كتاب 3D Printing with Fusion 360 - Design for additive manufacturing, and level up your simulation and print preparation skills
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 كتاب 3D Printing with Fusion 360 - Design for additive manufacturing, and level up your simulation and print preparation skills

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب 3D Printing with Fusion 360 - Design for additive manufacturing, and level up your simulation and print preparation skills    كتاب 3D Printing with Fusion 360 - Design for additive manufacturing, and level up your simulation and print preparation skills  Emptyالسبت 18 مايو 2024, 1:56 am

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3D Printing with Fusion 360 - Design for additive manufacturing, and level up your simulation and print preparation skills
Sualp Ozel  

كتاب 3D Printing with Fusion 360 - Design for additive manufacturing, and level up your simulation and print preparation skills  3_d_p_20
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Creating Lightweight Parts, and Identifying and Fixing Potential
Failures with Simulation 75
Technical requirements 76
Getting Started with
Automated modeling 76
Utilizing Shape Optimization 88
Structural simulation to detect
and fix common failures 98
Summary 107
Hollowing and Latticing Parts to Reduce Material and
Energy Usage 109
Technical requirements 109
Hollowing parts 110
Creating drainage holes 116
Creating internal lattice structures 124
Summary 140
Part 2: Print Preparation – Creating an
Additive Setup
Tessellating Models and Exporting Mesh Files to Third-Party Slicers 143
Technical requirements 144
Common mesh file formats and
their differences 145
STL format 145
OBJ format 146
3MF format 146
Tessellation, a critical step for 3D
printing with non-Fusion 360 slicers 146
Tessellating a solid body 146
Tessellating a body with a volumetric lattice 148
Exporting mesh files or sending
models to your slicer 151
Exporting models directly to
third-party slicers 151
Exporting models directly to
non-Fusion 360 slicers 155
Exporting models out of Fusion 360 158
Summary 159Table of Contents ix
Introducing the Manufacture Workspace for Print Preparation 161
Technical requirements 162
Using the derive workflow to manage
model changes for print preparation 163
Creating Manufacturing Models for
3D Printing 172
Common part modifications for 3D
Printing 177
Summary 186
Creating Your First Additive Setup 189
Technical requirements 190
Fusion 360 preferences and settings
for 3D printing 190
Machine selection and creating an
additive setup 195
Print settings and creating an
additive setup 203
Summary 216
Part 3: Print Preparation – Positioning Parts,
Generating Supports, and Toolpaths
Arranging and Orienting Components 219
Technical requirements 220
Positioning Components Manually 220
Orienting Components
Automatically 227
Arranging Components
Automatically 237
Summary 245x Table of Contents
Print Settings 247
Technical requirements 248
Overview of print settings for Fused
Filament fabrication 248
General 251
Body Presets 253
Overview of print settings for
SLA and DLP 266
Assigning unique print settings
to bodies 271
Summary 277
Support Structures 279
Technical requirements 280
Volume and bar supports for
FFF printing 280
Bar supports for SLA
and DLP printing 293
Base plate supports for SLA
and DLP printing 299
Summary 302
Slicing Models and Simulating the Toolpath 305
Technical requirements 306
Generating an additive toolpath 306
Simulating an additive toolpath 314
Generating G-code 317
Summary 322
Part 4: Metal Printing, Process Simulation,
and Automation
3D Printing with Metal Printers 327
Technical requirements 328
Introduction to Metal 3D printing 328
3D printing with metal powder bed
fusion machines 336Table of Contents xi
Setter supports for a successful
sintering process 352
Summary 357
Simulating the MPBF Process 359
Technical requirements 360
Setting up a process simulation 360
Interpreting the results 369
Compensating for distortions
and updating the setup 376
Summary 382
Automating Repetitive Tasks 385
Technical requirements 386
Using apps from the Autodesk
App Store 386
Customizing presets and
using templates 393
Automating additive workflows
with scripting 400
Summary 407
Index 409
Other Books You May Enjoy 416
3D printer
selecting, for additive setup 195-202
3D printing
part modifications 177-186
Manufacturing Models, creating for 172-177
metal powder bed fusion machines,
using for 336-352
preferences and settings 190-195
3MF file format 146
mesh workflows, inserting 13-18
additive setup
creating 195- 202
additive toolpath
generating 306-313
simulating 314-317
additive workflows
automating, with scripting 400-407
application programming
interface (API) 402
ARRANGE command 165
Autodesk App Store
apps, using 386-393
Automated Modeling functionality 76-88
base mesh feature 15
binder jetting 226
Body Presets section, FF print
setting 253-255
Extrusion 255, 256
Infill 257, 258
Print Bed Adhesion 258, 260
Shell 256, 257
Speed 261, 262
Support 260, 261
Tessellation 263-266
Travel 262
boundary representation (BREP) 103
CAD features
editing 54-64
recognizing 53
CAD models
workflows, opening and uploading 5-13
cloud data storage
reference link 5410 Index
arranging, automatically 237-245
orienting, automatically 227-237
positioning, manually 220-227
DERIVE dialogue 163, 164
DERIVE functionality 177
derive workflow
used, for managing model changes
for print preparation 163-172
Design for Additive Manufacturing
(DFAM) 33
design history, with Fusion 360 34-36
direct modeling 44-53
parametric modeling 36- 43
Digital Light Processing (DLP) 110, 279
base plate supports 299-302
Digital Metal PX 100 printer 352
directed energy deposition (DED) 329
direct modeling 44-53
drainage holes
creating 116-124
electron beam melting (EBM) 329
fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP) 294
Fused Filament Fabrication
(FFF) 110, 197, 248, 279, 280, 305
print setting 248
using, for metal 3D printing 330-335
volume and bar supports 280-293
Fused Filament Fabrication
(FFF) 3D printer 327
Fusion 360
body, tessellating with volumetric
lattice 148-151
design history 34, 35, 36
mesh files, working with 64
models, exporting out of 158
preferences and settings, for
3D printing 190-195
reference link 8
solid body, tessellating 146-148
Fusion 360 machine library 328, 329
Fusion Team 5
generating 317-322
General section, FF print setting
Global Settings 251
Nozzle Priming Settings 252, 253
hollowing 167
infill patterns 257
Insert Derive functionality 163, 173
internal lattice structures
creating 124-140
latticing 167
linear static stress simulation
conducting, to detect and fix failures 98-106Index 411
Manufacturing Models
creating, for 3D Printing 172-177
mesh bodies
inspecting 18-30
repairing 18-30
mesh file formats 145
3MF format 146
OBJ format 146
STL format 145, 146
mesh files
exporting, to slicer 151
workflows, opening 5-13
workflows, uploading 5-13
mesh files, working with
inserted Mesh bodies, editing after
converting into solid bodies 67-69
inserted Mesh bodies, editing
as mesh bodies 65, 66
inserted Mesh bodies, editing by
recreating as solid bodies 70-73
mesh workflows
inserting, for 3MF file 13-18
inserting, for OBJ file 13-18
inserting, for STL file 13-18
metal 3D printing 328-335
Fusion 360 supported machine
manufacturers 329, 330
Metal Jet S100 printer 352
metal powder bed fusion
(MPBF) 279, 280, 360
metal powder bed fusion (MPBF)
3D printers 328, 336
using 336-352
exporting, out of Fusion 360 158
exporting, to non-Fusion 360 slicers 155-158
exporting, to third-party slicers 151-155
sending, to slicer 151
MPBF process
compensating, for distortions 376-382
results, interpreting 369-375
setup, updating 376-382
simulation, setting up 360-369
MultiJet Fusion (MJF) 215, 226
non-Fusion 360 slicers
models, exporting to 155-158
OBJ file format 146
mesh workflows, inserting 13-18
One Click Metal (OCM) printer 337
parametric modeling 36-43
part modifications
for 3D Printing 177-186
hollowing 110-116
Personal Protection Equipment(PPE) 54
customizing 393-400
print setting, FFF
Body Presets 253
General section 251
overview 248-250
print settings
for SLA and DLP 266-271
selecting, for additive setup 203-215
processing parameter (PRM) 364412 Index
Prusa i3 MKS+ 248
Raise3D 331
SCALE command 166
additive workflows, automating
with 400-407
section analysis 23
selective laser melting (SLM) 226
selective laser sintering (SLS) 110, 215, 226
setter supports
creating, for sintering process 352-357
Shape Optimization
utilizing 88-98
SHELL command 167, 168
Sinterjet M60 352
stereolithography contour (SLC) 268
stereolithography (SLA) 110, 208, 279
bar supports 293-299
base plate supports 299-302
STL file format 145, 146
mesh workflows, inserting 13-18
TEAM functionality 177
using 393-400
tessellation 146
UltiMaker 331
unique print settings
assigning, to bodies 271-277
volumetric lattice
body, tessellating with 148-151


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كتاب 3D Printing with Fusion 360 - Design for additive manufacturing, and level up your simulation and print preparation skills
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