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عدد المساهمات : 19002 التقييم : 35506 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب A Quick Guide to Health and Safety الثلاثاء 12 مارس 2024, 5:50 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب A Quick Guide to Health and Safety R. Gilbert Series editor: Clifford Matthews
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents The Quick Guide Series x Invitation to New Authors xi Introduction xii Your 10 Minute A–Z Guide to Health and Safety xiv Chapter 1: Health and Safety Legislation – How Much Is There? 1.1 Some of the other legislation 1 1.2 Other sources of information 5 Chapter 2: Enforcement and the Legal Situation 2.1 Who enforces the laws and regulations? 7 2.2 What is the purpose of enforcement and how is it done? 7 2.3 Provision of information and advice 8 2.4 Proportionality (action proportional to the risk) 10 2.5 Improvement notices and prohibition notices – what are they? 12 2.6 Reasonably practicable – what does this mean? 13 2.7 Who will receive the most attention from enforcing authorities? 15 Chapter 3: Health and Safety – so What Business are You in? 3.1 Business survival 17 3.2 Good H&S should be good business 18 3.3 As well as hurting people, accidents and injuries cost the business 20 3.4 If you think training is expensive – try ignorance 22 3.5 What are the most common accidents and causes of injury? 23 Chapter 4: The Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSW Act) and What it Means 4.1 Basic concepts and duties 29 4.2 Duties of employers to employees 30 4.3 Duties of employers (and self-employed) to others 32 4.4 Duties of employees 334.5 Consultation with employees 34 4.6 Duties to provide safety equipment or PPE 34 4.7 Duties of manufacturers 34 4.8 Powers given to the enforcing authorities 35 4.9 What does ‘at work’ mean? 35 4.10 Management of H&S regulations – what are they? 36 Chapter 5: Risks and Risk Assessments – What are They? 5.1 Everyday risks 37 5.2 Risk – what do we mean? 38 5.3 Risk assessments – what are they? 40 Chapter 6: Health, Safety and Welfare Requirements in the Workplace 6.1 What are the applicable regulations? 45 6.2 What is a workplace? 45 6.3 The regulations and what they require you to do 45 6.4 Brief summary of the Construction Workplace Regulations 52 6.5 Enforcement 52 6.6 Regular tours of the workplace 52 Chapter 7: Machinery and Other Work Equipment 7.1 What are the main regulations with which you have to comply? 53 7.2 What equipment is covered by these regulations? 53 7.3 How do you know that machines and equipment you buy are safe? 55 7.4 What do I have to maintain and inspect? 55 7.5 Instruction and training for use and safety 56 7.6 Stopping equipment and emergency stops 57 7.7 Guards and guarding 57 7.8 What to do about cleaning and maintenance 61 Chapter 8: Pressure Plant and Equipment 8.1 What is pressure plant and equipment? 63 8.2 What is a relevant fluid? 63 8.3 Do the PSSR (Pressure Systems Safety Regulations) apply to me? 65 A Quick Guide to Health and Safety8.4 What do I have to do to comply with the regulations? 67 8.5 What is meant by safe operating limits? 68 8.6 What is a written scheme of examination? 68 8.7 Who is a competent person? 69 Chapter 9: Lifting and Handling 9.1 Manual handling regulations 71 9.2 General guidelines for lifting, pushing and pulling 73 9.3 What to consider in a risk assessment and who does it? 74 9.4 Manual handling training and instruction 76 9.5 What about lifting equipment? 76 Chapter 10: Noise 10.1 Noise at work 83 10.2 The regulations (the law) and what you have to do 83 10.3 Assessment of risk from noise and reduction of noise levels 85 10.4 Hearing protection and warning signs 86 10.5 Information and training 89 10.6 Health surveillance 90 Chapter 11: Hazardous Substances 11.1 What is COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health)? 91 11.2 Which substances are hazardous to health? 91 11.3 If you have hazardous substances – what next? 95 11.4 Summary and conclusion 100 Chapter 12: Electricity 12.1 Working with electricity 101 12.2 Which regulations do I have to comply with? 101 12.3 A summary of the main requirements and duties for users/owners 102 12.4 Employers’ duties for work ‘within their control’ 103 12.5 What to do about portable equipment 104 12.6 What to do about isolations 106 12.7 Some good practices 106 ContentsChapter 13: Working at Height 13.1 The general situation and current regulations 109 13.2 What is work at height? 109 13.3 The main requirements of the regulations 110 13.4 What to do about working from ladders 111 13.5 What to do about fragile roofs 113 13.6 What to do about scaffolds and mobile access towers 113 13.7 What to do about falling objects 114 Chapter 14: VDUs 14.1 Overview 115 14.2 The regulations 115 14.3 Do the VDU regulations apply to me? 116 14.4 What you have to do to comply with the regulations 117 14.5 Eye tests and provision of spectacles (required by Regulation 5) 119 14.6 Provision of information and training (required by Regulation 6) 120 14.7 Enforcement 120 Chapter 15: What to do About Protecting Employees 15.1 First aid 121 15.2 Personal protective equipment 122 15.3 Working alone (lone working) 125 15.4 Emergency plans (like the fire drills) 127 Chapter 16: Other Health and Safety Matters 16.1 Slips, trips and falls 129 16.2 Permits to work and lock off 131 16.3 Shift handover – do you have one? 136 16.4 Working in confined spaces – this is serious 137 16.5 RIDDOR and accident and injury reporting 140 16.6 Employee training records 141 16.7 Employee consultation on H&S matters 145 16.8 Other regulations 145 Chapter 17: Will You be Prosecuted? 17.1 Investigation and the decision to prosecute 149 17.2 What events will trigger a prosecution? 151 17.3 Some examples of prosecutions 152 A Quick Guide to Health and Safety17.4 Prosecution under The Health and Safety at Work Act or other regulations 154 17.5 Who will prosecute? 155 17.6 What are the penalties? 156 References – Further Reading – Other Sources of Information 159 Index 165 ContentsIndex Accident statistics 20, 24–27,159 Appointed person 121 Approved code of practice (ACoP) xiv, 8 Asbestos xiv Breaches of Health and Safety law 151 CE mark 55 Changing clothing 50 Chemicals (Hazard Information and Packaging for Supply) Regulations 2002 (CHIP) 94, 147 Cleaning 61 Cleanliness 47 Competent person 69 Compulsory statements 150 Confined spaces 126, 137–140, 164 Confined Spaces Regulations 1997 137 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 1994 (CDM Regulations) 146 Construction (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1996 45 Construction Workplace Regulations 52 Consultation 145 with employees 34 Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 147 Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) Regulations 91, 93 Conveyors 60 Crown Prosecution Service 156 Dangerous occurrences 143 Dangerous substances 92 Display screen equipment 117, 164 Documentation 20 Doors 49 powered 49 sliding 49 Drinking water 50 Duty of care 1 Duty of employees 33 of employers 30–33 of manufacturers 34–35 to contractors 32 to the public 32 EC Directives 2 EC Machinery Directive 98/37/EC 55 Electrical practices 108 Electricity 101–108, 163 Electricity at WorkRegulations 1989 13, 101 Emergency plans 99, 127–128 Emergency stops 57 Employee consultation 145 Employee training records 141–145 Employers’ duties 30, 32–33 Employer’s liability insurance 126 Enforcement xv, 7–15, 52 Enforcing authorities 15, 35, 151, 155–156 Everyday risks 37–38 Exposure limits 94 Eye tests 119 Falling objects 47–49, 114 Falls 47–49 Fatal injuries at work 24 Fatalities 23 Fire drill 128 escape routes 127 First aid 121–122, 164 first-aid box 122 Floors and traffic routes 47 Fragile roofs 113 Fume extraction 46 Gas Safety (Installations and Use) Regulations 1998 146 Gates 49 Generic risk assessment 76 Goal-setting xvi Guards and guarding 57–61 Hazard xvi, 38 Hazardous substances 91–100, 163 Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations (HSCER) 1996 145 Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 115 Health and Safety (FirstAid) Regulations 1981 121 Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (HSW Act) 1, 29–36, 129, 141, 152 Health and Safety Commission 160 Health and Safety Executive (HSE) 7 Health and Safety Policy Statement 31 Health surveillance 90, 98 Hearing protection 86–88 Height, working at 109–114 HSE (Health and Safety Executive) 7 Improvement notice xv, xvii, 12–13, 149 Injuries at work, fatal 24 Injuries, major 141 Injury rate 27 Inspection 56 A Quick Guide to Health and Safetyof electrical systems 102 periodicity 105–106 Instruction and training 56–57 Ionising Radiation Regulations 1999 (IRR 99) 147 Isolation and lock-off 133–136 Isolation protection 107 Isolations 106 Keyboards 117 Ladders and stepladders 112 working from 111–112 Lifting and handling 162 Lifting equipment 76–78 home-made 78 Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations (LOLER) 1998 76 Lighting 47 Live equipment 103 Lock off 131–136 Locked-off isolations 135 Lone working 125–127 Lowering and lifting 72 Machinery and work equipment 161 Machinery guarding 58 Major injuries 141 Management of health and safety 160 Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 2, 129 Manual handling 76 assessment 79–82 regulations 71–72 Medical surveillance 99 Mobile access towers 113 NICEIC (National Inspection Council for Electrical Installation Contracting 103 Noise 162 Noise at work 83 exposure limit values 84 lower exposure action values 84 upper exposure action values 84 Noise at Work Regulations 83 Noise levels 84 reduction of 85–86 Noise map 86, 87 Noisy area warning sign 88 Nursing mothers 51 Objects, falling 47–49, 114 Occurrences, dangerous 143 Office-type environments 105 Penalties 156–157 Periodic examinations 78 Permit to work (PTW) 106, 107, 131–136 PTW system 131–136 IndexPersonal protective equipment (PPE) 34, 97, 122–125, 164 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 124 Personal training record book 144 Petroleum Acts 147 Plans, emergency 99, 127–128 Portable electrical equipment 104–106 Power presses 56 Pregnant women 51 Pressure equipment 162 Pressure plant 63–69 Pressure Systems Safety Regulations (PSSR) 2000 63 Procurator Fiscal 155–156 Prohibition notice xv, xix, 12–13, 149 Proportionality 10–12 Prosecution 149, 151–153, 159 under the Health and Safety at Work Act 154–155 Protecting employees 121–128 Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations (PUWER) 1998 23, 53, 153 PTW (permits to work) system 131–136 Pushing and pulling guidelines 74 Reasonably practicable xx, 10, 13–15, 29, 86, 96, 109 Relevant fluid 63–65 Reporting of Injuries and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 (RIDDOR) 140–141, 143 accident reporting 164 Rest facilities 51 Risk xx, 10, 37, 38–40 everyday risks 37–38 Risk assessment 36, 37, 40–44, 74–76, 161 Risk matrix 39 Risk reduction hierarchy 41 Room dimensions and space 47 Root cause analysis 22 Safe operating limits 68 Safe systems of work 31, 132, 136 Safety data sheet 95 Safety Representatives and Safety Committee Regulations (SRSCR) 1977 145 Sanitary conveniences 50 Scaffolds 113 Shift handover 136–137 Showers 50 Slips, trips and falls 24, 129–131 Smoking 51 A Quick Guide to Health and SafetySpaces, confined 126, 137–140, 164 Spectacles 119 Steam 65 Stops, emergency 57 Substances, dangerous 92 Supply of Machinery (Safety) Regulations 1992 55 Temperature of indoor workplaces 46–47 Traffic routes 49 Training records 141–145 Trip hazards 130 V-belt drive guard 58 VDUs See Visual display units Vehicle traffic 49 Ventilation 46 Vision panels 49 Visual display units (VDUs) 115–120, 164 assessment 117–118 positioning 116 Voluntary statements 150 Washing facilities 50 Windows 49 Work equipment 53 Working alone 125–127 Working at height 109–114, 164 Working at Height Regulations 2005 13, 109 Working days lost 20, 26 Workplace 45, 161 lighting 47 maintenance of 46 temperature of 46–47 Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 13, 45, 129 Written scheme of examination 68–69 Index
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