كتاب Make - Inventing a Better Mousetrap
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

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نتمنى أن تقضوا معنا أفضل الأوقات
وتسعدونا بالأراء والمساهمات
إذا كنت أحد أعضائنا يرجى تسجيل الدخول
أو وإذا كانت هذة زيارتك الأولى للمنتدى فنتشرف بإنضمامك لأسرتنا
وهذا شرح لطريقة التسجيل فى المنتدى بالفيديو :
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إذا واجهتك مشاكل فى التسجيل أو تفعيل حسابك
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 كتاب Make - Inventing a Better Mousetrap

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Make - Inventing a Better Mousetrap
200 Years of American History in the Amazing World of Patent Models
Alan & Ann Rothschild

كتاب Make - Inventing a Better Mousetrap  M_i_a_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

CHAPTER 1 History . PAGE 2
CHAPTER 2 Steam . PAGE 12
CHAPTER 3 Alcohol, Tobacco & Firearms (ATF) . PAGE 26
CHAPTER 4 Heat, Light & Fire . PAGE 41
CHAPTER 6 Mining . PAGE 56
CHAPTER 8 Home . PAGE 71
CHAPTER 9 Kitchen . PAGE 81
CHAPTER 10 Laundry PAGE 90
CHAPTER 11 Leather & Shoes PAGE 98
CHAPTER 12 Manufacturing . PAGE 106
CHAPTER 13 Paper & Printing . PAGE 115
CHAPTER 14 Textiles PAGE 125
CHAPTER 15 Marine & Navigation PAGE 133
CHAPTER 16 Agriculture PAGE 144
CHAPTER 17 Tools & Machines . PAGE154
TabelofContentsTable of Contents
CHAPTER 18 Miscellaneous PAGE 164
CHAPTER 19 Personal . PAGE 177
CHAPTER 20 Healthcare PAGE 186
CHAPTER 21 Music . PAGE 196
CHAPTER 22 Sports & Entertainment PAGE 206
CHAPTER 23 Transportation PAGE 216
CHAPTER 24 What’s łat Model? PAGE 226
CHAPTER 25 Six Patent Models You Can Make PAGE 234
AFTERWORD What’s Next? . PAGE 26
talents, while impressive, are not extraordinary; it is often a
response to a practical problem that addresses a parochial
concern in the inventor’s “backyard” and does not have
global consequences. Moreover, as Mary Shelley observes,
the romantic notion of the inventor as a solitary genius who
creates “out of void” is at odds with reality. Patentable
inventions usually take the form of “improvements” to
existing attempts to solve a common problem. Ce
Rothschild Collection demonstrates that inventors, who
wish to make a better washing machine, steam engine, or
mousetrap, are embedded in a rich environment of inventions and engaged in a kind of conversation across space and
time with numerous other innovators. Cey create, not out of
thin air, but “out of chaos.”
Ce Rothschild Collection is an unmatched resource for
sharing these invaluable insights into inventors and the
culture of innovation. Mindful of its great potential as an
educational tool, the Rothschilds and I are delighted to
announce that, as of 2015, their Collection has become a
permanent addition to the holdings of the Hagley Museum
and Library in Wilmington, Delaware. Dedicated to preserving and presenting the history of business, technology, and
innovation, Hagley is ideally positioned to tell stories from
these fascinating artifacts and to share them in Wilmington
and across the globe. Crough engaging multimedia exhibitions, digital content, and publications built around these
patent models, Hagley will work to raise public awareness of
invention and innovation in America, past and present.
In this endeavor, we aim to recreate the spirit of those
Sunday afternoon strolls through the Patent Office that
thrilled citizens more than 150 years ago. Our hope—and
expectation—is that new generations of inventors and
entrepreneurs, inspired by the ingenuity and creations of
their forebears, will be encouraged to ask themselves the
question “What’s next?” We look forward to the fruits of
their inspiration.Index of Inventors
Cis index lists all the inventors whose models are described in this book.
Akin, John D. . 201
Alden, Charles . 84
Allen, Aaron H. . 204
Allen, Jonathan M. 193
Allen, William H. 47
Andrews, Edward 225
Aric, Juan B. . 77
Arnold, William Curtis . 95
Aronson, Albert . 185
Aubin, Charles T. . 225
Autenrieth, William . 195
Ayliffe, George . 171
Babcock, Jabez K 46
Bacon, William S. 22
Baker, George W 221
Baker, William D. 48
Baker, William S.G 192
Barrett, Edward A. 213
Batley, John 103
Baudet, Hubert C. 202
Bauer, George W. . 172
Beach, Charles . 150
Beam, John H. . 27
Beam, Joseph B. . 27
Beardsley, Levi A. 163
Beaumont, Franklin Jr. . 214
Bell, Joseph . 21
Bensinger, Moses . 209
Bernhardt, Friedrich 95
Bishop, Martin . 96
Bissell, Melvin B. . 73
Blake, Eli Whitney 53
Blake, John . 53
Blake, Philos 53
Blatchford, George . 201
Bloomingville, South . 78
Boeklen, Reinhold 194
Bogel, Henry 129
Booth, George E. . 162
Borowsky, Mikel 212
Bowhay, Egbert 148
Bradley, L. 171
Brady, Benjamin F. . 211
Bramble, James . 205
Bremerkamp, Cornelius . 223
Bridewell, Richard . 61
Briebach, Justus A. . 176
Brinkerhoff, Jacob 93
Brower, Henry L. . 69
Brown, Charles F. 35
Brown, Charles K . 121
Brown, Conrad . 55
Brown, David . 137
Brown, Comas 150
Brunius, Hakon 219
Bryant, Mary A. . 94
Bull, Ole . 200
Bundy, Willard L. 179
Burgess, Josiah . 159
Burgess, Phineas 175
Buxton, Alfred . 185
Card, William L. . 222
Carey, Augustus C. 101
Carnes, Serena M . 95
Cauhape, Pierre 192
Chambers, Cyrus Jr. . 122
Chatham, South .
Chinnock, George H. 213
Clark, Sarah J.
Clark, Sarah M. . 182
Clemens, Stillman A. . 131
Cobleigh, Charles C. 182
Cody, John
Coffin, F. C. . 181
Collier, Charles S. 129
Condell, Archelaus .
Condell, John .
Conley, J.J. 110
Cooper, George B.F.
Cooper, Jonas .
Corbett, Joseph 222
Corliss, George H. .
Couturier, Andre 184
Cowley, James T. 175
Cramer, Francis 205
Crandall, Jesse A. .
Crane, Martin H. . 178
Cranston, George W. .
Davis, David W. 174
Davis, Samuel H. . 174
De Carly, Joseph .
De Knight, Charles H
Deihl, Hugh M. . 205
Denn, Clayton 204
Detweiler, John 128
Devilliers, Emile 224
IndexofInventorsPage 272 Index of Inventors
Dodge, Miles B. . 60
Dominis, John 135
Dominy, Ezra . 149
Dorgan, Joseph H. . 114
Dormitzer, Ana 173
Dougherty, John S. . 141
Douglas, William A. 142
Drew, Walter J. 73
Duggan, Comas 111
Dummer, Edward 124
Duprez, Charles A. 151
Eastman, Henry W. . 67
Edmeston, South 163
Edmondson, James H. . 173
Edson, Jacob . 139
Edwards, Henry H. . 123
Eickemeyer, R. . 161
Eisenhardt, Christopher . 70
Eldridge, George W. 47
Ely, Ceodore . 129
Engelbrecht, Ceodore F. . 194
Engelskirchen, Carl 46
Eynon, Comas M. 22
Fairbanks, Caddeus 45
Falls, Sutherland 158
Farmer, David J. . 207
Fayaux, Augustus L. 203
Finzer, Rudolph . 31
Fitzgerald, Daniel 131
Fitzgerald, Elisha . 131
Fitzgerald, Jesse 131
Flagstad, Ole 54
Flamm, Anthony Luis . 174
Fleischmann, Charles Louis 28
Ford, F.G. . 54
Forster, Frank N. 78
Foster, Eldridge 140
Foster, Joseph S. . 25
Fowler, John N. 214
Fox, James S. 97
Frazer, David 223
French, George N. . 223
Fuller, Levi K. 199
Gamble, Joseph W. 22
Gardner, Frederick A. 87
Gaume, Claude Victor . 174
Gearing, Charles 112
Geoghegan, Samuel . 218
Gladden, Charles W. 103
Glynn, Ira . 212
Goodrich, Benjamin F. 209
Goodwin, Asahel J. 102
Goodyear, Nelson . 107
Gouley, Jean L. 141
Gowan, William 159
Green, Henry M. . 140
Greiner, Ludwig . 64
Grunzweig, Carl 114
Hallenback, John F . 122
Hallner, John 152
Hallock, Henry 138
Hammer, George . 160
Hardy, Dexter D. . 25
Harrison, Joseph Jr. 18
Harwood, William A. 68
Hastings, E. Warren 48
Heineman, Harry M. . 184
Helms, Charles H. . 104
Hendrickson, E.M. 55
Herider, William C. . 175
Herreshoff, James B. 84
Hessels, Anthony . 110
Hewitt, John . 94
Hildreth, Mary E. 93
Hill, George J. 123
Hill, Gold . 109
Hodges, James W. 24
Hoe, Richard M. 117
Holbrook, Harry C. . 38
Homes, William . 76
Homrighous, John 184
Hotchkiss, Benjamin B. . 38
Hotchkiss, James 111
Hovenden, Comas H. . 183
How, Comas P. . 129
Hubbell, William L. 210
Hunt, William F. . 122
Hunter, Robert . 68
Huntington, Samuel W. . 160
Hyde, James W. 185
Hyde, Joseph 141
Ireland, William . 221
Iske, Anthony . 194
Jackman, John Jr. 24
Jacob, Charles H. . 36
Jacobs, Zalmon L. 24
Jacoby, Sigmund . 37
Jennings, Hezekiah T. 129
Jerome, Henry 113
Jervis, James . 112
Jesson, Comas . 111
Jewett, Benjamin B. . 189
Johnsbury, St. . 45
Jones, Abner H. 213
Jones, George Horatio 193
Jones, John P. 109
Judson, Agur 124
Jusberg, Andrew . 80
Justh, Emanuel S. . 101
Karel, Ignatz . 153
Keats, John . 103
Keep, James M. 37
Kelly, Adam . 23
Kempster, Daniel E. . 79
Kennedy, Albert H. 151
Kernan, Edward R. 113
Ketcham, H.C. . 215
Keyes, Henry C. . 224
Kline, Calvin 139
Kloberg, John C. 132Index of Inventors
Koch, Dr. Paul . 190
Kopas, John O. . 172
LaFrance, Truckson S. . 20
Lawson, Peter . 80
Leonard, George O. . 40
Levy, Isaac 212
Lewis, Samuel S.B. 54
Lloyd, Samuel 77
Lochner, John W. . 36
Locke, Sylvanus D 148
Long, Elam B . 70
Loomis, George P. . 161
Lorraine, Madison J. 225
Lowe, Joshua 25
Mahan, Sara . 181
Mahlon, James W. . 163
Mann, Adelaide E 97
Marchand, Henry E . 83
Marmon, Daniel W 146
Marsters, Enoch J . 225
Martin, George W. 76
Mason, Benjamin A. 111
Massey, Albert P. . 224
Mattingly, Benjamin F. 36
Mattingly, John G. . 36
Mattox, Aaron 78
Maxim, Hiram S. . 44
Maxwell, John 131
McBurth, Augustus . 39
McCann, Shubael G. . 152
McChesney, Martin H . 204
McCoy, James T. 151
McCoy, Robert A. . 151
McGowen, Edmond F. 150
Mead, Wm. W. H. . 21
Mendham, William . 122
Merling, Georg 195
Merritt, William T. 139
Metert, Henri J. A. 202
Michaelis, Moses . 37
Miller, George 190
Mix, Frank W. . 55
Morgan, James . 153
Morgan, John G. 121
Morley, F. A. 86
Morrison, E.R. . 63
Moss, John . 123
Myers, George S. . 30
Naatz, Rudolph 160
Nanney, Comas L. 159
Neil, James . 103
Nesmith, Milton W. 153
Neuhausen, Augustus 215
Newell, Edward E 66
Niehaus, Friedrich William . 203
Noble, Jay . 222
North, John 121
Norton, Francis L. . 171
Nott, J. V. Henry 213
Noyes, Warren . 39
O’Harra, David J. . 61
Orttlopp, Henrietta S. . 132
Peters, Henry . 162
Peyer, Dr. Jacob 190
Philippe, Adrien . 180
Phillips, Denzil 149
Phillips, Enos B. 212
Picot, Max 191
Pierce, Erastus E. . 113
Pilkington, Joseph W. 67
Pitts, Marcellus H. . 223
Platt, John W. 40
Powers, Charles F. 158
Radinsky, Gustav A. 201
Ransom, Louis . 181
Rapids, Grand 123
Raven, Richard . 203
Rawson, Charles B. 76
Reed, Jesse 105
Richardson, Calvin O. . 60
Robert, Peter 221
Roe, Henry A. 158
Ronemous, John M. . 124
Rosenthal, Henry A . 211
Rote, John F.
Rumely, Meinrad . 147
Rymal, John J.
Safford, Joseph A. 102
Sangster, Amos W
Sangster, James .
Santin, Ernst
Sargent, James
Schering, Ernst 188
Schmitt, Charles C. .
Scholl, John T . 143
Seaman, Joseph S. 158
Sears, Joseph .
Seymour, Frederick J. .
Sharp, Philip Henry .
Shelabarger, Benjamin F. . 222
Shepardson, Henry S. 162
Shimer, George J. . 157
Shimer, Samuel J. . 157
Shirley, Daniel H. 205
Shrote, John H.
Simonds, Warren A.
Simpson, Josiah M.
Sisson, George P .
Slessinger, Lewis 104
Slocum, James
Slocum, John H. . 105
Smith, James
Smith, James H. .
Smith, John H. . 123
Smith, John W. 172
Snow, H.D.
Snyder, Henry F. 110
Solomon, Isaac . 138
Spear, Caddeus H.
Sprague, Welcome 149Page 274 Index of Inventors
Sprinkle, Clarence C. . 150
Staehlen, William 194
Starr, Eli T. 193
Starrett, Laroy S. 156
Steiner, Mathias . 182
Steinway, Christian F.T. . 198
Sterling, William H. 54
Stetson, Joseph B. . 101
Stevens, Sally R. . 89
Stewart, David . 112
Stewart, Lyman 58
Stillman, George K. . 208
Stilwell, Dr. Comas H. . 191
Stoutenborough, William T. 89
Strahan, Comas 132
Striedinger, Julius H. . 40
Swinden, Frederick 185
Tanner, George W. 36
Tayman, Benjamin J. 104
Temple, Comas W. . 88
Tenant, Hanson P. 23
Cecker, Sarah A. . 105
Compson, John Calvin . 142
Todd, Marshall 183
Tucker, Ephraim 75
Tucker, Stephen D. . 118
Tullis, John W. . 96
Tunstill, William 130
Turner, George F. . 105
Tuttle, Jesse 24
Van Campen, Harry D. 39
Vansittart, Henrietta 136
Vittum, Francis J. . 102
Von Elsner, Hugo B.E. 143
Walker, James T. 66
Warren, Frederic Pelham . 142
Warth, Albin 130
Washburn, Oscar F. . 123
Washington, Port . 143
Waters, Zera . 183
Watson, Jeremiah M. . 103
Watson, Richard H. . 79
Waugh, Robert . 21
Weaver, Jefford L. 128
Welch, Joseph . 173
Westerkamp, Christian 191
White, T. B. . 220
Whitman, Stephen F. 108
Whitney, Eli . 34
Wigmore, William H. . 22
Wilder, Ambrose G. . 161
Wilson, Samuel C. . 97
Wilson, Samuel M. 88
Wilson, William A. . 46
Wilson, William H. . 214
Winkler, Carl R. 89
Winston, Lucius . 67
Wolle, Francis 119
Woods, George 202
Woodward, Stephen . 96
Woolsey, J. B. . 92
Worthman, John E. . 176
Yale, Linus Jr. . 156
Yardell, Albert F. 140
Yost, George W.N. . 152
Young, McClintock 114
Young, Comas J. . 192
Ziegler, G. Frederick 105Index of Models
Adjustable Square 156
Apparatus for Aging and Purifying Liquors . 36
Apparatus for Carbonizing Air
for Illuminating Purposes 47
Apparatus for Crushing and Pulverizing Ores . 60
Apparatus for Rectifying Alcoholic Liquors . 28
Apparatus for Regulating the Supply of Water
to Steam-Boilers . 24
Apparatus for Separating Burgeons From Grain . 151
ArtiHcial Leg 189, 194
ArtiHcial Palate . 190
Atmospheric and Vacuum Egg Beater 83
Automatic Car Brake 222
Automatic Fan . 78
Automatic Stop-Motions for Steam-Engines . 24
Automatic Swing . 68
Automatic Toy . 69
Automatic Toy Dancers . 69
Automatic Toy Gymnast 210
Baling Press . 150
Ball Game 213
Ballot Box . 173
Barbed Fence Wire . 152
Barn Door Fastening . 150
Bed Bottom and Fire Escape . 185
Bench Vise 163
Blackboard and Map Case . 175
Blasting Cartridges . 40
Bolts for Safe Doors . 51
Book Case 76
Boot Jack and Burglar Alarm Combined . 181
Boot and Shoe 104, 105
Boot and Shoe Cleaner 105
Boots and Shoes . 10
Breech-Loading Fire Arms .
Brick Machine 11
Brush Making Machine . 11
Building Block . 1
Burglar Proof Safe 54, 55
Burial Casket . 18
Butter Mold .
Calendar . 18
Cane Seat .
Capodastro Frames for Piano Fortes 19
Car Coupling 22
Car Step 22
Car Trucks 22
Carburetor .
Carpet Sweeper .
Cartridge-Loading Device
Cattle Chute . 15
Ceremonial Bell . 17
Cigar Boxes .
Cigar Lighters .
Cigar Machine
Circular Braiding Machine . 13
Clothes Drier
Clothes Mangle .
Clothes Pounder
Clothes Wringer
Club Foot Shoes . 19
Coal Breaker
Combined Can and Measure
Combined Chair and Step Ladder .
Combined Gas, Air, and Steam Rotary Engine .
Combined Knob Latch and Lock
IndexofModelsPage 276 Index of Models
Combined Lunch Box and Shopping Bag . 182
Combined Table and Life Preserver . 140
Compound of Gamma Oxypiperidin Carboacids 195
Congealing Plates for Ice Machine . 109
Construction of Checkers 213
Construction of Doll Heads 64
Construction of Trunks and Valises . 182
Cooking Stove . 47
Cooking and Heating Stove 45
Corn Popper 86
Corn Stalker Cutter . 149
Cotton Press . 131
Cracker Making Machine . 112
Cryptography . 174
Cultivator 150
Cushion for Billiard Tables . 209
Cutter Head . 157
Cutter Head for Frizzing Machines 160
Cutting and Panning Cakes 86
Dental Hand Piece . 193
Design for a Collar Box . 185
Device for Cutting Corn From the Cob . 86
Device for Marking Plug Tobacco 38
Device for Oiling Steam Valves 221
Device for Teaching Music . 205
Door Lock and Latch . 54
Dredging Machine . 176
Drill Bit 162
Driving Mechanism for Street Locomotives, &c. . 218
Drum . 203
Ear Trumpet . 191
Earth Scraper . 173
Elastic Woven Fabric . 191
Electro Magnetic Engine . 174
Electro Magnetic Railroad Signal . 219
Elevated Railways and Cars 225
Engineer’s Valve 224
Escutcheon Latch 53
Exercising Apparatus . 211
Explosive Compound 39
Fabric for Wall Decoration 132
Fare Register and Recorder . 222
Feathering Paddle Wheel . 139
Fine-Cut Tobacco Machine 38
Fire Arms 35
Fire Engine Boiler . 20
Fire Kindler . 47
Fire Proof Curtain 48
Folding Rocking Chair . 75
Fracture Box . 191
Fuel Box and Washing Apparatus with Settees 96
Furnaces for Roasting Ores 61
Fuse Lighters . 40
Game 214
Game Indicator 213
Gearings for Valve-Movements for Steam-Engines 22
Governor for Steam and Other Enginery . 21
Governor for Steam and Other Engines . 21
Grain Register 153
Grate for Furnaces . 46
Grubbing Machine . 152
Hammock Frame 77
Hand Lantern . 46
Harmony Attachments for Piano Fortes . 201
Harvester 148, 152
Hat Holder . 183
Heating Stove 46
Holders for Plates While Being Warmed . 89
Hollow Auger . 162
Horseshoe Machine . 114
Hospital Bedstead 194
Hydraulic Mining Apparatus . 59
Ice Cream Freezer . 86
Ice Skate 212
Illuminator and Incense Burner 48
Imitation Feather 132
Improvement in Gear-Cutting Machines 17
Indicators for Mining Shafts . 60
Indicators for Trains 224
Injector 22Index of Models
Instantaneous Governor for Steam-Engines . 21
Instrument for Measuring Sails 135
Interest Calculator 183
Invalid Bedstead 190
Invalid’s Table 193
Ironing Board 94
Ironing Table and Clothes Rack . 95
Key Board for Musical Instruments 204
Keyed Musical Instrument 202
Knitting Machine 129, 131
Lap Board 181
Lasting Machine 103
Lasts for Boots and Shoes 103
Lathe for Turning Shafting 110
Lathes for Dental Surgery 193
Lawn Mower . 80
Lawn Sprinkler . 78
Leather Creasing Machine . 101
Leather Splitting Machine . 102
Life Boat 143
Life Preserving Berth for Steam & Other Vessels . 140
Link Machine 113
Locating and Raising Sunken Vessels 141
Lock . 51,55
Locomotive Apparatus 63
Locomotives 223
Machine for Braiding Manila 131
Machine for Casting Confectionery . 108
Machine for Cleaning Wool
from Burs & Other Foreign Matter . 129
Machine for Coloring Paper . 121
Machine for Cutting Corks 160
Machine for Cutting Diamonds 110
Machine for Cutting Ends of Billiard Cues True . 212
Machine for Cutting Files 112
Machine for Cutting Green Corn Off the Cob . 149
Machine for Cutting Shank Stiffeners . 103
Machine for Cutting and Printing Indexes . 123
Machine for Edging, Sizing,
and Straightening Non-Cylindrical Metal Bars 158
Machine for Folding Paper 11
Machine for Leathering Tacks . 10
Machine for Making Harrow Teeth 15
Machine for Making Horseshoe Nails 11
Machine for Making Paper Bags . 11
Machine for Making Paper Collars 12
Machine for Making Pills, Lozenges, &c. 19
Machine for Making Plaited Paper Caps, &c. . 12
Machine for Making Rope . 12
Machine for Making Toy Torpedoes
Machine for Printing Railroad and Other Tickets 1
Machine for Sawing Shingles 11
Machine for Creading Wood Screws . 11
Machine for Washing and Concentrating Ores
Machinery for Bending Sheet Metal 15
Machinery for Goring Shoe Uppers 10
Magnetic Steam-Gage
Making Bonnet Binding . 12
Manufacture of Candy Whistles . 21
Manufacture of India Rubber 10
Manufacturing of Illuminating Gas . 11
Marine Safes 14
Means for Propelling Vessels . 14
Means for ReeHng Sails 13
Measuring Scales for Coffins . 18
Mechanical Toy Waltzing Figures
Metal Toys
Metallic Burial Case 17
Metallic Shoe for the Braces of Truss Girders 22
Method of Construction for Screw Propellers 13
Method of Setting Hair-Triggers of RiJes .
Mill for Grinding Tortilla, Green Corn, &c. .
Mirror Adjusters 18
Mode of Compensating the Local Attraction of the
Magnetic Needle On Ships 13
Mode of Construction Paddle Wheels
for Propelling Steam and Other Boats 14
Mode of Mounting Ordnance .
Mounted Horse Powers . 22
Mouse Trap 17Page 278 Index of Models
Musical Box . 202
Musical Rocking Chair . 204
Nailing Lasts for Boots and Shoes . 102
Napkin Holder . 179
Oatmeal Machine 171
Oil Well Packer . 58
Ore Stamp Mill 61
Oscillating Swings . 214
Oyster Opening Machine . 88
Packing Boxes for Eggs 153
Paper Board for Dressing Wounds 190
Paper Box Machine 114
Paper Cutting Machine . 121
Paper Folding Machine 121, 122
Parallel Ruler 161
Pasting Mechanisms for Paper Folding Machine 118
Pavement for Streets 224
Peach Cutter 87
Percussion-Projectile . 39
Piano . 200, 203
Piano Forte Action 205
Piano Sounding Board 203
Piano Stool 205
Pigeon Starter 211
Pill Machine . 192
Pipe Cutter . 161
Playing Cards 212
Plug-Tobacco Machine 30
Pneumatic Despatch Carrier 175
Porcelain Water Closet 79
Portable Commode 192
Preparing Fish for Market . 174
Preserving Fresh Fish 84
Presses for Fish, Beets, & c. 84
Printing Press 124
Process for Making Transparent Window Shades . 113
Propelling Apparatus 221
Propulsion of Vessels 140
Purifying Salicylic Acid by Dialysis 188
Ratchet Drill 163
Reciprocating Printing Press . 122
Reed Organ 199, 201, 202
Refrigerator . 80
Reversible Lounge . 77
Revolving-Cylinder Engines . 25
Roadway and Tramway . 223
Rock Drilling Machine 59
Roller Skate . 208
Rotary Engines . 23
Rotary Paper Cutter 124
Rotary Steam Engines 24, 25
Rowlocks 141
Rudder Indicating Apparatus for Vessels . 176
Sad Iron . 94
Sad Iron Holder . 93, 95
Saw Filing Machine . 159
Screw Driver 161
Sea Drag . 139
Self Adjusting Opera Seat . 204
Self Leveling Berths for Ships . 142
Set Work for Saw Mills 159
Sewing Machine . 79
Shearing Machine . 160
Sheathing for Iron Vessels 142
Sheep Feeding Rack . 149
Sheep Shears 151
Shells for Incasing Millstones 146
Shell-Projectile . 38
Shelves for Griddles 89
Ship Building . 137
Shutter for Windows . 72
Shuttle Movement for Looms . 128
Skipping Apparatus . 65
Sofa Bed 78
Soldering Iron Heater 159
Sole Burnishing Machine 101
Sole Edge Burnishing Machine 104
Spark Arrester 147
Spring Shade Roller 79
Spring-Follower for Cigar Boxes . 37Index of Models
Springs and Barrels for Time Keepers 180
Steam Cooking Apparatus 89
Steam Generators 18, 20
Steam-Jet Pumps . 23
Steam-Traps 24
Stills for the Manufacture of Alcoholic Spirits . 27
Stilts . 214
Surface Blow-Offs . 21
Surfaces for Printing On Metal 124
Suspenders . 184
Swing . 67
Tailor’s Table . 130
Tanning Machine . 105
Telegraphic Apparatus . 171
Temperature-Regulator . 23
Ticket Printing and Recording Machine 123
Tile Facing and Squaring Machine 158
Tobacco-Caddy 31
Tool for Cutting Off Bolts, Rods, &c. . 162
ToyBoat . 67
Toy Carriages 70
ToyFish . 68
Toy Puzzle . 215
Toy Velocipede 69
ToyWagon .
Traveling Trunk . 18
Treatment of Wood for the Mfg. of Dominos . 21
Trimming of Soles of Boots & Shoes 10
Trundle Toy .
Truss Bridge 22
Universal Joint 17
Vegetable Fiber to Imitate Hair 18
Vegetable Grater
Vehicle Spring . 22
Velocipede . 20
Ventilating Buildings, Vessels, &c. 17
Vessels . 13
Violincellodian Musical Instrument . 20
Wash Boiler .
Washing Machine . 92, 93, 94, 97
Whiskey Still
Window Cleaning Step Chair 17
Window Lock .
Wrench 15
Wrestling Toy
Wringing Machine Index of Inventors
Cis index lists all the inventors whose models are described in this book.
Akin, John D. . 201
Alden, Charles . 84
Allen, Aaron H. . 204
Allen, Jonathan M. 193
Allen, William H. 47
Andrews, Edward 225
Aric, Juan B. . 77
Arnold, William Curtis . 95
Aronson, Albert . 185
Aubin, Charles T. . 225
Autenrieth, William . 195
Ayliffe, George . 171
Babcock, Jabez K 46
Bacon, William S. 22
Baker, George W 221
Baker, William D. 48
Baker, William S.G 192
Barrett, Edward A. 213
Batley, John 103
Baudet, Hubert C. 202
Bauer, George W. . 172
Beach, Charles . 150
Beam, John H. . 27
Beam, Joseph B. . 27
Beardsley, Levi A. 163
Beaumont, Franklin Jr. . 214
Bell, Joseph . 21
Bensinger, Moses . 209
Bernhardt, Friedrich 95
Bishop, Martin . 96
Bissell, Melvin B. . 73
Blake, Eli Whitney 53
Blake, John . 53
Blake, Philos 53
Blatchford, George . 201
Bloomingville, South . 78
Boeklen, Reinhold 194
Bogel, Henry 129
Booth, George E. . 162
Borowsky, Mikel 212
Bowhay, Egbert 148
Bradley, L. 171
Brady, Benjamin F. . 211
Bramble, James . 205
Bremerkamp, Cornelius . 223
Bridewell, Richard . 61
Briebach, Justus A. . 176
Brinkerhoff, Jacob 93
Brower, Henry L. . 69
Brown, Charles F. 35
Brown, Charles K . 121
Brown, Conrad . 55
Brown, David . 137
Brown, Comas 150
Brunius, Hakon 219
Bryant, Mary A. . 94
Bull, Ole . 200
Bundy, Willard L. 179
Burgess, Josiah . 159
Burgess, Phineas 175
Buxton, Alfred . 185
Card, William L. . 222
Carey, Augustus C. 101
Carnes, Serena M . 95
Cauhape, Pierre 192
Chambers, Cyrus Jr. . 122
Chatham, South .
Chinnock, George H. 213
Clark, Sarah J.
Clark, Sarah M. . 182
Clemens, Stillman A. . 131
Cobleigh, Charles C. 182
Cody, John
Coffin, F. C. . 181
Collier, Charles S. 129
Condell, Archelaus .
Condell, John .
Conley, J.J. 110
Cooper, George B.F.
Cooper, Jonas .
Corbett, Joseph 222
Corliss, George H. .
Couturier, Andre 184
Cowley, James T. 175
Cramer, Francis 205
Crandall, Jesse A. .
Crane, Martin H. . 178
Cranston, George W. .
Davis, David W. 174
Davis, Samuel H. . 174
De Carly, Joseph .
De Knight, Charles H
Deihl, Hugh M. . 205
Denn, Clayton 204
Detweiler, John 128
Devilliers, Emile 224
IndexofInventorsPage 272 Index of Inventors
Dodge, Miles B. . 60
Dominis, John 135
Dominy, Ezra . 149
Dorgan, Joseph H. . 114
Dormitzer, Ana 173
Dougherty, John S. . 141
Douglas, William A. 142
Drew, Walter J. 73
Duggan, Comas 111
Dummer, Edward 124
Duprez, Charles A. 151
Eastman, Henry W. . 67
Edmeston, South 163
Edmondson, James H. . 173
Edson, Jacob . 139
Edwards, Henry H. . 123
Eickemeyer, R. . 161
Eisenhardt, Christopher . 70
Eldridge, George W. 47
Ely, Ceodore . 129
Engelbrecht, Ceodore F. . 194
Engelskirchen, Carl 46
Eynon, Comas M. 22
Fairbanks, Caddeus 45
Falls, Sutherland 158
Farmer, David J. . 207
Fayaux, Augustus L. 203
Finzer, Rudolph . 31
Fitzgerald, Daniel 131
Fitzgerald, Elisha . 131
Fitzgerald, Jesse 131
Flagstad, Ole 54
Flamm, Anthony Luis . 174
Fleischmann, Charles Louis 28
Ford, F.G. . 54
Forster, Frank N. 78
Foster, Eldridge 140
Foster, Joseph S. . 25
Fowler, John N. 214
Fox, James S. 97
Frazer, David 223
French, George N. . 223
Fuller, Levi K. 199
Gamble, Joseph W. 22
Gardner, Frederick A. 87
Gaume, Claude Victor . 174
Gearing, Charles 112
Geoghegan, Samuel . 218
Gladden, Charles W. 103
Glynn, Ira . 212
Goodrich, Benjamin F. 209
Goodwin, Asahel J. 102
Goodyear, Nelson . 107
Gouley, Jean L. 141
Gowan, William 159
Green, Henry M. . 140
Greiner, Ludwig . 64
Grunzweig, Carl 114
Hallenback, John F . 122
Hallner, John 152
Hallock, Henry 138
Hammer, George . 160
Hardy, Dexter D. . 25
Harrison, Joseph Jr. 18
Harwood, William A. 68
Hastings, E. Warren 48
Heineman, Harry M. . 184
Helms, Charles H. . 104
Hendrickson, E.M. 55
Herider, William C. . 175
Herreshoff, James B. 84
Hessels, Anthony . 110
Hewitt, John . 94
Hildreth, Mary E. 93
Hill, George J. 123
Hill, Gold . 109
Hodges, James W. 24
Hoe, Richard M. 117
Holbrook, Harry C. . 38
Homes, William . 76
Homrighous, John 184
Hotchkiss, Benjamin B. . 38
Hotchkiss, James 111
Hovenden, Comas H. . 183
How, Comas P. . 129
Hubbell, William L. 210
Hunt, William F. . 122
Hunter, Robert . 68
Huntington, Samuel W. . 160
Hyde, James W. 185
Hyde, Joseph 141
Ireland, William . 221
Iske, Anthony . 194
Jackman, John Jr. 24
Jacob, Charles H. . 36
Jacobs, Zalmon L. 24
Jacoby, Sigmund . 37
Jennings, Hezekiah T. 129
Jerome, Henry 113
Jervis, James . 112
Jesson, Comas . 111
Jewett, Benjamin B. . 189
Johnsbury, St. . 45
Jones, Abner H. 213
Jones, George Horatio 193
Jones, John P. 109
Judson, Agur 124
Jusberg, Andrew . 80
Justh, Emanuel S. . 101
Karel, Ignatz . 153
Keats, John . 103
Keep, James M. 37
Kelly, Adam . 23
Kempster, Daniel E. . 79
Kennedy, Albert H. 151
Kernan, Edward R. 113
Ketcham, H.C. . 215
Keyes, Henry C. . 224
Kline, Calvin 139
Kloberg, John C. 132Index of Inventors
Koch, Dr. Paul . 190
Kopas, John O. . 172
LaFrance, Truckson S. . 20
Lawson, Peter . 80
Leonard, George O. . 40
Levy, Isaac 212
Lewis, Samuel S.B. 54
Lloyd, Samuel 77
Lochner, John W. . 36
Locke, Sylvanus D 148
Long, Elam B . 70
Loomis, George P. . 161
Lorraine, Madison J. 225
Lowe, Joshua 25
Mahan, Sara . 181
Mahlon, James W. . 163
Mann, Adelaide E 97
Marchand, Henry E . 83
Marmon, Daniel W 146
Marsters, Enoch J . 225
Martin, George W. 76
Mason, Benjamin A. 111
Massey, Albert P. . 224
Mattingly, Benjamin F. 36
Mattingly, John G. . 36
Mattox, Aaron 78
Maxim, Hiram S. . 44
Maxwell, John 131
McBurth, Augustus . 39
McCann, Shubael G. . 152
McChesney, Martin H . 204
McCoy, James T. 151
McCoy, Robert A. . 151
McGowen, Edmond F. 150
Mead, Wm. W. H. . 21
Mendham, William . 122
Merling, Georg 195
Merritt, William T. 139
Metert, Henri J. A. 202
Michaelis, Moses . 37
Miller, George 190
Mix, Frank W. . 55
Morgan, James . 153
Morgan, John G. 121
Morley, F. A. 86
Morrison, E.R. . 63
Moss, John . 123
Myers, George S. . 30
Naatz, Rudolph 160
Nanney, Comas L. 159
Neil, James . 103
Nesmith, Milton W. 153
Neuhausen, Augustus 215
Newell, Edward E 66
Niehaus, Friedrich William . 203
Noble, Jay . 222
North, John 121
Norton, Francis L. . 171
Nott, J. V. Henry 213
Noyes, Warren . 39
O’Harra, David J. . 61
Orttlopp, Henrietta S. . 132
Peters, Henry . 162
Peyer, Dr. Jacob 190
Philippe, Adrien . 180
Phillips, Denzil 149
Phillips, Enos B. 212
Picot, Max 191
Pierce, Erastus E. . 113
Pilkington, Joseph W. 67
Pitts, Marcellus H. . 223
Platt, John W. 40
Powers, Charles F. 158
Radinsky, Gustav A. 201
Ransom, Louis . 181
Rapids, Grand 123
Raven, Richard . 203
Rawson, Charles B. 76
Reed, Jesse 105
Richardson, Calvin O. . 60
Robert, Peter 221
Roe, Henry A. 158
Ronemous, John M. . 124
Rosenthal, Henry A . 211
Rote, John F.
Rumely, Meinrad . 147
Rymal, John J.
Safford, Joseph A. 102
Sangster, Amos W
Sangster, James .
Santin, Ernst
Sargent, James
Schering, Ernst 188
Schmitt, Charles C. .
Scholl, John T . 143
Seaman, Joseph S. 158
Sears, Joseph .
Seymour, Frederick J. .
Sharp, Philip Henry .
Shelabarger, Benjamin F. . 222
Shepardson, Henry S. 162
Shimer, George J. . 157
Shimer, Samuel J. . 157
Shirley, Daniel H. 205
Shrote, John H.
Simonds, Warren A.
Simpson, Josiah M.
Sisson, George P .
Slessinger, Lewis 104
Slocum, James
Slocum, John H. . 105
Smith, James
Smith, James H. .
Smith, John H. . 123
Smith, John W. 172
Snow, H.D.
Snyder, Henry F. 110
Solomon, Isaac . 138
Spear, Caddeus H.
Sprague, Welcome 149Page 274 Index of Inventors
Sprinkle, Clarence C. . 150
Staehlen, William 194
Starr, Eli T. 193
Starrett, Laroy S. 156
Steiner, Mathias . 182
Steinway, Christian F.T. . 198
Sterling, William H. 54
Stetson, Joseph B. . 101
Stevens, Sally R. . 89
Stewart, David . 112
Stewart, Lyman 58
Stillman, George K. . 208
Stilwell, Dr. Comas H. . 191
Stoutenborough, William T. 89
Strahan, Comas 132
Striedinger, Julius H. . 40
Swinden, Frederick 185
Tanner, George W. 36
Tayman, Benjamin J. 104
Temple, Comas W. . 88
Tenant, Hanson P. 23
Cecker, Sarah A. . 105
Compson, John Calvin . 142
Todd, Marshall 183
Tucker, Ephraim 75
Tucker, Stephen D. . 118
Tullis, John W. . 96
Tunstill, William 130
Turner, George F. . 105
Tuttle, Jesse 24
Van Campen, Harry D. 39
Vansittart, Henrietta 136
Vittum, Francis J. . 102
Von Elsner, Hugo B.E. 143
Walker, James T. 66
Warren, Frederic Pelham . 142
Warth, Albin 130
Washburn, Oscar F. . 123
Washington, Port . 143
Waters, Zera . 183
Watson, Jeremiah M. . 103
Watson, Richard H. . 79
Waugh, Robert . 21
Weaver, Jefford L. 128
Welch, Joseph . 173
Westerkamp, Christian 191
White, T. B. . 220
Whitman, Stephen F. 108
Whitney, Eli . 34
Wigmore, William H. . 22
Wilder, Ambrose G. . 161
Wilson, Samuel C. . 97
Wilson, Samuel M. 88
Wilson, William A. . 46
Wilson, William H. . 214
Winkler, Carl R. 89
Winston, Lucius . 67
Wolle, Francis 119
Woods, George 202
Woodward, Stephen . 96
Woolsey, J. B. . 92
Worthman, John E. . 176
Yale, Linus Jr. . 156
Yardell, Albert F. 140
Yost, George W.N. . 152
Young, McClintock 114
Young, Comas J. . 192
Ziegler, G. Frederick 105Index of Models
Adjustable Square 156
Apparatus for Aging and Purifying Liquors . 36
Apparatus for Carbonizing Air
for Illuminating Purposes 47
Apparatus for Crushing and Pulverizing Ores . 60
Apparatus for Rectifying Alcoholic Liquors . 28
Apparatus for Regulating the Supply of Water
to Steam-Boilers . 24
Apparatus for Separating Burgeons From Grain . 151
ArtiHcial Leg 189, 194
ArtiHcial Palate . 190
Atmospheric and Vacuum Egg Beater 83
Automatic Car Brake 222
Automatic Fan . 78
Automatic Stop-Motions for Steam-Engines . 24
Automatic Swing . 68
Automatic Toy . 69
Automatic Toy Dancers . 69
Automatic Toy Gymnast 210
Baling Press . 150
Ball Game 213
Ballot Box . 173
Barbed Fence Wire . 152
Barn Door Fastening . 150
Bed Bottom and Fire Escape . 185
Bench Vise 163
Blackboard and Map Case . 175
Blasting Cartridges . 40
Bolts for Safe Doors . 51
Book Case 76
Boot Jack and Burglar Alarm Combined . 181
Boot and Shoe 104, 105
Boot and Shoe Cleaner 105
Boots and Shoes . 10
Breech-Loading Fire Arms .
Brick Machine 11
Brush Making Machine . 11
Building Block . 1
Burglar Proof Safe 54, 55
Burial Casket . 18
Butter Mold .
Calendar . 18
Cane Seat .
Capodastro Frames for Piano Fortes 19
Car Coupling 22
Car Step 22
Car Trucks 22
Carburetor .
Carpet Sweeper .
Cartridge-Loading Device
Cattle Chute . 15
Ceremonial Bell . 17
Cigar Boxes .
Cigar Lighters .
Cigar Machine
Circular Braiding Machine . 13
Clothes Drier
Clothes Mangle .
Clothes Pounder
Clothes Wringer
Club Foot Shoes . 19
Coal Breaker
Combined Can and Measure
Combined Chair and Step Ladder .
Combined Gas, Air, and Steam Rotary Engine .
Combined Knob Latch and Lock
IndexofModelsPage 276 Index of Models
Combined Lunch Box and Shopping Bag . 182
Combined Table and Life Preserver . 140
Compound of Gamma Oxypiperidin Carboacids 195
Congealing Plates for Ice Machine . 109
Construction of Checkers 213
Construction of Doll Heads 64
Construction of Trunks and Valises . 182
Cooking Stove . 47
Cooking and Heating Stove 45
Corn Popper 86
Corn Stalker Cutter . 149
Cotton Press . 131
Cracker Making Machine . 112
Cryptography . 174
Cultivator 150
Cushion for Billiard Tables . 209
Cutter Head . 157
Cutter Head for Frizzing Machines 160
Cutting and Panning Cakes 86
Dental Hand Piece . 193
Design for a Collar Box . 185
Device for Cutting Corn From the Cob . 86
Device for Marking Plug Tobacco 38
Device for Oiling Steam Valves 221
Device for Teaching Music . 205
Door Lock and Latch . 54
Dredging Machine . 176
Drill Bit 162
Driving Mechanism for Street Locomotives, &c. . 218
Drum . 203
Ear Trumpet . 191
Earth Scraper . 173
Elastic Woven Fabric . 191
Electro Magnetic Engine . 174
Electro Magnetic Railroad Signal . 219
Elevated Railways and Cars 225
Engineer’s Valve 224
Escutcheon Latch 53
Exercising Apparatus . 211
Explosive Compound 39
Fabric for Wall Decoration 132
Fare Register and Recorder . 222
Feathering Paddle Wheel . 139
Fine-Cut Tobacco Machine 38
Fire Arms 35
Fire Engine Boiler . 20
Fire Kindler . 47
Fire Proof Curtain 48
Folding Rocking Chair . 75
Fracture Box . 191
Fuel Box and Washing Apparatus with Settees 96
Furnaces for Roasting Ores 61
Fuse Lighters . 40
Game 214
Game Indicator 213
Gearings for Valve-Movements for Steam-Engines 22
Governor for Steam and Other Enginery . 21
Governor for Steam and Other Engines . 21
Grain Register 153
Grate for Furnaces . 46
Grubbing Machine . 152
Hammock Frame 77
Hand Lantern . 46
Harmony Attachments for Piano Fortes . 201
Harvester 148, 152
Hat Holder . 183
Heating Stove 46
Holders for Plates While Being Warmed . 89
Hollow Auger . 162
Horseshoe Machine . 114
Hospital Bedstead 194
Hydraulic Mining Apparatus . 59
Ice Cream Freezer . 86
Ice Skate 212
Illuminator and Incense Burner 48
Imitation Feather 132
Improvement in Gear-Cutting Machines 17
Indicators for Mining Shafts . 60
Indicators for Trains 224
Injector 22Index of Models
Instantaneous Governor for Steam-Engines . 21
Instrument for Measuring Sails 135
Interest Calculator 183
Invalid Bedstead 190
Invalid’s Table 193
Ironing Board 94
Ironing Table and Clothes Rack . 95
Key Board for Musical Instruments 204
Keyed Musical Instrument 202
Knitting Machine 129, 131
Lap Board 181
Lasting Machine 103
Lasts for Boots and Shoes 103
Lathe for Turning Shafting 110
Lathes for Dental Surgery 193
Lawn Mower . 80
Lawn Sprinkler . 78
Leather Creasing Machine . 101
Leather Splitting Machine . 102
Life Boat 143
Life Preserving Berth for Steam & Other Vessels . 140
Link Machine 113
Locating and Raising Sunken Vessels 141
Lock . 51,55
Locomotive Apparatus 63
Locomotives 223
Machine for Braiding Manila 131
Machine for Casting Confectionery . 108
Machine for Cleaning Wool
from Burs & Other Foreign Matter . 129
Machine for Coloring Paper . 121
Machine for Cutting Corks 160
Machine for Cutting Diamonds 110
Machine for Cutting Ends of Billiard Cues True . 212
Machine for Cutting Files 112
Machine for Cutting Green Corn Off the Cob . 149
Machine for Cutting Shank Stiffeners . 103
Machine for Cutting and Printing Indexes . 123
Machine for Edging, Sizing,
and Straightening Non-Cylindrical Metal Bars 158
Machine for Folding Paper 11
Machine for Leathering Tacks . 10
Machine for Making Harrow Teeth 15
Machine for Making Horseshoe Nails 11
Machine for Making Paper Bags . 11
Machine for Making Paper Collars 12
Machine for Making Pills, Lozenges, &c. 19
Machine for Making Plaited Paper Caps, &c. . 12
Machine for Making Rope . 12
Machine for Making Toy Torpedoes
Machine for Printing Railroad and Other Tickets 1
Machine for Sawing Shingles 11
Machine for Creading Wood Screws . 11
Machine for Washing and Concentrating Ores
Machinery for Bending Sheet Metal 15
Machinery for Goring Shoe Uppers 10
Magnetic Steam-Gage
Making Bonnet Binding . 12
Manufacture of Candy Whistles . 21
Manufacture of India Rubber 10
Manufacturing of Illuminating Gas . 11
Marine Safes 14
Means for Propelling Vessels . 14
Means for ReeHng Sails 13
Measuring Scales for Coffins . 18
Mechanical Toy Waltzing Figures
Metal Toys
Metallic Burial Case 17
Metallic Shoe for the Braces of Truss Girders 22
Method of Construction for Screw Propellers 13
Method of Setting Hair-Triggers of RiJes .
Mill for Grinding Tortilla, Green Corn, &c. .
Mirror Adjusters 18
Mode of Compensating the Local Attraction of the
Magnetic Needle On Ships 13
Mode of Construction Paddle Wheels
for Propelling Steam and Other Boats 14
Mode of Mounting Ordnance .
Mounted Horse Powers . 22
Mouse Trap 17Page 278 Index of Models
Musical Box . 202
Musical Rocking Chair . 204
Nailing Lasts for Boots and Shoes . 102
Napkin Holder . 179
Oatmeal Machine 171
Oil Well Packer . 58
Ore Stamp Mill 61
Oscillating Swings . 214
Oyster Opening Machine . 88
Packing Boxes for Eggs 153
Paper Board for Dressing Wounds 190
Paper Box Machine 114
Paper Cutting Machine . 121
Paper Folding Machine 121, 122
Parallel Ruler 161
Pasting Mechanisms for Paper Folding Machine 118
Pavement for Streets 224
Peach Cutter 87
Percussion-Projectile . 39
Piano . 200, 203
Piano Forte Action 205
Piano Sounding Board 203
Piano Stool 205
Pigeon Starter 211
Pill Machine . 192
Pipe Cutter . 161
Playing Cards 212
Plug-Tobacco Machine 30
Pneumatic Despatch Carrier 175
Porcelain Water Closet 79
Portable Commode 192
Preparing Fish for Market . 174
Preserving Fresh Fish 84
Presses for Fish, Beets, & c. 84
Printing Press 124
Process for Making Transparent Window Shades . 113
Propelling Apparatus 221
Propulsion of Vessels 140
Purifying Salicylic Acid by Dialysis 188
Ratchet Drill 163
Reciprocating Printing Press . 122
Reed Organ 199, 201, 202
Refrigerator . 80
Reversible Lounge . 77
Revolving-Cylinder Engines . 25
Roadway and Tramway . 223
Rock Drilling Machine 59
Roller Skate . 208
Rotary Engines . 23
Rotary Paper Cutter 124
Rotary Steam Engines 24, 25
Rowlocks 141
Rudder Indicating Apparatus for Vessels . 176
Sad Iron . 94
Sad Iron Holder . 93, 95
Saw Filing Machine . 159
Screw Driver 161
Sea Drag . 139
Self Adjusting Opera Seat . 204
Self Leveling Berths for Ships . 142
Set Work for Saw Mills 159
Sewing Machine . 79
Shearing Machine . 160
Sheathing for Iron Vessels 142
Sheep Feeding Rack . 149
Sheep Shears 151
Shells for Incasing Millstones 146
Shell-Projectile . 38
Shelves for Griddles 89
Ship Building . 137
Shutter for Windows . 72
Shuttle Movement for Looms . 128
Skipping Apparatus . 65
Sofa Bed 78
Soldering Iron Heater 159
Sole Burnishing Machine 101
Sole Edge Burnishing Machine 104
Spark Arrester 147
Spring Shade Roller 79
Spring-Follower for Cigar Boxes . 37Index of Models
Springs and Barrels for Time Keepers 180
Steam Cooking Apparatus 89
Steam Generators 18, 20
Steam-Jet Pumps . 23
Steam-Traps 24
Stills for the Manufacture of Alcoholic Spirits . 27
Stilts . 214
Surface Blow-Offs . 21
Surfaces for Printing On Metal 124
Suspenders . 184
Swing . 67
Tailor’s Table . 130
Tanning Machine . 105
Telegraphic Apparatus . 171
Temperature-Regulator . 23
Ticket Printing and Recording Machine 123
Tile Facing and Squaring Machine 158
Tobacco-Caddy 31
Tool for Cutting Off Bolts, Rods, &c. . 162
ToyBoat . 67
Toy Carriages 70
ToyFish . 68
Toy Puzzle . 215
Toy Velocipede 69
ToyWagon .
Traveling Trunk . 18
Treatment of Wood for the Mfg. of Dominos . 21
Trimming of Soles of Boots & Shoes 10
Trundle Toy .
Truss Bridge 22
Universal Joint 17
Vegetable Fiber to Imitate Hair 18
Vegetable Grater
Vehicle Spring . 22
Velocipede . 20
Ventilating Buildings, Vessels, &c. 17
Vessels . 13
Violincellodian Musical Instrument . 20
Wash Boiler .
Washing Machine . 92, 93, 94, 97
Whiskey Still
Window Cleaning Step Chair 17
Window Lock .
Wrench 15
Wrestling Toy
Wringing Machine

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» كتاب Make - Maker Pro
» كتاب Make - Getting Started with CNC
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» كتاب Make - Getting Started with Processing
» كتاب Make - 3D Printing Projects

صلاحيات هذا المنتدى:لاتستطيع الرد على المواضيع في هذا المنتدى
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات التعليمية المتنوعة والثقافية :: منتدى التاريخ والجغرافيا والعلوم السياسية-
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