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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
![كتاب Health & Safety at Work - An Essential Guide for Managers Empty]( | موضوع: كتاب Health & Safety at Work - An Essential Guide for Managers الخميس 04 أبريل 2024, 3:02 am | |
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أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Health & Safety at Work - An Essential Guide for Managers Jeremy Stranks Revised eighth edition
![كتاب Health & Safety at Work - An Essential Guide for Managers H_a_s_15]( و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents List of Figures and Tables vii Preface to First Edition ix Preface to Revised Eighth Edition xi Acknowledgement xii Part 1: Health and Safety Management and Administration 1 Principal Legal Requirements 3 Criminal and civil liability 4; Health and Safety at Work Act (HASAWA) 1974 4; Sources of criminal law 7; Approved Codes of Practice 9; Powers of inspectors 10; Improvement and prohibition notices 11; Corporate manslaughter 17; Joint consultation with employees 18; Running a safety committee 20; Statements of health and safety policy 22; Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 26; Schedule 1 34; Passport schemes 36; Home working 37; Lone working situations 39; Vulnerable groups 40; Documentation and record keeping requirements 43; Occupiers’ liability 47; Courts and tribunals 49; The Health and Safety Information for Employees Regulations 1999 51; Summary 51; References 52 2 Health and Safety Management 54 What is management? 54; Health and safety management 55; Supervisors and health and safety 56; Successful Health and SafetyManagement – HS(G)65 57; Quality management and health and safety – BS8800: 1996 Guide to Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems 59; Benchmarking 67; Emergency procedures 69; Risk management 71; Information sources for health and safety 76; Summary 81; References 81 3 Reporting, Recording and Investigation of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences 82 Reporting requirements 83; Reporting procedures under the regulations 85; Accident investigation 85; The cost of accidents 87; Summary 89; References 91 4 Principles of Accident Prevention 92 Accident definitions 92; Incidents 93; ‘Hazard’, ‘Danger’ and ‘Risk’ 94; Accident prevention strategies 94; Safe systems of work 99; Safety monitoring systems 101; Accident and ill-health rates 106; Risk assessment 108; Competent persons 111; The role of the health and safety practitioner 114; Summary 118; Conclusion to Part 1 119; References 119 Part 2: People at Work 5 Human Factors 123 Behavioural safety 125; Human error 126; Planned motivation schemes 128; Atypical workers 129; Disability Discrimination Act 1995 137; Summary 140; References 140 6 Ergonomics 142 The application of ergonomics in working situations 142; Principles of ergonomic design 144; Controls and displays 145; Display screen equipment 145; The schedule 150; Manual handling injuries and conditions 153; Management action 160; Summary 160; References 161 7 Stress at Work 162 What is stress? 162; Violence at work 174; Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 178; Conclusion 179; Summary 179; Conclusion to Part 2 180; References 180 Part 3: Occupational Health 8 Occupational Diseases and Conditions 185 Occupational health 185; Occupational diseases 187; The Employment Medical Advisory Service (EMAS) 189; iv ContentsContents v Occupational health schemes 189; Benefits of occupational health services 192; Sickness absence control 192; Sickness absence procedure 194; Sickness absence monitoring 194; Occupational health initiatives 195; Health Act 2006 196; Summary 204; References 204 9 First Aid 205 Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 205; HSE Guidance – first aid at work 208; Principles of first aid 212; The role of first-aiders 212; Summary 213; References 213 10 Dangerous Substances 214 Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) (CHIP) Regulations 2002 214; Hazardous substances and preparations – classification 218; Principles of toxicology 220; Workplace exposure limits 225; Handling and storage of dangerous substances 226; Safety data sheet/product information 226; Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 2002 227; Health risk assessments 228; Principles of good practice 232; Health surveillance 232; Summary 235; Conclusion to Part 3 236; References 236 Part 4: Safety Technology 11 Engineering Safety 241 Selection of work equipment 242; Principles of machinery safety 242; Other hazards associated with machinery operation 245; Machinery guards 245; Machinery safety devices 247; Planned maintenance 248; Lifting operations and lifting equipment 248; Machinery safety assessment 249; Summary 249; References 250 12 Fire Prevention 251 The fire triangle 251; Causes of fire spread 252; Fire extinction 253; Fire appliances 253; Colour coding of fire appliances 255; Fire protection systems 255; Legal requirements 255; Summary 261; References 261 13 Electrical Safety 262 Principles of electrical safety 262; Causes and effects of shock 265; Portable electrical appliances 265; Summary 267; References 26714 Structural Safety 268 Floors and traffic routes 268; Falls or falling objects 269; Windows, and transparent or translucent doors, gates and walls 269; Windows, skylights and ventilators 269; Organisation of traffic routes 269; Doors and gates 269; Escalators and moving walkways 270; Access to and egress from the workplace 270; Work at height 270; Traffic systems 272; Summary 273; References 273 15 Construction and Contractors 274 Construction hazards 274; Contractors and the law 275; Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 276; Accidents in construction activities 281; Regulating the contractor 282; Safety method statements 283; Contractors’ regulations 285; Summary 286; References 287 16 Mechanical Handling 288 Mechanical handling systems 288; Summary 295; References 296 17 The Working Environment 297 Location and layout of workplaces 297; The use of colour in the workplace 298; Waste disposal 298; Environmental control 299; Noise 306; Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 308; Work involving radioactive sources 310; Welfare amenity provisions 314; Summary 316; References 317 18 Safety in Offices, Workshops and in Catering Operations 318 Safety requirements for offices 318; Office health and safety audit 323; Workshop safety 324; Catering safety 327; Summary 330; Conclusion to Part 4 331; References 332 Index 333 List of Figures and Tables FIGURES 1.1 Powers of health and safety inspectors 13 1.2 Summary of features of notices under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 14 1.3 Improvement and prohibition notices 15–16 2.1 Key elements of successful health and safety management (HSE) 57 2.2 An approach based on ISO 14001 – the Plan–Do–Check–Act cycle 63 2.3 The planning process 64 3.1 The cause–accident–result sequence 88 3.2 A sample accident costing form 90 4.1 Health and safety review 107 6.1 DSE workstation principles 149 6.2 Correct seating and posture 152 6.3 Correct handling – proper grip 155 6.4 Correct handling – straight back 156 6.5 Correct handling – proper foot positions 156 6.6 Correct handling – use your bodyweight 157 7.1 Sources of managerial stress 164 9.1 Opening the airway 209 9.2 The recovery position 2109.3 Chest compressions 211 10.1 Categories of danger 218–20 10.2 Hazard warning symbols 221 10.3 Specimen health risk assessment 230 10.4 COSHH action plan 231 11.1 In-running nips 243 11.2 Shearing traps – a moving part traversing a fixed part 244 11.3 Entanglement risks 244 12.1 The fire triangle 252 12.2 Fire instructions notice 258 16.1 Trapping points on a reversible belt conveyor 289 16.2 Traps between sprocket and chain on a reversible chain conveyor 289 16.3 Safety requirements at the junction between a belt conveyor and roller conveyor 290 16.4 Typical form of company permit to drive 293 17.1 Extract ventilation systems 305 18.1 Guarding to a hand-operated guillotine 321 TABLES 6.1 The ergonomic approach to the work situation 143 12.1 Fire and fire appliance classification 253 12.2 Colour coding of fire appliances 255 17.1 Comfort temperature ranges 299 17.2 Average illuminances and minimum measured illuminances 301 17.3 Maximum ratios of illuminance for adjacent areas 302 17.4 Effective reflectance values 303 332 Safety Technologyabrasive wheels 325 absolute or strict duties 24 abstracts 327 acceptance, barriers to 133 accident (definitions) 92, 93 accident and ill-health rates 106, 108 accident and ill-health statistics 80 accident costs 87, 89 accident costs assessment 90 accident investigation 85–87 accident prevention 92–120 accident prevention strategies 98, 99 acoustic trauma 307 action plans 69 active learning 135 Acts of Parliament 7, 8, 77 acute effect 221 additional smoke-free places 198, 199 adjustable guard 246 air compressors 325 air monitoring records 44 alcohol and drugs 131 alcohol at work 203, 204 all reasonable precautions and all due diligence 25, 26, 263 Alterations Notice 260 amenity area (workshops) 327 anti-freeze 326 anxiety 167, 179 appeals 49, 50 appeals against notices 12, 14 Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) 9, 77 Approved Supply List 215, 216 articles and substances for use at work 5, 6, 7 asbestos 285 attention, lapses of 127 attitudes 125 atypical workers 129–31 auditing and reviewing performance 59 auditing performance 66, 67 automatic guard 246, 247 average illuminances 301 avoiding potential risks 190 awareness, maintaining 98 battery charging 326 behavioural safety 125, 126 benchmarking 67–69 biological agents 188 biological dose of radiation 311 biological health hazards 186 biological monitoring 234 biological stressors 163 breach of a statutory duty 4, 33, 34, 46, 47 brightness (luminosity) 303 brightness Ratio 303 British Examination Board in Occupational Hygiene (BEBOH) 118 British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) 78 British Safety Council 78 British Standards 78 British Standards Institute 78 British Zonal Method 302–03 BS 8800: 1996 Guide to Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems 59–64 BS EN ISO 12100: Safety of machinery 245–47 burns (treatment) 211 capabilities and training 30 capability to work 192, 193 captor systems 304, 305 carbon dioxide appliances 254 carcinogenic classification 219 carpal tunnel syndrome 147 case law 46, 77 Indexcategory of danger 216, 218–20 catering injuries 327, 328 catering safety 327–30 cause-accident-result sequence 88 CDM co-ordinator (definition) 276, 277 CDM co-ordinators’ duties 280 change of process 98 Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) 78 checking and correcting performance 66 chemical agents 188 chemical health hazards 186 chemical stressors 163 Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 214–20 chest compressions 211 children 48, 259 chronic effect 221 ciliary escalator 224 circuit breakers 264 civil action 4 civil courts 4 civil liability 4, 33, 275 classification requirements (hazardous substances and preparations) 216 classified persons 313 cleaning and degreasing agents 326 cleaning schedules 44 client (definition) 276 clients’ duties 278 clothing, accommodation for 315, 327 clothing, changing facilities 315 clothing, drying arrangements 315 colour in the workplace 298 colour rendition 303 comfort requirements 144 comfort temperature ranges 299 comfort ventilation 303 common law 46, 77 communications 132, 133 competent contractors 36, 37 competent persons 28, 33, 111–14, 248, 259, 262, 271, 277 compressed air equipment 325 conformity assessment procedure 45 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 29, 113, 276–81 Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989 275, 276 construction activity accidents 281–82 construction and contractors 274–87 construction hazards 274 construction phase 279 construction phase health and safety plan 279, 285 constructive manslaughter 18 contact hazards 244 contingency plan in the event of a radiation accident 45, 313 contractor (definition) 277 contractor regulation 282–83, 285 contractors and the law 275 contractors’ duties 279, 280 Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 215 Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 308–10 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Amendment) Regulations 2004 232 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 215, 227–33, 303, 306 controlled or supervised areas 313 controllers of premises 6 controlling mind 18 controls and displays 145 conveyors 289, 290 co-operation and co-ordination 29, 277 coping strategies 168, 169 corporate liability 17 corporate manslaughter 17, 18 corporate persons 17 corrosive classification 219 COSHH Action Plan 231 COSHH compliance procedures 229 counselling 191 County Courts 49 Court of Appeal 50 Court of Appeal ‘propositions’ and guidance (stress-induced injury) 169–73 courts and tribunals 49–51 criminal law 7–9, 275 criminal liability 4 Crown Court 49 Crown property 13 damage control 102 danger (definition) 94 danger areas 28 danger zones 258 dangerous for the environment classification 220 dangerous occurrences 84 dangerous substances 214–17, 257, 259, 320, 321, 330 death of an employee 83 decibels 307 decision making 55 declaration of conformity 45 delegated legislation 8 Department for Work and Pensions 79 depression 167, 168, 179 designer (definition) 277 designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers’ duties 6, 7 designers’ duties 278 detoxification 220 diesel store (workshops) 326 diet, healthy 130 dilution ventilation 305, 306 direct contact 263 direct costs of accidents 87, 89 direct observation 80 direct results of accidents 88 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 41, 42, 137–40 334 Indexdisability glare 300 disabled workers 41, 42, 140, 316 discomfort glare 302 discrimination 137 disease reporting 83 dismissal (breach of health and safety law, etc) 51 display screen equipment 145–53 display screen requirements 150, 151 distance (radiological protection) 311, 312 distance guard 246 distress 163 documentation 102, 103 documentation requirements 25, 26, 43–45 doors and gates 269 dose 223 dose limitation 313 dose records 45, 312, 313 dose-response relationship 223, 224 down draught captor hood 305 drills and drilling machines 325 drinking water provision 315, 327 drive shafts to mobile work equipment 295 drugs in the workplace 203 dry powder appliances 254 Dupuytren’s contracture 148 duration rate 108 duties, hierarchy of 24, 25 duty holders 262, 271, 276, 277 duty of care 34, 35, 38, 47, 139, 176 earth continuity test 266 earth leakage circuit breakers (residual current circuit breakers) 264 earthing 263 effective reflectance values 303 ejection hazards 245 electric shock 263, 264 electric welding 325 electrical appliances (offices) 319, 320 electrical control boxes 326 electrical safety 262–67 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 113, 262, 263 elevated storage areas 324 elevators 291 elimination 110 emergency first aid 208–12 emergency procedure 45, 69–71 emergency routes, exits and doors 258 emergency stops 290 employees’ duties 5, 30, 97, 260, 271, 310, 313 employers’ duties 4, 5 employers’ duties at common law 46 employers’ obligations (stress-induced injury) 171, 172 Employment Medical Advisory Service (EMAS) 189, 191 Employment Rights Act 1996 31 enclosure 110 enforcement 4, 10–17, 202, 203, 260 enforcement Notice 260 engineering safety 241–50 entanglement hazards 244 entry, powers of 10 environmental control 191 environmental factors 143, 329 environmental health officers 10–17 epicondylitis 147 ergonomic (work-related) health hazards 186 ergonomic design 139, 144, 242 ergonomics 142–61, 187 European Court of Justice 50, 77 European Directives 4, 42, 76 exhaust ventilation equipment 44, 304–06 existing written information 79 explosive classification 218 exposure limit value (ELV) 308 exposure to toxic substances 221, 222 external areas 324 external services 28 extremely flammable classification 218 eye and eyesight tests 148 eye injuries 211, 212 Factories Acts 3 failing to prevent smoking in a smoke-free place 201, 202 failure to safety 246 falls or falling objects 269 family and friends 131 files 326 film badges 312 fire and rescue authorities 4 fire appliances 253–55 fire extinction 253 fire fighting equipment 258 fire instructions notice 258 fire precautions 256, 322, 329 fire prevention 251–61 fire protection (workshops) 326 fire protection systems 255 fire risk assessment 257 fire safety management 257 fire spread 252 fire triangle 251 first aid 205–13 first aid (definition) 205–13 first aid arrangements 187, 191 first aid boxes 207, 208 first aid equipment 207, 327 first aid personnel 206, 207, 212, 213 first aid rooms 206, 207 fixed guard 245, 246 fixed penalties 202 flammable classification 219 flammable materials and wastes 326 flight or fight response 163 floors and traffic routes 268, 269, 324, 328 foam appliances 254 fork lift trucks 291–95 frequency rate 106 fresh air requirements 304 friction and pressure 189 Index 335furniture and fittings (offices) 319 fuses 264 gas incident reporting 83 gas welding 325 general fire precautions 256, 257 general principles of prevention 34, 277, 278, 309 general storage (workshops) 326 generic risk assessments 109 glare conditions 300–02 gross negligence 18 guards and safety devices 110 Guidance Notes (HSE) 9, 10, 78 guillotines 325 hacksaws 326 hand lamps 326 hand tools 326, 328 handling and storage of dangerous substances 226 harmful classification 219 hazard (definition) 94 Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOPS) 101, 102 hazard reporting 31, 271 hazard warning symbols (dangerous substances) 221 head protection 275, 276 Health Act 2006 196–203 Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 20 Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 39, 148–53 Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 205–08 Health and Safety (Information for Employees) Regulations 1999 51 health and safety arrangements 27 health and safety assistance 28 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 4–7, 8 health and safety benchmarking 67–69 Health and Safety Commission 9 Health and Safety Executive 4, 9 health and safety management 54–81 health and safety managers/advisers and safety officers 115–17 health and safety practitioners 114–18 health and safety systems 103, 104 health and safety training 134–36 health and safety training requirements 30 health education 191 health records 44, 45, 191, 235 health risk assessment 230 health surveillance 27, 31, 186, 190, , 232–35, 309, 312 hearing protection 309 hearing protection zones 309 heat from equipment (display screen equipment) 153 hernia (rupture) 154 hierarchy of duties 24, 25 High Court of Justice 49 highly flammable classification 218, 219 home working 37–39 host employers 29, 35 House of Lords 50 housekeeping 318, 3319 HSE Guidance Note EH/40 Workplace exposure limits 225 HSE inspectors 10–17 human capability 30, 121 human characteristics 143 human error 126–28 human factors 123–41, 242 human factors (definition) 123 human system 142 humidity control (display screen equipment) 153 hypersensitisation 219 Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 302 improvement notices 11–15, 51 inadequate design 126 inadequate information 126 incident rate 106 incident recall 80 incidents 93 indirect causes of accidents 88 indirect contact 263 indirect costs of accidents 89, 90 indirect results of accidents 88 infectious or contagious diseases 31 information for employees 28, 29 information sources for health and safety 76–81 information, instruction and training 5, 40, 95, 96, 105, 187, 259, 279, 309, 310, 312 ingestion 223 inhalation 222 injection/implantation 223 in-running nips 243, 289 inspection of work equipment 271 inspection pits 324 inspectors, powers of 10–17 Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) 78, 116, 117 insurance companies 79 interface between computer and operator/user 153 interlocking guard 246 intoxication 220 involuntary manslaughter 18 ion 310 ionisation 310 ionising radiation 310, 311 Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 312, 313 irritant classification 219 ISO 14001: the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle 63 jacking operations 325 jewellery 330 job descriptions 79 job design 124, 125 job movements 189 job safety analysis 80, 99, 100 336 Indexjoint consultation 18, 23 judicial precedent 46 justification (defence) 138 keyboard requirements 151 labelling requirements (hazardous substances) 217, 218 lathes 325 Law Reports 46, 77 lawful visitors 47 layout requirements 144 liability for psychiatric illness 172, 173 liability, provisions as to 33 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 114, 248, 249 lifting tackle 325 ligamental strain 154, 155 lighting design factors 302, 303 lighting distribution 302–03 lighting in the workplace 299–303, 325 lighting requirements (display screen equipment) 152 lighting standards 300–03 Limiting Glare Indices 302 load (definition) 157 local effect 222 local exhaust ventilation (lEV) systems 226, 304–06 local rules 313 location and layout of workplaces 297, 298 lone working 39, 40 long-term sickness absence 192–94 lower exposure action values (lEAV) 308–10 low-volume high-velocity (lVHV) systems 304, 305 luminosity 303 lux 299–301 lymphatic system 224 machine controls 326 machinery guards 245–47 machinery hazards 243–45, 328 machinery safety 242–47 machinery safety assessment 249 machinery safety devices 247 macrophages (phagocytes) 224 Magistrates court 17, 49 maintenance requirements 259 maintenance work 286 major accident prevention policy 45 management (definition) 54 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 26–34, 233, 234 management performance 55, 56 management resources 54 management review 67 management standards (HSE) 173 managerial stress 163–65 man-machine interface 143 manslaughter 17 manual handling injuries and conditions 153–55, 157 manual handling principles 155–57 manual handling risk assessment 158–60 manual handling operation (definition) 158 manual handling operations 39, 320, 329 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 157–60 manufacturers’ information and instructions 78 maximum ratios of illuminance 300, 302 meals, facilities for taking 315, 316 mean duration rate 108 measuring performance 59 mechanical factors 242 mechanical handling 288–96 mechanical handling systems 288 mechanical restraint device 247 medical surveillance 234 medical suspension payment 51 method statements 283–85 minimum measured illuminances 300, 301 misperceptions 127 mistaken actions 127 mistaken priorities 128 mobile work equipment 291–95 monitoring performance 66, 67 motivating factors 125 muscular strain 153, 154 mutagenic classification 219 nasal filtration 224 National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) 116 near misses 87 negligence 4, 46 new and expectant mothers 31, 32, 40, 41 No Smoking signs 199, 200 noise 306–10 noise control 307 noise emissions from display screen equipment 152 noise in workshops 325 non-occupational diseases 190 non-unionised employees 20 notifiable and reportable major injuries 83, 84 notification by new and expectant mothers 32 notification of a project 281 obstruction of an inspector 10 occupational cancers 188 occupational diseases and conditions 185–204 occupational health and safety management 63 occupational health hazards 185–87 occupational health initiatives 195–204 occupational health nurses 114, 115 occupational health schemes/practice 189–91 occupational hygiene 186, 191 occupational hygiene (definition) 118 occupational hygienists 118 occupational physicians 117, 118 Occupiers Liability Acts 1957 – 84 34, 47, 48 Index 337occupiers’ duties 5, 6, 47 office equipment 321 office health and safety audit 323, 3324 office safety requirements 318–23 off-site emergency plan 45 operational stress 146, 147 operator (display screen equipment) 148 operator fatigue 145 organisations, characteristics of 124 organising health and safety 58 overrun device 247 oxidising classification 218 packaging requirements (hazardous substances) 218 partial enclosure 305 passive learning 135 passport schemes 36 penalties 13 performance standards 58 peritendinitis 147, 148 permanent threshold shift 307 permit to drive 293 Permit to Work systems 40, 100, 264 personal conduct 322, 323 personal experience 80 personal factors 88, 125 personal hygiene 97, 98 personal protective equipment (PPE) 96, 99, 111, 187, 330 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 96, 97 personal protective equipment risk assessment 96, 97 personality and stress 165, 166 pervasion 222 phagocytes 224 physical agents 188 physical health hazards 185 physical or mental impairment 137 physical stressors 163 physical violence 175 placing people in suitable work 190 planned maintenance 248 planned motivation schemes 128, 129 planned preventive maintenance schedules 44 planning for safety 58 planning requirements 63, 64 poisonings 188 policy matters 58 portable electrical appliances 265–67 portable ladders 324 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 178, 179 post ural fatigue 146 posture 144 ‘practicable’ duties 24 precedents 46 pregnant women and nursing mothers 315 preparations 215 prescribed diseases 187 Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 113 pre-tender stage health and safety plan 44 prevention and control procedures 104, 105, 309 primary and secondary monitoring 190 primary irritants 222 principal contractor (definition) 277 principal contractor’s duties 278, 279 principles of good practice (substances hazardous to health) 232 principles of prevention 27, 34, 278 process control 98 product complaints 80 product liability 6, 7 professional institutions and trade associations 78 progressive chronic effect 221 prohibition 98 prohibition notices 12, 16, 51, 260 project (definition) 276 project notification 281 prolapsed disc 154 prosecution 12 protective mechanisms – particulate matter 224, 225 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 241, 242, 248, 294, 295 psychiatric illness (liability for) 172, 173 psychological violence 175 published information 79 pure risks 72 quality management and health and safety – BS8800:1996 59–64 Queen’s Bench Division 49, 50 racking (workshops) 327 radiation 310–13 radiation (display screen equipment) 153 radiation monitoring 313 radiation protection advisers 312 radiation protection supervisors 313 radioactive substances records 44 radiological protection 311, 312 ramps (vehicle) 325 ratio decidendi 46 reasonable adjustments to premises 42, 138 reasonable care 5 reasonably practicable 9, 25 reception, barriers to 133 receptor hood 304, 305 receptor systems 304, 305 reciprocating traps 243 reckless manslaughter 18 record keeping 43–45, 212 reduced voltage 264, 266 Reducing error and influencing behaviour – HS(G)48) 123–26 reflections and glare 152 registers 327 regulating the contractor 282, 283 regulations 8, 9, 42, 43, 77 Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 113, 114, 255–60 338 Indexrelative humidity 299 relevant person 255, 256 relevant statutory provisions 5, 11, 26 remote controlled self-propelled work equipment 295 repetitive strain injury 147, 148 reportable diseases 84, 85, 187, 188 reportable major injuries 83, 84 reporting requirements 83–85 respiratory protective equipment 313 respiratory protective equipment examination records 44 responsible person 256 rest rooms and rest areas 315, 316, 327 rheumatism 155 risk (definition) 72, 94 risk analysis and evaluation 73 risk assessment 26, 27, 31, 33, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 58, 64, 65, 108–11, 148, 158–60, 176, 228–31, 233, 257, 271, 308, 309, 313 risk avoidance 75 risk evaluation (or measurement) 74 risk exposure 72 risk identification 74 risk information 230 risk management 71–76 risk phrases 218 risk prevention or control 73 risk reduction 76 risk retention 75 risk transfer 75, 76 risk, types of 75 risk/hazard control 110, 111 Robens Report 4 role ambiguity 163 role conflict 163 role overload 163 role theory 165 routes of entry 222, 223 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) 78, 116 safe materials 95 safe person strategies 96–98 safe place strategies 94–96 safe plant and machinery 95 safe premises 94 safe processes 95 safe systems of work 5, 40, 44, 95, 98, 99, 100, 110, 264 safe working environment 95 safe workplace 94–96 safety audits 101, 102–06 safety committees 18–22 safety culture 58, 131, 132 safety data sheets 217, 226, 227 safety incentive schemes 129 safety inspections 39 safety method statements 283–85 safety monitoring systems 101–08, 110 safety organisations 78 safety phrases 218 safety representatives 13, 18, 51 Safety Representatives And Safety Committees Regulations 1977 18–20 safety sampling 101, 107 safety surveys 101 safety tours 101 sanitary conveniences 314, 327 scalds 327 sealed sources of radiation 311 seating and posture 152 secondary cutaneous sensitiser 222 seizure of articles and substances 11 self-propelled work equipment 295 sensitising classification 219 serious and imminent danger 28, 258 severity rate 106 shared workplaces 29, 259, 260 shearing traps 244 shielding (radiological protection) 312 shift workers 129–31 short-term sickness absence 192 sickness absence control 192–94 sickness absence monitoring 194, 195 sickness absence procedure 194 sickness absence rate 108, 192 side draught captor hood 305 site rules 279 site safety requirements 280, 281 sleep deprivation 130 slipped discs 154 smoke-free premises 196–99 smoke-free vehicles 199 smoking at work 195–203 smoking in a smoke-free place 200, 201 Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Prescribed Diseases) Regulations 1985 187, 223 software requirements 153 solvents 326 source causes 88 space requirements 151 special technical and organisational measures 256 speculative risks 72 statements of health and safety policy 22–24, 67 status review of the health and safety management system 61 statutes 7, 8, 77 Statutory Instruments 8, 77 stress (definitions) 162 stress at work 162–81 stress, effects of 167 stressful conditions 168 strict duties 24 structural safety 268–73, 324 sub-acute effect 221 subordinate legislation 8 substance (definition) 7, 215, 228 substance hazardous to health (definition) 228 substantial and long-term adverse effects 137 substitution 98, 110 Index 339successful health and safety management – HS(G)65 57–59 supervisors and health and safety 56, 57, 95, 111 supply requirements (chemicals) 215 suspension from work 31, 32 systematic training 134 systemic effect 222 target organs and target systems 224 task analysis 80 task illuminance factor 303 temperature control in the workplace 299, 324 temporary threshold shift 306 temporary workers 31 tendinitis 148 tenosynovitis 147, 148 termination of employment 193, 194 third party (definition) 34 time (radiological protection) 311 tissue response 225 total enclosure 305 Total Loss Control 87, 119 total working system 143 toxic classification 219 toxic for reproduction classification 220 toxicity 220 toxicology 220 traffic routes 268, 269 traffic systems 272 training (definition) 134 training evaluation 135, 136 training needs 134 training plan and programme 134 training sessions 136 traps 243, 289 travelling first aid kits 208 treatment services 190 trespassers 48 tribunals 50, 51, 139 trigger finger/thumb 148 trip device 247 truck operating areas 292 truck operator requirements 293 truck operator training 294 tunnel guard 290 tunnel vision 127 two hand control device 247 understanding, barriers to 133 understanding, lack of 126 Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 48 unsafe act 88 unsafe behaviour 97 unsafe conditions 88 unsealed sources of radiation 311 upper exposure action values (UEAV) 308–10 use (work equipment) 241 user (display screen equipment) 39, 148 valve grinders 325 vapourising liquid appliances 254 vehicle washing 325 ventilation in the workplace 303–06, 325 very toxic classification 219 victim support 177, 178 violence at work 174–78 vision requirements 144 visitors to premises 6 visual aids 136 visual fatigue 146 voluntary manslaughter 17 vulnerable groups 40–42, 97, 190 warning notices 47, 48 warning symbols 218 washing facilities 314 waste disposal 298 water appliances 254 weather conditions 271 welding equipment 326 welfare facilities 5, 186, 314–16 wilfulness 128 windows, transparent or translucent doors, gates and walls 269 windows, skylights and ventilators 269 Wiring Regulations (IEE) 262 women at work 167 woodworking machinery 325 work at height (definition) 270 Work at Height Regulations 2005 270–72 work away from base 29, 34–36 work chairs 151 work desk/surface requirements 151 work equipment (definition) 241 work equipment, selection of 242 work rate 144 work study techniques 79 working environment 5, 143, 297–17 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 268–70, 297, 299, 303, 304, 314–16 Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs) 223, 225 workplace layout 297, 298 work-related agents 189 work-related upper limb disorders 147, 148 works of an equivalent nature 9 workshop safety 324–27 workstation (definition) 149, 150 writer’s cramp 148 written plan of work 44 written procedures 111 written scheme of examination 44, 113 young persons 32, 33, 41abrasive wheels 325 absolute or strict duties 24 abstracts 327 acceptance, barriers to 133 accident (definitions) 92, 93 accident and ill-health rates 106, 108 accident and ill-health statistics 80 accident costs 87, 89 accident costs assessment 90 accident investigation 85–87 accident prevention 92–120 accident prevention strategies 98, 99 acoustic trauma 307 action plans 69 active learning 135 Acts of Parliament 7, 8, 77 acute effect 221 additional smoke-free places 198, 199 adjustable guard 246 air compressors 325 air monitoring records 44 alcohol and drugs 131 alcohol at work 203, 204 all reasonable precautions and all due diligence 25, 26, 263 Alterations Notice 260 amenity area (workshops) 327 anti-freeze 326 anxiety 167, 179 appeals 49, 50 appeals against notices 12, 14 Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) 9, 77 Approved Supply List 215, 216 articles and substances for use at work 5, 6, 7 asbestos 285 attention, lapses of 127 attitudes 125 atypical workers 129–31 auditing and reviewing performance 59 auditing performance 66, 67 automatic guard 246, 247 average illuminances 301 avoiding potential risks 190 awareness, maintaining 98 battery charging 326 behavioural safety 125, 126 benchmarking 67–69 biological agents 188 biological dose of radiation 311 biological health hazards 186 biological monitoring 234 biological stressors 163 breach of a statutory duty 4, 33, 34, 46, 47 brightness (luminosity) 303 brightness Ratio 303 British Examination Board in Occupational Hygiene (BEBOH) 118 British Occupational Hygiene Society (BOHS) 78 British Safety Council 78 British Standards 78 British Standards Institute 78 British Zonal Method 302–03 BS 8800: 1996 Guide to Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems 59–64 BS EN ISO 12100: Safety of machinery 245–47 burns (treatment) 211 capabilities and training 30 capability to work 192, 193 captor systems 304, 305 carbon dioxide appliances 254 carcinogenic classification 219 carpal tunnel syndrome 147 case law 46, 77 Indexcategory of danger 216, 218–20 catering injuries 327, 328 catering safety 327–30 cause-accident-result sequence 88 CDM co-ordinator (definition) 276, 277 CDM co-ordinators’ duties 280 change of process 98 Chartered Institute of Environmental Health (CIEH) 78 checking and correcting performance 66 chemical agents 188 chemical health hazards 186 chemical stressors 163 Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 214–20 chest compressions 211 children 48, 259 chronic effect 221 ciliary escalator 224 circuit breakers 264 civil action 4 civil courts 4 civil liability 4, 33, 275 classification requirements (hazardous substances and preparations) 216 classified persons 313 cleaning and degreasing agents 326 cleaning schedules 44 client (definition) 276 clients’ duties 278 clothing, accommodation for 315, 327 clothing, changing facilities 315 clothing, drying arrangements 315 colour in the workplace 298 colour rendition 303 comfort requirements 144 comfort temperature ranges 299 comfort ventilation 303 common law 46, 77 communications 132, 133 competent contractors 36, 37 competent persons 28, 33, 111–14, 248, 259, 262, 271, 277 compressed air equipment 325 conformity assessment procedure 45 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007 29, 113, 276–81 Construction (Head Protection) Regulations 1989 275, 276 construction activity accidents 281–82 construction and contractors 274–87 construction hazards 274 construction phase 279 construction phase health and safety plan 279, 285 constructive manslaughter 18 contact hazards 244 contingency plan in the event of a radiation accident 45, 313 contractor (definition) 277 contractor regulation 282–83, 285 contractors and the law 275 contractors’ duties 279, 280 Control of Major Accident Hazards Regulations 1999 215 Control of Noise at Work Regulations 2005 308–10 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Amendment) Regulations 2004 232 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002 215, 227–33, 303, 306 controlled or supervised areas 313 controllers of premises 6 controlling mind 18 controls and displays 145 conveyors 289, 290 co-operation and co-ordination 29, 277 coping strategies 168, 169 corporate liability 17 corporate manslaughter 17, 18 corporate persons 17 corrosive classification 219 COSHH Action Plan 231 COSHH compliance procedures 229 counselling 191 County Courts 49 Court of Appeal 50 Court of Appeal ‘propositions’ and guidance (stress-induced injury) 169–73 courts and tribunals 49–51 criminal law 7–9, 275 criminal liability 4 Crown Court 49 Crown property 13 damage control 102 danger (definition) 94 danger areas 28 danger zones 258 dangerous for the environment classification 220 dangerous occurrences 84 dangerous substances 214–17, 257, 259, 320, 321, 330 death of an employee 83 decibels 307 decision making 55 declaration of conformity 45 delegated legislation 8 Department for Work and Pensions 79 depression 167, 168, 179 designer (definition) 277 designers, manufacturers, importers and suppliers’ duties 6, 7 designers’ duties 278 detoxification 220 diesel store (workshops) 326 diet, healthy 130 dilution ventilation 305, 306 direct contact 263 direct costs of accidents 87, 89 direct observation 80 direct results of accidents 88 Disability Discrimination Act 1995 41, 42, 137–40 334 Indexdisability glare 300 disabled workers 41, 42, 140, 316 discomfort glare 302 discrimination 137 disease reporting 83 dismissal (breach of health and safety law, etc) 51 display screen equipment 145–53 display screen requirements 150, 151 distance (radiological protection) 311, 312 distance guard 246 distress 163 documentation 102, 103 documentation requirements 25, 26, 43–45 doors and gates 269 dose 223 dose limitation 313 dose records 45, 312, 313 dose-response relationship 223, 224 down draught captor hood 305 drills and drilling machines 325 drinking water provision 315, 327 drive shafts to mobile work equipment 295 drugs in the workplace 203 dry powder appliances 254 Dupuytren’s contracture 148 duration rate 108 duties, hierarchy of 24, 25 duty holders 262, 271, 276, 277 duty of care 34, 35, 38, 47, 139, 176 earth continuity test 266 earth leakage circuit breakers (residual current circuit breakers) 264 earthing 263 effective reflectance values 303 ejection hazards 245 electric shock 263, 264 electric welding 325 electrical appliances (offices) 319, 320 electrical control boxes 326 electrical safety 262–67 Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 113, 262, 263 elevated storage areas 324 elevators 291 elimination 110 emergency first aid 208–12 emergency procedure 45, 69–71 emergency routes, exits and doors 258 emergency stops 290 employees’ duties 5, 30, 97, 260, 271, 310, 313 employers’ duties 4, 5 employers’ duties at common law 46 employers’ obligations (stress-induced injury) 171, 172 Employment Medical Advisory Service (EMAS) 189, 191 Employment Rights Act 1996 31 enclosure 110 enforcement 4, 10–17, 202, 203, 260 enforcement Notice 260 engineering safety 241–50 entanglement hazards 244 entry, powers of 10 environmental control 191 environmental factors 143, 329 environmental health officers 10–17 epicondylitis 147 ergonomic (work-related) health hazards 186 ergonomic design 139, 144, 242 ergonomics 142–61, 187 European Court of Justice 50, 77 European Directives 4, 42, 76 exhaust ventilation equipment 44, 304–06 existing written information 79 explosive classification 218 exposure limit value (ELV) 308 exposure to toxic substances 221, 222 external areas 324 external services 28 extremely flammable classification 218 eye and eyesight tests 148 eye injuries 211, 212 Factories Acts 3 failing to prevent smoking in a smoke-free place 201, 202 failure to safety 246 falls or falling objects 269 family and friends 131 files 326 film badges 312 fire and rescue authorities 4 fire appliances 253–55 fire extinction 253 fire fighting equipment 258 fire instructions notice 258 fire precautions 256, 322, 329 fire prevention 251–61 fire protection (workshops) 326 fire protection systems 255 fire risk assessment 257 fire safety management 257 fire spread 252 fire triangle 251 first aid 205–13 first aid (definition) 205–13 first aid arrangements 187, 191 first aid boxes 207, 208 first aid equipment 207, 327 first aid personnel 206, 207, 212, 213 first aid rooms 206, 207 fixed guard 245, 246 fixed penalties 202 flammable classification 219 flammable materials and wastes 326 flight or fight response 163 floors and traffic routes 268, 269, 324, 328 foam appliances 254 fork lift trucks 291–95 frequency rate 106 fresh air requirements 304 friction and pressure 189 Index 335furniture and fittings (offices) 319 fuses 264 gas incident reporting 83 gas welding 325 general fire precautions 256, 257 general principles of prevention 34, 277, 278, 309 general storage (workshops) 326 generic risk assessments 109 glare conditions 300–02 gross negligence 18 guards and safety devices 110 Guidance Notes (HSE) 9, 10, 78 guillotines 325 hacksaws 326 hand lamps 326 hand tools 326, 328 handling and storage of dangerous substances 226 harmful classification 219 hazard (definition) 94 Hazard and Operability Studies (HAZOPS) 101, 102 hazard reporting 31, 271 hazard warning symbols (dangerous substances) 221 head protection 275, 276 Health Act 2006 196–203 Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 20 Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 39, 148–53 Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 205–08 Health and Safety (Information for Employees) Regulations 1999 51 health and safety arrangements 27 health and safety assistance 28 Health and Safety at Work etc Act 1974 4–7, 8 health and safety benchmarking 67–69 Health and Safety Commission 9 Health and Safety Executive 4, 9 health and safety management 54–81 health and safety managers/advisers and safety officers 115–17 health and safety practitioners 114–18 health and safety systems 103, 104 health and safety training 134–36 health and safety training requirements 30 health education 191 health records 44, 45, 191, 235 health risk assessment 230 health surveillance 27, 31, 186, 190, , 232–35, 309, 312 hearing protection 309 hearing protection zones 309 heat from equipment (display screen equipment) 153 hernia (rupture) 154 hierarchy of duties 24, 25 High Court of Justice 49 highly flammable classification 218, 219 home working 37–39 host employers 29, 35 House of Lords 50 housekeeping 318, 3319 HSE Guidance Note EH/40 Workplace exposure limits 225 HSE inspectors 10–17 human capability 30, 121 human characteristics 143 human error 126–28 human factors 123–41, 242 human factors (definition) 123 human system 142 humidity control (display screen equipment) 153 hypersensitisation 219 Illuminating Engineering Society (IES) 302 improvement notices 11–15, 51 inadequate design 126 inadequate information 126 incident rate 106 incident recall 80 incidents 93 indirect causes of accidents 88 indirect contact 263 indirect costs of accidents 89, 90 indirect results of accidents 88 infectious or contagious diseases 31 information for employees 28, 29 information sources for health and safety 76–81 information, instruction and training 5, 40, 95, 96, 105, 187, 259, 279, 309, 310, 312 ingestion 223 inhalation 222 injection/implantation 223 in-running nips 243, 289 inspection of work equipment 271 inspection pits 324 inspectors, powers of 10–17 Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (IOSH) 78, 116, 117 insurance companies 79 interface between computer and operator/user 153 interlocking guard 246 intoxication 220 involuntary manslaughter 18 ion 310 ionisation 310 ionising radiation 310, 311 Ionising Radiations Regulations 1999 312, 313 irritant classification 219 ISO 14001: the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle 63 jacking operations 325 jewellery 330 job descriptions 79 job design 124, 125 job movements 189 job safety analysis 80, 99, 100 336 Indexjoint consultation 18, 23 judicial precedent 46 justification (defence) 138 keyboard requirements 151 labelling requirements (hazardous substances) 217, 218 lathes 325 Law Reports 46, 77 lawful visitors 47 layout requirements 144 liability for psychiatric illness 172, 173 liability, provisions as to 33 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 114, 248, 249 lifting tackle 325 ligamental strain 154, 155 lighting design factors 302, 303 lighting distribution 302–03 lighting in the workplace 299–303, 325 lighting requirements (display screen equipment) 152 lighting standards 300–03 Limiting Glare Indices 302 load (definition) 157 local effect 222 local exhaust ventilation (lEV) systems 226, 304–06 local rules 313 location and layout of workplaces 297, 298 lone working 39, 40 long-term sickness absence 192–94 lower exposure action values (lEAV) 308–10 low-volume high-velocity (lVHV) systems 304, 305 luminosity 303 lux 299–301 lymphatic system 224 machine controls 326 machinery guards 245–47 machinery hazards 243–45, 328 machinery safety 242–47 machinery safety assessment 249 machinery safety devices 247 macrophages (phagocytes) 224 Magistrates court 17, 49 maintenance requirements 259 maintenance work 286 major accident prevention policy 45 management (definition) 54 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 26–34, 233, 234 management performance 55, 56 management resources 54 management review 67 management standards (HSE) 173 managerial stress 163–65 man-machine interface 143 manslaughter 17 manual handling injuries and conditions 153–55, 157 manual handling principles 155–57 manual handling risk assessment 158–60 manual handling operation (definition) 158 manual handling operations 39, 320, 329 Manual Handling Operations Regulations 1992 157–60 manufacturers’ information and instructions 78 maximum ratios of illuminance 300, 302 meals, facilities for taking 315, 316 mean duration rate 108 measuring performance 59 mechanical factors 242 mechanical handling 288–96 mechanical handling systems 288 mechanical restraint device 247 medical surveillance 234 medical suspension payment 51 method statements 283–85 minimum measured illuminances 300, 301 misperceptions 127 mistaken actions 127 mistaken priorities 128 mobile work equipment 291–95 monitoring performance 66, 67 motivating factors 125 muscular strain 153, 154 mutagenic classification 219 nasal filtration 224 National Examination Board in Occupational Safety and Health (NEBOSH) 116 near misses 87 negligence 4, 46 new and expectant mothers 31, 32, 40, 41 No Smoking signs 199, 200 noise 306–10 noise control 307 noise emissions from display screen equipment 152 noise in workshops 325 non-occupational diseases 190 non-unionised employees 20 notifiable and reportable major injuries 83, 84 notification by new and expectant mothers 32 notification of a project 281 obstruction of an inspector 10 occupational cancers 188 occupational diseases and conditions 185–204 occupational health and safety management 63 occupational health hazards 185–87 occupational health initiatives 195–204 occupational health nurses 114, 115 occupational health schemes/practice 189–91 occupational hygiene 186, 191 occupational hygiene (definition) 118 occupational hygienists 118 occupational physicians 117, 118 Occupiers Liability Acts 1957 – 84 34, 47, 48 Index 337occupiers’ duties 5, 6, 47 office equipment 321 office health and safety audit 323, 3324 office safety requirements 318–23 off-site emergency plan 45 operational stress 146, 147 operator (display screen equipment) 148 operator fatigue 145 organisations, characteristics of 124 organising health and safety 58 overrun device 247 oxidising classification 218 packaging requirements (hazardous substances) 218 partial enclosure 305 passive learning 135 passport schemes 36 penalties 13 performance standards 58 peritendinitis 147, 148 permanent threshold shift 307 permit to drive 293 Permit to Work systems 40, 100, 264 personal conduct 322, 323 personal experience 80 personal factors 88, 125 personal hygiene 97, 98 personal protective equipment (PPE) 96, 99, 111, 187, 330 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 96, 97 personal protective equipment risk assessment 96, 97 personality and stress 165, 166 pervasion 222 phagocytes 224 physical agents 188 physical health hazards 185 physical or mental impairment 137 physical stressors 163 physical violence 175 placing people in suitable work 190 planned maintenance 248 planned motivation schemes 128, 129 planned preventive maintenance schedules 44 planning for safety 58 planning requirements 63, 64 poisonings 188 policy matters 58 portable electrical appliances 265–67 portable ladders 324 post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) 178, 179 post ural fatigue 146 posture 144 ‘practicable’ duties 24 precedents 46 pregnant women and nursing mothers 315 preparations 215 prescribed diseases 187 Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 113 pre-tender stage health and safety plan 44 prevention and control procedures 104, 105, 309 primary and secondary monitoring 190 primary irritants 222 principal contractor (definition) 277 principal contractor’s duties 278, 279 principles of good practice (substances hazardous to health) 232 principles of prevention 27, 34, 278 process control 98 product complaints 80 product liability 6, 7 professional institutions and trade associations 78 progressive chronic effect 221 prohibition 98 prohibition notices 12, 16, 51, 260 project (definition) 276 project notification 281 prolapsed disc 154 prosecution 12 protective mechanisms – particulate matter 224, 225 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998 241, 242, 248, 294, 295 psychiatric illness (liability for) 172, 173 psychological violence 175 published information 79 pure risks 72 quality management and health and safety – BS8800:1996 59–64 Queen’s Bench Division 49, 50 racking (workshops) 327 radiation 310–13 radiation (display screen equipment) 153 radiation monitoring 313 radiation protection advisers 312 radiation protection supervisors 313 radioactive substances records 44 radiological protection 311, 312 ramps (vehicle) 325 ratio decidendi 46 reasonable adjustments to premises 42, 138 reasonable care 5 reasonably practicable 9, 25 reception, barriers to 133 receptor hood 304, 305 receptor systems 304, 305 reciprocating traps 243 reckless manslaughter 18 record keeping 43–45, 212 reduced voltage 264, 266 Reducing error and influencing behaviour – HS(G)48) 123–26 reflections and glare 152 registers 327 regulating the contractor 282, 283 regulations 8, 9, 42, 43, 77 Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 113, 114, 255–60 338 Indexrelative humidity 299 relevant person 255, 256 relevant statutory provisions 5, 11, 26 remote controlled self-propelled work equipment 295 repetitive strain injury 147, 148 reportable diseases 84, 85, 187, 188 reportable major injuries 83, 84 reporting requirements 83–85 respiratory protective equipment 313 respiratory protective equipment examination records 44 responsible person 256 rest rooms and rest areas 315, 316, 327 rheumatism 155 risk (definition) 72, 94 risk analysis and evaluation 73 risk assessment 26, 27, 31, 33, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 58, 64, 65, 108–11, 148, 158–60, 176, 228–31, 233, 257, 271, 308, 309, 313 risk avoidance 75 risk evaluation (or measurement) 74 risk exposure 72 risk identification 74 risk information 230 risk management 71–76 risk phrases 218 risk prevention or control 73 risk reduction 76 risk retention 75 risk transfer 75, 76 risk, types of 75 risk/hazard control 110, 111 Robens Report 4 role ambiguity 163 role conflict 163 role overload 163 role theory 165 routes of entry 222, 223 Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) 78, 116 safe materials 95 safe person strategies 96–98 safe place strategies 94–96 safe plant and machinery 95 safe premises 94 safe processes 95 safe systems of work 5, 40, 44, 95, 98, 99, 100, 110, 264 safe working environment 95 safe workplace 94–96 safety audits 101, 102–06 safety committees 18–22 safety culture 58, 131, 132 safety data sheets 217, 226, 227 safety incentive schemes 129 safety inspections 39 safety method statements 283–85 safety monitoring systems 101–08, 110 safety organisations 78 safety phrases 218 safety representatives 13, 18, 51 Safety Representatives And Safety Committees Regulations 1977 18–20 safety sampling 101, 107 safety surveys 101 safety tours 101 sanitary conveniences 314, 327 scalds 327 sealed sources of radiation 311 seating and posture 152 secondary cutaneous sensitiser 222 seizure of articles and substances 11 self-propelled work equipment 295 sensitising classification 219 serious and imminent danger 28, 258 severity rate 106 shared workplaces 29, 259, 260 shearing traps 244 shielding (radiological protection) 312 shift workers 129–31 short-term sickness absence 192 sickness absence control 192–94 sickness absence monitoring 194, 195 sickness absence procedure 194 sickness absence rate 108, 192 side draught captor hood 305 site rules 279 site safety requirements 280, 281 sleep deprivation 130 slipped discs 154 smoke-free premises 196–99 smoke-free vehicles 199 smoking at work 195–203 smoking in a smoke-free place 200, 201 Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Prescribed Diseases) Regulations 1985 187, 223 software requirements 153 solvents 326 source causes 88 space requirements 151 special technical and organisational measures 256 speculative risks 72 statements of health and safety policy 22–24, 67 status review of the health and safety management system 61 statutes 7, 8, 77 Statutory Instruments 8, 77 stress (definitions) 162 stress at work 162–81 stress, effects of 167 stressful conditions 168 strict duties 24 structural safety 268–73, 324 sub-acute effect 221 subordinate legislation 8 substance (definition) 7, 215, 228 substance hazardous to health (definition) 228 substantial and long-term adverse effects 137 substitution 98, 110 Index 339successful health and safety management – HS(G)65 57–59 supervisors and health and safety 56, 57, 95, 111 supply requirements (chemicals) 215 suspension from work 31, 32 systematic training 134 systemic effect 222 target organs and target systems 224 task analysis 80 task illuminance factor 303 temperature control in the workplace 299, 324 temporary threshold shift 306 temporary workers 31 tendinitis 148 tenosynovitis 147, 148 termination of employment 193, 194 third party (definition) 34 time (radiological protection) 311 tissue response 225 total enclosure 305 Total Loss Control 87, 119 total working system 143 toxic classification 219 toxic for reproduction classification 220 toxicity 220 toxicology 220 traffic routes 268, 269 traffic systems 272 training (definition) 134 training evaluation 135, 136 training needs 134 training plan and programme 134 training sessions 136 traps 243, 289 travelling first aid kits 208 treatment services 190 trespassers 48 tribunals 50, 51, 139 trigger finger/thumb 148 trip device 247 truck operating areas 292 truck operator requirements 293 truck operator training 294 tunnel guard 290 tunnel vision 127 two hand control device 247 understanding, barriers to 133 understanding, lack of 126 Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 48 unsafe act 88 unsafe behaviour 97 unsafe conditions 88 unsealed sources of radiation 311 upper exposure action values (UEAV) 308–10 use (work equipment) 241 user (display screen equipment) 39, 148 valve grinders 325 vapourising liquid appliances 254 vehicle washing 325 ventilation in the workplace 303–06, 325 very toxic classification 219 victim support 177, 178 violence at work 174–78 vision requirements 144 visitors to premises 6 visual aids 136 visual fatigue 146 voluntary manslaughter 17 vulnerable groups 40–42, 97, 190 warning notices 47, 48 warning symbols 218 washing facilities 314 waste disposal 298 water appliances 254 weather conditions 271 welding equipment 326 welfare facilities 5, 186, 314–16 wilfulness 128 windows, transparent or translucent doors, gates and walls 269 windows, skylights and ventilators 269 Wiring Regulations (IEE) 262 women at work 167 woodworking machinery 325 work at height (definition) 270 Work at Height Regulations 2005 270–72 work away from base 29, 34–36 work chairs 151 work desk/surface requirements 151 work equipment (definition) 241 work equipment, selection of 242 work rate 144 work study techniques 79 working environment 5, 143, 297–17 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 268–70, 297, 299, 303, 304, 314–16 Workplace Exposure Limits (WELs) 223, 225 workplace layout 297, 298 work-related agents 189 work-related upper limb disorders 147, 148 works of an equivalent nature 9 workshop safety 324–27 workstation (definition) 149, 150 writer’s cramp 148 written plan of work 44 written procedures 111 written scheme of examination 44, 113 young persons 32, 33, 41
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