كورس تعليم تحليل الأجهادات لمهندسين ميكانيكا - Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers Course
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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 كورس تعليم تحليل الأجهادات لمهندسين ميكانيكا - Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers Course

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مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18962
التقييم : 35392
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كورس تعليم تحليل الأجهادات لمهندسين ميكانيكا - Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers Course  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كورس تعليم تحليل الأجهادات لمهندسين ميكانيكا - Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers Course    كورس تعليم تحليل الأجهادات لمهندسين ميكانيكا - Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers Course  Emptyالخميس 16 مايو 2024, 7:22 pm

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كورس تعليم تحليل الأجهادات لمهندسين ميكانيكا
Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers Course

كورس تعليم تحليل الأجهادات لمهندسين ميكانيكا - Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers Course  S_a_m_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

01 static stress simulation \ 05 defining a simulation studies loads \ 01 add a structural load
01 static stress simulation \ 01 getting started \ 01 course overview
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 05 additional connectors and loads \ 01 create a rigid body connector
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 03 structural buckling \ 01 define and solve a buckling study
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 04 modal frequency \ 01 define and solve a modal frequency study
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 02 nonlinear response analysis \ 01 define and solve a nonlinear static stress study
02 using shape optimization to drive a design \ 02 defining a topology optimization \ 01 define common parameters for a shape optimization
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 04 event simulation \ 01 event simulation setup
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 02 thermal simulation \ 01 prepare a model for thermal simulation
02 using shape optimization to drive a design \ 03 working with shape optimization results \ 01 review a shape optimization study
01 static stress simulation \ 04 defining simulation study connections \ 01 select study materials
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 03 thermal stress simulation \ 01 set up a thermal stress study
01 static stress simulation \ 06 solving and reviewing a simulation \ 01 solve contact sets
01 static stress simulation \ 03 preparing for a simulation \ 01 start a static stress simulation
02 using shape optimization to drive a design \ 04 validating topology optimized geometry \ 01 validate through static stress simulation
01 static stress simulation \ 04 defining simulation study connections \ 02 create custom materials
01 static stress simulation \ 05 defining a simulation studies loads \ 02 define multiple load conditions
02 using shape optimization to drive a design \ 02 defining a topology optimization \ 02 define shape preservation regions
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 04 event simulation \ 02 event simulation results review
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 05 additional connectors and loads \ 02 explore point masses
01 static stress simulation \ 06 solving and reviewing a simulation \ 02 generate mesh and mesh control
01 static stress simulation \ 01 getting started \ 02 get the software
01 static stress simulation \ 07 week 1 practice exercise 1 \ 02 practice exercise 1 solution
02 using shape optimization to drive a design \ 05 week 2 practice exercise 1 \ 02 practice exercise 1 solution
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 06 week 3 practice exercise 1 \ 02 practice exercise 1 solution
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 05 week 4 practice exercise 1 \ 02 practice exercise 1 solution
02 using shape optimization to drive a design \ 03 working with shape optimization results \ 02 promote a mesh to create a new design
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 03 structural buckling \ 02 review and refine a buckling study
02 using shape optimization to drive a design \ 04 validating topology optimized geometry \ 02 review and refine a design
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 04 modal frequency \ 02 review modal results
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 02 nonlinear response analysis \ 02 review nonlinear results
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 03 thermal stress simulation \ 02 set up mesh and contacts
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 02 thermal simulation \ 02 set up thermal study materials
01 static stress simulation \ 03 preparing for a simulation \ 02 use simplify
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 05 additional connectors and loads \ 03 apply additional force types
01 static stress simulation \ 04 defining simulation study connections \ 03 define structural constraints
02 using shape optimization to drive a design \ 03 working with shape optimization results \ 03 design creation to match a shape optimization mesh
02 using shape optimization to drive a design \ 02 defining a topology optimization \ 03 detail optimization criteria
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 03 thermal stress simulation \ 03 modify a thermal stress study
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 04 modal frequency \ 03 modify the model to reduce the mass participation
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 02 nonlinear response analysis \ 03 refine the model and rerun the study
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 03 structural buckling \ 03 review a final buckling study
01 static stress simulation \ 06 solving and reviewing a simulation \ 03 solve a simulation
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 02 thermal simulation \ 03 understand and applying types of thermal loads
01 static stress simulation \ 06 solving and reviewing a simulation \ 04 review simulation results
03 nonlinear response buckling and modal frequencies \ 05 additional connectors and loads \ 04 simulate pressure
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 02 thermal simulation \ 04 solve a thermal study and reviewing the results
01 static stress simulation \ 04 defining simulation study connections \ 04 use a bolted connection
04 thermal and thermal stress \ 02 thermal simulation \ 05 clone a simulation model

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رابط مباشر لتنزيل كورس تعليم تحليل الأجهادات لمهندسين ميكانيكا - Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers Course
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كورس تعليم تحليل الأجهادات لمهندسين ميكانيكا - Simulation Analysis for Mechanical Engineers Course
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الدورات والكورسات الهندسية-
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