Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: سلسلة US Army courses برابط واحد الأربعاء 31 أغسطس 2011, 8:16 pm | |
أخوانى فى الله أحضرت لكم سلسلة US Army courses برابط واحد توررنت وتحتوى على الكتب الأتية
US Air Force - Military Working Dog (MWD) Program AFMAN 31-219.pdf US Army - (railroad) Rail Operations FM 4-01.41.pdf US Army - Fundamentals of Machine Tools TC 9-524.pdf US Army - Locomotive, Davenport Besler TM 55-1279.pdf US Army - Lubrication Order, Locomotive, Model B-B-160 and 160-4GE747-A1 LO 55-2210-224-12.pdf US Army - Maintenance Manual, Locomotive, Model B-B-160 and 160-4GE747-A1 TM 55-2210-224-34.pdf US Army - Maintenance of Railway Car TM 55-203.pdf US Army - Maintenance of Trackage TM 5-627.pdf US Army - Operator and Unit Maintenance Manual, Locomotive, Model B-B-160 and 160-4GE747-A1 TM 55-2210-224-12.pdf US Army - Operator and Unit Maintenance Manual, Locomotive, Model RS-4-TC-1A TM 55-2210-223-12.pdf US Army - Plumbing, Pipe Fitting, and Sewerage FM 3-34.471.pdf US Army - Railroad Design and Rehabilitation TI 850-02.pdf US Army - Railroad Track Standards TM 5-628.pdf US Army - Railway Operating and Safety Rules FM 55-21.pdf US Army - Use and Care of Hand Tools and Measuring Tools TM 9-243.pdf US Army - Welding Theory and Application TC 9-237.pdf US Army course - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning I (Fundamentals) OD1747.pdf US Army course - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning II (Commercial Refrigeration) OD1748.pdf US Army course - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning III (Air Conditioning) OD1749.pdf US Army course - Refrigeration and Air Conditioning IV (Equipment Cooling) OD1750.pdf US Army course - Welding Operations - Part I OD1651.pdf US Army course - Welding Operations - Part II OD1654.pdf US Army course - Welding Theory OD1650.pdf US Army Engineer course - Bituminous Pavements EN5459.pdf US Army Engineer course - Carpentry I EN5155.pdf US Army Engineer course - Carpentry II EN5156.pdf US Army Engineer course - Carpentry III EN0533.pdf US Army Engineer course - Cartography I (Map Mathematics) EN5301.pdf US Army Engineer course - Cartography II (Grid Construction Plotting and Projection Graticules) EN5302.pdf US Army Engineer course - Cartography III (Aerial Photography) EN5303.pdf US Army Engineer course - Cartography IX (Map Overlays) EN5309.pdf US Army Engineer course - Cartography VII (Color Separation) EN5307.pdf US Army Engineer course - Cartography VIII (Map Editing) EN5308.pdf US Army Engineer course - Combat Engineer EN0501.pdf US Army Engineer course - Concrete Engineering EN5466.pdf US Army Engineer course - Construction Equipment - Brake Systems EN5258.pdf US Army Engineer course - Construction Equipment - Diesel Fuel Systems EN5259.pdf US Army Engineer course - Construction Equipment - Maintenance Concepts and Operations EN5266.pdf US Army Engineer course - Construction Equipment - Repairer (Hydraulic Systems) EN5260.pdf US Army Engineer course - Construction Equipment - Steering Systems EN5262.pdf US Army Engineer course - Construction Equipment - Test, Measuring, and Diagnostic Equipment EN5264.pdf US Army Engineer course - Construction Management EN0375.pdf US Army Engineer course - Construction Print Reading EN0113.pdf US Army Engineer course - Design Forms for a Concrete Column (2005 edition) EN5152.pdf US Army Engineer course - Design Forms for a Concrete Wall EN5151.pdf US Army Engineer course - Design Forms for an Overhead Concrete Slab EN5153.pdf US Army Engineer course - Drainage Engineering EN5465.pdf US Army Engineer course - Electricity I (Prepare an Electrical Materials Takeoff List) EN5140.pdf US Army Engineer course - Electricity II (Install Service Entrance Systems) EN5141.pdf US Army Engineer course - Electricity III (Install Electrical Boxes) EN5142.pdf US Army Engineer course - Electricity IV (Install Conduit Systems) (2000) EN5143.pdf US Army Engineer course - Electricity V (Install Systems, Equipment, and Component Grounds) EN5144.pdf US Army Engineer course - Electricity VI (Install Convenience Devices) EN5145.pdf US Army Engineer course - Electricity VII (Install Circuit Protective Devices) EN5146.pdf US Army Engineer course - Equipment Utilization EN5478.pdf US Army Engineer course - Estimate Materials for a Wall Form EN5154.pdf US Army Engineer course - Field Fortifications (2005) EN0065.pdf US Army Engineer course - Flexible Pavement Structures EN5458.pdf US Army Engineer course - Frame Structures EN0069.pdf US Army Engineer course - Geologic Analysis EN5341.pdf US Army Engineer course - Geology EN5462.pdf US Army Engineer course - Land Clearing EN0391.pdf US Army Engineer course - Masonry EN5157.pdf US Army Engineer course - Painting I EN0562.pdf US Army Engineer course - Plumbing I - Prepare a Plumbing Takeoff List EN5110.pdf US Army Engineer course - Plumbing II - Water Supply (2005 edition) EN5111.pdf US Army Engineer course - Plumbing III - Waste Systems EN5112.pdf US Army Engineer course - Plumbing IV - Plumbing Fixtures (2004 edition) EN5113.pdf US Army Engineer course - Plumbing V - Repair Valve and Fixture Control Devices (2004 edition) EN5114.pdf US Army Engineer course - Plumbing VI - Clear Waste System Stoppages (2004 edition) EN5115.pdf US Army Engineer course - Quarry Operations I EN5463.pdf US Army Engineer course - Quarry Operations II EN5464.pdf US Army Engineer course - Soils Engineering EN5453.pdf US Army Engineer course - Surveying I (Mathematics and Survey Principles) EN0591.pdf US Army Engineer course - Surveying III (Topographic and Geodetic Surveys) EN0593.pdf US Army Engineer course - Utilities I EN0158.pdf US Army Engineer course - Utilities II EN0389.pdf US Army graphics course - Designing and Preparing Presentation Materials SS0530.pdf US Army graphics course - Draw Objects in Perspective SS0526.pdf US Army graphics course - Lettering Techniques SS0525.pdf US Army graphics course - Prepare Overlays SS0529.pdf US Army graphics course - Realistic Drawing SS0531.pdf US Army machinist course - Band Saw Operations OD1646.pdf US Army machinist course - Lathe Operations OD1645.pdf US Army machinist course - Machine Shop Calculation OD1640.pdf US Army machinist course - Metal Properties, Characteristics, Uses, and Codes OD1643.pdf US Army machinist course - Milling Machine Operations (file fixed) OD1644.pdf US Army machinist course - Precision Measuring and Gaging OD1642.pdf US Army machinist course - Principles of Drafting and Shop Drawing OD1641.pdf US Army machinist course - Shop Safety OD1403.pdf US Army mechanic course - Electrical System Component Repair OD0010.pdf US Army mechanic course - Introduction to High Mobility Multipurpose Wheeled Vehicle (HMMWV) OD1615.pdf US Army mechanic course - Introduction to Wheeled Vehicles IS0902.pdf US Army mechanic course - Metal Body Repair OD1653.pdf US Army mechanic course - Principles of Automotive Electricity OD0611.pdf US Army mechanic course - Principles of Automotive Engines OD0610.pdf US Army mechanic course - Principles of Gasoline and Diesel Fuel Systems OD1620.pdf US Army mechanic course - Principles of Internal Combustion Engines OD1619.pdf US Army mechanic course - Supporting Services OD0017.pdf US Army mechanic course - Wheeled Vehicle Brake Systems OD1008.pdf US Army mechanic course - Wheeled Vehicle Clutches, Transmissions, and Transfers OD1005.pdf US Army mechanic course - Wheeled Vehicle Drive Lines, Axles, and Suspension Systems OD1006.pdf US Army mechanic course - Wheeled Vehicle Electrical Systems I OD1002.pdf US Army mechanic course - Wheeled Vehicle Electrical Systems II OD1003.pdf US Army mechanic course - Wheeled Vehicle Engines OD1001.pdf US Army mechanic course - Wheeled Vehicle Fuel and Exhaust Systems OD1004.pdf US Army mechanic course - Wheeled Vehicle Steering Systems OD1007.pdf US Army railroad course - Diesel-Electric Locomotives TR0656.pdf US Army railroad course - Loading, Blocking, and Bracing on Rail Cars TR0690.pdf US Army railroad course - Maintenance of Diesel Electric Locomotives and Rolling Stock TR0675.pdf US Army railroad course - Military Railway Equipment TR0660.pdf US Army railroad course - Military Train Operations TR0635.pdf US Army railroad course - Rail Operations Planning TR0603.pdf US Army railroad course - Rail Operations, Dispatching TR0638.pdf US Army railroad course - Rail Operations, Theater TR0640.pdf US Army railroad course - Rail Operations, Yard TR0636.pdf US Army railroad course - Railway Rolling Stock TR0655.pdf US Army railroad course - Railway Track Maintenance I TR0670.pdf US Army railroad course - Railway Track Maintenance II TR0671.pdf US Army TV course - Analyzing Color Video and Video Test Signals SS0606.pdf US Army TV course - Application of TV Test Equipment SS0602.pdf US Army TV course - Basic Circuits of Television Studio Equipment (Cameras and Audio) SS0601.pdf US Army TV course - Basic Lighting Techniques SS0549.pdf US Army TV course - Documentation Cinematography SS0536.pdf US Army TV course - Field Television Production SS0547.pdf US Army TV course - Filming Controlled Action SS0550.pdf US Army TV course - Filming Uncontrolled Action SS0535.pdf US Army TV course - Fundamentals of Video Tape Recorders (VTRs) SS0546.pdf US Army TV course - Maintenance Fundamentals of Three-quarter Inch Video Cassette Recorders SS0604.pdf US Army TV course - Operation of Electronic News Gathering System and Electronic Field Production Components SS0548.pdf US Army TV course - Principles of Television Studio Timing Systems SS0607.pdf US Army TV course - Script-Writing for Educational Visual Information Programs SS0519.pdf US Army TV course - Television and Audio Systems SS0603.pdf US Army TV course - Troubleshooting Television Studio System Equipment SS0600.pdf US Army TV course - Video Tape Editing and Character Generator Operation SS0551.pdf US DoD - Design - (railroad) Trackage UFC 4-860-02.pdf US Marine Corps - Afghanistan-An Introduction to the Country and People.pdf US Marine Corps - Antenna Handbook MCRP 3-40.3C.pdf US Marine Corps - Combat Stress MCRP 6-11C.pdf US Marine Corps - Combat Water Survival MCRP 3-02C.pdf US Marine Corps - Combatting Terrorism - MCRP 3-02D.pdf US Marine Corps - First Aid MCRP 3-02G.pdf US Marine Corps - Flame, Riot Control Agents, and Herbicide Operations MCRP 3-37C.pdf US Marine Corps - Geographic Intelligence (GEOINT) MCWP 2-12.1.pdf US Marine Corps - Imagery Intelligence (IMINT) MCWP 2-15.4.pdf US Marine Corps - Iraq-An Introduction to the Country and People.pdf US Marine Corps - Marine Physical Readiness Training for Combat MCRP 3-02A.pdf US Marine Corps - Marines Awaiting Training materials.rar US Marine Corps - Martial Arts MCRP 3-02B.pdf US Marine Corps - Military Operations on Urbanized Terrain (MOUT) MCWP 3-35.3.pdf US Marine Corps - MWTC Assault Climbers Handbook (mountaineering).pdf US Marine Corps - MWTC Cold Weather Medicine Course.pdf US Marine Corps - MWTC Summer Survival Course Handbook.pdf US Marine Corps - MWTC Wilderness Medicine Course.pdf US Marine Corps - MWTC Winter Survival Course Handbook.pdf US Marine Corps - Physical Fitness Test and Body Composition Program Manual MCO P6100.12.pdf US Marine Corps - Pistol Marksmanship MCRP 3-01B.pdf US Marine Corps - Radio Operator's Handbook MCRP 3-40.3b.pdf US Marine Corps - Remote Sensor Operations MCRP 2-24B.pdf US Marine Corps - Rifle Marksmanship MCRP 3-01A.pdf US Marine Corps - Scouting and Patrolling MCWP 3-11.3.pdf US Marine Corps - Signals Intelligence (SIGINT) MCWP 2-15.2.pdf US Marine Corps - Survival - MCRP 3-02F.pdf US Marine Corps - Survival, Evasion, and Recovery MCRP 3-02H.pdf US Marine Corps - The Individual's Guide for Understanding and Surviving Terrorism MCRP 3-02E.pdf US Navy - Railway Operating Handbook NAVFAC P-301.pdf US Navy construction course - Builder 3 & 2, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14043.pdf US Navy construction course - Builder 3 & 2, Volume 2 NAVEDTRA 14044.pdf US Navy construction course - Builder Advanced NAVEDTRA 14045.pdf US Navy cooking course - Mess Management Specialist 1 & C NAVEDTRA 14163.pdf US Navy cooking course - Mess Management Specialist 3 & 2 NAVEDTRA 14164.pdf US Navy course - Basic Music (Navy) NAVEDTRA 12013.pdf US Navy course - Basic Music NAVEDTRA 10244.pdf US Navy course - Blueprint Reading and Sketching NAVEDTRA 14040.pdf US Navy course - Captivity - The Extreme Circumstance NAVEDTRA 14316.pdf US Navy course - Construction Electrician Basic NAVEDTRA 14026.pdf US Navy course - Construction Electrician Intermediate NAVEDTRA 14027.pdf US Navy course - Construction Mechanic Basic, Volume 1 NAVEDTRA 14264.pdf US Navy course - Construction Mechanic Basic, Volume 2 NAVEDTRA 14273.pdf US Navy course - Construction Mechanic, Advanced NAVEDTRA 14050.pdf US Navy course - Electrician's Mate NAVEDTRA 14344.pdf US Navy course - Lookout Training Handbook (2005) NAVEDTRA 12968-B.pdf US Navy course - Navy Customer Service Manual NAVEDTRA 14056.pdf US Navy course - Navy Instructional Theory NAVEDTRA 14300.pdf US Navy course - Time Conversion NAVEDTRA 14252.pdf
أتمنى أن تستفيدوا منها وأن تنال إعجابكم
رابط توررنت لتنزيل سلسلة US Army courses برابط واحد
عدل سابقا من قبل أحمد دعبس في الإثنين 04 مارس 2013, 11:35 pm عدل 1 مرات |
didanasro مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 1 التقييم : 1 تاريخ التسجيل : 08/05/2012 العمر : 35 الدولة : algeria العمل : student الجامعة : Kasdi marbah ouargla
| موضوع: رد: سلسلة US Army courses برابط واحد الثلاثاء 08 مايو 2012, 3:44 pm | |
merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii |
Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: سلسلة US Army courses برابط واحد الثلاثاء 08 مايو 2012, 9:21 pm | |
- didanasro كتب:
- merciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii
mahmoud fares مهندس تحت الاختبار
عدد المساهمات : 6 التقييم : 6 تاريخ التسجيل : 28/02/2013 العمر : 34 الدولة : egypt العمل : eng الجامعة : uni
| موضوع: رد: سلسلة US Army courses برابط واحد الإثنين 04 مارس 2013, 6:59 pm | |
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Admin مدير المنتدى
عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: رد: سلسلة US Army courses برابط واحد الإثنين 04 مارس 2013, 11:39 pm | |
- mahmoud fares كتب:
- الرابط غير موجود
تم تعديل الرابط وإذا وجدت أى رابط أخر لا يعمل نرجو ترك رد فى الموضوع وسيتم تعديله على الفور إن شاء الله |