كتاب Vibration and Shock Handbook
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Vibration and Shock Handbook

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Vibration and Shock Handbook    كتاب Vibration and Shock Handbook  Emptyالأربعاء 30 مايو 2012, 10:51 pm

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 Vibration and Shock Handbook
Clarence W. de Silva

كتاب Vibration and Shock Handbook  V_s_h10
ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

SECTION I Fundamentals and Analysis
1 Time-Domain Analysis Clarence W. de Silva 1-1
1.1 Introduction 1-1
1.2 Undamped Oscillator . 1-2
1.3 Heavy Springs . 1-12
1.4 Oscillations in Fluid Systems 1-14
1.5 Damped Simple Oscillator 1-16
1.6 Forced Response . 1-27
2 Frequency-Domain Analysis Clarence W. de Silva 2-1
2.1 Introduction 2-1
2.2 Response to Harmonic Excitations . 2-2
2.3 Transform Techniques 2-14
2.4 Mechanical Impedance Approach . 2-25
2.5 Transmissibility Functions . 2-31
2.6 Receptance Method 2-37
Appendix 2A Transform Techniques 2-40
3 Modal Analysis Clarence W. de Silva 3-1
3.1 Introduction 3-1
3.2 Degrees of Freedom and Independent Coordinates . 3-2
3.3 System Representation . 3-4
3.4 Modal Vibrations . 3-10
3.5 Orthogonality of Natural Modes 3-14
3.6 Static Modes and Rigid-Body Modes . 3-15
3.7 Other Modal Formulations . 3-22
3.8 Forced Vibration 3-28
3.9 Damped Systems 3-32
3.10 State-Space Approach 3-36
Appendix 3A Linear Algebra . 3-41
4 Distributed-Parameter Systems Clarence W. de Silva . 4-1
4.1 Introduction 4-1
4.2 Transverse Vibration of Cables . 4-2
, LLC4.3 Longitudinal Vibrations of Rods 4-13
4.4 Torsional Vibration of Shafts 4-19
4.5 Flexural Vibration of Beams 4-26
4.6 Damped Continuous Systems . 4-50
4.7 Vibration of Membranes and Plates . 4-52
5 Random Vibration Haym Benaroya 5-1
5.1 Random Vibration . 5-1
5.2 Single Degree of Freedom: The Response to Random Loads 5-2
5.3 Response to Two Random Loads 5-7
5.4 Multi-Degree-of-Freedom Vibration 5-12
5.5 Multi-Degree-of-Freedom: The Response to Random Loads 5-17
5.6 Continuous System Random Vibration . 5-29
SECTION II Computer Techniques
6 Numerical Techniques Marie D. Dahleh 6-1
6.1 Introduction 6-1
6.2 Single-Degree-of-Freedom System 6-2
6.3 Systems with Two or More Degrees of Freedom . 6-8
6.4 Finite Difference Method for a Continuous System . 6-11
6.5 Matrix Methods 6-14
6.6 Approximation Methods for the Fundamental Frequency . 6-18
6.7 Finite Element Method 6-20
Appendix 6A Introduction to MATLABq . 6-24
7 Vibration Modeling and Software Tools Datong Song, Cheng Huang, and
Zhong-Sheng Liu . 7-1
7.1 Introduction 7-1
7.2 Formulation 7-2
7.3 Vibration Analysis 7-9
7.4 Commercial Software Packages . 7-13
7.5 The Basic Procedure of Vibration Analysis 7-16
7.6 An Engineering Case Study . 7-19
7.7 Comments . 7-21
8 Computer Analysis of Flexibly Supported Multibody Systems Ibrahim Esat
and M. Dabestani . 8-1
8.1 Introduction 8-1
8.2 Theory . 8-2
8.3 A Numerical Example 8-7
8.4 An Industrial Vibration Design Problem . 8-11
8.5 Programming Considerations . 8-16
8.6 VIBRATIO . 8-17
8.7 Analysis 8-24
8.8 Comments . 8-31
Appendix 8A VIBRATIO Output for Numerical Example in Section 8.3 8-32
xiv Contents
, LLC9 Finite Element Applications in Dynamics Mohamed S. Gadala 9-1
9.1 Problem and Element Classification . 9-2
9.2 Types of Analysis 9-20
9.3 Modeling Aspects for Dynamic Analysis 9-23
9.4 Equations of Motion and Solution Methods . 9-27
9.5 Various Dynamic Analyses 9-33
9.6 Checklist for Dynamic FE Analysis 9-41
10 Vibration Signal Analysis Clarence W. de Silva 10-1
10.1 Introduction 10-1
10.2 Frequency Spectrum . 10-2
10.3 Signal Types 10-7
10.4 Fourier Analysis 10-7
10.5 Analysis of Random Signals 10-18
10.6 Other Topics of Signal Analysis 10-26
10.7 Overlapped Processing . 10-28
11 Wavelets — Concepts and Applications Pol D. Spanos, Giuseppe Failla, and
Nikolaos P. Politis . 11-1
11.1 Introduction 11-1
11.2 Time–Frequency Analysis . 11-2
11.3 Time-Dependent Spectra Estimation of Stochastic Processes 11-11
11.4 Random Field Simulation . 11-14
11.5 System Identification 11-15
11.6 Damage Detection 11-17
11.7 Material Characterization 11-18
11.8 Concluding Remarks 11-19
SECTION III Shock and Vibration
12 Mechanical Shock Christian Lalanne 12-1
12.1 Definitions 12-2
12.2 Description in the Time Domain . 12-3
12.3 Shock Response Spectrum . 12-4
12.4 Pyroshocks 12-17
12.5 Use of Shock Response Spectra . 12-18
12.6 Standards . 12-24
12.7 Damage Boundary Curve 12-26
12.8 Shock Machines 12-28
12.9 Generation of Shock Using Shakers . 12-44
12.10 Control by a Shock Response Spectrum 12-52
12.11 Pyrotechnic Shock Simulation 12-58
13 Vibration and Shock Problems of Civil Engineering Structures Priyan Mendis and
Tuan Ngo 13-1
13.1 Introduction 13-2
13.2 Earthquake-Induced Vibration of Structures 13-3
Contents xv
, LLC13.3 Dynamic Effects of Wind Loading on Structures 13-22
13.4 Vibrations Due to Fluid–Structure Interaction 13-33
13.5 Blast Loading and Blast Effects on Structures . 13-34
13.6 Impact Loading 13-47
13.7 Floor Vibration . 13-51
14 Reinforced Concrete Structures Y.L. Mo . 14-1
14.1 Introduction 14-1
14.2 Analytical Models . 14-6
14.3 Beams under Harmonic Excitations . 14-18
14.4 Design for Explosions/Shocks . 14-21
SECTION IV Instrumentation and Testing
15 Vibration Instrumentation Clarence W. de Silva . 15-1
15.1 Introduction 15-1
15.2 Vibration Exciters . 15-3
15.3 Control System . 15-15
15.4 Performance Specification . 15-21
15.5 Motion Sensors and Transducers 15-27
15.6 Torque, Force, and Other Sensors 15-50
Appendix 15A Virtual Instrumentation for Data Acquisition, Analysis,
and Presentation . 15-73
16 Signal Conditioning and Modification Clarence W. de Silva 16-1
16.1 Introduction 16-2
16.2 Amplifiers 16-2
16.3 Analog Filters 16-15
16.4 Modulators and Demodulators . 16-29
16.5 Analog–Digital Conversion . 16-37
16.6 Bridge Circuits 16-43
16.7 Linearizing Devices 16-49
16.8 Miscellaneous Signal Modification Circuitry . 16-56
16.9 Signal Analyzers and Display Devices 16-62
17 Vibration Testing Clarence W. de Silva 17-1
17.1 Introduction 17-1
17.2 Representation of a Vibration Environment 17-3
17.3 Pretest Procedures 17-24
17.4 Testing Procedures 17-37
17.5 Some Practical Information 17-52
18 Experimental Model Analysis Clarence W. de Silva 18-1
18.1 Introduction 18-1
18.2 Frequency-Domain Formulation 18-2
18.3 Experimental Model Development . 18-8
18.4 Curve Fitting of Transfer Functions . 18-10
xvi Contents
, LLC18.5 Laboratory Experiments 18-18
18.6 Commercial EMA Systems 18-24
SECTION V Vibration Suppression and Control
19 Vibration Damping Clarence W. de Silva . 19-1
19.1 Introduction 19-1
19.2 Types of Damping 19-2
19.3 Representation of Damping in Vibration Analysis . 19-9
19.4 Measurement of Damping . 19-16
19.5 Interface Damping 19-26
20 Damping Theory Randall D. Peters . 20-1
20.1 Preface . 20-2
20.2 Introduction 20-4
20.3 Background . 20-12
20.4 Hysteresis — More Details 20-19
20.5 Damping Models 20-20
20.6 Measurements of Damping . 20-23
20.7 Hysteretic Damping . 20-27
20.8 Failure of the Common Theory 20-29
20.9 Air Influence . 20-30
20.10 Noise and Damping . 20-31
20.11 Transform Methods 20-34
20.12 Hysteretic Damping . 20-36
20.13 Internal Friction . 20-41
20.14 Mathematical Tricks — Linear Damping Approximations 20-43
20.15 Internal Friction Physics 20-44
20.16 Zener Model . 20-45
20.17 Toward a Universal Model of Damping . 20-48
20.18 Nonlinearity 20-58
20.19 Concluding Remark . 20-65
21 Experimental Techniques in Damping Randall D. Peters 21-1
21.1 Electronic Considerations 21-2
21.2 Data Processing 21-3
21.3 Sensor Choices 21-7
21.4 Damping Examples 21-8
21.5 Driven Oscillators with Damping . 21-19
21.6 Oscillator with Multiple Nonlinearities . 21-21
21.7 Multiple Modes of Vibration 21-24
21.8 Internal Friction as Source of Mechanical Noise 21-28
21.9 Viscous Damping — Need for Caution . 21-29
21.10 Air Influence . 21-31
22 Structure and Equipment Isolation Y.B. Yang, L.Y. Lu, and J.D. Yau 22-1
22.1 Introduction 22-2
22.2 Mechanisms of Base-Isolated Systems 22-4
Contents xvii
, LLC22.3 Structure–Equipment Systems with Elastomeric Bearings 22-9
22.4 Sliding Isolation Systems . 22-17
22.5 Sliding Isolation Systems with Resilient Mechanism 22-36
22.6 Issues Related to Seismic Isolation Design 22-50
23 Vibration Control Nader Jalili and Ebrahim Esmailzadeh . 23-1
23.1 Introduction 23-1
23.2 Vibration-Control Systems Concept . 23-4
23.3 Vibration-Control Systems Design and Implementation . 23-12
23.4 Practical Considerations and Related Topics . 23-38
24 Helicopter Rotor Tuning Kourosh Danai 24-1
24.1 Introduction 24-1
24.2 Neural Network-Based Tuning 24-4
24.3 Probability-Based Tuning 24-5
24.4 Adaptive Tuning . 24-8
24.5 Case Study . 24-12
24.6 Conclusion 24-17
SECTION VI Monitoring and Diagnosis
25 Machine Condition Monitoring and Fault Diagnostics Chris K. Mechefske . 25-1
25.1 Introduction 25-2
25.2 Machinery Failure 25-2
25.3 Basic Maintenance Strategies 25-4
25.4 Factors which Influence Maintenance Strategy . 25-7
25.5 Machine Condition Monitoring . 25-8
25.6 Transducer Selection 25-10
25.7 Transducer Location . 25-14
25.8 Recording and Analysis Instrumentation . 25-14
25.9 Display Formats and Analysis Tools . 25-16
25.10 Fault Detection . 25-21
25.11 Fault Diagnostics 25-25
26 Vibration-Based Tool Condition Monitoring Systems C. Scheffer and P.S. Heyns 26-1
26.1 Introduction 26-1
26.2 Mechanics of Turning 26-2
26.3 Vibration Signal Recording . 26-7
26.4 Signal Processing for Sensor-Based Tool Condition Monitoring 26-11
26.5 Wear Model/Decision-Making for Sensor-Based Tool Condition Monitoring 26-15
26.6 Conclusion 26-20
27 Fault Diagnosis of Helicopter Gearboxes Kourosh Danai . 27-1
27.1 Introduction 27-1
27.2 Abnormality Scaling . 27-5
27.3 The Structure-Based Connectionist Network 27-8
27.4 Sensor Location Selection 27-11
xviii Contents
, LLC27.5 A Case Study . 27-14
27.6 Conclusion 27-23
28 Vibration Suppression and Monitoring in Precision Motion Systems K.K. Tan,
T.H. Lee, K.Z. Tang, S. Huang, S.Y. Lim, W. Lin, and Y.P. Leow 28-1
28.1 Introduction 28-1
28.2 Mechanical Design to Minimize Vibration 28-2
28.3 Adaptive Notch Filter . 28-10
28.4 Real-Time Vibration Analyzer . 28-17
28.5 Practical Insights and Case Study . 28-29
28.6 Conclusions . 28-35
SECTION VII Seismic Vibration
29 Seismic Base Isolation and Vibration Control Hirokazu Iemura, Sarvesh Kumar Jain,
and Mulyo Harris Pradono 29-1
29.1 Introduction 29-1
29.2 Seismic Base Isolation 29-4
29.3 Seismic Vibration Control . 29-33
30 Seismic Random Vibration of Long-Span Structures Jiahao Lin and Yahui Zhang 30-1
30.1 Introduction 30-2
30.2 Seismic Random Excitation Fields 30-11
30.3 Pseudoexcitation Method for Structural Random Vibration Analysis 30-16
30.4 Long-Span Structures Subjected to Stationary Random Ground Excitations 30-27
30.5 Long-Span Structures Subjected to Nonstationary Random Ground Excitations . 30-34
30.6 Conclusions . 30-39
31 Seismic Qualification of Equipment Clarence W. de Silva . 31-1
31.1 Introduction 31-1
31.2 Distribution Qualification . 31-1
31.3 Seismic Qualification . 31-6
SECTION VIII Design and Applications
32 Vibration Design and Control Clarence W. de Silva 32-1
32.1 Introduction 32-2
32.2 Specification of Vibration Limits 32-3
32.3 Vibration Isolation . 32-5
32.4 Balancing of Rotating Machinery . 32-15
32.5 Balancing of Reciprocating Machines 32-26
32.6 Whirling of Shafts 32-33
32.7 Design through Modal Testing 32-39
32.8 Passive Control of Vibration . 32-45
Contents xix
Active Control of Vibration 32-61
32.10 Control of Beam Vibrations 32-67
Appendix 32A MATLAB Control Systems Toolbox . 32-73
33 Structural Dynamic Modification and Sensitivity Analysis Su Huan Chen . 33-1
33.1 Introduction 33-2
33.2 Structural Dynamic Modification of Finite Element Model 33-2
33.3 Perturbation Method of Vibration Modes . 33-4
33.4 Design Sensitivity Analysis of Structural Vibration Modes . 33-8
33.5 High-Accuracy Modal Superposition for Sensitivity Analysis of Modes 33-11
33.6 Sensitivity of Eigenvectors for Free–Free Structures 33-13
33.7 Matrix Perturbation Theory for Repeated Modes 33-14
33.8 Matrix Perturbation Method for Closely Spaced Eigenvalues . 33-16
33.9 Matrix Perturbation Theory for Complex Modes 33-22
34 Vibration in Rotating Machinery H. Sam Samarasekera 34-1
34.1 Introduction 34-1
34.2 Vibration Basics 34-6
34.3 Rotordynamic Analysis 34-18
34.4 Vibration Measurement and Techniques . 34-39
34.5 Vibration Control and Diagnostics 34-39
35 Regenerative Chatter in Machine Tools Robert G. Landers . 35-1
35.1 Introduction 35-1
35.2 Chatter in Turning Operations . 35-3
35.3 Chatter in Face-Milling Operations 35-9
35.4 Time-Domain Simulation . 35-14
35.5 Chatter Detection . 35-18
35.6 Chatter Suppression . 35-20
35.7 Case Study . 35-24
36 Fluid-Induced Vibration Seon M. Han . 36-1
36.1 Description of the Ocean Environment . 36-1
36.2 Fluid Forces . 36-16
36.3 Examples . 36-23
SECTION IX Acoustics
37 Sound Levels and Decibels S. Akishita 37-1
37.1 Introduction 37-1
37.2 Sound Wave Characteristics 37-1
37.3 Levels and Decibels 37-3
38 Hearing and Psychological Effects S. Akishita 38-1
38.1 Introduction 38-1
38.2 Structure and Function of the Ear 38-1
38.3 Frequency and Loudness Response 38-2
xx Contents
, LLC38.4 Hearing Loss . 38-4
38.5 Psychological Effects of Noise . 38-4
39 Noise Control Criteria and Regulations S. Akishita . 39-1
39.1 Introduction 39-1
39.2 Basic Ideas behind Noise Policy 39-1
39.3 Legislation . 39-2
39.4 Regulation . 39-4
39.5 Measures of Noise Evaluation . 39-5
40 Instrumentation Kiyoshi Nagakura 40-1
40.1 Sound Intensity Measurement 40-1
40.2 Mirror–Microphone System . 40-4
40.3 Microphone Array 40-6
41 Source of Noise S. Akishita . 41-1
41.1 Introduction 41-1
41.2 Radiation of Sound 41-1
42 Design of Absorption Teruo Obata 42-1
42.1 Introduction 42-1
42.2 Fundamentals of Sound Absorption 42-2
42.3 Sound-Absorbing Materials . 42-3
42.4 Acoustic Characteristic Computation of Compound Wall 42-6
42.5 Attenuation of Lined Ducts . 42-10
42.6 Attenuation of Dissipative Mufflers 42-12
42.7 General Considerations 42-15
42.8 Practical Example of Dissipative Muffler . 42-17
43 Design of Reactive Mufflers Teruo Obata . 43-1
43.1 Introduction 43-1
43.2 Fundamental Equations . 43-2
43.3 Effects of Reactive Mufflers 43-3
43.4 Calculation Procedure 43-5
43.5 Application Range of Model . 43-6
43.6 Practical Example . 43-13
44 Design of Sound Insulation Kiyoshi Okura 44-1
44.1 Theory of Sound Insulation 44-1
44.2 Application of Sound Insulation 44-13
45 Statistical Energy Analysis Takayuki Koizumi . 45-1
45.1 Introduction 45-1
45.2 Power Flow Equations . 45-2
45.3 Estimation of Sea Parameters 45-4
45.4 Application in Structures . 45-7

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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