كتاب Signals and Systems. A Primer with MatLAB
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Signals and Systems. A Primer with MatLAB

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18962
التقييم : 35392
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

كتاب Signals and Systems. A Primer with MatLAB  Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Signals and Systems. A Primer with MatLAB    كتاب Signals and Systems. A Primer with MatLAB  Emptyالثلاثاء 12 مارس 2024, 5:54 pm

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Signals and Systems. A Primer with MatLAB

كتاب Signals and Systems. A Primer with MatLAB  M_s_a_24
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface xiii
Acknowledgments xv
Authors xvii
Chapter 1 Basic Concepts 1
Global Positioning System 1
1 1 Introduction 2
1 2 Basic Definitions 2
1 3 Classifications of Signals 3
1 3 1 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Signals 3
1 3 2 Periodic and Nonperiodic Signals 5
1 3 3 Analog and Digital Signals 6
1 3 4 Energy and Power Signals 7
1 3 5 Even and Odd Symmetry 8
1 4 Basic Continuous-Time Signals 13
1 4 1 Unit Step Function 13
1 4 2 Unit Impulse Function 14
1 4 3 Unit Ramp Function 17
1 4 4 Rectangular Pulse Function 18
1 4 5 Triangular Pulse Function 19
1 4 6 Sinusoidal Signal 19
1 4 7 Exponential Signal 20
1 5 Basic Discrete-Time Signals 25
1 5 1 Unit Step Sequence 25
1 5 2 Unit Impulse Sequence 25
1 5 3 Unit Ramp Sequence 26
1 5 4 Sinusoidal Sequence 27
1 5 5 Exponential Sequence 28
1 6 Basic Operations on Signals 30
1 6 1 Time Reversal 30
1 6 2 Time Scaling 31
1 6 3 Time Shifting 31
1 6 4 Amplitude Transformations 32
1 7 Classifications of Systems 36
1 7 1 Continuous-Time and Discrete-Time Systems 37
1 7 2 Causal and Noncausal Systems 37
1 7 3 Linear and Nonlinear Systems 39
1 7 4 Time-Varying and Time-Invariant Systems 40
1 7 5 Systems with and without Memory 41viii Contents
1 8 Applications 43
1 8 1 Electric Circuit 43
1 8 2 Square-Law Device 44
1 8 3 DSP System 44
1 9 Computing with MATLAB® 45
1 10 Summary 50
Review Questions 51
Problems 52
Chapter 2 Convolution 63
Enhancing Your Communication Skills 63
2 1 Introduction 64
2 2 Impulse Response 64
2 3 Convolution Integral 65
2 4 Graphical Convolution 70
2 5 Block Diagram Representation 76
2 6 Discrete-Time Convolution 78
2 7 Block Diagram Realization 85
2 8 Deconvolution 85
2 9 Computing with MATLAB® 88
2 10 Applications 91
2 10 1 BIBO Stability of Continuous-Time Systems 91
2 10 2 BIBO Stability of Discrete-Time Systems 92
2 10 3 Circuit Analysis 93
2 11 Summary 95
Review Questions 96
Problems 97
Chapter 3 The Laplace Transform 105
Historical Profile 105
3 1 Introduction 106
3 2 Definition of the Laplace Transform 106
3 3 Properties of the Laplace Transform 110
3 3 1 Linearity 110
3 3 2 Scaling 111
3 3 3 Time Shifting 112
3 3 4 Frequency Shifting 113
3 3 5 Time Differentiation 113
3 3 6 Time Convolution 114
3 3 7 Time Integration 115
3 3 8 Frequency Differentiation 116
3 3 9 Time Periodicity 117
3 3 10 Modulation 118
3 3 11 Initial and Final Values 119Contents ix
3 4 The Inverse Laplace Transform 126
3 4 1 Simple Poles 127
3 4 2 Repeated Poles 128
3 4 3 Complex Poles 129
3 5 Transfer Function 138
3 6 Applications 143
3 6 1 Integro-Differential Equations 143
3 6 2 Circuit Analysis 145
3 6 3 Control Systems 150
3 7 Computing with MATLAB® 152
3 8 Summary 157
Review Questions 158
Problems 159
Chapter 4 Fourier Series 171
Historical Profile 171
4 1 Introduction 172
4 2 Trigonometric Fourier Series 172
4 3 Exponential Fourier Series 181
4 4 Properties of Fourier Series 188
4 4 1 Linearity 188
4 4 2 Time Shifting 189
4 4 3 Time Reversal 189
4 4 4 Time Scaling 190
4 4 5 Even and Odd Symmetries 190
4 4 6 Parseval’s Theorem 192
4 5 Truncated Complex Fourier Series 196
4 6 Applications 197
4 6 1 Circuit Analysis 197
4 6 2 Spectrum Analyzers 200
4 6 3 Filters 200
4 7 Computing with MATLAB® 204
4 8 Summary 208
Review Questions 210
Problems 211
Chapter 5 Fourier Transform 221
Career in Control Systems 221
5 1 Introduction 222
5 2 Definition of the Fourier Transform 222
5 3 Properties of Fourier Transform 229
5 3 1 Linearity 229
5 3 2 Time Scaling 230
5 3 3 Time Shifting 230x Contents
5 3 4 Frequency Shifting 231
5 3 5 Time Differentiation 232
5 3 6 Frequency Differentiation 232
5 3 7 Time Integration 233
5 3 8 Duality 233
5 3 9 Convolution 234
5 4 Inverse Fourier Transform 239
5 5 Applications 240
5 5 1 Circuit Analysis 241
5 5 2 Amplitude Modulation 244
5 5 3 Sampling 247
5 6 Parseval’s Theorem 250
5 7 Comparing the Fourier and Laplace Transforms 253
5 8 Computing with MATLAB® 254
5 9 Summary 257
Review Questions 258
Problems 259
Chapter 6 Discrete Fourier Transform 271
Career in Communications Systems 271
6 1 Introduction 272
6 2 Discrete-Time Fourier Transform 272
6 3 Properties of DTFT 277
6 3 1 Linearity 277
6 3 2 Time Shifting and Frequency Shifting 278
6 3 3 Time Reversal and Conjugation 279
6 3 4 Time Scaling 280
6 3 5 Frequency Differentiation 281
6 3 6 Time and Frequency Convolution 282
6 3 7 Accumulation 283
6 3 8 Parseval’s Relation 284
6 4 Discrete Fourier Transform 289
6 5 Fast Fourier Transform 294
6 6 Computing with MATLAB® 295
6 7 Applications 298
6 7 1 Touch-Tone Telephone 298
6 7 2 Windowing 299
6 8 Summary 301
Review Questions 302
Problems 303Contents xi
Chapter 7 z-Transform 309
Codes of Ethics 309
7 1 Introduction 310
7 2 Definition of the z-Transform 311
7 3 Region of Convergence 313
7 4 Properties of the z-Transform 315
7 4 1 Linearity 316
7 4 2 Time-Shifting 316
7 4 3 Frequency Scaling 317
7 4 4 Time Reversal 318
7 4 5 Modulation 318
7 4 6 Accumulation 319
7 4 7 Convolution 320
7 4 8 Initial and Final Values 320
7 5 Inverse z-Transform 327
7 5 1 Long Division Expansion 327
7 5 2 Partial Fraction Expansion 329
7 6 Applications 332
7 6 1 Linear Difference Equation 333
7 6 2 Transfer Function 335
7 7 Computing with MATLAB® 339
7 8 Summary 343
Review Questions 344
Problems 345
Selected Bibliography 353
Appendix A: Mathematical Formulas 355
Appendix B: Complex Numbers 367
Appendix C: Introduction to MATLAB® . 375
Appendix D: Answers to Odd-Numbered Problems 389
Index 41


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كتاب Signals and Systems. A Primer with MatLAB
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