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| موضوع: كتاب Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling - Fourth Edition الجمعة 23 فبراير 2024, 9:02 pm | |
أخواني في الله أحضرت لكم كتاب Signals and Systems with MATLAB Computing and Simulink Modeling - Fourth Edition Steven T. Karris
و المحتوى كما يلي :
Table of Contents Elementary Signals 1-1 1.1 Signals Described in Math Form 1-1 1.2 The Unit Step Function 1-2 1.3 The Unit Ramp Function 1-10 1.4 The Delta Function 1-11 1.4.1 The Sampling Property of the Delta Function 1-12 1.4.2 The Sifting Property of the Delta Function 1-13 1.5 Higher Order Delta Functions 1-14 1.6 Summary 1-22 1.7 Exercises 1-23 1.8 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises 1-24 MATLAB Computing Pages 1-20, 1-21 Simulink Modeling Page 1-18 The Laplace Transformation 2-1 2.1 Definition of the Laplace Transformation 2-1 2.2 Properties and Theorems of the Laplace Transform 2-2 2.2.1 Linearity Property 2-3 2.2.2 Time Shifting Property 2-3 2.2.3 Frequency Shifting Property 2-4 2.2.4 Scaling Property 2-4 2.2.5 Differentiation in Time Domain Property 2-4 2.2.6 Differentiation in Complex Frequency Domain Property 2-6 2.2.7 Integration in Time Domain Property 2-6 2.2.8 Integration in Complex Frequency Domain Property 2-8 2.2.9 Time Periodicity Property 2-8 2.2.10 Initial Value Theorem 2-9 2.2.11 Final Value Theorem 2-10 2.2.12 Convolution in Time Domain Property 2-11 2.2.13 Convolution in Complex Frequency Domain Property 2-12 2.3 The Laplace Transform of Common Functions of Time 2-14 2.3.1 The Laplace Transform of the Unit Step Function u0(t) 2-14 2.3.2 The Laplace Transform of the Ramp Function u1(t) 2-14 2.3.3 The Laplace Transform of tnu0(t) 2-152.3.4 The LaplaceTransform of the Delta Function 8(t) 2-18 2.3.5 The LaplaceTransformof the Delayed DeltaFunction 5(t - a) 2-18 2.3.6 The LaplaceTransform of e-atu0(t) 2-19 2.3.7 The LaplaceTransformof t ne-a u0(t) . 2-19 2.3.8 The LaplaceTransform of sino t u0t .2-20 2.3.9 The LaplaceTransform of cosot u0t .2-20 2.3.10 The LaplaceTransformof e-atsinot u0(t) .2-21 2.3.11 The LaplaceTransformof e-atcosot u0(t) . 2-22 2.4 The Laplace Transform of Common Waveforms . 2-23 2.4.1 The Laplace Transform of a Pulse 2-23 2.4.2 The Laplace Transform of a Linear Segment 2-23 2.4.3 The Laplace Transform of a Triangular Waveform . 2-24 2.4.4 The Laplace Transform of a Rectangular Periodic Waveform 2-25 2.4.5 The Laplace Transform of a Half-Rectified Sine Waveform . 2-26 2.5 Using MATLAB for Finding the Laplace Transforms of Time Functions . 2-27 2.6 Summary 2-28 2.7 Exercises . 2-31 The Laplace Transform of a Sawtooth Periodic Waveform . 2-32 The Laplace Transform of a Full-Rectified Sine Waveform . 2-32 2.8 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises . 2-33 3 The Inverse Laplace Transform 3-1 3.1 The Inverse Laplace Transform Integral 3-1 3.2 Partial Fraction Expansion 3-1 3.2.1 Distinct Poles . 3-2 3.2.2 Complex Poles .3-5 3.2.3 Multiple (Repeated) Poles 3-8 3.3 Case where F(s) is Improper Rational Function 3-13 3.4 Alternate Method of Partial Fraction Expansion 3-15 3.5 Summary .3-19 3.6 Exercises 3-21 3.7 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises . 3-22 MATLAB Computing Pages 3-3, 3-4, 3-5, 3-6, 3-8, 3-10, 3-12, 3-13, 3-14, 3-22 4 Circuit Analysis with Laplace Transforms 4-1 4.1 Circuit Transformation from Time to Complex Frequency 4-1 4.1.1 Resistive Network Transformation . 4-1 4.1.2 Inductive Network Transformation 4-1 4.1.3 Capacitive Network Transformation 4-14.2 Complex Impedance Z(s) . 4.3 Complex Admittance Y(s) . 4.4 Transfer Functions 4.5 Using the Simulink Transfer Fcn Block . 4.6 Summary . 4.7 Exercises . 4.8 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises . . 4-8 .4-11 .4-13 .4-17 .4-20 .4-21 .4-24 MATLAB Computing Pages 4-6, 4-8, 4-12, 4-16, 4-17, 4-18, 4-26, 4-27, 4-28, 4-29, 4-34 Simulink Modeling Page 4-17 5 State Variables and State Equations 5-1 5.1 Expressing Differential Equations in State Equation Form 5.2 Solution of Single State Equations 5.3 The State Transition Matrix 5.4 Computation of the State Transition Matrix . 5.4.1 Distinct Eigenvalues 5.4.2 Multiple (Repeated) Eigenvalues 5.5 Eigenvectors 5.6 Circuit Analysis with State Variables 5.7 Relationship between State Equations and Laplace Transform 5.8 Summary . 5.9 Exercises . 5.10 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises . 5-1 5-6 5-9 5-11 5-11 5-15 5-18 5-22 5-30 5-38 5-41 5-43 MATLAB Computing Pages 5-14, 5-15, 5-18, 5-26, 5-36, 5-48, 5-51 Simulink Modeling Pages 5-27, 5-37, 5-45 6 The Impulse Response and Convolution 6-1 6.1 The Impulse Response in Time Domain . 6.2 Even and Odd Functions of Time 6.3 Convolution . 6.4 Graphical Evaluation of the Convolution Integral . 6.5 Circuit Analysis with the Convolution Integral . 6.6 Summary 6.7 Exercises . 6-1 6-4 6-7 6-8 6-18 6-21 6-236.8 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises 6-25 MATLAB Applications Pages 6-12, 6-15, 6-30 7 Fourier Series 7-1 7.1 Wave Analysis 7-1 7.2 Evaluation of the Coefficients 7-2 7.3 Symmetry in Trigonometric Fourier Series 7-6 7.3.1 Symmetry in Square Waveform 7-8 7.3.2 Symmetry in Square Waveform with Ordinate Axis Shifted 7-8 7.3.3 Symmetry in Sawtooth Waveform 7-9 7.3.4 Symmetry in Triangular Waveform 7-9 7.3.5 Symmetry in Fundamental, Second, and Third Harmonics 7-10 7.4 Trigonometric Form of Fourier Series for Common Waveforms 7-10 7.4.1 Trigonometric Fourier Series for Square Waveform 7-11 7.4.2 Trigonometric Fourier Series for Sawtooth Waveform 7-14 7.4.3 Trigonometric Fourier Series for Triangular Waveform 7-16 7.4.4 Trigonometric Fourier Series for Half-Wave Rectifier Waveform . 7-17 7.4.5 Trigonometric Fourier Series for Full-Wave Rectifier Waveform 7-20 7.5 Gibbs Phenomenon . 7-24 7.6 Alternate Forms of the Trigonometric Fourier Series . 7-24 7.7 Circuit Analysis with Trigonometric Fourier Series 7-28 7.8 The Exponential Form of the Fourier Series 7-31 7.9 Symmetry in Exponential Fourier Series 7-33 7.9.1 Even Functions . 7-33 7.9.2 Odd Functions 7-34 7.9.3 Half-Wave Symmetry . 7-34 7.9.4 No Symmetry . 7-34 7.9.5 Relation of C-n toCn . 7-34 7.10 Line Spectra . 7-36 7.11 Computation of RMS Values from Fourier Series 7-41 7.12 Computation of Average Power from Fourier Series . 7-44 7.13 Evaluation of Fourier Coefficients Using Excel 7-46 7.14 Evaluation of Fourier Coefficients Using MATLAB . 7-47 7.15 Summary . 7-50 7.16 Exercises 7-53 7.17 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises 7-55 MATLAB Computing Pages 7-38, 7-47Simulink Modeling Page 7-31 8 The Fourier Transform 8-1 8.1 Definition and Special Forms 8-1 8.2 Special Forms of the Fourier Transform 8-2 8.2.1 Real Time Functions 8-3 8.2.2 Imaginary Time Functions 8-6 8.3 Properties and Theorems of the Fourier Transform 8-9 8.3.1 Linearity . 8-9 8.3.2 Symmetry . 8-9 8.3.3 Time Scaling 8-10 8.3.4 Time Shifting . 8-11 8.3.5 Frequency Shifting . 8-11 8.3.6 Time Differentiation 8-12 8.3.7 Frequency Differentiation . 8-13 8.3.8 Time Integration 8-13 8.3.9 Conjugate Time and Frequency Functions . 8-13 8.3.10 Time Convolution 8-14 8.3.11 Frequency Convolution . 8-15 8.3.12 Area Under f(t) 8-15 8.3.13 Area Under F(ro) .8-15 8.3.14 Parseval’s Theorem . 8-16 8.4 Fourier Transform Pairs of Common Functions 8-18 8.4.1 The Delta Function Pair . 8-18 8.4.2 The Constant Function Pair . 8-18 8.4.3 The Cosine Function Pair . 8-19 8.4.4 The Sine Function Pair 8-20 8.4.5 The Signum Function Pair . 8-20 8.4.6 The Unit Step Function Pair . 8-22 8.4.7 The e jra0tu0(t) Function Pair 8-24 8.4.8 The (coso0t)(u0t) FunctionPair 8-24 8.4.9 The (sino0t)(u0t) FunctionPair 8-25 8.5 Derivation of the Fourier Transform from the Laplace Transform . 8-25 8.6 Fourier Transforms of Common Waveforms . 8-27 8.6.1 The Transform of f(t) = A[u0(t + T) - u0(t - T)] .8-27 8.6.2 The Transform of f(t) = A[u0(t) - u0(t - 2T)] 8-28 8.6.3 The Transform of f(t) = A[u0(t + T) + u0(t) - u0(t - T) - u0(t - 2T)] .8-298.6.4 The Transform of f(t) = Acos0t[u0(t + T) -u0(t- T)] 8-30 8.6.5 The Transform of a Periodic Time Function with Period T 8-31 8.6.6 TO The Transform of the Periodic Time Function f(t) = A ^ S(t- nT) 8-32 n = -TO 9 8.7 Using MATLAB for Finding the Fourier Transform of Time Functions 8-33 8.8 The System Function and Applications to Circuit Analysis 8-34 8.9 Summary 8-42 8.10 Exercises 8-47 8.11 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises . 8-49 MATLAB Computing Pages 8-33, 8-34, 8-50, 8-54, 8-55, 8-56, 8-59, 8-60 Discrete-Time Systems and the Z Transform 9-1 9.1 Definition and Special Forms of the Z Transform 9-1 9.2 Properties and Theorems of the Z Transform 9-3 9.2.1 Linearity 9-3 9.2.2 Shift of f[n]u0[n] in the Discrete-Time Domain . 9-3 9.2.3 Right Shift in the Discrete-Time Domain . 9-4 9.2.4 Left Shift in the Discrete-Time Domain 9-5 9.2.5 Multiplication by an in the Discrete-Time Domain . 9-6 -naT 9.2.6 Multiplication by e in the Discrete-Time Domain . 9-6 9.2.7 Multiplication by n and n2 in the Discrete-Time Domain . 9-6 9.2.8 Summation in the Discrete-Time Domain 9-7 9.2.9 Convolution in the Discrete-Time Domain . 9-8 9.2.10 Convolution in the Discrete-Frequency Domain 9-9 9.2.11 Initial Value Theorem 9-9 9.2.12 Final Value Theorem 9-10 9.3 The Z Transform of Common Discrete-Time Functions . 9-11 9.3.1 The Transform of the Geometric Sequence . 9-11 9.3.2 The Transform of the Discrete-Time Unit Step Function 9-14 9.3.3 The Transform of the Discrete-Time Exponential Sequence .9-16 9.3.4 The Transform of the Discrete-Time Cosine and Sine Functions .9-16 9.3.5 The Transform of the Discrete-Time Unit Ramp Function 9-18 9.4 Computation of the Z Transform with Contour Integration 9-20 9.5 Transformation Between s- and z-Domains .9-22 9.6 The Inverse Z Transform .9-259.6.1 Partial Fraction Expansion .9-25 9.6.2 The Inversion Integral . .9-32 9.6.3 Long Division of Polynomials .9-36 9.7 The Transfer Function of Discrete-Time Systems . .9-38 9.8 State Equations for Discrete-Time Systems .9-45 9.9 Summary . .9-48 9.10 Exercises . .9-53 9.11 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises . .9-55 MATLAB Computing Pages 9-35, 9-37, 9-38, 9-41, 9-42, 9-59, 9-61 Simulink Modeling Page 9-44 Excel Plots Pages 9-35, 9-44 10 11 The DFT and the FFT Algorithm 10-1 10.1 The Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) . . 10-1 10.2 Even and Odd Properties of the DFT . 10-9 10.3 Common Properties and Theorems of the DFT . 10-10 10.3.1 Linearity . . 10-10 10.3.2 Time Shift . 10-11 10.3.3 Frequency Shift . . 10-12 10.3.4 Time Convolution . 10-12 10.3.5 Frequency Convolution . . 10-13 10.4 The Sampling Theorem . 10-13 10.5 Number of Operations Required to Compute the DFT . . 10-16 10.6 The Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) . 10-17 10.7 Summary . 10-28 10.8 Exercises . 10-31 10.9 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises . 10-33 MATLAB Computing Pages 10-5, 10-7, 10-34 Excel Analysis ToolPak Pages 10-6, 10-8 Analog and Digital Filters 11.1 Filter Types and Classifications 11-1 11.2 Basic Analog Filters 11-211.2.1 RC Low-Pass Filter 11-2 11.2.2 RC High-Pass Filter 11-4 11.2.3 RLC Band-Pass Filter 11-7 11.2.4 RLC Band-Elimination Filter 11-8 11.3 Low-Pass Analog Filter Prototypes 11-10 11.3.1 Butterworth Analog Low-Pass Filter Design 11-14 11.3.2 Chebyshev Type I Analog Low-Pass Filter Design 11-25 11.3.3 Chebyshev Type II Analog Low-Pass Filter Design 11-38 11.3.4 Elliptic Analog Low-Pass Filter Design 11-39 11.4 High-Pass, Band-Pass, and Band-Elimination Filter Design 11-41 11.5 Digital Filters 11-51 11.6 Digital Filter Design with Simulink 11-70 11.6.1 The Direct Form I Realization of a Digital Filter 11-70 11.6.2 The Direct Form II Realization of a Digital Filter 11-71 11.6.3 The Series Form Realization of a Digital Filter 11-73 11.6.4 The Parallel Form Realization of a Digital Filter 11-75 11.6.5 The Digital Filter Design Block 11-78 11.7 Summary 11-87 11.8 Exercises 11-91 11.9 Solutions to End-of-Chapter Exercises 11-97 MATLAB Computing Pages 11-3, 11-4, 11-6, 11-7, 11-9, 11-15, 11-19, 11-23, 11-24, 11-31, 11-35, 11-36, 11-37, 11-38, 11-40, 11-41, 11-42, 11-43, 11-45, 11-46, 11-48, 11-50, 11-55, 11-56, 11-57, 11-60, 11-62, 11-64, 11-67, 11-68, and 11-97 through 11-106 Simulink Modeling Pages 11-71, 11-74, 11-77, 11-78, 11-80, 11-82, 11-83, 11-84 A Introduction to MATLAB A-1 A.1 MATLAB and Simulink . A-1 A.2 Command Window A-1 A.3 Roots of Polynomials A-3 A.4 Polynomial Construction from Known Roots . A-4 A.5 Evaluation of a Polynomial at SpecifiedValues . A-6 A.6 Rational Polynomials A-8 A.7 Using MATLAB to Make Plots . A-10 A.8 Subplots A-18 A.9 Multiplication, Division, and Exponentiation A-18 A.10 Script and Function Files . A-26 A.11 Display Formats . A-31MATLAB Computing Pages A-3 through A-8, A-10, A-13, A-14, A-16, A-17, A-21, A-22, A-24, A-27 B Introduction to Simulink B-1 B.1 Simulink and its Relation to MATLAB B-1 B.2 Simulink Demos B-20 MATLAB Computing Page B-4 Simulink Modeling Pages B-7, B-12, B-14, B-18 C A Review of Complex Numbers C-1 C.1 Definition of a Complex Number C-1 C.2 Addition and Subtraction of Complex Numbers C-2 C.3 Multiplication of Complex Numbers C-3 C.4 Division of Complex Numbers C-4 C.5 Exponential and Polar Forms of Complex Numbers C-4 MATLAB Computing Pages C-6, C-7, C-8 Simulink Modeling Page C-7 D Matrices and Determinants D-1 D.1 Matrix Definition . D-1 D.2 Matrix Operations D-2 D.3 Special Forms of Matrices . D-6 D.4 Determinants . D-10 D.5 Minors and Cofactors . D-12 D.6 Cramer’s Rule D-17 D.7 Gaussian Elimination Method . D-19 D.8 The Adjoint of a Matrix . D-21 D.9 Singular and Non-Singular Matrices . D-21 D.10 The Inverse of a Matrix D-22 D.11 Solution of Simultaneous Equations with Matrices . D-24 D.12 Exercises D-31E MATLAB Computing Pages D-3, D-4, D-5, D-7, D-8, D-9, D-10, D-12, D-19, D-23, D-27, D-29 Simulink Modeling Page D-3 Excel Spreadsheet Page D-28 Window Functions E-1 E.1 Window Function Defined E-1 E.2 Common Window Functions E-1 E.2.1 Rectangular Window Function E-2 E.2.2 Triangular Window Function E-5 E.2.3 Hanning Window Function E-7 E.2.4 Hamming Window Function E-9 E.2.5 Blackman Window Function E-12 E.2.6 Kaiser Family of Window Functions E-14 E.3 Other Window Functions E-15 E.4 Fourier Series Method for Approximating an FIR Amplitude Response E-17 References R-1 Index IN-1 Index Symbols % (percent) symbol in MATLAB A-2 A abs(z) in MATLAB A-23 active analog filter - see filter adjoint of a matrix - see matrix admittance capacitive 4-2 inductive 4-2 complex input 4-11 algebraic constrain block in Simulink B-18 aliasing 10-14 all-pass filter - see filter all-pole approximation 11-21 all-pole low-pass filter see filter - low-pass alternate form of the trigonometric Fourier series - see Fourier series alternate method of partial fraction expansion - see partial fraction expansion angle(z) MATLAB function A-23 argument 11-2 attenuation rate 11-12 autoscale icon in Simulink B-12 axis MATLAB command A-16 B band-elimination filter - see filter band-elimination filter design see filter design band-limited signal 10-13 band-pass filter - see filter band-pass filter design see filter design band-stop filter - see filter Bessel filter - see filter bilinear MATLAB function 11-59 bilinear transformation - see transformation methods for mapping analog prototype filters to digital filters bode MATLAB function 11-24 box MATLAB command A-12 buttap MATLAB function 11-17 buttefly operation 10-23 Butterworth analog low-pass filter design - see filter design C c2d MATLAB function 9-46 capacitive admittance - see admittance capacitive impedance - see impedance cascade form realization - see digital filter Category I FFT algorithm - see FFT algorithm Category II FFT algorithm - see FFT algorithm Cauchy’s residue theorem see residue theorem Cauer filter - see elliptic filter Cayley-Hamilton theorem 5-11 characteristic equation 5-19 cheb1ap MATLAB function 11-35 cheb2ap MATLAB function 11-38 Chebyshev filters - see filter Chebyshev Type I analog low-pass filter design - see filter design Chebyshev Type I filters - see filter Chebyshev Type I low-pass filter magnitude-square function 11-26 - see filter Chebyshev Type II analog low-pass filter design - see filter design Chebyshev Type II filters - see filter circuit analysis with Laplace transforms 4-1 circuit analysis with state variables 5-22 circuit transformation from time to complex frequency 4-1 clc MATLAB command A-2 clear MATLAB command A-2 cofactor of a matrix - see matrix collect(s) MATLAB symbolic function 3-12 column vector in MATLAB A-19 command screen in MATLAB A-1 Command Window in MATLAB A-1 commas in MATLAB A-8 comment line in MATLAB A-2 Commonly Used Blocks in Simulink B-7 complex admittance - see admittance complex conjugate in MATLAB A-4 complex conjugate pairs 3-5 complex impedance - see impedance complex number C-2 complex numbers in MATLAB A-3 complex poles 3-5 Complex to Magnitude-Angle block in Simulink C-7 computation of the state transition matrix 5-11 computation of the Z Transform with contour integration - see Z transform Configuration Parameters in Simulink B-12 congugate of a matrix - see matrix conj(A) MATLAB function D-9 conjugate of a complex number C-3 conjugate time and frequency functions of the Fourier transform - see Fourier transform - properties of constant function - Fourier transform of see Fourier transform - properties of Contents Pane in Simulink B-7 contour integral 9-20 conv MATLAB function A-7 convolution in the complex frequency domain - see Laplace transform properties of convolution in the discrete-frequency domain - see Z transform - properties of convolution in the discrete-time domain - see Z transform - properties of convolution in the time domain property of the Laplace transform - see Laplace transform - properties of convolution integral defined 6-8 graphical evaluation of 6-8 convolution property of the Fourier transform - see Fourier transform properties of Cooley and Tukey 10-18 cosine function - Fourier transform of see Fourier transform of common functions cosa>0t u0(t) function - Fourier transform of see Fourier transform of common functions Cramer’s rule D-17 D d2c MATLAB function 9-47 data points in MATLAB A-14 decade - definition of 11-12 decimation in frequency - see FFT algorithm decimation in time - see FFT algorithm deconv MATLAB function A-6 default color in MATLAB A-15 default line in MATLAB A-15 default marker in MATLAB A-15 default values in MATLAB A-12 delta (impulse) function definition of 1-11 doublet 1-14 Fourier transform of - see Fourier transform of common functions higher order 1-14 nth-order 1-14 sampling property of 1-12 sifting property of 1-13 triplet 1-14 demo in MATLAB A-2 DeMoivre’s theorem 11-15 derivation of the Fourier transform from the Laplace Transform 8-25 determinant of a matrix - see matrix determinant of order 2 - see matrix DFT - common properties of even time function 10-9 even frequency function 10-9 frequency convolution 10-13 frequency shift 10-12 linearity 10-10 odd time function 10-9 odd frequency function 10-9 time convolution 10-12 time shift 10-11 DFT - definition of 10-1 N-point 10-2, 10-16 diagonal elements of a matrix - see matrix diagonal matrix - see matrix IN-1differentiation in complex frequency domain property of the Laplace transform - see Laplace transform - properties of differentiation in time domain property of the Laplace transform - see Laplace transform - properties of differentiation property of the Fourier transform 8-12 - see Fourier transform - properties of digital filter 11-1, 11-51, 11-70 Finite Impulse Response (FIR) 11-52 FIR 11-52 IIR 11-51 Infinite Impulse Response (IIR) 11-51 realization of Direct Form I 11-70 Direct Form II 11-71 cascade (series) form 11-73 non-recursive 11-52 parallel form 11-70 recursive 11-52 series (cascade) form 11-73 Digital Filter Design Simulink block 11-78 digital filter design with Simulink 11-70 dimpulse MATLAB function 9-29 Dirac MATLAB function 1-20 Direct Form I realization - see digital filter realization of Direct Form II realization - see digital filter realization of direct term in MATLAB 3-4 discontinuous function - definition of 1-2 Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) 10-1 discrete impulse response 9-40 discrete-time system transfer function 9-40 discrete unit step function 9-3 discrete-time exponential sequence 9-16 discrete-time systems 9-1 discrete-time unit ramp function 9-18 discrete-time unit step function 9-14 Display block in Simulink B-18 display formats in MATLAB A-31 distinct eigenvalues - see eigenvalues distinct poles - see poles division of complex numbers C-4 dot operator in MATLAB division with A-21 exponentiation with A-21 multiplication with A-20 double-memory technique see FFT Algorithm doublet - see delta function E Editor Window in MATLAB A-1 Editor/Debugger in MATLAB A-1 eig(x) MATLAB function 5-17 eigenvalues distinct 15-1 multiple (repeated) 5-15 eigenvector 5-19 e-j“t u0(t) Fourier transform of - see Fourier transform of common functions element-by-element operation in MATLAB division A-21 exponentiation A-21 multiplication A-20 elements of the matrix - see matrix ellip MATLAB function 11-40 elliptic filter - see filter elliptic filter design - see filter design eps in MATLAB A-22 Euler’s identities C-5 even functions 6-4, 7-33 even symmetry - see Fourier series - symmetry Excel's Analysis ToolPak 10-5 exit MATLAB command A-2 expand MATLAB symbolic function 3-10 exponential form of complex numbers C-5 exponential form of the Fourier series - see Fourier series exponential order function - definition of 2-2 eye(n) MATLAB function D-7 eye(size(A)) MATLAB function D-7 F factor(s) MATLAB symbolic function 3-4 Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) 10-1, 10-17 FDA Tool Digital Filter Design Simulink block 11-82 FFT algorithm Category I 10-19 Category II 10-20 decimation in frequency 10-20 decimation in time 10-20 double-memory technique 10-20 in-place 10-20 natural input-output 10-20 FFT definition of 10-1, 10-17 fft(x) MATLAB function 10-5, 11-68 Figure Window in MATLAB A-13 filter - see also digital filter active high-pass 4-22, 4-32 low-pass 4-22, 4-32, 4-23, 4-35 all-pass 11-1, 11-94 all-pole 11-21 band-elimination 11-1, 11-8 band-pass 11-1, 11-7 band-stop - see band-elimination Bessel 11-95 Chebyshev 11-10 Inverted 11-38 magnitude-square function 11-26 prototype 11-10 Type I 11-25 Type II 11-38 elliptic 11-39 high-pass 4-22, 4-30, 11-1, 11-4 low-pass 4-22, 4-30, 11-1, 11-2 low-pass analog filter prototypes 11-10 maximally flat 11-14 (footnote) notch (band-elimination) 11-8 phase shift 11-1, 11-94 RC high-pass 11-4 RC low-pass 11-2 RLC band-elimination 4-22, 4-31, 11-8 RLC band-pass 4-22, 4-31, 11-7 filter design - see also digital filter band-elimination 11-41 band-pass 11-41 Butterworth analog low-pass 11-14 Chebyshev Type I 11-25 Type II 11-38 elliptic 11-39 high-pass 11-41 low-pass 11-14 filter MATLAB function 11-63 final value theorem in Z transform see Z transform - properties of final value theorem in Laplace transform see Laplace transform - properties of find MATLAB function 11-68 Finite Impulse Response (FIR) digital filter see digital filter FIR - see digital filter first harmonic - see Fourier series harmonics of first-order circuit 5-1 first-order simultaneous differential equations 5-1 Flip Block command in Simulink B-11 format in MATLAB A-31 fourier MATLAB command 8-33 Fourier series exponential form of 7-31 method used in window functions E-17 trigonometric form of 7-2, 7-10 alternate form of 7-25 Fourier series coefficients - evaluation of numerical evaluation using Excel 7-46 numerical evaluation using MATLAB 7-47 Fourier series of common waveforms full-wave rectifier 7-20, 7-24 half-wave rectifier 7-17, 7-20 square waveform with even symmetry 7-9, 7-13 with odd symmetry 7-8, 7-12 sawtooth 7-9, 7-15 triangular 7-9, 7-16 Fourier series - harmonics of first 7-1, 7-10 second 7-1, 7-10 third 7-1, 7-10 Fourier series - symmetry even 7-7 half-wave 7-7, 7-34 odd 7-7 quarter-wave 7-7 (footnote) types of 7-7 Fourier integral - see Fourier transform Fourier transform definition of 8-1 inverse of 8-1 special forms of 8-2 IN-2Fourier transform - properties of area under f(t) 8-15 area under F(ro) 8-15 conjugate time and frequency functions 8-13 constant function 8-18 frequency convolution 8-15 frequency differentiation 8-13 frequency shifting 8-11 imaginary time functions - Fourier transform of 8-6 linearity 8-9 Parseval's theorem 8-16 real time functions - Fourier transform of 8-3 symmetry 8-9 time convolution 8-14 time differentiation 8-12 time integration 8-13 time scaling 8-10 time shifting 8-11 Fourier Transform derivation from Laplace transform 8-25 Fourier transform of common functions cosro 0t 8-19 cosro0t u0(t) 8-24 delta (8(t) and 8(t-a)) 8-18 e-jro0t 8-19 e-jro0t u0(t) 8-24 signum (sgn(t)) 8-20 sinro0t 8-20 sinro0t u0(t) 8-25 unit step (u0(t)) 8-22 Fourier transform of common waveforms combined rectangular pulses 8-29 cosine within a rectangular pulse 8-30 shifted rectangular pulse 8-28 symmetrical rectangular pulse 8-27 periodic time functions 8-31, 8-32 fourth-order all-pole low-pass filter see filter, low-pass fplot in MATLAB A-27 frequency convolution in DFT see DFT - common properties of frequency convolution in Fourier transform of - see Fourier transform - properties of frequency differentiation in Fourier transform of - see Fourier transform - properties of frequency shift in DFT see DFT - common properties of frequency shift in Fourier transform see Fourier transform - properties of frequency shift in Laplace transform see Laplace transform - properties of freqz MATLAB function 11-57 full rectification waveform - Laplace transform of - see Laplace transform of common waveforms full-wave rectifier - Fourier series of - see Fourier series of common waveforms Function Block Parameters in Simulink B-10 function files in MATLAB A-26 fundamental frequency 7-1 fzero MATLAB function A-26 G Gain block in Simulink B-9, B-18 gamma function 2-15 Gaussian elimination method D-19 generalized factorial function 2-15 Gibbs phenomenon 7-24 grid MATLAB command A-12 gtext MATLAB command A-13 H half-wave rectifier - Fourier series of - see Fourier series of common waveforms half-wave symmetry see Fourier series - symmetry Heavyside MATLAB function 1-14 help in MATLAB A-2 Hermitian matrix - see matrix higher order delta functions - see delta function high-pass filter - see filter high-pass filter design - see filter design I identity matrix - see matrix ifft(x) MATLAB function 10-5 ifourier MATLAB function 8-33 IIR - see digital filter ilaplace MATLAB function 3-4 imag(z) MATLAB function A-23 imaginary axis - definition of C-2 imaginary number - definition of C-2 imaginary time functions 8-6 see Fourier transform - properties of impedance capacitive 4-2 inductive 4-2 complex input 4-8, 4-9 improper integral - definition of 2-15 improper rational function - definition of 3-1, 3-13 impulse function - see delta function impulse invariant method - see transformation methods for mapping analog prototype filters to digital filters increments between points in MATLAB A-14 inductive admittance - see admittance inductive impedance - see impedance infinite impulse response - see digital filter initial value theorem in Z transform see Z transform - properties of initial value theorem in Laplace transform see Laplace transform - properties of in-place FFT algorithm 10-20 see FFT algorithm integration in frequency in Laplace transform see Laplace transform - properties of integration in time in Laplace transform see Laplace transform - properties of Inverse Fourier transform see Fourier transform Inverse Laplace transform 2-1 see Laplace transform inverse of a matrix - see matrix Inverse Z transform - see Z transform inversion integral 9-32 Inverted Chebyshev filter - see filter J j operator C-1 L L ’ Hopital’s rule 2-16 laplace MATLAB function 2-27 Laplace integral - see Laplace transform Laplace transform definition of 2-1 Inverse of 2-1, 3-1 Laplace transform - properties of convolution in the complex frequency domain 2-12 convolution in the time domain 2-11 differentiation in complex frequency domain 2-6 differentiation in time domain 2-4 final value theorem 2-10 frequency shift 2-4 initial value theorem 2-9 integration in complex frequency domain 2-8 time domain 2-6 linearity 2-3 scaling 2-4 time periodicity 2-8 time shift 2-3 Laplace transform of common waveforms full-rectified 2-32 half-rectified 2-26 linear segment 2-23 pulse 2-23 rectangular periodic 2-25 sawtooth 2-32 triangular 2-24 Laplace transform of common functions transform of e-at cosrot u0(t) 2-22 transform of e-at sinrot u0(t) 2-21 transform of e-at u0(t) 2-19 transform of cosrot u0(t) 2-20 transform of 8(t) 2-18 transform of 8(t-a) 2-18 transform of sinrot u0(t) 2-20 transform of tn u0(t) function 2-15 transform of tn e-at u0(t) 2-19 transform of u0(t) 2-14 transform of u1(t) 2-14 leakage 10-13 left shift in discrete-time domain see Z transform - properties of Leibnitz’s rule 6 lims= MATLAB command A-27 line spectra 7-36 linear difference equation 9-38 IN-3linearity in DFT see DFT - common properties of linearity in discrete-time domain see Z transform - properties of linearity property in Fourier transform see Fourier transform - properties of linearity property in Laplace transform see Laplace transform - properties of linspace MATLAB command A-14 ln (natural log) A-13 log in MATLAB A-13 log(x) MATLAB function A-13 log10(x) MATLAB function A-13 log2(x) MATLAB function A-13 loglog MATLAB command A-13 long division of polynomials 9-36 lower triangular matrix - see matrix low-pass analog filter prototypes - see filter low-pass filter - see filter lp2bp MATLAB function 11-43 lp2bs MATLAB function 11-43 lp2hp MATLAB function 11-43 lp2lp MATLAB function 11-43 M magnitude-squared function 11-10 main diagonal of a matrix - see matrix Math Operations in Simulink B-10 MATLAB Demos A-2 MATLAB’s Editor/Debugger A-1 matrix (matrices) adjoint of D-21 cofactor of D-13 conformable for addition D-2 conformable for subtraction D-2 conformable for multiplication D-4 congugate of D-8 definition of D-1 determinant D-10 minor of D-13 non-singular D-21 singular D-21 diagonal D-2, D-6 diagonal elements of D-2 elements of D-1 Hermitian D-9 identity D-7 inverse of D-22 left division in MATLAB D-25 multiplication in MATLAB A-18 power series of 5-9 scalar D-7 size of D-7 skew-Hermitian D-9 skew-symmetric D-9 square D-1 symmetric D-8 trace of D-2 transpose of D-8 triangular lower D-6 upper D-6 zero D-2 matrix left division in MATLAB - see matrix matrix multiplication in MATLAB - see matrix matrix power series - see matrix maximally flat filter - see filter mesh(x,y,z) MATLAB function A-17 meshgrid(x,y) MATLAB command A-17 m-file in MATLAB A-2, A-26 minor of determinant - see matrix MINVERSE Excel function D-27 MMULT Excel function D-27 modulated signals 8-12 multiple eigenvalues - see eigenvalues multiple poles - see poles multiplication by an in discrete-time domain see Z transform - properties of multiplication by e-naT in discrete-time domain - see Z transform - properties of multiplication by n in discrete-time domain see Z transform - properties of multiplication by n2 indiscrete-time domain see Z transform - properties of multiplication of complex numbers C-3 N NaN in MATLAB A-26 natural input-output FFT algorithm see FFT algorithm network transformation resistive 4-1 capacitive 4-1 inductive 4-1 non-recursive realization digital filter see digital filter non-singular determinant - see matrix normalized cutoff frequency 11-15 notch filter - see filter N-point DFT - see DFT - definition of nth-order delta function - see delta function numerical evaluation of Fourier coefficients see Fourier series coefficients Nyquist frequency 10-13 O octave defined 11-12 odd functions 6-5, 7-34 odd symmetry - see Fourier series - symmetry orthogonal functions 7-2 orthogonal vectors 5-19 orthonormal basis 5-19 P parallel form realization - see digital filter Parseval’s theorem - see Fourier transform - properties of partial fraction expansion 3-1, 3-2, 9-25 alternate method of 3-15 method of clearing the fractions 3-15 phase angle 11-2 phase shift filter - see filter picket-fence effect 10-14 plot MATLAB command A-10 polar form of complex numbers C-6 polar plot in MATLAB A-24 polar(theta,r) MATLAB function A-23 poles 3-1 complex 3-5 distinct 3-2 multiple (repeated) 3-8 poly MATLAB function A-4 polyder MATLAB function A-7 polynomial construction from known roots in MATLAB A-4 polyval MATLAB function A-6 pre-sampling filter 10-13 pre-warping 11-55 proper rational function - definition of 3-1, 11-11 properties of the DFT see DFT - common properties of properties of the Fourier Transform see Fourier transform - properties of properties of the Laplace Transform see Laplace transform - properties of properties of the Z Transform see Z transform - properties of Q quarter-wave symmetry 7-7 (footnote) quit MATLAB command A-2 R radius of absolute convergence 9-3 ramp function 1-9 randn MATLAB function 11-68 Random Source Simulink block 11-80 rationalization of the quotient C-4 RC high-pass filter - see filter RC low-pass filter - see filter real axis C-2 real number C-2 real(z) MATLAB function A-23 rectangular form C-5 rectangular pulse expressed in terms of the unit step function 1-4 recursive realization digital filter see digital filter region of convergence 9-3 divergence 9-3 relationship between state equations and Laplace Transform 5-30 residue 3-2, 9-41 residue MATLAB function 3-3, 3-12 residue theorem 9-20, 9-21 right shift in the discrete-time domain see Z transform - properties of RLC band-elimination filter - see filter RLC band-pass filter - see filter roots of polynomials in MATLAB A-3 roots(p) MATLAB function 3-6, A-3 round(n) MATLAB function A-24 row vector in MATLAB A-3 Runge-Kutta method 5-1 running Simulink B-7 IN-4S sampling property of the delta function see delta function sampling theorem 10-13 sawtooth waveform - see Laplace transform of common waveforms sawtooth waveform - Fourier series of see Fourier series of common waveforms scalar matrix - see matrix scaling property of the Laplace transform see Laplace transform - properties of Scope block in Simulink B-12 script file in MATLAB A-2, A-26 second harmonic - see Fourier series harmonics of semicolons in MATLAB A-8 semilogx MATLAB command A-12 semilogy MATLAB command A-12 series form realization - see digital filter Shannon’s sampling theorem see sampling theorem shift of f[n] u0[n] in discrete-time domain see Z transform - properties of sifting property of the delta function see delta function signal flow graph 10-23 signals described in math form 1-1 signum function - see Fourier transform of common functions simout To Workspace block in Simulink B-12 simple MATLAB symbolic function 3-7 Simulation drop menu in Simulink B-12 simulation start icon in Simulink B-12 Simulink icon B-7 Simulink Library Browser B-8 sine function - Fourier transform of see Fourier transform of common functions singular determinant - see matrix Sinks library in Simulink B-18 sina>0t u0(t) Fourier transform of - see Fourier transform of common functions size of a matrix - see matrix skew-Hermitian matrix - see matrix skew-symmetric matrix - see matrix special forms of the Fourier transform see Fourier transform spectrum analyzer 7-36 square matrix - see matrix square waveform with even symmetry - see Fourier series of common waveforms square waveform with odd symmetry - see Fourier series of common waveforms ss2tf MATLAB function 5-33 stability 11-13 start simulation in Simulink B-12 state equations for continuous-time systems 5-1 for discrete-time systems 9-45 state transition matrix 5-9 state variables for continuous-time systems 5-1 for discrete-time systems 9-45 State-Space block in Simulink B-12 state-space equations for continuous-time systems 5-1 for discrete-time systems 9-45 step function - see unit step function step invariant method - see transformation methods for mapping analog prototype filters to digital filters stop-band filter - see filter string in MATLAB A-16 subplots in MATLAB A-18 summation in the discrete-time Domain see Z transform - properties of symmetric matrix - see matrix symmetric rectangular pulse expressed as sum of unit step functions 1-6 symmetric triangular waveform expressed as sum of unit step functions 1-6 symmetry - see Fourier series - symmetry symmetry property of the Fourier transform see Fourier transform - properties of system function - definition of 8-35 T Taylor series 5-1 text MATLAB command A-14 tf2ss MATLAB function 5-33 theorems of the DFT 10-10 theorems of the Fourier Transform 8-9 theorems of the Laplace transform 2-2 theorems of the Z Transform 9-3 third harmonic - see Fourier series - harmonics of time convolution in DFT see DFT - common properties of time integration property of the Fourier transform - see Fourier transform - properties of time periodicity property of the Laplace transform 2-8 - see Laplace transform - properties of time scaling property of the Fourier transform - see Fourier transform - properties of time shift in DFT see DFT - common properties of time shift property of the Fourier transform see Fourier transform - properties of time shift property of the Laplace transform see Laplace transform - properties of title(‘string’) MATLAB command A-12 trace of a matrix - see matrix Transfer Fcn block in Simulink 4-17 Transfer Fcn Direct Form II Simulink block 11-71 transfer function of continuous-time systems 4-13 discrete-time systems 9-38 transformation between s and z domains 9-22 transformation methods for mapping analog prototype filters to digital filters Impulse Invariant Method 11-52 Step Invariant Method 11-52 Bilinear transformation 11-53 transpose of a matrix - see matrix Tree Pane in Simulink B-7 triangular waveform expressed in terms of the unit step function 1-4 triplet - see delta function Tukey - see Cooley and Tukey U unit eigenvectors 5-19 unit impulse function (S(t)) 1-8 unit ramp function (u1(t)) 1-8 unit step function (u0(t)) 1-2 upper triangular matrix - see matrix using MATLAB for finding the Laplace transforms of time functions 2-27 using MATLAB for finding the Fourier transforms of time function 8-33 V Vandermonde matrix 10-18 Vector Scope Simulink block 11-84 W warping 11-54 window functions Blackman E-12 Fourier series method for approximating an FIR amplitude response E-17 Hamming E-9, E-31 Hanning E-7, E-27 Kaiser E-14, E-35 other used as MATLAB functions E-15 rectangular E-2 triangular E-5, E-23 Window Visualization Tool in MATLAB E-4 X xlabel MATLAB command A-12 Y ylabel MATLAB command A-12 Z Z transform computation of with contour integration 9-20 definition of 9-1 Inverse of 9-1, 9-25 Z transform - properties of convolution in the discrete frequency domain 9-9 convolution in the discrete time domain 9-8 final value theorem 9-10 initial value theorem 9-9 left shift 9-5 linearity 9-3 IN-5multiplication by an 9-6 multiplication by e-naT 9-6 multiplication by n 9-6 multiplication by n2 9-6 right shift 9-4 shift of f[n] u0[n] 9-3 summation 9-7 Z Transform of discrete-time functions cosine function cosnaT 9-16 exponential sequence e-naT u0[n] 9-16, 9-21 geometric sequence an 9-11 sine function sinnaT 9-16 unit ramp function nu0[n] 9-18, 9-21 unit step function u0[n] 9-14, 9-20 zero matrix - see matrix zeros 3-1, 3-2 zp2tf MATLAB function 11-17 #ماتلاب,#متلاب,#Matlab,#مات_لاب,#مت_لاب,
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