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| موضوع: كتاب Make - Electronics - Learning by Discovery الأربعاء 15 مايو 2024, 2:58 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Make - Electronics - Learning by Discovery A hands-on primer for the new electronics enthusiast Burn things out, mess things up - that’s how you learn. Second Edition Charles Platt
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents What’s New in the Second Edition . vii Preface: How to Have Fun with This Book ix 1. The Basics 1 Necessary Items for Chapter One . 1 Experiment 1: Taste the Power! . 7 Experiment 2: Let’s Abuse a Battery! . 12 Experiment 3: Your First Circuit 18 Experiment 4: Variable Resistance . 22 Experiment 5: Let’s Make a Battery 34 2. Switching 41 Necessary Items for Chapter Two 41 Experiment 6: Very Simple Switching 50 Experiment 7: Investigating a Relay 60 Experiment 8: A Relay Oscillator . 66 Experiment 9: Time and Capacitors 75 Experiment 10: Transistor Switching . 84 Experiment 11: Light and Sound 91 3. Getting Somewhat More Serious 99 Necessary Items for Chapter Three 99 Experiment 12: Joining Two Wires Together 109 Experiment 13: Roasting an LED 121 Experiment 14: A Wearable Pulsing Glow . 124 Experiment 15: Intrusion Alarm, Part One . 132 4. Chips, Ahoy! . 141 Necessary Items for Chapter Four 142 Experiment 16: Emitting a Pulse 145 Experiment 17: Set Your Tone 155 vExperiment 18: Intrusion Alarm (Almost) Completed 163 Experiment 19: Reflex Tester . 178 Experiment 20: Learning Logic . 191 Experiment 21: A Powerful Combination . 201 Experiment 22: Race to Place . 210 Experiment 23: Flipping and Bouncing . 218 Experiment 24: Nice Dice 223 5. What Next? 237 Tools, Equipment, Components, and Supplies 237 Customizing Your Work Area . 237 Labeling 240 On the Bench 240 Reference Sources Online 242 Books . 242 Experiment 25: Magnetism 243 Experiment 26: Tabletop Power Generation 247 Experiment 27: Loudspeaker Destruction . 252 Experiment 28: Making a Coil React 255 Experiment 29: Filtering Frequencies . 258 Experiment 30: Make It Fuzzy 267 Experiment 31: One Radio, No Solder, No Power 271 Experiment 32: Hardware Meets Software 278 Experiment 33: Checking the Real World . 290 Experiment 34: Nicer Dice . 297 6. Tools, Equipment, Components, and Supplies . 311 Kits . 311 Searching and Shopping Online . 311 Checklists of Supplies and Components 316 Buying Tools and Equipment . 324 Suppliers 326 Index 327 Index Numbers & Symbols 1N4001 diode, 108 1N4148 diode, 108 2N2222 transistor, 49, 84 4026B decade counter, 182, 184 (see also counter) 555 timer applications, 152 astable, 149, 155, 264 audio frequency source, 260 audio test, 156 basics, 145 bipolar version, 154 bistable, 152, 184, 213 buying guide, 323 calibration, 189 capacitor values, 150 combinations, 159 connected with counter, 184 control pin, 150, 159 delayed initial response, 165 diode, 158 discharge pin function, 148 frequency, 157, 159 history, 153 internal function, 151, 157 monostable, 149, 186 pin numbering, 146 pinouts, 146 pulse duration, 149, 150 pulse suppression, 152, 161, 168 reset pin function, 149 resistor values, 150 retriggering, 149 siren sound, 162 specifications, 154 test circuit, 147, 155 trigger pin function, 147 TTL and CMOS versions, 154 unequal cycles, 158 556 timer, 163 7402 quad 2-input OR, 198 7404 hex inverter NOT, 198 7410 triple 3-input NAND, 198 7411 triple 3-input AND, 198 7420 dual 4-input NAND, 198 7421 dual 4-input AND, 198 7427 triple 3-input NOR, 198 7432 quad 2-input OR, 198, 217 744002 dual 4-input NOR, 198 744075 triple 3-input OR, 198 747266 quad 2-input XNOR, 198 7486 quad 2-input XOR, 198 74HC00 quad 2-input NAND, 192, 222 74HC08 quad 2-input AND, 204 74HC393 binary counter, 223 74xx family (see chip, 74xx family) A AC (alternating current) basics, 16 symbol, 57 through a coil, 258 with capacitors, 84 AC adapter basics, 99 buying guide, 322 modification, 116 single voltage type, 99 universal type, 99 alarm system project (see intrusion alarm) alligator clip copper, 106, 122, 123 test leads, 5, 102 alternating current (see AC) ambient pressure, 264 amp (see ampere) amperage (see current) ampere, 14 (see also current) basics, 14, 15 conversion table, 15 measurement, 25, 37 Ampère, André-Marie, 14, 17 amplifier chip LM386, 259, 276 AND 7408 quad 2-input, 204 7411 triple 3-input, 198 3277421 dual 4-input, 198 74HC08 quad 2-input, 193 demo, 193 symbol, 196 truth table, 196 anode, 137 anti-static wrist strap (see wrist strap) Arduino advantages and disadvantages, 289 analog input, 290 blink test, 284 clock, 300 comment line, 285 dice simulation program, 297, 302 errors, 303 IDE, 280, 281 installation, 282 integers, 304 introduction, 278 language reference, 297 Mac installation, 283 protoshield, 293 pseudocode, 298 random function, 297, 305 setup, 280 sketch, 285 summary, 287 thermostat simulation program, 294 unlicensed copies, 281 Windows troubleshooting, 283 Atmel, 279, 289 atomic structure, 35 audio (see sound) autoranging in multimeter (see multimeter, autoranging) B Bardeen, John, 90 base of a transistor, 86 BASIC Stamp, 308 battery attaching to breadboard, 68 basics, 4 buying guide, 320 car, 12, 32 carrier, 4, 13 connector, 4 electrolyte, 13 how it works, 10, 13 internal resistance, 32 lemon juice, 34 lithium, 12, 32 parallel, 39 primary, 36 secondary, 36 series, 39 short circuit, 12, 13, 32 symbol, 57 Bell, Alexander Graham, 253 bias, 88 binary code, 226 binding posts, 176 board cut-board, 107 perforated, 107, 126, 170 perforated errors, 172 perforated, buying guide, 317 bolts, 107 bolts buying guide, 317 books recommended, 242 Boole, George, 194 boolean logic, 195 box, project, 107, 173 Brattain, Walter, 90 breadboard basics, 43, 66 bus, 44, 68 buying guide, 321 component depiction, 66 dual-bus, 44 fault tracing, 73 interior connections, 68 mini, 44 single-bus, 44 break-to-make circuit, 133 bubble, 196 button blocker breadboarded, 216 phase 1, 211 phase 2, 211 phase 3, 212 phase 4, 212 phase 5, 212 schematic, 213 sequence, 213 C C language, 285 calipers, 105 Camenzind, Hans, 153 capacitance, 4 capacitor AC application, 84 basics, 49, 72 buying guide, 318 bypass, 96 ceramic, 50, 72 charge-discharge demo, 71, 76 coupling, 80, 96 DC blocking, 76 displacement current, 82 electrolytic, 50, 72 filtering audio frequencies, 262 measuring the value, 4 polarity, 71, 73 polyester, 266 RC network, 76 shock hazard, 72 symbol, 73 tantalum, 73 test circuit, 75 time constant, 77 variable, 276 car battery, 12, 32 carrier frequency, 277 cathode, 137 ceramic capacitor (see capacitor, ceramic) checklists of supplies and components, 316 chip 4000 series, 197 74xx family, 142 buying guide, 323 dual-inline package, 142 HC, 143 history, 145, 197 LS series, 197 package, 142 328 Indexpart number, 142, 198 pin numbering, 146 size, 146 socket, 143 static discharge damage, 178 surface-mount, 142, 143 through-hole, 142 TTL and CMOS, 197 clipping, 268 clocked flip-flop, 222 CMOS output current, 182 coil AM radio, 272, 277 audio filter, 262, 262, 266 compared with capacitor, 257 inductance, 245 inductive reactance, 257 iron core, 246 loudspeaker, 253 power generation, 247 symbol, 246 tap, 273 transformer, 246 voltage spike, 139 collector of a transistor, 86 combination lock breadboarded, 202, 204 computer interface, 207 enhancements, 209 installation, 207 introduction, 201 logic diagram, 202 schematics, 202 testing, 206 common anode, 181 common cathode, 181 comparator, 151 components checklist, 317 vendors, 311 conductor definition, 9 connector, 108 contacting the author, x continuity testing, 3, 53 conventional current (see current, conventional) coulomb, 37 counter 4026B, 182 74HC393, 223 binary, 223 carry out, 184 clock disable, 183 clock input, 183 coded outputs, 182 decade, 182, 223 edge-triggered, 226 modulus, 227 reset pin, 227 crossover network, 266 current basics, 14, 16 conventional, 55 danger, 32 displacement, 82 flow direction, 36 measurement, 25 resistance, relationship, 14 uniform in a simple circuit, 26 D Darlington array, 182 datasheet, LED, 29 DC (direct current) basics, 16 plug-and-socket, 108 DeArmond, Harry, 270 debouncing (see switch, bounce) deburring tool, 105 decimal points, 31 desk lamp, 127 desoldering braid, 104 desoldering pump, 101, 103 desoldering wick, 104 dice simulation introduction, 223 logic diagram, 229 randomicity, 234 schematic, 231 slowdown effect, 235 two dice, 233 diode 1N4001, 108 1N4148, 108 555 timer, 158 anode, 137 basics, 108, 137 buying guide, 322 cathode, 137 germanium, 274 germanium buying guide, 324 protection, 139 radio, 278 rectifier, 136, 251 symbol, 137 voltage drop, 137 with logic chip, 206 DIP (see chip, dual-inline package) direct current (see DC) displacement current, 82 display, numeric seven-segment display, 144 distortion, 268 double-throw switch (see switch, configurations) DPDT (see switch, configurations) drilling holes in plastic, 174 Dummer, W. A., 145 E earphone, 274 earphone buying guide, 323 edge-triggered counter, 226 electricity and magnetism, 243 electrolyte, 13 electrolytic capacitor (see capacitor, electrolytic) electromagnet, 244 electron holes, 35 electrons, 10, 13, 32, 35, 36, 37 emitter of a transistor, 86 Encyclopedia of Electronic Components, 242 errata reports, xi error notifications, x F farad basics, 72 conversion table, 72 Faraday, Michael, 72, 75, 246 fault tracing, x, 73, 173 Index 329feedback from author to reader, x from reader to author, x, xi filtering audio frequencies, 262 flip-flop, 151, 153, 207, 213, 219, 222 floating pin, 149, 183 flush cutters, 42 forward current, 20 forward voltage, 20 Franklin, Benjamin, 36 fuse automotive, 5, 15 buying guide, 320 cartridge, 5, 15 how to blow, 15 suitable types, 5 G gauge of wire (see wire, gauge) germanium, 145, 274 glasses, safety (see safety glasses) ground grounding yourself, 178 power outlet, 16 radio, 274, 275 symbol, 57 H Hammond organ, 270 harmonics, 264 HC generation (see chip, HC) headers, 108 headers buying guide, 322 heat gun, 103, 115 heat sink, 123 heat transfer, 114, 122, 123 heat-shrink tubing, 106, 114, 117, 119, 120 heat-shrink tubing buying guide, 317 helping hand, 101, 109, 119, 122 henry (unit of inductance), 245 Henry, Joseph, 245, 246 hertz, 157 Hertz, Heinrich, 157 holes (positive charges), 35 hookup wire (see wire, hookup) hysteresis, 294 I IC (see chip) inches conversion of fractions, 129 conversion to metric, 129 inductance basics, 28 created by a coil, 245 inductive reactance, 257 insulator definition, 9 integers, 304 integrated circuit (see chip) internal resistance of a battery, 32 intrusion alarm arming, 167 breadboard layout, 139 complete circuit, 168 installation, 176 part one, 132 part two, 163 soldering, 170 usage, 167 wish list, 132 inverter (see NOT) J jack plug, 54 jam-type flip-flop, 222 Jeopardy game, 210 joule, 32 jumper wire basics, 46 how to make, 67 precut, 46 precut buying guide, 316 with plugs, 5, 46, 261 K keypad encoding, 209 Kilby, Jack, 145 kilohm, 9 kilovolt, 15 kilowatt, 33 knife switch (see switch, knife) L latch, 153 leads, test (see test leads) learning methods, ix LED basics, 6, 20 buying guide, 320 datasheet, 29 display, 181 forward current, 20 forward voltage, 20 generic, 6 heat damage, 121 indicator, 181 installation, 128 low-current, 6, 144 low-current buying guide, 320 polarity, 20 series resistor, 24, 30 symbol, 55, 58 test circuit, 20 threshold voltage, 24 through-hole, 181 lemon battery, 34 light-emitting diode (see LED) lightning, 37 lithium battery (see battery, lithium) LM386 amplifier chip, 259, 276 LM7805 voltage regulator, 144, 191 logic chip (see chip) logic diagram combination lock, 202 dice simulation, 229 NAND demo, 193 logic gate, 192 (see also AND, NAND, OR, NOR, XOR, XNOR, and NOT) rules, 200 voltages, 200 logic probe, 142 330 Indexlogic symbols, 196 logic-high, 193 logic-low, 192 loudspeaker basics, 50 coil, 253 disassembly, 252 enclosure, 259 history, 253 mounting in a tube, 98 loupe, 102 M machine screws, 107 machine screws buying guide, 317 magnet buying guide, 323 cautions, 250 charging a capacitor, 251 power generation, 247 wire, 248 magnet wire, 267 magnetic field, 257 magnetic sensor (see switch, magnetic sensor) magnetism and electricity, 243 magnifying lens, 102, 127 Make: More Electronics, xi, 222, 235, 242, 294 Marconi, Guglielmo, 277 measurement units, 129 megawatt, 33 megohm, 9 meter (see multimeter) metric system conversion to inches, 129 origins, 129 microamp, 15 microcontroller applications, 279 ATmega, 279 history, 288 options, 308 microfarad, 72 microphone, 254 milliamp, 15 millivolt, 15 milliwatt, 33 minigrabbers, 102 modulus of a counter, 227 Moore, Gordon, 145 multimeter autoranging, 3 basics, 3, 4, 8 best, 2 better, 2 BK, 2 buying options, 2 cheapest, 2 continuity testing, 3 current measurement, 26 Extech, 2 probes, 8 purpose, 2 ranging, 3 recommended, 2 setup, 7 sockets, 8 N NAND 7410 triple 3-input, 198 7420 dual 4-input, 198 74HC00 quad 2-input, 192 demo, 192 gate, 193 switch debouncing, 220, 222 symbol, 196 truth table, 195, 196 nanofarad, 72 newton, 38 nicerdice Arduino program, 302 NOR 7402 quad 2-input, 198 7427 triple 3-input, 198 744002 dual 4-input, 198 switch debouncing, 220 symbol, 196 truth table, 196 NOT 7404 hex inverter, 198 inverter, 196 symbol, 196 Noyce, Robert, 145 numeric display (see sevensegment display) O ohm conversion table, 9 definition, 8 European notation, 9 named after, 9, 11 Ohm's law applications, 29, 30, 31 basics, 28 units, 28 Ohm, Georg Simon, 9, 11 omega symbol, 9 OR 7432 quad 2-input, 198, 217 744075 triple 3-input, 198 symbol, 196 three or more inputs, 213 truth table, 196 oscillator, two-transistor, 94 P P2N2222 transistor, 49 part numbers for chips (see chip, part number) PDIP (see chip, dual-inline package) perforated board (see board, perforated) PICAXE, 289, 308 picofarad, 72 pinouts 4026B counter, 182 555 timer, 146 7402 quad 2-input NOR, 198 7404 hex inverter NOT, 198 7410 triple 3-input NAND, 198 7411 triple 3-input AND, 198 7420 dual 4-input NAND, 198 7421 dual 4-input AND, 198 7427 triple 3-input NOR, 198 7432 quad 2-input OR, 198, 217 744002 dual 4-input NOR, 198 7440750 triple 3-input OR, 198 Index 331747266 quad 2-input XNOR, 198 7486 quad 2-input XOR, 198 74HC00 quad 2-input NAND, 193 74HC08 quad two-input AND, 193 74HC393 binary counter, 223 LM386 amplifier chip, 259 LM7805 voltage regulator, 191 seven-segment display, 181 pliers (see tools) plug and socket, 108 plywood, 107 point-to-point wiring, 126 pole of switch (see switch, pole) potential difference definition, 25 measuring, 25, 28 potentiometer basics, 5 buying guide, 320 internal parts, 22 symbol, 58 test circuit, 22, 23 track, 23 trimmer, 49, 86 wiper, 23 power basic requirements, 4 connector, 108 generation with magnet and coil, 247 outlet, 16 supply, 99, 100, 128 symbol, 57 power cord, shortening, 118 power, watts, 32 printed circuit, 124 program Arduino IDE environment, 285 code, 285 compile, 285, 286 pseudocode, 298 storage, 288 upload, 285, 287 programmable unijunction transistor (see PUT) project box, 107, 173 project box buying guide, 317 protection diode, 139 prototyping board (see breadboard) pseudocode, 298 pulldown resistor (see resistor, pulldown) pullup resistor (see resistor, pullup) pulsing glow project, 124 pushbutton, 47 (see also switch, tactile) switch, 144 symbol, 58 PUT, 95 R radio AM, 271, 275, 277 amplifier, 276 antenna, 273 coil, 272, 277 crystal, 271 enhancements, 276 ground, 274 history, 277 randomicity, 234, 298, 305 ranging in multimeter (see multimeter, ranging) RC network, 76, 95, 149 reactance, 257 reed switch (see switch, reed) reference books, 242 reference sources online, 242 reflex tester basics, 178 calibration, 189 circuit malfunction, 188 enhancements, 190 operation, 187 wish list, 184 registering for updates, x relay basics, 48 buying guide, 321 buzzer circuit, 70 coil voltage, 65 combination lock, 204 datasheets, 63 inductive load, 66 internal parts, 62, 65 intrusion alarm, 134, 165 latching, 48, 63, 135 LED flasher, 67 opening it up, 63 operating current, 65 oscillator, 66, 70 pin functions, 63 polarity of coil, 48, 60 power requirements, 209 resistive load, 66 self-locking, 135 set voltage, 65 small-signal type, 63 switching capacity, 66 symbols, 63 terminology, 65 test circuit, 60 transistor comparison, 91 resistance basics, 14 current, relationship, 14 parallel, 28 series, 28, 30 skin, 10 tongue, 9, 10 water, 11 wires and heat, 31 resistor basics, 6 buying guide, 317 color codes, 19 power rating, 33 pulldown, 149, 183 pullup, 149 standard multipliers, 21 storage, 18 symbol, 58 value measurement, 18, 21 rosin core, 101 S safety glasses, 4 saw, miniature, 104 332 Indexschematic basics, 55, 56 color-coded, 59 crossovers, 59 layout, 58, 150 pin-shuffling, 150 screwdrivers, 41 Scribner, Charles E., 54 search techniques, 312 self-inductance, 257, 258 semiconductor, 89 seven-segment display, 144, 180, 181 seven-segment display buying guide, 323 Shannon, Claude, 195 Shockley, William, 90, 145 shopping online, 311 short-circuit a battery, 12, 32 Siemens, Ernst, 253 Signetics, 153 sine wave, 263 single-throw switch (see switch, configurations) skin resistance, 10 slide switch (see switch, slide) socket for IC (see chip, socket) solder, 100, 101, 105, 109 solder buying guide, 316 soldering alternatives, 112 errors, 111 myths, 111 technique, 109, 113, 116, 120, 171 wave-soldering, 112 soldering iron basics, 100 general duty, 101, 109, 122 low-power, 100, 113, 122 pencil type, 101 pistol grip, 101 stand, 104 Weller, 101 solderless breadboard (see breadboard) sound and electricity, 254 distortion, 268 filtering frequencies, 262 frequency, 157 microphone, 254 siren, 162 waves, 254 sound synthesizer, 91 SPDT (see switch, configurations) speaker (see loudspeaker) SPST (see switch, configurations) square wave, 264, 268 static electricity (see chip, static discharge damage) stomp box, 269 storage boxes, 238 subwoofer, 266 suppliers, 326 supplies checklists, 316 switch bounce, 218 configurations, 51 continuity testing, 53 domestic lighting, 56 jack-knife, 54 knife, 51 magnetic sensor, 133, 144, 177 momentary, 53 pole, 51, 175 reed, 133 screw terminals, 47 slide, 144 slider buying guide, 322 soldering, 175 sparking prevention, 53 symbol, 56 table of configurations, 53 tactile, 47 tactile buying guide, 321 tactile symbol, 58 telephone systems, 54 test circuit, 50 toggle, 47, 51 toggle buying guide, 321 T tactile switch (see switch, tactile) test leads, 5, 102 Texas Instruments, 145 thermistor, 290, 291 thermistor buying guide, 324 Thomson, J. J., 36 time constant, 77 timer, 555 (see 555 timer) toggle switch (see switch, toggle) tongue resistance, 9, 10 test with 9V battery, 7 tools buying guide, 324 flush cutters, 42 pliers, long-nosed, 41 pliers, sharp-nosed, 42, 122 screwdrivers, 41 vendors, 312 wire cutters, 42 wire strippers, 43 transformer, 246 transistor 2N2222 substitutions, 49, 84 amplifying current, 88 base, 86 basics, 49 bipolar, 86 collector, 86 damage, 90 emitter, 86 fingertip demo, 85 history, 90 measuring the value, 4, 90 NPN vs. PNP, 86 P2N2222, 49 principle, 85, 88 relay comparison, 91 summary, 89 tremolo, 270 trimmer (see potentiometer, trimmer) truth table, 195, 195, 196 tweeter, 266 U uncontrolled variable, 11, 80 units of measurement, 129 Index 333V vendors components, 311 tools, equipment, 312 URLs, 326 Venn diagram, 194 vibrato, 270 volt conversion table, 15 named after, 13 Volta, Alessandro, 17 voltage basics, 13, 14, 15, 37 drop, 137 regulator, 99, 144, 191 W wafer, 142 water, 11 resistance, 11 watt basics, 32, 38 conversion table, 33 formula, 32 power, 32 Watt, James, 33 waveform, 263, 264, 268 Wheeler's approximation, 245 wire bulk, 45 color-coded, 46, 59 gauge, 43, 45, 67 hookup, 45, 109 hookup buying guide, 316 joining two pieces, 117 magnet, 248, 267 solid, 45 spools, 45 stranded, 45, 47, 175 stranded buying guide, 316 wire cutters, 42, 43 wire strippers, 43 wire, jumper (see jumper wire) wire-wrap, 112 woofer, 266 work area layout, 237 work bench configuration, 238 wrist strap, 178 X XNOR 747266 quad 2-input, 198 symbol, 196 truth table, 196 XOR 7486 quad 2-input, 198 symbol, 196 truth table, 196
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