciprocating Loadson Bearings 3.2 Vibrations from Engine Accessories SUMMARY REFERENCES MACHINE-SPECIFIC ANALYSIS: TURBINES 1.0 PRINCIPLES OF TURBINE OPERATION 2.0TURBINEVIBRATION 2.2 Rotor Bow 2.3 Misalignment 2.4 Thermal Growth and Distortion 2.5 Resonance 3.0 BALANCING STEAM TURBINES 3-1 Acceptable Methods Making the Compromise 4.0THE STATIC COUPLE METHOD 4.1 Performing Static Couple Balancing Locale ihe Heavy Spc* Determine Where to Place Yow Weight Take Vibration Readinp Solve for Correction Locate the Heavy Spot Place YourWeight Take Vibration Reading* Solve for Correction 5.0 THE INTERMEDIATE SOLUTION METHOD 5.1 Performing Intern Identify and CatalogI Record the Ai -Is Rending* Place Trial Weight in Firat Plane Calculate Correction 6.0GENERATOR ROTORS SUMMARY REFERENCES GEARS INTRODUCTION 1.0 GEAR THEORY 1.1Spur Gears 1.2 Helical Gears 1.3 Crotaed Helical 1.4 WormGears 15 Bevel Gears 2.0 GEAR MESHING AND VIBRATION 2.1 Load Pulses Deflections 3.0 VIBRATIONS IN GEARING SUMMARY REFERENCES POWER TRANSMISSION COMPONENTS 1.0 BELTS AND BELT DRIVES 1.1 Types of Belts 1.2 V.Belts TO BASIC THEORY OF BELT DRIVES 2.1 A Bek in a Belt Drive 2.2 Belt Slip and Bell Creep 2.3 Drive Ratios 2.4 Belt Tension and Alignment 3.0 NOISE IN BELT DRIVES 4.0 BELT AND SHEAVE WEAR 4.1Sheave Wear 5.0 BELT DRIVE VIBRATION 5.1 Sheave Alignment 5.2 Belt Tension 5.3 Primary Belt Frequency 5.4 Belt Strand Frequency 5.5 Belt Types and Vibration Severity 6.0 CHAINS ANDCHAIN DRIVES 6.1 Types of Chains 7.0 PRINCIPLES OFCHAIN DRIVES 7.1 Drive Ratio 7.2 Number of Sprocket Teeth 7.3 CCnter-to-Ccnter Distance 7.4 Chain Slack 7.5 Chain Wear and Tension 7.6 Chordal Action 7.7 Determining Chain Length 8.0 CHAIN DRIVE VIBRATION 8.1 Tooth -Induced Vibration 8.2 Other Sources 9.0 UNIVERSAL JOINTS 9.1 Non -Uniform Joints 9.2 Uniform Joints 9.3 Other Classifications 10.0CARDAN UNIVERSAL JOINTS 10.1 Non -Uniform Motion 10.2 Achieving Constant Velocity 11.0 BALL AND TRUNNION UNIVERSAL JOINT 12.0 ROLLER AND TRUNNION UNIVERSAL JOINT 13.0 SLIDING BLOCK AND TRUNNION UNIVERSAL JOINT 14.0 RUBBER COUPLINGS 15.0 VIBRATION IN UNIVERSAL JOINTS 15.1 Torsional Vibration 15.2 Inertial Vibration 15.3 Secondary Couple Vibration 15.4 Other Vibrations 16.0 FLEXIBLE COUPLINGS 16.1 Types of Couplings 16.2 Vibration Considerations SUMMARY BIBLIOGRAPHY ANALOG INSTRUMENTS SUMMARY DIGITAL ANALYSIS 1.0 DIGITAL ANALYZERS 1.1 Frequency Analysis with Analog Analyzers 1.2 The Fourier Transform 1.3Time and Frequency Domain Displays 1.4 Aliasing 2.0SIGNAL ANALYSIS 2.1 Line Spectra 2.2Continuous Spectra 2.3Time vs. Frequency Displays 2.4 Leakage 3.0 INSTANTANEOUS SPECTRA 4.0 TRIGGERING 3.0 AVERAGING 3.1 Linear Averaging 3.2 Exponential Averaging 5.3 Peak Hold 5.4 Synchronous Averaging 5.5 Synchronous Time Averaging 6.0 CROSS CHANNEL CAPABILITIES 6.1 Coherence 6.2 Transfer Function 6.3 Cross Channel Phase SUMMARY MEASUREMENT AND COLLECTION TECHNIQUES 1.0 MACHINERY MAINTENANCE 1.1 Catastrophic (Hysterical) Maintenance 1.2 Preventive (Historical) Maintenance 1.3 Predictive (Histogram) Maintenance 2.0 VIBRATION DATA COLLECTION 2.1 Collect Broadband or Spectral Data? 2.2 What Frequency RangeShould Be Covered? 2.3 What Units Are Used for Machine Health Baseline? 2.4 How Much Vibration is Too Much Vibration? 2.5 What Type of Transducer Should Be Used? 2.6 How Will the Transducers Be Mounted? 2.7 How Ma 2.8 How Often Will Data Be Collected? Arc Required? 2.9 Will Machines be Loaded or Unloaded Daring Collection? 2.10 Who Will Collect and Analyze the Data? SUMMARY . EXPERIMENTAL MODAL ANALYSIS . . . . 1.0 EXPERIMENTAL MODAL ANALYSIS 1.1 Disadvantages of Experimental Modal Analysis 1.2 A Comparison with Finite Element Analysis 2.0 EXPERIMENTAL MODAL ANALYSIS THEORY 2.1 A Single Degree of Freedom System 2.1.2 Imaginary Frequency Response Curve 2.2 A Multiple Degree of Freedom System 3.0 FREQUENCY RESPONSE FUNCTIONS 3.1 Basic Frequency Response Functions 4.0 EXPERIMENTAL MODAL ANALYSIS PROCEDURES 4.1 Develop a Test Procedure 4.2 Reid Test 4.3 Modal Parameter Identification 4.4 Model Verification 5.0STRUCTURAL MODIFICATION METHODS 6.0 CASE HISTORY *! 6.1 Statement of Problem 6.2 Experimental Modal Analysis 6.3 finite Element Model 6.4 Structural Modifications 7.0 CASE HISTORY *2 7.1 Statement of Problem 7.2 Experimental Modal Analysis 8.0OPERATING DEFLECTION SHAPE ANALYSIS 8.1 Test Procedure 8.2 Curve fitting 8.3 Single-Channel Operating Deflection Shape 8.4 Case History FINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS 2.0 PRINCIPLES OFFINITE ELEMENT ANALYSIS 3.0STATIC ANALYSIS 4.0 DYNAMIC ANALYSIS 4.1 The Modal Superposition Method 5.0 MESH REFINEMENT 6.0 HIGHER ORDER DISPLACEMENT FUNCTIONS 6.1 Shape Functions 7.0 ASPECT RATIO AND SKEWNESS 8.0 ELEMENT TYPES 8.1 Spar Elements 8.2 Beam Element! 8.3 Thin Shell Element* 8.5 8.4 Three Two Dimensional Dimensional Sol Solid -1Element Element 8.6 Mnu Elements 8.7 Spring Elements 9.0 ANALYSIS PROCEDURES 9.2 Elements 9.3 Boundary Conditions 9.4 Dynamic Loading 9.3 Matrix Condensation 100CASE HISTORY # I 10.1 ProblemDescription 102 Finite Element Solution 11.0CASE HISTORY »2 11.1 Problem Description 11.2 Finite Element Analysis 12.0 CASE HISTORY *3 111 Problem Description 12.2 Finite Element Analysis 13.0 CONCLUSION 14.0 REFERENCES APPENDIX B - EXAMPLE ANALYSES ANALYSIS 41 - MULTIPLE RESONANT FREQUENCIES ANALYSIS #2 - BEAT FREQUENCY BETWEEN SPINDLES ANALYSIS*3 - HARMONIC GROUPS OF BELT FREQUENCY ANALYSIS «4 - RUBBINO GIBS ANALYSIS #5- USING COHERENCE ANALYSIS*6- BEARING FAULT ANALYSIS #7 - PRESSURE PULSATIONS APPENDIX C- RESONANT FREQUENCY CALCULATIONS Definition ofTeems 10SHAFTCASE ONE 10 SHAFT CASE TWO 3.0 SHAFT CASE THREE 4.0 SHAFT CASE FOUR 5.0 SHAFT CASE FIVE BEAM CASE ONE 70BEAMCASETWO 8.0 BEAM CASE THREE ; Frequ for Mass 8.2 Resonant Frequency for Mass mi 8.3 The Combined Natural Frequency 9.0 BEAM CASE FOUR 10.0 BEAM CASE FIVE 11.0 ADDING SHAFT OR BEAM MASS 11.1 Adding Shaft Mass 11.2 Adding Beam Mass Glossary of Terms Index List of Figures Figure 1 • fan curves Figure 2 - a centrifugal fan Figure 3- center hung and cantilevered centrifugal fans Figure 4 - backward bladed centrifugal fan Figure S •airfoil Wade Figure 6 - radially tipped fan Figure 7 - forward curved blade Figure 8 -axial flow fan Figure9 • vibration mounts Figure 10 - floating and fixed bearings Figure 11 - routing stall Figure 12 - the belt strand Figure 13 - belt strand resonance Figure 14- head and pressu Figure IS - measurements of static head Figure 16 •a Venturi tube Figure 17 - vis Figure 18 - a basic centrifugal pomp Figure 19- uniform pressure on the impeller Figure 20•unequal pressure on the impeller Figure 21 -a twin volute pump Figure 22 - diffusion vanes Figure 23 - incline of axial impeller vanes Figure 24 - floating and fixed bearings Figure 23 •oil whirl Figure 26 -effect of dynamic absorber on system response Figure 27 •absorber mass and resonance spread Figure 28 • magnetic attraction and repulsion Figure 29 - a magnetic field i fluid flow Figure 30 - effect of electricity on a compass needle Figure 31 - a bosk electromagnet Figure 32 • induced current Figure33- a typical motor stator Figure 34 - three phase stator Figure 35-a rotor with a uniform air gap Figure 36-an induction motor rotor Figure 37-circular current flow in the rotor Figure 38 - motor action Figure 39- a simple DC motor Figure 40- torque through one-half revolution Figure 41 - a two-segment commutator Figure 42 - torque vs. position plot for a two-segment commutator Figure 43 - a four-segment commutator Figure 44 - a DC motor armature Figure 45 - a typical commutator Figure 46 - brush assembly on a DC motor Figure 47 - main magnetic field Figure 48 - magnetic Field around the armature coil Figure 49 - the load neutral plane Figure 50 -one slip cycle Figure 51- halfwave rectification Figure 52 •full wave rectification Figure 53- head and pressure Figure 54 - a reciprocating compressor Figure55-a sliding vane compressor Figure56-a two-lobed screw compressor Figure57-a centrifugal compressor Figure58-an axial compressor Figure 59- fixed and floating bearings Figure60-drive train of a rotary screw compressor Figure61- the PV curve for an ideal otto cycle Figure62 - the PV curve for an ideal diesel cycle Figure 63- the slider crank mechanism Figure 64- rotating and reciprocating mass Figure65- reciprocating piston with no moment Figure 66 -an unbalanced counterbalance force Figure67 •the origin of side-to-side motion Figure68 -a turbine/generator set with high vibration Figure69 - purestalk imbalance Figure 70 - pure couple imbalance Figure71 -a turbine rotor with static imbalance Figure 72- two gear teeth in contact Figure73-conjugacy Figure 74 - the Pitch Cirele Figure 75- tracing an involute Figure 76 •spur gears Figure 77 - a helical gear Figure 78 - Figure 79 •a straight bevel gear Figure80 - how a V-bell wedges against live sheave Figure 81 - typical V-beh Figure 82 - various belt types Figure 83 - a sample belt drive Figure 84 - belt drive ratio gear and wormwhcel determining bell length Figure 87 - the belt strand Figure 88- belt Figure 89 - time domain plot of support resonance excited by belt Figure90- Figure 91 - a basic chain drive Figure 92 - a hunting tooth sprocket chain types Figure 93 - allowing for chain slack Figure 94- chordal action Figure 95 -determining chain length Figure 96 - the Canton joint Figure 97- motion of a point at zero joint angle Figure98 -1 i of a point at an angle gene revolution Figure 100 - polar plot of speed variations Figure 101 - joint phasing Figure 102 - the Ball and Trunnion joint Figure 103 - maximum angle of bull and trunnion joint Figure 104 - a gear coupling Figure 105 - sampling at the Input frequency Figure 106-sampling at twice the Input frequency Figure 107 - 128 Hi signal sampled at 1,024 Hz Figure 108- 1,152 Hz signal sampled at 1.024 Hz Figure 109-locating a precise frequency Figure 110- time domain waveform for Case I Figure 111 *frequency spectra of Case I Figure 112 - timedomainirefo. Figure 113 - frequency spectra of Figure Figure 115- frequency spectra of Case 3 Figure 116- time domain waveform of Cose 4 Figure 117- frequency spectra of Case 4 of Case 2 i of Case 3 Figure 118 - coherence plot of cracked machine spindle Figure 119- coherence plot or a new machine spindle Figure 120 - Inertance plot of turbine generator Figure 121- apparent stiffness calculated from inertance Figure 122- imaginary portion of Figure 120 Figure 123 - impact locations on turbine generator Figure 124 - rocking mode of turbine generator Figure 125 - integration and double integration Figure 126- differentiation and double differentiation Figure 127 - a single degree of freedom vibrating system Figure 128- magnitude of force varies with time Figure 129 - real and imaginary components of total displacement Figure 130- the magnification factor Figure 131 * a typical imaginary frequency response function Figure 132 * a multiple degree of freedom system Figure 133 - mode slope obtained from one data point Figure 134 •mode shapes obtained from multiple data points Figure 135- Figure 136•impact and response plots Figure 137-effect of tip hardness on excited frequency band Figure 138- a force-exponential window Figure 139-colierence before and after repairs Figure 140 - light and heavy modal coupling Figure 141- frequency response curve for Case 1 Figure 142 • first and second mode shapes for Case I Figure 143 •finite element model for Case I Figure 144 - first mode shape of Case I Figure 145 - side and top views of second mode shape of Case 1 Figure 146 - colierence and frequency response plots for Case 2 Figure 147 - animated modeshape of Case 2 first mode Figure 148 - animated mode shape of Case 2 second mode Figure 149 - setup for operating deflection shape analysis Figure 150 - pseudo FRF for an 1.800 RPM fan Figure 151 - coherence and frequency response plots for ODS Case I Figure 152 - result of ODSanalysis Figure 153- approximating beam deflection Figure 154- two uniaxial truss elements coupled in series Figure 155 - meshes for a steel cantilever slab Figure 156- plotted mode.shapes from Table 11 Figure 157 •higher order displacement functions Figure 158 -a simple uniaxial truss element Figure 159-solid elements obtained from a parent element Figure 160 •a spar element Figure 161-a beam element mode shape display resulting from aliasing List of Tables Table1 - engine types and reciprocating forces Table 2 - crankshafts requiring bobweighis during balancing Table 3- standard belt sires Table 4 - vibration severity for various belt types Table 3 - theeffect of resolution on the time window Table6 - coherence as a function of the number of averages Table7 - how resonances are displayed in rectangular transfer function plots Table8 - categoriring levels of vibration Table9 - comparing FEM and EMA predictions Table 10 - natural frequency and damping estimates for Case 2 Table 11 •calculated mode shapes using modelsfrom Figure 155 Table 12 - mode shapes calculated using a quadratic displacement function Table 13- linear vs. quadratic displacement functions Table 14 - solution of the cantilever slab problem using several models Table IS •calculating first stretching mode using the three displacement functions
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا منه وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب The Simplified Handbook of Vibration Analysis Volume 2 رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب The Simplified Handbook of Vibration Analysis Volume 2
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: كتاب Handbook of Vibration Analysis Vol 2 الإثنين 01 أكتوبر 2012, 7:32 pm | |
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