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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Metal Matrix Composites السبت 12 نوفمبر 2011, 2:46 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Metal Matrix Composites Nikhilesh Chawla Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ Krishan K. Chawla University of Alabama at Birmingham, AL
و المحتوى كما يلي :
CONTENTS Preface 1.Introduction 2. Reinforcements 3. Matrix Materials 4. Processing 5. Interface 6. Micromechanics 7. MonotonicBehavior 8. Cyclic Fatigue 9. Creep 10.Wear 11.Applications Author Index Subject Index AUTHOR INDEX A Abdel-Latif, M.H. 293, 294, 302 Aghajanian,M.K. 74, 109 Ahmed, M.M.I. 330,334,335 Ahuja, S. 72, 111 Aikin, R.M. 242,243,246 Akirnitsu, J. 57, 63 Albert, S.J. 345,350 Alic, J.A. 292,303 Allen, D.H. 257,302 Allison, J.E. 91,93, 109, 187, 195, 201,219,221, 222,231,232,247, 248,263,264,266-273,284,286, 287,288,300, 301,304, 317-319, 325,334,362,364,383,384 Almond, E.A. 272,300,303 Alpas, A.T. 107, 109,343,350 Ananth, C.R. 205,250 Anderson, C.H. 67, 111 Anderson, D.P. 17,40 Anderson, I.E. 88, 109 Anderson, W.P. 252,303 Andres, C. 91,93, 109, 187, 195, 201,219,221,222,231,232,247, 263,264,267,268,270,271,301 Andrews, K.W. 176,184 Angelini, P. 179, 184 Armatis, F.A. 214,247 Arsenault, R.J. 127, 135, 182, 184, 197, 199,200,246,250,265, 300 Arzt, E. 320, 334 Aswath, P.B. 291,300 Atkins, S.L. 325,334 Auvray, S. 214,248 Ayers, J.D. 82, 110 Ayyar, A. 229,246,287,290,300 B Babcsan, N. 367,383 Bachler, E. 57,63 Bader, M. 364,384 Balch, D.K. 171,184 Balooch, M. 27,40 Baker, A.A. 254,300 Banhart, J. 367,383 Bao, G. 256,304,325,334 Batt, T.J. 170, 185 Bauschinger,J. 265,300 Beach, D.S. 102,110 Beck Tan, N.C. 242,246,243 Becker, P.F. 179, 184 Beevers, C.J. 284, 302 Behrens, E. 172, 184 Bettge, D. 298-300,303 Bhikshamaiah,G. 164, 185 Biehler, T.R. 330,332, 335 Biner, S.B. 325-328,334 Birchall, J.D. 24, 39 Bird, J.E. 305,335 Blatt, D. 258,300author index Blom, A.F. 291,300 Blucher, J.T. 216,246 Boehlert, C.J. 215,247 Bolling, G.F. 72, 80, 109 Bonnen, J.J. 286-288,300 Boselli, J. 88, 89, 112,287, 300 Boukhili, R. 164, 170, 184 Bowman, R.R. 212,214,248 Bowen, P. 257,280,281,301,302 Bradbury, J.A.A. 24,39 Braddick, D.M. 254,300 Briber, R.M. 242,243,246 Brindley, P.K. 131, 136 Brockenbrough, J.R. 215,218,220, 247 Brocks, W. 231,250 Brooksbank, D. 176, 184 Brown, W.S. 32,40 Bucci, R.J. 284,285,302 Budai, J.D. 102,109 Bullock, E. 308,334 Bunsell, A.R. 31,40 Burger, E.E. 179, 180, 184 Burke, J.T. 74, 109 Bushby, R.S. 206,247 Buttle, D.J. 222,223,249 C Calabrese, C. 268,300 Calvert, L.D. 55,63 Carreiio-Morelli,E. 295,300 Carter, W.L. 100, 111 Chalmers, B. 72, 112 Champion,A.R. 253,301 Chan, K.S. 209,247,283,284,301 Chandra, N. 205,250 Chang, S.-Y. 170,184 Channel, T.E. 206,249 Chawla, K.K. 5,23,38,39,47, 63, 86,87,97,98, 107-109, 120-122, 125, 127, 131, 132, 136, 157, 161, 164, 166, 168, 169, 175, 179, 180, 182, 184, 185, 187, 188, 197, 198, 200,229,233,247,249,250-253, 255,262,275,287,290,292,294, 295-298,301-303,304,306,329, 335,345,347-349,367,366,383 Chawla, N. 38,39,49, 52, 63,75, 76, 87, 88,91-96, 104, 105, 107, 109, 112, 119, 131, 132, 135, 136, 153, 154, 157, 158, 165, 167, 184, 187, 188, 195,201,219,221,222,224- 226,229,231-233,237,238,240- 242,246,247,250,253,256,263- 273,287,289, 290,295-297,300, 302,304,318,334,364,366,370, 383,384 Chen, J. 255,256,304 Cheng, L. 91,111 Cheskis, H.P. 188,247 Chirayil, T.G. 102, 110 Chiou, W.A. 166, 185 Cho, B. 26,40 Chou, T.C. 106, 109 Christen, D.K. 102, 109, 110 Christman, T. 182, 184,231,247 Christodoulou, L. 86, 109 Chung, S. 341,343,349 Cisse, J. 72, 109 Cleveland, C. 107-109 Clyne, T.W. 227,238,249,317,335 Cockayne, B. 25,26,39 Coffin, C. 131, 132, 135, 153, 154, 185 Cole, G.S. 80, 109 Cook, A.J. 74, 109 Cook, J. 206,208,247,292,301 Corbin, S.F. 187,247 Cornie, J.A. 74,75, 111,214,247 Cottenden, A.M. 272,303 Cotterill, P.J. 280, 281, 301 Couper, M.J. 264,301 Cotterell, B. 210, 248 Cox, B.N. 210,247author index Cox, H.L. 188,247 Cranmer, D.C. 131,136 Crasto, A.S. 17,40 Crowe, C.R. 86,109 Cui, X. 102, 110 Curtin, W.A. 204,247 Cutler, J.B. 32,40 D Davidson, D.L. 283,284,301 Davies, P.W. 318,334 Davis, L.C. 195,247,263,268,270, 271,301,325,334,362,383 Debolt, H.E. 27,39 Degischer, H.P. 367,383,384 Deng, X. 97, 107-109, 153, 154, 165, 167, 184, 185,238,240,247,345, 347-349,370, 382-384 Derby, B. 103, 110,222,223,249, 300,303,320,326,334,335 Deurbergue, A. 17,39 Deve, H.E. 75, 109,205,206,247- 249.255,256,304 Dhindaw, B.K. 72,111 Dhingra, A.K. 253,301 DiCarlo, J.A. 31, 39 Dickerson, P.O. 26,40 Diefendorf, R.J. 9, 13, 39 Deihl, J. 265,303 Ding, Y. 107,109 Dinwoodie, J. 24, 39 Dirichlet, G.L. 88, 109,228, 247 Divecha, A.P. 68,109 Dlouhy,A. 127,136,313,315,316, 334 Djazeb, M.R. 94,110 Doerner, M.F. 131, 136 Doker, H. 277,302 Donomoto, T. 362,384 Dorn, J. 174,185,305,335 Dragone, T.L. 320,323-325,334 Dresher, W.H. 6, 39 Dunand, D.C. 197,199,247,320, 334 Duszcyk, J. 88, 109, 110 Dutta, I. 231, 248 Dyos, K. 214,248 E Ebihara, B.T. 133, 134, 136 Eggeler, G. 127, 136, 313, 315, 316, 334 Eldridge, J.I. 131-134, 136,212, 214, 248 Elices, M. 284,302 Ellis, L. 97, 110 Ellyin, F. 268, 302 Elomari, S. 170, 164, 184 Embury, J.D. 106,111,332,335 Engels, A. 349,350,367, 384 Eroogan, F. 252,303 Estrada, J.L. 88, 109 Eshelby, J.D. 155, 184 Evans, A. 351,384 Evans, A.G. 206,209,248,249 Ezekiel, H.N 9,39 F Fang, Z. 97, 108, 109, 153, 154, 185, 345,347-349,350,382-384 Farmer, S.C. 26,40 Faucon, A. 214,248 Feenstra, R. 102, 109, 110 Felten, J.J. 26,40 Ferber, M.K. 106, 110, 131, 136 Fine, M.E. 166, 168, 169, 185 Finot, M. 231,234,235,250,267, 303 Fischer, C. 174, 185 Fisher, R.M. 127, 135, 182, 184, 197, 250 Fishrnan, S.G. 68, 109 Fitzgerald, T.J. 171, 184 Flank, A.M. 31,40author index Flankl, H. 367,384 Flemings, M.C. 67,74,75, 1 11, 170, 184 Foley, J.C. 88, 109 Folgar-Portillo, M.F. 341, 342, 350 Foulk 111,J.W. 257,302 Fredell, R. 356,359,384 Froes, F.H. 88, 110 Frohlich, S. 121, 136 Fuller, E.R. 157, 184, 187,233,247 Funatani, K. 362, 384 G Gabryel, C.M. 125, 136 Gac, F.D. 33,40 Gagnon, G. 300,303 Galvez, F. 205,248 Ganesh, V.V. 49, 63,91-93, 109, 153, 154, 157, 158, 184,225,226, 233,237,247,263,289,302 Gao, Y.C. 210,248 Garcia-Cordovilla, C. 341, 350 Gasson, D.G. 25,26,39 Ghonem, H. 280,304 Ghosh, A.K. 87,90, 109,330-333, 335 Gibeling, J.C. 325,334 Godefroid, L.B. 97, 109 Gomez, J.P. 262,302 Gomez, M.P. 252,303 Gonzalez, C. 204,205,215,217,218, 237,239,249 Goodier, J.N. 176, 185, 187,248 Gopalakrishna, B. 164, 185 Gordon, J.E. 206,208,247,292,301 Gortring, K. 272,274,302 Goto, S. 312,334 Gouda, M. 254,302 Gouda, T. 231,250 Goyal, A. 102,109,110 Grande, D.H. 131,136 Grant, D. 381,384 Gregory, M. 293,294,303 Gregson, P.J. 287,300 Griffith, W.M. 88, 110 Griffo,A. 97, 108, 109, 345, 347, 348,350,383-384 Grimes, H.H. 212,248 Gu, M. 255,256,304 Guden, M. 206,248 Gungor, M.N. 121,136,170,185 Gunnick, J.W. 356-358,384 Gunther, B. 298-300,303, Guo, Y.L. 238,241,242,250 Guo, Z.X. 103,110 Gupta, M. 91, 111 Gupta, V. 209,210,248 Gurland, J. 345,350 H Habel, U. 195,231,232,247,263, 267-269,271,301 Hack, J.E. 206,212,248,249,254, 302,303 Haggerty, J.S. 26,39 Hale, D.K. 175, 184 Hall, I.W. 206,212,213,248 Hall, J. 263,302 Halpin, J.C. 152, 184 Han, S.H. 82,84, 111 Hansen, N. 94, 110 Harmon, D.M. 275,279,302 Hartrnan, H.S. 253,301 Harris, B. 253, 303 Hashin, Z. 147, 149, 150, 151, 161, 164,184 Hassan, H.A. 293,294,302 Hatfield, E. 102, 1 10 Hausmann, J. 212,249,306,307,334 Hayashi, J. 28,41 Haynes, J.A. 106,110 He, J.L. 106,110 He, M.Y. 207,209,248 He, Q. 102,109author index Healy, J.C. 284, 302 Heckel, R.W. 188,247 Heinrich, W. 272, 274,302 Helinski, E.J. 94, 110 Hellerich, C.L. 120, 136 Helms, K.L.E. 257,302 Hemptenmacher, J. 298,299,300, 303 Henshall, C.A. 330,335 Hermans, J.J. 147, 184 Herr, M. 272,274,302 Henman, K.P. 179, 184 Hiang, B. 341,343,349 Hiasyuki, T. 31,41 Higashi, K. 332,334 Hill, R. 147-149, 184 Hill, R.G. 120, 136 Hillrnann,H. 61, 63 Hirth, J.P. 223,244,245,248 Hoffman, R.W. 106,111 Dolm, D.K. 291,300 Holmes, J.W. 119, 136,256,301 Hong, K.C.C. 131,136 Hoover, W. 362,384 Hosking, F.M. 341,342,350 Howard, S.J. 227,238,249 Hsu, D.K. 225,248 Hsu, F.S.L. 57,63 Hsueh, C.-H. 179,184 Hull, A.W. 179, 180, 184 Humphreys, F.J. 94, 110,200,201, 248 Hunt, W.H. 87,88,90,97, 110,242, 243,245,248,249,362,366,367, 384 Hurley, G.F. 25, 39 Hutchinson, J.W. 207,209,210,248, 325,334 Hwang, H.J. 25,40 I Ijiri, Y. 121,136 Isaacs, J.A. 197,248 Ishirkawa, T. 31,41 J Jackson, K.A. 72, 112 Jackson, P.W. 254,300 Jahanmir, S. 343,350 Jain, M.K. 164, 185 James, W.B. 95, 110 Jansson, S. 206,248 Jech, R.W. 142, 143, 185 Jensen, D.J. 94, 110 Jeong, H. 225,248 Jeng, S.M. 313,314,334 Jensen, H.M. 210,248 Ji, Z. 106, 110 Jin, I. 69, 80, 81, 111 Jira, J.R. 258,300 Johnson, D.J. 9,39 Johnson, W. 9,40 Johnson, W.S., 262,302 Jones, J.W. 91,93, 109, 187, 195, 201,219,221,222,231,232,247, 248,263,264,268-273,284,288, 300,301,302, 317-319,334, 362, 383 K Kakar, A.S. 72, 111 Kakihara, 349,350 Kamat, S. 223,244,245,248 Kardos, J.L. 152, 184 Karcher, T. 107-109 Karmarkar, S.D. 68, 109 Katsumata, M. 216,246 Katsura, M. 67, 110 Kaufinann, A.R. 62,63 Kawakami, M. 378,384 Kelly, A. 188,248 Kerans, R.J. 129, 136,210,248 Kerchner, H.R. 102, 109 Kerner, E.H. 161,163,184author index Kerr, M. 38, 39,253,301,302, 318, 334 Khatri, S.C. 364,384 Kibbe, W. 104,111,105 Kim, J.K. 72,73,110 Kim, Y.W. 88,110 Kindermann, P. 272,274,302 Kinney, J.H. 27,40 Klundt, R.H. 318,335 Kobayashi, T. 231,246,250 Koczak, M.J. 87,111,364,384 Komarneni, S. 23,40 Konitzer, D.G. 212,248 Koopman, M.C. 97,107-109,131, 132, 135, 153, 154, 157, 184, 185, 187,233,247,345,347-349,382- 384 Korenyi-Both, A. 212,214,248 Korevaar, B.M. 88, 109, 110 Koss, D.A. 271,303 Kowalski, L. 88, 110 Krajewski, P.E. 201,248,317-319, 334 Krishnamurty, S. 215,247 Kroeger, J.D. 102,109,110 Krueger, W.H. 253,301 Krukonis, V.J. 27, 39 Kumagai, M. 23,39 Kumpfert, J. 212,249,306,307, 334 Kung, H.106,111 Kunzler, J.E. 57, 63 Kumar, S. 17,40 Kwei, L.K. 295,297,298,302 Kyono, T. 212,213,248 L LaBelle, H.E. 25,40 Lad, R.A. 212,248 Laffon, C. 31,40 Lagarde, P. 31,40 Lagoudas, D.C. 215,249 Laird, C. 268,300 Lancaster, J.K. 133, 136 Langdon, T.G. 321,326,328-330, 334,335 Langer, S.A. 157,184,187,233,247 Lara-Curzio, E. 28,40 Larsen, J.M. 258,300 Lavernia, E.J. 82, 110,326, 335 Lee, D.F. 102, 109 Lee, H.C. 345,350 Lee, J.-G., 32, 40 Lee, S. 313,314,334 Lee, S.M. 129,136 Lee, Y.S. 170, 185 Leitlmeier, D. 367, 383,384 Lepetitcorps, Y. 214,248 Leverant, G.R. 206, 248,254,283, 284,301-303 Levy, A. 231,248 Lewandowski, J.J. 88,94,97, 110, 222,223,242-245,248,249,263, 293,294,302,332,334 Leyens, C. 212,249,306,307,334 Li, C. 268,302 Li, H.D. 106, 110 Li, W.Z. 106, 110 Li. Y. 321,326,328-330 Liaw, P.K. 93, 110, 121, 136, 170, 185,225,248,249,292,301 Liechti, T. 300, 303 Liggett, G.M. 295297,304 Lilholt, H. 188,248,306,309,326, 334,335 Lin, S.-J. 170, 184 Lindemanis, A. 33,40 List, F.A. 102, 110 Liu, C. 88, 110,223,249 Liu, C.H. 106,109 Liu, D.S. 223,249 Liu, J. 257,280,302 Liu, Y. 344,350 Liu, Y.L. 94, 110 LLorca,J.204,205,215,217,218,author index 231,237,239,248,259,263,265, 284,302,303 Lloyd, D.J. 67,69,74, 80-82,87,90, 110, 164, 170, 184,227,244,245, 249 Loang, F.L. 75, 111 Lockwood, G. 97,108,109,153, 154, 185,345,347,348,350,382- 384 Logsdon, W.A. 93,110,121,136, 225,249 Loretto, M.H. 212,248 Lorriot, T. 214, 248 Louat, N. 277,287,304 Louis, E. 341,350 Lowhaphandu, P. 332,334 Lowden, R.A. 131,136,256,301 Lu, Y.C. 106,111 Ludema, K.C. 343,350 Luetjering, G. 268, 303 Lukasak, D.A. 271, 284,285,302, 303 M Mabuchi, M. 332,334 Mackenzie, J.K. 295,303 Mackin, C. 382-384 Mader, S. 265,303 Mahajan, Y.R. 164,185,320,335 Mahoney, M. 330-333,335 Mai, Y.M. 341,350 Mai, Y.W. 210,248 Maisel, J.E. 212,248 Majumdar, B.S. 215,247,250,256, 303 Mall, S. 259,262,263,303 Mann, A.B. 27,40 Mandell, J.F. 131, 136 Manoharan, M. 97, 110,222,223, 242-244,249 Mansfield, J.F. 119, 136 Marchi, C.S. 351,384 Marci, G. 277, 302 Margolin, H. 75, 1 1 1 Marom, G.D. 161,185 Marshall, D.B. 129, 131, 136,209, 248 Martin Marietta Corp. 85, 110 Martin, E. 214,248 Martin, P.M. 102, 110 Martinez, D. 209,210,248 Maruyama, B. 88,111 Masur, L.J. 74, 111 Mathis, J. 102, 110 McDanels, D.L. 142, 143, 185 McEvily, A.J. 254, 302 McGany, F.J. 131, 136 McGuire, M.A. 253,303 McLean, M. 86,110,308,312,334 McLeod, A.D. 125, 136 McMeeking, R.M., 325,334 McMinn, A. 283,284,301 Mearini, G.T. 106, 111 Mehrabian, R. 67, 111,223, 244, 245,248,341,342,350 Merk,N. 127, 136,313,315,316, 334 Messing, G.L. 23,39 Metzger, M. 120-122, 127, 135, 179, 180,184,197, 198,247,255,301 Meyers, M.A. 47,63,229,249,251, 303,306,329,335 Michaud, V.C. 76, 78, 79, 87, 111, 171,184 Milewski, J.V. 32,33,40 Mikata, Y. 212, 249 Miles, D.E. 308,334 Miller, D.A. 215, 249 Miller, A.K. 318,335 Miller, W.S. 94, 1 10 Minoshima, K. 202,203,250 Miracle, D.B. 88, 111,215,247, 352, 362,366,367,284 Mishra, R.S. 320,330,332,335author index Misra, A. 106, 1 1 1 Mitchell, T.E. 106, 111 Mitra,R.72,111,166,168,169,185 Miura, N. 362,384 Miyake, T. 308,335,362,384 Miyauchi, M. 378,384 Mlavsky, A.I. 25,40 Mohamed, F.A. 326,329,330,335 Morell, J.S. 102, 110 Morris, E. 7576,111 Morris, W.L. 129,136 Mortensen, A. 69, 74,75,80,81, 111, 148, 164, 170, 171, 174, 184, 185, 197, 199,215,219,247-249, 351,384 Moser, B. 148, 185,215,219,249 Mott, N.F. 265,303 Mueller, L.R. 293,294,303 Mummery, P.M. 222,223,249 Mukanaka, T. 57,63 Mukherjee, A.K. 305,330,332,335 Murayama, T. 349,350 Murphy, A.M. 227,238,249 N Nagamatsu, J. 57,63 Nakagawa, N. 57,63 Nagelberg, A.S. 74, 109 Nakanishi, H. 349,350 Narcisco, C.J. 341, 350 Nardone, V.C. 195,196,219,249, 318,325 Nakayama, A. 349,350 Narusawa, U. 216,246 Nastasi, M. 106, 111 Needleman, A. 170, 185,231,234, 235,247,249,250,265,267,302, 303,309,310,335 Nelmes, G. 318,334 Nelson, R.P. 120, 136 Nemeth, A. 216,246 Neuman, A. 295297,304 Newaz, G.M. 256,303 Nieh, T.G. 106, 109,317,318,330, 335 Niihara, K. 25,40 Niimi, I. 68, 112 Nishide, S. 308,335 Nix, W.D. 131, 136,320, 323-325, 334 Nordine, P.C. 26,40 Northwood, D.O. 107,109 Norton, D.P. 102,109,110 Nourbaksh, S. 75, 111 0 Oberlin, A. 17, 39 Ohno, N. 308,335 Ogawa, K. 378,384 Okamoto, N. 308,335 Okamura, K. 28,31,41 Okuno, M. 378,384 O'Keefe, M.J. 106, 111 Okumiya, M. 68, 112 Oliver, W.C. 106, 109, 131, 136 Omori, M. 28,41 Orowan, E. 265,303 Osman, T.M. 97, 110,242,243,245, 248 P Page, R.A. 206,212,248,249,254, 302,303 Pandey, A.B. 320,335 Papazian, J.M. 231, 248 Paranthaman, M. 102,109, 110 Paris, P.O. 252, 303 Park, K.-T. 326,335 Park, C. 102, 110 Parker, J.D. 318, 335 Parrish, P.A. 86,109 Parthasarathy, T.A. 129, 136,210, 248 Partidge, P.G. 103,111author index Pastor, J.Y. 259,303 Patel, B. 131, 132, 135, 153, 154, 157,184,185,187,233,247 Patterson, B.R. 97, 108, 109, 153, 154, 157, 184, 185, 187,233,247, 345,347-349,382-384 Paul, B. 147,170,185 Peebles, L.H. 17,40 Penn, L.S. 129, 136 Pennander, L. 67,111 Peters, P.W.M. 298-300,303 Petrovic, J.J. 33,40 Pfeifer, M. 125, 136 Pfeiffer, N.J. 292, 303 Pharr, G.M. 106, 109 Pickard, S.M. 75,76, 111,300,303 Pickett, J.J. 62, 63 Pillai, U.T.S. 265,300 Piotrowski, G. 94, 112,238,241, 242,250 Pitcher, P.D. 287,300 Pollack, J.T.A. 25,39,40 Poritsky, H. 179, 180, 185 Portella,P.D. 298-300,303 Portner, B. 259,303 Potschke, J. 72, 111 Poza, P. 205,248,263,303 Prewo, K.M. 195,196,219,249,254, 302 Pritchard, J.R. 133, 136 Pugsley, V.A. 272,274,303 Purdue, G. 359,384 R Rack, H.J. 341,350 Ralph, M. 214,247 Rawal, S.P. 360,384 Rao, Venkateshwara T. 215,249, 280,282,303 Ray, S. 344,350 Rebstock, H. 265,303 Rezai-Aria, F. 300,303 Richard, R.C. 292,303 Richmond, 0.332,335 Riek, R.G. 67, 1 1 1 Riester, L. 131, 136 Riggs, J.P. 15,40 Rigsbee, J.M. 106, 110, 111, 125, 136 Riley, G.N., Jr. 100, 111 Riley, M.B. 147,185 Ritchie, R.O. 215,249,280,282, 284,287,288,303 Rodjom, T.J. 94, 110 Roebuck, B. 272,300,303 Rogge, V. 72,111 Rohatgi, P.K. 66,72, 73, 110, 111, 344,350 Rohr, D.L. 33,40 Rosen, B.W. 147,149,151,161, 184, 185 Rosenberger, A.H. 215,249 Rossoll, A. 148, 185,215,219,249 Roy, R. 23,40 Ruhle, M. 209,249 Ruiz, J. 284, 302 Ruppert, H. 349,350,367,384 Russ, S.M. 215,249 Ryder, D.A. 292,304 S Sachdev,A. 263,302 Sadananda, K. 277,278,284,287, 304 Saff, C.R. 275,279,302 Saha, R. 52,63,75,76, 87,88,94-96, 109, 112, 157, 184,224-226,229, 247,364,383 Sahrn, P.R. 349,350,367,384 Sahoo, P.R. 87,111 Salazar, A. 259,303 SanMarchi, C. 164, 170, 184 Sanders, B.P. 256,259, 262,303 Sandhage, K.H. 100, 111author index Sando, M. 25,40 Sandstrom,J.L. 32,40 Sauthoff, G. 56,63 Savage, R.H. 133, 134,136 Sayir, A. 26,40 Schaller, R. 295, 300 Schapery, R.A. 161, 162,164, 185 Scherer, G. 179, 185 Schjve, J. 356, 359, 384 Schleinkofer,U. 272,274,302 Schlund, P. 272,274,302 Schnell, D.R.M. 165, 167,184,370, 384 Schulte, K. 202,203,250 Scruby, C.B. 222,223,249 Seeger, A. 265,303 Segurado, J. 237,239,247 Seigenthaler, D.M. 231,248 Seleznez, M.L. 214,247 Shakesheff,A.J. 359,384 Shang, J.K. 284,287,288,303 Shangguan, D. 72,111 Shannon, R.E. 225,248 Shatwell, R.A. 214,248 Shaw, M.C. 129, 136 Shekhar, J.A. 82,84, 111 Shen,Y.-L. 170, 171, 184, 185, 188, 195,231,232,234,235,238,241, 242,247,250,263, 265, 267-269, 271,301,303 Sherby, O.D. 318,330,335 Sherman, R. 212,249,254,303 Shetty, D.K. 210,250 Shi, N. 197,199,200,246 Shibuya, M. 31,41 Shtrikman, S. 151, 164, 184 Siegmund, T. 231,250 Simon, G. 31,40 Sims, J.D. 231,248 Sinclair,I. 88, 89, 112,287,300 Singer, L. 9, 14, 15,40 Siu, S.C. 215,249,280,303 Skaggs, S.R. 33,40 Smith, P.R. 215,249 Sockel, H.-G. 272,274,303 Smensen,N. 309,335.3 10 Spain,R.G. 9, 39 Specht, E.D. 102,109,110 Spowart, J.E. 88, 111 Srivatsan, T.S. 82, 110 Starke, E.A. 268,303 Steglich, D. 231,250 Stefanescu, D.M. 72, 111 Sternstein, S. 32,40 Stoloff, N.S. 284,304 Strife,J.R. 318, 335 Stojanov, P. 349,350,367,384 Sugimura, Y. 284-286,304 Suh, N.P. 343,350 Sun, C.T. 275,279,282,302 Sundarajan, G. 341-343, 350 Surappa, M.K. 66,111 Suresh, S. 170, 171, 182, 184, 185, 200,215,218,220,231,234,235, 247,250,251,265,267,284-286, 291,300,302,304 Suryanarayana, S.V. 164, 185 Suwa, Y. 23,40 T Tachikawa, K. 62,63 Taszarek, B.J. 121, 136 Taya, M. 212,213,248,249,326, 335 Taylor, L.G. 292,304 Termonia, Y. 192,250 Thadhani, N.N. 104, 105, 1 1 1 Tham, L.M. 91,111 Thomas, D.G. 67,111 Tien, J.K. 318, 335 Timoshenko, S. 176, 185 Toda, H. 231,250 Tokarsky, E. 9, 13,39 Torquato, S. 229,250author index Towato, A. 25,40 Toyoda, K. 308,335 Trivedi, R. 82, 84, 111 Trozzo, P.S. 292,303 Tsai, S.W. 152, 184 Tsiang, T.H. 131,136 Tsui, T.Y. 106, 109 Tsunekawa, Y. 68,112 Turner, P.S. 161, 164, 185 Tvergaard, V. 309,310,335 Tyson, C.N. 9,39 u Uhlmann, D.R. 72, 112 Upadhyaya, G.S. 344,350 v Vaidya, R.U. 161, 164,165 Van Aken, D.C. 267,304 Vasudevan, A.K. 277,278,284,287, 304,332,335 Venkataraman, B. 300,341-343 Verdier, M. 106, 1 1 1 Verebelyi, D.T. 102, 1 10 Villers, P. 55, 63 Visser, L.R. 22,40 Vlot, A. 356-358,384 Vogelsang, M. 197,250,356,359, 384 Voleti, S.R. 205,250 Vyletel, G.M. 267,304 W Wadsworth, J. 330,335 Wallis, R.R. 262,302 Walls, D.P. 256,258,304 Wang, A. 341,350 Wang, L. 246,250 Wang, P.T. 94, 110 Wang, Y.Q. 179, 184 Ward-Close, C.M. 103, 111 Warrier, S.G. 215,250 Watt, W. 9, 16,40 Wawner, F.E. 27,39,262,302 Wax, S.G. 29,40 Weber, J.K.R. 26,40 Weber, L., 174, 185 Webster, D. 317,318,335 Wedell, W. 298-300 Weertrnan, J.R. 166, 185 Weeton, J.W. 142, 143, 185 Weibull, W. 36,40 Weihs, T.P. 27,40, 131, 136 Weinber, G.A. 161, 185 Wereszczsak, A.A. 131, 136 Werner, P.S. 74, 109 Wernick, J.E. 57, 63 Wheeler, D.R. 212,214,248 White, D.R. 74, 109 Whitehouse, A.F. 317,335 Whitney, J.M. 147, 185 Wienecke, H.A. 215,218,220,247 Wilkinson, D.S. 187,247,320,334 Williams, J.J. 52,63, 87, 88,94-96, 109, 112,224-226,229,238,241, 242,246,247,250,287,290,300, 364,383 Williams, K.R. 318,334 Wilshire, B. 318, 334, 335 Wilson, D.M. 22,23,40 Winand, H.M.A. 317,335 Wolfenden, A. 295-297, 304 Wu, G. 292,304 Wu, M.Y. 330,335 Wu, S.B. 265,300 Wu, Z. 255,304 Wundnerlin, R. 341, 342,350 Wunsch, B. 157, 158, 184,233,237, 247 X Xia, K. 264,301 XU,Z.R. 166, 168, 169, 185,295- 297,304author index Y Yajirna, S. 28,41 Yamamura, T. 31,41 Yang, J.-M 292,304,3 l3,314,334 Yang, N. 88,89,112 Yasuoka, M. 25,40 Yavari, P. 329,335 Yoneyama, K. 68, 112 Yoshida, K. 378,384 YOU,C.P. 286-288,300 Young, R.J. 192,250 Yu, W.K. 284,287,288,303 Yuan, J. 209,210,248 Yun, H.M. 26,40 z Zenitani, Y. 57, 63 Zeuner, T. 349,350,367,384 Zhang, F. 255,256,304 Zhang, J. 343,350 Zhang, L.C. 341,350 Zhang, T. 280,304 Zhang, W. 255,256,304 Zhang, Z.F. 341,350 Zok, F.W. 256,258,304,332,335 Zong, B.Y. 326,335SUBJECT INDEX A Age hardening 200-202 (see also precipitationstrengthening) accelerated aging 200 Alumina 1,3,6 AluminaIMg interface 125 Aluminum 1,51-53 Aluminum alloys precipitation strengthening 48-51 Angle of contact 116, 117 Applications 35 1-3 84 aerospace 35 1-361 electronics and thermal management 370-372 fiber metal laminates 356-359 power conductors 377-379 recreational and sporting goods 379-382 superconducting magnets 372-377 transportation 367-369 wear-resistant materials 382, 383 Aspect ratio 3 Atomic force microscopy (AFM) 118,199 B Bauschinger effect 265,297 Bonding 117, 120-126 chemical 121-126 crystalline structure43,44 mechanical 117, 120-122 Bulk modulus 139-146 Burgers vector 46 C Carbon fibers fabrication9-17 pitch-based 12-15 PAN-based 10-17 Structure 17,18 Casting 66-72 centrifugal 68,69 Cobalt 1, 54 Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) 159-171 effect of interface 166- 170 Copper 54 Crack deflection criteria 206-210 Crack growth (see under Fatigue) Creep 305-329 activationenergy 306,311,318, 320,328,330 continuous fiber 306-313 discontinuously reinforced 3 13- 320,323-329 dislocation climb 305,312,313, 315,316,320,328 dispersion strengthening 321,326, 328,329 grain boundary sliding 326, 328subject index load transfer 309-311,313,317, 320,330 recovery 305,309,310,312,313, 316, stress exponent 305,308,309, 317,318,320,323 threshold stress 321-323 Critical fiber length 195 D Damage evolution 187,188 Density 158, 159 Diffusivity 123 Activation energy for creep 306, 311,318,320,328,330 Diffusion bonding 102-104 foil-fiber-foil 103 Dislocation 46,47, 197, 198 climb 305,312, 313,315,316, 320,328 fiber reinforced composites 197- 232 punching 197,199,233 strengthening 47,48 WICU197-200 Dispersion strengthening321,326, 328,329 E Elastic constants 137, 138 strength of materials approach 140-146 Electricalconductivity 4, 15, 173-1 75 Energy methods 147-152 Eshelby method 154-157 Explosive shock consolidation 104- lo6 Extrusion 90-94 co-extrusion 97- 102 F Fatigue 251-300 crack closure 275-277,280, 287 crack growth 275-294 continuous fiber 275,279-284 particle reinforced 284-291 threshold stress intensity factor 275-277,284-287,293,295 crack initiation 251,254,257, 268,270-272 damage mechanisms 254-260, 287,290-293,295-297 elevated temperature 257-259, 271-275,280,284 hybrid and laminated composites 29 1-294 Paris law 252,256,276,285,287, 293 stiffnessloss 262,263 Mackenzie's equation 296-297 stress versus cycles (S-N) 251-274 continuous fiber 253-263 particle reinforced 263-275 thermal 294-300 two parameter approach 275,277, 278,289 Fiber(s) alumina 21,22,38 alumina+ silica 2 1 alumina + silica +boria 38 boron 18-21 carbon 7- 18 comparison 35 flexibility 6, 7 mullite 21-25 silicon carbide 26-32, 118, 119 Nicalon 1 18, 119 strength 35 surface roughness 133-135 Weibull36-39 Fiber pullout 129- 135, 210-2 12 work of pullout 210-2 12 Fiber pushout 129- 135 Finite Element Method (FEM) 231-subject index 242 three dimensional (3D) microstructure based 235-240 cyclic fatigue 265-267 creep 313, 314,320,324-328 Flexibility (see under Fiber) Forging 94-96 Fracture toughness 242-246 effect of particle clustering 245 G Grain boundary 47 strengthening 47 sliding 326, 328,330,332 H Hall-Petch relation 48 Halpin-Tsai-Kardos 152-154 Hardness 24 1,242 relation to wear 337,341,343- 345,349 relation to tensile strength 238, 241,242 High temperature superconductor (HTS) (see also superconductor) Yttrium-Barium-Copper-Oxide (YBCO) 100-102 oxide powder in tube (OPIT) 101, 102 R A B ~ T S ~ ~ 102 Interfacial bond strength measurement techniques 127-1 35 In situ processing 85-87 Indentation 131-135 Interface 113-135 bend tests 128, 129 bond strength 127- 135 crystallographic nature 1 14, 115 reactionproducts 126 reaction zone 124- 126 Interlaminar shear strength(ILSS) 128 Intermetallics 55, 56 Ti3A1105 L Laminated composites 97,98 Liquid infiltration 73,82 Load transfer 188-196 in creep 309-311,313, 317,320, 330 M Magnesium alloys 54 Metal matrix composites advantages 1,2 characteristics 3 types 2 typical reinforcements 3 Metals 43 strengthening mechanisms 47-5 1 Monotonic behavior discontinuously reinforced composites 219-227 effect of clustering 219,227,237- 240,242,244,245 fiber reinforced composites 202- 219 modeling 215-219,231-242 N Nanolaminates 106- 108 AIISiC 107, 108 Niobium-Titanium alloys 60-62,98, 99 Nextel 3 12 38 Nextel 610 22, 38 Nextel 720 21-25 Nicalon 28-32, 118, 119 Nickel 55 Niobium 5 5subject index Numerical methods 146, 157, 158 (see also Finite Element Method) Particles 33-35 Physical vapor deposition (PVD) 106,107 Poisson's ratio 139- 146 Powder metallurgy processing 87-90 Precipitation strengthening 48-5 1 (see also age hardening) Processing gaseous state 106, 107 liquid state 65-87 solid state 87-106 Profilometer 1 18 R Reinforcement clustering 219,227, 237,238,242,244,245 effect on ductility238-240 effect on fatigue 268,270 quantifying 228-230 Reinforcements 126 fibrous materials 5, 6 Roll bonding 97,98 Roughness 117-119 measurement techniques 1 18, 119 S Sapphire 25, 26 Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) 118 Self-consistent methods 146, 147 Shear-lag model 195,202,219 Shear modulus 139-146 Silicon carbide 1,3,6 particle 33, 34 SiClA14 modulus 153, 154 Silver 55 Sintering 97 Sol-gel22-25 Spinel 124 Spray co-deposition 82-85 Squeeze casting 65 Straintensor 137-139 Strengthening mechanisms direct 187, 196 indirect 196-200 Stress tensor 137-139 Stress versus cycles (S-N) (see under Fatigue) Superconductor 4 Nb-Ti 60-62 Nb3Sn62,63,98-100 High temperature superconductor (HTS) 100-102 Superconductivity 56-63 Superplasticity 329-333 grain boundary sliding 330,332 T Texture 94,95, 102,201 Thermal conductivity 4, 15, 171-174 Thermal expansion mismatch 4, 126, 127, 196, 197,207,209,210, 232, 233 Thermal stress 175-183 A1203fiberhlg composite 183 fiber reinforced composites 176- 179 particulate composites 176-179 Titaniumdiboride 105 Titaniumalloys 53, 54 Transport properties 173 Tungsten carbide 1,3,6 particle 34,35 v Variational calculusmethods 146- 152 Viscosity 67subject index W WICu Young's modulus 143 WCICo 4,97 Young's modulus 153, 154 wear 344-349 Wear 337-350 abrasive 337,338, 341-343,346, 347 adhesive 337,338 braking materials 348,349 delamination 343,344,349 double cemented carbides 345-348 hardness 337,341,343-345,349 mechanically mixed layer (MML) 343,344,349 testing 338, 340 Wettability 115-117 Whiskers 32,33 Sic 32,33 Y Young's modulus 139-146 Yttrium-aluminumgarnet (YAG) 25
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