كتاب The Everything STEM Handbook
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب The Everything STEM Handbook

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عدد المساهمات : 18990
التقييم : 35476
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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The Everything STEM Handbook
Help your child learn and succeed in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and math
Rihab Sawah, MS, MA, and Anthony Clark, PhD  

كتاب The Everything STEM Handbook  T_e_t_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Introduction 9
Thinking Like a Scientist /11
What Is Science? 12
Fields of Science 13
The Scientific Method 17
The Limits of Science 22
Everyday Physics ∕ 27
Pressure, Temperature, and the
Weather 28
Why Do Some Things Float? 30
How a Magnifying Glass Works 33
Balloons, Spoons, and Density 36
Searching for Newton 39
The Physics of Moving
Objects ∕ 43
Racing Juice Cans 44
The Physics of Floating Feathers 46
Follow the Bouncing Ball 50
The Inertia of Ice Cubes 54
The Velocity of Bowling Balls 55
Electricity ∕ 58
Static Electricity 59
Building a Circuit 63
Insulator versus Conductor 67
What's Inside a Light Bulb? 71
Another Kind of Electric Circuit 75
Magnetism ∕ 80
Magnetizing (and Demagnetizing) a
Sewing Needle 81
North versus South Pole 84
What Are Magnets Made Of? 89
Electricity and Magnetism: The Two
Sisters 92
Building Stuff ∕ 97
Building a Motor 98
Building a Truss 102
Building a Bridge 108
Building a Tower 112
5Making It Go ∕ 115
Balloon-Powered Car 116
Powering a Boat with Soap 118
Mousetrap Car Race 121
Water Rocket Launch 125
Naked Eye Astronomy /128
Keeping a Moon-Phase Journal 129
Moon Navigation 132
Does the Sun Always Rise in the
East? 138
The Easiest Constellations to
Recognize 142
Household Chemistry ∕ 145
How Batteries Work 146
Alkaline or Acidic? 149
More Food Chemistry 152
Separating Salt from Water 155
Ice versus Dry Ice 157
Biology Basics ∕ 160
How Plants Make Food:
Photosynthesis 161
Deciduous versus Coniferous Trees 163
Fermentation: Making Sourdough
Starter 167
Potato, Carrot, and Cell Osmosis 170
Dominant versus Recessive Traits 174
Making Math Matter ∕ 177
Designing Wallpaper Using
Percentages 178
Tic-Tac-Toe Math Review 179
Bingo Math Review 182
Card Math Review 184
Algebra Dice 188
Geometry All Around You ∕ 191
Creating a Geometry Monster 192
The Angle Guessing Game 194
Mini Pyramids—Many Triangles 197
Calculating the Circumference of a Pie,
Bike Wheel, Car Tire, Etc. 199
The Cartesian Treasure Map 202
The Geometry Scavenger Hunt 205
Statistically Speaking ∕ 208
Mean, Median, and Mode 209
Making a Pie Chart from Scratch 213
Pie Chart versus Bar Chart 218
Learning Probability with Playing
Cards 221
Learning Probability with Dice 225
Money Math ∕ 229
How Many Zeros Are in a Quadrillion?
Decimals and Money 233
6Calculating Percentage Change 236
Money's Value over Time 239
The Rule of 72 243
STEM Kits, Games, Apps, and
Magazines ∕ 246
STEM-Related Kits 247
STEM Board Games and Card Games
STEMApps 253
Other Online Learning Resources 255
STEM-Related Magazines 257
STEM Summer Camps,
Enrichment Classes, Online
Classes, and Job Shadowing ∕
STEM Summer Camps and Enrichment
Classes 261
Online STEM Classes 264
Job Shadowing 266
STEM Activities for the Car ∕
Math Rock, Paper, Scissors 272
Science Connections 272
Science Categories 272
Geometry Scavenger Hunt—Travel
Version 273
License Plate Game—Math Version 273
First to Reach 100 275
Finish the Sequence 276
The Birthday Problem 277
Science Fiction or Science Fact? 278
Appendix A∙ Additional Resources 280
Science Museums by State 280
STEM Career Websites for Kids 299
Other Useful STEM Websites 301
Appendix B, Bibliography 305
Index 31
A Arithmetic mean,210
Artificial intelligence. 16
Abscissa, 204
As*. 259
Absolute change, 237
Absolute value, 238
Assumptions. 24-25
.Astronomy, 128-44
Acceleration, 47,49
Acidic foods, 149-54
Acids, 152
Action force, 39-42
Atmospheric sciences. 15
Atoms, 59—61,149—□0
Automobiles. 116-18
Autumnal (fall) equinox.
Acute angle, 195
Acute triangle, 197
general rule of, 223-24
of money, 234
Average, 131,209-10
Aztecs, 140
special rule of, 223 B
Air, density of, 39
Air resistance,48-50
Alcohol, 120
Background information. 18
Balloon-powered car, 116-18
Bar charts. 218-21
Algebra dice, 188-90
Alice, 256
Barlow's Wheel. 101
Base 10 system. 230-32
Alkaline foods, 149-54
Basic research. 13
All About Learning,262
Basic science, 13
Alnico magnet, 92
Batteries. 70,146-19
Angles. 194-96
Be Amazing! Toys,249
Annuity. 242
Behavioral sciences. 16-17
Anode, 148
Biases, 24-25
Antimatter Matters, 251
Big Dipper, 142-43,144
Applied mathematics. 15
Big numbers, 233
Applied research, 13
Billion. 233
Applied science, 13
Bimodal data sets.213
Apps, 253-55
Bingo math review. 182-84
Archimedes, 31
Biology, 160-76
Architecture. 102-8
deciduous vs. coniferous
Area,of circle,202
trees, 163-67
Argon, 74 dominant vs. recessive
traits, 174-76 pie, 213-17.220-21
fermentation. 167-69 Chemistry 14,145-59
osmosis. 170-73 of batteries. 146-49
photosynthesis. 161-63 food. 149-57
Birthday Problem, 277-78 ice vs. dry ∣ce. 157-59
Blundeville.Thomas. 194 Chlorine. 156
Board games.250-53 Chlorophyll. 162-63
Boats. 118—20 Chord, 200
Bouncing balls, 50-53 Circles. 193,199-202
Bowling balls. 5.5-57 area. 202
Bricks 4 Kidz.261 chord, 200
Bridges. 108-12 circumference. 199-201
Buoyancy. 30-33 diameter. 200
Buoyancy force, 31 radius, 200
Circuits. 63-66,69,70.74-79,
c Circumference, 199-201
Car activities. 271-79 Circumpolar constellation,
Carbon atom,59 143
Card games. 250-53 Classical probability; 222,225
Card math review. 184-88 Codecademy256
Cargι>Bot.254 Code Monster. 256
Cartesian coordinates.202—1 CoderDojo.25b
Cartesian plane. 203 Coed.org. 255
Cassiopeia. 143.114 Coins Genius. 255
Cathode, 148 Column chart.218
Cato’s Hike, 254 Communication,of research
Cell membrane, 170,172-73 results, 21
Cell osmosis. 170-73 Compass. 88.94-95
Cell walls, 170,172-73 Complement rule,223
Cent. 234 Compound interest.240-42
Central tendency. 209-13 Compounds, 149
Charts Computer sciences. 15-16
bar. 218-21 Conductivity, 67
column. 218 Conductors, 67-71
315Coniferous trees, 163-67 Demagnetize, 81-84 Electrolytes, 70,148
Constellations, 142-44 Denominator, 186 Electromagnets, 95-96
Continuous data,219 Density, 36-39 Electronegativity, 149
Converging lens, 34 of air,39 Electrons, 59-61,148-50
Convex lens, 33-34 definition of, 38 Elenco, 249
Coordinate system,202-4 of water, 39 Empirical probability,225
Copper, 148,149 Descartes, Rene, 203 Energy
Creativity, 11 Diameter, 200 conservation of, 53
Cure, Marie, 83 Dice, probability with,225-28 dissipated, 53
Curie, Pierre, 83 Digital Media Academy,263 heat, 121
Curie temperature,83 Discover with Dr. Cool, 250 kinetic, 53
Cygnus, 143,144 Displacement, 36-39 from photosynthesis,
Dissipated energy, 53 161-63
Division storage, 121
D of money, 235-36 transformation of, 121
Daisy the Dinosaur,254 review, 180 Engineering, 16
Data Dollar, 234 Engineering for Kids,261-62
analysis, 21 Dominant traits, 174-76 Engineering projects,97-114
in bar charts, 218-21 Donahue, John, 23 bridge, 108-12
continuous,219 Drought deciduous trees, 166 motor, 98-102
gathering, 20 Dry ice, 157-59 tower, 112-14
in histograms,219 truss, 102-08
measures of central Enrichment classes, 260-64
tendency, 209-13 E Entomology. 14
in pictographs,220 Earth, rotation of, 132 Environmental science, 15
in pie charts, 213-17, Earth science, 14 Equals sign, 189
220-21 Economics, 17 Equations, 188-90
primary, 20 Edison,Thomas, 71 Equilateral triangle, 197
qualitative,219 Elasticity, 52 Equinoxes, 139-40
range, 211 Electricity, 58-79 Euclid, 206
raw, 215 conductors, 67-71 Euclidean plane geometry,
secondary, 20 electric circuits, 63-66,69, 206
in statistics,209 70,74-79,147 Euclidean solid geometry,
Data set,209 insulators, 67-71 206
Decagon, 193 light bulbs, 71-75 Evaporation, 159
Deciduous trees, 163-67 magnetism and, 92-96 Excel,218
Decimal place values, static, 59-63,66 Experiments, 20
230-32 Electric motors, 98-102 Expert opinions,227
Decimals, 179,181,233-36 Electrodes, 14 7—^19 Exponents, 181
Falling objects
physics of,46-50
in vacuum,50
Faraday Cage, 60
Fermat, Pierre de, 225
Fermentation, 167-69
Ferromagnetic material,
Fibonacci numbers, 276
Finish the Sequence,276
Fink truss, 107
First quarter moon, 133,137
First to Reach 100,275
Flatulence, 167
Fleming,Alexander, 12
Floating feathers,46-50
Focal length, 33-34
Focal point, 33-34
Food chemistry, 149-57
of air resistance, 48-50
concept of,46-47
of gravity,44,46-50,55-56
opposing, 49-50,55-56
4M Industrial Development
Fractions, 179,180,186-87
Full moon, 133-34,137
Fundamental research, 13
Games of chance, 225-28
Gamestar Mechanic, 265
density of, 159
inert, 74
General questions, 18
General rule of addition,
Genes, 174-76
Genetics, 174-76
Geographic poles,84-89
Geometry, 191-207
angles, 194-96
Cartesian coordinates,
circles. 199-202
Euclidean, 206
pyramids, 197-99
shapes. 192-94,205-07
triangles, 197
Geometry Scavenger Hunt,
Googol, 232
bar, 218-21
histograms, 219
pictographs, 220
pie,213-l 7,220-21
Gravity, 44,46-50,55-56
Hackety Hack, 255
Al-Haytham,lbn (Alhazen),
Heat, 121
Helium, 74
Heptagon, 193
Herpetology, 14
Hexagon, 193
Histograms, 219
Homeschool Programming,
Hopscotch, 253
Howe,William, 107
Howe truss, 106,107
Hydrogen atom, 149-
Hydroxide ion, 150
Hypotenuse, 197
definition of, 18
forming, 18-19
testing, 19-21
Ice. 157-59
Ice cubes, 54-55
Ichthyology. 14
iD Tech,263
IMACS (Institute for
Mathematics and
Computer Science),262
Improper fractions. 187
Incandescent bulbs. 71-75
Independent events,226-27
Inert gases. 74
inertia, 54-55
Infinity, 231
Inflation. 244
Insulators, 67-71
Interdisciplinary fields, 15
compound, 240-42
simple. 239-40
Ionization, 148
Ions, 148-50
Irrational numbers.201
Isosceles triangle, 197
Jacobi. Moritz, 101
Job shadowing, 266-70
Khan Academy 266
Kinetic energy 53
Kodable. 266
K truss. Iθ6
Laser Maze Beam-Bending
Logic Game, 252
Law of conservation of
energv, 53
Law ot force pairs.39—12
LEGO Educafion.250
Levitt Steven.23
License Plate Game. 273-75
Life sciences. 13-14
Light bulbs, 71-79
Liquids,surface tension of.
I IS-20 St,t, j s i Water
Litmus paper. 151
Lucy Hammett Games,233
Lunar, 129
Lunar calendar. 1'29
Lunar cycle I21k-38
Lunar month. 129
Made with Code. 257
Mad Science Group,26 J
Magazines. 257-59
Magentic held 91
Magnetic held,95
Magnetic poles. 84√Vj
Magnetism. 80-96
Magnetize, 81-81
Magnets 81-84. S9-92
Magnifying glass 33-36
Mathematics, IS 177-’..«)
algebra. ∣88-,H∣
big numbers, 22ι3
h∣ng∣∣ math review 182-84
card math review 184-88
decimals, 179. IS1
division. 180
exponents. 181
fractions I?9.180.186-87
money, 229-45
multiplication. 180 185
order ∙>l operations. 182
percentage change
percentages. 178-79
place value. 18I.230-32
rule of 72.213-15
sol∖ mg for an unknown.
!ιc-tac toe math review.
Math Explosion. 252
Math Rock, Paper, Scissors.
atoms in. 59-61
resistance to changes in
Mean. 209-10
Measures of central
tendency. 2')9-13
Median. 210-12
Mendel. Gregor Johann, 176
Mendeleev. Dmitri. 156
Metal, 60
Meteorology. 15
317Million, 233 physics of, 43-57 o Physics, 14
Mixed fractions, 187 water rocket, 125-27 Observation, 20 everyday, 27-42
Mixed numbers. 187 Multiplication Obtuse angle, 195 of moving objects,43-57
Mode, 212-13 card game, 185 Obtuse triangle, 197 Pi. 200,201
Molecules, 29 of money, 235 Oceanography, 15 Pictographs, 220
Momentum,47 review, 180 Octagon, 193 Pie charts, 213-17,220-21
Money, 229—45 special rule of,226-27 Odyssey, 258 Place value, 181,230-32
adding and subtracting. Muse, 259 Oersted, Christian, 96 Plane, 194,203
234 Mutually exclusive Online learning resources. Plants
calculating percentage categories, 216-17 255-57 deciduous vs. coniferous
change, 236-39 Online STEM classes, 264-66 trees, 163-67
decimals and,233-36
Ordered pairs, 202-04 photosynthesis, 161-63
division, 235-36 Order of operations, 182 Play Well TEKnologies,
journal, 236 Nanoscience. 16 Ordinate, 204 262-63
multiplication,235 Nanotechnology, 16 Orion, 143,144 Pluralsight, 266
place value and,230-32 National Aeronautics and Osmosis, 170-73 Polygons, 192
rule of 72,243-45 Space Agency (NASA), 125 Outlier,210 POOE248
time value of, 239-43 National Geographic Kids, OW1 Incorporated, 248 Pratt, Caleb, 107
Monster Physics, 254 258 OWL,258 Pratt,Thomas, 107
Moon Navigation, moon, 132-38 Oxygen, 29,163 Pratt truss, 106,107
cycle of, 129-38 Neodymium magnet,92 Pressure, 28-30
first quarter, 133,137 Neoprene, 53 Primary data,20
full, 133-34,137 Neutrons, 59 P Probability, 221-28
illusion, 137 New moon, 132-33 Parallel electric circuit, 77-79 Professor Noggins Card
navigation, 132-38 NewPath Learning Parallelogram, 193 Games, 252-53
new, 132-33 Curriculum Mastery Games, Pascal, Blaise, 225 Profit, 234
third quarter, 134,137 252 Pentagon, 193 Proper fractions, 187
waning, 135 Newton,Sir Isaac,44 Percentage change, 236-39 Protons, 59-61,149-50
waxing, 134-35 Newtons cradle,41 Percentage decrease, 238 Protractor, 194,196
Moon-phase journal, 129-32 Newtons first law,44-^16,55, Percentage increase, 237 Pseudoscience, 25
Morality, 23 57 Percentages, 178-79 Pure research, 13
Motors, 98-102 Newton s second law,47,49 Percentiles, 212 Pyramids, 197-99
Mousetrap car race, 121-25 Newton’s third law,39-42 Periodic table of elements, Pythagoras, 198
Move the Turtle, 253 Nonagon, 193 156 Pythagorean theorem, 199
Moving objects Norsorex,53 Permanent magnet,92
balloon-powered car, Northern Cross, 143 pH measurement, 149-54
116-18 North Pole, 84-89 Photosynthesis, 161-63 Q
boats, 118-20 Numerator, 186 Photosynthetic, 166 Quadrant 1,203
mousetrap car, 121—25 Physical sciences, 14-15 Quadrant 11,203
Quadrant III,203
Quadrant IV, 203
Quadrilateral, 193
Qualitative data, 219
Quartiles, 212
Quick Study Labs, 266
Radius. 200
Range, 211
Ranger Rick, 258
Rational numbers, 201
Ravensburger, 250
Raw data, 215
Reaction force, 39-42
Real Science 4 Kids, 264-05
Recessive traits, 174-76
Recorde. Robert, 189
Rectangle, 193
Reflex angles, 196
Revenues. 234
Rhombus, 193
Right angle, 195
Right triangle, 197
Robot School.254
Robot Turtles, 250-51
Rockets. 125-27
Rubber, 53,60,71
Rule of 69,245
Rule of 72,243-45
Salt. 148,155-57
Savings plan, 241-42
Scalene triangle, 197
applied. 13 South Fble,84-89 Surface tension. 118-20
basic. 13 Spaceship Earth. 108 Surfactant. 120
definition of. 12-13 Space shuttle 41 Surveys. 20
fields of, 13-17 Special mle of addition,223 Suspension bridges 112
limits of,22-25 Special rule of
Science Categories. 272-73 multiplication. 226-28
Science Connections, 272 Square, 193 τ
Science Explosion.252 Stars. 142-44 Table salt. 155-57
Science Fiction or Science Static electricity. 59-63.66 Take ι n∏ Daughters and
Fact, 278-79 Statistics. 15.208-28 Sons to Work Dav. 266
Science kits.247-50 bar charts. 218-21 Teach Kids Programming
Science Spin. 259 measures of central (TKPi.257
ScienceWiz.247—18 tendency. 209-13 Temperature 28-30
Science World. 259 pie charts. 213-17.220-21 Tenochtitlan. 14d
Scientific discoveries. 12 probability. 221-28 Thames <⅛ Kosmos.247
Scientific method. 17-22.25 STEM (Science Technology, Theory 19
Scientific research. 11.13 Engineering, and Think Big Science Lafe
Scientists,assumptions and Mathematics) Science Game.251
biases of. 24-25 employment in fields Third quarter moon. 134.137
Scratch. 255 related to. 9 Three-dimensional shapes.
Secondary data. 20 tocus on, 9 194
Semipermeable surface. 170, STEM-related kits. 247-50 Tic-tac4oe math review.
172-73 Stencvl,256 179-82
Serendipity. 12 Stonehenge. 141 Time4Learniιιg.264
Series electric circuit. 75-77 Straight angle. 195 Time value of money. 239-43
Sextillion.233 Strain, 252 Totally Gross. 251
Shapes. 192-94,205-7 Subjective probability;227 Tower ol Pisa. 112
Shodor,257 Sublimation. 158.159 Towers, 112-14
Simple interest,239-40 Subtraction, of money 234 Trapezium, 193
SmartLab Toys, 248 Summer camps,260-64 Trapezoid. 193
Smithsonian, 248-49 Summer solstice. 140 Trees, deciduous vs.
Soap. 118-20 Sun. movement of, 138-42 coniferous. 163-67
Social sciences. 16—17 Sunlight, photosynthesis and. Triangle, 193,197
Sodium. 156 161-63 Trillion, 233
Sodium chloride. 148.155-57 Sunrise/sunset, 138-42 Truss, 102-12
Solute, 170,172-73 Supercharged Science.264 Tungsten, 73
Solvent. 170,172 Supernatural phenomena, Tynker, 265
SomeBody. 251 23-24
Sourdough starter, 167-69 SuperScience. 259
U.S.Census Bureau,20
U.S. national debt, 233
Vacuum, 50
Value judgments, 23
Velocity 47.49,55-57
Vernal (spring) equinox,
Virtual job shadowing, 268
Waning crescent moon, 135
Waning gibbous moon, 135
Warren.James, 103—1
Warren truss, 103—6,109
buoyancy in,30-33
density of, 39
displacement of,36-39
osmosis. 170-73
surface tension of, 118-20
temperature of freezing.
Water droplets, 120
Water rocket launch, 125-27
Waxing crescent moon,
Waxing gibbous moon,
Weather. 28-30
Websites, 255-57
Winter solstice, 140
axis, 202-3
X-rays, 13
x-y coordinates. 202-4
axis. 202-3
Young Scientist Club,249
Youth Digital, 265
Zero, 230,231
Zinc, 148,149
Zoobooks, 259
Zoology, 14

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