كتاب Easy Guide to Health and Safety
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Easy Guide to Health and Safety

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Easy Guide to Health and Safety
Phil Hughes MBE and Liz Hughes

كتاب Easy Guide to Health and Safety  E_g_t_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface ix
Acknowledgements xiii
Chapter 1 What is health and safety all about? 1
Summary 1
1.1 Introduction 2
1.2 Why is health and safety such an important topic? 3
1.3 What is health and safety all about? 8
1.4 Role and function of other external agencies 9
1.5 Getting started – hazards, risk assessment and control 10
1.6 How do you make a risk assessment? 12
Appendix 1.1 Hazard prompts 21
Appendix 1.2 Risk assessment record sheet 28
Appendix 1.3 Example of risk assessments completed 30
using a slight variations on the record forms
Chapter 2 Managing health and safety 45
Summary 45
2.1 General management responsibilities 46
2.2 Organise the work so that it is safe 47
2.3 Health and safety assistance 49
2.4 Provide adequate supervision 49
2.5 Provide information, instruction and training 50
2.6 Monitor and review of health and safety performance 52
2.7 Major occupational health and safety management systems 53
Appendix 2.1 Health and Safety – How do you comply? 55
Appendix 2.2 Example of a simple health and safety policy 60
Appendix 2.3 Example checklist for workplace audits 65
(walk-through inspection)
Chapter 3 Framework of health, safety and fire law 69
Summary 69
3.1 Legal framework 70
3.2 What the HSW Act requires 72
3.3 Management Regulations 75
3.4 Consultation and safety representatives 77
3.5 Safety signs and notices 80
3.6 Checklists for starting a new business 82
Appendix 3.1 Your health, your safety: A guide for workers 86Chapter 4 Control of safety hazards 89
Summary 89
4.1 The workplace and basic welfare 90
4.2 Movement of people and vehicles 95
4.3 Driving for work 97
4.4 Fire 101
4.5 Electricity 111
4.6 Work equipment 116
4.7 Manual handling 122
4.8 Slips and trips 126
4.9 Working at height (WAH) 129
4.10 Confined spaces 134
Appendix 4.1 Manual handling risk assessment 135
Chapter 5 Hazardous substances – Health hazards 137
Summary 137
5.1 Hazardous substances 138
5.2 Asbestos 143
5.3 Dermatitis 149
5.4 Drug and alcohol policy at work 154
5.5 Legionnaires’ disease 157
5.6 Personal protective equipment 158
5.7 Smokefree workplaces 160
Appendix 5.1 COSHH assessment forms 168
Appendix 5.2 Smokefree policy 170
Appendix 5.3 Smokefree sign 171
Chapter 6 Physical and psychological health hazards 173
Summary 173
6.1 Display screen equipment and computer workstations 174
6.2 Musculoskeletal disorders 177
6.3 Noise 182
6.4 Stress 192
6.5 Vibration 194
6.6 Violence and bullying 201
Appendix 6.1 Workstation self assessment checklist 203
vi ● ContentsChapter 7 Construction and contractors 207
Summary 207
7.1 Introduction 208
7.2 Contractors 208
7.3 Suppliers 209
7.4 What people need to know 211
7.5 Construction and maintenance jobs 212
7.6 Providing a health and safety method statement 214
7.7 Subcontracting work 216
7.8 Safety rules for contractors 217
7.9 Working with a permit-to-work system 218
7.10 Construction hazards 218
Appendix 7.1 Sample safety rules for contractors 224
Appendix 7.2 Health and Safety Checklist for contractors 226
Chapter 8 Accidents and emergencies 229
Summary 229
8.1 Introduction 230
8.2 Accidents can cost a great deal 230
8.3 Causes of accidents 231
8.4 Emergency procedures 233
8.5 Investigating accidents and incidents 235
8.6 Accident book 236
8.7 Reporting of accidents 237
8.8 First aid 239
8.9 Role and powers of enforcement officers 242
8.10 Insurance claims 243
Appendix 8.1 Manager’s incident/accident report 245
Appendix 8.2 Example of a shop emergency procedure 248
Appendix 8.3 Typical Fire Action Notice 250
Chapter 9 Sources of information and guidance 251
Summary 251
9.1 Principal health, safety and fire websites 252
9.2 HSE books publications referenced in the text of various
chapters and other booklets that are worth consulting 258
9.3 Books by Phil Hughes MBE and Ed Ferrett 267
9.4 A few acronyms used in health and safety 267
Index 271
Contents ● viiSources of information and guidance ● 267
Chapter 9
9.3 Books by Phil Hughes MBE and Ed Ferrett
Introduction to Health
and Safety at Work, 3rd
Elsevier, 2007 ISBN 9780750685030
Introduction to
Health and Safety in
Construction, 2nd
Elsevier, 2006 ISBN 9780750681117
9.4 A few acronyms used in health and safety
ACOP Approved Code of Practice
ACM Asbestos containing material
CAR Control of Asbestos Regulations
CBI The Confederation of British Industry
CECA The Civil Engineering Contractors Association
CDM The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
CHIP Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging)
CIRA Construction Industry Research and Information
CONIAC Construction Industry Advisory Committee
COSHH Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations
dB(A) Decibel (A-weighted)
dB(C) Decibel (C-weighted)
DSE Display Screen Equipment Regulations
DSEAR Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmospheres
Regulation268 ● Easy Guide to Health and Safety
Chapter 9
EAV Exposure action value
EC European Community
ELV Exposure limit value
EMAS Employment Medical Advisory Service
EPA Environmental Protection Act 1990
EU European Union
HAV Hand-arm vibration
HSC Health and Safety Commission
HSE Health and Safety Executive
HSW Act Health and Safety at Work etc. Act 1974
IOSH Institution of Occupational Safety and Health
LEAL Lower exposure action level
LOLER Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
MCG The Major Contractors Group
MHOR Manual Handling Operations Regulations
MHSW Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations
MORR Management of Occupational Road Risk)
MoT Ministry of Transport (still used for vehicle tests)
NAWR Control of Noise at Work Regulations
NEBOSH National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and
OHSAS Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series
OSH Occupational Safety and HealthSources of information and guidance ● 269
Chapter 9
POOSH Professional Organisations in Occupational Safety and
PPE Personal protective equipment
PUWER The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations
RIDDOR The Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous
Occurrences Regulations
ROES Representative(s) of Employee Safety
RoSPA Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
RRFSO Regulatory Reform Fire Safety Order
RSI Repetitive Strain Injury
SGUK Safety Groups UK
SPL Sound Pressure Level
STEL Short-term exposure limit
TUC Trades Union Congress
UEAL Upper exposure action level
UK United Kingdom
VAWR Vibration at Work Regulations
WAHR Work at Height Regulations
WBV Whole body vibration
WEL Workplace Exposure Limit
WRULD Work-related upper limb disorderThis page intentionally left blankIndex
Access routes , 92
Accident book, 236–7
Accidents , 2–3, 230
causes of , 231–3
costs of , 230–1
first aid, 239–42
incidence , 3, 53
investigation, 53, 235–6
keeping records, 236–7
reporting , 83, 237–9, 245–6
see also Emergency procedures
Action values , see Exposure action
values (EAVs)
Alcohol policy , 154–7
addressing problems, 155–7
indicators of problems , 155
training , 155
Asbestos , 143–9, 223
Control of Asbestos Regulations
(2006) , 146–9
dangers of , 144–5
getting information , 149
licences, 147
likely sites of , 145
people at risk , 145
Asbestos Removal Contractors
Association (ARCA), 252
Association of Noise Consultants
(ANC) , 252
Association of Specialist Fire Protection
(ASFP) , 252
Biological hazards , 15
British Approvals for Fire Equipment
(BAFE) , 252
British Fire Protection Systems
Association (BFPSA) , 253
British Occupational Hygiene Society
(BOHS) , 253
British Standard BS8800 , 53
Bully OnLine , 253
Bullying , 201–2
Callaghan, Bill, 4
Carrying, see Manual handling
Charity risk assessment, 39–44
Chartered Institute of Wastes
Management (CIWM), 253
Chemical hazards, 14–15, 23–4, 138
fire risks, 108
see also Hazardous substances
Chemical Hazards Communication
Society (CHCS) , 253
Civil law , 70, 71
Cleanliness , 91, 92–3, 127
Clothing, protective, 158–60
Competent assistance, 76, 82
Computer workstations , 174–7
analysis of , 177, 203–5
regulations , 174–7
training and information , 177
Confederation of British Industry
(CBI) , 253
Confined spaces, 134
Considerate Constructors Scheme , 254
Construction , 212–13
hazards , 218–23
health and safety method statement ,
see also Contractors ; Working at
height (WAH)
Construction (Design and
Management) Regulations (2007) ,
Consultation with employees , 77–9
protection of employees, 79–80
Contractors , 208–9
checklist , 226–8
health and safety method statement ,
information provision, 211–12
permit-to-work system , 218
regulations , 211–12
safety rules , 217–18, 224–5
subcontracting work , 216–17
see also Construction272 ● Index
Control of Asbestos Regulations (2006),
compliance with , 147–9
Control of Noise at Work Regulations
(2005) , 182–3
action levels , 185–6
hearing protectors , 189
limit values , 185–6
Control of Substances Hazardous to
Health (COSHH) Regulations ,
assessments, 140–4, 168–9
compliance with , 139–40
Control of Vibration at Work
Regulations, 194–6
Criminal law , 70, 71
Dangers , see Hazards
Department for Business Enterprise and
Regulatory Reform (BERR) , 254
Department for Communities and
Local Government (DCLG) , 254
Department for Rural Affairs (DEFRA) ,
Department for Transport (DFT) , 254
Dermatitis , 149–54
early detection , 154
reporting, 154
risk assessment , 150–2
risk control , 152–3
training and supervision , 153–4
Disabled people, risk assessment , 39–44
Display screen equipment, 174–7
analyzing the workstation , 177, 203–5
regulations , 174–7
training and information , 177
Driving , 97–101
risk evaluation , 98–101
vehicular routes , 91, 95–7
Drug policy , 154–7
addressing problems , 155–7
indicators of problems, 155
training , 155
Egress routes , 92
Electricity , 111–15
electric shock placard , 115
electrical hazards, 111
electrical system evaluation, 111–14
keeping records , 114
Emergency procedures , 233–5, 247–8
fire, 234–5
Employees :
consultation with , 77–80
information provision to, 76, 86–7,
responsibilities of , 73–5, 77, 86
Employers Liability (Compulsory
Insurance) Act (1969) , 73, 82
Enforcement officers, 242–3
Environment Agency , 10, 255
Environmental hazards , 15, 25–6
Escalators , 92
European Agency for Safety and Health
and Work, 255
Expectant mothers , 77
Exposure action values (EAVs) :
noise , 185–6
vibration , 195–6
Exposure limit values (ELVs):
noise , 185–6
vibration, 195–6
External agencies , 9–10
External training , 50
Falls, 126–9, 220–1
avoidance , 127–9
see also Working at height (WAH)
FIRA International , 255
emergency procedures, 234–5
exit doors , 105
fire notice, 249
see also Fire risks
Fire and rescue authority , 10
Fire extinguishers , 109–10
Fire Precautions Regulatory Reforms
(Fire Safety) Order (2005) , 101–3
main rules , 102
premises covered , 101–2
responsibility for , 102–3
Fire Protection Association (FPA) , 255
Fire risks , 71, 101–10
dangerous substances, 108
fire triangle, 103
general precautions, 108–9
heaters , 108Index ● 273
risk assessment , 103–7
rubbish , 107–8
smoking , 108
see also Fire; Fire Precautions
Regulatory Reforms (Fire Safety)
Order (2005)
Fire Safety Order (2005) , 71
First aid , 239–42
appointed person, 241
contents of first-aid box, 241–2
Floors , 129
Fogle, Ben , 4–5
Footwear , 129
Forestry Commission , 255
Hand tools , 120
Hand-arm vibration (HAV) , 194
effects on people, 197
exposure estimation , 198–9
jobs involving HAV , 197–8
preventing problems, 199
see also Vibration
Handling, see Manual handling
Hazard Data Sheets , 141
Hazard symbols , 141
Hazardous substances , 138–67
alcohol , 154–7
asbestos , 143–9, 223
Control of Substances Hazardous
to Health (COSHH) Regulations
(COSHH), 138–43
dermatitis, 149–54
drugs , 154–7
see also Chemical hazards
Hazards , 2, 11, 21–7
biological , 15
chemical , 14–15, 23–4, 108
environmental, 15, 25–6
identification of, 12–17
mechanical, 13, 21
organizational , 15–16, 26–7
physical , 13, 22–3
procedures for dealing with , 76
reporting procedures , 52
see also Specific hazards
Hazards Forum, 255
Health and safety :
aims , 8–9
assessment questionnaire , 55–9
assistance , 49
enforcement of , 83
importance of , 3–7
performance monitoring , 52–3
see also Safety policies
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
(HSW Act) , 47, 70, 72–5
basic regulations, 72–3
employee responsibilities , 73–5
Health and Safety Commission (HSC), 4
Health and Safety (Consultation with
Employees) Regulations (1996) ,
Health and Safety (Display screen
equipment) Regulations (1992) ,
Health and Safety Executive (HSE), 3,
8, 9, 54, 256
HSE Bookfinder, 256
HSE Public Register of Convictions ,
registering a business with , 83–5
Health and Safety Laboratory (HSL) ,
Health and Safety (Safety Signs and
Signals) Regulations (1996) , 80–2
Health surveillance, 76
hearing checks, 191–2
Hearing protection, 189–92
health surveillance , 191–2
legal requirements, 189
maintenance , 191
making checks , 191
Heaters, fire risk, 108
Home working , 71
smokefree regulations and , 166
Housekeeping, 92–3
Incident Contact Centre , 256
Incidents , see Accidents ; Emergency
Information provision, 50
contractors , 211–12
display screen equipment use, 177
hazardous substances , 143
noise, 192
Institution of Occupational Safety and
Health (IOSH) , 50, 257
Instructions , 50274 ● Index
Insurance claims , 243–4
Insurance companies, 10
International Labour Organization
(ILO) , 54
ILO-OSH , 2001, 54
International Standards Office (ISO)
quality standards , 53
Ladders , 131–3, 221
Legal framework , 70–2
checklists for new businesses , 82–5
consultation and safety
representatives, 77–80
safety signs and notices , 80–2
see also Specific regulations
Legionnaire’s disease , 157–8
risk reduction , 157–8
Lifting , see Manual handling
Lighting , 90, 129
Likelihood (L) of an incident
occurring , 18–19
Limit values , see Exposure limit values
Local Authorities , 8, 9
Local Government Association (LGA),
Maintenance, 90, 92–3, 127
of hearing protection , 192
of work equipment , 120–2
Maintenance jobs, 212–13
see also Construction
Management of Health and Safety at
Work Regulations (1999) , 75–7
Management responsibilities , 46
Manual handling, 122–6
in construction , 221–2
Manual Handling Operations
Regulations (1992), 124–6
questions , 123–4
risk assessment , 135–6
Mechanical hazards , 13, 21
Mobile work equipment , 119
Musculoskeletal disorders, 177–81
addressing problems , 179
implementing solutions , 179–81
monitoring effects of measures , 181
recognising problems, 178–9
National Examination Board in
Occupational Safety and Health
(NEBOSH) , 257
Noise, 182–92
exposure action levels (EAVs) , 185–6
exposure limit values (ELVs) , 185–6
hearing protection , 189–91
information provision to employees ,
measurement of , 184
providing health surveillance , 191–2
recognising problems , 183–4
reduction , 187–8
regulations , 182–3, 185–6
risk assessment , 184–5, 187
risk control , 186–7
Obstructions , 129
Occupational Health and Safety
Assessment Series (OHSAS) , 53–4
Offi ce risk assessment, 32–5
Organisational hazards , 15–16, 26–7
Passive Fire Protection Federation
(PFPF) , 257
Passport training schemes , 50–2
Performance monitoring, 52–3
Permit-to-work system , 218
Personal Protective Equipment at Work
Regulations (1992), 158–60
Physical hazards , 13, 22–3
Pregnant women , 77
Prevention, principles of , 75–6
Protective equipment , 158–60
accidents , 236–7
electrical system inspections , 114
risk assessment , 20, 28–44, 143
Rees, Jonathan , 6–7
Registering a business, 83–5
Repetitive strain injury (RSI) , 174, 177
see also Musculoskeletal disorders
dermatitis , 154
hazards , 52
incidents , 83, 237–9, 245–6Index ● 275
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases
and Dangerous Occurrences
Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) ,
237–9, 256
Representatives of Employee Safety
(ROES) , 79
protection of , 79–80
Restaurant risk assessment , 36–8
Risk , 11
see also Hazards
Risk assessment , 11–20, 75, 82
control measure hierarchy , 18
dermatitis, 150–2
driving risks , 98–101
fire risk, 103–7
hazard identification, 12–17
hazardous substances , 140–4, 168–9
keeping records, 20, 28–44
keeping up to date , 20
likelihood (L) of an incident
occurring, 18
manual handling , 135–6
noise , 184–5, 187
people at risk , 17
risk evaluation , 17–18
risk matrix chart, 18, 19
severity/consequences of an
incident , 19
Risk control measures, 11
evaluation, 17–18
hierarchy of , 18
Risk management , 5
see also Risk control measures
Roof work , 133
Royal Society for the Prevention of
Accidents (RoSPA), 257
Rubbish, fi re risk from , 107–8
Safety Assessment Federation
(SAFed) , 257
Safety Health and Environment
Intra Industry Benchmarking
Association (SHEiiBA) , 258
Safety policies , 47–9, 60–4, 82
review , 53
Safety Representatives and Safety
Committees Regulations (1977), 79
Safety signs , 80–2
Scaffolds , 131
Scottish Environment Protection
Agency (SEPA) , 10, 258
Shop emergency procedure, 247–8
Signs, 80–2
no-smoking signs , 166–7, 171
Slips, 126–8
avoidance , 127–9
Smoking , 160–7
fire risk, 108
home workers , 166
legal restrictions , 161–2
places which must be smokefree ,
private dwellings , 165–6
responsibility for smokefree
environment, 163
secondhand smoke, 160–1
signs required , 166–7, 171
smokefree policy , 163, 170
smokefree vehicles , 165
support available for stopping
smoking , 163–4
Social Security (Claims and Payments)
Regulations (1979) , 236
Space, 91
Standards, 53–4
Stepladders , 133
Stress, 192–4
Subcontracting , 216–17, 218
Supervision , 49–50
contractors , 218
dermatitis risk control , 153–4
Suppliers , 208, 209–10
Temperature control, 90
Toilet facilities , 95
Trade Unions Congress (TUC) , 258
Trading Standards Institute , 258
Traffic routes, 91, 95–7, 222–3
Training , 50, 77, 82
alcohol and drug policy , 155
dermatitis risk control , 153–4
display screen equipment use , 177
drivers , 99–101
first aid, 240–1
Passport Schemes , 50–2276 ● Index
Trips , 126–8
avoidance , 127–9
Upper limb disorders , 174, 177 ,
see also Musculoskeletal disorders
VDUs , 174–7
Vehicles :
risk evaluation , 100
smokefree environment , 161–3,
165, 167
traffic routes, 91, 95–7, 222–3
Ventilation , 90
Vibration , 194–201
effects on people , 197
exposure action values (EAVs) , 195–6
exposure estimation , 198–9, 200
exposure limit values (ELVs) , 195–6
jobs involving vibration , 197–8
preventing problems , 199–201
regulations , 194–5
Violence , 201–2
Washbasins , 95
Welfare facilities , 93–4
Whole Body Vibration (WBV) , 194
effects on people , 197
exposure estimation , 199
jobs involving WBV, 197–8
preventing problems , 201 ,
see also Vibration
Windows , 91
Work equipment , 116–22
guarding dangerous parts of
machines , 118–19
hand tools , 120
maintenance , 120–2
mobile equipment , 119
risk identification, 116–17
using machinery safely, 117–18
Work Related Upper Limb Disorders
(WRULD) , 174, 177
see also Musculoskeletal disorders
Working at height (WAH), 129–34,
ladders , 131–3
Regulations (2005) , 129–31
roof work , 133
scaffolds, 131
specialist access equipment , 134
stepladders , 133
see also Construction
Working Well Together , 258
Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare)
Regulations (1992), 90–5
access and egress, 92
maintenance and cleanliness , 92–3
welfare , 93–4
Workplace inspections , 52, 65–7
Workstations , 91
computer workstations , 174–7
see also Display screen equipment
Young persons , 77

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