كتاب Signals and Systems with MATLAB and Simulink
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Signals and Systems with MATLAB and Simulink

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 18928
التقييم : 35294
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Signals and Systems with MATLAB and Simulink    كتاب Signals and Systems with MATLAB and Simulink  Emptyالخميس 22 فبراير 2024, 2:16 am

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Signals and Systems with MATLAB and Simulink
Farzin Asadi

كتاب Signals and Systems with MATLAB and Simulink  M_s_a_22
و المحتوى كما يلي :

1 Introduction to MATLAB® 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 MATLAB Environment 1
1.3 Basic Operation with MATLAB 3
1.4 Clearing the Screen and Variables . 11
1.5 Basic Matrix Operations . 15
1.6 Trigonometric Functions . 24
1.7 Hyperbolic Functions 27
1.8 Logarithmic and Exponential Function . 27
1.9 Rounding Functions . 28
1.10 Colon Operator . 29
1.11 Linspace and Logspace Commands 34
1.12 Ones, Zeros and Eye Commands 37
1.13 Format Command . 38
1.14 Polynomial Functions . 39
1.15 Solving the Ordinary Differential Equations 41
1.16 Partial Fraction Expansion and Laplace Transform 44
1.17 Calculation of Limit, Derivative and Integral . 48
1.18 MATLAB Editor 50
1.19 Plotting the Graph of Data . 54
1.20 Getting Help in MATLAB . 70
References 74
2 Convolution Integral and Sum 75
2.1 Introduction 75
2.2 Calculation of Convolution Integral with MATLAB . 76
2.3 Calculation of Convolution Sum with MATLAB 79
2.4 Calculation of Summations with Symsum Function 83
Reference . 84
ixx Contents
3 Continuous Time and Discrete Time Fourier Series (CTFS and DTFS) . 85
3.1 Introduction 85
3.2 Trigonometric Form of Fourier Series . 86
3.3 Parseval’s Relation for Trigonometric Form of Fourier Series . 90
3.4 Drawing the Graph of Truncated Trigonometric Fourier Series 91
3.5 Complex Form of Fourier Series 94
3.6 Parseval’s Relation for Complex Form of Fourier Series . 97
3.7 Drawing the Graph of Truncated Trigonometric Fourier Series 99
3.8 Fourier Series for Discrete Time 103
References 110
4 Continuous Time Fourier Transform (CTFT) 111
4.1 Introduction 111
4.2 Fourier Transform of a Given Waveform . 112
4.3 Fourier Command . 119
4.4 ifourier Command 127
References 130
5 Discrete Time Fourier Transform (DTFT) and Discrete Fourier
Transform (DFT) 131
5.1 Introduction 131
5.2 Calculation of DTFT 131
5.3 Periodicity of Xe jω . 139
5.4 Parseval’s Relation 143
5.5 FFT Command . 144
References 145
6 Frequency Response of Continuous Time Systems 147
6.1 Introduction 147
6.2 Response of a LTI System to a Sinusoidal Input 147
6.3 Simulation of LTI Systems with Sinusoidal Inputs in Simulink . 152
6.4 Bode Command 171
6.5 Drawing the Bode Plot in a Specific Range 176
6.6 Conversion of Horizontal Axis Unit into Hertz 178
6.7 Frequency Response of Low Pass and High Pass Filters . 183
6.8 Gain Margin and Phase Margin . 190
References 195
7 Frequency Response of Discrete Time Systems . 197
7.1 Introduction 197
7.2 Frequency Response of Discrete Time LTI Systems . 197
7.3 Response of Discrete Time LTI Systems to Sinusoidal Inputs . 204
References 208Contents xi
8 The Laplace Transform 209
8.1 Introduction 209
8.2 Calculation of Laplace Transform . 209
8.3 Calculation of Inverse Laplace Transform 214
Reference . 216
9 Impulse and Step Response of Continuous Time Systems 217
9.1 Introduction 217
9.2 Calculation of Impulse and Step Responses with Ilaplace
Command 217
9.3 Impulse and Step Commands . 223
9.4 Calculation of Output for Other Inputs . 234
9.5 Time Delay Systems 237
9.6 DC Gain . 238
9.7 Poles and Zeros . 239
9.8 Stability . 241
9.9 Pole Zero Cancelation . 242
9.9.1 Reduction of Order of System 243
Reference . 246
10 The Z Transform 247
10.1 Introduction 247
10.2 Discrete Time Unit Impulse Function 247
10.3 Discrete Time Unit Step Function . 248
10.4 Z Transform 249
10.5 Inverse Z Transform . 255
10.6 Inverse Z Transform . 256
10.7 Z Transform Solution of Difference Equations 260
10.8 Calculation of Step and Impulse Responses 262
References 265
11 Discrete Time Systems . 267
11.1 Introduction 267
11.2 Conversion from Continuous Time to Discrete Time . 267
11.3 Defining a Discrete Time Transfer Function 270
11.4 Calculation of Pole and Zeros 272
11.5 Pole-Zero Plot 273
11.6 Stability . 274
11.7 Impulse and Step Responses 275
11.8 Response to an Arbitrary Input . 280
References 284xii Contents
12 Continuous Time State Space Models . 285
12.1 Introduction 285
12.2 Entering the Model to MATLAB 285
12.3 Conversion from Transfer Function Model to a State Space
Model . 287
12.4 Poles and Zeros of a State Space Model . 288
12.5 Stability of State Space Models . 289
12.6 Impulse and Step Response of a State Space Model . 290
12.7 Initial Command 294
12.8 Similarity Transform 300
Reference . 301
13 Discrete Time State Space Models 303
13.1 Introduction 303
13.2 Defining the State Space Model . 303
13.3 Impulse and Step Responses 305
13.4 Conversion from State Space Model to Transfer Function Model 309
13.5 Stability of State Space Models . 311
13.6 Response for Zero Input and Given Initial Condition 312
Reference . 313
14 Simulation of Dynamic Systems with lsim Command . 315
14.1 Introduction 315
14.2 Simulation of Transfer Function Models . 315
14.3 Gensig Command . 318
14.4 Simulation of State Space Models . 323
Reference . 330
15 Linearization of Nonlinear State Space Models . 331
15.1 Introduction 331
15.2 Linearization of a Nonlinear System with 2 State Variables . 331
15.3 Linearization of a Nonlinear System with 3 State Variables . 333
Reference . 335
16 Simulation of Continuous Time Systems with Simulink® 337
16.1 Introduction 337
16.2 Modeling a Dynamical System with Integrator Blocks . 337
16.3 Multiplexer Block . 358
16.4 Giving Name to Scope Blocks 362
16.5 Selection of Solver 366
16.6 Transferring the Results from Simulink Environment
to MATLAB® 369
16.7 Transfer Function Block . 375Contents xiii
16.8 Linear State Space Models . 382
16.9 Nonlinear State Space Models 396
16.10 Van der Pol Equation 401
Reference . 402
17 Simulation of Discrete Time Systems with Simulink® . 403
17.1 Introduction 403
17.2 Step Response of a Discrete Time Transfer Function 403
17.3 Exporting the Result to MATLAB Environment . 412
17.4 Generating a Periodic Input with Repeating Sequence Stair Block . 420
17.5 Observing Two or More Signals Simultaneously 422
17.6 Generating a Non-Periodic Input with Repeating Sequence Stair
Block . 425
17.7 Impulse Response of a System 432
17.8 State Space Block . 435
17.9 Zero Order Hold Block 444
17.10 Delay Block 456
References 463
18 Introduction to Control Systems 465
18.1 Introduction 465
18.2 Parallel Connection of Two Systems . 465
18.3 Series Connection of Two Systems 467
18.4 Feedback Connection of Two Systems . 469
Reference . 474


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 مواضيع مماثلة
» كتاب Signals and Systems Laboratory with MATLAB
» كتاب Signals and Systems with MATLAB
» كتاب Signals and Systems Using MATLAB
» كتاب Signals and Systems Using MATLAB - Third Edition
» كتاب Signals and Systems. A Primer with MatLAB

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