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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Introduction to Process Safety for Undergraduates and Engineers الجمعة 05 أبريل 2024, 2:46 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Introduction to Process Safety for Undergraduates and Engineers Center for Chemical Process Safety of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers New York, NY
و المحتوى كما يلي :
vii CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES . xv LIST OF FIGURES .xvii ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS .xxi GLOSSARY . xxv ACKNOWLEDGMENTS xxxiii PREFACE xxxv 1. Introduction 1 1.1 Purpose of this Handbook 1 1.2 Target Audience .1 1.3 Process Safety – What Is It? 1 1.4 Organization of the Book .3 1.5 References 4 2. Process Safety Basics .5 2.1 Risk Based Process Safety .5 Pillar: Commit to Process Safety . 12 2.2 Process Safety Culture . 12 2.3 Compliance with Standards . 15 2.4 Process Safety Competency . 17 2.5 Workforce Involvement . 18 2.6 Stakeholder Outreach . 19 Pillar: Understand Hazards and Risks 20 2.7 Process Knowledge Management 20 2.8 Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis 22 Pillar: Manage Risk . 25 2.9 Operating Procedures . 25 2.10 Safe Work Practices . 26 2.11 Asset Integrity and Reliability . 28 viii INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES 2.12 Contractor Management . 30 2.13 Training And Performance Assurance . 32 2.14 Management of Change . 33 2.15 Operational Readiness . 35 2.16 Conduct of Operations . 37 2.17 Emergency Management . 38 Pillar: Learn from Experience 42 2.18 Incident Investigation 42 2.19 Measurement and Metrics 45 2.20 Auditing . 46 2.21 Management Review and Continuous Improvement . 48 2.22 Summary 49 2.23 References 50 3. The Need for Process Safety 53 3.1 Process Safety Culture: BP Refinery Explosion, Texas City, 2005 . 58 3.1.1 Summary . 58 3.1.2 Detailed Description . 58 3.1.3 Causes . 59 3.1.4 Key Lessons 61 3.1.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 63 3.2 Asset Integrity and Reliability: ARCO Channelview, Texas Explosion, 1990 . 64 3.2.1 Summary . 64 3.2.2 Detailed Description . 64 3.2.3 Causes . 65 3.2.4 Key Lessons 65 3.2.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 65 3.3 Process Safety Culture: NASA Space Shuttle Columbia Disaster, 2003 . 66 3.3.1 Summary . 66 3.3.2 Detailed Description . 66CONTENTS ix 3.3.3 Causes . 68 3.3.4 Key Lessons 69 3.3.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 70 3.4 Process Knowledge Management: Concept Sciences Explosion, Hanover Township PA, 1999 . 70 3.4.1 Summary . 70 3.4.2 Detailed Description . 70 3.4.3 Cause . 72 3.4.4 Key Lessons 73 3.4.5 References and links to Investigation Reports 73 3.5 Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment: Esso Longford Gas Plant Explosion, 1998 . 73 3.5.1 Summary . 73 3.5.2 Detailed Description . 74 3.5.3 Cause . 76 3.5.4 Key Lessons 76 3.5.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 77 3.6 Operating Procedures: Port Neal, IA, Ammonium Nitrate Explosion, 199477 3.6.1 Summary . 77 3.6.2 Detailed Description . 77 3.6.3 Causes . 79 3.6.4 Key Lessons 80 3.6.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 80 3.7 Safe Work Practices: Piper Alpha, North Sea, UK, 1988 80 3.7.1 Summary . 80 3.7.2 Detailed Description . 81 3.7.3 Causes . 83 3.7.4 Key Lessons 84 3.7.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 85x INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES 3.8 Contractor Management: Partridge Raleigh Oilfield Explosion, Raleigh, MS, 2006 . 85 3.8.1 Summary . 85 3.8.2 Detailed Description . 85 3.8.3 Cause . 86 3.8.4 Key Lessons 86 3.8.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 88 3.9 Asset Integrity and Reliability: Explosion at Texaco Oil Refinery, Milford Haven, UK, 1994 . 88 3.9.1 Summary . 88 3.9.2 Detailed Description . 88 3.9.3 Causes . 89 3.9.4 Key Lessons 90 3.9.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 91 3.10 Conduct of Operations: Formosa Plastics VCM Explosion, Illiopolis, IL, 2004 . 91 3.10.1 Summary . 91 3.10.2 Detailed Description . 91 3.10.3 Causes . 94 3.10.4 Key Lessons 94 3.10.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 95 3.11 Management of Change: Flixborough Explosion, UK, 1974 . 95 3.11.1 Summary . 95 3.11.2 Detailed Description . 95 3.11.3 Cause . 98 3.11.4 Key Lessons 98 3.11.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 99 3.12 Emergency Management: Sandoz Warehouse Fire, Switzerland, 1986 . 99 3.12.1 Summary . 99 3.12.2 Key Lessons 101CONTENTS xi 3.12.3 References and links to investigation reports 102 3.13 Conduct of Operations: Exxon Valdez, Alaska, 1989 . 102 3.13.1 Summary . 102 3.13.2 Detailed Description . 102 3.13.3 Causes . 105 3.13.4 Key Lessons 105 3.13.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 106 3.14 Compliance with Standards: Mexico City, PEMEX LPG Terminal, 1984 . 106 3.14.1 Summary . 106 3.14.2 Detailed Description . 106 3.14.3 Causes . 109 3.14.4 Key Lessons 109 3.14.5 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 109 3.15 Process Safety Culture: Methyl Isocyanate Release, Bhopal, India, 1984 . 110 3.15.1 Summary . 110 3.15.2 Detailed Description . 110 3.15.3 Key Lessons 111 3.15.4 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 112 3.16 Failure to Learn, BP Macondo Well Blowout, Gulf of Mexico, 2010 . 113 3.16.1 Summary . 113 3.16.2 Detailed Description . 113 3.16.3 Key Lessons 118 3.16.4 References and Links to Investigation Reports . 119 3.17 Summary 119 3.18 References 120 4. Process Safety for Engineering Disciplines 121 4.1 Introduction 121 4.2 Process Knowledge Management 121xii INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES 4.3 Compliance with Standards . 124 4.4 Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis, Management Of Change . 126 Management of Organizational Change 127 4.5 Asset Integrity and Reliability . 128 4.6 Safe Work Practices . 129 4.7 Incident Investigation 130 4.8 Resources for Further Learning . 130 4.8 Summary 132 4.9 References 132 5. Process Safety in Design 133 5.1 Process Safety Design Strategies . 133 5.2 General Unit Operations and Their Failure Modes 134 5.2.1 Pumps, Compressors, Fans . 134 5.2.2 Heat Exchange Equipment 141 5.2.3 Mass Transfer; Distillation, Leaching and Extraction, Absorption . 146 5.2.4 Mechanical Separation / Solid-Fluid Separation . 152 5.2.5 Reactors and Reactive Hazards . 158 5.2.6 Fired Equipment . 163 5.2.7 Storage 167 5.3 Petroleum Processing . 179 5.3.1 General Process Safety Hazards in a Refinery 180 5.3.2 Crude Handling and Separation 182 5.3.3 Light Hydrocarbon Handling and Separation . 183 5.3.4 Hydrotreating 184 5.3.5 Catalytic Cracking 185 5.3.6 Reforming . 187 5.3.7 Alkylation . 188 5.3.8 Coking . 190 5.4 Transient Operating States . 192 5.4.1 Overview . 192CONTENTS xiii 5.4.2 Example Process Safety Incidents 192 5.4.3 Design Considerations 194 5.5 References 194 6. Course Material . 199 6.1 Introduction 199 6.2 Inherently Safer Design . 199 6.3 Process Safety Management and Conservation of Life . 199 6.4 Process Safety Overview and Safety in the Chemical Process Industries 200 6.5 Process Hazards . 201 6.5.1 Chemical Reactivity Hazards 201 6.5.2 Fires and Explosions . 202 6.5.3 Other Hazards . 203 6.6 Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis 203 6.7 Emergency Relief Systems 205 6.8 Case Histories 206 6.8.1 Runaway Reactions . 206 6.8.2 Other Case Histories . 207 6.9 Other Modules . 209 6.10 Summary 209 6.11 References 209 7. Process Safety in the Workplace 211 7.1 What to Expect . 211 7.1.1 Formal Training 211 7.1.2 Interface with Operators, Craftsmen . 214 7.2 New Skills 215 7.2.1 Non-Technical 215 7.2.2 Technical . 216 7.3 Safety Culture 217 7.4 Conduct of Operations . 218 7.4.1 Operational Discipline 218xiv INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES 7.4.2 Engineering Discipline 230 7.4.3 Management Discipline 232 7.4.4 Other Conduct of Operations Topics for the New Engineer . 237 7.5 Summary 238 7.6 References 238 APPENDIX A – EXAMPLE RAGAGEP LIST 241 APPENDIX B – LIST OF CSB VIDEOS . 245 APPENDIX C – REACTIVE CHEMICALS CHECKLIST 249 C.1 Chemical Reaction Hazard Identification . 249 C.2 Reaction Process Design Considerations 252 C.3 Resources and Publications . 254 APPENDIX D – LIST OF SACHE COURSES . 257 APPENDIX E – Reactivity Hazard Evaluation Tools 259 E.1 Screening Table and Flowchart . 259 E.2 Reference . 262 INDEX 263xv LIST OF TABLES Table 2.1. Comparison of RBPS elements to OSHA PSM elements . 10 Table 2.2. Examples and sources of process safety related standards, codes, regulations, and laws. 16 Table 2.3 Hazard evaluation synonyms . 23 Table 2.4 Typical HAZOP review table format . 24 Table 2.5. Activities typically included in the scope of the safe work element . 28 Table 3.1 Selected incidents and Process Safety Management systems. . 54 Table 4.1. Process safety activities for new engineers 122 Table 4.2. Incidents with organizational change involvement . 128 Table 5.1 Common failure modes, causes, consequences, design considerations for fluid transfer equipment . 140 Table 5.2 Common failure modes, causes, consequences, design considerations for heat exchange equipment . 147 Table 5.2 Common failure modes, causes, consequences, design considerations for heat exchange equipment, continued. 148 Table 5.3 Common failure modes, causes, consequences, design considerations for reactors . 164 Table 7.1 Example simplified process safety training class matrix. 212 Table A-1. RAGAGEP List for XYZ Chemicals . 241 Table B.1 List of CSB Videos . 245 Table D.1 List of SACHE Courses 257 Table E.1 Example Form to Document Screening of Chemical Reactivity Hazards . 259xvii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1. Picture of a nitroglycerine reactor in the 19th century. .7 "Alfred Nobel in Scotland". Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 15 Sep 2015. .7 Figure 2.2. Continuous nitroglycerine reactor, courtesy Biazzi SA ( .7 Figure 2.3. Illustration of risk. . 11 Figure 2.4. Challenger Disaster, courtesy NASA. . 12 Figure 2.5. Building damage and charge tank crater, Hydroxylamine explosion, courtesy CSB. 20 Figure 2.6. Collapsed tank at Motiva refinery, courtesy CSB. 27 Figure 2.7. Rupture in 52-inch component of line, courtesy CSB . 29 Figure 2.8. Aerial view of the burning Monsanto plant after the 1947 Texas City Disaster, ( University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History, crediting Moore Memorial Public Library, Texas City, Texas. 39 Figure 2.9. CCPS and API Process Safety Metric Pyramid (Ref. 2.46). . 44 Figure 2.10. Photograph of failed end of heat exchanger, (Ref. 2.33) . 47 . 57 Figure 3.1. Swiss Cheese model of incidents, Ref. 3.1 57 Figure 3.2. Process flow diagram of the Raffinate Column and blowdown drum, source (CCPS, 2008). 59 Figure 3.3. Texas City Isom Unit aftermath, courtesy CSB. . 60 Figure 3.4. Portable buildings destroyed where contractors were located, courtesy CSB 60 Figure 3.5. Process flow diagram of wastewater tank. 64 Figure 3.6. Columbia breaking up, courtesy NASA. . 67 Figure 3.7. A shower of foam debris after the impact on Columbia s left wing. The event was not observed in real time, courtesy NASA 67 Figure 3.8. Damage to Concept Sciences Hanover Facility, courtesy Tom Volk, The Morning Call. . 71 Figure 3.9. Simplified process flow diagram of the CSI HA vacuum distillation process, courtesy CSB. 72 Figure 3.10. Simplified schematic of absorber, (CCPS, 2008) 74 Figure 3.11. Simplified schematic of the gas plant (CCPS, 2008) . 75 Figure 3.12 Neutralizer and rundown tank, source, (EPA, 1996) 78 Figure 3.13. AN plant area after explosion, source, (EPA 1996). . 79xviii INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES Figure 3.14. Piper Alpha platform, source (CCPS, 2008). 81 Figure 3.15. Schematic of Piper Alpha platform, source (CCPS, 2008) 82 Figure 3.16. Tanks involved in the Partridge Raleigh oilfield explosion, source (CSB, 2006) . 86 Figure 3.17. Tank 3 lid, source (CSB, 2007) . 87 Figure 3.18. Ref. ( CCPS, 2008) Picture courtesy of Western Mail and Echo Ltd.89 Figure 3.19. The 30 inch flare line elbow that failed and released 20 tons of vapor, source (HSE, 1994) 90 Figure 3.20. Smoke plumes from Formosa plant, source (CSB 2007). . 92 Figure 3.21. Reactor building elevation view, source (CSB 2007) . 92 Figure 3.22. Cutaway of the reactor building, source (CSB 2007) 93 Figure 3.23. Schematic of Flixborough piping replacement, source Report of the Court of Inquiry. 96 Figure 3.24. The collapsed 20 inch pipe. . 97 Figure 3.25. Damage to Flixborough plant 98 Figure 3.26. Damage to Flixborough control room. 98 Figure 3.27. Sandoz Warehouse firefighting efforts, source (CCPS, 2008) 100 Figure 3.28. Impact of Sandoz Warehouse firewater runoff, (CCPS, 2008). 101 Figure 3.29. Exxon Valdez tanker leaking oil, courtesy of Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council 103 Figure 3.30. Oiled loon onshore, courtesy of Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council . 103 Figure 3.31. Aerial of a maxi-barge with water tanks and spill works hosing a beach, Prince William Sound, courtesy of Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council. . 104 Figure 3.32. Cleanup workers spray oiled rocks with high pressure hoses, courtesy of Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Trustee Council. 104 Figure 3.33 Layout of PEMEX LPG Terminal, source, CCPS, 2008) . 107 Figure 3.34. PEMEX LPG Terminal prior to explosion source, CCPS, 2008. 108 Figure 3.35. PEMEX LPG Terminal after the explosion source, CCPS, 2008 108 Figure 3.36. Schematic of emergency relief effluent treatment system that included a scrubber and flare tower in series, source AIChE . 111 Figure 3.37. Photograph taken shortly after the incident. A pipe rack is shown on the left and the partially buried storage tanks (three total) for MIC are located in the center of the photo right, (source Willey 2006). 112 Figure 3.38. Fire on Deepwater Horizon, source (CSB, 2010) 114 Figure 3.39. Location of Mud-Gas separator, source (TO, 2011) 115 Figure 3.40. Gas release points, source (TO, 2011) . 116 Figure 3.41. Macondo Well blowout preventer, source (CSB 2010) . 117 Figure 5.1. Damage from fire caused by mechanical seal failure. . 135LIST OF FIGURES xix Figure 5.2. Pump explosion from running isolated 136 Figure 5.3. Schematic of centrifugal pump, Ref. 5.6. 137 Figure 5.4. Single and Double Mechanical Seals, Ref. 5.7 137 Figure 5.5. Two-screw type PD Pump, courtesy Colfax Fluid Handling. . 139 Figure 5.6. Rotary Gear PD pump, source . 139 Figure 5.7. Example application data sheet, courtesy of OEC Fluid Handling 142 Figure 5.8. Ruptured pipe from reaction with heat transfer fluid. . 143 Figure 5.9. Shell and tube heat exchanger, Ref. 5.9 . 144 Figure 5.10. Cutaway drawing of a Plate-and-Frame Heat Exchanger, Ref. 5.10145 Figure 5.10. Schematic of air cooled heat exchanger, Ref. 5.11 145 Figure 5.12. Double tube sheet, courtesy . 146 Figure 5.13. A. Example distillation column schematic Ref. 5.11, and B. typical industrial distillation column, Sulzer Chemtech Ltd . 148 Figure 5.14. Schematic of carbon bed adsorber system, Ref. 5.16. . 150 Figure 5.15. Damage to dust collector bags, Ref. 5.25 154 Figure 5.16. Tube sheet of dust collector, Ref. 5.25 155 Figure 5.17. A horizontal peeler centrifuge with a Clean-In-Place system and a discharge chute, (Ref. 5.26) . 156 Figure 5.18. Cross sectional view of a continuous pusher centrifuge (Ref 5.26). . 156 Figure 5.19. Schematic of baghouse, courtesy Donaldson-Torit. 157 Figure 5.20. Dust collector explosion venting, courtesy Fike 157 Figure 5.21. Seveso Reactor, adapted from SACHE presentation by Ron Willey. . 159 Figure 5.22. T2 Laboratories site before and after the explosion, Ref. 5.28 160 Figure 5.23. T2 Laboratories blast, Ref. 5.28. . 161 Figure 5.24. Portion of 3 inch thick reactor, Ref. 5.28. . 161 Figure 5.25. Damaged heater, Example 1 165 Figure 5.26. Heater and adjacent column at NOVA Bayport plant, Example 2. . 165 Figure 5.27. Buncefield before the explosion and fires, Ref. 5.32 . 169 Figure 5.28. Buncefield after the explosion and fires, Ref 5.32. . 169 Figure 5.29. Molasses tank failure; before and after 170 Figure 5.30. 1) Pipe connections in panel 2) Chemfos 700 and Liq. Add lines . 170 Figure 5.31. Cloud of nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide 171 Figure 5.32. Tank collapsed by vacuum. . 172 Figure 5.33. Schematic diagram of UST leak detection methods, courtesy EPA, Ref. 5.36. . 172 Figure 5.34. Mounded underground tank, courtesy BNH Gas Tanks 173xx INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES Figure 5.35. Schematics of external (a) and internal floating (b) roof tanks, courtesy of 174 Figure 5.36 Pressurized gas storage tank . 176 Figure 5.37. Refinery flow diagram, Ref. 43 . 180 Figure 5.39. Atmospheric separation process flow diagram, courtesy OSHA . 182 Figure 5.40. Hydrotreater process flow diagram, Ref. 5.43 . 184 Figure 5.41. Fluid Catalytic Cracking (FCC) process flow diagram, Ref. 41 186 Figure 5.42. CCR Naphtha Reformer process flow diagram, Ref. 43. 187 Figure 5.46. HF Alkylation process flow diagram. Ref. 5.46 189 Figure 5.44. Process flow diagram for a delayed coker unit, Ref. 5.43. 190 Figure 5.45. Polymer catch tank, Ref. 5.50 193 Figure 7.1. Car Seal on a valve handle. Seal can be broken in an emergency if necessary to change the position of a valve, courtesy 228xxi ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ACC American Chemistry Council AIChE American Institute of Chemical Engineers API American Petroleum Institute ASME American Society of Mechanical Engineers BLEVE Boiling Liquid Expanding Vapor Explosion BMS Burner Management System CEI Chemical Exposure Index (Dow Chemical) CFR Code of Federal Registry CMA Chemical Manufacturers Association CSB US Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board CCPS Center for Chemical Process Safety CCR Continuous Catalyst Regeneration COO Conduct of Operations CPI Chemical Process Industries DCU Delayed Coker Unit DDT Deflagration to Detonation Transition DIERS Design Institute for Emergency Relief Systems ERS Emergency Relief System EPA US Environmental Protection Agency FCCU Fluidized Catalytic Cracking Unit F&EI Fire and Explosion Index (Dow Chemical) FMEA Failure Modes and Effect Analysis HAZMAT Hazardous Materials HAZOP Hazard and Operability Studyxxii INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES HIRA Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis HTHA High Temperature Hydrogen Attack HSE Health & Safety Executive (UK) I&E Instrument and Electrical IDLH Immediately Dangerous to Life and Health ISD Inherently Safer Design ISO International Organization for Standardization ISOM Isomerization Unit ITPM Inspection Testing and Preventive Maintenance LFL Lower Flammable Limit LNG Liquefied Natural Gas LOPA Layer of Protection Analysis LOTO Lock Out Tag Out LPG Liquefied Petroleum Gas MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure MCC Motor Control Center MIE Minimum Ignition Energy MOC Management of Change MOOC Management of Organizational Change MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration NDT Non Destructive Testing NFPA National Fire Protection Association OCM Organizational Change Management OIMS Operational Integrity Management System (ExxonMobil) OSHA US Occupational Safety and Health Administration PHA Process Hazard Analysis PLC Programmable Logic ControllerACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS xxiii PRA Probabilistic Risk Assessment PRD Pressure Relief Device PRV Pressure Relief Valve PSB Process Safety Beacon PSE Process Safety Event PSI Process Safety Information PSI Process Safety Incident PSM Process Safety Management PSO Process Safety Officer PSSR Pre-Startup Safety Review QRA Quantitative Risk Analysis RBPS Risk Based Process Safety RAGAGEP Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice RMP Risk Management Plan SACHE Safety and Chemical Engineering Education SCAI Safety Controls Alarms and Interlocks SHE Safety, Health and Environmental (sometimes written as EHS or HSE) SHIB Safety Hazard Information Bulletin SIS Safety Instrumented Systems SME Subject Matter Expert TQ Threshold Quantity UFL Upper Flammable Limit UK United Kingdom US United States UST Underground Storage Tankxxv GLOSSARY Asset integrity A PSM program element involving work activities that help ensure that equipment is properly designed, installed in accordance with specifications, and remains fit for purpose over its life cycle. Also called asset integrity and reliability. Atmospheric Storage Tank A storage tank designed to operate at any pressure between ambient pressure and 0.5 psig (3.45kPa gage). Boiling-LiquidExpanding-Vapor Explosion (BLEVE) A type of rapid phase transition in which a liquid contained above its atmospheric boiling point is rapidly depressurized, causing a nearly instantaneous transition from liquid to vapor with a corresponding energy release. A BLEVE of flammable material is often accompanied by a large aerosol fireball, since an external fire impinging on the vapor space of a pressure vessel is a common cause. However, it is not necessary for the liquid to be flammable to have a BLEVE occur. Checklist Analysis A hazard evaluation procedure using one or more preprepared lists of process safety considerations to prompt team discussions of whether the existing safeguards are adequate. Chemical Process Industry The phrase is used loosely to include facilities which manufacture, handle and use chemicals. Combustible Dust Any finely divided solid material that is 420 microns or smaller in diameter (material passing through a U.S. No. 40 standard sieve) and presents a fire or explosion hazard when dispersed and ignited in air or other gaseous oxidizer. Conduct of Operations (COO) The embodiment of an organization’s values and principles in management systems that are developed, implemented, and maintained to (1) structure operational tasks in a manner consistent with the organization's risk tolerance, (2) ensure that every task is performed deliberately and correctly, and (3) minimize variations in performance. Explosion A release of energy that causes a pressure discontinuity or blast wave.xxvi INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES Failure Mode and Effects Analysis A hazard identification technique in which all known failure modes of components or features of a system are considered in turn, and undesired outcomes are noted. Flammable Liquids Any liquid that has a closed-cup flash point below 100 F (37.8 C), as determined by the test procedures described in NFPA 30 and a Reid vapor pressure not exceeding 40 psia (2068.6 mm Hg) at 100 F (37.8 C), as determined by ASTM D 323, Standard Method of Test for Vapor Pressure of Petroleum Products (Reid Method). Class IA liquids shall include those liquids that have flash points below 73 F (22.8 C) and boiling points below 100 F (37.8 C). Class IB liquids shall include those liquids that have flash points below 73 F (22.8 C) and boiling points at or above 100 F (37.8 C). Class IC liquids shall include those liquids that have flash points at or above 73 F (22.8 C), but below 100 F (37.8 C). (NFPA 30). Hazard Analysis The identification of undesired events that lead to the materialization of a hazard, the analysis of the mechanisms by which these undesired events could occur and usually the estimation of the consequences. Hazard and Operability Study (HAZOP) A systematic qualitative technique to identify process hazards and potential operating problems using a series of guide words to study process deviations. A HAZOP is used to question every part of a process to discover what deviations from the intention of the design can occur and what their causes and consequences may be. This is done systematically by applying suitable guide words. This is a systematic detailed review technique, for both batch and continuous plants, which can be applied to new or existing processes to identify hazards Hazard Identification The inventorying of material, system, process and plant characteristics that can produce undesirable consequences through the occurrence of an incident. Hazard Identification and Risk Analysis (HIRA) A collective term that encompasses all activities involved in identifying hazards and evaluating risk at facilities, throughout their life cycle, to make certain that risks to employees, the public, or the environment are consistently controlled within the organization's risk tolerance. Hot Work Any operation that uses flames or can produce sparks (e.g., welding).GLOSSARY xxvii Incident An event, or series of events, resulting in one or more undesirable consequences, such as harm to people, damage to the environment, or asset/business losses. Such events include fires, explosions, releases of toxic or otherwise harmful substances, and so forth. Incident Investigation A systematic approach for determining the causes of an incident and developing recommendations that address the causes to help prevent or mitigate future incidents. See also Root cause analysis and Apparent cause analysis. Interlock A protective response which is initiated by an out-of-limit process condition. Instrument which will not allow one part of a process to function unless another part is functioning. A device such as a switch that prevents a piece of equipment from operating when a hazard exists. To join two parts together in such a way that they remain rigidly attached to each other solely by physical interference. A device to prove the physical state of a required condition and to furnish that proof to the primary safety control circuit. Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) An approach that analyzes one incident scenario (causeconsequence pair) at a time, using predefined values for the initiating event frequency, independent protection layer failure probabilities, and consequence severity, in order to compare a scenario risk estimate to risk criteria for determining where additional risk reduction or more detailed analysis is needed. Scenarios are identified elsewhere, typically using a scenario-based hazard evaluation procedure such as a HAZOP Study. Lockout/Tagout A safe work practice in which energy sources are positively blocked away from a segment of a process with a locking mechanism and visibly tagged as such to help ensure worker safety during maintenance and some operations tasks. Management of Change (MOC) A system to identify, review and approve all modifications to equipment, procedures, raw materials and processing conditions, other than “replacement in kind,” prior to implementation. Management System A formally established set of activities designed to produce specific results in a consistent manner on a sustainable basis. Mechanical Integrity A management system focused on ensuring that equipment is designed, installed, and maintained to perform the desired function.xxviii INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES Near-Miss An unplanned sequence of events that could have caused harm or loss if conditions were different or were allowed to progress, but actually did not. Operating Procedures Written, step-by-step instructions and information necessary to operate equipment, compiled in one document including operating instructions, process descriptions, operating limits, chemical hazards, and safety equipment requirements. Operational Discipline (OD) The performance of all tasks correctly every time; Good OD results in performing the task the right way every time. Individuals demonstrate their commitment to process safety through OD. OD refers to the day-to-day activities carried out by all personnel. OD is the execution of the COO system by individuals within the organization. Operational Readiness A PSM program element associated with efforts to ensure that a process is ready for start-up/restart. This element applies to a variety of restart situations, ranging from restart after a brief maintenance outage to restart of a process that has been mothballed for several years. Organizational Change Any change in position or responsibility within an organization or any change to an organizational policy or procedure that affects process safety. Organizational Change Management (OCM) A method of examining proposed changes in the structure or organization of a company (or unit thereof) to determine whether they may pose a threat to employee or contractor health and safety, the environment, or the surrounding populace. OSHA Process Safety Management (OSHA PSM) A U.S. regulatory standard that requires use of a 14-element management system to help prevent or mitigate the effects of catastrophic releases of chemicals or energy from processes covered by the regulations 49 CFR 1910.119. Pressure Relief Valve (PRV) A pressure relief device which is designed to reclose and prevent the further flow of fluid after normal conditions have been restored. Pressure Safety Valve (PSV) See Pressure Relief ValveGLOSSARY xxix Pre-Startup Safety Review (PSSR) A systematic and thorough check of a process prior to the introduction of a highly hazardous chemical to a process. The PSSR must confirm the following: Construction and equipment are in accordance with design specifications; Safety, operating, maintenance, and emergency procedures are in place and are adequate; A process hazard analysis has been performed for new facilities and recommendations and have been resolved or implemented before startup, and modified facilities meet the management of change requirements; and training of each employee involved in operating a process has been completed. Preventive Maintenance Maintenance that seeks to reduce the frequency and severity of unplanned shutdowns by establishing a fixed schedule of routine inspection and repairs. Probabilistic Risk Assessment (PRA) A commonly used term in the nuclear industry to describe the quantitative evaluation of risk using probability theory. Process Hazard Analysis (PHA) An organized effort to identify and evaluate hazards associated with processes and operations to enable their control. This review normally involves the use of qualitative techniques to identify and assess the significance of hazards. Conclusions and appropriate recommendations are developed. Occasionally, quantitative methods are used to help prioritize risk reduction. Process Knowledge Management A Process Safety Management (PSM) program element that includes work activities to gather, organize, maintain, and provide information to other PSM program elements. Process safety knowledge primarily consists of written documents such as hazard information, process technology information, and equipment-specific information. Process safety knowledge is the product of this PSM element. Process Safety Culture The common set of values, behaviors, and norms at all levels in a facility or in the wider organization that affect process safety. Process Safety Incident/Event An event that is potentially catastrophic, i.e., an event involving the release/loss of containment of hazardous materials that can result in large-scale health and environmental consequences. Process Safety Information (PSI) Physical, chemical, and toxicological information related to the chemicals, process, and equipment. It is used to document the configuration of a process, its characteristics, its limitations, and as data for process hazard INTRODUCTION TO PROCESS SAFETY FOR UNDERGRADUATES Process Safety Management (PSM) A management system that is focused on prevention of, preparedness for, mitigation of, response to, and restoration from catastrophic releases of chemicals or energy from a process associated with a facility. Process Safety Management Systems Comprehensive sets of policies, procedures, and practices designed to ensure that barriers to episodic incidents are in place, in use, and effective. Reactive Chemical A substance that can pose a chemical reactivity hazard by readily oxidizing in air without an ignition source (spontaneously combustible or peroxide forming), initiating or promoting combustion in other materials (oxidizer), reacting with water, or self-reacting (polymerizing, decomposing or rearranging). Initiation of the reaction can be spontaneous, by energy input such as thermal or mechanical energy, or by catalytic action increasing the reaction rate. Recognized and Generally Accepted Good Engineering Practice (RAGAGEP) A term originally used by OSHA, stems from the selection and application of appropriate engineering, operating, and maintenance knowledge when designing, operating and maintaining chemical facilities with the purpose of ensuring safety and preventing process safety incidents. It involves the application of engineering, operating or maintenance activities derived from engineering knowledge and industry experience based upon the evaluation and analyses of appropriate internal and external standards, applicable codes, technical reports, guidance, or recommended practices or documents of a similar nature. RAGAGEP can be derived from singular or multiple sources and will vary based upon individual facility processes, materials, service, and other engineering considerations. Responsible Care An initiative implemented by the Chemical Manufacturers Association (CMA) in 1988 to assist in leading chemical processing industry companies in ethical ways that increasingly benefit society, the economy and the environment while adhering to ten key principles. Risk Management Program (RMP) Rule EPA’s accidental release prevention Rule, which requires covered facilities to prepare, submit, and implement a risk management plan.GLOSSARY xxxi Risk-Based Process Safety (RBPS) The Center for Chemical Process Safety’s (CCPS) PSM system approach that uses risk-based strategies and implementation tactics that are commensurate with the riskbased need for process safety activities, availability of resources, and existing process safety culture to design, correct, and improve process safety management activities. Safety Instrumented System (SIS) The instrumentation, controls, and interlocks provided for safe operation of the process. Vapor Cloud Explosion (VCE) The explosion resulting from the ignition of a cloud of flammable vapor, gas, or mist in which flame speeds accelerate to sufficiently high velocities to produce significant overpressure.
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Introduction to Process Safety for Undergraduates and Engineers رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Introduction to Process Safety for Undergraduates and Engineers