كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook
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 كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook

اذهب الى الأسفل 
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كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook   كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook Emptyالخميس 05 أبريل 2012, 7:09 pm

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Steel Heat Treatment Handbook

ويتناول الموضوعات الأتية :

Chapter  Steel Nomenclature
Anil Kumar Sinha, Chengjian Wu, and Guoquan Liu
Chapter  Classification and Mechanisms of Steel Transformation
SS Babu
Chapter  Fundamental Concepts in Steel Heat Treatment
Alexey V Sverdlin and Arnold R Ness
Chapter  Effects of Alloying Elements on the Heat Treatment of Steel
Alexey V Sverdlin and Arnold R Ness
Chapter  Hardenability
Bozidar Liscic
Chapter  Steel Heat Treatment
Bozidar Liscic
Chapter  Heat Treatment with Gaseous Atmospheres
Johann Grosch
Chapter  Nitriding Techniques, Ferritic Nitrocarburizing, and
Austenitic Nitrocarburizing Techniques and Methods
David Pye
Chapter  Quenching and Quenching Technology
Hans M Tensi, Anton Stich, and George E Totten
Chapter  Distortion of HeatTreated Components
Michiharu Narazaki and George E Totten
Chapter  Tool Steels
Elhachmi Essadiqi
Chapter  Stainless Steel Heat Treatment
Angelo Fernando Padilha, Ronald Lesley Plaut, and Paulo Rangel Rios
  by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Chapter  Heat Treatment of Powder Metallurgy Steel Components
Joseph W Newkirk and Sanjay N Thakur
Appendix  Common Conversion Constants
Appendix  Temperature Conversion Table
Appendix  Volume Conversion Table
Appendix  Hardness Conversion Tables: Hardened Steel and Hard Alloys
Appendix  Recommended MIL  Specification Steel Heat
Treatment Conditions
Appendix  Colors of Hardening and Tempering Heats
Appendix  Weight Tables for Steel Bars
  by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Steel Nomenclature
Anil Kumar Sinha, Chengjian Wu, and Guoquan Liu
Effects of Alloying Elements
Niobium and Tantalum  
Rare Earth Metals  
Classification of Steels  
Types of Steels Based on Deoxidation Practice  
Killed Steels  
Semikilled Steels
Rimmed Steels  
Capped Steels
Quality Descriptors and Classifications  
Classification of Steel Based on Chemical Composition  
Carbon and Carbon–Manganese Steels  
LowAlloy Steels
HighStrength LowAlloy Steels  
Tool Steels  
Stainless Steels  
  by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Maraging Steels  
Designations for Steels
SAEAISI Designations  
Carbon and Alloy Steels  
HSLA Steels
Formerly Listed SAE Steels
UNS Designations  
Specifications for Steels
ASTM (ASME) Specifications
AMS Specifications
Military and Federal Specifications  
API Specifications
ANSI Specifications
AWS Specifications
International Specifications and Designations
ISO Designations  
The Designation for Steels with Yield Strength
The Designation for Steels with Chemical Composition  
GB Designations (State Standards of China)  
DIN Standards
JIS Standards  
BS Standards
AFNOR Standards  
Phase Transformation Mechanisms
Microstructure Evolution during Austenite Decomposition
Allotriomorphic Ferrite  
Widmansta¨tten Ferrite
Microstructure Evolution during Reheating
Tempered Martensite
Carbon Segregation and Aging of Martensite
First Stage of Tempering
Second Stage of Tempering
Third Stage of Tempering  
Fourth Stage of Tempering
Austenite Formation
Summary of Steel Microstructure Evolution
Prediction of Microstructure Evolution during Heat Treatment
Calculation of Multicomponent Multiphase Diagrams
Calculation of DiffusionControlled Growth  
Crystal Structure and Phases
Crystal Structure of Pure Iron
Iron–Carbon Equilibrium Diagram
Metastable Fe–FeC Equilibrium Diagram
Stable Fe–C Equilibrium Diagram
Effect of Carbon
Critical (Transformation) Temperatures
Structural Transformations in Steel
Austenite–Pearlite Transformation
Structure of Pearlite
Transformation of Austenite in Hypo and Hypereutectoid Steels
Martensite Transformation
Morphology of Ferrous Martensites
Bainite Transformation
Morphology of the Bainite Transformation
Kinetics of Austenite Transformation
Isothermal Transformation Diagrams
ContinuousCooling Transformation Diagrams
Transformations That Take Place under Continuous Cooling
of Eutectoid Steels
Transformations of Austenite on Cooling in the
Martensite Range
Derivation of the ContinuousCooling Transformation Diagram
from the Isothermal Transformation Diagram
ContinuousCooling Transformation Diagram as a Function
of the Bar Diameter
Definition of Hardenability
Grain Size
Structure of Grain Boundaries
Structural Models
Determination of Grain Size
Austenite Grain Size Effect and Grain Size Control
Grain Size Refinement
Strengthening Mechanism in Steel
  by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Solid Solution Strengthening
Grain Size Refinement
Dispersion Strengthening
Work Hardening (Dislocation Strengthening)
Thermal Treatment of Steels
Quenching (Strengthening Treatment)
Further Reading
Effects of Alloying Elements on Heat Treatment Processing
of Iron–Carbon Alloys
g and aPhase Regions
Eutectoid Composition and Temperature
Distribution of Alloying Elements  
Alloy Carbides
Effect of Alloying Elements on Austenite Transformations
Influence of Alloying on Ferrite and Pearlite Interaction  
Effect on Martensite Transformation
Retained Austenite
Effect on Bainite Transformation
Transformation Diagrams for Alloy Steels
Hardening Capacity and Hardenability of Alloy Steel
Hardness and Carbon Content
Microstructure Criterion for Hardening Capacity
Effect of Grain Size and Chemical Composition
Boron Hardening Mechanism
Austenitizing Conditions Affecting Hardenability
Tempering of Alloy Steels
Structural Changes on Tempering
Effect of Alloying Elements
Transformations of Retained Austenite (Secondary Tempering)
Time–Temperature Relationships in Tempering
Estimation of Hardness after Tempering  
Effect of Tempering on Mechanical Properties
Embrittlement during Tempering
Heat Treatment of Special Category Steels
HighStrength Steels
Boron Steels
UltrahighStrength Steels
Martensitic Stainless Steels
PrecipitationHardening Steels
Structural Steels
Spring Steels
Tool Steels
HeatResistant Alloys
TransformationInduced Plasticity Steels  
  by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Tool Steels
Carbon Tool Steels
Alloy Tool Steels
Die Steels
HighSpeed Steels
Further Reading
Definition of Hardenability
Factors Influencing Depth of Hardening
Determination of Hardenability
Grossmann’s Hardenability Concept
Hardenability in HighCarbon Steels
Jominy EndQuench Hardenability Test
Hardenability Test Methods for ShallowHardening Steels
Hardenability Test Methods for AirHardening Steels
Hardenability Bands
Calculation of Jominy Curves from Chemical Composition
Hyperbolic Secant Method for Predicting Jominy Hardenability
Computer Calculation of Jominy Hardenability
Application of Hardenability Concept for Prediction of Hardness after Quenching
Lamont Method
Steel Selection Based on Hardenability
ComputerAided Steel Selection Based on Hardenability  
Hardenability in Heat Treatment Practice  
Hardenability of Carburized Steels
Hardenability of Surface Layers When ShortTime Heating Methods
Are Used
Effect of Delayed Quenching on the Hardness Distribution
A ComputerAided Method to Predict the Hardness Distribution after
Quenching Based on Jominy Hardenability Curves
Selection of Optimum Quenching Conditions
Fundamentals of Heat Treatment
Heat Transfer
Lattice Defects
Application of TTT (IT) and CCT Diagrams
Isothermal Transformation Diagram
Continuous Cooling Transformation Diagram
Heat Treatment Processes for Which an IT or CCT
Diagram May Be Used
Using the CCT Diagram to Predict Structural Constituents
and Hardness upon Quenching Real Workpieces
Special Cases and Limitations in the Use of CCT Diagrams
Scaling of Steel
The Effect of Alloying Elements on Decarburization
Definitions and Measurement of Decarburization
Residual Stresses, Dimensional Changes, and Distortion
Thermal Stresses in the Case of Ideal LinearElastic
Deformation Behavior  
Transformational Stresses  
Residual Stresses when Quenching Cylinders with Real
Elastic–Plastic Deformation Behavior
Dimensional Changes and Distortion during Hardening
and Tempering
Annealing Processes
StressRelief Annealing
Isothermal Annealing
Soft Annealing (Spheroidizing Annealing)
Recrystallization Annealing
Grain Recovery
Recrystallization and Grain Growth
Hardening by Formation of Martensite
Metallurgical Aspects of Austenitizing
Technological Aspects of Austenitizing
  by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Quenching Intensity Measurement and Evaluation Based on
Heat Flux Density
Retained Austenite and Cryogenic Treatment
Transforming the Retained Austenite
Hardening and Tempering of Structural Steels
Mechanical Properties Required
Technology of the Hardening and Tempering Process
ComputerAided Determination of Process Parameters
General Introduction
Fundamentals in Common
Carburizing and Decarburizing with Gases
Gas Equilibria
Kinetics of Carburizing
Control of Carburizing
Hardenability and Microstructures  
Reactions with Hydrogen and with Oxygen
Nitriding and Nitrocarburizing
Structural Data and Microstructures
Structural Data
Microstructures of Nitrided Iron
Microstructures of Nitrided and Nitrocarburized Steels
Microstructural Specialties
Nitriding and Nitrocarburizing Processes  
Processing Effects on the Nitriding and Nitrocarburizing Results
Properties of Carburized and Nitrided or Nitrocarburized Components
Process Technology
Composition of the Case
Composition of the Formed Case
Epsilon Phase
Gamma Prime Phase
Diffusion Layer
TwoStage Process of Nitriding (Floe Process)
Salt Bath Nitriding
Safety in Operating Molten Salt Baths for Nitriding  
Maintenance of a Nitriding Salt Bath
Daily Maintenance Routine
Weekly Maintenance Routine
Pressure Nitriding
Fluidized Bed Nitriding
Dilution Method of Nitriding
Plasma Nitriding
Plasma Generation
Postoxy Nitriding
Glow Discharge Characteristics
Townsend Discharged Region
Corona Region
Subnormal Glow Discharge Region
Normal Glow Discharge Region
Glow Discharge Region
Arc Discharge Region
Process Control of Plasma Nitriding
Processor Gas Flow Control  
TwoStage (Floe) Process of Gas Nitriding
Salt Bath Nitriding
Dilution Method of Nitriding or Precision Nitriding
Control of Precision Nitriding
  by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Furnace Equipment for Nitriding
Salt Baths
Plasma Nitriding
Plasma Generation
Glow Discharge Characteristics
Plasma Control Characteristics
Equipment Technology
ColdWall Technology
Power Supply
Process Temperature Measurement
Process Gas Flow Controls
HotWall, Pulsed DC Current
Plasma Power Generation
Process Temperature Control
Temperature Control
Process Control
Low Capital Investment, High Operational Skills
Moderate Capital Investment, Moderate Operator Skills
High Capital Investment, Low Operational Skills
Metallurgical Considerations and Advantages
Metallurgical Structure of the Ion Nitrided Case
Metallurgical Results
Steel Selection
Prenitride Condition
Surface Preparation
Nitriding Cycles
Distortion and Growth
Case Formation
Methods of Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
Salt Bath Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
Gaseous Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
PlasmaAssisted Ferritic Nitrocarburizing
Steel Selection
Process Techniques
Case Depth
How Deep Can the Case Go?
Ferritic Oxycarbonitride
Metallurgical Transformation Behavior during Quenching
Influence of Cooling Rate
Influence of Carbon Concentration
Influence of Alloying Elements
Influence of Stresses
Quenching Processes
Wetting Kinematics
Determination of Cooling Characteristics  
Acquisition of Cooling Curves with Thermocouples
Measurement of Wetting Kinematics
Conductance Measurement
Temperature Measurement
Quenching as a Heat Transfer Problem
Heat Transfer in a Solid
Heat Transfer across the Surface of a Body
Process Variables Affecting Cooling Behavior and Heat Transfer
Immersion Quenching
Bath Temperature
Effect of Agitation
Effect of Quenchant Selection
Surface Oxidation and Roughness Effects  
Effect of CrossSection Size on Cooling
Effects of Cooling Edge Geometry
Effects of Steel Composition
Spray Quenching
Gas Quenching
Intensive Quenching
Property Prediction Methods
Potential Limitations to Hardness Prediction
Grossmann HValues
The QTA Method
Correlation between Hardness and Wetting Kinematics
ComputerBased Calculation of Hardness Profile
List of Symbols
Basic Distortion Mechanisms
Relief of Residual Stresses
Material Movement Due to Temperature Gradients during Heating
and Cooling
Volume Changes during Phase Transformations  
Residual Stresses
Residual Stress in Components
Residual Stresses Prior to Heat Treatment
Heat Treatment after WorkHardening Process
Distortion during Manufacturing
Manufacturing and Design Factors Prior to Heat Treatment That
Affect Distortion
Material Properties
Homogeneity of Material  
Distribution of Residual Stress System
Part Geometry
Distortion during Component Heating  
Shape Change Due to Relief of Residual Stress  
Shape Change Due to Thermal Stresses
Volume Change Due to Phase Change on Heating  
Distortion during HighTemperature Processing  
Volume Expansion during Case Diffusion
Distortion Caused by Metal Creep  
Distortion during Quenching Process
Effect of Cooling Characteristics on Residual
Stress and Distortion from Quenching
Effect of Surface Condition of Components
Minimizing Quench Distortion
Quench Uniformity
Quenching Methods
Distortion during Post Quench Processing
Stabilization with Tempering and Subzero Treatment
Metal Removal after Heat Treatment
  by Taylor & Francis Group, LLC
Measurement of Residual Stresses
XRay Diffraction Method
HoleDrilling Methods
Bending and Deflection Methods
Other Residual Stress Measurement Methods
Tests for Propensity for Distortion and Cracking
Navy CRing and Slotted Disk Test
Cylindrical Specimens
Stepped Bar Test
KeySlotted Cylindrical Bar Test
Disk with an EccentricPositioned Hole
Finned Tubes
Prediction of Distortion and Residual Stresses
Governing Equations
Mixture Rule
Heat Conduction Equations and Diffusion Equation
Constitutive Equation
Kinetics of Quenching Process
Transformation Plasticity
Coupling Algorithm in Simulation by FiniteElement Analysis
Example of Simulation Results
Prediction of Warpage of Steel Shafts with Keyway
Prediction of Distortion during Carburized Quenching
Process of Cr–Mo Steel Ring
Classification and Selection of Tool Steels
Selection of Tool Steels
Manufacturing Characteristics Are Related to HeatTreatment Response
Manufacturing of Tool Steels
Thermomechanical Processing
Important Steel Properties Relevant to the Manufacture of Tools
Dimensional Accuracy during Heat Treatment
Hot Formability
Cold Formability
Important Properties Required for Various Applications
Toughness at Operational Temperature
Resistance to Thermal Fatigue
Heat Treatment
StressRelief Heat Treatments
Carbides in Tool Steels
Retained Austenite
Characteristic Steel Grades for the Different Field of Tool Application
Historical Background
Phase Diagrams and Stainless Steel Typical Phases
Equilibrium Diagrams
Schaeffler, Delong, and Other Nonequilibrium Diagrams
Austenitic Stainless Steels
Solution Annealing
Stabilize Annealing
StressRelief Annealing
Bright Annealing
Martensite Formation
Transformation during Cooling  
StrainInduced Transformation  
Ferritic Stainless Steels
The C (F) Embrittlement
Sigma (s)Phase Embrittlement
The Chi (x) Phase
Other Phases
Processing and Heat Treatment
Duplex Stainless Steels
Three Types of Embrittlement in Duplex Stainless Steels
Processing and Heat Treatment
Martensitic Stainless Steels
Processing and Heat Treatment
PrecipitationHardenable Stainless Steels
Processing and Heat Treatment of Martensitic PH Stainless Steels
Final Remarks
Overview of P=M Processing
Press and Sintering
Metal Injection Molding
Powder Forging
Designation System for P=M Steels
Overview of Heat Treatment
Effect of Porosity on the Heat Treatment of P=M Steels
Effect of Alloy Content on P=M Hardenability
Copper Content
Nickel Content
Nickel–Copper Content
Molybdenum Content
Effect of Starting Material on Homogenization
Quench and Tempering
Sinter Hardening
Warm Compaction
Powder Forging
Case Hardening
Induction Hardening
Steam Treating
Black Oxiding

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عدد المساهمات : 216
التقييم : 220
تاريخ التسجيل : 09/12/2011
العمر : 32
الدولة : مصر
العمل : طالبه

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook   كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook Emptyالخميس 05 أبريل 2012, 9:18 pm

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook   كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook Emptyالخميس 05 أبريل 2012, 9:22 pm

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
mohamed salama
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مهندس تحت الاختبار
mohamed salama

عدد المساهمات : 5
التقييم : 5
تاريخ التسجيل : 03/02/2013
العمر : 36
الدولة : مصر
العمل : جيش
الجامعة : بنها

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook   كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook Emptyالإثنين 04 فبراير 2013, 2:19 pm

الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18979
التقييم : 35443
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: رد: كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook   كتاب Steel Heat Treatment Handbook Emptyالإثنين 04 فبراير 2013, 3:02 pm

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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب steel heat treatment handbook
» كتاب Heat Treatment of Steel
» كتاب Forge Practice and Heat Treatment of Steel
» كتاب Steel Heat Treatment - Equipment and Process Design

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