كتاب Health and Safety Management - An Alternative Approach to Reducing Accidents, Injury and Illness at Work
منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى
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 كتاب Health and Safety Management - An Alternative Approach to Reducing Accidents, Injury and Illness at Work

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة
مدير المنتدى
مدير المنتدى

عدد المساهمات : 19001
التقييم : 35505
تاريخ التسجيل : 01/07/2009
الدولة : مصر
العمل : مدير منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى

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Health and Safety Management - An Alternative Approach to Reducing Accidents, Injury and Illness at Work
John White

كتاب Health and Safety Management - An Alternative Approach to Reducing Accidents, Injury and Illness at Work  H_a_s_12
و المحتوى كما يلي :

Preface .ix
Author .xi
Introduction xiii
Chapter 1 The History of Health and Safety 1
Chapter 2 A Personal Perspective: Part 1 .9
Chapter 3 Born to Make Mistakes 11
Chapter 4 Marginal Gain 17
Approach and Understanding .20
Enthusing 20
Feedback . 21
Interrogation .22
Think Small 22
Development .22
Marginal Loss 22
Chapter 5 Accidents, Acts of God and Human Error .25
Terminology .25
Health and Safety Executive Denitions 26
Slips and Lapses .27
Violations .27
Human Error Classication Headings 28
Physiological/Psychological 28
Organisational/Personal 28
Deliberate 28
Chapter 6 Lightning Always Strikes Twice 33
Chapter 7 Black Box Thinking .39
Chapter 8 Risk Perception 43
Anticipated Outcomes and Past Experience 44
Condence .46
Training, Procedures and Systems, Protective Equipment 46vi Contents
Trust . 47
Judgment of the Fear Factor 47
Acute or Chronic? .48
Setting an Example 48
Awareness/Newness and Change 48
Incident Effect 49
Perceived Benet 49
Chapter 9 The Problem with Experience 51
The Problems with Experience 55
Experience of What? . 55
Concept of Experience Providing a Buffer against Accidents 56
Transference of Skills and Knowledge to Broadly Parallel
Situations Might Not Work 56
Being Blasé or Complacent, Switching Off or Running on
Autopilot 56
Overcondence 56
Risk Perception 57
Assumption That Others Have Equal Knowledge . 57
Managing Experience 57
Get Rid of Immunity to Risk . 57
Learn That Experience Isn’t Always Right . 57
Use Experience to Warn Others 57
Guard against Complacency and Overcondence . 58
Chapter 10 A Personal Perspective: Part 2 . 59
Chapter 11 Free-Thinking Hazard Identication 61
Getting into the Free-Thinking Hazard Identication Zone 62
Visualisation .65
You Could See That One Coming 68
Constant Vigilance and Assessment 70
Perceiving Risk Accurately 71
Chapter 12 Dealing with Change 73
The Glenridding Beck Tragedy 74
The Importance of Performing the Correct Risk Assessments . 75
Fixed Criteria . 76
The Stainforth Beck Tragedy . 78
Managing Change: Management Actions 81
Chapter 13 Nutrition .83
Coffee or Chocolate, Anyone? 84Contents vii
Nutrition and Work .85
The Bigger Picture .85
Common Problems .87
Timing of Breaks .87
Why Is This Right? Should It Be Different? .88
What to Eat and What Not to Eat at Break Time 88
Examples of What Food and Drink to Promote 89
Examples of What Food to Avoid .89
Don’t Forget Water 89
Balance Nutrition to Type of Work .89
Management Strategies .89
Chapter 14 Fitness for Work and Life .93
Fitness for the Workplace .94
Taking the Long View 95
How to Create a Fitter Workforce 96
Chapter 15 Injury Reduction and Management 99
Reducing the Number of Accidents That Cause Injury in the
Workplace .100
Reducing the Effects of Accidents That Cause Injury .100
Personal Protective Equipment 100
Warm Up for Work 101
Immediate Treatment 101
Early Intervention Strategies . 102
Prevention Is Better Than Cure 103
Management Actions 104
Chapter 16 Well-Being 105
Physiological Needs . 108
Safety Needs . 109
Social Belonging 109
Acceptance and Self-Esteem 110
Realisation of Full Potential . 110
Physical Well-Being . 111
Health and Fitness . 111
Physical Health 113
Emotional/Mental Well-Being . 114
Happiness 115
Stable Relationships . 117
Positive and Stable Emotional/Mental Health . 118
Peripheral Well-Being 120
Financial Security 120viii Contents
Enjoy Engaging Activities and Interests 121
Statistics . 121
Things to Watch Out For . 122
Using the Great Outdoors to Improve Well-Being 123
Chapter 17 A Personal Perspective: Part 3 . 127
Chapter 18 A Connection with Nature and the Great Outdoors . 133
A Feeling of Connection with Nature 135
Fresh Air and a Healthy Environment . 136
Wide Range of Access and Recreational Opportunities 136
Uplifting Views and Calming Landscapes 137
A Challenging Environment 138
A Chance to Observe and Learn about Wildlife 138
Social and Community Benets . 138
An Opportunity to Get Closer to Concepts
Such as Sustainability 139
Outdoor Activities 139
Chapter 19 Team and Relationship Building 143ix

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منتدى هندسة الإنتاج والتصميم الميكانيكى :: المنتديات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية :: منتدى الكتب والمحاضرات الهندسية الأجنبية-
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