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عدد المساهمات : 19027 التقييم : 35581 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Quick Start الأحد 24 مارس 2024, 12:41 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Quick Start David C. Planchard CSWP & SOLIDWORKS Accredited Educator
و المحتوى كما يلي :
TABLE OF CONTENTS Introduction I-1 About the Author I-4 Acknowledgements I-5 Contact the Author I-5 Note to Instructors I-5 Trademarks, Disclaimer, and Copyrighted Material I-6 References I-6 Table of Contents I-7 Overview of Chapters I-15 Chapter 1: Overview of SOLIDWORKS and the User Interface I-15 Chapter 2: 2D Sketching, Features and Parts I-15 Chapter 3: Assembly Modeling - Bottom-up Method I-16 Chapter 4: Design Modifications I-16 Chapter 5: Drawing and Dimensioning Fundamentals I-18 Chapter 6: Certified Associate - Mechanical Design (CSWA) exam I-18 Chapter 7: Additive Manufacturing - 3D printing fundamentals I-19 Book Layout I-21 Windows Terminology in SOLIDWORKS I-22 Chapter 1 - Overview of SOLIDWORKS and the User Interface 1-1 Chapter Objective 1-3 What is SOLIDWORKS? 1-3 Basic concepts in SOLIDWORKS 1-3 Start a SOLIDWORKS Session 1-4 Tutorial: Start a SOLIDWORKS Session 1-4 Welcome dialog box 1-4 Home Tab 1-5 Recent Tab 1-5 Learn Tab 1-5 Alerts Tab 1-6 SOLIDWORKS User Interface (UI) and CommandManager 1-7 Menu Bar toolbar 1-7 Menu Bar menu 1-8 Drop-down menu 1-8 Create a New Part Document 1-9 Novice Mode 1-10 Advanced Mode 1-10 Graphic Window (Default) 1-11 View Default Sketch Planes 1-12 Open a Part 1-12 Part FeatureManager 1-13 FeatureManager Rollback Bar 1-13 Heads-up View toolbar 1-15 Dynamic Annotation Views 1-15 Zoom to Fit 1-15 Zoom to Area 1-15 Window-Select 1-15Introduction SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start PAGE I - 8 Rotate 1-15 Front View 1-16 Right View 1-16 Top View 1-16 Trimetric view 1-16 SOLIDWORKS Help 1-16 SOLIDWORKS Tutorials 1-17 User Interface Tools 1-17 Right-click 1-18 Consolidated toolbar 1-18 System feedback icons 1-18 Confirmation Corner 1-19 Heads-up View toolbar 1-19 CommandManager (Default Part tab) 1-22 CommandManager (Default Drawing tab) 1-23 CommandManager (Default Assembly tab) 1-24 CommandManager (Float/Fit) 1-25 Collapse the CommandManager 1-25 FeatureManager Design Tree 1-26 FeatureManager design tree tab 1-26 PropertyManager tab 1-26 Configuration Manager tab 1-26 DimXpertManager tab 1-26 DisplayManager tab 1-26 CAM tab 1-26 Hide/Show tab 1-26 Sensors tool 1-26 Tags 1-27 Split 1-27 Fly-out FeatureManager 1-28 Task Pane 1-29 3DEXPERIENCE MARKETPLACE 1-29 SOLIDWORKS Resources 1-30 Design Library 1-30 File Explorer 1-31 View Palette 1-31 Appearances, Scenes and Decals 1-31 Custom Properties 1-32 Motion Study tab 1-32 3D Views tab 1-34 Mouse Movements 1-35 Single-Click 1-35 Double-Click 1-35 Right-Click 1-35 Scroll Wheel 1-35 Summary 1-36 Chapter 2 - 2D Sketching, Features and Parts 2-1 Chapter Overview 2-1 Chapter Objective 2-3 Start a SOLIDWORKS Session 2-3SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start Introduction PAGE I - 9 Create a new Part Document 2-3 Set Document Properties 2-5 Drafting Standard 2-5 Units 2-5 Precision 2-5 2D Sketching - Identify the Correct Sketch Plane 2-6 Sketch States 2-6 Under Defined 2-6 Fully Defined 2-6 Over Defined 2-6 Wheel Part - Base Sketch 2-7 Origin 2-7 Geometric Relations 2-9 Sketch Dimensions 2-9 Wheel Part - Sketch1: Circle, Geometric relations and Dimensions 2-10 Wheel Part - First Feature (Extruded Base) 2-10 Design Intent 2-11 Edit Base Sketch 2-13 Edit Sketch Plane 2-13 Display Modes, View Modes and View tools 2-14 Wheel Part - Sketch2: Centerline, Line and Mirror Entities 2-14 Wheel Part - Second Feature (Revolved Boss) 2-14 Wheel Part - Sketch3: Centerpoint Straight Slot, Circle and Construction geometry 2-20 Wheel Part - Third Feature (Extruded Cut) 2-20 Wheel Part - Fourth Feature (Circular Pattern) 2-24 Wheel Part - Fifth Feature (Hole Wizard) 2-25 Wheel Part - Sixth Feature (Fillet) 2-26 Wheel Part - Add Material (6061 Alloy) 2-28 Wheel Part - View Mass Properties 2-29 Wheel Part - Modify the Number of Instances in the Circular Pattern 2-30 Wheel Part - View the new Mass Properties 2-30 Wheel Part - Return to the original Number of Instances 2-30 Wheel Part - Apply Appearance 2-31 Wheel Part - Apply Measure 2-31 Summary 2-32 Exercises 2-36 Chapter 3 - Assembly Modeling - Bottom up method 3-1 Chapter Overview 3-1 Chapter Objective 3-3 Start a SOLIDWORKS Session 3-3 Create a new Assembly Document 3-4 Set Document Properties 3-5 Drafting Standard 3-5 Units 3-5 Precision 3-5 Assembly Modeling Approach 3-6 Linear Motion and Rotational Motion 3-6 Create the Fly Wheel Assembly 3-7 Insert the First Component - Bracket (Fixed to the origin) 3-7 Mate Types 3-9Introduction SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start PAGE I - 10 Standard Mates 3-9 Advanced Mates 3-10 Mechanical Mates 3-11 Quick Mate 3-12 Insert the Second Component - Bushing 3-12 Insert a Concentric and Coincident Mate 3-12 Insert the Third Component - Axle 3-14 Insert a Concentric and Distance Mate 3-14 Insert the Fourth Component - Wheel 3-15 Insert a Concentric and Distance Mate 3-16 Insert the Fifth Component - Collar 3-18 Insert a Concentric and Coincident Mate 3-18 Insert the Sixth Component - 2 MM Set Screw 3-20 Insert a Concentric, Tangent and Coincident Mate 3-20 Create an Exploded View of the Fly Wheel Assembly 3-24 Create the Stirling Engine Assembly 3-26 Hide Component 3-27 Insert the Fly Wheel Assembly 3-28 Rotate Component 3-28 Insert a Concentric Mate 3-29 Insert a second Concentric Mate 3-30 Apply the Measure tool 3-31 Modify the Axle Component Length 3-31 Make the Fly Wheel Assembly Flexible 3-32 Insert a Coincident Mate 3-32 Show Components 3-33 Pack and Go the Assembly 3-34 Summary 3-35 Exercises 3-37 Chapter 4 - Design Modifications 4-1 Chapter Overview 4-1 Chapter Objective 4-3 Start a SOLIDWORKS Session 4-3 Open an Existing Assembly 4-4 Stirling Engine Modified Assembly 4-4 Verify Collision between Components 4-5 Apply the Move Component tool 4-5 Set Collision Detection 4-5 Apply the Interference Detection tool 4-7 Calculate the Interference -Note there is interference 4-8 Modify the Assembly (Connection Rod Mate) 4-9 Verify the Modification - Measure tool 4-10 Apply the Interference Detection tool - check Solution 4-11 Calculate the Interference - No interference 4-12 Locate the Center of Mass 4-13 Display the Center of Mass 4-14 Create a new Coordinate System 4-15 Display the Mass Properties - New Coordinate System 4-16 Apply Assembly Visualization 4-16 Sort Assembly Components by Mass 4-18SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start Introduction PAGE I - 11 Create a Motion Study 4-20 Create and save a motion file 4-20 Summary 4-22 Exercises 4-25 Chapter 5 - Drawing and Dimensioning Fundamentals 5-1 Chapter Overview 5-1 Chapter Objective 5-3 Start a SOLIDWORKS Session 5-3 New Drawing Document 5-4 Sheet Properties 5-5 Document Properties 5-6 Drafting Standard 5-6 Units 5-6 Precision 5-6 Title Block 5-7 Fly Wheel Assembly Drawing 5-8 View Palette 5-8 Isometric Exploded View 5-8 Sheet Scale 5-8 Modify Display Mode 5-9 Auto Balloons 5-9 Bill of Materials 5-11 Set Custom Properties 5-14 Title Block 5-16 Bushing Part Drawing 5-19 View Palette 5-20 Front, Top, Right and Isometric View 5-20 Import Dimensions (Model Items tool) 5-22 Move Dimensions 5-23 Hide Dimensions 5-23 Insert Dimension Text 5-24 Modify Display Mode 5-24 Dimension Extension Line Gaps 5-25 Dimensions (Smart Dimension tool) 5-25 Annotation 5-26 Hide a View 5-27 Modify the Sheet Scale 5-28 Summary 5-29 Exercises 5-31 Chapter 6 - Certified Associate - Mechanical Design (CSWA) Exam 6-1 Introduction 6-3 Part 1 of the Exam 6-5 Basic Part Creation and Modification, Intermediate Part Creation and Modification 6-5 Assembly Creation and Modification 6-7 Part 2 of the Exam 6-8 Introduction and Drafting Competencies 6-8 Advanced Part Creating and Modification 6-9 Assembly Creation and Modification 6-10 Intended Audience 6-11Introduction SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start PAGE I - 12 During the Exam 6-12 Drafting Competencies 6-13 Example 1 6-13 Example 2 6-13 Example 3 6-14 Example 4 6-14 Example 5 6-14 Example 6 6-14 Basic Part Creation and Modification, Intermediate Part Creation and Modification 6-15 Example 1 6-16 Example 2 6-17 Example 3 6-18 Example 4 6-19 Example 5 6-20 Example 6 6-21 Example 6A 6-23 Example 6B 6-23 Advanced Part Creation and Modification 6-24 Example 1 6-24 Example 2 6-26 Example 3 6-27 Example 4 6-28 Example 5 6-29 Example 6 6-31 Example 6A 6-32 Assembly Creation and Modification 6-33 Example 1 6-34 Chapter 7 - Additive Manufacturing - 3D Printing Fundamentals 7-1 Chapter Objective 7-3 Additive vs. Subtractive Manufacturing 7-4 3D Printer Technology 7-5 Stages of 3D Printing 7-5 Fused Filament Fabrication (FFF) 7-6 StereoLithography (SLA) 7-9 Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) 7-11 Select the Correct Filament Material for FFF 7-12 PLA (Polylactic Acid) 7-13 Flex/Soft PLA 7-13 PLA Storage 7-14 PLA Part Accuracy 7-14 ABS (Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene) 7-14 ABS Storage 7-15 ABS Part Accuracy 7-15 Nylon 7-16 Nylon 618 7-16 Nylon 645 7-16 Nylon Storage 7-17 Nylon Accuracy 7-17 PVA (Polyvinyl Alcohol) 7-17 STereoLithography (*.stl) file 7-18SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start Introduction PAGE I - 13 Save an STL (*stl) file 7-18 Additive Manufacturing (*amf) file 7-19 Save an Additive Manufacturing (*amf) file 7-19 3D Manufacturing Format (*.3mf) file 7-20 Save a 3D Manufacturing Format (*.3mf) file 7-20 What is a Slicer? 7-21 How does a Slicer Work? 7-21 Slicer Parameters 7-21 Layer Height 7-21 Shell (Wall) Thickness 7-22 Infill Density/Overlap 7-22 Infill Patterns 7-22 Print Speed 7-23 Support Types 7-23 Touching Buildplate 7-23 Everywhere 7-24 Bed Platform Adhesion 7-24 Raft 7-24 Skirt 7-24 Brim 7-24 Part Orientation 7-25 Example 1 7-25 Example 2 7-26 Optimize Print Direction 7-26 Thin Region 7-26 Area of Overhang 7-26 Amount of needed Support 7-26 Remove Model from the Build Plate 7-28 Non-heated Build Plate 7-28 Heated Build Plate 7-28 Know the Printer’s Limitations 7-29 Tolerance for Interlocking Parts 7-29 General Printing Tips 7-29 Reduce Infill/Overlap 7-29 Control Build Area Temperature 7-30 Add Pads 7-31 Safe Zone Rule 7-31 First Layer Not Sticking 7-31 Level Build Platform 7-32 Minimize Internal Support 7-32 Design a Water Tight Mesh 7-32 Clearance 7-32 In General 7-33 Print directly from SOLIDWORKS 7-34 Add-in 7-34Introduction SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start PAGE I - 14 SOLIDWORKS Additive Manufacturing Certification (CSWA-AM) 7-35 Summary 7-36 Appendix SOLIDWORKS Keyboard Shortcuts A-1 Modeling - Best Practices A-3 Helpful On-Line Information A-5 SOLIDWORKS Document Types A-6 Glossary G-1 Index I-1 INDEX 2D Sketching, 2-3 2MM Set Screw Component, 3-20 3D Drawing View, 1-21 3D Printing, 7-1 AA (ANSI) Landscape, 5-4, 5-5 Add an Appearance, 2-31 Advanced Mates, 3-10 Angle, 3-10 Distance (Limit), 3-10 Linear Couple, 3-10 Path, 3-10 Symmetric, 3-10 Width, 3-10 Advanced Mode, 1-10, 2-4 Angle Mate, 3-10 Animate Collapse, 3-26 Animation, 1-32 Animation Controller, 3-26 ANSI Drafting Standard, 2-5 Appearance, 2-31 Appearances, Scenes and Decals, 1-31 Apply Material, 2-28 Apply Scene, 1-21 ASME Y14.5, 5-7 Assembly - CommandManager, 1-24 Assembly Modeling Approach, 3-6 Assembly tool - Collision Detection, 4-5 Assembly tool - Coordinate System, 4-15 Assembly tool - Hide Components, 3-27 Assembly tool - Insert Comp, 3-7, 3-12 Assembly tool - Interference Detect, 4-11 Assembly tool - Mate, 3-20, 3-22 Assembly tool - Move Component, 4-5 Assembly tool - Rotate Components, 3-28 Assembly tool - Show Components, 3-33 Assembly tool - Visualization, 4-16 Assembly Visualization, 4-16 AutoBalloons, 5-10 AVI file, 4-19 Axle Component, 3-14 BB alloons, 5-9 Base Sketch - Wheel, 2-7 Basic Motion, 1-32 Bill of Materials, 5-11 BOM, 5-11 Bottom-up Approach, 3-6 Bushing Component, 3-12 Bushing Part Drawing, 5-17 CC am Mate, 3-11 Center of Mass, 4-13, 4-14 Centerline - Sketch tool, 2-14 Centerpoint Slot - Sketch tool, 2-20 Circle - Sketch tool, 2,8, 2-21 Circular Pattern - Feature, 2-24 Close all Documents, 3-26 Coincident Mate, 3-9, 3-13, 3-19 Coincident Relation, 2-8 Collar Component, 3-18 Collision Detection, 4-5 Collapse CommandManager, 1-25 COM Point, 4-13, 4-14 CommandManager, 1-22 Assembly, 1-24 Customize, 1-23 Collapse, 1-25 Dock, 1-25 Drawing, 1-23 Float, 1-25 Part, 1-22 Concentric Mate, 3-12, 3-14, 3-16, 3-18 ConfigurationManager tab, 1-26 Confirmation Corner, 1-19 Consolidated toolbar, 1-18 Construction Geometry, 2-21 Coordinate System, 4-16 CSWA Certification exam, 6-1 Custom Properties, 1-32, 5-13 DD efault Reference Planes, 1-12 Front Plane, 1-12 Right Plane, 1-12 Top Plane, 1-12 De-select, 2-15 Design Intent, 2-11 Design Library, 1-30 Design Modifications, 4-3 DimXpertManager tab, 1-26 Display Modes, 2-14 Display Style, 1-20 Hidden Lines Removed, 1-20 Hidden Lines Visible, 1-20 Shaded With Edges, 1-20 Shaded, 1-20 Wireframe, 1-20 DisplayManager tab, 1-26 Distance (Limit) Mate, 3-10 Distance Mate, 3-10, 3-15, 3-17 Document Properties, 2-5, 3-5Index SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start INDEX - 2 Document Recovery, 1-31 Drawing - CommandManager, 1-23 Drawing Dimensions, 5-20 Drawing Template, 5-3 Drop-down Menu, 1-8 EE dit Appearance, 1-21 Edit Feature, 2-30, 4-9 Edit Sheet Format Mode, 5-7 Edit Sheet Mode, 5-7 Edit Sketch - Sketch tool, 2-13 Edit Sketch Plane - Sketch tool, 2-13 End Condition, 2-10 End Condition - Mid Plane, 2-10 End Condition - Through All, 2-22 Exploded View, 3-23 Extruded Base - Feature, 2-10 Extruded Cut - Feature, 2-22 FF eature, 1-9, 2-10 Feature - Circular Pattern, 2-24 Feature - Edit Feature, 2-30, 4-9 Feature - Extruded Base, 2-10 Feature - Extruded Cut, 2-22 Feature - Fillet, 2-26 Feature - Hole Wizard, 2-25 Feature - Modify, 2-29, 2-30 Feature - Revolved Boss, 2-19 Feature tool, 2-10 FeatureManager Design Tree, 1-26 ConfigurationManager tab, 1-26 DimXpertManager tab, 1-26 DisplayManager tab, 1-26 FeatureManager design tree tab, 1-26 PropertyManager tab, 1-26 File Explorer, 1-31 Fillet - Feature, 2-26 Fit the Model, 2-11 Fixed State - Component, 3-8 Flexible State, 3-27, 3-32 Flip Mate Alignment, 3-20 Float State - Component, 3-8 Fly-out FeatureManager, 1-28 Fly Wheel Assembly - Exploded, 3-23 Fly Wheel Assembly Drawing, 5-8 For Construction, 2-21 Front View, 1-16 Fully Defined - Sketch State, 2-6 GG ear Mate, 3-11 Geometric relation - Coincident, 2-9 Geometric relation - Horizontal, 2-15 Geometric relation - Mid Point, 2-14 Geometric relation - Vertical, 2-15 Graphics Window Interface, 1-11 HH eads-up View toolbar, 1-19 3D Drawing View, 1-21 Apply Scene, 1-21 Display Style, 1-20 Edit Appearance, 1-21 Hide/Show Items, 1-21 Previous View, 1-19 Rotate View, 1-21 Section View, 1-20 View Setting, 1-21 View Orientations box, 1-20 Zoom to Area, 1-15, 1-19 Zoom to Fit, 1-15, 1-19 Hidden Lines Removed, 1-20 Hidden Lines Visible - Display Style, 1-20 Hide Components, 3-27 Hide/Show Items, 1-21 Hinge Mate, 3-11 Hole Wizard - Feature, 2-25 Horizontal relation, 2-15 I & J & K & L Insert Component, 3-7, 3-12 Interference Detection, 4-7, 4-11 Isometric View, 2-18 Line - Sketch tool, 2-15 Linear Couple Mate, 3-10 Linear Motion, 3-6 Lock Mate, 3-10 MM agnetic Lines, 5-10 Mass Properties, 2-29, 2-30 Mate tool, 3-20, 3-22 Mate Types, 3-9 Material, 2-27 Measurer tool, 2-31, 3-31, 4-10 Mechanical Mates, 3-11 Cam, 3-11 Gear, 3-11 Hinge, 3-11 Rack Pinion, 3-11 Slot, 3-11 Universal Joint, 3-11 Screw, 3-11 Menu Bar menu (Part Open), 1-8 Memu Bar menu (No Part), 1-8 Menu Bar toolbar, 1-7 Mid Plane - End Condition, 2-10 Mirror Entities - Sketch tool, 2-16 MMGS - Units, 2-5 Model View PropertyManager, 5-4SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start Index INDEX - 3 Modify a Component in an assembly, 3-31 Modify a Feature, 2-29, 2-30 Motion Study, 1-32, 4-20 Motion Study tab, 1-32, 4-20 Animation, 1-32 Basic Motion, 1-32 Mouse Scroll Wheel, 1-35 Move Component, 4-5 Multiple Mate mode, 3-22 NN ew Assembly, 3-3 New Coordinate System, 4-16 New Part, 1-9, 2-3 New View, 1-21 Novice Mode, 1-10 O & P Open Part, 1-12 Orientation dialog box, 1-20 Origin, 1-11, 2-4, 2-8 Over Defined - Sketch State, 2-6 Pack and Go, 3-34 Parallel Mate, 3-9 Part - CommandManager, 1-22 Path Mate, 3-10 Perpendicular Mate, 3-9 Previous View, 1-19 PropertyManager tab, 1-26 Q & R Quick Mate, 3-10 Rack Pinion Mate, 3-11 Rebuild tool, 3-21 Revolve PropertyManager, 2-19 Revolved Boss - Feature, 2-19 Right View, 1-16, 2-14 Right-click, 1-18 Rollback Bar, 1-13 Roll to End, 1-14 Rotate, 1-15 Rotate Components, 3-28 Rotate View, 1-21 Rotational Motion, 3-6 SS ave Animation, 4-20 Save As, 2-12 Save, 2-12 Screw Mate, 3-11 Search, 1-37 Section View, 1-20 Seed feature, 2-22 Sensors tool, 1-26 Shaded - Display Style, 1-20 Shaded With Edges - Display Style, 1-20 Sheet Properties, 5-5, 5-8 Show Components, 3-33 Sketch Planes, 2-6 Front, 2-6 Right, 2-6 Top, 2-6 Sketch Relations, 2-9 Sketch States, 2-6 Fully Defined, 2-6 Invalid Solution, 2-6 Over Defined, 2-6 Under Defined, 2-6 Sketch tool, 2-7 Sketch tool - Centerline, 2-14 Sketch tool - Centerpoint Slot, 2-20 Sketch tool - Circle, 2-8, 2-21 Sketch tool - Edit Sketch Plane, 2-13 Sketch tool - Edit Sketch, 2-13 Sketch tool - Line, 2-15 Sketch tool - Mirror Entities, 2-16 Sketch tool - Smart Dimension, 2-9, 2-17 Slot Mate, 3-11 Smart Dimension - Sketch tool, 2-17, 2-22 SOLIDWORKS Drawing, 5-3 SOLIDWORKS Help, 1-17 SOLIDWORKS folder, 2-12 SOLIDWORKS Resources, 1-30 SOLIDWORKS Tutorials, 1-17 Standard Mates, 3-9 Angle, 3-10 Coincident, 3-9 Concentric, 3-10 Distance, 3-10 Lock, 3-10 Parallel, 3-9 Perpendicular, 3-9 Tangent, 3-9 Start a SOLIDWORKS Session, 1-4, 2-3 Stirling Engine Assembly, 3-26 Stirling Engine Modified Assembly, 4-4 Symmetric Mate, 3-10 System Feedback, 1-18 Dimension, 1-18 Edge, 1-18 Face, 1-18 Vertex, 1-18 TT ags, 1-27 Tangent Mate, 3-9, 3-20 Task Pane, 1-29 3DEXPERIENCE MARKETPLACE, 1-29 Appearances, Scenes and Decals, 1-31 Custom Properties, 1-32 Design Library, 1-30Index SOLIDWORKS 2023 Quick Start INDEX - 4 File Explorer, 1-31 SOLIDWORKS Resources, 1-30 View Palette, 1-31 Templates Tab, 1-10, 2-4 Temporary Axis, 2-19 Third Angle Projection, 5-5 Through All - End Condition, 2-22 Title Block, 5-7 Top-down approach, 3-6 Top View, 1-16 Trimetric View, 1-16 U & V Under Defined - Sketch State, 2-6 Undo, 2-13 Units - MMGS, 2-5, 3-5 Universal Joint Mate, 3-11 Vertical Relation, 2-15 View Modes, 2-14 View Orientation box, 1-20 View Palette, 1-31, 5-8, 5-20 View Setting, 1-21 W & X & Y Wheel Component, 3-15 Wheel Part, 2-1 Appearance, 2-31 Fifth Feature (Hole Wizard), 2-25 First Feature (Extruded Base), 2-10 Fourth Feature (Circular Pattern), 2-24 Mass Properties, 2-29 Second Feature (Revolved Boss), 2-14 Sixth Feature (Fillet Feature), 2-26 Third Feature (Extruded Cut), 2-20, 2-21 Width Mate, 3-10 Window-Select, 1-15, 2-16 Wireframe - Display Style, 1-20 ZZ oom to Area, 1-15, 1-19 Zoom to Fit, 1-15, 1-19 #Solidworks,,#Tutorial,,#سولدورك,,#سولدوركس,,#سولدوورك,,#سولدووركس,,#سوليدورك,,#سوليدوركس, ,#سوليدوورك,,#سوليدووركس,#سولد_ورك,#سوليد_وركس,#,#سولد_وركس,#سوليد_ورك,#,#سولد_ورك,
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Quick Start رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب SOLIDWORKS 2023 - Quick Start