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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Getting Started with 3D Printing - A Hands-on Guide to the Hardware, Software, and Services Behind the New Manufacturing Revolution الجمعة 29 مارس 2024, 12:44 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Getting Started with 3D Printing - A Hands-on Guide to the Hardware, Software, and Services Behind the New Manufacturing Revolution Liza Wallach Kloski and Nick Kloski , Cofounders of HoneyPoint3D
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Foreword . vii An Introduction to 3D Printing . ix Part I Applications of 3D Printing 1/You Say You Want a Revolution? . 3 A Manufacturing Full Circle 4 2/3D Printing and the Maker Movement 7 Impact of the Maker Movement 7 Who Is a Maker? 7 How the 3D Printing Ecosystem Helps You Be a Maker 10 3/How 3D Printing Is Being Used Today . 15 Rapid Prototyping for Your Ideas, Designs, and Inventions . 15 Forward-Thinking Companies Are Actively Bringing You 3D Printing . 17 Don’t Worry. It Won’t Cost You More. Complexity Is Free 19 3D Printing Is Advancing Health Care . 21 3D Printing Has a Sole . 22 Part II Hardware and Printing Choices 4/Understanding FDM Printers 27 Resolution Levels . 30 Frame/Chassis . 32 Build Plate . 35 Linear Movement Controls 37 Extruder . 41 Filament . 47 Tips for Success with FDM Printers 49 Build Plate Adhesion . 51 Slicer Programs 54 iiiNot All Slicers Are Created Equal 54 Homing and Leveling the Build Plate . 56 5/Understanding SLA Printers . 59 How It Works . 59 Cost of Materials 63 Types of Resins . 63 The Two Types of SLA Printers: Laser and DLP 65 Printer Profile: Autodesk Ember (DLP Technology) 66 Printer Profile: Kudo3D Titan 1 (DLP Technology) 68 Printer Profile: FormLabs Form 2 (Laser Technology) . 71 Software: Slicers for Resin Printing 73 Support Structures for SLA Printing 75 Conclusion . 75 6/Outsourcing Versus Buying Your Own 3D Printer . 77 The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Printing . 78 Popular Outsourced 3D Printing Service Bureaus . 78 The Rise of Local Outsourcing . 81 The Benefits of 3D Printing at Home . 83 Variables Involved When 3D Printing at Home . 84 Production Quantity: Low-Volume Manufacturing . 87 For Beginners, Choose FDM First 88 Choosing the Right Quality Finish for Prints 89 Evaluating for Special Mechanical Considerations . 90 Conclusion . 92 7/Overview of the 3D Printing Workflow 93 3D Files . 94 3D Models . 95 How Do I Get from Idea to Object? . 97 Details of the 3D Printing Workflow 98 You Can Outsource Any Part of the 3D Printing Workflow . 101 8/Getting and Fixing 3D Models . 103 Downloading a 3D Model 103 3D Model Licensing and Legalities 104 Creating 3D Models with Your Smartphone or Digital Camera . 105 Examples of What You Can Create In Photogrammetry . 107 Understanding 3D Model File Formats and Units of Measure 109 Creating 3D Models with Four-Sided Polygons and Three-Sided Polygons 111 iv ContentsFixing a 3D Model for 3D Printing . 113 Using Meshmixer to Fix Your 3D Models . 114 Part III CAD Tutorials 9/Getting Started with Tinkercad 119 Setting Up an Account 120 Before You Pick Up the Mouse . 121 Creating Shapes in Tinkercad 123 Rotating an Object . 128 Changing the Shape 129 Resizing the Red Box 129 Grouping and Ungrouping Shapes . 134 Finishing Your New Creation in Tinkercad 136 What’s Next? 140 10/Getting Started with Meshmixer 143 Getting Started . 144 Starting the Tutorial . 145 Sculpt with Digital Clay . 148 Adding Support Structures 150 Creating a Sphere . 154 11/Getting Started with Fusion 360 163 Polygonal Versus Parametric Modeling 164 Getting Started with Fusion 360 . 165 Description of Interface Menu 167 Making a Ring in Fusion 360 169 Adding an Embellishment to the Ring 177 Adding to the Embellishment . 179 Exporting Your Model for 3D Printing 182 12/Setting Up Your Personal Makerspace for 3D Printing . 187 Getting Ready . 189 Task 1: Research Which 3D Printer to Buy . 189 Task 2: Create a Safe Work Area . 191 Task 3: Choose the Best Physical Environment for Your 3D Printer . 193 Things We Recommend for Your Home Setup 196 Contents vPart IV The Future 13/How 3D Printing Will Change Your (and Everyone Else’s) Life 203 We Are All Makers, and Companies Will Foster That Even More 204 Companies Will Use 3D Printing to Strengthen Their Connection with You. 206 Organizations Will Increase Profitability and Be More Eco-Friendly 208 Local Economies Will Benefit from the Commercial Use of 3D Printing 210 The Best Is Yet to Come 211 Index 213 Index A ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene), 89, 193 acetone ABS and, 89 safety issues, 90 additive manufacturing, xi adhesion, build plate, 51-53 airflow, near printer, 194 America Makes, 210 analysis tools, 114 Artec 3D scanners, 108 Autodesk Fusion 360, 98 Fusion 360 account creation, 165 Print Studio, 74 Tinkercad account creation, 120 Autodesk Ember DLP printer, 63, 66-67 B beginners, FDM printers as best for, 88-88 blended PLA, 91 Blender, 111 blue painters tape, 51 Boolean (term), 122 Bowden extruder, 40 box resizing, 129-133 branding, 3D printing as, 206 Breathe-3DP filament, 49 build plate adhesion for FDM printers, 51-53 calibrating/leveling with extruder assembly, 36 defined, 29 FDM printers, 35-37 homing/leveling for FDM printers, 56-58 build surfaces, specialized, 53 C CAD software, 15 calibration, FDM printers, 36 cameras, digital, creating 3D models with, 105-107 Cartesian printers, 37-38 castable resins, 64 chassis defined, 29 FDM printers, 32-35 children safety issues, 194 Tinkercard account setup, 120 cloud, Fusion 360 and, 165 color in Tinkercad, 133 STL file format, 110, 133 community, 3D printing, 203 complexity, 19 COPPA (Childrens Online Privacy Protection Act), 120 costs FDM vs. SLA printers, 66, 85 filament, 48, 86 of prototyping with 3D printing, 16 online setup fees, 86 outsourcing vs. home printing, 83 resin, 63 resin vats, 61 Creation Workshop, 74 Creative Commons license, 104-105 213Cura, 54 D Delta printers, 38-40 dental braces, 21 desiccant canister, 50 digital cameras, creating 3D models with, 105-107 DLP (digital light processing) printers Autodesk Ember, 63, 66-67 DropLit DLP printer, 74 Kudo3D Titan 1 printer, 68-70, 74 laser-based SLA printers vs., 65 speed, 85 DropLit DLP printer, 74 dust, 49 E E3D Volcano extruder, 46 economies, local, 3D printing and, 210 ecosystem, 3D printing, 10-10 Ember DLP printer, 63, 66-67 environmental footprint, 208-208 extruder assembly calibrating/leveling with build plate, 36 defined, 29 FDM printers, 41-47 safety issues, 191 F fan, 29 FDM (fused deposition modeling), xi (see also FDM printers) FDM printers, 27-58 as best choice for beginners, 88-88 build plate, 35-37 build plate adhesion, 51-53 build plate homing/leveling, 56-58 components and functions, 28 ease of calibration, 36 extruder assembly, 41-47 filament, 47-49 for durable products, 90 frame/chassis, 32-35 fumes emitted by, 193 linear movement controls, 37-40 printing at home with, 84-87 resolution levels, 30 SLA printer cost vs., 66, 85 SLA printers vs., 60, 84-87 SLA support structures vs., 75 slicer programs, 54-55 speed, 85 surface finish quality, 89 tips for success with, 49 FFF (fused filament fabrication), xi filament, xi ABS, 89 costs, 48, 86 defined, 29 FDM printers, 47-49 resin cost vs., 63, 86 specialist manufacturers, 91 file formats, 95, 109-111 (see also STL file format) finish quality, 89 Form 2 printer, 71-72 FormLabs Form 2 printer, 71-72 PreForm slicer, 73 frame/chassis defined, 29 FDM printers, 32-35 fumes, 193 functional filaments, 91 fused deposition modeling (see FDM printers) fused filament fabrication (FFF), xi Fusion 360, 98 beginning tutorial, 165 combining shapes from Meshmixer, 185 creating an account for, 165 214 Indexexport of model to printer, 182-185 getting started with, 163-185 interface menu, 167-168 polygonal vs. parametric modeling, 164 ring design tutorial, 169-176 ring embellishments, 177-181 future issues, 203-211 consumers as makers, 204-205 eco-friendliness of 3D printing, 208-208 file formats, 95 profitability of organizations, 208-208 3D printing as branding, 206 G G-Code file, 100 glue stick, 51 Google+ 3D printing group, 196, 203 grouping shapes, 134 H health care, 21 HEPA filters, 193 home printing benefits of, 83-84 choosing physical environment for printer, 193-196 FDM for beginners, 88-88 FDM vs. SLA printers, 84-87 low-volume manufacturing, 87 makerspace setup for, 187-199 researching printers for, 189-191 variables involved with, 84-87 homing, build plate, 56-58 HoneyPoint3D, 97 hot end defined, 29 safety issues, 191 hot glue gun, xi humidity, 49, 195 I industrial revolutions first/second, 3-4 third, 3 injection molding, 87 insoles, 22 Inspector tool (Meshmixer), 115, 145, 147 inventory waste, 208-208 Invisalign, 21 K Kapton tape, 52 keyboard shortcuts, Tinkercad, 128 Kickstarter, 68, 71 Kudo3D Titan 1 printer, 68-70, 74 L laser-based SLA printers DLP printers vs., 65 FormLabs Form 2 printer, 71-72 layer heights/resolutions, 30 legal issues, 104-105 leveling, 56-58 licensing, legal, 104-105 linear movement controls, 37-40 LittleRP printer, 74 local economies, 3D printing and, 210 local outsourcing, 81-82 low-volume manufacturing, 87, 89 Lowes Innovation Labs, 17 M Maker Faires, 7 maker movement, 7-10 consumers as makers, 204-205 impact of, 7 members of, 7 origins of makers, vii 3D printing ecosystem, 10-10 makerspace physical environment for printer, 193-196 Index 215recommendations for, 196-199 researching printers, 189-191 safe work area, 191-193 setup for 3D printing, 187-199 ventilation, 193 manifold (term), 113 manufacturing consumers as makers, 204-205 evaluating products for special mechanical considerations, 90-92 local economies and, 210 low-volume, 87 surface finish quality, 89 3D printing as augmentation to, 4 medical applications, 21 Mendel Max 2.0, 190 Mendel Max 3, 42 mesh (mesh object), 94 Meshmixer, 98 downloading and installation, 144 fixing 3D models with, 114 getting started with, 143-162 importing Fusion 360 STL file, 185 Inspector tool, 115, 145, 147 online tutorials, 161 opening menu, 144 Sculpt tool, 148-149 spheres, 154-160 support structures, 150-152 Tinkercad and, 140 tutorials, 145, 161 Microsoft, 95 modeling environments, 167-168 models, 3D, xiii creating with smartphone/digital camera, 105-107 creating with Tinkercad, 119-141 downloading, 103 file formats, 109-111 fixing for 3D printing, 113 fixing with Meshmixer, 114 four-sided polygons and threesided polygons, 111-112 Fusion 360 export to printer, 182-185 getting and fixing, 103-115 Inspector tool and, 147 licensing and legalities, 104-105 photogrammetry applications for, 107 units of measure, 109-111 workflow and, 95-96, 98 moisture, 49, 195 mouse, 120 movement controls, 37-40 N noise, printer, 195 nozzles, 43-46, 191 O 123D Catch, 106 open source designs, ix, 63 orthotics, 22 outsourcing benefits of, 78 buying your own printer vs., 77-92 costs per cubic centimeter, 83 low-volume manufacturing, 87 online startup fees, 86 popular 3D printing service bureaus, 78-80 rise of local services, 81-82 workflow and, 101 owning a printer (see home printing) P painters tape, 51 parametric modeling polygonal modeling vs., 164 Tinkercad, 134 personal makerspace (see makerspace) personal manufacturing revolution, 3-6 personal mass customization, 23 216 Indexphotogrammetry defined, 105 models created in, 107 smartphones or digital cameras for, 105-107 polygonal modeling, 164 polylactic acid (PLA), 47, 90, 193 posprocessing, 101 PreForm slicer software, 73 print bed, 35 (see also build plate) Print Pods, 88 Print Studio, 74 printers, 189-198 (see also specific types) choosing physical environment for, 193-196 researching, 189-191 ventilation, 193 printing service bureaus, 78-80 printing, 3D 2D printing vs., xii at home (see home printing) current uses of, 15-23 difficulties with, xiii mechanics of, xi origins of, ix outsourcing (see outsourcing) printing service bureaus, 78-80 value of industry, ix workflow (see workflow) Printrbot, 88, 103 Printrbot Simple Metal, 42, 56 Proto Labs, 80 prototyping, 15-17 R rapid prototyping, 15-17 (see also RepRap project) red box, 129-133 Reichental, Avi, 3 RepRap project, ix, 27 resin castable, 64 costs, 63, 86 third-party, 65 types, 63 vendor list, 64 resin printers (see SLA printers) resin vats, 61 resizing, 129-133 resolution levels FDM printers, 30 speed vs., 31 rings embellishments for, 177-181 Fusion 360 design tutorial, 169-176 rotation, 128-129 S safety issues in makerspace, 191-193 ventilation, 193 with acetone, 90 with children, 194 Sculpteo, 78 sculpting, 148-149 shapes changing, 129 creating, 123-127 grouping/ungrouping, 134 Shapeways, 78, 102 shell model, 94 shoes, 3D insoles for, 22 shortcuts, Tinkercad, 128 Simplify3D, 54 sketches, on paper, 121-122 SLA printers, 59-75 Autodesk Ember, 63, 66-67 basic printing process, 59 castable resins, 64 FDM printers vs., 60, 66, 84-87, 85 Kudo3D Titan 1, 68-70, 74 laser vs. DLP, 65 open source, 63 printing at home with, 84-87 resin costs, 63 resin types, 63 slicers, 73-74 support structures, 75 Index 217third-party resins, 65 slicers for FDM printers, 54-55 for resin printing, 73-74 workflow and, 94, 99 smartphones, creating 3D models with, 105-107 specialized build surfaces, 53 speed Delta vs. Cartesian printers, 40 FDM vs. DLP printers, 85 resolution levels vs., 31 spheres, 154-160 startup fees, 86 stepper motors, 29 stereolithographic apparatus (SLA), 59 (see also SLA printers) STL file format, 94 as industry standard, 95 color and, 110, 133 polygonal modeling and, 164 printer code, 109 Stratasys uPrint SE Plus 3D printer, 18 SUNfeet, 22 sunlight, printers and, 194 supply chain, 208-208 support structures Meshmixer, 150-152 SLA printers, 75 SLA vs. FDM, 75 workflow and, 99 surface finish quality, 89 T TAM (see Type A Machines) tax revenue, local 3D printing and, 210 temperature, of makerspace, 194 Thingiverse, 98, 104 third industrial revolution, 3 third-party resins, 65, 68-70 3D Hubs, 81 3D models (see models, 3D) 3D printing (see printing, 3D) 3D Printing Directory, 10 3MF format, 95 three-button mouse, 120 Tinkercad, 98 account for, 120 changing shapes, 129 color, 133 customization tools, 136-140 getting started with, 119-141 grouping/ungrouping shapes, 134 Meshmixer and, 140 paper sketches before using, 121-122 red box resizing in, 129-133 rotating an object in, 128-129 shapes in, 123-127 shortcuts, 128 Titan 1 printer, 68-70 TurboSquid, 113 2D printing, 3D printing vs., xii Type A Machines (TAM), 33 Print Pod, 88 Series 1 printer bed leveling, 57 Series 1 printer extruder, 42 U ungrouping, 134 UPS Store, 18 V variable reduction, 49 W white glue stick, 51 workflow from idea to object, 97 outsourcing and, 101 overview, 93-102 step-by-step guide, 98-101 3D files, 94 3D models, 95-96 X XY accuracy, 31 218 IndexZ Z-height resolution, 30 zooming, 128
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