كورس تعليم النمذجة والتصميم لمهندسي ميكانيكا - Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers Course
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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 كورس تعليم النمذجة والتصميم لمهندسي ميكانيكا - Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers Course

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18936
التقييم : 35318
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كورس تعليم النمذجة والتصميم لمهندسي ميكانيكا - Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers Course    كورس تعليم النمذجة والتصميم لمهندسي ميكانيكا - Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers Course  Emptyالخميس 02 مايو 2024, 1:02 am

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كورس تعليم النمذجة والتصميم لمهندسي ميكانيكا
Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers Course  

كورس تعليم النمذجة والتصميم لمهندسي ميكانيكا - Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers Course  M_d_m_13
و المحتوى كما يلي :

 01 the basics of modeling \ 01 getting started \ 01 course overview
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 03 form manipulation \ 01 crease or uncrease an edge
02 the basics of assemblies \ 04 mechanical motion in a digital design \ 01 create as built joints
03 exploring design tools for production \ 02 features for molded parts \ 01 create draft during a feature
01 the basics of modeling \ 04 converting detailed sketches into detailed designs \ 01 create extruded features
03 exploring design tools for production \ 03 holes and threads \ 01 create holes and threads
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 02 creating a basic form \ 01 introduction to forms
02 the basics of assemblies \ 05 assembly visualization and organization \ 01 isolation and opacity control
03 exploring design tools for production \ 04 creating mirrors and patterns \ 01 mirrors and patterns
01 the basics of modeling \ 03 creating the basis of a design \ 01 project overview
03 exploring design tools for production \ 05 surface creation for solid manipulation \ 01 surface creation for complex geometry
02 the basics of assemblies \ 02 the basic assembly structure \ 01 the different ways to create components
02 the basics of assemblies \ 03 design use and reuse \ 01 using mcmaster carr parts in a design
02 the basics of assemblies \ 03 design use and reuse \ 02 copy paste and paste new
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 02 creating a basic form \ 02 create a form primitive
03 exploring design tools for production \ 02 features for molded parts \ 02 create draft as a feature
01 the basics of modeling \ 04 converting detailed sketches into detailed designs \ 02 create extruded cuts
02 the basics of assemblies \ 05 assembly visualization and organization \ 02 create groups and organize a timeline
02 the basics of assemblies \ 04 mechanical motion in a digital design \ 02 create joints
01 the basics of modeling \ 03 creating the basis of a design \ 02 create parameters
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 03 form manipulation \ 02 insert edges and subdivisions
01 the basics of modeling \ 05 practice exercise \ 02 practice exercise solution
02 the basics of assemblies \ 06 practice exercise \ 02 practice exercise solution
03 exploring design tools for production \ 06 week 3 practice exercise \ 02 practice exercise solution
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 04 week 4 practice exercise \ 02 practice exercise solution
03 exploring design tools for production \ 03 holes and threads \ 02 use a coil tool
03 exploring design tools for production \ 05 surface creation for solid manipulation \ 02 use surfaces to replace faces
02 the basics of assemblies \ 02 the basic assembly structure \ 02 using scripts to create gears
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 02 creating a basic form \ 03 add or remove symmetry
03 exploring design tools for production \ 02 features for molded parts \ 03 add ribs and plastic supports
02 the basics of assemblies \ 02 the basic assembly structure \ 03 component color swatch and color cycling
02 the basics of assemblies \ 03 design use and reuse \ 03 distributed designs
01 the basics of modeling \ 01 getting started \ 03 get the software
02 the basics of assemblies \ 04 mechanical motion in a digital design \ 03 joint origins and midplane joints
01 the basics of modeling \ 03 creating the basis of a design \ 03 link parameters and dimensions
01 the basics of modeling \ 04 converting detailed sketches into detailed designs \ 03 project edges vs including them
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 03 form manipulation \ 03 repairs and modifications
03 exploring design tools for production \ 05 surface creation for solid manipulation \ 03 use surfaces to split bodies and faces
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 03 form manipulation \ 04 add a bevel
03 exploring design tools for production \ 02 features for molded parts \ 04 analyze draft on a design
01 the basics of modeling \ 04 converting detailed sketches into detailed designs \ 04 create a revolved solid
01 the basics of modeling \ 04 converting detailed sketches into detailed designs \ 04 create a revolved solid 210831 L1 09 Revolved solid RB
02 the basics of assemblies \ 04 mechanical motion in a digital design \ 04 drive joints and motion studies
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 02 creating a basic form \ 04 manipulate faces edges and vertices
01 the basics of modeling \ 03 creating the basis of a design \ 04 use symmetry and construction geometry
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 02 creating a basic form \ 05 convert brep faces to forms
01 the basics of modeling \ 03 creating the basis of a design \ 05 create construction planes
02 the basics of assemblies \ 04 mechanical motion in a digital design \ 05 interference detection and contact sets
01 the basics of modeling \ 04 converting detailed sketches into detailed designs \ 05 use boundary fill
04 creating complex designs with form tools \ 03 form manipulation \ 05 work with a form as a brep
01 the basics of modeling \ 04 converting detailed sketches into detailed designs \ 06 create sheet metal parts

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رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كورس تعليم النمذجة والتصميم لمهندسي ميكانيكا - Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers Course
رابط مباشر لتنزيل كورس تعليم النمذجة والتصميم لمهندسي ميكانيكا - Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers Course
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة اذهب الى الأسفل
كورس تعليم النمذجة والتصميم لمهندسي ميكانيكا - Modeling and Design for Mechanical Engineers Course
الرجوع الى أعلى الصفحة 
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صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى شروحات البرامج الهندسية-
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