كتاب Virtual Machining Using CAMWorks 2023 - CAMWorks as a SOLIDWORKS Module
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 كتاب Virtual Machining Using CAMWorks 2023 - CAMWorks as a SOLIDWORKS Module

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مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19025
التقييم : 35575
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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مُساهمةموضوع: كتاب Virtual Machining Using CAMWorks 2023 - CAMWorks as a SOLIDWORKS Module    كتاب Virtual Machining Using CAMWorks 2023 - CAMWorks as a SOLIDWORKS Module  Emptyالثلاثاء 20 فبراير 2024, 1:58 am

أخواني في الله
أحضرت لكم كتاب
Virtual Machining Using CAMWorks 2023 - CAMWorks as a SOLIDWORKS Module
Kuang-Hua Chang, Ph.D.
School of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering
The University of Oklahoma
Norman, OK  

كتاب Virtual Machining Using CAMWorks 2023 - CAMWorks as a SOLIDWORKS Module  V_m_u_10
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Table of Contents
Preface i
Acknowledgments iii
About the Author iv
About the Cover v
Table of Contents vi
Lesson 1: Introduction to CAMWorks 1
1.1 Overview of the Lesson 1
1.2 Virtual Machining .2
1.3 CAMWorks Machining Modules 4
1.4 User Interface 5
1.5 Opening Lesson 1 Model and Entering CAMWorks 8
1.6 Extracting Machinable Features 10
1.7 Technology Database 11
1.8 CAMWorks Machine Simulation .11
1.9 Tutorial Examples .13
Lesson 2: A Quick Run-Through 17
2.1 Overview of the Lesson 17
2.2 The Simple Plate Example 17
2.3 Using CAMWorks 18
2.4 The Post Process and G-Code .29
2.5 Reviewing Machining Time 30
2.6 Exercises .33
Lesson 3: Machining 2.5 Axis Features 35
3.1 Overview of the Lesson 35
3.2 The 2.5 Axis Features Example 36
3.3 Using CAMWorks 38
3.4 Creating a Face Milling Operation 42
3.5 Re-Ordering Machining Operations 44
3.6 Reviewing Machining Time 47
3.7 The Post Process and G-Code .49
3.8 Stepping Through the Toolpath 49
3.9 Exercises .49
Lesson 4: Machining a Freeform Surface .51
4.1 Overview of the Lesson 51
4.2 The Freeform Surface Example 52
4.3 Using CAMWorks 54
4.4 Selecting Avoid Feature to Correct the Toolpath .59
4.5 Modifying the Area Clearance Toolpath .59
4.6 Reviewing the Machined Part Quality 63
4.7 Adding a Local Milling Operation 65
4.8 Reviewing and Modifying the Pattern Project Operation .68
4.9 Exercises .71Virtual Machining Using CAMWorks 2023 vii
Lesson 5: Multipart Machining .73
5.1 Overview of the Lesson 73
5.2 The Multipart Machining Example .73
5.3 Using CAMWorks 75
5.4 The Sequence of Part Machining 79
5.5 The G-code 80
5.6 Exercises .84
Lesson 6: Multiplane Machining .87
6.1 Overview of the Lesson 87
6.2 The Multiplane Machining Example 88
6.3 Using CAMWorks 91
6.4 The Sequence of Part Machining 97
6.5 Reviewing the G-code .99
6.6 Exercises .102
Lesson 7: Multiaxis Milling and Machine Simulation 105
7.1 Overview of the Lesson 105
7.2 The Multiaxis Machining Example .106
7.3 Using CAMWorks 108
7.4 Adding a Local Milling Operation 113
7.5 Adding a Multiaxis Surface Milling Operation 116
7.6 Tool Gouging 118
7.7 Machine Simulation 119
7.8 Revisiting the Freeform Surface Example of Lesson 4 122
7.9 Exercises .123
Lesson 8: Turning a Stepped Bar 125
8.1 Overview of the Lesson 125
8.2 The Stepped Bar Example .126
8.3 Using CAMWorks 128
8.4 Reviewing the G-code of Turning Operations 136
8.5 Exercises .138
Lesson 9: Turning a Stub Shaft .139
9.1 Overview of the Lesson 139
9.2 The Stub shaft Example 140
9.3 Using CAMWorks 142
9.4 Cutting the Thread 148
9.5 Boring the Hole .155
9.6 Using a Turn-Mill .156
9.7 Exercises .159
Lesson 10: Die Machining Application .161
10.1 Overview of the Lesson 161
10.2 The Sheet Metal Part Design 161
10.3 Sheet Metal Forming Simulation 162
10.4 Tooling Design 164
10.5 Adding a Virtual CNC Mill to CAMWorks 164
10.6 Customizing Technology Database 165
10.7 Virtual Machining Simulation using CAMWorks 166
10.8 Machine Simulation 170
10.9 Machining the Die Using HAAS Mill 173viii Virtual Machining Using CAMWorks 2023
10.10 Process Implementation and Validation 174
Appendix A: Machinable Features
A.1 Overview .177
A.2 Machinable Features for Milling Operations 177
A.3 Machinable Features for Turning Operations .181
Appendix B: Machining Operations .185
B.1 Overview .185
B.2 Milling Operations 185
B.3 Turning Operations .186


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