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عدد المساهمات : 18940 التقييم : 35326 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Make - Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Vol2 - Signal Processing السبت 27 أبريل 2024, 3:17 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Make - Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Vol2 - Signal Processing Charles Platt with Fredrik Jansson LEDs , LCDs , Audio , Thyristors , Digital Logic , Amplification
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of ContentsSymbol Variants . 11 How It Works . 12 Switching AC 13 Variants 13 Values 14 What Can Go Wrong 14 Unexpected Triggering Caused by Heat 14 Low-Temperature Effects 14 Manufacturing Tolerances . 14 3. triac . 15 What It Does 15 Symbol Variants . 15 How It Works . 17 Quadrants 17 Threshold, Latching, and Holding Current 18 Triac Testing 19 Breakover Voltage . 20 Switching AC 20 Triac Triggered by a Diac . 22 Other Triac Drivers 22 Charge Storage . 23 Variants 23 Values 23 What Can Go Wrong 24 Unexpected Triggering Caused by Heat 24 Low-Temperature Effects 24 Wrong Type of Load . 24 Wrongly Identified Terminals 24 Failure to Switch Off . 24 > INTEGRATED CIRCUIT > > ANALOG 4. solid-state relay . 25 What It Does 25 Advantages . 25 Disadvantages 26 How It Works . 26 Variants 27 Instantaneous versus Zero Crossing 27 NC and NO Modes . 28 Packaging 28 Solid-State Analog Switch . 28 Values 29 How to Use It . 29 What Can Go Wrong 30 vi Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 2Overheating Caused by Overloading . 30 Overheating Caused by Bad Terminal Contact 30 Overheating Caused by Changing Duty Cycle 30 Overheating Caused by Component Crowding . 30 Overheating in Dual Packaging 30 Reverse-Voltage Burnout 30 Low Voltage Output Current May Not Work 30 Inability to Measure AC Output 30 Relay Turns On but Won’t Turn Off . 31 Relays in Parallel Won’t Work . 31 Output Device Doesn’t Run at Full Power . 31 Solid-State Relays and Safety Disconnects 31 5. optocoupler . 33 What It Does 33 How It Works . 34 Variants 35 Internal Sensors . 35 Basic Optocoupler Types 36 Values 36 How to Use It . 36 What Can Go Wrong 37 Age . 37 LED Burnout 37 Transistor Burnout 37 6. comparator 39 What It Does 39 Hysteresis . 39 How It Works . 39 Differences from an Op-Amp 42 Variants 42 Values 43 How to Use It . 44 AND gate . 45 Bistable Multivibrator . 46 Relaxation Oscillator 46 Level Shifter . 46 Window Comparator 46 Other Applications 47 What Can Go Wrong 47 Oscillating Output . 47 Confused Inputs 48 Wrong Chip Type 48 Omitted Pullup Resistor . 48 CMOS Issues 48 Erratic Output . 48 Swapped Voltages 48 Heat-Dependent Hysteresis 48 Table of Contents vii7. op-amp 49 What It Does 49 How It Works . 49 Dual Inputs . 50 Negative Feedback 51 Op-Amps and Comparators 52 Variants 52 Values 52 How to Use It . 53 Controlling the Gain . 53 Calculating Amplification 53 Unintentional DC Voltage Amplification 54 Low-Pass Filter 54 High-Pass Filter . 55 Relaxation Oscillator 55 Single Power Source . 56 Offset Null Adjustment 56 What Can Go Wrong 57 Power Supply Problems . 57 Bad Connection of Unused Sections . 57 Oscillating Output . 57 Confused Inputs 58 8. digital potentiometer . 59 What It Does 59 Advantages . 59 How It Works . 60 Variants 61 Volatile and Nonvolatile Memory 61 Taper . 62 Data Transfer 62 SPI 62 I2C Protocol . 63 Up/Down Protocol 63 Other Control Systems 64 Connections and Modes . 64 Values 65 How to Use It . 66 Achieving Higher Resolution 66 What Can Go Wrong 67 Noise and Bad Inputs 67 Wrong Chip . 67 Controller and Chip Out of Sync . 67 Nonlinear Effects 67 Data Transfer Too Fast . 67 9. timer 69 What It Does 69 Monostable Mode . 69 viii Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 2Astable Mode . 70 How It Works . 70 Variants 70 The 555 Timer . 70 555 Monostable Operation 71 555 Astable Operation . 72 556 Timer . 73 558 Timer . 73 CMOS 555 Timer 74 5555 Timer 74 7555 Timer 74 7556 Timer 74 4047B Timer 75 Dual Monostable Timers . 75 Values 76 555 Timer Values 76 Time Calculation in Monostable Mode . 77 Time Calculation in Astable Mode 77 Dual Monostable Timers . 77 How to Use It . 79 555 Monostable Mode 79 555 Astable Mode . 80 Separate Control of High and Low Output Times . 80 555 Fifty Percent Astable Duty Cycle: 1 . 80 555 Fifty Percent Astable Duty Cycle: 2 . 81 Use of the 555 Control Pin . 81 555 Flip-Flop Emulation . 82 555 Hysteresis . 83 555 and Coupling Capacitors 84 555 Loudspeaker Connection 84 Burst Mode . 84 “You Lose” Game Sound . 85 What Can Go Wrong 85 Dead Timer . 85 CMOS Confused with Bipolar 86 The Pulse that Never Ends . 86 Erratic Chip Behavior 86 Interference with Other Components 86 Erratic Behavior of Output Devices . 86 Fatal Damage Caused by Inductive Loads 87 > > DIGITAL 10. logic gate 89 What It Does 89 Origins 89 How It Works . 89 Inversion 90 Single-Input Gates 90 Table of Contents ixGates with More than Two Inputs 91 Boolean Notation . 91 Arithmetical Operations . 91 Other Operations . 92 Variants 93 Part Numbers . 94 Families . 95 Family Interoperability 96 Gates per Chip 96 Two Inputs, Single Gate . 96 Three Inputs, Single Gate 97 Single Gate, Selectable Function . 97 Two Inputs, Dual Gate . 98 Original 74xx 14-Pin Format . 98 Quad Two-Input 74xx Pinouts . 98 Triple Three-Input 74xx Pinouts 99 Dual Four-Input 74xx Pinouts . 100 Single Eight-Input 74xx Pinouts 100 74xx Inverters 101 Additional Variations . 102 Pinouts in the Original 4000 Series 102 4000 Series Inverters . 103 How to Use It 103 Which Family 103 Applications . 104 What Can Go Wrong . 105 Static 105 Floating Pins . 105 Family Incompatibilities 105 Overloaded Outputs . 105 Output Pulled Down . 105 Incorrect Polarity and Voltages . 105 Bent Pins 105 Unclean Input . 106 Analog Input . 106 11. flip-flop 107 What It Does 107 How It Works 107 NAND-Based SR Flip-Flop 108 NOR-Based SR Flip-Flop 109 Forbidden States . 110 The JK Flip-Flop 112 Master-Slave Flip-Flop 113 D-Type Flip-Flops 114 Summary 116 Variants . 116 Packaging . 117 Values . 117 x Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 2How to Use It 118 What Can Go Wrong . 119 Ambiguous Documentation 119 Faulty Triggering . 119 Metastability . 119 Other Issues . 119 12. shift register . 121 What It Does 121 Schematic Representation 122 How It Works 122 Abbreviations and Acronyms . 123 Parallel Outputs and Inputs . 123 Variants . 124 Serial In, Serial Out . 124 Serial In, Parallel Out . 124 Parallel In, Serial Out . 124 Parallel In, Parallel Out 125 Universal 125 Values . 125 Power Considerations 126 Three-State Output 126 How to Use It 126 Dual Inputs 127 Preloading the Shift Register . 127 Polling a Keyboard . 127 Arithmetical Operations 127 Buffering 128 What Can Go Wrong . 128 Confusing Classification 128 Inadequate Setup Time 128 Unconnected Input 129 Output Enable Issues . 129 Floating Output Bus 129 13. counter . 131 What It Does 131 Schematic Representation 131 How It Works 132 Modulus and Modulo 132 Pin Identifiers 133 Variants . 134 Ripple versus Synchronous . 134 Ring, Binary, and BCD 134 Clock Sources 135 Rising Edge and Falling Edge . 136 Multiple Stages 136 Single and Dual 136 High-State, Low-State, and Three-State . 136 Table of Contents xiDescending Output 136 Programmable Counters . 137 Examples 137 Values . 137 What Can Go Wrong . 137 Lock-Out 137 Asynchronous Artifacts . 137 Noise 138 14. encoder 139 What It Does 139 Schematic Symbol . 139 Similar Devices . 140 How It Works 140 Variants . 141 Values . 142 How to Use It 142 Cascaded Encoders 142 What Can Go Wrong . 143 15. decoder 145 What it Does 145 Input Devices 145 LED Driver . 146 Schematic Symbol . 146 Similar Devices . 146 How It Works 148 Variants . 148 Values . 148 How to Use It 149 What Can Go Wrong . 149 Glitches 149 Unhelpful Classification 149 Active-Low and Active-High 149 16. multiplexer . 151 What It Does 151 Differential Multiplexer . 152 Similar Devices . 152 How It Works 153 Schematic Symbol . 153 Pin Identifiers 154 Variants . 155 Values . 155 How to Use It 156 Other Application Notes . 157 What Can Go Wrong . 157 Pullup Resistors 157 Break Before Make . 157 xii Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 2Signal Distortion . 157 Limits of CMOS Switching 157 Transients . 157 > LIGHT SOURCE, INDICATOR, OR DISPLAY > > REFLECTIVE 17. LCD 159 What It Does 159 How It Works 159 Variants . 160 Active and Passive Types . 161 Crystal Types . 161 Seven-Segment Displays . 161 Additional Segments . 162 Dot-Matrix Displays 163 Color 166 Backlighting Options . 167 Zero-Power Displays . 167 How to Use It 167 Numeric Display Modules 167 Alphanumeric Display Module . 168 What Can Go Wrong . 169 Temperature Sensitivity 169 Excessive Multiplexing . 170 DC Damage 170 Bad Communications Protocol . 170 Wiring Errors . 170 > > SINGLE SOURCE 18. incandescent lamp . 171 What It Does 171 History 172 How It Works 172 Spectrum 173 Non-Incandescent Sources . 174 Power Consumption . 175 Variants . 175 Miniature Lamps . 175 Panel-Mount Indicator Lamps 176 Halogen or Quartz-Halogen 176 Oven Lamps . 176 Base Variants 177 Values . 177 Power . 177 Illuminance 178 Table of Contents xiiiIntensity . 178 MSCP 178 Efficacy 179 Efficiency 179 How to Use It 179 Relative Advantages . 179 Derating . 180 What Can Go Wrong . 180 High Temperature Environment 180 Fire Risk . 181 Current Inrush . 181 Replacement Problems . 181 19. neon bulb 183 What It Does 183 How It Works 184 Construction . 184 Ionization 184 Negative Resistance 185 How to Use It 186 Limited Light Output . 187 Efficiency 187 Ruggedness . 187 Power-Supply Testing 188 Life Expectancy 188 Variants . 189 Nixie Tubes 189 What Can Go Wrong . 189 False Indication 189 Failure in a Dark Environment 189 Premature Failure with DC 190 Premature Failure through Voltage Fluctuations 190 Replacement 190 20. fluorescent light . 191 What It Does 191 How It Works 191 Ballast and Starter 192 Flicker . 193 Variants . 193 CCFLs 194 Sizes . 194 Comparisons 194 Values . 195 Brightness . 195 Spectrum 195 What Can Go Wrong . 195 Unreliable Starting . 195 Terminal Flicker 195 xiv Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 2Cannot Dim 196 Burned Out Electrodes . 196 Ultraviolet Hazard 196 21. laser 197 What It Does 197 How It Works 198 Laser Diode 198 Coherent Light . 200 Variants . 201 CO2 Lasers . 201 Fiber Lasers 201 Crystal Lasers 201 Values . 201 How to Use It 202 Common Applications . 202 What Can Go Wrong . 202 Risk of Injury . 202 Inadequate Heat Sink 202 Uncontrolled Power Supply 203 Polarity 203 22. LED indicator 205 What It Does 205 Schematic Symbols 206 Common Usage 206 How It Works 207 Multicolor LEDs and Color Mixing . 207 Variants . 208 Size and Shape . 208 Intensity . 208 Efficacy 208 Diffusion . 209 Wavelength and Color Temperature 209 Internal Resistor 210 Multicolored . 210 Infrared 211 Ultraviolet . 211 Values . 211 Forward Current . 211 Low-Current LEDs 211 Forward Voltage . 212 Color Rendering Index . 212 Life Expectancy 212 Light Output and Heat . 212 View Angle 213 How to Use It 213 Polarity 213 Series Resistor Value . 214 Table of Contents xvLEDs in Parallel . 214 Multiple Series LEDs 214 Comparisons with Other Light Emitters . 214 Other Applications . 215 What Can Go Wrong . 215 Excessive Forward Voltage . 215 Excessive Current and Heat . 215 Storage Issues . 215 Polarity 215 Internal Resistors . 215 23. LED area lighting . 217 What It Does 217 Trends in Cost and Efficiency . 218 Schematic Symbol . 218 How It Works 218 Visible Differences . 220 Side-by-Side Comparison 220 Heat Dissipation . 222 Efficacy 222 Dimming 222 Ultraviolet Output . 222 Color Variation . 222 Variants . 223 Comparisons 223 Values . 225 What Can Go Wrong . 225 Wrong Voltage . 225 Overheating . 225 Fluorescent Ballast Issues . 225 Misleading Color Representation . 226 > > MULTI-SOURCE OR PANEL 24. LED display 227 What It Does 227 How It Works 228 Variants . 228 LCD comparisons 228 Seven-Segment Displays . 228 Multiple Numerals . 229 Additional Segments . 229 Dot-Matrix Displays 230 Pixel Arrays 231 Multiple Bar Display 232 Single Light Bar 232 Values . 232 How to Use It 232 Seven-Segment Basics . 232 xvi Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 2Driver Chips and Multiplexing 233 Sixteen-Segment Driver Chip . 234 Dot-Matrix LED Display Modules . 234 Pixel Arrays 235 Multiple Bar Display Driver . 236 One-Digit Hexadecimal Dot Matrix . 236 What Can Go Wrong . 237 Common Anode versus Common Cathode 237 Incorrect Series Resistance . 237 Multiplexing Issues . 237 25. vacuum-fluorescent display . 239 What It Does 239 How It Works 239 Anode, Cathode, and Grid 240 How to Use It 240 Modern Application 241 Variants . 241 Color 241 Character Sets and Pictorial Design . 242 Comparisons 242 What Can Go Wrong . 242 Fading . 242 26. electroluminescence . 243 What It Does 243 How It Works 243 Phosphors . 244 Derivation . 244 Variants . 244 Panels . 244 Flexible Ribbons . 245 Rope Light . 245 OLED 246 > SOUND SOURCE > > AUDIO ALERT 27. transducer . 249 What It Does 249 How It Works 249 Variants . 250 Electromagnetic . 250 Piezoelectric . 250 Ultrasonic Transducer 250 Formats . 251 Values . 251 Table of Contents xviiFrequency Range 251 Sound Pressure 251 Weighted Sound Values 252 Unweighted Values 253 Measurement Location . 253 Limitations 253 Voltage 254 Current 254 How to Use It 254 Appropriate Sound Intensity . 254 Volume Control 254 AC Supply . 254 Self-Drive Transducer Circuit . 254 What Can Go Wrong . 254 Overvoltage . 254 Leakage . 255 Component Mounting Problems . 255 Moisture . 255 Transducer-Indicator Confusion 255 Connection with a Microcontroller 255 28. audio indicator . 257 What It Does 257 How It Works 257 Audio Frequency . 258 History 258 Variants . 258 Sound Patterns 258 Formats . 258 Values . 259 Voltage 259 Current 260 Frequency . 260 Duty Cycle . 260 How to Use It 260 Appropriate Sound Intensity . 260 Volume Control 260 Wiring . 260 What Can Go Wrong . 260 > > REPRODUCER 29. headphone . 261 What It Does 261 How It Works 261 Audio Basics . 261 Variants . 262 Moving Coil 262 Other Types 263 xviii Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 2Mechanical Design . 264 Values . 265 Intensity . 265 Frequency Response . 265 Distortion 266 Impedance 266 What Can Go Wrong . 266 Overdriving 266 Hearing Damage . 266 Mismatched Impedance 266 Incorrect Wiring 266 30. speaker 267 What It Does 267 How It Works 267 Construction . 268 Multiple Drivers 269 Venting 270 Resonance . 270 Miniature Speakers . 270 Variants . 271 Electrostatic Speaker . 271 Powered Speakers . 271 Wireless Speakers 271 Innovative Designs . 271 Values . 271 What Can Go Wrong . 272 Damage . 272 Magnetic Field . 272 Vibration 272 Index . 273 What Can Go Wrong sound source > reproducer > speakerSymbols 2N682 SCR, 2 4047B timer, 75 40TPS12 SCR, 2 4131-503 digital potentiometer, 62 4543B decoder, 168 4543B decoder chip, 168 555 timer, 70–73, 76, 79–84 5555 timer, 74 556 timer, 73 558 timer, 73 7447 decoder, 148 74HC00 logic gate, 93 74HC123 timer, 75 74HC163 counter, 132 74HC221 timer, 76 74HC4514 decoder, 147 74HC4515 decoder, 139, 147 74HC5555 timer, 74 74HCT5555 timer, 74 74LS123 timer, 75 74LS148 decoder, 139 74LS47 decoder, 148 7555 timer, 74 7556 timer, 74 BTA208X-1000B triac, 16 BTB04-600SL triac, 16 CAT5114 digital potentiometer, 64 CD4047B timer, 75 CMX60D10 relay, 27 D804 optocoupler, 37 DB3TG diac, 12 DC60S7 relay, 27, 28 HEF4528B timer, 75 LM339 comparator, 42 LM3914 driver, 236 LM741 op-amp, 49, 53 M74HC4538 timer, 75 MAC97A6 triac, 16 MAX6954 driver chip, 234 MC14538B timer, 75 NTE926 timer, 73 OPTEKD804 optocoupler, 34 PT-2040PQ transducer, 253 PUI XL453 audio indicator, 257 SSD1306 LED display module, 235 SSD1331 LED display module, 235 TIL311 driver, 236 WS0010 LED display module, 235 X0403DF SCR, 2, 5 A A-weighting audio standard, 252 absolute zero, 173 acoustically transparent headphones, 264 activator, electroluminescent, 244 active matrix LCD, 161 additive primaries, 166 address of tap, digital potentiometer, 62, 63 Adobe 1998, 167 alert, 249, 257 alternating current, 172 American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 163 AMOLED (active-matrix OLED), 246 analog input/output, 66 273 Indexanalog integrated circuits comparator, 39–48 (see also comparator) digital potentiometer, 59–67 (see also digital potentiometer) op-amp, 49–58 (see also op-amp) optocoupler, 33–37 (see also optocoupler) solid-state relay, 25–31 (see also solid-state relay) timer, 69–87 (see also timer) analog multiplexer, 151, 152 analog output optocoupler, 36 analog-digital converter, 39, 47, 59 AND gate, 45, 90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103 anode LED display, 232 LED indicator, 213 vacuum-fluorescent display (VFD), 240 arithmetical operations, binary, 91 arithmetical operators, 89 ASCII (see American Standard Code for Information Interchange) astable multivibrator, 46, 55, 69 (see also timer) astable timer, 70, 72, 77, 80 asynchronous counter, 118, 134 asynchronous flip-flop, 107 asynchronous input, 123 audio alerts audio indicator, 257–260 transducer, 249–255 audio frequency, 54, 251, 252, 253, 254, 257, 258 audio indicator, 249, 257–260 PUI XL453, 257 current, 260 design, 257–258 duty cycle, 260 formats, 258 frequency, 258, 260 function, 257 history, 258 potential problems, 260 sound intensity, 260 sound patterns, 258 use of, 260 values, 259 variants, 258 voltage, 259 volume control, 260 wiring, 260 audio transducer (see transducer) B back-EMF, 29, 30, 87 backlighting, electroluminescent, 167 backplane, 161 ballast, 180, 192, 194, 225 band gap, 207 bandpass filter, 59 bandwidth, 36 bass-reflex enclosure, 270 bayonet base, 177 BCD output, 135 beeper, 249, 257 bi-pin tube, 194 bidirectional multiplexer, 151 bidirectional optocoupler, 36 bidirectional shift, 125 bidirectional thyristor, 11 binary addition, 91 binary arithmetic, 89, 92 binary counter, 134 binary digit, 121, 134 binary ripple counter, 121 binary-coded decimal (BCD) output, 135 bipolar transistor, 1, 18, 70 bistable displays, 167 bistable multivibrator, 46, 69, 107 (see also flip-flop) bit, 121, 134 bitmap, 159, 227 black body radiation, 173 Boolean algebra, 89 Boolean operators, 89, 91 breakdown voltage, 1, 4, 20, 184 breakover frequency, 53 breakover level, 12 breakover voltage, 4, 14, 15, 20 bubble, 90, 116, 123, 133, 155 buffer, 90, 128 burn in, 160 burst mode, 84 buzzer, 249, 257, 258 C Camenzind, Hans, 70 canalphones, 264 candela, 178 candlepower, 178 capacitor coupling, 84 light-emitting, 244 carbon arc, 171 cascade, 134 cascaded encoders, 142 cascading, 157 cathode, 188, 192, 232, 239 cathode vacuum-fluorescent display (VFD), 240 cathode-ray tube (CRT), 160, 239, 244 CCFL (see cold-cathode fluorescent lamp) CCT (see correlated color temperature) cd (candela), 178 ceramic wafer, 250, 258 CFL (see compact fluorescent lamp) channel current, 155 channels, 42, 52, 153 charge storage, 23, 24 chemiluminescence, 244 chip select pin (CS), 63, 64 cilia, 261 circumaural headphones, 264 clipped output, 50 clock, 121 clock input, 131, 133 clocked comparator, 47 clocked in, 121 274 Indexclosed-back headphones, 264 closed-box speaker, 270 CLR operation, 133 CMOS 555 timer, 74 CMOS chips, 48, 94 CMYK system, 166 CO2 lasers, 201 code hopping encoder, 139 coherent light, 197, 200 cold-cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL), 191, 194 cold-cathode fluorescent panel, 167 color fluorescent lights, 194, 241, 242 in LCDs, 166–167 of LEDs, 205, 207, 209–211, 212, 219–222, 222, 226 primary, 166–167 color rendering index (CRI), 174 color super twisted nematic (CSTN) LCD, 161 color temperature, 173, 209, 219, 222 color-rendering index (CRI), 212 common anode, 232 common cathode, 232 common mode voltage range, 53 common pin, 161 commutating dv/dt, 23 compact fluorescent lamp (CFL), 191 comparator, 39–48, 70, 83, 90 LM339, 42 analog-digital converter, 47 AND gate, 45 bistable multivibrator, 46 clocked, 47 continuous converter, 47 design, 39–42 digital, 39 dual, 42 function, 39 hysteresis, 39, 44 latched, 47 level shifter, 46 and op-amps, 42, 52 potential problems, 47–48 relaxation oscillator, 46 use of, 44–47 values, 43–44 variants, 42–43 window, 42 window comparator, 46 zero point finder, 47 conduction angle, 7, 9 cone, 268 confused inputs, 48 continuous converter, 47 converter, serial to parallel, 107 correlated color temperature, 222 counter, 107, 121, 131–138 74HC163, 132 asynchronous, 118, 134 binary, 134 binary ripple, 121 clock sources, 135 decade, 135 decoded output, 134 descending output, 136 design, 132–134 divide-by-16, 134 function, 131–132 glitches, 138 gray code, 131 hexadecimal, 134 modulus-16, 134 modulus/modulo, 132 multiple stages, 136 octal, 134 output states, 136 pin identifier, 133 potential problems, 137–138 programmable, 137 ring, 131, 134 ripple, 107, 134, 148 rising edge and falling edge, 136 schematic representation, 131–132 single and dual, 136 synchronous, 134, 136 values, 137 variants, 134–137 coupler, output, 198 coupling capacitor, 84 CRI (see color rendering index) crossover network, 269 crosstalk, 161 crowbar overvoltage protection, 2 CRT (see cathode-ray tube) crystal, 249 crystal lasers, 201 crystal-set radio, 265 CS (chip select pin), 63, 64 current alternating, 172 audio-indicator, 260 channel, 155 direct, 172 forward, 211 gate threshold, 18 holding, 2, 18 latching, 2, 18 leakage, 156 transducer, 254 current amplifier, 2, 18 Current Transfer Ration (CTR), 36 D D-type flip-flop, 114, 116 data distributor, 140, 146, 152 data selector, 140, 146, 151, 152 (see also multiplexer) data transfer, 62 Db (see decibels) dBA, 253 debounced, 66 decade counter, 135 decibel, 251–252, 259, 265 decoded output counter, 134 decoder, 134, 139, 140, 143, 145– 149, 151, 153, 157 7447, 148 74HC4514, 147 74HC4515, 147 74LS47, 148 design, 148 function, 145–146 input devices, 145–146 LED driver, 146 potential problems, 149–149 schematic symbol, 146–146 Index 275seven-segment, 146 similar devices, 146 use of, 149 values, 148 variants, 148 decoder chip, 151 demultiplexer, 140, 146, 151 derated relay, 30 derating curve, 213 descending output counter, 136 diac, 1, 11–14, 15, 22 DB3TG, 12 abbreviations, 14 design, 12–13 function, 11 potential problems, 14 switching AC, 13 symbol variants, 11 values, 14 variants, 13 diaphragm, 262, 268 dies, 219 differential multiplexer, 152 digipot (see digital potentiometer) digital comparator, 39 digital integrated circuits counter, 131–138 decoder, 145–149 encoder, 139–143 flip-flop, 107–119 logic gate, 89–106 multiplexer, 151–157 shift register, 121–129 digital multiplexer, 151 digital potentiometer, 59–67, 156 4131-503, 62 CAT5114, 64 address of tap, 62, 63 advantages/disadvantages, 59–60 connections and modes, 64 data transfer, 62 design, 60–61 function, 59–60 higher resolution, 66 I2C protocol, 63 potential problems, 66 programmable, 59 SPI protocol, 62 taper, 62 up/down protocol, 63 use of, 66 values, 65–66 variants, 61–65 volatile/nonvolatile memory, 61 digital-analog converter, 39, 47, 59 digitally adjustable potentiometer (see digital potentiometer) digitally controlled potentiometer (see digital potentiometer) digitally programmed potentiometer (DPP) (see digital potentiometer) digpot (see digital potentiometer) diode, PIN, 35 diode, protection, 30 direct current, 172 disallowed state, 135 discrete semiconductor diac, 22 discrete semiconductors, 1 (see also thyristor) dispersion, 178, 208, 225 display electroluminescent (see electorluminscent (EL) display) LED (see LED display) display module, 164, 231 divide-by-16 counter, 134 dot-matrix displays, 163–165, 230, 234–236, 239 double super twisted nematic LCD, 161 drift, 48 driver, 267 driver chip, 233–234 driver, dynamic, 262 dual comparator, 42 dual counter, 136 dual digital potentiometer, 61 dual inputs, 50–51, 127 dual monostable timer, 75–76, 77 dual voltage device, 39 dual voltage power supply, 50 duty cycle, 260 dv/dt triggering, 8 dynamic driver, 262 dynamic transducer, 262 E e-ink displays, 167 ear canal headphones, 264 earbuds, 261, 263, 264 earphone, 261, 264 edge pass, 69 edge triggering, 69 edge-triggered shift register, 123 efficiency, 272 EL (see electroluminescent (EL) display) electret, 264 electric newspaper, 236 electroluminescence, 243 electroluminescent (EL) display, 243–247 derivation, 244 design, 243 flexible ribbons, 245 function, 243 OLED, 246–247 panels, 244–245 phosphors, 244 rope light, 245 variants, 244–247 electroluminescent backlighting, 167 electromagnetic relay, 33 electromagnetic transducer, 250, 253 electronic ballast, 193, 225 electronic paper displays, 167 electrostatic headphones, 263 electrostatic speaker, 271 Enable, 116 encoded output, 134 encoder, 139–143, 152 74HC4515 decoder, 139 74LS148 decoder, 139 cascaded, 142 code hopping, 139 design, 140–141 276 Indexfunction, 139–140 potential problems, 143 priority, 140, 141 rotary, 139 rotational, 66 schematic symbol, 139 similar devices, 140 simple, 141 tri-state, 141 use of, 142 values, 142 variants, 141 equal-loudness contours, 252 erratic output, 48 F falling voltage, 43 falling-edge triggered shift register, 123 fanout, 94 feedback negative, 51–52 positive, 44 ferromagnetic disc, 250 FF (see flip-flop) fiber lasers, 201 FIFO (see first-in, first-out (FIFO) shift register) filament, 171, 239 film-compensated super twisted nematic (FSTN) LCD, 161 first-in, first-out (FIFO) shift register, 123 flange base, 177 flexible ribbon, 245 flicker, 193 flip-flop, 46, 70, 89, 107–119, 121, 132 asynchrononous/synchronous, 107 D-type, 114 design, 107–116 forbidden states, 110–112 function, 107 JK, 112–113 master-slave, 113 NAND-based, 108–109 NOR-based, 109–110 packaging, 117 potential problems, 118–119 summary of types, 116 use of, 118 values, 117–118 variants, 116–117 flip-flop emulation, 82 floating inputs, 127 floating pins, 105 fluoresce, 192 fluorescence, 191, 239 fluorescent lamp, 191 fluorescent light, 24, 167, 174, 191–196, 207, 217, 223, 239 (see also vacuum-fluorescent display) ballast and starter, 192 brightness, 195 CCFLs, 194 comparisons, 194 design, 191–195 flicker, 193 function, 191 potential problems, 195 sizes, 194–194 spectrum, 195 tubes, 191 values, 195 variants, 193 fluorescent tubes, 191 flux, 177 foot-candles, 178 forbidden states, 110–112 frequency audio, 54, 251, 252, 253, 254, 257, 258, 260 breakover of op amp, 53 unity gain, 53 frequency response, 265 fused quartz, 176 G gain, 50 gain medium, 198 game sound, 85 gamut, 167, 207 ganged analog potentiometer, 61 gas-discharge device, 191 gate threshold current, 18 gate turn-off thyristor (GTO), 1, 11, 15 gated circuit, 113 glitches, 138, 149 glow discharge, 185 gray code counters, 131 ground loops, 35 GTO (see gate turn-off thyristor) H half adder, 92 halogen lighting, 176, 217, 221 harmonics, 266 headphone, 261–266 acoustically transparent, 264 balanced armature, 264 circumaural, 264 closed-back, 264 design, 261–262 distortion, 266 electret, 264 electrostatic, 263 frequency response, 265–266 function, 261 impedence, 266 in-ear, 264 intensity, 265 mechanical design, 264–265 moving coil, 262–263 noise-cancelling, 264 open-back, 264 potential problems, 266 supra-aural, 264 values, 265–266 variants, 262–265 headset, 264 hearing aids, 261 heat sensitivity, 14 heat sink, 28, 206, 222 Hertz, Heinrich Rudolph, 262 hexadecimal counter, 134 high linearity optocouplers, 36 high logic state, 89 high speed optocoupler, 36 Index 277high-brightness LED, 205, 217, 227 high-intensity LED, 217 high-output LED, 217 high-pass filter, 55 high-power LEDs, 217 Hold state, 109, 114 holding current, 2, 18 holding level, 12 hysteresis, 42, 44–45, 48, 83, 185 hysteresis range, 43 hysteresis zone, 39 I I2C protocol, 62, 63 IEM (see in-ear monitor) ignition voltage, 184 illuminance, 178 impedence, 271 in-ear earphones, 264 in-ear headphones, 264 in-ear monitor, 264 incandescence, 191, 243 incandescent bulbs, 219 incandescent lamp, 11, 15, 24, 171–181, 200, 223 advantages/disadvantages, 179–180 base variants, 177 derating, 180 design, 172–175 efficacy, 179 efficiency, 179 function, 171–172 halogen or quartz halogen, 176 illuminance, 178 intensity, 178 mean spherical candlepower (MSCP), 178 miniature lamps, 175–176 non-incandescent sources, 174 oven lamp, 176 panel-mount indicator lamp, 176 potential problems, 180 power, 177–178 power consumption, 175 schematic symbols, 171 spectrum, 173 use of, 179–180 values, 177–179 variants, 175–177 incandescent lamps, 206, 217 incoherent light, 159 increment/decrement protocol, 62 Indiglo electroluminscent displays, 244 inductor, 193 infrared emitters, 211 inhibit pin, 153 input analog, 66 asynchronous, 123 clock, 131, 133 confused, 48, 58 dual, 50–51, 127 floating, 127 inverting/noninverting, 39, 51 parallel, 123, 134 input bias current, 53 input devices, decoder, 145 input differential voltage range, 53 input offset voltage, 43, 53 input voltage, 155 instant-start ballast, 194 integrated circuits (see analog integrated circuits, digital integrated circuits) inter-integrated circuit, 62 internal sensors, 35 internal series resistor, 210 intrinsic layer, optocoupler, 35 invalid number, 135 inversion, logic gates, 90 inverter, 36, 89, 91, 114 inverting input, 39, 51 ionization, 184 isolation transformers, 34 J jam loaded, 134 jam-type flip-flop, 108 jam-type parallel data input, 124 jitter, 44 JK flip-flop, 112–113, 116 K keyboard, polling, 127 L ladder, 60 lamp oven, 176 panel-mount indicator lamp, 176 lamp lenses, 176 laser, 197–203 CO2 lasers, 201 coherent light, 200–201 common applications, 202 crystal lasers, 201 design, 198–201 fiber lasers, 201 function, 197 laser diode, 197, 198–199 potential problems, 202 use of, 202 values, 201 variants, 201 laser diode, 197, 198–199 latch, 107, 112 latch function, 43 latched comparator, 47 latching current, 2, 18 latching relay, 4 LCD (liquid-crystal display), 159– 170, 207, 227, 246 4543B decoder, 168 active and passive types, 161 additional segments, 162–163 alphanumeric display module, 168–169 backlighting, 167 278 Indexcolor, 166–167 color super twisted nematic (CSTN), 161 crystal types, 161 design, 159–160 dot-matrix displays, 163–165 double super twisted nematic, 161 film-compensated super twisted nematic (FSTN), 161 function, 159 LED comparisons, 228 numeric display module, 167– 168 potential problems, 169–170 reflective, 161 seven-segment displays, 161– 162 super twisted nematic (STN), 161 transreflective, 161 twisted nematic (TN), 161 use of, 167–169 variants, 160–167 zero-power displays, 167 LCD display (see LCD (liquid crystal display)) leakage capacitors, 77 diac, 12 SCR, 2 solid-state relay (SSR), 26 triac, 17 leakage current, 156 LED (generic), 26, 159, 167, 174, 227, 243 LED area lighting, 24, 191, 195, 217–226, 227 color variation, 222 comparisons, 220–222, 223– 224 costs and efficiency, 218 design, 218–223 dimming, 222 efficacy, 222 function, 217–218 heat dissipation, 222 high-brightness, 217 high-output, 217 high-power, 217 potential problems, 225 schematic symbol, 218 ultraviolet output, 222 values, 225 variants, 223–224 visible differences, 220–220 LED display, 146, 227–237 LM3914, 236 MAX6954, 234 SSD1306, 235 SSD1331, 235 TIL311, 236 WS0010, 235 additional segments, 229–230 design, 228 dot-matrix displays, 230, 234– 236 driver chips and multiplexing, 233–234 function, 227–228 LCD comparisons, 228 multiple bar display, 232, 236 multiple numerals, 229 one-digit hexadecimal dot matrix, 236 pixel arrays, 231, 235–236 potential problems, 237 seven segment numeral, 228 seven-segment displays, 228– 229, 232–233 single light bar, 232 sixteen-segment driver chip, 234 use of, 232–236 values, 232 variants, 228–232 LED indicator, 205–215, 218, 227 color rendering index (CRI), 212 common usage, 206 comparisons to other light emitters, 214 design, 207 diffusion, 209 efficacy, 208 forward current, 211 forward voltage, 212 function, 205–207 high-brightness, 205 infrared, 211 intensity, 208 internal resistor, 210 LEDs in parallel, 214 life expectancy, 212 light output and heat, 212 low-current LEDs, 211 multicolor LEDs and color mixing, 207 multicolored, 210 multiple series LEDs, 214 other applications, 215 polarity, 213 potential problems, 215 schematic symbols, 206 series resistor value, 214 size and shape, 208 ultraviolet, 211 use of, 213–215 values, 211–213 variants, 208–211 view angle, 213 wavelength and color temperature, 209–210 lens, 183 level shifter, 46 light coherent, 197, 200–201 incoherent, 159 monochromatic, 197 light wires, 243 light-emitting capacitor, 244 light-emitting diode (see LED) linear relationship, 50 linear taper, 62 linearity versus saturation, 42 liquid-crystal display (see LCD) logarithmic taper, 62 logic chip, 139 logic gate, 89–106, 108, 126, 140 74HC00, 93 4000 series, 94 7400 series, 93 binary arithmetical operations, 91 Boolean notation, 91 chip families, 95–96 design, 89 Index 279function, 89 gates and inputs, 90, 96–103 inversion, 90 part numbers, 94–95 potential problems, 105–106 uses, 103 variants, 93 logic state, 89, 107 logic, positive, 90 logic, transistor-transistor, 70, 93 logic-output optocoupler, 36 loudspeaker, 84, 249, 263, 267 low logic state, 89 low-current LEDs, 211 low-pass filter, 54 Lower State Transition Voltage (LSTV), 43 lumen (lm), 177, 195, 218, 225 lumens per watt, 179, 195 luminaire, 217 luminary, 217 luminescence, 191, 243 luminous flux, 177, 195, 208, 218 lux, 178 M magnetic ballast, 225 maintaining voltage, 185 maser, 197 master-slave flip-flop, 113, 116 mc (millicandela), 178 mean spherical candlepower (MSCP), 176, 178 metal-oxide semiconductor fieldeffect transistor (see MOSFET) metastability, in flip-flops, 119 microcontroller, 29, 59 microphone, 262 millicandelas, 187, 208 miniature speakers, 270 mismatching, 266 mixed-signal device, 59 MOD, 133 mode select pins, 125 modulo/modulus, 132 modulus-16 counter, 134 monochromatic light, 197 monostable multivibrator, 69 (see also timer) monostable timer, 69, 71, 77, 79 MOSFET (metal-oxide semiconductor field-effect transistor), 26, 70 motion detector, passive infrared, 211 motor, AC, 11 moving coil headphones, 262 MSCP (see mean spherical candlepower) multicolor LED, 207 multiple bar display, 232, 236 multiple series LED, 214 multiple-stage counter, 136 multiplexer, 28, 140, 146, 151– 157 analog, 151, 152 bidirectional, 151 demultiplexer, 140, 146, 151, 152, 157 design, 153 differential, 152 digital versus analog, 151 function, 151 pin identifiers, 154–155 potential problems, 157 schematic symbol, 153 similar devices, 152–153 use of, 156 values, 155 variants, 155 multiplexing, 168, 233–234, 241 multisource lighting electroluminescent (EL) display, 243–247 LED display, 227–237 vacuum-fluorescent display (VFD), 239–242 multivibrator, 69 (see also timer) astable, 46, 55, 69 bistable, 46, 69, 107 MUX (see multiplexer) N NAND gate, 37, 90, 91, 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 108, 109, 123, 127, 135 (see also NAND-based SR flipflop) NAND-based SR flip-flop, 108– 109, 116 nanometer, 195, 209 negative feedback, 49, 51–52 negative resistance, 185 neon bulb, 31, 183–190, 191, 193 construction, 184 efficiency, 187 function, 183 how it works, 183–186 ionization, 184 life expectancy, 188 light output, 187 negative resistance, 185–186 Nixie tubes, 189 potential problems, 189 power-supply testing, 188 ruggedness, 187 use of, 186–189 variants, 189 neon bulbs, 206 neon indicator, 183 neon lamp, 183 neon lamp assembly, 183 neutral value, 49 (see also zero value) Newtons per square meter (Pa), 251 Nixie tubes, 189 noise-cancelling headphones, 264 noise-creating device, 249, 267 noninverting input, 39, 51 nonvolatile memory, 61 NOR gate, 90, 91, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103, 108, 109 (see also NOR-based SR flipflop) NOR-based SR flip-flop, 109–110 numeric display module, 167– 168 280 IndexNV (see nonvolatile memory) O octal counter, 134 OE (output-enable), 126 offset null adjustment, 56 OLED (organic light-emitting diode), 217, 227, 243, 246–247 on-resistance, 156 one-digit hexadecimal dot matrix, 236 op-amp, 39, 49–58, 90 LM741, 49, 53 calculating amplification, 53 and comparators, 52 confused input, 58 controlling the gain, 53 design, 49–52 differences from comparator, 42 dual inputs, 50–51 as high-pass filter, 55 as low-pass filter, 54 negative feedback, 51–52 offset null adjustment, 56 oscillating output, 57 potential problems, 57–58 as relaxation oscillator, 55 as single power source, 56 use of, 53–57 values, 52 variants, 52 what it does, 49 open collector, 40 open loop mode, 51 open loop operation, 42 open loop voltage gain, 53 open-back headphones, 264 open-drain outputs, 126 operating voltage, 259 operational amplifier (see opamp) optical maser, 197 optical switch, 34 optocoupler, 25, 33–37, 215 D804, 37 OPTEKD804, 34 analog output, 36 basic types, 36 bidirectional, 36 design, 34–34 function, 33–34 high speed, 36 high-linearity, 36 internal sensors, 35–36 logic-output, 36 potential problems, 37 schematic symbols, 34 use of, 36–37 values, 36 variants, 34–36 OR gate, 90, 91, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 103, 140, 142 organic LED (see OLED (organic light-emitting diode)) oscillating output, 47, 57 oscillator, relaxation, 12, 46, 55 output analog, 66 clipped, 50 descending, 136 encoded, 134 erratic, 48 open-drain, 126 oscillating, 47, 57 parallel, 123 push-pull, 42 three-state, 142 types of, 134 ultraviolet, 222 weighted, 134 output coupler, 198 output mode, comparator, 42 oven lamp, 176 overvoltage protection, 2, 6, 155 P Pa (Pascals), 251 panel, 243 Panelescent electroluminescent lighting, 244 parallel input, 134 parallel-enable pin, 134 parallel-in, parallel-out (PIPO) shift converters, 125 parallel-in, serial-out (PISO) shift register, 124 parallel-serial converters, 124 parchmentized thread, 172 passive infrared motion detector, 211 passive matrix LCD, 161 phase angle, 7, 13 phase control, 2, 7–7, 13, 22 phones (see headphone) phosphor, 192, 239, 244 phosphorescence, 244 photocell, 35 photodarlington, 34 photodiode, 26, 34 photon, 207 photoresistor, 34 phototransistor, 26, 34, 45 photovoltaic PIN diode, 35 piezein, 250 piezo, 258 piezoelectric alerts (see audio indicator) piezoelectric transducer, 249, 250, 253 pin common, 161 floating, 105 inhibit, 153 parallel-enable, 134 reset, 70 trigger, 69 pin base, 177 PIN diode, 35 pin identifier, 133 pip, 184 PIPO (see parallel-in, parallel-out (PIPO) shift converters) pixel arrays, 231, 235–236 PMOLED (passive-matrix OLED), 246 PN junction, 207 PNPN device, 3 polling a keyboard, 127 positive feedback, 44 positive logic, 90 Index 281potentiometer, 35 (see also digital potentiometer) power rating, 272 powered speaker, 271 primary colors, 166–166 priority encoder, 140, 141 programmable counter, 137 programmable digital potentiometer, 59 programmable unijunction transistor (PUT), 2, 9 propagation delay, 44, 134 protection diode, 30 pullup resistor, 36, 40, 48, 71, 126, 153 pulse-width modulation, 7, 194, 211 pumping a laser, 198 push-pull output, 42 pushbutton, 66, 71 pushbutton protocol, 62 Q quad digital potentiometer, 61 quadrants, 17–18 quartz crystal, 131, 135 R race condition, 112 radiant flux, 177 radiant luminous efficacy (LER), 179, 187, 208, 222 radiant luminous efficiency (LFR), 179 radiation, black body, 173 rail-to-rail values, 42 rapid-start ballast, 194 rated voltage, 259 Rayleigh scattering, 202 RC network, 70 rectifier, 2 reference voltage, 70 reflective display (see LCD (liquid crystal display)) reflective LCD, 161 reflective primaries, 166 reflex port, 270 regenerative device, 2 register, 121 relaxation oscillator, 12, 46, 55 relay electromagnetic, 33 latching, 4 solid-state (see solid-state relay) zero-crossing, 25, 27 remainder, 132 reproducers headphone, 261–266 speaker, 267–272 reset pin, 70 reset state, 109 resistor array, 232 resolution, 43 resonant cavity, 198 response time, comparator, 42 restricted combination, 112 retriggering, timer, 69 RGB LCD monitors, 167 RGB primaries, 166 rheostat mode, 64 ring counter, 121, 131, 134 ringing, 112 ripple counter, 107, 134, 148 rising voltage, 43 rising-edge triggered shift register, 123 rope light, 243, 245 rotary encoder, 139 rotary switch, 151 rotational coder, 139 rotational encoder, 66 S saturation versus linearity, 42 SCR (silicon-controlled rectifier), 1–9, 11, 15, 26, 34 2N682, 2 40TPS12, 2 X0403DF, 2, 5 abbreviations, 6 AC current applications, 5 breakdown and breakover voltage, 4 concept demo, 4 design, 1–2 function, 1 internal configuration, 3–5 overvoltage protection, 7 phase control, 7–7 potential problems, 8–9 switching behavior, 2 use, 6–8 values, 5 variants, 5, 6 screw-in lamps, 177 SCS (see silicon-controlled switch) segments, 239 self-drive transducer circuit, 254 sensitivity, 272 sensor, 34, 35, 249, 262 serial peripheral interface (see SPI) serial-in, parallel-out (SIPO) shift register, 123, 124 serial-in, serial-out (SISO) shift register, 123, 124 serial-parallel coverter, 123 serial-to-parallel converters, 107 series resistor, 207 series resistor value, 214 settling time, 149, 157 setup time, 125 seven-segment decoder, 146 seven-segment displays, 228– 229, 232–233 seven-segment numeral, 228 shift register, 63, 121–129, 131, 146 abbreviations and acronyms, 123 arithmetical operations, 127 buffering, 128 design, 122 function, 121–122 parallel outputs and inputs, 123–124 polling the keyboard, 127 potential problems, 128–129 282 Indexpower considerations, 126 preloading, 127 schematic representation, 122 three-state output, 126 use of, 126–128 values, 125–126 variants, 124–125 shift registers, 107 shortened modulus, 135 sidac, 14 silicon-controlled rectifier (see SCR) silicon-controlled switch (SCS), 1, 11, 15 simple encoder, 141 single counter, 136 single light bar, 232 single power source, 56 single-inline package (SIP), 27 single-input gates, 90 single-source lighting fluorescent light, 191–196 incandescent lamp, 171–181 lasers, 197–203 LED area lighting, 217–226 LED indicator, 205–215 neon bulb, 183–190 sink current, 44 SIPO (see serial-in, parallel-out (SIPO) shift register) siren, 258 SISO (see serial-in, serial-out (SISO) shift register) sixteen-segment driver chip, 234 slew rate at unity gain, 53 snubber, 30 snubber network, 23 snubberless triac, 23 solid-state analog switch, 28 solid-state relay (SSR), 1, 11, 15, 25–31, 33, 36, 215 (see also optocoupler) CMX60D10, 27 DC60S7, 27, 28 advantages/disadvantages, 25 design, 26–27 function, 25–26 instantaneous versus zero crossing, 27 NC and NO modes, 28 packaging, 28 potential problems, 30 solid-state analog switch, 28 use of, 29–30 values, 29 variants, 27–28 sound pressure level, 251–252, 251 sound reproduction device, 249, 267 sound sources (see audio alerts, reproducers) spatial coherence, 200 spatial distribution, 213 speaker, 249, 267–272 closed-box, 270 construction, 268 design, 267–270 electrostatic, 271 function, 267 innovative designs, 271 miniature speakers, 270 multiple drivers, 269–270 potential problems, 272 powered, 271 resonance, 270 values, 271 variants, 270–271 venting, 270 wireless, 271 spectral lines, 174 SPI (serial peripheral interface), 62 spontaneous emission, 198 SPST switch, 25 sputtering, 188 SR flip-flop (see NAND-based SR flip-flop) sRGB, 167 SSR (see solid-state relay) standard LED, 205, 227 starter, 192, 225 starting voltage, 184 state diagram, 135 steradians, 178 stimulated emission, 198 striking voltage, 184 strip lights, 223 strobe, 153 super twisted nematic (STN) LCD, 161 supra-aural headphones, 264 surface-mount transducers, 251 swapped voltages, 48 switch, 25, 71, 107 rotary, 151 silicon-controlled (SCS), 1, 11, 15 solid-state analog switch, 28 SPST, 25 switch bounce, 109 synchronous circuit, 113 synchronous counter, 134, 136 synchronous flip-flop, 107 T T-type flip-flop, 116 tap, 60 tap address, 62, 63 taper, 62 task lighting, 217 TFT (see thin-film transistor) THD (see total harmonic distortion) thermal compound, 30 thick phosphor, 244 thin-film OLED, 243 thin-film transistor (TFT), 161, 246 3-wire programmable potentiometers, 63 three-state output, 126, 142 three-wire chips, 64 threshold voltage, 207 through hole, 206 thyratron, 1 thyristor diac, 11–14, 15 SCR, 1–9 triac, 15–24 timer, 69–87 4047B, 75 555, 70–85 5555, 74 556, 73 558, 73 Index 28374HC123, 75 74HC221, 76 74HC5555, 74 74HCT5555, 74 7555, 74 7556, 74 CD4047B, 75 HEF4528B, 75 M74HC4538, 75 MC14538B, 75 NTE926, 73 astable mode, 70, 72, 77, 80 bipolar version, 70 burst mode, 84 CMOS 555, 74 CMOS version, 71 and coupling capacitors, 84 design, 70 dual monostable, 75–76, 77 function, 69–70 game sound, 85 hysteresis, 83 loudspeaker connection, 84 monostable mode, 69, 71, 77, 79 output time control, 80 potential problems, 85–87 TTL version, 70 use of, 79–85 values, 76–79 variants, 70–76 toggle, 43, 113 total harmonic distortion (THD), 266 transducer, 249–255, 257, 267 PT-2040PQ, 253 AC supply, 254 current, 254 design, 249 dynamic, 262 electromagnetic, 250, 253 formats, 251 frequency range, 251 function, 249 limitations, 253–254 measurement location, 253 piezoelectric, 249, 250, 253 potential problems, 254 self-drive transducer circuit, 254 sound intensity, 254 sound pressure, 251–252 surface-mount, 251 ultrasonic, 250 unweighted values, 253 use of, 254 values, 251–254 variants, 250–251 voltage, 254 volume control, 254 weighted sounds values, 252– 253 transformer, isolation, 34 transistor, bipolar, 1 transistor-transistor logic, 93 transistor-transistor logic protocol, 70 transparent, 108, 114 transreflective LCD, 161 tri-state encoder, 142 triac, 1, 7, 11, 15–24, 25, 34 BTA208X-1000B, 16 BTB04-600SL, 16 MAC97A6, 16 breakover voltage, 20 charge storage, 23 design, 17–23 function, 15–16 other drivers, 22 potential problems, 24 quadrants, 17–18 snubberless, 23 switching AC, 20–22 symbol variants, 15–16 testing, 19–20 triggered by diac, 22 values, 23–24 variants, 23 triac-based dimmer, 179 trigger pin, 69 trimmer, 40, 254 truth table, 90 TTL (see transistor-transistor logic) tweeter, 269 twisted nematic (TN) LCD, 161 two-wire chips, 64 U ultrasonic transducer, 250 ultraviolet output, 222 unity gain frequency, 53 universal shift register, 125 unweighted sound values, 253 up/down protocol, 62, 63 Upper State Transition Voltage (USTV), 43 V Vactrol, 35 vacuum-fluorescent display, (VFD), 239–242 anode in, 240 cathode, 240 character sets and pictorial design, 242 color, 241 comparisons, 242 design, 239–240 function, 239 modern application, 241 potential problems, 242 use of, 240–241 variants, 241–242 variable frequency drive, 239 velocity, 262 vent, 270 VFD (see vacuum-fluorescent display) view angle, 208 volatile memory, 61 voltage, 259 breakdown, 1, 4, 20, 184 breakover, 4, 15, 20 dual, 39 falling, 43 forward, 212 ignition, 184 input, 155 input offset, 43, 53 maintaining, 185 in multiplexers, 155 operating, 259 284 Indexrated, 259 reference, 70 rising, 43 starting/striking, 184 threshold, 207 transducer, 254 voltage amplification, 53 voltage amplifier, 49 voltage converter, 39 voltage divider, 71 voltage divider mode, 65 voltage gain, 43 voltage level, 69 voltage regulator, 59 voltage spike, 72 voltage transition, 69 W wafers, 219 water clear, 205 wavelength, 262 wavelength coherence, 200 wedge base, 177 weighted output, 134 weighted sound values, 252–253 window comparator, 42, 46 wiper, 60 wiper resistance, 65 wireless speaker, 271 woofer, 269 X XNOR gate, 90, 91, 98, 100, 102, 103 XOR gate, 90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103 Z zero point finder, 47 zero value, 49 zero-crossing relay, 25, 27 zero-crossing signal, 66Symbols 2N682 SCR, 2 4047B timer, 75 40TPS12 SCR, 2 4131-503 digital potentiometer, 62 4543B decoder, 168 4543B decoder chip, 168 555 timer, 70–73, 76, 79–84 5555 timer, 74 556 timer, 73 558 timer, 73 7447 decoder, 148 74HC00 logic gate, 93 74HC123 timer, 75 74HC163 counter, 132 74HC221 timer, 76 74HC4514 decoder, 147 74HC4515 decoder, 139, 147 74HC5555 timer, 74 74HCT5555 timer, 74 74LS123 timer, 75 74LS148 decoder, 139 74LS47 decoder, 148 7555 timer, 74 7556 timer, 74 BTA208X-1000B triac, 16 BTB04-600SL triac, 16 CAT5114 digital potentiometer, 64 CD4047B timer, 75 CMX60D10 relay, 27 D804 optocoupler, 37 DB3TG diac, 12 DC60S7 relay, 27, 28 HEF4528B timer, 75 LM339 comparator, 42 LM3914 driver, 236 LM741 op-amp, 49, 53 M74HC4538 timer, 75 MAC97A6 triac, 16 MAX6954 driver chip, 234 MC14538B timer, 75 NTE926 timer, 73 OPTEKD804 optocoupler, 34 PT-2040PQ transducer, 253 PUI XL453 audio indicator, 257 SSD1306 LED display module, 235 SSD1331 LED display module, 235 TIL311 driver, 236 WS0010 LED display module, 235 X0403DF SCR, 2, 5 A A-weighting audio standard, 252 absolute zero, 173 acoustically transparent headphones, 264 activator, electroluminescent, 244 active matrix LCD, 161 additive primaries, 166 address of tap, digital potentiometer, 62, 63 Adobe 1998, 167 alert, 249, 257 alternating current, 172 American Standard Code for Information Interchange (ASCII), 163 AMOLED (active-matrix OLED), 246 analog input/output, 66 273 Indexanalog integrated circuits comparator, 39–48 (see also comparator) digital potentiometer, 59–67 (see also digital potentiometer) op-amp, 49–58 (see also op-amp) optocoupler, 33–37 (see also optocoupler) solid-state relay, 25–31 (see also solid-state relay) timer, 69–87 (see also timer) analog multiplexer, 151, 152 analog output optocoupler, 36 analog-digital converter, 39, 47, 59 AND gate, 45, 90, 91, 92, 97, 98, 100, 102, 103 anode LED display, 232 LED indicator, 213 vacuum-fluorescent display (VFD), 240 arithmetical operations, binary, 91 arithmetical operators, 89 ASCII (see American Standard Code for Information Interchange) astable multivibrator, 46, 55, 69 (see also timer) astable timer, 70, 72, 77, 80 asynchronous counter, 118, 134 asynchronous flip-flop, 107 asynchronous input, 123 audio alerts audio indicator, 257–260 transducer, 249–255 audio frequency, 54, 251, 252, 253, 254, 257, 258 audio indicator, 249, 257–260 PUI XL453, 257 current, 260 design, 257–258 duty cycle, 260 formats, 258 frequency, 258, 260 function, 257 history, 258 potential problems, 260 sound intensity, 260 sound patterns, 258 use of, 260 values, 259 variants, 258 voltage, 259 volume control, 260 wiring, 260 audio transducer (see transducer) B back-EMF, 29, 30, 87 backlighting, electroluminescent, 167 backplane, 161 ballast, 180, 192, 194, 225 band gap, 207 bandpass filter, 59 bandwidth, 36 bass-reflex enclosure, 270 bayonet base, 177 BCD output, 135 beeper, 249, 257 bi-pin tube, 194 bidirectional multiplexer, 151 bidirectional optocoupler, 36 bidirectional shift, 125 bidirectional thyristor, 11 binary addition, 91 binary arithmetic, 89, 92 binary counter, 134 binary digit, 121, 134 binary ripple counter, 121 binary-coded decimal (BCD) output, 135 bipolar transistor, 1, 18, 70 bistable displays, 167 bistable multivibrator, 46, 69, 107 (see also flip-flop) bit, 121, 134 bitmap, 159, 227 black body radiation, 173 Boolean algebra, 89 Boolean operators, 89, 91 breakdown voltage, 1, 4, 20, 184 breakover frequency, 53 breakover level, 12 breakover voltage, 4, 14, 15, 20 bubble, 90, 116, 123, 133, 155 buffer, 90, 128 burn in, 160 burst mode, 84 buzzer, 249, 257, 258 C Camenzind, Hans, 70 canalphones, 264 candela, 178 candlepower, 178 capacitor coupling, 84 light-emitting, 244 carbon arc, 171 cascade, 134 cascaded encoders, 142 cascading, 157 cathode, 188, 192, 232, 239 cathode vacuum-fluorescent display (VFD), 240 cathode-ray tube (CRT), 160, 239, 244 CCFL (see cold-cathode fluorescent lamp) CCT (see correlated color temperature) cd (candela), 178 ceramic wafer, 250, 258 CFL (see compact fluorescent lamp) channel current, 155 channels, 42, 52, 153 charge storage, 23, 24 chemiluminescence, 244 chip select pin (CS), 63, 64 cilia, 261 circumaural headphones, 264 clipped output, 50 clock, 121 clock input, 131, 133 clocked comparator, 47 clocked in, 121 274 Indexclosed-back headphones, 264 closed-box speaker, 270 CLR operation, 133 CMOS 555 timer, 74 CMOS chips, 48, 94 CMYK system, 166 CO2 lasers, 201 code hopping encoder, 139 coherent light, 197, 200 cold-cathode fluorescent lamp (CCFL), 191, 194 cold-cathode fluorescent panel, 167 color fluorescent lights, 194, 241, 242 in LCDs, 166–167 of LEDs, 205, 207, 209–211, 212, 219–222, 222, 226 primary, 166–167 color rendering index (CRI), 174 color super twisted nematic (CSTN) LCD, 161 color temperature, 173, 209, 219, 222 color-rendering index (CRI), 212 common anode, 232 common cathode, 232 common mode voltage range
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