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عدد المساهمات : 18938 التقييم : 35320 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Make: 3D Printing Projects الأحد 17 مارس 2024 - 3:25 | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Make: 3D Printing Projects Brook Drumm, James Floyd Kelly, Brian Roe, Steven Bolin, John Edgar Park, John Baichtal, Rick , Winscot, Nick Ernst, and Caleb Cotter
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents Preface xi 1. Lamp3D . 1 Parts, Tools, and Files . 2 Get Your Parts Printing! . 3 Wiring the Barrel Jack . 3 Add the LED Driver to the Barrel Jack 5 Solder Wires to the LED . 6 Assemble the Arm 8 Connect the Base . 9 Final Electronics Assembly 9 Finishing Up 11 Possible Upgrades and Improvements . 12 2. 1950s Raygun Pen . 15 Parts, Tools, and Files 15 Brainstorming the Raygun Pen . 17 Selecting a Pen 17 Prototyping the Grip 18 Paper Sketch to SVG conversion . 19 Importing into Tinkercad 21 Rescaling and Adjusting the Imported SVG 22 Testing the Prototype . 22 Developing the NeoPixel Shell . 26 Prototyping the Circuit 29 Solder the PCB Headers . 29 NeoPixel Animation . 31 Download the Code 31 iiiInstall the NeoPixel Library 31 NeoPixel Ring Code . 32 Connect the NeoPixel Ring 33 Breadboard the Circuit 33 Attach Jumpers to the Battery Box . 33 Power, Ground and PCB Connections 33 Pen Test 35 Transferring the Circuit 36 Hardwire the Headers . 37 Spray-Paint the Mint Tin . 38 Trace the Base 38 Cut the Wiring Holes 38 Begin Inserting Components into the Tin 39 Final Electronics Assembly . 41 Add the Grip 42 Light It Up! 44 Upgrades and Improvements 45 3. Two-Axis Camera Gimbal 47 Parts, Tools, and Files 48 Tilt Body Assembly 50 Mount the IMU Board . 51 Insert the Motor 52 Seat the Bearing 53 Roll Body Assembly . 55 Route the Motor Wires 55 Secure the Motor Mount 57 Secure the Tilt/Roll Body Assembly 58 Base and Roll Motor Mount Assembly 60 Final Assembly and Balancing . 63 Electronics Setup 67 Solder the Headers . 67 Plug in the IMU Board . 67 Connect the Motors . 68 Mount the Board 68 Software Configuration 70 Install the Software . 70 Install the VCP Drivers . 70 iv Make: 3D Printing ProjectsOpen the SimpleBGC GUI . 70 Add the Battery . 70 Connect and Begin Calibration 71 Modify the Controller Settings . 72 4. BubbleBot . 77 Parts, Tools, and Files 78 Fabricate the Chassis 80 Assemble the Chassis 81 Paint the Chassis 82 Assemble the Fan Mount 83 Attach Fan to Chassis 84 Attach the Stepper 85 Attach the Shaft Coupler to the Axle . 85 Make the Bubble Solution Reservoir . 85 Print the Bubble Wand 86 Assemble the Bubble Wand . 87 Attach the Bubble Wand . 88 Solder the Headers 89 Solder the Stepper Wires 90 Add Power Connections . 91 Connect the Sensor . 92 Add the Fan . 94 Download and Customize the Code 95 5. DDriver Rechargeable Screwdriver . 97 Parts, Tools, and Files 98 Screwdriver Teardown: Can I Fix It? . 101 Exploring the Innards 102 Can I Just Replace the Motor? 102 We Can Rebuild It! . 103 Solder Wires to the Breakout . 104 Prep the Plastic Parts . 105 Light-Pipe Upgrade (Optional) 106 Add the Electronics 108 DPDT Switch Buttons! 115 6. Animatronic Eyes . 119 Parts, Tools, and Files . 120 Table of Contents v3D Printable Files 122 Build and Assemble the Link Wires 124 Bend Wire with Pliers 124 Cut Wire to Length . 124 Repeat for Different Lengths . 124 Glue the straight 80mm wires to Micro Ball Links 125 Assemble the Eyeball Gimbal . 126 Connect the “L”-Shaped Links to the Drive Bars . 126 Install the Ball Studs into the Eyelids 127 Screw the Up/Down Drive Bar to the E-Bar 128 Install the Outer Gimbal Rings 129 Assemble the Eyeballs 130 Install the Servos . 130 Build the Servo Horns 132 Set Up the Electronics 133 Assemble the Servo Motor Shield 133 Connect the Servo Shield to the Receiver . 134 Load the Code . 135 Final Connections . 136 Installing and Centering the Servo Horns . 137 Eye Servo Horn Adjustments . 137 Adjusting the Offset Values in Code 138 Eyelid Servo Horn Adjustments 140 Install Eyelids 140 Test the Eyes 143 Enjoy Your Accomplishment! . 145 7. Inverted Trike RC . 147 Parts, Tools, and Files . 148 Printing Tips and Profiles . 150 Baseline Settings 150 Front Wheel Assembly . 152 Front Steering Assembly . 155 Back Wheel Assembly 157 Frame Assembly . 159 Steering Components 162 Mount the Steering Servo 163 Insert the Shock Absorbers 165 vi Make: 3D Printing ProjectsElectronics . 168 Insert the Speed Controller 168 Connect the Wires . 170 Adding the Receiver . 171 Programming and Usage . 172 Extras 173 8. Skycam . 177 Parts, Tools, and Files . 178 Assemble the Top Plate 180 Attach Switches . 180 Mount the servos 180 Add the Wheels . 182 Raspberry PI SD Software Setup 182 Install Google Coder for Raspberry Pi . 183 Google Coder . 184 Coder Interface 185 Install Pi-Blaster on Your Raspberry Pi . 185 Install MJPG-Streamer and Enable Your Camera . 187 Assemble the Midsection 190 Mount the Raspberry Pi 190 Add the Endstops 191 Camera Assembly 192 Add the Pan/Tilt Servos 192 Assemble the Camera Case 192 Mount the camera tilt arm . 195 Attach the Camera to the Bottom Plate . 195 Test Fit 197 Connect Pi Camera 197 Electronics! 197 Power and Signal 198 Power/Regulator Board 198 Signal Board . 201 Connect the Pi . 203 Test the Software Controls 204 9. Chauncey: The Wrylon Robotical Flower Care Robot 209 Files, Parts, and Tools . 210 Table of Contents viiFabrication Phases . 214 Print and Assemble the Legs and Feet 215 Print the Body . 216 Assemble the Body 216 Glue and Friction-Weld the Body . 217 Assemble the Leg Sockets . 219 Add the Eye . 221 Complete the Deck Rim, Railing, Deck, and Stovepipe . 221 Test-Fit the Legs . 225 Create the Watering Contraption . 227 Mount the Watering Can . 227 Electro-Mechanical Prep . 229 Painting . 230 Electro-Mechanical and Software Overview . 233 Install the Arduino IDE . 234 Install the Motor Shield Library . 234 Chauncey’s Code 235 Hardware Assembly 235 Power LED . 236 Alert LED 237 Moisture Sensor Probes 237 Heat and Bend the Tubing . 238 Solder the Probe Wires . 241 Moisture Sensor Circuit 242 The Motor . 243 Programming the Arduino . 245 Upload the Code 245 Place the Electronics . 246 Brain Implant and Assembly 249 Testing/Deployment . 251 Upgrades 252 Appendix A. Installing Arduino Libraries . 255 Index 259 Index A Actobotics, 80 Adafruit Mini LiPo w/ Mini USB breakout, 103 Motor Shield Library, 234 animatronic eyes, 119-145 electronics setup, 133-135 eye gimbal assembly, 126-129 eyeball assembly, 130 eyelid installation, 140-142 eyelid servo horn adjustments, 140 final connections, 136 link wire assembly, 124-125 loading the code, 135-136 parts, tools, and files, 120-121 servo horns, 132, 137-140 servo installation, 130 testing, 143-144 3D printable files, 122-123 Arduino boards, programming, 245-248 Arduino IDE installation, 234 Arduino libraries, 31, 255-258 B brainstorming, 17 brass tubing, 238-241 breadboarding, 33-36 breakout boards, 104 BubbleBot, 77-95 assembly, 81-89 attaching shaft coupler to axel, 85 attaching stepper, 85 bubble solution reservoir, 85 bubble wand, 87-89 chassis, 81-82 fan mount, 83-84 bubble wand, 86-89 chassis fabrication and assembly, 80-82 code downloading and customizing, 95 electronics wiring adding power connections, 91-92 connecting the fan, 94 connecting the sensor, 92-93 soldering the headers, 89 soldering the stepper wires, 90 fan mount assembly and attachment, 83-84 parts, tools, and files, 78-79 C camera gimbal, 47-75 assembly and balancing, 63-66 base and roll motor mount assembly, 60-62 electronics setup, 67-69 IMU board mount, 51 parts, tools, and files, 48-50 259roll body assembly, 55-59 software configuration and installation, 70-75 Tilt Body assembly, 50-53 cameras (see camera gimbal; Skycam) capacitors, 102 chassis, wooden, 80-82 Chauncey the florabot, 209-253 Arduino programming brain implant and assembly, 249-250 placing electronics, 246-248 uploading the code, 245 body assembly, 216-226 attaching the eye, 221 deck rim, railing, deck, and stovepipe, 221-224 friction welding, 218 leg sockets, 219-220 legs, 225-226 body printing, 216 brain implant and assembly, 249-250 code overview, 235 creating watering contraption, 227 electromechanical overview, 233-235 Arduino IDE installation, 234 Motor Shield Library installation, 234 electromechanical prep, 229-230 fabrication phases, 214 hardware assembly, 235-244 brass tubing, 238-241 moisture sensor circuit, 242 moisture sensor probes, 237-243 motor, 243-244 power LED, 236-237 soldering probe wires, 241 legs and feet printing/assembly, 215-216 painting, 230-232 parts, tools, and files, 210-214 testing and deployment, 251 upgrades, 252 circuits breadboarding, 33-36 prototyping, 29-31 transferring to project enclosure, 36-39 code, adjusting offset values in, 138 Cura, printing tips and profiles, 150-151 D double-pole, double-throw (DPDT) switch, 102, 115-117 F fan mount, 83 fan, squirrel cage, 80 flower-care robot (see Chauncey the florabot) frame assembly, 159-162 friction welding, 218 G getting help, xvi gimbals, 126-129 Google Coder, 177, 183-185 GoPro, gimbal for (see camera gimbal) H Hall effect sensor, 92-93 headers hardwiring, 37 soldering, 89 hole objects, 23 hub carriers, 155-156 I IMU board, 51, 67 infill, 151 Inverted Trike RC (see RC inverted trike) L Lamp3D, 1-12 adding LED driver to barrel jack, 5-6 assembly, 8-10 barrel jack wiring, 3-4 completion, 11 parts, tools, and files, 2 260 Indextroubleshooting, 11 upgrades and improvements, 12 LanScan, 185 Lay Flat tool, 151 layer height, 151 LED lamps (see Lamp3D) LEDs changing color, 32 soldering, 236-237 wiring, 5-7 libraries Adafruit Motor Shield Library, 234 adding, 235 Arduino, 31 Neopixel, 31 light-pipe, 106-107 link wire assembly, 124-125 M, 86 mint tins, 26 moisture sensor circuit, 242 moisture sensor probes, 237-243 Motor Shield Library installation, 234 motor/motor shield, 243-244 MPG-Streamer, 187-189 N nano text editor, 189 NeoPixel animation NeoPixel library, 31 NeoPixel Ring, 17 NeoPixel Ring code, 32 NeoPixel shell, 26-27 NinjaFlex, 152 NTM Prop Drive Motor, 157 O, 20 P Pi-Blaster, 185-187 Pololu, 102 power/regulator boards, 198-201 print orientation, 151 printing tips and profiles, 150-151 probe wires, soldering, 241 prototyping, 18-26 circuits, 29 pitfalls, 28 PWM Servo Driver Library, 135 R Raspberry Pi, 177, 182-191 connecting to camera, 203-204 enabling camera function, 187-189 Google Coder for, 183-185 mounting to Skycam, 190 MPG Streamer for, 187-189 Pi-Blaster installation, 185-187 raygun pen, 15-45 brainstorming for, 17 breadboarding the circuit, 33-36 circuit transfer, 36-39 final assembly, 41-42 hollow grip, 23 illumination, 44 NeoPixel shell, 26-27 parts, tools, and files, 15 pen selection, 17 prototyping the circuit, 29 prototyping the grip, 18-26 SVG file, 19-22 testing the prototype, 22-26 upgrades and improvements, 45 RC inverted trike, 147-175 assembly back wheels, 157-159 frame, 159-162 front steering, 155-156 front wheels, 152-154 electronics setup, 168-171 adding the receiver, 171-171 Index 261connecting wires, 170-171 speed controller, 168 extras, 173-175 parts, tools, and files, 148-150 programming and usage, 172-173 steering components, 162-167 wings and bumper, 173-175 rechargeable screwdriver, 97-117 adding electronics, 108-115 charging options, 104 dismantling and troubleshooting, 101-102 DPDT switch button, 115-117 light-pipe upgrade, 106-107 parts, tools, and files, 98 plastic parts prep, 105 redesign goals, 103 solder wires to breakout, 104 remote-control car (see RC inverted trike) retrofitting existing object (see raygun pen) robots (see Bubblebot; Chauncey the florabot; Skycam) roll body assembly, 55-59 balancing, 63-66 roll motor mount, 60-62 rotary tool use, 218 S scanning software, 185 Schmartboard, 29 servo horns, 132, 137-140 servo library (see PWM Servo Driver Library) servo mount, 130, 160 servo shields, 133, 134-135 servo steering arm, 162-165 servos attaching to wheel mounts, 180-181 camera pan/tilt, 192 shaft coupler, 85 shell thickness, 151 shock absorbers, 165-167 signal boards, 201-203 SimpleBGC GUI, 70 Skycam, 177-206 adding endstops, 191 camera assembly camera case, 192-195 pan/tilt servos, 192 tilt arm mounting, 195 camera, attaching, 195 midsection assembly, 190 parts, tools, and files, 178-180 power and signal, 197-203 battery choices, 198 power/regulator board, 198-201 signal board, 201-203 Raspberry Pi connection, 203-204 mounting, 190 setup, 182 (see also Raspberry Pi) testing software controls, 204-206 top plate assembly adding wheels, 181 attaching switches, 180 mounting servos, 180-181 speed controller, 168, 172 squirrel cage fan, 80 steering hubs, 155-156 steering servo, 162-165 stepper, 85 soldering wires, 90 structure type, 151 superglue, 105 support setting, 151 SVG files, rescaling and adjusting, 22 SVG format, importing to, 19 T 3D printing tips and profiles, 150-151 Tilt Body, 50-53, 58 Tinkercad, 19-22, 103 tires (see wheel assembly) Trinket, 17 connections, 33 262 IndexV VCP drivers, 70 video stabilization (see camera gimbal) W wheel assembly, 152-154, 157-159
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Make: 3D Printing Projects رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Make: 3D Printing Projects