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عدد المساهمات : 18928 التقييم : 35294 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Technical Drawing 101 with AutoCAD 2024 - A Multidisciplinary Guide to Drafting Theory and Practice الجمعة 08 مارس 2024, 12:36 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Technical Drawing 101 with AutoCAD 2024 - A Multidisciplinary Guide to Drafting Theory and Practice Douglas Smith, Antonio Ramirez, Ashleigh Congdon-Fuller DOUGLAS SMITH Professor Architectural and Engineering Computer Aided Design Austin Community College ANTONIO RAMIREZ Professor Emeritus Architectural and Engineering Computer Aided Design Austin Community College ASHLEIGH CONGDON-FULLER Associate Professor and Program Coordinator Architectural and Engineering Computer Aided Design Austin Community College
و المحتوى كما يلي :
T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S PREFACE I About This Book i The Curriculum i High School Stem and Tech Prep Programs ii Features New to the Thirteenth Edition ii Supplements and Online Resources for Instructors and Students ii A Final Word iii CHAPTER 1 - TECHNICAL DRAWING 13 Chapter Objectives: 13 1.1 The Origins of Technical Drawing 15 1.2 The Role of Technical Drawing in the Design Process 15 1.3 Training for Careers in Technical Drawing 17 Career Paths in Technical Drawing 18 Qualities That Employers Look for in Drafters 22 Salary Information for Drafters, Architects, and Engineers 23 Job Prospects for Drafters 23 Chapter Review 24 Short Answer 24 Matching 24 Multiple Choice 25 Exercises 26 Locate Bachelor Degree Programs in Architecture or Engineering 26 Locate Associate Degree Programs in CAD 26 CHAPTER 2 - MULTIVIEW DRAWING 27 Chapter Objectives: 27 2.1 The Terminology of Multiview Drawing 29 2.2 Points, Planes, Coordinate Systems, Lines, and Angles 29 Points 29 Locating Points in Two Dimensional (2D) Coordinate Systems 29 Three Dimensional (3D) Coordinate Systems 31 Lines 31 Angles 31 Vertex 32 Adjacent Angles 33 2.3 Terminology of Geometric Shapes 33 Circles 33 Tangency 34 Concentricity and Eccentricity of Circles 34 Polygons 34 Cylinders 35 2.4 Multiview Drawings 36 2.5 View Selection and Alignment of Multiview Drawings 37 2.6 Using Projection Planes to Visualize Multiviews 37 2.7 Projection Planes 39 Visualizing the Front View 39 Visualizing the Top View 40 Visualizing the Side View 41 2.8 Normal, Inclined, and Oblique Surfaces 41 Normal Surfaces 41vi TABLE OF CONTENTS Projecting Normal Surfaces to the Projection Plane 42 Inclined Surfaces 43 Projecting Inclined Surfaces to the Projection Plane 43 Oblique Surfaces 44 Projecting Oblique Surfaces to Projection Planes 45 Visualizing the True Size and Shape of an Oblique Surface 47 Labeling Points and Vertices of Features to Aid in Visualizing the Multiviews of Objects 48 2.9 Linetypes and Lineweights in Multiview Drawings 51 2.10 Hidden Features and Centerlines in Multiview Drawings 52 2.11 Use Your Imagination! 52 2.12 Visualizing the Multiviews of Basic Geometric Shapes 57 2.13 Orthographic Projection 60 2.14 Drawing Objects to Scale 63 2.15 Drawing Architectural Plans to Scale 64 2.16 Drawing Sheet Sizes 64 2.17 Third-Angle Projection Versus First-Angle Projection 66 Chapter Review 68 Short Answer 68 Matching 68 Multiple Choice 69 Exercises 70 Directions 70 Exercise 2.1 70 Exercise 2.2 72 Exercise 2.3 74 Exercise 2.4 76 Exercise 2.5 78 Exercise 2.6 80 CHAPTER 3 - TRADITIONAL DRAFTING TOOLS AND TECHNIQUES 83 Chapter Objectives: 83 3.1 Traditional Drafting Tools and Techniques 85 3.2 Technical Pencils and Pens 85 3.3 Beginning a Traditional Drafting Project 86 3.4 Drafting Triangles 86 3.5 Drawing Lines with Triangles and Parallel Straightedges 87 3.6 Making Measurements with the Engineer’s, Architect’s, and Metric Scales 89 Reading the Engineer’s Scale 90 Reading the Metric Scale 90 Reading the Architect’s Scale 91 3.7 Converting Units of Measurement 92 3.8 Reading the Protractor 92 3.9 Circle Template 94 3.10 Isometric Ellipse Template 94 3.11 Spacing Views Equally on a Sheet 99 3.12 Adding Text to Drawings and Sketches 102 Developing a Technical Lettering Style 103 Chapter Review 104 Short Answer 104 Exercises 105 Technical Lettering Practice 105 Exercise 3.1 Architectural Lettering 105vii TABLE OF CONTENTS Exercise 3.2 Mechanical Lettering 105 Projects 106 Directions for Optional Projects 110 CHAPTER 4 - COMPUTER-AIDED DESIGN BASICS 113 Chapter Objectives: 113 4.1 Beginning an AutoCAD Drawing 115 4.2 Adding Toolbars to the Ribbon Interface 117 4.3 Creating, Opening, and Saving AutoCAD Drawing Files 119 Beginning a New Drawing from the Application Menu 121 Opening an Existing Drawing 121 Saving a Drawing 121 Performing a Save As 121 4.4 Locating Points on the Cartesian Coordinate System 124 The User Coordinate System (UCS) Icon 125 Absolute Coordinates 125 4.5 Drawing Lines Using Absolute Coordinates 125 4.6 Drawing Horizontal and Vertical Lines 127 4.7 Drawing Lines With Relative Coordinates 128 4.8 Drawing Lines With Polar Coordinates 129 Exercise 4.1 132 4.9 Setting the Environment for AutoCAD Drawings 133 Setting Angle Type 136 Setting the Direction of Angle Measurement 136 Drawing Limits 137 Setting the Current Layer 144 Controlling Layer Visibility 144 Turning Layers Off 144 Freezing Layers 144 4.10 Zoom and Pan Commands 145 4.11 AutoCAD Commands 146 Essential Draw Commands 147 Essential Modify Commands 164 Placing and Editing Text 186 Controlling Text Style 189 4.12 Drafting Settings Dialog Box 191 Snap and Grid Tab 192 Polar Tracking Tab 194 Dynamic Input Tab 195 The Dimension Input Pane 195 The Dynamic Prompts Pane 197 Object Snap Tab 197 4.13 Object Snap Tools 198 Directions 204 4.14 Properties Command 205 4.15 Inquiry Toolbar 207 4.16 Preparing to Plot 208 Toggling Between Paper Space and Model Space 209 4.17 Plotting With AutoCAD 211 4.18 Creating a Page Setup for Plotting 213 Chapter Review 215 Short Answer 216 Matching 216 Projects 217viii TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 5 - DIMENSIONING MECHANICAL DRAWINGS 245 Chapter Objectives: 245 5.1 Dimensioning Fundamentals 247 Dimensioning Terminology 248 Guidelines for Dimension Placement 249 5.2 Dimension Standards for Mechanical Drawings 249 Recommended Size and Spacing of Dimension Features 250 Text Height and Style 251 Alignment of Dimension Text 252 Notating Holes and Arcs 252 Dimensioning Cylindrical Shapes 253 Dimensioning Angles 253 Ordinate Dimensioning 253 Notes for Drilling and Machining Operations 254 5.3 Do’s and Don’ts of Mechanical Dimensioning (ASME Y14.5) 256 5.4 Role of Drafters in the Preparation of Dimensioned Mechanical Drawings 257 5.5 Checking Dimensions on the Finished Drawing 257 5.6 Design Basics: How Designers Calculate Dimensions 258 5.7 Tolerances 259 Displaying Tolerances on Mechanical Drawings 259 Interpreting Tolerances on Technical Drawings 260 Comparison of Continuous Dimensioning and Baseline Dimensioning 262 Tolerancing Terminology 263 Interpreting Design Sketch 1 264 Analyzing Design Sketch 1 264 Calculating Maximum Material Condition (MMC) for Design Sketch 1 264 Calculating Least Material Condition (LMC) for Design Sketch 1 264 Interpreting Design Sketch 2 264 Analyzing Design Sketch 2 265 Calculating Maximum Material Condition (MMC) for the Hole in Design Sketch 2 265 Calculating Least Material Condition (LMC) for the Hole in Design Sketch 2 265 Calculating the Fit between the Parts in Design Sketches 1 and 2 266 Best-Case Scenario for Assembly 266 Worst-Case Scenario for Assembly 266 Reference Dimensions 266 Confirming the Tolerances of Manufactured Parts 267 Tolerance Costs 268 5.8 Dimensioning With AutoCAD 268 5.9 Defining Dimension Settings With the Dimension Style Manager 281 Tabs of the New Dimension Style Dialog Box 284 Lines Tab 284 Symbols and Arrows Tab 285 Text Tab 286 Fit Tab 287 Primary Units Tab 288 Alternate Units Tab 288 Tolerances Tab 288 5.10 Overriding A Dimension Setting 290 Updating a Dimension 291 5.11 Adding a Leader to a Drawing 291 Chapter Review 294 Projects 296ix TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 6 - DIMENSIONING ARCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS 305 Chapter Objectives: 305 6.1 Dimensioning Architectural Drawings 307 6.2 Determining Dimensions on Architectural Drawings 307 6.3 Architectural Drafting Conventions 308 6.4 Alignment of Dimension Text 309 6.5 Architectural Dimensioning Guidelines 309 6.6 Architectural Dimension Spacing 310 6.7 Adding a Leader to a Drawing 310 Chapter Review 312 Projects 313 CHAPTER 7 - ISOMETRIC DRAWINGS 317 Chapter Objectives: 317 7.1 Orientation of Lines in Isometric Drawings 319 7.2 Orientation of Ellipses in Isometric Drawings 319 7.3 Creating Isometric Drawings With AutoCAD 322 Chapter Review 328 Projects 330 CHAPTER 8 - SECTIONS 339 Chapter Objectives: 339 8.1 Sections in Mechanical Drawings 341 8.2 Sections in Architectural Drawings 342 8.3 Sections in Civil Drawings 342 8.4 Types of Sections 343 Half Sections 344 Broken-Out Sections 346 Revolved Sections 347 Removed Sections 347 Offset Sections 348 The Boundaries Panel 350 The Pattern Panel 351 The Properties Panel 351 Chapter Review 353 Projects 355 Interpreting the Counterbored Hole Note 358 Interpreting a Countersunk Hole Note 361 Steps in Constructing a Countersunk Hole 361 CHAPTER 9 - BLOCKS 365 Chapter Objectives: 365 9.1 Considerations for Creating Blocks 367 Chapter Review 373 Projects 375 CHAPTER 10 - 3D MODELING BASICS 387 Chapter Objectives: 387 10.1 2D Versus 3D 389 10.2 Changing the Point of View of an AutoCAD Drawing 390x TABLE OF CONTENTS 10.3 AutoCAD’s 3D Modeling Environment 391 10.4 3D Modeling Tools 393 Extruding 2D Entities to Create 3D Objects 393 Using the EXTRUDE Command 394 Using the REGION Command 394 Using the PRESSPULL Command 394 Unioning 3D Objects 395 Using the UNION Command 395 Subtracting 3D Objects 395 Using the SUBTRACT Command 395 10.5 Rotating 3D Objects 396 10.6 Viewing 3D Objects 396 Using the Free Orbit Tool 396 10.7 Representing 3D Objects as Shaded or Wireframe Models 397 Chapter Review 398 Projects 399 CAPSTONE PROJECT 1 - MECHANICAL WORKING DRAWINGS 417 Project Objectives: 417 CP1.1 Preparing Mechanical Working Drawings 419 Assembly Drawings 419 Detail Drawings 423 Project Review 425 Threads and Fasteners in Mechanical Working Drawings 426 Representing External Screw Threads on Mechanical Drawings 427 Representing Internal Screw Threads on Mechanical Drawings 427 Projects 428 CAPSTONE PROJECT 2 - ARCHITECTURAL WORKING DRAWINGS Project Objectives: 447 CP2.1 Floor Plans 449 CP2.2 Electrical Plans 450 CP2.3 Elevations 451 Creating Elevations Using Multiview Drawing Techniques 451 Architectural Wall Sections 452 Roof Profiles on Architectural Elevations 452 Using the Floor Plan to Locate Features on Elevations 453 Project Review 454 Projects 455 Relating the Features on the Floor Plan to the Cabin’s Elevation Views 477 Wall Framing 101 478 Constructing the Right-Side Elevation 480 Constructing the Front Elevation 484 APPENDIX A 489 ANSI/ASME Standards 489 APPENDIX B 491 ISO Standards 491 447xi TABLE OF CONTENTS APPENDIX C The United States National CAD Standard Benefits to Clients and Owners Benefits to Design Professionals Benefits to Contractors and Subcontractors Industry-Wide Benefits for NCS Adoption APPENDIX D Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing Basics Interpreting the Feature Control Frame Geometric Characteristic Symbols Interpreting GDT on a Drawing Interpreting Parallelism Adding GDT to an AutoCAD Drawing Adding a Datum Feature Symbol Learning to Apply GDT to Drawings APPENDIX E 501 E.1 Visualizing an Auxiliary View 502 E.2 Constructing an Auxiliary View with the Offset Command 511 Appendix Review 516 Projects 518 GLOSSARY INDEX Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. 527 Symbols 3D Object, defined 28 3DROTATE command 396 AAb solute coordinates 125 defined 29, 125, 519 drawing a line with 125–126 Adding the menu bar to 118 ADD SELECTED command 163 Alias. SeeCommandalias American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 249–250, 489 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Dimensioning and Tolerancing 249, 497 standards 51, 64, 249–253, 489 Angle(s) acute 32 adjacent 33 AutoCAD measurement of 129–130 complementary 32 dimensioning 253 in isometric drawings 321–322, 324 obtuse 32 opposite 33 reading the protractor 92, 94 right 32 setting the direction of measurement 136 supplementary 33 Annotate tab, on the ribbon 268, 281 ARC command 153 Architect’s scale 91–92 Architectural drawing limits 138‡ Architectural drawings 305–311 dimensioning 307–311 scales 64 , 91–92 Architectural drawing units 134 Architectural fonts 308 Architectural working drawings electrical plans 450 elevations 451 floor plans 449 sections 452 ARC LENGTH command 271 Arcs dimensioning 252 in isometric drawings 326–327 AREA tool, Inquiry toolbar 207 ARRAY command 169–173 polar 170–173 rectangular 169–170 ASME Y14.5-2009 Dimensioning and Tolerancing 249–255 Assembly drawings 419–422 creating exploded 420 parts list 419 title block 17 , 419 AutoCAD 114 Create page 115 drawing with 115 Learn page 115 plotting with 211–212 ribbon interface 116–117 toolbars 117–118 Auxiliary views 501–515 Axes in Cartesian coordinate system 30, 124–125, 520 in isometric drawings 319 X 29 , 389–390 Y 29 , 389–390 Z 31, 389–390 BBi ll of materials (BOM) 419 BLOCK command 159 Block(s) 159 base point for 367 Blocks Palette 369–370 considerations for 367 creating 368 defined 366 editing 371–372 inserting, placing 159, 369–370 insertion point for 367 BREAK AT POINT COMMAND 180 BREAK COMMAND 181 Building Information Modeling (BIM) 307 CCA D systems 114. SeealsoAutoCAD Careers in technical drawing 17–23 Cartesian coordinate system 124 absolute coordinates 29 , 125 polar coordinates 129–131 relative coordinates 128–129 Center axis 35 CHAMFER COMMAND 183 CIRCLE command 154 Coaxial 35 Coincident 30 Collinear 31 Command alias 119 , 144 Computer-aided design (CAD) 15, 519. See alsoAutoCAD Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) 254, 520 Concentric 34 CONSTRUCTION LINE command 149 Coordinates 29 I N D E X528 Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. INDEX absolute 29, 125 Cartesian 29 , 30, 124 polar 129–131 relative 128–129 Coplanar 30 COPY command 166 Counterbored holes, dimensioning for 254–255 Countersunk holes, dimensioning for 254–255 Cylinders 35 D Da tum defined 247, 263 DesignCenter 460–461 Design process phases of 15 role of technical drawing in 15 Detail drawings 423–425 example of 423 DIAMETER DIMENSION command 273 Diameter symbol 253, 256, 360, 363 Dimensioning, architectural drawings 307–311 adding a leader 310–311 aligned text for 309 determining 307 drafting conventions 308 elevations 308 floor plans 308 guidelines 309 spacing 309 standards for 307–308 walls and partitions 308 windows and doors 308 Dimensioning, mechanical drawings 245–293 angles 253 arcs 252 baseline 261–263, 275 checking 257–258 continuous 260–262, 275 counterbored holes 254–255 countersunk holes 254–255 cylinders 253 dimension lines 248 extension lines 248 holes 252 ordinate 253–254 spacing 250–251 terminology 248 Dimension standards alignment of text (architectural) 309 drilling and machining operations 254–255 fo r angles 253 fo r architectural drawings 307–310 fo r cylinders 253 fo r holes and arcs 252 fo r mechanical drawings 249–257 ordinate 253–254 size and spacing 250–251 text height and style 251 Dimension style, creating new 281–290 New Dimension Style tabs 284–290 Alternate Units 288–289 Fit 287 Lines 284 Primary Units 288 Symbols and Arrows 285 Text 286 Tolerances 288–289 Dimension Style Manager 280–282 Dimension text aligned 252 alignment of 252 architectural 308–309 editing 279 height and style 251 mechanical 251–252 unidirectional 252 Dimension toolbar 268–280 ALIGNED DIMENSION command 271 ANGULAR DIMENSION command 274 ARC LENGTH command 271 BASELINE DIMENSION command 275 CENTER MARK command 277 CONTINUE DIMENSION command 275 DIAMETER DIMENSION command 273 DIMENSION BREAK command 276 DIMENSION EDIT command 279 DIMENSION SPACE command 276 DIMENSION STYLE command 280 DIMENSION TEXT EDIT command 279 DIMENSION UPDATE command 280 INSPECTION command 278 JOGGED DIMENSION command 273 JOGGED LINEAR command 278 LINEAR DIMENSION command 270 ORDINATE DIMENSION command 272 QUICK DIMENSION command 274 RADIUS DIMENSION command 272 TOLERANCE command 277 DIMSTYLE command 281 DISTANCE command 207 Drafting Settings 191–197. See also Snap and Grid Tab Drawing limits 137–138 defined 137 fo r architectural units 138‡ fo r decimal and metric units 138‡ Drawing Scale Factor (DSF) 316, 474 Drawing sheets, sizes for 64–65 Drawing units 133–137 architectural 134Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. 529 INDEX decimal 133 defined 133 dialog box 133 engineering 135 Draw toolbar 147–163 ADD SELECTED command 163 ARC command 153 BLOCK command 159 CIRCLE command 154 CONSTRUCTION LINE command 149 ELLIPSE command 157 ELLIPTICAL ARC command 158 GRADIENT command 161 HATCH command 161 INSERT BLOCK command 159 LINE command 148 MTEXT command 163 POINT command 160 POLYGON command 151 POLYLINE command 150 RECTANGLE command 152 REGION command 159 REVISION CLOUD command 155 SPLINE command 156 TABLE command 162 Dynamic Input 122–123, 126 Dynamic Input tab 195–197 E Ec centric 34 Editing Blocks 371–372 Editing text 186 multiline text 187 single-line text 188 Electrical plans 450 Electrical symbols 450 Elevations 37, 451 defined 451 wall sections 452 ELLIPSE command 157 ELLIPTICAL ARC command 158 Engineer’s scale 90 ERASE command 165 EXPLODE COMMAND 185 Exploded assembly drawings 419–420 creating 420–422 EXTEND COMMAND 179 EXTRUDE command 394 F FE A. See Finite element analysis (FEA) Fillet defined 184 in isometric drawings 326–327 FILLET COMMAND 184 Finite element analysis (FEA) 388 First-angle projection 66–67 Fit tab, in New Dimension Style dialog box 287 Floor plans 449 creating elevations from 453–454 dimensioning 307–311 Foreshortening 37 FREE ORBIT tool 396 Full scale 63 Full sections 343 Function keys 197 G GD T symbols 255, 497 General tolerances 260 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) 496–499 adding datum feature symbol 496 adding to a CAD drawing 498 defined 268 fe ature control frame 496 fo nt 254–255 interpreting 497–498 parallelism 497–498 and production costs 268 symbols 255, 497 Geometric Tolerance dialog box 498–499 GRADIENT command 161 graphic primitives 522 Graphic primitives 57–59 box 57 cone 59 cylinder 57–58 defined 57 prism 59 sphere 59 stadium 58 wedge 59 Grid snap 193 Grid spacing 192 H Ha lf scale 63 Half sections 344 HATCH command 161, 350–352 Boundaries panel 350 Pattern panel 351 Properties panel 351 Hatch patterns angle of 351 scale of 351 Help system 116 Hidden lines 51–53 Holes, dimensioning 252 counterbore 254–255530 Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. INDEX countersunk 254–255 I Id eation, in design process 15, 418 Inches decimal 90 , 92, 93‡ fractional 91, 92, 93‡ Inquiry toolbar 207 INSERT BLOCK command 159 Insertion point, for blocks 367 Insert tab, on the ribbon 369 INSPECTION command 278 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 250, 491 Interview questions, typical 22 Isocircles 325–326 Isometric angles 324 Isometric cylinders 326 Isometric drawing 318–327 creating in AutoCAD 322 ellipses orientation 319 setting Isometric snap 322–323 J JO GGED DIMENSION command 273 JOIN COMMAND 182 L Lay er Properties Manager 139–143 Layers 138–144 controlling visibility of 144 creating new 139 freezing 144 setting color of 140 setting current 144 setting linetype of 141–142 setting lineweight of 143 turning off 144 Leaders components of 291 defined 248 fo r architectural drawings 310–311 fo r mechanical drawings 248, 292 using Multileader command 293 using Quick Leader command 292 Lead hardness grade, pencil 86 Least material condition (LMC) 263–266 Lettering architectural style 102 engineering style 102 Limits architectural units 134 , 138‡ decimal and metric units 133, 138‡ engineering units 135 of a feature 263 tolerances 259–263 LINEAR DIMENSION command 270 LINE command 148 Line(s) centerlines 51–53 dimension 52 dimension line 52 drawing 123–132 extension 52, 248, 249 hidden 51–53 leader 52 Linetype(s) 51–52 load or reload 142 Lineweight 51, 52‡ miter 60 section 340, 341 standards for 51–52, 52‡ types of 51–52 visible 51–52 with absolute coordinates 126 with direct entry method 127 with polar coordinates 129–130 with relative coordinates 128–129 LIST tool, on Inquiry toolbar 207 LMC . See Least material condition (LMC) LOCATE POINT tool, Inquiry toolbar 207 LTSCALE command 143 M Ma chining operations, dimensioning for 254–255 Manufacturing computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) 254 Maximum material condition (MMC) 263–266 Measurement units 89–92 Architect’s scale 91–92 , 93‡ converting between 92, 93‡ Engineer’s scale 90, 93‡ Metric scale 90, 93‡ Mechanical drawings dimensions for 246–258 drafter’s role in preparation 257–258 sheet sizes for 64 Mechanical drawing units 133 Mechanical working drawings assembly 419 detail 419 , 423 Menu bar 117–118 MENUBAR command 118 MIRROR command 167 MIRRTEXT command 167 Miter line 60 MLEADER command 293, 311 MMC . See Maximum material condition (MMC) Modeling toolbar 393Pagenumbers followedby ‡ indicate a table. 531 INDEX 3DROTATE command 393, 396 EXTRUDE command 393, 394 PRESSPULLcommand 393, 394 REGION command 394 REVOLVE command 393, 411 SUBTRACT command 393, 395 UNION command 393, 395 Modifytoolbar 164–185 ARRAYcommand 169–173 BREAKAT POINT command 180 BREAKcommand 181 CHAMFER command 183 COPY command 166 ERASEcommand 165 EXPLODE command 185 EXTEND command 179 FILLET command 184 JOIN command 182 MIRROR command 167 MOVE command 174 OFFSET command 168 ROTATE command 175 SCALEcommand 176 STRETCH command 177 TRIM command 178 MOVE command 174 MTEXT command 163 Multileadercommand, using 293, 311 Multiline Text 163, 186–187 Multiviewdrawings 28–67 by using projection planes 37–47 defined 28 drawingobjects to scale 63 first-angleprojection 66–67 hidden features 52–53 linetypes 51–52 lineweights 51, 52‡ orthographic projection 60–62 regularviews 36 sheetsizes 64–65 third-angleprojection 66–67 traditional drafting of, 96–99 viewselectionand alignment 37 visualizingbasicgeometricshapes 57–59 NNC S. SeeUnitedStatesNationalCAD Standard(NCS) nominal size 523 Nominal size 259 defined 263 OOb jects 2D 28 3D 28 drawing to scale 63 Object Snap Toolbar 198–204 SNAP FROM Osnap 202 SNAPTO CENTER 201 SNAPTO ENDPOINT 199 SNAPTO EXTENSION 201 SNAPTO INSERT 203 SNAPTO INTERSECTION 200 SNAPTO MIDPOINT 199 SNAPTO NEAREST 203 SNAPTO NODE 203 SNAPTO PARALLEL 201 SNAPTO PERPENDICULAR 200 SNAPTO TANGENT 200 TEMPORARYTRACK POINT Osnap 202 OFFSET command 168 Offset sections 348 OOPS command 165 Orbit toolbar 396 ORDINATE DIMENSION command 272 Ordinate dimensioning 253–254 Orthographic projection 60 to create multiviewdrawings 61–62 ORTHO (Mode) function key 197 PPa ge Setup for Plotting 213–215 Page Setup Manager 213–215 PAN command 145 Parametricmodeling 388 Parts list 419–422 Pencils 85 lead hardnessgrades 86 technical 85–86 Perspectivedrawings 318 Pictorialdrawings 318 Planar 29 Plane(s) cutting 340, 341 inclined 43 in isometricdrawings 319, 321–322 normal 41 oblique 44 projection. SeeProjectionplane(s):defined visualizedrawingsby using 37–51 PLINE command. SeePOLYLINE command PLOT command 211 Plotting 208–215 Output tab 211 page setup 213–215 paper size 212 plot area (What to plot) 212 plot scale 212 Fit to paper 212532 Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. INDEX Plot style table 212 Plus-minus tolerance 259 POINT command 160 Polar angle measurement 194 Polar coordinates 129–131 defined 129 drawing lines with 131 Polar tracking defined 194 POLYGON command 151 Polygons 34–35 POLYLINE command 150 PRESSPULL command 394 projection planes 524 Projection plane(s) 37–47 defined 37 Frontal 37, 39 Horizontal 37, 42 Profile 37, 41 PROPERTIES command 205–206 Protractor 92 , 94 Q QL EADER command . See QUICK LEADER command QUICK DIMENSION command 274 QUICK LEADER command 292, 310 R RA DIUS DIMENSION command 272 RECTANGLE command 152 Rectangular snap 193 Reference dimension 266–267 defined 263 REGION command 159 Region/Mass Properties tool, Inquiry Toolbar 207 Relative coordinates 128–129 defined 128 drawing lines with 129 REVCLOUD command 155 REVISION CLOUD command 155 Revision history block 419 Ribbon 116–117 accessing help tools from 116 adding toolbars to 117–118 Annotate tab 268 Home tab 116 Insert tab 369 Output tab 211 ROTATE command 175 Rotating, 3D Objects 396 S Sc ale Architect’s 91–92 , 93‡ drawing architectural plans to 64 drawing objects to 63 Engineer’s 90, 93‡ Metric 90 , 93‡ SCALE command 176 Sections broken-out 346 defined 340 fu ll 343 half 344–345 HATCH command for 350–352 in architectural drawings 342 in mechanical drawings 341 offset 348 removed 347 revolved 347 wall 452 Sheet sizes ASME Y14.1-2012 standard for, 64, 138‡ ASME Y14.1M-2012 standard for, 64, 138‡ fo r architectural units 138‡ fo r decimal and metric units, 138‡ Snap defined 193 Isometric 193 , 323 Snap and Grid Tab 192. See also Drafting Settings Snap Spacing 192 SPLINE command 156 Spline leader 310. See also QUICK LEADER command Status Bar 122–123 STRETCH COMMAND 177 SUBTRACT command 395 Symbols electrical 450 fo r counterbored holes 254–255 fo r countersunk holes 254–255 fo r projection techniques 67 GDT 254–255, 497 Symbols and Arrows tab, in New Dimension Style dialog box 285 T TA BLE command 162 Tangent 34 Technical drawing defined 14 origins of 15 Technical lettering 102 Text 186–190 aligned 252 Controlling Text Style 189–190 DTEXT command 188 editing 186–188 height and style 251 mechanical 252Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. 533 INDEX MTEXT command 186 size and spacing, architectural 309 Standard style 189–190 unidirectional 252 Text alignment aligned 252 unidirectional 252 Text Editor editing hole note 255 editing multiline text 187 editing single-line text 188 Text Style changing 189–190 dialog box 189–190 icon 189 Text tab, in New Dimension Style dialog box 286 Third-angle projection 66–67 Tick marks 308 Title block defined 17 fo r assembly drawings 419 Tolerances 259–268 allowance 263 datum 263 defined 259 displaying 259–260 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) 496–499 least material condition (LMC) 263 maximum material condition (MMC) 263 reference dimension 263, 266–267 terminology for 263 Toolbar menu 118 Toolbar(s) adding to ribbon interface 117 Dimension 268 Draw 147 Inquiry 207 Modeling 393 Modify 164 Object Snap 198 Orbit 396 Tooltip 197 Traditional drafting tools 85–95 circle template 94–95 defined 84 drafting machines 85 drawing table 85 isometric ellipse template 94–95 parallel straightedge 85, 86–89 pencils 85–86 protractor 92, 94 triangles 86–89 TRIM COMMAND 178 True shape 41, 47 True size 41 , 47 U UC SICON command 125 UNION command 395 Unioning, 3D objects 395 United States National CAD Standard (NCS) 307, 493–494 units, drawing 133–137 architectural 134 decimal 133 defined 133 dialog box 133–136 engineering 135 User Coordinate System (UCS) 125 3D 389 defined 125 icon 125 V Ve llum 64 Vertex 32 ViewCube 116, 391 Viewing planes, visualizing drawings by using 37–47 Views auxiliary 47, 501–515 regular 36 sections. See Sections Visible lines 51–52 Visual Styles 397 VOLUME tool, Inquiry toolbar 207 W Wa lls, dimensioning 308 Windows, dimensioning 308 Wireframe 3D models 397 Working drawings defined 419 Workspace fo r 3D modeling 391–392 X Xaxis 30 X-coordinate 30, 389 Y Yaxis 30 Y-coordinate 30 , 389 Z Zaxis 31 Z-coordinate 389 ZOOM command 145Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. 527 Symbols 3D Object, defined 28 3DROTATE command 396 AAb solute coordinates 125 defined 29, 125, 519 drawing a line with 125–126 Adding the menu bar to 118 ADD SELECTED command 163 Alias. SeeCommandalias American National Standards Institute (ANSI) 249–250, 489 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Dimensioning and Tolerancing 249, 497 standards 51, 64, 249–253, 489 Angle(s) acute 32 adjacent 33 AutoCAD measurement of 129–130 complementary 32 dimensioning 253 in isometric drawings 321–322, 324 obtuse 32 opposite 33 reading the protractor 92, 94 right 32 setting the direction of measurement 136 supplementary 33 Annotate tab, on the ribbon 268, 281 ARC command 153 Architect’s scale 91–92 Architectural drawing limits 138‡ Architectural drawings 305–311 dimensioning 307–311 scales 64 , 91–92 Architectural drawing units 134 Architectural fonts 308 Architectural working drawings electrical plans 450 elevations 451 floor plans 449 sections 452 ARC LENGTH command 271 Arcs dimensioning 252 in isometric drawings 326–327 AREA tool, Inquiry toolbar 207 ARRAY command 169–173 polar 170–173 rectangular 169–170 ASME Y14.5-2009 Dimensioning and Tolerancing 249–255 Assembly drawings 419–422 creating exploded 420 parts list 419 title block 17 , 419 AutoCAD 114 Create page 115 drawing with 115 Learn page 115 plotting with 211–212 ribbon interface 116–117 toolbars 117–118 Auxiliary views 501–515 Axes in Cartesian coordinate system 30, 124–125, 520 in isometric drawings 319 X 29 , 389–390 Y 29 , 389–390 Z 31, 389–390 BBi ll of materials (BOM) 419 BLOCK command 159 Block(s) 159 base point for 367 Blocks Palette 369–370 considerations for 367 creating 368 defined 366 editing 371–372 inserting, placing 159, 369–370 insertion point for 367 BREAK AT POINT COMMAND 180 BREAK COMMAND 181 Building Information Modeling (BIM) 307 CCA D systems 114. SeealsoAutoCAD Careers in technical drawing 17–23 Cartesian coordinate system 124 absolute coordinates 29 , 125 polar coordinates 129–131 relative coordinates 128–129 Center axis 35 CHAMFER COMMAND 183 CIRCLE command 154 Coaxial 35 Coincident 30 Collinear 31 Command alias 119 , 144 Computer-aided design (CAD) 15, 519. See alsoAutoCAD Computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) 254, 520 Concentric 34 CONSTRUCTION LINE command 149 Coordinates 29 I N D E X528 Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. INDEX absolute 29, 125 Cartesian 29 , 30, 124 polar 129–131 relative 128–129 Coplanar 30 COPY command 166 Counterbored holes, dimensioning for 254–255 Countersunk holes, dimensioning for 254–255 Cylinders 35 D Da tum defined 247, 263 DesignCenter 460–461 Design process phases of 15 role of technical drawing in 15 Detail drawings 423–425 example of 423 DIAMETER DIMENSION command 273 Diameter symbol 253, 256, 360, 363 Dimensioning, architectural drawings 307–311 adding a leader 310–311 aligned text for 309 determining 307 drafting conventions 308 elevations 308 floor plans 308 guidelines 309 spacing 309 standards for 307–308 walls and partitions 308 windows and doors 308 Dimensioning, mechanical drawings 245–293 angles 253 arcs 252 baseline 261–263, 275 checking 257–258 continuous 260–262, 275 counterbored holes 254–255 countersunk holes 254–255 cylinders 253 dimension lines 248 extension lines 248 holes 252 ordinate 253–254 spacing 250–251 terminology 248 Dimension standards alignment of text (architectural) 309 drilling and machining operations 254–255 fo r angles 253 fo r architectural drawings 307–310 fo r cylinders 253 fo r holes and arcs 252 fo r mechanical drawings 249–257 ordinate 253–254 size and spacing 250–251 text height and style 251 Dimension style, creating new 281–290 New Dimension Style tabs 284–290 Alternate Units 288–289 Fit 287 Lines 284 Primary Units 288 Symbols and Arrows 285 Text 286 Tolerances 288–289 Dimension Style Manager 280–282 Dimension text aligned 252 alignment of 252 architectural 308–309 editing 279 height and style 251 mechanical 251–252 unidirectional 252 Dimension toolbar 268–280 ALIGNED DIMENSION command 271 ANGULAR DIMENSION command 274 ARC LENGTH command 271 BASELINE DIMENSION command 275 CENTER MARK command 277 CONTINUE DIMENSION command 275 DIAMETER DIMENSION command 273 DIMENSION BREAK command 276 DIMENSION EDIT command 279 DIMENSION SPACE command 276 DIMENSION STYLE command 280 DIMENSION TEXT EDIT command 279 DIMENSION UPDATE command 280 INSPECTION command 278 JOGGED DIMENSION command 273 JOGGED LINEAR command 278 LINEAR DIMENSION command 270 ORDINATE DIMENSION command 272 QUICK DIMENSION command 274 RADIUS DIMENSION command 272 TOLERANCE command 277 DIMSTYLE command 281 DISTANCE command 207 Drafting Settings 191–197. See also Snap and Grid Tab Drawing limits 137–138 defined 137 fo r architectural units 138‡ fo r decimal and metric units 138‡ Drawing Scale Factor (DSF) 316, 474 Drawing sheets, sizes for 64–65 Drawing units 133–137 architectural 134Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. 529 INDEX decimal 133 defined 133 dialog box 133 engineering 135 Draw toolbar 147–163 ADD SELECTED command 163 ARC command 153 BLOCK command 159 CIRCLE command 154 CONSTRUCTION LINE command 149 ELLIPSE command 157 ELLIPTICAL ARC command 158 GRADIENT command 161 HATCH command 161 INSERT BLOCK command 159 LINE command 148 MTEXT command 163 POINT command 160 POLYGON command 151 POLYLINE command 150 RECTANGLE command 152 REGION command 159 REVISION CLOUD command 155 SPLINE command 156 TABLE command 162 Dynamic Input 122–123, 126 Dynamic Input tab 195–197 E Ec centric 34 Editing Blocks 371–372 Editing text 186 multiline text 187 single-line text 188 Electrical plans 450 Electrical symbols 450 Elevations 37, 451 defined 451 wall sections 452 ELLIPSE command 157 ELLIPTICAL ARC command 158 Engineer’s scale 90 ERASE command 165 EXPLODE COMMAND 185 Exploded assembly drawings 419–420 creating 420–422 EXTEND COMMAND 179 EXTRUDE command 394 F FE A. See Finite element analysis (FEA) Fillet defined 184 in isometric drawings 326–327 FILLET COMMAND 184 Finite element analysis (FEA) 388 First-angle projection 66–67 Fit tab, in New Dimension Style dialog box 287 Floor plans 449 creating elevations from 453–454 dimensioning 307–311 Foreshortening 37 FREE ORBIT tool 396 Full scale 63 Full sections 343 Function keys 197 G GD T symbols 255, 497 General tolerances 260 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) 496–499 adding datum feature symbol 496 adding to a CAD drawing 498 defined 268 fe ature control frame 496 fo nt 254–255 interpreting 497–498 parallelism 497–498 and production costs 268 symbols 255, 497 Geometric Tolerance dialog box 498–499 GRADIENT command 161 graphic primitives 522 Graphic primitives 57–59 box 57 cone 59 cylinder 57–58 defined 57 prism 59 sphere 59 stadium 58 wedge 59 Grid snap 193 Grid spacing 192 H Ha lf scale 63 Half sections 344 HATCH command 161, 350–352 Boundaries panel 350 Pattern panel 351 Properties panel 351 Hatch patterns angle of 351 scale of 351 Help system 116 Hidden lines 51–53 Holes, dimensioning 252 counterbore 254–255530 Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. INDEX countersunk 254–255 I Id eation, in design process 15, 418 Inches decimal 90 , 92, 93‡ fractional 91, 92, 93‡ Inquiry toolbar 207 INSERT BLOCK command 159 Insertion point, for blocks 367 Insert tab, on the ribbon 369 INSPECTION command 278 International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 250, 491 Interview questions, typical 22 Isocircles 325–326 Isometric angles 324 Isometric cylinders 326 Isometric drawing 318–327 creating in AutoCAD 322 ellipses orientation 319 setting Isometric snap 322–323 J JO GGED DIMENSION command 273 JOIN COMMAND 182 L Lay er Properties Manager 139–143 Layers 138–144 controlling visibility of 144 creating new 139 freezing 144 setting color of 140 setting current 144 setting linetype of 141–142 setting lineweight of 143 turning off 144 Leaders components of 291 defined 248 fo r architectural drawings 310–311 fo r mechanical drawings 248, 292 using Multileader command 293 using Quick Leader command 292 Lead hardness grade, pencil 86 Least material condition (LMC) 263–266 Lettering architectural style 102 engineering style 102 Limits architectural units 134 , 138‡ decimal and metric units 133, 138‡ engineering units 135 of a feature 263 tolerances 259–263 LINEAR DIMENSION command 270 LINE command 148 Line(s) centerlines 51–53 dimension 52 dimension line 52 drawing 123–132 extension 52, 248, 249 hidden 51–53 leader 52 Linetype(s) 51–52 load or reload 142 Lineweight 51, 52‡ miter 60 section 340, 341 standards for 51–52, 52‡ types of 51–52 visible 51–52 with absolute coordinates 126 with direct entry method 127 with polar coordinates 129–130 with relative coordinates 128–129 LIST tool, on Inquiry toolbar 207 LMC . See Least material condition (LMC) LOCATE POINT tool, Inquiry toolbar 207 LTSCALE command 143 M Ma chining operations, dimensioning for 254–255 Manufacturing computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) 254 Maximum material condition (MMC) 263–266 Measurement units 89–92 Architect’s scale 91–92 , 93‡ converting between 92, 93‡ Engineer’s scale 90, 93‡ Metric scale 90, 93‡ Mechanical drawings dimensions for 246–258 drafter’s role in preparation 257–258 sheet sizes for 64 Mechanical drawing units 133 Mechanical working drawings assembly 419 detail 419 , 423 Menu bar 117–118 MENUBAR command 118 MIRROR command 167 MIRRTEXT command 167 Miter line 60 MLEADER command 293, 311 MMC . See Maximum material condition (MMC) Modeling toolbar 393Pagenumbers followedby ‡ indicate a table. 531 INDEX 3DROTATE command 393, 396 EXTRUDE command 393, 394 PRESSPULLcommand 393, 394 REGION command 394 REVOLVE command 393, 411 SUBTRACT command 393, 395 UNION command 393, 395 Modifytoolbar 164–185 ARRAYcommand 169–173 BREAKAT POINT command 180 BREAKcommand 181 CHAMFER command 183 COPY command 166 ERASEcommand 165 EXPLODE command 185 EXTEND command 179 FILLET command 184 JOIN command 182 MIRROR command 167 MOVE command 174 OFFSET command 168 ROTATE command 175 SCALEcommand 176 STRETCH command 177 TRIM command 178 MOVE command 174 MTEXT command 163 Multileadercommand, using 293, 311 Multiline Text 163, 186–187 Multiviewdrawings 28–67 by using projection planes 37–47 defined 28 drawingobjects to scale 63 first-angleprojection 66–67 hidden features 52–53 linetypes 51–52 lineweights 51, 52‡ orthographic projection 60–62 regularviews 36 sheetsizes 64–65 third-angleprojection 66–67 traditional drafting of, 96–99 viewselectionand alignment 37 visualizingbasicgeometricshapes 57–59 NNC S. SeeUnitedStatesNationalCAD Standard(NCS) nominal size 523 Nominal size 259 defined 263 OOb jects 2D 28 3D 28 drawing to scale 63 Object Snap Toolbar 198–204 SNAP FROM Osnap 202 SNAPTO CENTER 201 SNAPTO ENDPOINT 199 SNAPTO EXTENSION 201 SNAPTO INSERT 203 SNAPTO INTERSECTION 200 SNAPTO MIDPOINT 199 SNAPTO NEAREST 203 SNAPTO NODE 203 SNAPTO PARALLEL 201 SNAPTO PERPENDICULAR 200 SNAPTO TANGENT 200 TEMPORARYTRACK POINT Osnap 202 OFFSET command 168 Offset sections 348 OOPS command 165 Orbit toolbar 396 ORDINATE DIMENSION command 272 Ordinate dimensioning 253–254 Orthographic projection 60 to create multiviewdrawings 61–62 ORTHO (Mode) function key 197 PPa ge Setup for Plotting 213–215 Page Setup Manager 213–215 PAN command 145 Parametricmodeling 388 Parts list 419–422 Pencils 85 lead hardnessgrades 86 technical 85–86 Perspectivedrawings 318 Pictorialdrawings 318 Planar 29 Plane(s) cutting 340, 341 inclined 43 in isometricdrawings 319, 321–322 normal 41 oblique 44 projection. SeeProjectionplane(s):defined visualizedrawingsby using 37–51 PLINE command. SeePOLYLINE command PLOT command 211 Plotting 208–215 Output tab 211 page setup 213–215 paper size 212 plot area (What to plot) 212 plot scale 212 Fit to paper 212532 Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. INDEX Plot style table 212 Plus-minus tolerance 259 POINT command 160 Polar angle measurement 194 Polar coordinates 129–131 defined 129 drawing lines with 131 Polar tracking defined 194 POLYGON command 151 Polygons 34–35 POLYLINE command 150 PRESSPULL command 394 projection planes 524 Projection plane(s) 37–47 defined 37 Frontal 37, 39 Horizontal 37, 42 Profile 37, 41 PROPERTIES command 205–206 Protractor 92 , 94 Q QL EADER command . See QUICK LEADER command QUICK DIMENSION command 274 QUICK LEADER command 292, 310 R RA DIUS DIMENSION command 272 RECTANGLE command 152 Rectangular snap 193 Reference dimension 266–267 defined 263 REGION command 159 Region/Mass Properties tool, Inquiry Toolbar 207 Relative coordinates 128–129 defined 128 drawing lines with 129 REVCLOUD command 155 REVISION CLOUD command 155 Revision history block 419 Ribbon 116–117 accessing help tools from 116 adding toolbars to 117–118 Annotate tab 268 Home tab 116 Insert tab 369 Output tab 211 ROTATE command 175 Rotating, 3D Objects 396 S Sc ale Architect’s 91–92 , 93‡ drawing architectural plans to 64 drawing objects to 63 Engineer’s 90, 93‡ Metric 90 , 93‡ SCALE command 176 Sections broken-out 346 defined 340 fu ll 343 half 344–345 HATCH command for 350–352 in architectural drawings 342 in mechanical drawings 341 offset 348 removed 347 revolved 347 wall 452 Sheet sizes ASME Y14.1-2012 standard for, 64, 138‡ ASME Y14.1M-2012 standard for, 64, 138‡ fo r architectural units 138‡ fo r decimal and metric units, 138‡ Snap defined 193 Isometric 193 , 323 Snap and Grid Tab 192. See also Drafting Settings Snap Spacing 192 SPLINE command 156 Spline leader 310. See also QUICK LEADER command Status Bar 122–123 STRETCH COMMAND 177 SUBTRACT command 395 Symbols electrical 450 fo r counterbored holes 254–255 fo r countersunk holes 254–255 fo r projection techniques 67 GDT 254–255, 497 Symbols and Arrows tab, in New Dimension Style dialog box 285 T TA BLE command 162 Tangent 34 Technical drawing defined 14 origins of 15 Technical lettering 102 Text 186–190 aligned 252 Controlling Text Style 189–190 DTEXT command 188 editing 186–188 height and style 251 mechanical 252Page numbers followed by ‡ indicate a table. 533 INDEX MTEXT command 186 size and spacing, architectural 309 Standard style 189–190 unidirectional 252 Text alignment aligned 252 unidirectional 252 Text Editor editing hole note 255 editing multiline text 187 editing single-line text 188 Text Style changing 189–190 dialog box 189–190 icon 189 Text tab, in New Dimension Style dialog box 286 Third-angle projection 66–67 Tick marks 308 Title block defined 17 fo r assembly drawings 419 Tolerances 259–268 allowance 263 datum 263 defined 259 displaying 259–260 Geometric Dimensioning and Tolerancing (GD&T) 496–499 least material condition (LMC) 263 maximum material condition (MMC) 263 reference dimension 263, 266–267 terminology for 263 Toolbar menu 118 Toolbar(s) adding to ribbon interface 117 Dimension 268 Draw 147 Inquiry 207 Modeling 393 Modify 164 Object Snap 198 Orbit 396 Tooltip 197 Traditional drafting tools 85–95 circle template 94–95 defined 84 drafting machines 85 drawing table 85 isometric ellipse template 94–95 parallel straightedge 85, 86–89 pencils 85–86 protractor 92, 94 triangles 86–89 TRIM COMMAND 178 True shape 41, 47 True size 41 , 47 U UC SICON command 125 UNION command 395 Unioning, 3D objects 395 United States National CAD Standard (NCS) 307, 493–494 units, drawing 133–137 architectural 134 decimal 133 defined 133 dialog box 133–136 engineering 135 User Coordinate System (UCS) 125 3D 389 defined 125 icon 125 V Ve llum 64 Vertex 32 ViewCube 116, 391 Viewing planes, visualizing drawings by using 37–47 Views auxiliary 47, 501–515 regular 36 sections. See Sections Visible lines 51–52 Visual Styles 397 VOLUME tool, Inquiry toolbar 207 W Wa lls, dimensioning 308 Windows, dimensioning 308 Wireframe 3D models 397 Working drawings defined 419 Workspace fo r 3D modeling 391–392 X Xaxis 30 X-coordinate 30, 389 Y Yaxis 30 Y-coordinate 30 , 389 Z Zaxis 31 Z-coordinate 389 ZOOM command 145 #أوتوديسك,#أتوكاد,#أوتوكاد,#Autodesk,#Autocad,#Auto_Cad,#Auto Cad,#أوتودسك,#أتوديسك,#أتودسك,
كلمة سر فك الضغط : The Unzip Password : أتمنى أن تستفيدوا من محتوى الموضوع وأن ينال إعجابكم رابط من موقع عالم الكتب لتنزيل كتاب Technical Drawing 101 with AutoCAD 2024 - A Multidisciplinary Guide to Drafting Theory and Practice رابط مباشر لتنزيل كتاب Technical Drawing 101 with AutoCAD 2024 - A Multidisciplinary Guide to Drafting Theory and Practice