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عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب AutoCAD 2023 INSTRUCTOR - A Student Guide for In-Depth Coverage of AutoCAD’s Commands and Features الأحد 17 مارس 2024, 4:16 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب AutoCAD 2023 INSTRUCTOR - A Student Guide for In-Depth Coverage of AutoCAD’s Commands and Features James A. Leach Shawna Lockhart
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents iv CHAPTER 1 GETTING STARTED CONCEPTS Coordinate Systems The CAD Database Angles in AutoCAD Draw True Size Plot to Scale STARTING AUTOCAD THE AutoCAD DRAWING EDITOR Beginning a Drawing Drafting & Annotation Workspace Command Entry Using the Keyboard Accelerator Keys (Control Key Sequences) Special Key Functions Mouse Buttons COMMAND ENTRY Methods for Entering Commands Understanding the “Command Tables” in this Book Command Entry Methods Practice Line DRAWING AIDS Status Bar Function Keys AutoCAD Text Window Model Space and Layouts CUSTOMIZING THE AUTOCAD SCREEN Toolbars Ribbon Clean Screen Multiple Drawings Options CHAPTER 2 WORKING WITH FILES AutoCAD DRAWING FILES Naming Drawing Files Beginning and Saving a Drawing Accessing File Commands File Navigation Dialog Box Functions Windows Right-Click Shortcut Menus New AUTOCAD FILE COMMANDS 31 Qnew 32 Open 33 Save 35 Qsave 35 Saveas 35 Close 37 Closeall 37 Closeallother 37 Exit 37 Quit 38 Partialopen 38 Partiaload 39 Recover 40 Dwgprops 40 SAVETIME 41 AutoCAD Backup Files 42 Drawing Recovery 42 AutoCAD Drawing File Management 43 Using Other File Formats 43 CHAPTER 3 DRAW COMMAND CONCEPTS 45 AutoCAD OBJECTS 46 LOCATING THE DRAW COMMANDS 46 COORDINATE ENTRY 48 Coordinate Formats and Types 48 Coordinate Formats 48 Coordinate Types 48 Typical Combinations 48 Three Methods of Coordinate Input 48 Mouse Input 49 Dynamic Input 49 Command Line Input 50 PRACTICE USING THE THREE COORDINATE INPUT METHODS 50 Line 50 Using Mouse Input to Draw Lines and Circles 51 Circle 51 Using Dynamic Input to Draw Lines and Circles 53 Using Command Line Input to Draw Lines and Circles 55 Direct Distance Entry and Angle Override 57 Dynamic Input Settings 57 31Table of Contents v POLAR TRACKING AND POLAR SNAP 58 Polar Tracking 58 Polar Tracking with Direct Distance Entry 59 Polar Tracking Override 60 Polar Snap 60 DRAWING LINES USING POLAR TRACKING 61 Using Polar Tracking and Grid Snap 61 Using Polar Tracking and Dynamic Input 62 Using Polar Tracking, Polar Snap, and Dynamic Input 63 CHAPTER 4 SELECTION SETS 69 MODIFY COMMAND CONCEPTS 70 SELECTION SETS 70 Selection Set Options 71 Selection Cycling 76 Select 76 NOUN/VERB SYNTAX 77 SELECTION SETS PRACTICE 77 Using Erase 78 Erase 78 Using Move 79 Move 79 Using Copy 80 Copy 80 Noun/Verb Command Syntax Practice 82 CHAPTER 5 HELPFUL COMMANDS 85 CONCEPTS 86 Help 86 Oops 88 U 88 Undo 88 Redo 90 Mredo 90 Regen 91 CHAPTER 6 BASIC DRAWING SETUP 93 STEPS FOR BASIC DRAWING SETUP 94 STARTUP OPTIONS 94 DRAWING TEMPLATES 95 Table of Basic Settings for the ACAD (Inch) Templates 96 Table of Basic Settings for the ACADISO (Metric) Templates 96 SETUP COMMANDS 97 Units 97 Keyboard Input of Units Values 98 Limits 99 Snap 101 Grid .103 Using Snap and Grid 104 Dsettings 104 INTRODUCTION TO LAYOUTS AND PRINTING 105 ModelTab and LayoutTabs 105 Why Set Up Layouts Before Drawing? 108 Printing and Plotting 108 Setting Layout Options and Plot Options 109 CHAPTER 7 OBJECT SNAP & OBJECT SNAP TRACKING 113 CAD ACCURACY 114 OBJECT SNAP 114 OBJECT SNAP MODES 115 Acquisition Object Snap Modes 118 Object Snap Modifiers 120 OBJECT SNAP SINGLE POINT SELECTION 121 Object Snaps (Single Point) 121 OBJECT SNAP RUNNING MODE 123 Running Object Snap Modes 123 Osnap 123 Running Object Snap Toggle 124 Running Object Snap Override 124 Object Snap Options 124 OBJECT SNAP TRACKING 127 To Use Object Snap Tracking: 128 Object Snap Tracking with Polar Tracking 128 Object Snap Tracking Settings 130 CHAPTER 8 DRAW COMMANDS 1 137 CONCEPTS 138 Draw Commands—Simple and Complex 138 Draw Command Access 138 COMMANDS 139 Line 139 Circle 140vi Table of Contents Arc Use Arcs or Circles? Point Ptype Pline Pline Arc Segments CHAPTER 9 MODIFY COMMANDS I CONCEPTS COMMANDS Erase Move Rotate Scale Stretch Lengthen Trim Extend Trim and ExtendShift-Select Option Break Join Copy Mirror Offset Array Arrayrect Creating and Editing Arrays Using Grips Arraypolar Arraypath Fillet Chamfer CHAPTER 10 VIEWING COMMANDS CONCEPTS ZOOM AND PAN WITH THE MOUSE WHEEL . Zoom and Pan Zoom with the Mouse Wheel Pan with the Mouse Wheel Zoom Pan Zoom and Pan with Undo and Redo Viewback Viewforward View Viewres 210 Ucsicon 211 Viewgo 212 Qvdrawing 212 Vports 213 CHAPTER 11 LAYERS AND OBJECT PROPERTIES 219 CONCEPTS 220 Assigning Colors, Linetypes, Lineweights, and Transparency 220 Object Properties 221 Plot Styles 221 LAYERS AND LAYER PROPERTIES CONTROLS 222 Layer Drop-Down List 222 Layer. 222 Layer Properties Manager Layer List 223 Color, Linetype, Lineweight, and Other Properties 225 Layer Filters 227 Displaying an Object’s Properties and Visibility Settings 229 Laymcur 230 Layerp 230 Layerstate 230 OBJECT-SPECIFIC PROPERTIES CONTROLS 233 Linetype 233 Linetype Drop-Down List 235 Lweight 235 Lineweight Drop-Down List 236 Color 237 Color Drop-Down List 238 True Color and Color Books 238 Setbylayer 239 CONTROLLING LINETYPE SCALE 240 LTSCALE 240 CELTSCALE 241 CHANGING OBJECT PROPERTIES 242 Properties Panel 242 Properties 243 Matchprop 243 Laymch 244 Laycur 245 Layiso 245 142 .146 147 147 148 .150 155 .156 .157 .157 .158 .159 .161 .162 .163 .165 .168 .169 .169 .171 .172 .173 .174 .176 .177 .178 .178 .181 .183 .185 199 .200 201 .201 .201 .202 .203 .207 .208 .208 .208 .208Table of Contents vii Layuniso 247 Copytolayer 247 Laywalk .248 Layfrz 251 Laythw 252 Layoff 252 Layon 252 Laylck 253 Layulk 253 Layvpi 253 Laymrg 254 Laydel 255 CHAPTER 12 ADVANCED DRAWING SETUP .261 CONCEPTS 262 STEPS FOR DRAWING SETUP 262 USING AND CREATING TEMPLATE DRAWINGS 266 Using Template Drawings 266 Table of Standard AutoCAD Templates 267 Creating Template Drawings 268 Additional Advanced Drawing Setup Concepts 269 Steps for Drawing Setup Using Annotative Objects 269 CHAPTER 13 LAYOUTS AND VIEWPORTS .273 CONCEPTS 274 Paper Space and Model Space 274 Layouts 274 Viewports 275 Layouts and Viewports Example 277 Guidelines for Using Layouts and Viewports 280 Layoutwizard 281 Layout .283 Inserting Layouts with AutoCAD DesignCenter 285 Setting Up the Layout 285 Options 286 Pagesetup 287 Psetupin 288 USING VIEWPORTS IN PAPER SPACE 289 Vports 289 Qvlayout 292 Scaling the Display of Viewport Geometry .293 Locking Viewport Geometry 295 Linetype Scale in Viewports—PSLTSCALE .295 Vpmax 296 Vpmin 297 Scalelistedit 297 Chspace 298 Advanced Applications of Paper Space Viewports 299 CHAPTER 14 PRINTING AND PLOTTING 309 CONCEPTS 310 TYPICAL STEPS TO PLOTTING 310 PRINTING, PLOTTING, AND SAVING PAGE SETUPS 311 Plot 311 -Plot 316 Viewplotdetails 316 Pagesetup 317 Plot Dialog Box or Page Setup Managed 319 PLOTTING TO SCALE 320 Preview 320 Standard Paper Sizes 321 Calculating the Drawing Scale Factor 321 Guidelines for Plotting Model Space to Scale 322 Guidelines for Plotting Layouts to Scale 322 TABLES OF LIMITS SETTINGS 323 Examples for Plotting to Scale 329 CONFIGURING PLOTTERS AND PRINTERS .330 Plotting Components 330 Plottermanager 330 Add-A-Plotter Wizard 331 Plotter Configuration Editor 332 CHAPTER 15 DRAW COMMANDS II 337 CONCEPTS 338 COMMANDS 338 Xline 338 Ray 340 Polygon 341 Rectang 342 Donut 343 Spline 344 Ellipse 346 Divide 348 Measure 349viii Table of Contents Mline 350 Multiline Style Dialog Box 352 Mlstyle 352 Multiline Style Dialog Box 353 Multiline Styles Example 354 Editing Multilines 355 Sketch 355 Solid 357 Boundary 357 Region 358 Wipeout 360 Revcloud 360 CHAPTER 16 MODIFY COMMANDS II 367 CONCEPTS 368 COMMANDS 368 Considerations for Changing Basic Properties of Objects 369 Properties 370 Dblclkedit 373 Matchprop 374 Object Properties Drop-Down Lists 375 Quick Properties 376 Chprop 376 Change 376 Explode 377 Align 378 Pedit 379 Vertex Editing 382 Editing Plines with Grips 384 Editing Spline Fit Data Points 385 Splinedit 385 Editing Spline Control Vertices 387 Editing Splines with Grips 388 Reverse 389 Blend 389 Arrayedit 390 Mledit 392 Overkill 396 Boolean Commands 397 Union 398 Subtract 398 Intersect 399 Modifying Revclouds 400 CHAPTER 17 INQUIRY COMMANDS 407 CONCEPTS 408 COMMANDS 408 Status 408 List 409 Measuregeom 410 Id 413 Time 413 Setvar 414 Sysvarmonitor 415 Massprop 416 CHAPTER 18 TEXT AND TABLES 419 CONCEPTS 420 TEXT CREATION COMMANDS 422 Text 422 Mtext 425 Bullets and Lists 432 Creating Stacked Text 432 Creating Columns 433 Calculating Text Height for Scaled Drawings 434 Spacetrans 435 Txt2mtxt 436 Style 437 Annotative Text 440 Importing External Text into AutoCAD 443 Using an External Text Editor for Multiline Text 443 Format Codes for Creating MultilineText in External Text Editors 444 Textedit 446 Mtedit 446 Properties 446 Spell 447 Find 448 Find/Replace in the Text Editor tab 450 Scaletext 450 Justifytext 452 Qtext 453 TEXTFILL 454 Substituting Fonts 454 TEXT FIELDS AND TABLES 455 Text Fields 455 Field 456 Creating and Editing Tables 457Table of Contents ix Updatefield 457 Table 458 Tablestyle 459 The Table Cell Editor 461 Tabiedit 461 Editing Tables with Grips 463 Editing Tables with the Properties Palette 463 Importing and Exporting Tables 464 Table Breaks 465 Text Fields and Calculations in Tables 465 Text Attributes 468 CHAPTER 19 GRIP EDITING 475 CONCEPTS 476 GRIPS FEATURES 476 Activating Grips on Objects 477 Cold and Hot Grips 477 GRIPS System Variable Settings 478 Grips Menus 478 Grip Editing Options 479 Shift to Turn on Ortho 481 Auxiliary Grid 481 Editing Dimensions 481 Multifunctional Grips 482 GUIDELINES FOR USING GRIPS 482 GRIPS SETTINGS 483 Point Specification Precedence 484 More Grips 485 CHAPTER 20 ADVANCED SELECTION SETS .489 CONCEPTS 490 SELECTION SET VARIABLES 490 Changing the Settings 490 Options 491 OBJECT SELECTION TOOLS AND FILTERS 493 Selall 493 Selectsimiliar 493 Hideobjects 494 Unisolateobjects 495 Isolateobjects 495 Qselect 495 Filter 498 OBJECT GROUPS 501 Group 502 Groupedlt 503 Ungroup 503 Group Examples 504 Classicgroup 505 Changing Properties of a Group 507 CHAPTER 21 BLOCKS, DESIGNCENTER, AND TOOL PALETTES 513 CONCEPTS 514 COMMANDS 516 Block 516 Block Color, Linetype, and Lineweight Settings 517 Insert 518 -Insert 519 Minsert 520 -Insert with * 521 Explode 521 Xplode 522 Wblock 523 Redefining Blocks and the Block Editor 525 Base 525 Bedit 526 Blocks Search Path 528 Purge 528 Rename 530 Setbylayer 531 Adcenter 532 DesignCenter Options 533 To Open a Drawing from DesignCenter 537 To Insert a Block Using DesignCenter 538 TOOL PALETTES 540 Toolpalettes 540 Creating and Managing Tool Palettes 542 COUNTING BLOCKS 544 Count 544 CHAPTER 22 BLOCK ATTRIBUTES AND DATA LINKS 553 CONCEPTS 554 CREATING ATTRIBUTES 554 Steps for Creating and Inserting Block Attributes 554 Attdef 555 Saving the Attributed Block 559x Table of Contents Inserting Attributed Blocks 559 The ATTDIA Variable 560 The ATTREQ Variable 560 DISPLAYING AND EDITING ATTRIBUTES 560 Attdisp 560 Attedit 561 Multiple Attedit 562 Eattedit 562 Properties 563 Find 564 -Attedit 565 Global and Individual Editing Example 567 Battman 571 Attredef 573 Refedit, Properties, and Refclose 574 The Block Editor 575 Grip Editing Attribute Location 576 EXTRACTING ATTRIBUTES 576 Attsync 576 Eattext 577 Updating Attribute Data 581 Datalink 582 Data Link Examples 583 Datalinkupdate 585 CHAPTER 23 INTERNET TOOLS AND COLLABORATION 591 CONCEPTS 592 Browser 593 Autodesk App Store (formerly Autodesk Exchange) 594 Inetlocation 594 USING HYPERLINKS 596 Open from/Save to Web & Mobile 596 Hyperlink 596 HYPERLINKBASE 598 Selecturl 598 Transmitting Drawings 599 Etransmit 599 Transmittal Setups 600 Modify Transmittal Setup Dialog Box 600 CREATING .DWF AND .PDF FILES 602 Raster Files and Vector Files 603 Creating .DWF and .PDF Files with ePlot and Export 603 Exportpdf 604 Exportdwf 605 ePlot Options 606 Creating .DWF and .PDF Files with Publish.606 Publish 606 IMPORTING .PDF FILES 609 Import 609 Pdfimport 612 Importing SHX Fonts from .PDF Files 613 PDFSHXTEXT. 613 Suggested Steps for Scaling and Importing .PDF Files 614 Considerations for Importing and Exporting .PDF Files 615 VIEWING .DWF AND .PDF FILES 616 Autodesk Design Review 616 DWF Underlay and PDF Underlay in AutoCAD 618 Attach 618 Dwfclip 620 To Detach a DWF or PDF Underlay 621 Viewing URLs (Hyperlinks) in a DWF Image 621 Dwflayers 621 COLLABORATING AND MARKUP TOOLS 622 The Markup Tools 622 The Markup Process 622 Shared Views 623 Shareview 623 Marking Up a Shared View 626 Making Markup in Autodesk Design Review 628 Markups from Autodesk Design Review 629 Opendwfmarkup 629 Markup 629 Share 630 DRAWING COMPARE 631 Trace 631 Compare 631 DRAWING HISTORY 632 DWGHISTORY 632Table of Contents xi CHAPTER 24 MULTIVIEW DRAWING 637 CONCEPTS 638 PROJECTION AND ALIGNMENT OF VIEWS .638 Using Ortho and Object Snap to Draw Projection Lines 638 Using Polar Tracking to Draw Projection Lines .639 Using Object Snap Tracking to Draw Projection Lines Aligned with Object Snap Points 640 Using Xline and Flay for Construction Lines.642 Using Offset for Construction of Views 642 Realignment of Views Using Polar Snap and Polar Tracking 643 USING CONSTRUCTION LAYERS 643 USING LINETYPES 644 Drawing With Hidden and Center Linetypes 645 Managing Linetypes, Lineweights, and Colors 646 ASSOCIATIVE CENTERLINES & CENTERMARKS 648 Drawing Associative Centerlines and Centermarks 648 Centerline 648 Centermark 649 Modifying Centerlines and Centermarks 650 Grips 650 Properties 651 Centerdisassociate 652 Centerreassociate 652 Centermark and Centerline System Variables 653 Centerreset 653 CREATING FILLETS, ROUNDS, AND RUNOUTS 655 GUIDELINES FOR CREATING A TYPICAL THREE-VIEW DRAWING 657 CHAPTER 25 PICTORIAL DRAWINGS 665 CONCEPTS 666 Types of Pictorial Drawings 666 Pictorial Drawings Are 2D Drawings 667 ISOMETRIC DRAWING IN AUTOCAD 668 Snap 668 Isometric Ellipses 670 Ellipse 670 Creating an Isometric Drawing 672 Dimensioning Isometric Drawings in AutoCAD 674 OBLIQUE DRAWING IN AUTOCAD 674 Isometric Drawing 676 Oblique Drawing 678 CHAPTER 26 SECTION VIEWS 675 CONCEPTS 679 DEFINING HATCH PATTERNS AND HATCH BOUNDARIES 679 Steps for Creating a Section View Using the Hatch Command 680 Hatch 681 Pattern Panel 682 Properties Panel 683 Boundaries Panel (Selecting the Hatch Area) 684 Origin Panel 686 Options Panel 686 Hatch and Gradient Dialog Box 688 Gradient Hatches 689 -Hatch Command Line Options 690 Creating Tool Palettes 694 Toolpalettes 694 EDITING HATCH PATTERNS & BOUNDARIES 696 Hatchedit 696 Using Grips with Hatch Patterns 697 Using Trim with Hatch Patterns 697 Object Selection Features of Hatch Patterns 697 Solid Hatch Fills 698 Draworder .699 Texttofront 699 CHAPTER 27 AUXILIARY VIEWS 706 CONCEPTS 707 CONSTRUCTING AN AUXILIARY VIEW 707 Setting Up the Principal Views 707 Using Snap Rotate and Ortho 708 Rotating Snap Back to the Original Position 709 Using Polar Tracking 711 Using the Offset Command 712 Offset 713 Using the Xline and Ray Commands 714 Xline 714 Ray 714 Constructing Full Auxiliary Views 715 Reorienting the User Coordinate System 716xii Table of Contents CHAPTER 28 DIMENSIONING CONCEPTS Dimension Components Dimension Placement Associativity Accessing Dimension Commands DIMENSION DRAWING COMMANDS Dim DimIinear Dimaligned Dimbaseline Dimcontinue Dimspace Dimangular Dimdiameter Dimradius Dim Dimjogline Dimjogged Dimarc Dimcenter Dimbreak Leader Qleader. Mleader Mleaderstyle Mleaderedit Mleaderalign Mleadercollect Dimordinate Qdim Tolerance Editing Feature Control Frames Basic Dimensions GDT-Related Dimension Variables Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Example Diminspect EDITING DIMENSIONS Grip Editing Dimensions Multifunctional Grips Exploding Associative Dimensions Dimension Editing Commands Dimtedit 769 Dimedit 770 Properties 771 Customizing Dimensioning Text 772 Associative Dimensions 773 Dimreassociate 775 Dimdisassoclate 776 DIMENSIONING VARIABLES INTRODUCTION . 777 Dimregen 777 CHAPTER 29 DIMENSION STYLES AND VARIABLES 779 CONCEPTS 780 Dimension Variables 780 Dimension Styles 781 Dimension Style Families 781 Dimension Style Overrides 782 DIMENSION STYLES 783 Dimstyle or Ddim 783 -Dimstyle 787 DIMENSION VARIABLES 788 Changing Dimension Variables Using the Dialog Box Method 789 Lines Tab 789 Dimension Lines Section (Lines Tab) 789 Extension Line Section (Lines Tab) 791 Symbols and Arrows Tab 792 Arrowheads Section (Symbols and Arrows Tab) 792 Other Sections (Symbols and Arrows Tab) 793 Text Tab 794 Text Appearance Section (Text Tab) 795 Text Placement Section (TextTab) 796 Text Alignment Section (Text Tab) 797 Fit Tab 797 Scale for Dimension Features Section (Fit Tab) 798 Fit Options Section (Fit Tab) 798 Text Placement Section (FitTab) 800 Fine Tuning Section (Fit Tab) 800 Primary Units Tab 801 Linear Dimensions Section (Primary Units Tab) 802 720 721 721 721 722 722 723 723 723 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 734 738 739 739 740 741 742 743 746 747 750 751 752 753 755 758 760 760 761 761 765 766 766 768 769 769Table of Contents xiii Measurement Scale Section (Primary UnitsTab) 803 Zero Suppression Section (Primary UnitsTab) 804 Angular Dimensions Section (Primary Units Tab) 804 Alternate UnitsTab 804 Alternate Unit Section (Alternate UnitsTab). 805 Zero Suppression Section (Alternate Units Tab) 806 Placement Section (Alternate UnitsTab) 806 Tolerances Tab 806 Tolerance Format Section (Tolerances Tab) 806 Alternate Unit Tolerance Section ( Tolerances Tab) 808 DIMCONTINUEMODE 808 Changing Dimension Variables Using the Command Line Format 808 Dim . (variable name) 808 DIMASSOC (Associative Dimensions) 809 MODIFYING EXISTING DIMENSIONS 810 Modifying a Dimension Style 810 Creating Dimension Style Overrides and Using -Dimstyle, Apply (Update) 811 Properties 811 -Dimstyle 811 Apply 811 Dimoverride 812 Matchprop 813 Dimension Right-Click Menu 814 GUIDELINES FOR NON-ANNOTATIVE DIMENSIONING IN AUTOCAD 815 Strategy 1. Dimensioning a Single Drawing .815 Strategy 2. Creating Dimension Styles as Part of Template Drawings 817 Optional Method for Fixed Dimension Text Height in Template Drawings 817 DIMENSIONING IN PAPER SPACE LAYOUTS.818 When to Dimension in Paper Space 819 Procedure for Dimensioning in Paper Space 819 DIMENSIONING ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS 823 CHAPTER 30 XREFERENCES 831 CONCEPTS 832 An Xref Example 836 CREATING AND USING XREFS 838 Xref or External-references 839 Dependent Objects and Names 844 Evaluating New Layers 846 VISRETAIN/VISRETAINMODE/ XREFOVERRIDE 848 Evaluating and Reconciling Layers 849 Xattach 849 Xbind 849 Adcenter 850 Xclip 852 XCLIPFRAME 853 Demand Loading 854 INDEXCTL 855 XLOADCTL 856 XLOADPATH 856 XREFOVERRIDE 857 EDITING FOR XREFS AND BLOCKS 858 Xopen 858 In-Place Xrefand Block Editing 859 Refedit 860 Using -Refedit at the Command Line 862 Refset 862 Refclose 863 XEDIT 863 XFADECTL 864 XREFNOTIFY 864 PROJECTNAME 865 Reference Manager 867 XREFCTL 867 CHAPTER 31 OBJECT LINKING AND EMBEDDING (OLE) 875 CONCEPTS 876 Cut and Paste Between AutoCAD Drawings 876 Cut and Paste Between AutoCAD and Other Windows Applications (OLE) . 877 The Windows Clipboard 879 OLE RELATED COMMANDS 880 Copyclip 881 Copybase 882 Copylink 882 Cutclip 883 Cutbase 883 Pasteclip 883 Pasteorig 885xiv Table of Contents Pasteblock Pastespec Insertobj Pasteashyperlink MANAGING OLE OBJECTS Olelinks OLE Right-Click Shortcut Menu Olescale Oleopen Other AutoCAD Commands with OLE Objects OLE-RELATED SYSTEM VARIABLES MSOLESCALE OLEHIDE OLEQUALITY OLESTAPTUP CHAPTER 32 ADVANCED LAYOUTS, ANNOTATIVE OBJECTS, & PLOTTING CONCEPTS ADVANCED LAYOUTS Layer Visibility for Viewports Layer. Vplayer Layer Property Overrides Linetype Scale in Viewports Psltscale Dimensioning in Paper Space The “Reverse Method” for Calculating Drawing Scale Factor Steps for Calculating the Drawing Scale Factor by the “Reverse Method” ANNOTATIVE OBJECTS Setting Annotation Scale and Viewport Scale Creating and Displaying Annotative Objects Multiple Viewports SELECTIONANNODISPLAY Adding and Deleting Scale Representations for Annotative Objects Objectscale Adjusting Positions for Individual Annotative Object Scale Representations ANNOALLVISIBLE Annoreset Annoupdate SAVEFIDELITY 924 Linetype Scales for Annotative Drawings 924 MSLTSCALE 925 Applications for Multiple Viewports 926 Using Two Layouts to Plot the Same Geometry at Different Scales 926 Using Two Viewports to Display the Same Geometry at Different Scales 928 Using One Layout to Plot Xref Drawings in Multiple Viewports at Different Scales 930 PLOT STYLE TABLES AND PLOT STYLES 931 What is the Difference between a Plot Style and a Plot Style Table? 932 Color-Dependent and Named Plot Style Tables 934 Attaching a Plot Style Table to a Layout 935 Creating a Plot Style Table 936 Stylesmanager 936 Editing Plot Styles 937 Assigning Named Plot Styles to Objects 939 Plotstyle 941 Named Plot Style Table Example 942 Convertpstyles 944 PLOT STAMPING 945 Convertctb 945 Plotstamp 945 CHAPTER 33 3D BASICS, NAVIGATION, AND VISUAL STYLES 957 SETTING UP AUTOCAD TO DRAW IN 3D 958 Setting Up a Workspace 958 Activating the ACAD3D or ACADISO3D Drawing Template 959 TYPES OF 3D MODELS 960 Wireframe Models 960 Surface Models 961 Solid Models 962 3D COORDINATE ENTRY 963 3D Coordinate Entry Formats 964 COORDINATE SYSTEMS 969 The World Coordinate System (WCS) and WCS Icon 970 User Coordinate Systems (UCS) and Icons.970 The Right-Hand Rule 972 Ucsicon 972 885 886 888 889 890 890 891 891 891 892 893 893 893 893 893 ,897 898 898 899 900 902 ,905 ,908 908 910 912 ,913 ,914 ,914 in ,916 ,918 ,918 .918 .920 .922 .922 .923Table of Contents xv 3D NAVIGATION AND VIEW COMMANDS 974 Pan 975 Zoom 976 Navvcube 976 3D Orbit Commands 980 3Dorbit 981 3Dforbit 982 3Deorbit 984 PERSPECTIVE 984 3Ddistance 985 View Presets 986 View 988 Adjusting the Amount of Perspective 990 3Dclip 991 Camera 992 Editing Camera Settings 994 3Dswivel 995 Navswheel 995 SteeringWheel Shortcut Menu 996 SteeringWheel Navigation Tools 997 SteeringWheel Settings 999 -Vpoint 1000 Vpoint 1001 Plan 1002 Grid 1002 Vports 1003 VISUAL STYLES 1005 Default Visual Styles 1006 Vscurrent 1006 Face Settings 1010 Shadow Settings 1012 Edge Effects 1013 Visualstyles 1014 Named Views and Viewports 1019 Graphics Performance Tuning 1021 Shade, SHADEDIF, SHADEDGE 1023 Render 1023 Printing 3D Models 1023 CHAPTER 34 USER COORDINATE SYSTEMS .1033 CONCEPTS 1034 CREATING AND MANAGING USER COORDINATE SYSTEMS 1034 Ues 1035 Dducsp 1041 Ucsman 1042 ViewCube UCS Drop-Down List 1043 UCS SYSTEM VARIABLES 1044 Ucsbase 1044 Ucsview 1044 UcsOrtho 1044 Ucsfollow 1046 Ucsvp 1046 UCS3DPERPDISPLAYSETTING 1047 UCS3DPARADISPLAYSETTING 1047 UCSSELECTMODE 1047 Ucsaxisang 1047 USER COORDINATE SYSTEMS AND 3D MOD¬ ELING 1048 Dynamic User Coordinate Systems 1048 CHAPTER 35 SOLID MODELING CONSTRUCTION 1051 CONCEPTS 1052 Solid Model Construction Process 1052 Solid Primitives Commands 1052 Dynamic User Coordinate Systems 1053 Commands to Move, Rotate, Mirror, and Scale Solids 1053 Boolean Operations 1053 SOLID PRIMITIVES COMMANDS 1055 Box 1056 Cone 1057 Cylinder 1059 Wedge 1060 Sphere 1061 Torus 1062 Pyramid 1063 Polysolid 1064 Extrude 1066 Revolve 1068 Sweep 1069 Loft 1071 DYNAMIC USER COORDINATE SYSTEMS 1074 COMMANDS TO MOVE, ROTATE, MIRROR, AND SCALE SOLIDS 1075 Move 1076 3Dalign 1077 3Dmove 1078xvi Table of Contents 3Dscale 1080 3Drotate 1080 Mirror3D 1082 3Darray 1084 BOOLEAN OPERATION COMMANDS 1087 Union 1087 Subtract 1088 Intersect 1089 Chamfer 1090 Fillet 1092 DESIGN EFFICIENCY 1093 CHAPTER 36 SOLID MODEL EDITING 1105 CONCEPTS 1106 EDITING PRIMITIVES USING THE PROPERTIES PALETTE 1106 Editing Properties of Individual Primitives 1106 Composite Solid Subobject Selection 1108 Editing Properties of Composite Solids 1109 EDITING SOLIDS USING GRIPS AND GIZMOS 1109 Move, Rotate, and Scale Gizmos 1115 Grip Editing Composite Solids 1117 Subobjects and Selection 1118 Grip Editing Faces, Edges, and Vertices 1119 Selecting Overlapping Subobjects 1123 History Settings 1123 SOLIDS EDITING COMMANDS 1125 Solidedit 1126 Face Options 1127 Edge Options 1134 Body Options 1135 Slice 1138 Presspull 1139 Sectionplane 1141 Sectionplane Contextual Tab 1145 Section Settings Dialog Box 1147 Interfere 1147 Imprint 1149 Massprop 1150 USING SOLIDS DATA 1150 Stlout 1151 3Dprint 1152 Acisin 1152 Acisout 1152 CHAPTER 37 2D DRAWINGS FROM 3D MODELS 1159 CONCEPTS 1160 COMMANDS 1161 Viewbase 1161 Viewbase Options 1165 Viewedit 1167 Drawing View Editing 1168 Viewproj 1169 Viewstd 1170 Viewsection 1171 Section View Examples 1173 Viewsectionstyle 1177 Modify Section View Style and New Section View Style Dialog Boxes 1178 Section View Style and Detail View Style Issues 1181 Viewcomponent 1182 Viewdetail 1183 Viewdetailstyle 1185 Modify Detail View Style and New Detail View Style Dialog Boxes 1186 Viewupdate 1188 Viewupdateauto 1190 Viewsymbolsketch 1190 Creating Auxiliary Views Using Viewsection .1191 Dimensioning a Documentation Drawing .1193 APPENDIX A 1201 APPENDIX A 1202 AutoCAD 2023 Command Alias List Sorted by Command 1202 APPENDIX B 1207 APPENDIX B 1208 BUTTONS AND SPECIAL KEYS 1208 Mouse and Digitizing Puck Buttons 1208 Function (F) Keys 1208 Control Key Sequences (Accelerator Keys) .1209 Special Key Functions 1210 List of Drawing Exercise File Names (when files were created or changed) 12281212 Index Symbols @ 50 < > symbols 733, 772 2D documentation 1160 2D Object Snap 18 2D Wireframe view 1007 3D 958 Absolute Coordinates 966 Basics Workspace 958 Camera Viewing 992 Chamfer and Fillet 1054 Check model 1137 Coordinate 963 Dynamic UCS 1074 Edges 1013 Editing Primitives 1106 Grid options 1002 Grip editing 1119 Interfere 1147 Live Sectioning 1143 Mouse use 965 Navvcube 976 Orbit 980 Ortho use 967 Point Filters 968 Polar Tracking in 967 Presspull 1139 Primitives 1055 Primitive solids 1052 Printing 1151 Printing Models 1023 Relative Coordinates 966 Sectionplane 1141 Section Settings 1147 Separate 1136 Shadows 1012 Shell 1137 Slice 1138 User Coordinate Systems 969 Viewing Commands 974 Workspace 958 3DALIGN Command 1077 3DARRAY Command 1084 3DCLIP Command 991 3DDISTANCE command 985 3D Modeling Workspace 958 3DMOVE Command 1078 3DPRINT Command 1152 3DROTATE Command 1080 3DSCALE Command 1080 3DSWIVEL Command 995 .DWF 603, 605, 606, 616 Detach 621 Underlay 618 -Insert 519 .PDF 603, 606, 609, 612, 616 Detach 621 Underlay 618 -PLOT Command 316 .SHX 439 %%" symbols 772 A A360 Drive 595 Absolute 3D Coordinates 966 Cartesian 965 Absolute Coordinates 16, 48 ACAD3D .DWT Template 959 ACAD.CTB 933 ACAD.DWT 31, 95, 225, 268, 1181 ACAD.FMP 454 ACADISO3D .DWT Template 959 ACADISO.DWT 32, 95, 809, 1181 ACADISO.LIN 234 ACAD_ISOnW100 Linetype 234, 241 ACAD.LIN 234 ACAD.PAT 682, 695 Accelerator keys 11,12 Accuracy 114 ACIS 1151 ADCENTER Command 532 Add Select 74 Adobe Reader 616 Advanced Layout 898 Alias Command 11 Align 3D objects 1077 Dimension 737 Multiple Leader 751 ALIGN Command 378 Aligning Views 638 All 74 Command 205 Alternate Units 804 Angle Counterclockwise 3 Hatch 683 Measure 412 Units 98 Angle Override 57 Angular Dimension 730 ANNOALLVISIBLE Variable 922 ANNOAUTOSCALE 442, 692, 821, 823, 918 ANNORESET Command 922 Annotation Linetype Scale 924 Monitor 19 Viewport Scale Sync 915 Visibility 19 Annotative Attributes 568 Dimensions 821 Hatch Patterns 692 Object Position 920 Objects 269,914,916 SELECTIONANNODISPLAY Variable 922 Text 440 ANNOUPDATE Command 923 ANSI 644, 645, 732, 810 ANSI Sheet Sizes 324 Aperture 115 Aperture box Object Snap 125 Apparent intersection Object Snap 118 Application Menu 8 App Store 595 Arc Dimension 739 ARC Command 142 Architectural Sheet Sizes 325 ARCHITECTURAL TABLE OF LIMITS SETTINGS 325 AREA Command 411 Array Edit 178,390 Grips 178 in 3D 1084 Path 181 Polar 178 Rectangular 177 ARRAY Command 176 ARRAYEDIT Command 390 array option copy command 80 ARRAYPATH Command 181 ARRAYPOLAR Command 178 ARRAYRECT Command 177 Arrowheads 792 Arrows Suppress 799 ASCII 443,445 ASME Y14.5M - 1994 758 Associative Centerlines and Centermarks 648 Dimension 722, 773, 809 Exploding 769 Hatch 680, 686 Associative Hatch 492 Selection 492Index 1213 Attach Xref 839, 849 Attach DWF Underlay dialog 618 Attdef 575 ATTDEF Command 555 ATTDIA 559, 560 ATTDISP Command 560 ATTEDIT Command 561, 565 ATTMODE 561 Attredef 573 ATTREDEF Command 573 ATTREQ 566 ATTREQ Variable 560 Attribute Annotative 568 Block 554 Creating 554 Define 555 Display 560 Edit 561, 565 Edit Enhanced 562 Extract 576 Find/Replace 564 Global/Individual Editing 567 Inserting Block with 559 Manager 571 Properties 563 Redefine 573 Redefining 570 Saving 559 Sync 576 Tag 555 Updating Data 581 Attribute Edit 565 Attributes Define 527 Attsync 575 ATTSYNC Command 576 AutoCAD to PDF 604 Autocomplete 11 Autodesk Design Review Markup 628 Autodesk Viewer 625 Automatic Viewport 110 AutoScale 19 Auxiliary Grid 481 Auxiliary View 708,1191 using Polar Tracking 711 with View Section 1191 Axonometric drawings 666 B Backup Files 42 Back view 987 BASE Command 525 Baseline Dimension 727, 736 Basic Dimension 760 Basic Settings Templates 96 BATTMAN Command 571 BEDIT Command 526 Beginning a drawing 28 Big Font 439 BIMobject 537 Bind Xref 842, 849 BLEND Command Spline gaps 389 BLK 577 Block 514, 516, 832 Attribute 554 Attributes Define 527 Authoring Palettes 527 Create with Paste 885 Definition Dialog Box 516 Drag-and-Drop 538 Edit 526 Edit In-place 859 Explode to parts 521 Find/Replace Attributes 564 General Commands 515 Insert 518 Insert from DesignCenter 538 insertion options 518 insertion point 516 Insertion point with BASE 525 Insert multiple 520 Palette 518 Properties 517 Purge 528 Redefining 525 Reference Close 863 Reference Manager 867 Reference Set 862 Rename 530 Save As 527 Scale uniformly 516 Search Path 528 Set by layer 531 Write 523 Block Attribute Manager 571 BLOCK Command 516 Block Editor 575 BLOCKMRULIST 519 BLOCKNAVIGATE 519 BLOCKREDEFINEMODE 519 BMP 603 Boolean with Regions 397 Boolean Commands 397 Boolean operations 1052, 1087 Border 107, 266 Bottom view 987 Boundaries Hatch 684 Boundary Display Hatch 696 Hatch 696 Hatch Recreate 696 BOUNDARY Command 357 Bounding Box 1150 Box 74 BOX Command 1056 Break Dimension 741 Table 465 Break at Point 170 BREAK Command 169 Break down complex shape 377 Browser Shared Views in 625 BROWSER Command 593 Bullets Text 432 Buttons Mouse 12 By Layer 239 ByLayer 233 c Cabinet oblique 674 CAD 3 CAD/CAM 114 Calculation in Table 465 CAMERA Command 992 CAMERADISPLAY 994 CANNOSCALE 440, 821, 914, 916 Cartesian coordinates 48 CDR 603 CECOLOR 237 CELTSCALE Command 241 Center Lines 645 Object Snap 115 Zoom 206 CENTERCROSSGAP Variable 655 CENTERCROSSSIZE Variable 654 CENTERDISASSOCIATE Command 652 CENTEREXE Variable 654 CENTERLAYER variable 653 Centerline Properties 651 CENTERLINE Command 648 Centerlines Associative 648 Modifying 650 CENTERLTSCALE Variable 653 CENTERLTYPEFILE Variable 654 CENTERLTYPE Variable 654 Centermark1214 Index Dimension 740 Grips 650 CENTERMARK command 649 CENTERMARKEXE Variable 655 Centermarks Associative 648 CENTERREASSOCIATE Command 652 Centroid 1150 CETRANSPARENCY 683 CGM 603 Chamfer 3D 1054 in 3D 1090 Polyline 187 CHAMFER Command 185 Change Dimension 810 CHANGE Command 376 Change Group 507 Changing Object Properties 369 Check Spelling 447 Check 3D Model 1137 Check Spelling Settings dialog box 448 CHPROP Command 376 CHSPACE Command 298 Circle 53 Tangent, Tangent, Radius 142 CIRCLE Command 140 CIVIL TABLE OF LIMITS SETTINGS 328 CLASSICGROUP Command 505 Classicinsert 519 Clean Screen 20, 24 Clip 3D 991 DWF 620 Xref 852 Clipboard 879 Close Xref/Block 863 CLOSEALL Command 37 CLOSEALLOTHER Command 37 CLOSE Command 37 CLP 603 CMX 603 CNC 114 Collaborate tools 592 Collect Multiple Leader 752 Color 221, 374 Edge 1135 Face 1134 Layer 225 Managing 646 True 238 COLOR Command 237 Color-Dependent Plot 934 Colors Object Snap 125 Columns Text 433 Combining text Txt2mtxt 436 Command Alias 11 All 205 cycle with arrow keys 11 Command Entry 11 Keyboard 11 Command Line 7 Hatch 690 Command-Mode Menu 11 Commands Entering 12 Compare Drawing 631 COMPARE Command 631 Computer-Aided Design 3 Computer-Aided Manufacturing 114 Computer Numerical Control 114 Conceptual view 1008 CONE Command 1057 Configure Plotter 330 Printer 330 Constraints Infer 17 Construction Line XLINE 338 Construction lines Layers 643 Construction Lines 642 Continue Dimension 736, 808 Continued Dimension 728 CONVERTCTB Command 945 Convert Distance 435 CONVERTSTYLES Command 944 Coordinate 3D 963 Absolute 16 Cartesian 2 display 15 Entering 139 Entry 48 Geographic 16 Relative 16, 50 Specific 16 Systems 2 Copy 428 to Layer 247 Copybase 877 COPYBASE Command 882 Copyclip 877 COPYCLIP Command 881 copy command array option 80 COPY Command 80, 172 Copylink 877 COPYLINK Command 882 COPYTOLAYER Command 247 COUNTCHECK 545 COUNTCOLOR 545 COUNT Command 544 COUNTERRORCOLOR 545 COUNTERRORNUM 545 COUNTNUMBER 545 COUNTPALETTESTATE 545 COUNTSERVICE 545 Create Template Drawing 268 Text 422 Create Transmittal dialog box 599 Crossing 72 CSV 463, 579 CTB 931,935,945 Ctrl+E 669 Ctrl+H 503 Ctrl+N 31 CULLINOBJ 1110,1117 Current Layer 224, 245 current folder 29 Current Scale Line Type 241 Custom Dimension Text 772 Customizing 22 Cut 428 Cutbase 877, 883 Cutclip 877 CUTCLIP Command 883 Cut/Paste 876 Cutting Plane Line 700 Cycling Selection 76 CYLINDER Command 1059 Cylindrical coordinates 965 D Data Extraction 577Index 1215 Data Extraction wizard 577 Data Link 581 DATALINK Command 582 DATALINKUPDATE Command 585 Datum 760 Datum Targets 764 DBLCLKEDIT Variable 373 DCTCUST 448 DCTMAIN 448 Ddatte command 572 Ddedit 575 DDIM Command 783 DDUCSP command 1041 Default Color 6 DEFAULTGIZMO 1107, 1108, 1109, 1115 Default Menu 10 Default web location 594 Define Attribute 555 Define Attributes 527 DEFLPLSTYLE 935 Degree 345 Delete Layer 224, 255 Delete Duplicate Objects dialog box 396 Demand Loading Xref 854 Dependent objects 844 DesignCenter 531 Insert Block 538 Insert Layout with 285 Open Drawing 537 Options 533 Xref 851 Design Content 537 Detach DWF/PDF 621 Detail view 1183 Detail View Style Manager 1186 DGN 530, 603 Dialog Boxes 9 Dialog-Mode Menu 11 Diameter Dimension 731 DIB 603 DIC 239 DIMADEC 804 DIMALIGNED Command 726 DIMALT 805 DIMALTD 805,810 DIMALTF 805,810 DIMALTRND 805 DIMALTTD 808 DIMALTTZ 808 DIMALTU 805 DIMANGULAR Command 730 DIMANNO 798,810 DIMAPOST 805 DIMARC Command 739 DIMARCSYM 794 DIMASSOC 773 DIMASSOC Variable 809 DIMASZ 793,810, 817 DIMATFIT 799 dimaunit 804 DIMAZIN 804 DIMBASELINE Command 727 DIMBLK 792 DIMBLK1 792 DIMBLK2 792 DIMBREAK Command 741 DIMCEN 793,810 DIMCENTER Command 740 DIMCLRD 789 DIMCLRE 761,791 DIMCLRT 761, 795 DIM Command 722, 723, 734 DIMCONTINUE Command 728 DIMCONTINUEMODE Variable 808 dimdec 802 DIMDEC 768,810 DIMDIAMETER Command 731 DIMDISASSOCIATE Command 776 DIMDLE 790 DIMDLI 737, 790, 810, 817 DIMDSEP 802,810 DIMEDIT Command 770 Dimension Align 737 Angular 730 Annotative 821 Arc 739 Associative 722, 773, 809 Baseline 727, 736 Break 741 Centermark 740 Continue 736, 808 Continued 728 Diameter 731 Disassociate 776 Edit 481, 770 Exploding Associative 769 Fit Options 798 Grips 766 Ignore 126 Inspection 765 Isometric 823 Jogged 739 Jogline 738 Modify 810 Ordinate 737, 753 Override 812 Style 786 Paperspace 818 Paper Space 910 Placement 721 Properties 771, 811 Quick 755 Radius 732 Reassociate 775 Regenerate 777 Right-Click Menu 814 Rotated 724 Scale 798,803 Spacing 729 Style in Template 809 Styles 781 Text 794 Edit 769 Units 801 using Matchprop 813 using Mtext/Text 732 Variables 777, 780 Dimensioning 3D model views 1193 Text Custom 772 Dimensions 721 with Mtext or Text 733 Dimension Style Manager 780, 783, 784 Dimension Styles Manager 788 Dimetric drawings 666, 667 DIMEXE 791,810,817 DIMEXO 792,810 DIMFRAC 802 DIMFXL 792 DIMFXLON 792 DIMGAP 761, 796, 806, 810, 817 DIMINSPECT Command 765 DIMJOGANG 794 DIMJOGGED Command 739 DIMJOGLINE Command 738 Dimjust 796 DIMldrblk 793 dimlfac 803 DIMLIM 806 DIMLINEAR Command 721, 723, 725 DIMLTEX1 791 DIMLTEX2 791 DIMLTYPE 789 dimLunit 802 DIMLWD 790 DIMLWE 791 DIMORDINATE Command 753 DIMOVERRIDE Command 812 dimpost 803 DIMRADIUS Command 732 DIMREASSOCIATE Command 7751216 Index DIMREGEN Command 777 DIMRND 802 DIMSAH 792 dimscale 798 DIMSCALE 778,791, 815 DIMSD1 790 DIMSD2 790 DIMSE1 791 DIMSE2 791 DIMSOXD 799 DIMSPACE Command 729 Dimstyle 787 DIMSTYLE Command 783 dimtad 796 DIMTAD 810 dimtdec 807 DIMTDEC 810 DIMTEDIT Command 769 DIMTFAC 795,807 DIMTFILL 795 DIMTFILLCLR 795 DIMTIH 797,810 DIMTIX 799 DIMTM 807 DIMTMOVE 768,800 DIMTOFL 801, 810 DIMTOH 797,810 DIMTOL 806 DIMTOLJ 807,810 DIMTP 807 DIMTSTSTY 761 DIMTXSTY 795 DIMTXT 438, 761, 795, 810, 817 DIMTXTDIRECTION 796 dimtzin 808 DIMTZIN 810 DIMUPT 800 DIMZIN 804, 810 Direct Distance Entry 57 directory 29 Disassociate Centerline 652 Dimension 776 Display Attribute 560 Hatch 698 DISPSILH 1007,1024 DISTANCE Command 410 DIVIDE Command 348 Documents 29 DONUT Command 343 Drafting and Annotation Workspace 7 Drafting Settings 104 Drafting Settings dialog box 123 Drafting Standard dialog box 1170 drag object selection 492 Drag-and-Drop Block 538 Draw commands 46 Draw Commands 138 Drawing area 100 Compare 631 File Management 43 Insert into other 519 Naming 28 Recovery 42 Scale 263,321 Setup 262, 657 starting 28 Starting 94 Status 408 Drawing Aids 15 Drawing Editor 6 Drawing Interchange Format 3 Drawing Recovery Manager 43 drawing scale factor 435 Drawing Setup 94 Advanced 269 Draw Order Hatch 688 DRAWORDER Command 699 DS 59 Dsettings 59 DSETTINGS Command 104 DSF 321, 435 Duplicate Removal of 396 DWF 30, 603, 621 Detach 621 Underlay 618 DWFCLIP Command 620 DWFLAYERS Command 621 DWFx 605 DWG 36,284,603 DWGHISTORY 632 DWGPROPS Command 40 DWS 35, 36 DWT 35, 36, 268, 284 DXE 577 DXF 3,35,36,603 Dynamic UCS 971 Zoom 206 Dynamic Input 17, 49, 53, 57 Dynamic User Coordinate System 1053, 1074 E EATTEDIT Command 562 EATTEXT Command 577 Edges in 3D 1013 Edit Array 178, 390 Attribute 561, 572 Attribute enhanced 562 Attributes 565, 570 Block 526 Dimension 481, 770 Text 769 Hatch 696 Multiline 392 Multiline Text 446 Multiple Leader 750 Spline 385 Table 461 Table using Grips 463 Text 426, 446 Xref/Block 858, 860 In-place 859 Edit Attributes dialog box 561 Edit Block Definition dialog box 526 Edit Drawing Scales dialog box 297 Editing Text 445 Editing 3D Primitives 1106 Edit-Mode Menu 10 efficient design 1093 Ellipse Isometric 670 ELLIPSE Command 346 Endpoint Object Snap 116 enhanced attribute editor 575 Enhanced Attribute Editor 562 Enter 12 Entering Coordinates 48 Entering Commands 12 Entity AutoCAD 46 ePlot Options 606 ERASE Command 78, 157 Esc 12 ETRANSMIT Command 599 EXE 599 EXIT Command 37 Explode with options using XPLODE 522 EXPLODE Command 377, 521 Exploding Associative Dimension 769 Export Table 464 EXPORTDWF Command 605 EXPORTPDF Command 604 Extend Shift-Select 169 EXTEND Command 168 Extension Object Snap 119Extents Zoom 205 External References palette 839 External Text 443 Extract Attributes 576 Extrude 1066 F Fl 20 F2 20 F3 20 F4 20 F5 20 F6 20 F7 16,20 F8 18,20 F9 17,20 F10 18,20 Fil 20 F12 17,20 Facet Edges 1013 FACETRES 1024 FCF 758 feature control frame 758 Feature control frame 758 Fence 73 Field Table using 465 Update 457 FIELD Command 456 Field dialog box 467 FIELDDISPLAY 456 Fields Text 455 File Formats 43 Management 43 File Navigation Dialog Box 29 File save Web and Mobile 595 File sharing 592 Fill Text 454 Fillet 3D 1054 in 3D 1092 Polyline 184 FILLET Command 183 FILLETS 655 FILLMODE 343 FILLMODE Variable 698 Filter Help results 87 Selection 493 FILTER Command 498 Filters Layer 227 Find Block Attributes 564 Replace Drawing Text 448 Find and Replace dialog box 564 FIND Command 448, 564 Find/Replace 450 First angle projection 1170 Fit Options Dimension 798 Flatness Application 762 FMP 454 Font Big 439 Mapping 454 .SHX 439 Substitution 454 TrueType 440 FONTALT 454, 455 FONTMAP 454, 455 Format Text Codes 444 Tolerance 806 Formula in Table 466 Freeze Layer 251 Viewport 900 Freeze/Thaw Layer 224 From Object Snap 121 Front view 987 Function Keys 20 G GALLERYVIEW 520 Gap Tolerance Hatch 687 GDT 758 GEM 603 Geographic coordinates 16 Geometric Center Object Snap 116 Geometric dimensioning and tolerancing 758 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing 758 Geometric Tolerance dialog box 759 GIF 603 Global Attribute Editing 567 Gradient 688 Hatch 689 Graphics Area 7 Graphics Performance 20, 1021 Graphics Performance dialog 1021 Grid 16,265 Index 1217 Auxiliary 481 in 3D 1002 Isometric 668 Settings 103 GRID Command 103 GRIDDISPLAY 104, 1003 GRIDMAJOR 104, 1003 Grid Snap 101 Grip 3D Editing with 1119 GRIPBLOCK 483 GRIPMULTIFUNCTIONAL 482, 484 GRIPOBJLIMIT 484 Grips 71 Array 178 Centermark 650 Dimension 766 Editing with 476 Hatch 697 Hot/Cold 477 Menus 478 Settings 483 Show 476 Using 482 GRIPS 478 GRIPSIZE 483 GRIPS Variable 476,478 GRIPTIPS 484 Group 492, 504 Changing Properties of 507 Classic command 505 Object 501 Select 74 GROUP Command 502 GROUPDISPLAYMODE 504 GROUPDSIPLAYMODE 484 GROUPEDIT Command 503 H Halo Gap % 1018 Hatch 679 Angle 683 Annotative Patterns 692 Associative 680, 686 Boundaries 684 Boundary display 696 Command Line 690 Creation ribbon tab 681 Display 698 Draw Order 688 Edit 696 Gap Tolerance 687 Gradient 688 Grips 697 Ignore 126 Island Detection 687 Options 6861218 Index Origin 686 Pattern 679, 682 Properties 683 Recreate Boundary 696 Scale 683 Select 697 Solid 698 Trim 697 Hatch and Gradient dialog box 688, 689 HATCH Command 681 Hatch Creation tab 681 HATCHEDIT Command 696 HELP Command 86 Hidden Lines 645 Hidden line view 1007 HIDEOBJECTS Command 494 History 29 History, Drawing 632 HPGAPTOL 687 HPLAYER Variable 680 HPORIGIN 686 HPSCALE 683 HPTRANSPARENCY 683 HTM 621 Hyperlink 596, 621 HYPERLINKBASE 597 HYPERLINKBASE Variable 598 HYPERLINK Command 597 I ICO 603 Icon Buttons 12 ID Command 413 Identify Point 413 IFF 603 Ignore Dimension 126 Negative Z 126 Ignore hatch 126 IGS 603 Implied window 492 Import Table 464 IMPORT Command 609 Importing .PDF 614 Importing SHX 613 Import .PDF 609 Imprint 1135, 1149 In Zoom 205 INCHES.PSS 946 INDEXCTL Variable 855 INETLOCATION Command 594 Infer Constraints 17 In-Place Editing Block/Xref 859 Input Keyboard 98 Insert 832 Block 518 Block Components 521 Block from DesignCenter 538 Classic dialog box 519 Drawing 519 Object Snap 116 Options for Block 518 INSERT Command 518 Inserting Block with Attribute 559 Insertion Point block 516 Insertion Scale 98 INSERTOBJ Command 888 Insert Object dialog box 888 Insert Table dialog box 458 inspection dimension 765 Inspection Dimension dialog 766 Interfere 1147 Intersect 1054, 1089 INTERSECT Command 399 Intersection Object Snap 116 Intersection, Apparent Object Snap 118 Invisible Attribute 557 Invisible attribute 557 ISAVEBAK 42 Island Detection Hatch 687 ISO 732 ISO-25 810 Isodraft 669 Isolate Layer 245 Layer to Current Viewport 253 Objects 20 Isolateobjects 493 ISOLATEOBJECTS Command 495 Isolines 1013 ISOLINES 1013 Isometric Dimension 823 Drafting 18 Ellipse 670 Preset views 988 Snap & Grid 668 Isometric drawing 666 Isometric drawings 666, 668 ISO Pen Width 241 Isoplane 669 J Jitter 1018 Jogged Dimension 739 Jogline Dimension 738 JOIN Command , 171 JPG 603, 621 Justify Text 423, 428, 452 JUSTIFYTEXT Command 452 K Keyboard 12 Command Entry 11 Function keys 20 Input 98 special key functions 12 Knots 345 L LAS 233 Lasso 75, 76, 492 Last 74 LAYCUR Command 245 LAYDEL Command 255 Layer By 239 Copy to 247 Current 245 Delete 224,255 Filters 227 for New VP 224 Freeze 251 Freeze/Thaw 224 inDWF 621 Isolate 245 Isolate to Current Viewport 253 List 223 Lock 253 Lock and fade 246 Lock/Unlock 225 Make Current 230 Match 244 Merge 254 New 224 Off 252 On 252 On/Off 224 Plot/No Plot 226 Previous 230 Properties, color, etc. 225 Reconcile 849 Set Current 224 Status 224 Thaw 252 Tools 244 Unisolate 247Unlock 253 VP Freeze 226 Walk 248 Xref 846 Xref Properties Manager 844 LAYER Command 222 LAYERP Command 230 Layer Properties Manager 222 Settings 229 Viewports in 902 Layer Property Override 905 Layers 220, 221 LAYERSTATE Command 230 Layer States Manager 230 layer visibility in viewport 276 viewport 279 Layer Visibility Viewport 899 LayerWalk dialog box 249 LAYFRZ Command 251 LAYISO Command 245 LAYLCK Command 253 LAYMCH Command 244 LAYMCUR Command 230 LAYMGR Command 254 LAYOFF Command 252 LAYON Command 252 Layout 21, 105, 106, 109, 266, 274 Advanced 898 creating 281 Dimensions in 818 Guidelines for 280 Plot Scale 322
#أوتوديسك,#أتوكاد,#أوتوكاد,#Autodesk,#Autocad,#Auto_Cad,#Auto, #Cad,#أوتودسك,#أتوديسك,#أتودسك,
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب AutoCAD 2023 INSTRUCTOR - A Student Guide for In-Depth Coverage of AutoCAD’s Commands and Features رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب AutoCAD 2023 INSTRUCTOR - A Student Guide for In-Depth Coverage of AutoCAD’s Commands and Features