كتاب Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2023
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 كتاب Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2023

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18959
التقييم : 35383
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2023  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2023    كتاب Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2023  Emptyالأحد 14 أبريل 2024, 7:20 pm

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2023
Huei-Huang Lee
Department of Engineering Science
National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan  

كتاب Programming and Engineering Computing with MATLAB 2023  P_a_e_11
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Contents 1Chapter 3 Flow Controls, Functions, and Programs 124
3.1 If-Blocks 125
3.2 Switch-Blocks 127
3.3 While-Loops 129
3.4 For-Loops 131
3.5 User-Defined Functions 134
3.6 Subfunctions 137
3.7 Nested Functions 139
3.8 Function Handles 141
3.9 Anonymous Functions 144
3.10 Function Precedence Order 146
3.11 Program Files 147
3.12 Example: Deflection of Beams 149
3.13 Example: Sorting and Searching 151
3.14 Example: Statically Determinate Trusses (Version 1.0) 154
3.15 Example: Statically Determinate Trusses (Version 2.0) 159
3.16 Additional Exercise Problems 169
Chapter 4 Cell Arrays, Structures, Tables, and User-Defined Classes 170
4.1 Cell Arrays 171
4.2 Functions of Variable-Length Arguments 175
4.3 Structures 179
4.4 Example: Statically Determinate Trusses (Version 3.0) 182
4.5 Tables 187
4.6 Conversion of Cell Arrays 191
4.7 Conversion of Structure Arrays 194
4.8 Conversion of Tables 197
4.9 User-Defined Classes 200
4.10 Additional Exercise Problems 204
Chapter 5 Data Visualization: Plots 206
5.1 Graphics Objects and Parent-Children Relationship 207
5.2 Graphics Objects Properties 212
5.3 Figure Objects 216
5.4 Axes Objects 218
5.5 Line Objects 224
5.6 Text Objects 227
5.7 Legend Objects 231
5.8 Bar Plots 233
5.9 Pie Plots 235
5.10 3-D Line Plots 237
5.11 Surface and Mesh Plots 239
5.12 Contour Plots 245
5.13 Vector Plots 248
5.14 Streamline Plots 250
5.15 Isosurface Plots 252
5.16 Additional Exercise Problems 253
2 ContentsContents 3
Chapter 6 Animations, Images,Audios, and Videos 256
6.1 Animation of Line Plots: Comet 257
6.2 Stream Particles Animations 258
6.3 Movie: Animation of an Engine 260
6.4 Indexed Images 262
6.5 True Color Images 264
6.6 Audios 267
6.7 Videos 270
6.8 Example: Statically Determinate Trusses (Version 4.0) 272
6.9 Additional Exercise Problems 275
Chapter 7 Data Import and Export 277
7.1 Screen Text I/O 278
7.2 Low-Level Text File I/O 281
7.3 Low-Level Binary File I/O 286
7.4 MAT-Files 288
7.5 ASCII-Delimited Files 290
7.6 Excel Spreadsheet Files 292
7.7 Additional Exercise Problems 293
Chapter 8 Graphical User Interfaces 295
8.1 Predefined Dialog Boxes 296
8.2 UI-Controls: Pushbuttons 300
8.3 Example: Image Viewer 304
8.4 UI-Menus: Image Viewer 307
8.5 Panels, Button Groups, and More UI-Controls 309
8.6 UI-Controls: Sliders 315
8.7 UI-Tables: Truss Data 317
8.8 Example: Statically Determinate Trusses (Version 5.0) 320
8.9 GUIDE 328
8.10 App Designer 339
8.11 Additional Exercise Problems 356
Chapter 9 Symbolic Mathematics 357
9.1 Symbolic Numbers, Variables, Functions, and Expressions 358
9.2 Simplification of Expressions 364
9.3 Symbolic Differentiation: Curvature of a Planar Curve 367
9.4 Symbolic Integration: Normal Distributions 370
9.5 Limits 372
9.6 Taylor Series 374
9.7 Algebraic Equations 376
9.8 Inverse of Matrix: Hooke's Law 379
9.9 Ordinary Differential Equations (ODE) 381
9.10 Additional Exercise Problems 387Chapter 10 Linear Algebra, Polynomial, Curve Fitting, and Interpolation 388
10.1 Products of Vectors 389
10.2 Systems of Linear Equations 394
10.3 Backslash Operator (\) 399
10.4 Eigenvalue Problems 402
10.5 Polynomials 404
10.6 Polynomial Curve Fittings 408
10.7 Interactive Curve-Fitting Tools 411
10.8 Linear Fit Through Origin: Brake Assembly 413
10.9 Interpolations 418
10.10 Two-Dimensional Interpolations 421
Chapter 11 Differentiation, Integration, and Differential Equations 422
11.1 Numerical Differentiation 423
11.2 Numerical Integration: trapz 426
11.3 Length of a Curve 428
11.4 User-Defined Function as Input Argument: integral 431
11.5 Area and Centroid 432
11.6 Placing Weight on Spring Scale 434
11.7 Double Integral: Volume Under Stadium Dome 437
11.8 Initial Value Problems 439
11.9 IVP: Placing Weight on Spring Scale 442
11.10 ODE-BVP: Deflection of Beams 444
11.11 IBVP: Heat Conduction in a Wall 447
Chapter 12 Nonlinear Equations and Optimization 450
12.1 Nonlinear Equations: Intersection of Two Curves 451
12.2 Kinematics of Four-Bar Linkage 453
12.3 Asymmetrical Two-Spring System 456
12.4 Linear Programming: Diet Problem 459
12.5 Mixed-Integer Linear Programming 463
12.6 Unconstrained Single-Variable Optimization 466
12.7 Unconstrained Multivariate Optimization 469
12.8 Multivariate Linear Regression 472
12.9 Non-Polynomial Curve Fitting 475
12.10 Constrained Optimization 479
4 ContentsContents 5
Chapter 13 Statistics 484
13.1 Descriptive Statistics 485
13.2 Normal Distribution 491
13.3 Central Limit Theory 495
13.4 Confidence Interval 499
13.5 Chi-Square Distribution 501
13.6 Student's t-Distribution 506
13.7 One-Sample t-Test: Voltage of Power Supply 509
13.8 Linear Combination of Random Variables 511
13.9 Two-Sample t-Test: Injection Molded Plastic 512
13.10 F-Distribution 514
13.11 Two-Sample F-Test: Injection Molded Plastic 516
13.12 Comparison of Means by F-Test 518
Index 520List of Tables
Table 1.2 Rules of Variable Names 16
Table 2.1 Unsigned Integer Numbers 71
Table 2.2a Unsigned/Signed Representation 72
Table 2.2b Signed Integer Numbers 72
Table 2.3a Floating-Point Numbers 75
Table 2.3b Numeric Output Format 77
Table 2.5a Rules of Logical and (&) 83
Table 2.5b Rules of Logical or (|) 83
Table 2.6a Array Creation Functions 88
Table 2.6b Array Replication, Concatenation, Flipping, and Reshaping 88
Table 2.7 Sums, Products, Minima, and Maxima 89
Table 2.8 Arithmetic Operators 92
Table 2.9a Relational Operators 99
Table 2.9b Logical Operators 99
Table 2.10 String Manipulations 104
Table 2.11a Special Characters 107
Table 2.11b Elementary Math Functions 107
Table 3.10 Variable/Function Precedence Order 146
Table 3.14a Nodal Data for the 3-Bar Truss 157
Table 3.14b Member Data for the 3-Bar Truss 157
Table 3.15a Nodal Data for the 21-Bar Truss 168
Table 3.15b Member Data for the 21-Bar Truss 168
Table 4.1 Cell Arrays 174
Table 4.2 Functions of Variable-Length Arguments 178
Table 4.3 Structures 181
Table 4.5 Tables 190
Table 5.1 Graphics Objects 211
Table 5.3 Figure Properties 217
Table 5.4a Axes Functions 223
Table 5.4b Axes Properties 223
Table 5.5a Line Styles, Colors, and Marker Types 226
Table 5.5b Line Functions (2-D) 226
Table 5.5c Line Properties 226
Table 5.6a Greek Letters and Math Symbols 229
Table 5.6b Text Functions 230
Table 5.6c Text Properties 230
Table 5.7a Legend Functions 232
Table 5.7b Legend Properties 232
Table 5.8a Bar Functions 234
Table 5.8b Bar Properties 234
Table 5.9a Pie Functions 236
Table 5.9b Patch Properties 236
Table 5.10a 3-D Line Plot Functions 238
Table 5.10b Additional Axes Properties 238
Table 5.11a Colormaps 243
Table 5.11b Surface Functions 244
Table 5.11c Surface Properties 244
Table 5.12a Contour Functions 247
Table 5.12b Contour Properties 247
6 List of TablesList of Tables 7
Table 5.13 Vector Plots Functions 249
Table 5.14 Streamline Plots Functions 250
Table 5.15 Isosurface Plots Functions 252
Table 6.1 Animated Line Plots Functions 257
Table 6.2 Stream Particles Functions 259
Table 6.3 Animated Line Plots Functions 261
Table 6.5a Supported Image File Formats 266
Table 6.5b Image Functions 266
Table 6.6a Supported Audio File Formats 269
Table 6.6b Audio Functions 269
Table 6.7 Video Functions 271
Table 7.1a Examples of Format Specifications 280
Table 7.1b Screen Text I/O 280
Table 7.2 Low-Level Text File I/O 285
Table 7.3 Low-Level Binary File I/O 287
Table 7.4 MAT-Files 289
Table 7.5 ASCII-Delimited Files 291
Table 7.6 Excel Spreadsheet Files 292
Table 8.1 Predefined Dialog Boxes 299
Table 8.2a UI Control Properties 303
Table 8.2b Style of UI Control 303
Table 8.4 UI-Menus Properties 308
Table 8.5 UI-Controls and Indicators 314
Table 8.7 UI-Table Properties 319
Table 9.1 Creation of Symbolic Constants, Variables, and Functions 363
Table 9.2 Simplification of Expressions 366
Table 9.3 Line Plots 369
Table 9.5 Limits 373
Table 9.6 Taylor Series 374
Table 9.7 Algebraic Equations 377
Table 10.1 Summary of Functions 393
Table 10.2 Summary of Functions 398
Table 10.5 Summary of Functions 407
Table 10.6 Summary of Functions 410
Table 11.8 Summary of Functions for IVPs 441
Table 11.10 Summary of Functions for ODE-BVPs 446
Table 11.11 Summary of Functions for PE-IBVPs 449
Table 12.1 Summary of Functions for Systems of Nonlinear Equations 452
Table 12.4 Summary of linprog 462
Table 12.5 Summary of Function intlinprog 465
Table 12.6 Summary of fminbnd 468
Table 12.7 Summary of fminunc and fminsearch 471
Table 12.8 Summary of Linear Least Squares 474
Table 12.9 Summary of Functions lsqcurvefit and lsqnonlin 478
Table 12.10 Summary of fmincon 483
Table 13.1a Random Number Generation 490
Table 13.1b Descriptive Statistics 490
Table 13.2 Normal Distribution 494
Table 13.5 Chi-Square Distribution 505
Table 13.6 Student's t-Distribution 508
Table 13.7 One-Sample t-Test 510
Table 13.9 Two-Sample t-Test 513
Table 13.10 F-Distribution 515
Table 13.11 Two-Sample F-Test 517
2-D contour plot, 245
2-D streamline, 250, 258
2-D vector plot, 248
21-bar truss, 165, 326
3-bar truss, 325, 397
3-D array expression, 114
3-D array, 114
3-D bar plot, 254
3-D contour plot, 245
3-D curve, 253
3-D grid coordinates, 114
3-D line plot, 21, 237
3-D streamline, 251, 259
3-D vector plot, 249
AAC, 269
abs, 107
absolute error tolerance, 431
abstraction, 136
Accelerator, 308
acos, 107
acosd, 106, 107, 393
addition of matrices, 94
algebraic equation, 376
all, 126
animatedline, 257
animation of engine, 260
anonymous function, 144
ans, 79
any, 126
App Designer, 55, 63, 339
appdesigner, 63, 339
apple, 253
arbitrary load, 150
area, 432
arithmetic operators, 92
array expression, 17
array operation, 18
array, 84
array2table, 187
array2table, 190
ASCII code, 78
ASCII-delimited file, 290
asin, 107
asind, 105, 107, 393
assignment statement, 14
assume, 365, 366
assumptions, 365, 366
asymmetrical two-spring system, 456, 469, 470
atan, 107
atan2, 107
atan2d, 107
atand, 107
audio file format, 267
audio recording, 268
audioread, 267, 268, 269, 298
audiorecorder, 268, 269, 298
audios, 267
audiowrite, 267, 268, 269, 298
AVI, 260
axes objects, 57, 218
axes scaling, 220
axes, 55, 211, 223, 314
Axes, 59
axis equal, 220, 223
axis image, 45
axis square, 220, 223
axis vis3d, 25, 28, 237, 238, 393
axis, 55, 223
BackgroundColor, 303
backslash \, 377, 398, 474
backslash operator, 155, 378, 394, 399, 417
backward difference, 423
ball-throwing, 139
banded matrix, 400
bar plot, 233
bar, 233, 234
bar3, 234
bar3h, 234
barh, 234
BarWidth, 234
BaseValue, 234
basic data types, 69
bin2dec, 71
binary file I/O, 44
binary files, 286
binary search, 153
binomial coefficient, 121
binomial distribution, 122
bit pattern, 286
blank line, 49
block, 41
BMP, 266
520 IndexIndex 521
boundary value problem, 439
box on, 223
Box, 232
BoxStyle, 237, 238
brake assembly, 413
break point, 42
break, 130
bubble sort, 153
built-in colormaps, 243
button group, 309
ButtonDownFcn, 303
BVP, 439, 444
bvp4c, 444, 445, 446
bvp5c, 446
bvpinit, 444, 445
calculation of pi, 123
callback function, 56, 57
Callback, 303, 308
cdf, 492
cell array, 51, 171, 172, 191, 194, 197, 204
cell, 174
cell2struct, 174, 181, 191, 193
cell2table, 174, 187, 190, 191, 193
celldisp, 173, 174
CellEditCallback, 319
cellplot, 173, 174
central difference, 423
Central Limit Theory, 495, 497
centroid, 432
char, 78, 104
character, 78
checkbox, 303
chi-square distribution, 501
chi-square test, 505
chi2cdf, 505
chi2inv, 504, 505
chi2pdf, 501, 504, 505
children, 218
clabel, 245, 247
class Poly, 200, 205
class, 362
classdef, 200
classification of differential equation, 439
classification of matrices, 400
close function, 136
Close, 12
close, 25, 271
Code View, 63, 339
collect, 364, 366
colon, 18, 87
Color, 216, 217, 226, 230
colorbar, 25, 244
colorbar, 28
colormap, 239, 244, 266
colormap, 28, 243, 263
column dimension, 84
column vector, 18
ColumnEditable, 319
ColumnFormat, 319
ColumnName, 319
ColumnWidth, 319
combine, 366
comet, 55, 257
comet3, 257
comma, 19
Command History Window, 15
Command Window, 11
comment, 24, 135
Component Browser, 63, 339
Component Library, 63, 339
concatenation of array, 88
confidence interval, 499, 500
confidence level, 499
confidence limit, 499
constrained optimization, 479
continuation of statement, 54
Continue, 42
contour plot, 245
contour, 245, 247
contour3, 245, 247
contourf, 245, 247
convergence study, 429
conversion of cell array, 191
conversion of structure array, 194
conversion of table, 197
conversion to logical data type, 82
coordinate-measuring machine, 421
correcting mistake, 15
cos, 13, 107
cosd, 107
critically-damped, 118
cross product, 389
cross, 389, 393
csvread, 290, 291
csvwrite, 290, 291
cumprod, 89
cumsum, 89
cumulative distribution function, 492
curly brackets, 52
current colormap, 240
Current Folder Window, 11
Current Folder, 11curvature of a curve, 367
curve-fitting tool, 411
Curve-Fitting Toolbox, 412
cylinder, 242, 244
damped free vibration, 118, 136, 137, 147, 385,
data handle, 141
data visualization, 19, 25
Data, 319
DE, 439
deblank, 102, 103, 104
debug, 41
dec2bin, 71, 75
definite integral, 387
deflection of beam, 115, 149, 444, 445
degree of fitness, 410
delete, 211, 216
Delete, 41
demo files, 46
descriptive statistics, 485, 486
Design View, 63, 339
desktop size, 12
det, 395, 398
diag, 88, 403
diagonal matrix, 400
dialog box, 296
diet problem, 459
diff, 89, 358, 363, 407, 423
differential equation, 439
differentiation, 203
disp, 34, 35, 102, 104, 278, 280, 282
displacement of a piston, 123
division by a non-square matrix, 97
division of matrices, 95
dlmread, 290, 291
dlmwrite, 290, 291
doc, 16
dot product, 389
dot, 389, 393
double Integral, 437
double-precision, 76
double, 26, 75
dsolve, 381
edge removed, 240
EdgeColor, 234, 236, 244
edit GUI, 62
Edit Text, 60
edit, 303
editable text box, 56
Editor Window, 22
Editor, 22
efficiency, 413
eig, 403
eigenvalue problem, 402
elapsed time, 133
element-wise division ./, 95
element-wise exponentiation .^, 18, 96
element-wise multiplication .*, 95
element-wise operator, 110
ellipsoid, 244
empty data, 87
Enable, 303, 308
end, 47, 48, 85, 86
engine, 260
engineering analysis, 479
engineering design, 479
entering command, 13
equality constraint, 459
equationsToMatrix, 376, 377
erf, 371
error dialog box, 297
error, 23, 410
errordlg, 296, 297, 299
estimation of error, 499
eval, 104
evaluate selection, 43, 45
Excel spreadsheet file, 292, 293
exit, 12
exp, 107, 141
expand, 364, 366
exponentiation of square matrices, 95
expression, 14, 105
eye, 88
F-distribution, 514
F-test, 519
face transparency, 240
FaceAlpha, 244
FaceColor, 234, 236, 244
factor, 364, 366
factorial, 107, 109, 110
false, 81
fcdf, 515, 516, 518
fclose, 38, 285, 287
feasible region, 461
feof, 281, 285, 287
ferror, 285, 287
fgetl, 281, 285
fgets, 285
field lines, 254
field, 179
fieldnames, 179, 181
figure object, 216
522 IndexIndex 523
Figure Window, 19, 57
figure, 45, 55, 211, 314
file access type, 39, 40
file identifier, 39
File>Preferences, 58
fileread, 281, 285
fimplicit, 226, 369, 451
fimplicit3, 238, 369, 391, 393
find, 99, 100
finding zeros, 141, 143
finite element method, 116
finv, 515
fixed-point format, 35
FLAC, 269
fliplr, 87, 88
flipping matrix, 88
flipud, 87, 88
floating-point number, 74
floating-point representation, 74
flow control, 47
fminbnd, 468, 470
fmincon, 479, 481, 483
fminsearch, 469, 470, 471
fminunc, 469, 471
FontName, 230
FontSize, 223, 230, 232, 303, 319
fopen, 38, 39, 285, 287
for-loop, 47, 109, 131, 169
forced vibration, 120
format +, 77
format bank, 77
format compact, 76, 77
format hex, 77
format long, 76, 77
format longE, 77
format longEng, 77
format longG, 77
format loose, 77
format rat, 77
format short, 76, 77
format shortE, 77
format shortEng, 77
format shortG, 77, 410
format specification, 35
format, 35
forward difference, 423
four-bar linkage, 453
fpdf, 514, 515
fplot, 31, 226, 369
fplot3, 238, 369
fprintf, 35, 279, 280, 285
fractional binary number, 74
frame, 260
fread, 287
free vibration, 117
frewind, 282, 285, 287
fscanf, 38, 285
fseek, 282, 285, 287
fsolve, 451, 452, 454
fsurf, 241, 244
ftell, 282, 285, 287
function approximation, 108
function definition, 135
function handle, 141
function precedence order, 146
function, 48, 169, 392
fwrite, 287
fzero, 141, 169
gca, 211, 223, 239
gcf, 211
gco, 211
get, 211
getaudiodata, 268, 298
getaudiodata, 269
getframe, 260, 261
GIF, 266
global variable, 49, 57
global, 48, 55
gradient, 248, 424, 425, 428
gradient, 249
graphical user interface, 55
graphics object, 207
graphics objects property, 212
greek letter, 114
grid on, 136, 223
groot, 211, 216
GUI, 55, 207
GUIDE, 55, 58, 328, 356
half-interval search, 153
handel, 45
handle, 57, 141
hasFrame, 271
HDF, 266
heat conduction, 447, 448
Help Window, 135
Hermitian matrix, 400
histcounts, 486, 490
histfit, 490
histogram plot, 254
histogram, 490
hold on, 25, 28
Hooke's Law, 379HorizontalAlignment, 230, 303
horzcat, 87, 88
hypothesis test, 504
IBVP, 439, 447
Identifier name, 16
if-block, 125, 169
image format, 264
image viewer, 304, 307
image, 262, 264, 265, 266
image, 45
imfinfo, 266
imread, 45, 264, 265, 266
imwrite, 265, 266
ind2rgb, 266
indefinite integral, 387
indexed image, 262, 263
indexing to matrix, 37
inequality constraint, 459
initial boundary value problem, 439
initial value problem, 439
injection molded plastic, 512, 516, 518
injection-mold test, 472, 473
input dialog box, 297
input, 34, 102, 104, 278, 280, 282
input/output argument, 136
inputdlg, 296, 297, 299
inspect, 212
int, 407
int16, 72, 73
int32, 72
int64, 72
int8, 69, 72, 73
integral, 431
integral2, 437
integration, 203
interp1, 418
interp2, 421
interpolating color, 242
interpolation, 418
intersection of two curves, 451
intlinprog, 463, 464, 465
intmax, 71
intmin, 71
inv, 376, 377
inverse of matrix, 379
isempty, 298
isequal, 99
isocaps, 255
isosurface plot, 252
isosurface, 252
IVP, 439, 442
JPEG 2000, 260
JPEG, 266
KeyPressFcn, 319
keyword, 16
kinematics, 453
Label, 308
Laplace equation, 113
last index, 86
Law of Cosines, 106
Law of Sines, 105
Layout>Default, 11
Layout>Two Column, 11
least squares line fit, 417
left divide operator, 155, 158, 399
legend object, 231
legend, 110, 231, 232
length of a curve, 428
length, 85
length, 86
limit, 372, 373
limit, 372, 387
line object, 224
line plot, 19
line style, 112
linear combination of random variables, 511
linear fit through origin, 414
linear indexing, 37, 85
linear programming, 459
LineStyle, 226
LineWidth, 226
linprog, 459, 462
linsolve, 376, 377, 394, 398
linspace, 84, 85, 88, 110
listbox, 303
listdlg, 299
Live Editor, 32, 33
Live Script, 32, 138, 358
load, 44, 289
local function, 48, 49, 137
Location, 232
log, 107
log10, 107
logical data type, 81
logical indexing, 101
logical NOT, 101
logical operator, 82, 99, 116
logical, 81
loglog, 226
low-level binary file I/O, 286
low-level text file I/O, 281
lower bound, 459
524 IndexIndex 525
lower triangular matrix, 400
lower, 127
lsqcurvefit, 477, 478
lsqlin, 417, 473, 474
lsqnonlin, 477, 478
LU factorization, 400
lu, 398, 400
main function, 137, 138, 147
main program file, 147
main program, 48, 49
marker type, 112
Marker, 226
MarkerEdgeColor, 226
MarkerFaceColor, 226
MarkerSize, 226
MAT-file, 288
matfile, 288, 289
math symbol, 114
MATLAB desktop, 11
MATLAB script, 22
matlabFunction, 392, 393
MatlabPath, 46
matrix elements order, 36
matrix expression, 110
matrix, 18, 84
Max, 303
max, 89
mean, 486, 511
mean, 490
menu, 128, 299
MenuBar, 216, 217
mesh plot, 239
mesh, 241, 244, 393
meshgrid, 88, 110, 393
message dialog box, 297
method, 200
method, 202
Microsoft Excel, 36
Min, 303
min, 89
minima and maxima, 91
minimum potential energy, 467, 469
mixed-integer linear programming, 463
mldivide, 474
mod, 107
modularization, 136
moment of Inertia, 121
More Properties, 213
movie, 260
movie, 261, 270, 271
moving sine curve, 275
MPEG-4, 260
MPEG-4, 269
MRI, 255
msgbox, 296, 297, 299
mtimes, 201
multiple curves, 112
multiple statements in single line, 126
multiplication of matrices, 94
multivariate linear regression, 472
name of operator, 92
Name, 216, 217
named field, 53
namelengthmax, 16
nargin, 175, 176, 178
nargout, 177, 178
nested for-loop, 132
nested function, 139
New>App, 63, 339
New>Folder, 12
newline character, 35
non-polynomial curve fitting, 475, 477
nonlcon, 481
nonlinear equations, 451
norm of residuals, 411
norm, 390, 393, 410
normal distribution, 370, 486, 491
normal probability plot, 493
normalized, 216
normcdf, 491, 494
normfit, 491, 494
norminv, 494, 500
normpdf, 491, 494, 500
normplot, 491, 494
normrnd, 486, 490, 494
num2str, 102, 104
NumberTitle, 216, 217
numden, 406, 407
numeric operation, 79, 82
numerical differentiation, 423
numerical integration, 426, 431
object-oriented programming, 203
object, 203
objective function, 459
ODE, 381, 439, 444
ode113, 441
ode15i, 441
ode15s, 441
ode23, 441
ode23s, 441
ode23t, 441
ode23tb, 441ode45, 440, 441
OGG, 269
on-line documentation, 15
one statement at a time, 43, 45
one-sample t-test, 509, 510
one’s complement representation, 72
ones, 84, 88
Open as Text, 39
open, 271
optimoptions, 452, 454, 462
optimset, 462
ordinary differential equation, 381, 439
out-of-core matrix, 288
Outputs inline, 359
over-damped, 118
overload function, 203
page dimension, 84
panel, 309
parabolically deflected beam, 481
parent, 208
Parent, 303, 308, 319
parent/children relationship, 207, 209, 211
partial differential equation, 439
parula, 243
Patch, 235
path, 46
pause, 269
PCX, 266
PDE, 439
pdepe, 447, 448, 449
pdf, 491
peaks, 244, 245
permuted triangular matrix, 400
pi, 13
pie plot, 235
pie, 235, 236
pie3, 236
pizza menu, 127, 128, 129
play, 268, 269
Plot residuals, 411
plot, 19, 205, 226
plot3, 21, 237, 238
plus, 92
PNG, 266
pointer, 141, 172
polar plot, 253
Poly, 404, 407
poly2sym, 406, 407
polyder, 407
polyfit, 224, 408, 410
polyint, 404, 407
polymer database, 191, 194, 197
polynomial curve fitting, 408
polynomial, 404
polyval, 224, 404, 407, 410
population mean, 485
population standard deviation, 485
popupmenu, 303
Position, 216, 217, 223, 230, 232, 303, 319
power supply, 509
precedence level of operator, 92
predefined dialog box, 296
probability density function, 491
probability density, 489
probability distribution function, 491
probability, 488
prod, 89, 364
product of vectors, 389
program file, 147
prompt >>, 11
Properties, 190, 200
properties, 202
Property Editor, 213
Property Inspector, 59, 212, 329
Push Button, 60
pushbutton, 303
pushbutton, 56, 300
questdlg, 299
Quit Debugging, 42
quit, 12
quiver, 248, 249, 250
quiver3, 249, 251
radiobutton, 303
rand, 88, 490
randi, 490
randn, 88, 490
random numbers generation, 486
random variable, 511
read a webpage, 293, 294
readFrame, 270, 271
realmax, 75
realmin, 75
record, 268, 269
relational operator, 82, 99
rem, 107
repmat, 25, 27, 88, 111, 114
reshape, 86, 87, 88
residual, 410
Resize, 217
resume, 269
ReturnConditions, 376, 378
RGB triplet, 265
526 IndexIndex 527
rmfield, 181
rng, 486, 490
robust process, 512
robustness, 413
Root object, 208
roots, 407
Rotate 3D, 26, 238
round-cornered textbox, 11
row dimension, 84
row vector, 18, 85
RowName, 319
Run and Advance, 41
Run, 22, 32
sample mean, 493
sample standard deviation, 493
Save, 22
save, 44, 289
Save>Save as..., 41
scalar expression, 108
scalar, 84
screen text I/O, 34, 278
ScreenSize, 216
Script Editor, 23, 33
search path, 46, 135
section, 41
seed, 486
semicolon, 17, 19, 20
semilogx, 226
semilogy, 226
sensitivity, 413
separator, 12
Separator, 308
series solution, 113
set property, 222
set, 211, 212
shading, 244
sharp-cornered textbox, 11
short-circuit logical operator, 101
Show outputs inline, 359
ShowText, 247
sign, 107, 143
signed integer, 72
significance level, 504
simple calculator, 103
simplification of expression, 364
simplify, 29, 31, 364, 366
simplifyFraction, 366
simply supported beam, 115
sin, 13, 107
sind, 105, 107
single-precision number, 77
single-variable optimization, 466
single, 75, 76
sinking sort, 153
size and length of array, 86
size, 85, 86
slash /, 398
slash operator, 395
slider, 303
slider, 315
SliderStep, 303
solve, 28, 30, 376, 377, 393
sort, 296
sorting and searching, 151, 309
sortrows, 190
sound, 269
sound, 45
sound, 45, 267
sparse matrix, 400
sphere, 242, 244
spread sheet, 36
spring scale, 434, 442
sprintf, 102, 104, 228, 279, 280
sqrt, 105, 107
square matrix, 400
standard deviation, 486
standard normal distribution, 493
Start menu, 11
statement, 14
static text object, 56
Static Text, 59
statically determinate truss, 154, 159, 182, 272,
std, 490
steady-state response, 119
Step, 42
stop, 268, 269
str2double, 104, 296
str2num, 104
strcmp, 104
strcmpi, 104
stream particles animation, 258, 276
stream2, 250
stream3, 250, 251
streamline plot, 250
streamline, 250
streamparticles, 258, 259, 276
stress-strain relationship, 475
string manipulation, 102
String, 230, 232, 303
string, 78, 79
strtrim, 104struct, 179, 181
struct2cell, 174, 181, 194, 196
struct2table, 181, 187, 190, 194, 196
structure array, 182, 191, 194, 197, 204
structure handle, 181
structure, 53, 179
Student's t-distribution, 506
Style, 303
subfunction, 48, 137
subplot, 221
subplot, 221, 410
subs, 29, 31, 367
subscript indexing, 37, 85
subtraction of matrices, 94
sum and product of matrix, 91
sum and product of vector, 90
sum, 89
supported machine, 117
surf, 25, 28, 114, 239, 244
surface plot, 25, 239
surfnorm, 249
switch-block, 127, 169
sym, 358, 363
sym2poly, 407
symbolic expression, 358, 360
symbolic function, 358, 362
symbolic mathematics, 29
symbolic number, 358
symbolic polynomial, 406
symbolic variable, 358
symmetric matrix, 400
symmetrical two-spring system, 145, 467, 468
syms, 29, 30, 360, 362, 363, 364, 393
symvar, 361, 363
syntax, 23
system of linear equations, 387, 394
system of nonlinear equations, 387
t-test, 519
table, 187, 189, 191, 194, 197, 204
table, 190
table2array, 190
table2cell, 174, 190, 197, 199
table2struct, 181, 190, 197, 199
tan, 107
tand, 107
Taylor polynomial, 387
Taylor series, 108, 374
taylor, 374
tcdf, 508, 509, 512
text file I/O, 38
text object, 227
text-file explorer, 281
text, 227, 230, 303
textbox, 11
TextList, 247
thermal stresses in a pipe, 122
thickness of glass sheets, 485, 499
tic, 133
TIFF, 266
tinv, 508
title, 19, 223, 230
toc, 133
togglebutton, 303
ToolBar, 216, 217
Tools>Basic Fitting, 411
tpdf, 507, 508
trajectory surface, 26
trajectory table, 34
transient response, 119
transpose of matrix, 27, 94
trapz, 426, 427, 428
triangle inequality, 297
triangle, 296
triangular matrix, 400
tridiagonal matrix, 400
true color image, 264
true color, 262
true, 81
truss data, 317
truss member data, 319
truss nodal data, 317
truss, 155, 159, 320
ttest, 509, 510
ttest2, 512, 513
tutorial indexed image, 262
two-dimensional cell array, 52, 174
two-dimensional interpolation, 421
two-sample F-test, 516
two-sample t-test, 512
two's complement representation, 72
type, 285, 290
typecast, 73
UI control object, 56, 57
UI-control, 300, 309
UI-table, 317, 318
uibuttongroup, 310, 314
UIContextMenu, 303
uicontrol, 55, 302, 314
uigetfile, 298, 299, 301, 304, 306
uimenu, 307, 308
uint16, 71
uint32, 71
528 IndexIndex 529
uint64, 71
uint8, 71
uipanel, 309, 314
uiputfile, 298, 299, 301, 305, 306
uitab, 314
uitabgroup, 314
uitable, 314, 317, 319
unconstrained multivariate optimization, 469
undamped free vibrations, 117, 381, 383
under-damped free vibrations, 118, 137
Units, 216, 217, 223, 230, 232, 303
unsigned integer, 69, 70, 71
up-arrow, 15
upper bound, 459
upper Hessenberg matrix, 400
upper triangular matrix, 400
user-defined class, 200
user-defined command, 23, 49
user-defined function, 48, 134
Value, 303
var, 490, 514
varargin, 175, 176, 178
varargout, 177, 178
variable name, 16
variable-length argument, 175, 177
variable-length input argument, 175
variable, 14
variance, 511
vartest, 505
vartest2, 516, 517
vector expression, 109
vector plot, 248
vector, 18, 84
vertcat, 87, 88
VerticalAlignment, 230
vibrating circular membrane, 275
vibrating string, 275
vibration, 117
vibrations of supported machine, 381
video, 270
VideoReader, 270, 271
VideoWriter, 260, 261, 271
view angle, 242
view, 242, 244
View>Property Editor, 212
View>Property Inspector, 59
visibility of variable, 144
Visible, 216, 217
voice recorder, 298, 300, 356
volume of paper container, 466
volume of stadium dome, 437
vpa, 371
waitbar, 299
warndlg, 299
warning, 23
WAVE, 269
which, 46
while-loop, 129, 169
Windows system, 11
Workspace, 11, 49
writeVideo, 260, 261, 271
XData, 226, 234
xlabel, 19, 223, 230
XLim, 223
xlsread, 292
xlswrite, 292
XScale, 223
XTick, 223
XTickLabel, 223
XWD, 266
YData, 226, 234
ylabel, 15, 223, 230
YLim, 223
Young's modulus, 408, 417
YScale, 223
YTick, 223
YTickLabel, 223
yyaxis right, 223
yyaxis, 219
ZData, 226
zeros, 25, 28, 88
zlabel, 113
Zlim, 223
ZScale, 223
ZTick, 223
ZTickLabel, 223


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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Matlab – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 3
» كتاب Matlab – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 1
» كتاب Matlab – A Fundamental Tool for Scientific Computing and Engineering Applications – Volume 2
» كتاب MATLAB - The Language of Technical Computing
» كتاب Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling - Fourth Edition

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