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عدد المساهمات : 19025 التقييم : 35575 تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009 الدولة : مصر العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
| موضوع: كتاب Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management Human Body, Motion and Behavior الخميس 07 مارس 2024, 2:00 am | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Digital Human Modeling and Applications in Health, Safety, Ergonomics and Risk Management Human Body, Motion and Behavior Vincent G. Duffy (Ed.) LNCS 12777 12th International Conference, DHM 2021 Held as Part of the 23rd HCI International Conference, HCII 2021 Virtual Event, July 24–29, 2021 Proceedings, Part I
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Contents – Part I Ergonomics, Human Factors and Occupational Health Addressing Human Factors and Ethics in the Design of ‘Future Work’ and Intelligent Systems for Use in Financial Services - Person Centered Operations, Intelligent Work & the Triple Bottom Line 3 Joan Cahill, Vivienne Howard, Yufei Huang, Junchi Ye, Stephen Ralph, and Aidan Dillon Digital Human-in-the-Loop Methodology for Early Design Computational Human Factors 14 H. Onan Demirel, Lukman Irshad, Salman Ahmed, and Irem Y. Tumer Well-Being at Work: Applying a Novel Approach to Comfort Elicitation 32 Sandy Ingram, Uchendu Nwachukwu, Nicole Jan, Jean-Philippe Bacher, and Florinel Radu Opportunities of Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence for Occupational Safety and Health in Production Industry 43 Tim Jeske, Sebastian Terstegen, and Catharina Stahn Digital Human Simulation for Fall Risk Evaluation When Sitting on Stepladders 58 Tsubasa Maruyama, Haruki Toda, Yui Endo, Mitsunori Tada, Hiroyuki Hagiwara, and Koji Kitamura Study on Evaluation Index of Physical Load of Chemical Prevention Personnel in High Temperature and Humidity Environment . 67 Peng Zhang, Zhongqi Liu, Xuemei Chen, and Qianxiang Zhou Human Body and Motion Modeling The Wearable Resistance Exercise Booster’s Design for the Elderly . 81 Xiangtian Bai, Jun Ma, and Duan Dai 3D Model of Ergonomic Socket Mechanism for Prostheses of Transtibial Amputees 92 Isabel Carvalho, Victor Nassar, Gabriel Prim, Jonathan Nishida, Eliete Ourives, Tainá Bueno, and Milton Vieira Evaluating the Risk of Muscle Injury in Football-Kicking Training with OpenSim 100 Jing Chang, Wenrui Wang, Damien Chablat, and Fouad BennisNew Approaches to Movement Evaluation Using Accurate Truck Ingress Data 110 Martin Dorynek, Hongtao Zhang, Norman Hofmann, and Klaus Bengler A Two-Step Optimization-Based Synthesis of Squat Movements 122 Bach Quoc Hoa, Vincent Padois, Faiz Benamar, and Eric Desailly Ergonomics-Based Clothing Structure Design for Elderly People 139 Jingxiao Liao and Xiaoping Hu Comparisons of Hybrid Mechanisms Based on Their Singularities for Bone Reduction Surgery: 3-PRP-3-RPS and 3-RPS-3-PRP . 152 Annisa Pratiwi, Sinh Nguyen Phu, Terence Essomba, and Latifah Nurahmi The Measurement and Analysis of Chinese Adults’ Range of Motion Joint 163 Qianxiang Zhou, Yu Jin, and Zhongqi Liu Language, Communication and Behavior Modeling Modeling Rapport for Conversations About Health with Autonomous Avatars from Video Corpus of Clinician-Client Therapy Sessions . 181 Reza Amini, Maya Boustani, and Christine Lisetti Finding a Structure: Evaluating Different Modelling Languages Regarding Their Suitability of Designing Agent-Based Models . 201 Poornima Belavadi, Laura Burbach, Martina Ziefle, and André Calero Valdez The Role of Embodiment and Simulation in Evaluating HCI: Experiments and Evaluation 220 Nikhil Krishnaswamy and James Pustejovsky Tracking Discourse Topics in Co-speech Gesture 233 Schuyler Laparle Patient-Provider Communication Training Models for Interactive Speech Devices 250 Patricia Ngantcha, Muhammad Amith, Cui Tao, and Kirk Roberts Semantically Related Gestures Move Alike: Towards a Distributional Semantics of Gesture Kinematics . 269 Wim Pouw, Jan de Wit, Sara Bögels, Marlou Rasenberg, Branka Milivojevic, and Asli Ozyurek xviii Contents – Part IThe Role of Embodiment and Simulation in Evaluating HCI: Theory and Framework 288 James Pustejovsky and Nikhil Krishnaswamy The History of Agent-Based Modeling in the Social Sciences 304 Carl Orge Retzlaff, Martina Ziefle, and André Calero Valdez Medical-Based Pictogram: Comprehension of Visual Language with Semiotic Theory . 320 Yuxiao Wang Data Mining in Systematic Reviews: A Bibliometric Analysis of Game-Based Learning and Distance Learning . 343 Jingjing Xu, Brendan M. Duffy, and Vincent G. Duffy Sequence-to-Sequence Predictive Model: From Prosody to Communicative Gestures . 355 Fajrian Yunus, Chloé Clavel, and Catherine Pelachaud Author Index 375 Contents – Part I xixContents – Part II Rethinking Healthcare Development and Testing of a Usability Checklist for the Evaluation of Control Interfaces of Electrical Medical Beds . 3 Davide Bacchin, Patrik Pluchino, Valeria Orso, Marcello Sardena, Marino Malvestio, and Luciano Gamberini Kits for Patients with Transtibial Amputation in the Pre- and Post-prosthetic Phases . 20 Isabel Carvalho, Victor Nassar, and Milton Vieira Research on Social Innovation Design of SCD Pre-hospital Emergency Equipment Based on IoT Technology 28 Kun Fang and Wei Yu Towards a Practical Approach for Assessing Pressure Relief Activities for Manual Wheelchair Users in Their Daily Lives . 40 Jicheng Fu, Seth Howell, Shuai Zhang, Gang Qian, Daniel Yan Zhao, and Hongwu Wang Principles for Designing an mHealth App for Participatory Research and Management of Chronic Pain 50 Eileen Mary Holowka, Sandra Woods, Amber Pahayahay, Mathieu Roy, and Najmeh Khalili-Mahani Automated Escalation and Incident Management in Healthcare During Mass Casualties and Pandemic Events 68 Md. Yousuf Hossain, Umar Azhar, Yvonne To, Joseph Choi, and Loutfouz Zaman Different Patterns of Medication Administration Between Inside and Outside the Patient Room Using Electronic Medical Record Log Data 86 Alireza Kasaie, Jung Hyup Kim, Wenbin Guo, Roland Nazareth, Thomas Shotton, and Laurel Despins Systematic Review of the Importance of Human Factors in Incorporating Healthcare Automation 96 Jessica Kurniawan and Vincent G. Duffy Scenario Planning in Healthcare Development in the VUCA World 111 Hiroyuki NishimotoThe Digital Dilemma and the Healthy Nation . 126 Xueying Niu Development of Autonomous UVC Disinfectant Robot 135 Vishal Reddy Gade, Deep Seth, Manish Kumar Agrawal, and Bhaskar Tamma Requirements for a Game-Based Approach to Strengthen Leadership in Health Care 152 Mareike Sorge, Christina Mayer, Judith Schöner, Robert Kummer, and Melanie Rentzsch Towards an Effective Web-Based Virtual Health Intervention: The Impact of Media Platform, Visual Framing, and Race on Social Presence and Transportation Ratings . 165 Fatemeh Tavassoli, Mohan Zalake, Alexandre Gomes de Siqueira, François Modave, Janice Krieger, Benjamin Lok, and Juan Gilbert The Design of Outpatient Services in Children’s Hospitals Based on the Double Diamond Model . 182 ZhiWei Zhou, Xi Han, and Tao Xi Artificial Intelligence Applications and Ethical Issues Brown Hands Aren’t Terrorists: Challenges in Image Classification of Violent Extremist Content 197 Margeret Hall and Christian Haas A Βibliometric Analysis of Intelligent Agent Researches During 2010–2020 Based on VOS Viewer 208 Yu Liu, Yaqin Cao, Yi Ding, and Yun Zhang What if: Human Rights vs Science – or Both?: An Unusual Argument from a Disability Perspective 220 László Gábor Lovászy Sources of Risk and Design Principles of Trustworthy Artificial Intelligence 239 André Steimers and Thomas Bömer Analysis of the Application of Artificial Intelligence in the Creative Space . 252 BeiLe Su Benchmarking Robots by Inducing Failures in Competition Scenarios 263 Santosh Thoduka and Nico Hochgeschwender Fairness and the Need for Regulation of AI in Medicine, Teaching, and Recruiting 277 Laila Wegner, Yana Houben, Martina Ziefle, and André Calero Valdez xxii Contents – Part IIDigital Human Modeling in Product and Service Design Research on Tourism Marketing Based on Community E-commerce . 299 Wei Feng and Feng Liu An Empirical Study of the Influencing Factors on User Experience for Barrage Video Website — A Case Study of Bilibili 310 Weilin Liu, Zhaoshuang He, and Mengxin Liu Application of Design Thinking in the Education Segment, Regarding the Human-Computer Interactions . 322 Vanda Orbulov Learning Effectiveness Evaluation of Lesson Plan on Streamline in Model Design Course . 332 Meng-Dar Shieh, Jia-Lin Tsai, Chih Chieh Yang, and Fang-Chen Hsu Comprehensive Study of Digital Restoration of Buddha Statues in Qingzhou by 3D Technology 348 Yunqiao Su Influence of the Color and Logo Position of HNB Products on User Experience Based on Eye Tracking 360 Lili Sun, Lizhong Hu, Lei Xiang, Xiuling Wang, Lei Wu, and Huai Cao A Study on the Effect of Online Vertical Searching Advertising Presence Towards Customer Behavioral Intentions 374 Yu Sun Influence of HNB Product Packaging Health Warning Design on Risk Perception Based on Eye Tracking 390 Lili Sun, Lizhong Hu, Feng Zheng, Yue Sun, Huai Cao, and Lei Wu The Influence of the Aesthetic Design of Taobao APP on Users’ Emotional Experience . 403 Yimeng Zhang, Yang Zhang, and Jiaojiao Gao Research on Chinese Traditional Garden Immersive Aesthetic Experience in the Era of Artificial Intelligence 415 Lili Zhang Author Index 429 Author Index Agrawal, Manish Kumar II-135 Ahmed, Salman I-14 Amini, Reza I-181 Amith, Muhammad I-250 Azhar, Umar II-68 Bacchin, Davide II-3 Bacher, Jean-Philippe I-32 Bai, Xiangtian I-81 Belavadi, Poornima I-201 Benamar, Faiz I-122 Bengler, Klaus I-110 Bennis, Fouad I-100 Bögels, Sara I-269 Bömer, Thomas II-239 Boustani, Maya I-181 Bueno, Tainá I-92 Burbach, Laura I-201 Cahill, Joan I-3 Calero Valdez, André I-201, I-304, II-277 Cao, Huai II-360, II-390 Cao, Yaqin II-208 Carvalho, Isabel I-92, II-20 Chablat, Damien I-100 Chang, Jing I-100 Chen, Xuemei I-67 Choi, Joseph II-68 Clavel, Chloé I-355 Dai, Duan I-81 de Wit, Jan I-269 Demirel, H. Onan I-14 Desailly, Eric I-122 Despins, Laurel II-86 Dillon, Aidan I-3 Ding, Yi II-208 Dorynek, Martin I-110 Duffy, Brendan M. I-343 Duffy, Vincent G. I-343, II-96 Endo, Yui I-58 Essomba, Terence I-152 Fang, Kun II-28 Feng, Wei II-299 Fu, Jicheng II-40 Gamberini, Luciano II-3 Gao, Jiaojiao II-403 Gilbert, Juan II-165 Gomes de Siqueira, Alexandre II-165 Guo, Wenbin II-86 Haas, Christian II-197 Hagiwara, Hiroyuki I-58 Hall, Margeret II-197 Han, Xi II-182 He, Zhaoshuang II-310 Hoa, Bach Quoc I-122 Hochgeschwender, Nico II-263 Hofmann, Norman I-110 Holowka, Eileen Mary II-50 Hossain, Md. Yousuf II-68 Houben, Yana II-277 Howard, Vivienne I-3 Howell, Seth II-40 Hsu, Fang-Chen II-332 Hu, Lizhong II-360, II-390 Hu, Xiaoping I-139 Huang, Yufei I-3 Ingram, Sandy I-32 Irshad, Lukman I-14 Jan, Nicole I-32 Jeske, Tim I-43 Jin, Yu I-163 Kasaie, Alireza II-86 Khalili-Mahani, Najmeh II-50 Kim, Jung Hyup II-86 Kitamura, Koji I-58 Krieger, Janice II-165 Krishnaswamy, Nikhil I-220, I-288376 Author Index Kummer, Robert II-152 Kurniawan, Jessica II-96 Laparle, Schuyler I-233 Liao, Jingxiao I-139 Lisetti, Christine I-181 Liu, Feng II-299 Liu, Mengxin II-310 Liu, Weilin II-310 Liu, Yu II-208 Liu, Zhongqi I-67, I-163 Lok, Benjamin II-165 Lovászy, László Gábor II-220 Ma, Jun I-81 Malvestio, Marino II-3 Maruyama, Tsubasa I-58 Mayer, Christina II-152 Milivojevic, Branka I-269 Modave, François II-165 Nassar, Victor I-92, II-20 Nazareth, Roland II-86 Ngantcha, Patricia I-250 Nishida, Jonathan I-92 Nishimoto, Hiroyuki II-111 Niu, Xueying II-126 Nurahmi, Latifah I-152 Nwachukwu, Uchendu I-32 Orbulov, Vanda II-322 Orso, Valeria II-3 Ourives, Eliete I-92 Ozyurek, Asli I-269 Padois, Vincent I-122 Pahayahay, Amber II-50 Pelachaud, Catherine I-355 Phu, Sinh Nguyen I-152 Pluchino, Patrik II-3 Pouw, Wim I-269 Pratiwi, Annisa I-152 Prim, Gabriel I-92 Pustejovsky, James I-220, I-288 Qian, Gang II-40 Radu, Florinel I-32 Ralph, Stephen I-3 Rasenberg, Marlou I-269 Reddy Gade, Vishal II-135 Rentzsch, Melanie II-152 Retzlaff, Carl Orge I-304 Roberts, Kirk I-250 Roy, Mathieu II-50 Sardena, Marcello II-3 Schöner, Judith II-152 Seth, Deep II-135 Shieh, Meng-Dar II-332 Shotton, Thomas II-86 Sorge, Mareike II-152 Stahn, Catharina I-43 Steimers, André II-239 Su, BeiLe II-252 Su, Yunqiao II-348 Sun, Lili II-360, II-390 Sun, Yu II-374 Sun, Yue II-390 Tada, Mitsunori I-58 Tamma, Bhaskar II-135 Tao, Cui I-250 Tavassoli, Fatemeh II-165 Terstegen, Sebastian I-43 Thoduka, Santosh II-263 To, Yvonne II-68 Toda, Haruki I-58 Tsai, Jia-Lin II-332 Tumer, Irem Y. I-14 Vieira, Milton I-92, II-20 Wang, Hongwu II-40 Wang, Wenrui I-100 Wang, Xiuling II-360 Wang, Yuxiao I-320 Wegner, Laila II-277 Woods, Sandra II-50 Wu, Lei II-360, II-390 Xi, Tao II-182 Xiang, Lei II-360 Xu, Jingjing I-343 Yang, Chih Chieh II-332 Ye, Junchi I-3 Yu, Wei II-28 Yunus, Fajrian I-355 Zalake, Mohan II-165 Zaman, Loutfouz II-68Author Index 377 Zhang, Hongtao I-110 Zhang, Lili II-415 Zhang, Peng I-67 Zhang, Shuai II-40 Zhang, Yang II-403 Zhang, Yimeng II-403 Zhang, Yun II-208 Zhao, Daniel Yan II-40 Zheng, Feng II-390 Zhou, Qianxiang I-67, I-163 Zhou, ZhiWei II-182 Ziefle, Martina I-201, I-304, II-277
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